Purajanagita From Sri Ramacharitamanas In English

॥ Purajanagita from Ramacharitamanas English Lyrics ॥

॥ purajanageetaa raamacharitamaanasase ॥
yeevanamukta brahmapara charita sunahim taji dhyaana ।
ye hari kathaam’ na karahim rati tinha ke hiya paashaana । 42 ।

Even those (like Sanaka and others) who are liberated though embodied and are absorbed in Brahma hear the narrative of Rama even by interrupting their meditation (abstraction). Truly theirs must be a heart of stone, who take no delight in the stories of Hari.

eka baara raghunaatha bolaae । gura dvija purabaasee saba aae ।
bait’he gura muni aru dvija sajjana । bole bachana bhagata bhava bhanjana । 1 ।
sunahu sakala purajana mama baanee । kaha_um’ na kachhu mamataa ura aanee ।
nahim aneeti nahim kachhu prabhutaaee । sunahu karahu jo tumhahi sohaaee । 2 ।
soi sevaka priyatama mama soee । mama anusaasana maanai joee ।
yaum’ aneeti kachhu bhaashaum’ bhaaee । tau mohi barajahu bhaya bisaraaee । 3 ।
barem bhaaga maanusha tanu paavaa । sura durlabha saba granthanhi gaavaa ।
saadhana dhaama mochchha kara dvaaraa । paai na jehim paraloka sam’vaaraa । 4 ।

One day, invited by the Lord of the Raghu’s, the preceptor (vasiShTha) and other leading Brahmanas and all the other citizens assembled (in the royal court). When the preceptor and the other sages and Brahmanas, as well as all other gentlemen, had taken their seats, the Lord who puts an end to the round of births of His devotees, addressed them in the following words:- `Listen to My words, citizens all: I am not going to say anything out of attachment for you in My heart; I do not ask you to do anything wrong nor do I make use of My authority. Therefore, listen to Me and act accordingly if you please. He is My servant and he is dearest to Me, who obeys My command. If I say anything which is wrong, brethren, be not afraid to correct Me. It is by good fortune that you have secured a human body, which-as declared by all the scriptures-is difficult even for the gods to attain. It is a tabernacle suitable for spiritual endeavors, the gateway to liberation. He who fails to earn a good destiny hereafter even on attaining it — (1-4)

so paratra dukha paava_i sira dhuni dhuni pachhitaai ।
kaalahi karmahi eesvarahi mithyaa dosha lagaai । 43 ।

— he reaps torture in the other world and beats his head in remorse, wrongly attributing the blame to Time, Fate and God.’ (43)

ehi tana kara phala bishaya na bhaaee । svarga_u svalpa anta dukhadaaee ।
nara tanu paai bishayam’ mana deheem । palat’i sudhaa te sat’ha bisha leheem । 1 ।
taahi kabahum’ bhala kahaee na koee । gunjaa grahai parasa mani khoee ।
aakara chaari lachchha chauraasee । joni bhramata yaha jiva abinaasee । 2 ।
phirata sadaa maayaa kara preraa । kaala karma subhaava guna gheraa ।
kabahum’ka kari karunaa nara dehee । deta eesa binu hetu sanehee । 3 ।
nara tanu bhava baaridhi kahum’ bero । sanmukha maruta anugraha mero ।
karanadhaara sadagura dri’rha naavaa । durlabha saaja sulabha kari paavaa । 4 ।

See Also  Surya Gita In Tamil

`Sensuous enjoyment, brethren, is not the be-all and end-all of human existence; even heavenly enjoyment is short-lived and ends in sorrow. The fools who devote their mind to the pleasures of sense even after attaining human birth, take poison in exchange for nectar. None will ever speak well of him who picks up a peppercorn throwing away the philosopher’s stone. This immortal soul goes round through eighty-four lakh species of life, falling under four broad divisions. Driven by Maya (My deluding potency) and encompassed by Time, destiny, Nature and phenomenal existence, it ever drifts along. Rarely does God, who loves the Jiva without any self-interest, graciously bestow on it a human form, which is a veritable raft whereby it can cross the ocean of mundane existence, with My grace for favorable wind and a worthy preceptor for a helmsman to steer this strong bark – a combination which, though difficult to secure, has been made easily available to it.’ (1-4)

yo na tarai bhava saagara nara samaaja asa paai ।
so kri’ta nindaka mandamati aatmaahana gati jaai । 44 ।

`The man who, though equipped with all these resources, fails to cross the ocean of metempsychosis is ungrateful and dull-witted and meets the fate of a self-murderer.’ (44)

yaum’ paraloka ihaam’ sukha chahahoo । suni mama bachana hri’dayam’ dri’rha gahahoo ।
sulabha sukhada maaraga yaha bhaaee । bhagati mori puraana shruti gaaee । 1 ।
gyaana agama pratyooha anekaa । saadhana kat’hina na mana kahum’ t’ekaa ।
karata kasht’a bahu paava_i kooo । bhakti heena mohi priya nahim sooo । 2 ।
bhakti sutantra sakala sukha khaanee । binu satasanga na paavahim praanee ।
punya punja binu milahim na santaa । satasangati samsri’ti kara antaa । 3 ।
punya eka jaga mahum’ nahim doojaa । mana krama bachana bipra pada poojaa ।
saanukoola tehi para muni devaa । jo taji kapat’u kara_i dvija sevaa । 4 ।

`If you seek happiness here as well as hereafter, listen to My words and imprint them deeply in your heart. It is an easy and pleasant road, brethren, that of devotion to My feet extolled in the Puranas and Vedas. Gnosis is difficult to attain and beset with numerous obstacles. The path is rugged and there is no solid ground for the mind to rest on. Scarcely one attains it after a hard struggle; yet, lacking in Devotion, the man fails to win My love. Devotion is independent and a mine of all blessings; men, however, cannot attain it except through the fellowship of saints. Saints for their part are inaccessible without a stock of merit; communion with the Lord’s devotees, in any case, brings to an end the cycle of births and deaths. There is only one meritorious act in this world and no other- to adore the feet of the Brahmanas by thought, word and deed. The sages and gods are propitious to him who guilelessly serves the twice-born (the Brahmanas).’ (1-4)

See Also  Gurujnanavasishtha’S Ribhu Gita In Gujarati

aura_u eka guputa mata sabahi kaha_um’ kara jori ।
sankara bhajana binaa nara bhagati na paava_i mori । 45 ।

`With joined palms I lay before you all, another secret doctrine: without adoring Shankara (Lord Shiva) man cannot attain devotion to Me.’ (45)

kahahu bhagati patha kavana prayaasaa । joga na makha japa tapa upavaasaa ।
sarala subhaava na mana kut’ilaaee । jathaa laabha santosha sadaaee । 1 ।
mora daasa kahaai nara aasaa । kara_i tau kahahu kahaa bisvaasaa ।
bahuta kaha_um’ kaa kathaa barhaaee । ehi aacharana basya maim bhaaee । 2 ।
baira na bigraha aasa na traasaa । sukhamaya taahi sadaa saba aasaa ।
anaarambha aniketa amaanee । anagha arosha dachchha bigyaanee । 3 ।
preeti sadaa sajjana samsargaa । tri’na sama bishaya svarga apabargaa ।
bhagati pachchha hat’ha nahim sat’hataaee । dusht’a tarka saba doori bahaaee । 4 ।

`Tell Me what pains are involved in treading the path of Devotion: it requires neither Yoga (mind-control), nor sacrifices, nor Japa (muttering of prayers), nor penance, nor fasting. A guileless disposition, a mind free from perversity and absolute contentment with whatever may be got-this is all that is needed. If he who is called a devotee yet counts upon man, tell me, what faith does he have in Me? What use My dwelling on the subject further: I am won by the conduct of a man as depicted below, brethren. He who has no enmity or quarrel with anyone and is devoid of hope and fear-to such a man all the quarters are ever full of joy. Undertaking nothing (with an interested motive), without a home, without pride and without sin, free from wrath, clever and wise, ever-loving the company of saints and accounting the enjoyments even of heaven as well as final beatitude as no more than a blade of grass, tenaciously adhering to the cult of Devotion but avoiding bigotry, and giving up all sophistical reasoning’:- (1-4)

See Also  Surya Gita In Gujarati

mama guna graama naama rata gata mamataa mada moha ।
taa kara sukha soi jaana_i paraananda sandoha । 46 ।

`Fond of singing and hearing My praises and devoted to My Name, and free from attachment to the world, arrogance and infatuation-the felicity that such a man enjoys is known to him alone who has become one with God, the embodiment of supreme bliss.’ (46)

sunata sudhaasama bachana raama ke । gahe sabani pada kri’paadhaama ke ।
yanani janaka gura bandhu hamaare । kri’paa nidhaana praana te pyaare । 1 ।
tanu dhanu dhaama raama hitakaaree । saba bidhi tumha pranataarati haaree ।
asi sikha tumha binu dei na kooo । maatu pitaa svaaratha rata ooo । 2 ।
hetu rahita jaga juga upakaaree । tumha tumhaara sevaka asuraaree ।
svaaratha meeta sakala jaga maaheem । sapanehum’ prabhu paramaaratha naaheem । 3 ।
saba ke bachana prema rasa saane । suni raghunaatha hri’dayam’ harashaane ।
nija nija gri’ha gae aayasu paaee । baranata prabhu batakahee suhaaee । 4 ।

On hearing Rama’s nectar-like words all (who had assembled there) clasped the feet of the All-merciful. `Fountain of mercy! You are our father and mother, preceptor and kinsman; You are dearer to us than our own life. Rama, You are our body, wealth and habitat and You are beneficent to us in every way, relieving as You do the agony of the suppliant. None other than You could give such instruction; for even father and mother are devoted to their own interest. You two are the only disinterested benefactors in this world-Yourself and Your servant, O Destroyer of the demons. Everyone else in this world has his own interest to serve; no one thinks of others’ highest (spiritual) interests even in a dream, O Lord.’ The Lord of the Raghus was delighted at heart to hear the words of all, steeped as those words were in the nectar of love. On receiving the Lord’s permission they returned each to his own residence, repeating on the way the Lord’s charming discourse. (1-4)

umaa avadhabaasee nara naari kri’taaratha roopa ।
brahma sachchidaananda ghana raghunaayaka jaham’ bhoopa । 47 ।

Uma, (continues Lord Shiva,) the people of Ayodhya, both men and women, were the very picture of blessedness: for the Lord of the Raghus, who was none other than Brahma, the embodiment of truth, intelligence and bliss, ruled there as king. (47)

– Chant Stotra in Other Languages –

Purajanagita from Sri Ramacharitamanas in Sanskrit – English – BengaliGujaratiKannadaMalayalamOdiaTeluguTamil