Dattamaala Mantra And It’S Secret Aspects

॥ Datta Mala Mantra ॥

A super simple mantra of Lord Dattatreya which gives peace of mind and health and brings automatic changes on every level of our being. Try to chant the mantra by obtaining initiation from the proper Guru and have the blessings of lord Dattatreya. The mantra is a gift to the whole of humanity and carries within it the Divine Energy of the Universe.

Eashvara Uvaacha: Shrunu Devi Pravakshyaami Maala Mantram Uttamam om asyashree Dattatreya maala mantrasya, Sadaa Shiva Rishi, Anushtup chandha, Dattatreyo devata, om iti beejam, Swaaha iti shakthi, Draam iti keelakam, mama ajnaana nivrutti dwaara jnaana vairaagya chaturvidha purushaartha sahita abhistha kaamya siddhyarthe.
Jape Viniyoogaha!

The great Maala Mantra of Dattatreya was first initiated by Lord Shiva to his consort Parvathi.

Om Namo Baghavathe Dattatreyaya, Smarana maatra santhushtaaya, Mahaa Bhaya Nivaaranaaya, Mahaa Gnana Pradaaya, Chidaanandaatmane, Baalonmatta Pishaacha Veshaaya, Mahaa Yogine, Avadhootaaya, Anasuyaa Nandanaavar dhanaaya, Anaghaaya, AaNandaVardhanaaya, AtriPutraaya, Sarva Kaama Pradaaya.

Om bhava-bandha vimochanaaya, Aam asaadhya bandhanaaya Hreem Sarva VibhuthiDaaya, KrOm assadhyaakarshanaay a, Ayim vaak pradaaya, Kleem Jagatraya Vashikaranaaya, Souhu Sarvamanah Kshoobhanaaya, Shreem Maha Sampath Pradaaya, Gloum BhoomandalaadhiPaty aPradaaya, Draam Chiranjeevine, Vashat Vashikuru Vashikuru! Voushadaakarshaya! Aakarshaya! Huum Vidveshaya Vidveshaya! Phat Uchhataya Uchhataya! Tah: Tah: Sthambhaya Sthambhaya! Khaem Khaem Maaraya Maaraya!

Nama Sampannaya Sampannaya! Swaha Pooshaya Pooshaya!
Para Mantra Para Yantra Para Tantraani Chindhi Chindhi!
Grahaan Nivaaraaya Nivaaraaya!
Vyaadin Vinaashaaya Vinaashaaya!
Dukham Hara Hara!
Daaridram Vidraavaya Vidraavaya!
Deham Poshaya Poshaya!
Chittam thoshaya thoshaya!

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Sarva Mantra Swaroopaaya, Sarva Yantra Swaroopaaya, Sarva Tantra Swaroopaaya, Sarva Pallava Swaroopaaya!
OM Namo Maha Siddhaaya Swaaha!!

॥ Loose Translation ॥

Om Salutations to Lord Dattatreya, who is perfectly satiated through remembrance, who is the dispeller of great fears, who grants the highest knowledge and bliss and who appears in the form of a child, or as a mad man (or in samadhi) or as a devil, a great yogin, is the enhancer of the bliss of Anasuya, consort of Anagha, enhancer of bliss, who is the son of Sage Atri, and one who fulfills all desires.

Do thou grant freedom from bondage (life and death), provide relief from un-resolvable bondage and restrictions, destroy all evil, nourish my body, counteract the malignant influence of planets, cure the ailments, drive off anguish, melt away all penury, fill the mind with joy, manifesting in me the basis of all mantra, tantra and yantra and all the great siddhis.

Chant the above Malamantra 27 times per day lighting a lamp, Dattatreya is infinitely more powerful than all dushtagrahas. Don’t give in place for any fear. Place faith in one source of God. If it is Datta it is Datta. Don’t hear people say: Datta and Sai are one and the same. Sai and Rama are one and the same. Those are correct in the unity aspect of God but the saarupya aspect which is following has certain traits that have to be given respect and adhered to.

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॥ Secret Aspects of Mala Mantra ॥

Dattamala mantram is unique in nature.It depicts both the tantric and the vedika nature of the Lord.

The Tantrika beejas come forth and also the praises as we see in suktha come about. Thus this forms the true hymnal representation of Dattatreya, who is the greatest Avadhutha and both Vaideeka and avaideeka! It contains two parts. The first part deals with beejas from Om and sings the eulogies to the Lord, enumerating His wonderful attributes and qualities. The text presents Him as the grantor of both Mukthi(through Gnana) and Bhukthi, the typical characteristic of Tantric deities.

The second part starts with the Tantric beejas provided to protect the devout. This is an invocation to the deity He may on one hand protect, support and nourish His devotee/adept and, on the other hand, drive away, slay, destroy and decimate all evil that might beset the devotee. The function of these Tantrical exclamations is to drive away all malefic Grahas standing between the full spiritual realization.

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In particular, Vashat and Vaushad have the function of enticing or assuaging power, the phonetic complex v-s being associated with Vedic liturgy with super-human speed. The Beeja “Hoom”(or Hum) also called the “Varman”, the warrior, has the function of fighting against any evil force.

In Vedic liturgy, “Hum” was recited by the Udgathir to connect portions of Samaveda to the soma sacrifices.

The Tantric exclamation “Phat” is called the “Astra”, meaning “weapon” and is generally used for aggressive purposes. From the times of Yajur and Atharvana Veda, the syllable “phat’ was deemed to have evil and demonic driving away propensities.

The sound “phat” bears in it the idea of an explosion. A similar function is attributed to the sound “Tah:” which is said to be an imitative sound of particularly loud noise, as of a golden pitcher rolling down the steps.”Kha” bearing the same function of warding off evil influences, may designate one of the nine orifices of the human body including space, ether and air.

Kashmiri Shivites contend that the sound “Kha’ also indicates resorption and kindles the kundalini too.
This Mala mantra comes in the second “Khanda” of the Dattatreya Upanishad.
Practice this Malamantra by taking initiation from Guru with total faith and seeing how the results are coming.