Aditya Kavacham In Sanskrit

॥ Sri Aditya Kavacham Sanskrit Lyrics ॥

उदयाचल मागत्य वेदरूप मनामयं
तुष्टाव परया भक्त वालखिल्यादिभिर्वृतम् ।
देवासुरैः सदावन्द्यं ग्रहैश्चपरिवेष्टितं
ध्यायन् स्तवन् पठन् नाम यः सूर्य कवचं सदा ॥\

घृणिः पातु शिरोदेशं, सूर्यः फालं च पातु मे
आदित्यो लोचने पातु श्रुती पातः प्रभाकरः
घ्रूणं पातु सदा भानुः अर्क पातु तथा
जिह्वं पातु जगन्नाधः कण्ठं पातु विभावसु
स्कन्धौ ग्रहपतिः पातु, भुजौ पातु प्रभाकरः
अहस्करः पातु हस्तौ हृदयं पातु भानुमान्
मध्यं च पातु सप्ताश्वो, नाभिं पातु नभोमणिः
द्वादशात्मा कटिं पातु सविता पातु सक्थिनी
ऊरू पातु सुरश्रेष्टो, जानुनी पातु भास्करः
जङ्घे पातु च मार्ताण्डो गुल्फौ पातु त्विषाम्पतिः
पादौ ब्रद्नः सदा पातु, मित्रो पि सकलं वपुः
वेदत्रयात्मक स्वामिन् नारायण जगत्पते
आयतयामं तं कञ्चि द्वेद रूपः प्रभाकरः
स्तोत्रेणानेन सन्तुष्टो वालखिल्यादिभि र्वृतः
साक्षात् वेदमयो देवो रधारूढः समागतः
तं दृष्ट्या सहसोत्थाय दण्डवत्प्रणमन् भुवि
कृताञ्जलि पुटो भूत्वा सूर्या स्याग्रे स्तुवत्तदा
वेदमूर्तिः महाभागो ज्ञानदृष्टि र्विचार्य च
ब्रह्मणा स्थापितं पूर्वं यातायाम विवर्जितं
सत्त्व प्रधानं शुक्लाख्यं वेदरूप मनामयं
शब्दब्रह्ममयं वेदं सत्कर्म ब्रह्मवाचकं
मुनि मध्यापयामासप्रधमं सविता स्वयं
तेन प्रथम दत्तेन वेदेन परमेश्वरः
याज्ञवल्क्यो मुनिश्रेष्टः कृतकृत्यो भवत्तदा
ऋगादि सकलान् वेदान् ज्ञातवान् सूर्य सन्निधौ
इदं स्तोत्रं महापुण्यं पवित्रं पापनाशनं
यःपठेच्च्रुणुया द्वापि सर्वपाफैःप्रमुच्यते
वेदार्धज्ञान सम्पन्नः सूर्यलोक मवाप्नयात्

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इति स्कान्द पुराणे गौरी खण्डे आदित्य कवचं सम्पूर्णम् ।

॥ Aditya Kavacham Meaning in Meaning

He comes out on to the mountain of dawn,
He is healthy and the form of Vedas,
He would be satisfied by devotion,
And is meditated upon by sages, dressed in bark

He is always being saluted by devas and Asuras,
And is always surrounded by all other planets,
Who meditate, pray and read this armour of Sun always.

Let the compassionate one protect my head,
Let the Sun God protect my forehead,
Let the maker of morn protect my eyes,
Let the maker of light protect my ears.

Let the lustrous one protect my nose,
Let my face be protected by the ray of light,
Let the lord of the world protect my tongue,
Let my neck be protected by source of light.

Let the Lord of planets protect my shoulders,
Let the maker of light protect my arms,
Let my hands be protected by the maker of fire,
Let my heart be protected by the lustrous one.

Let the seven horsed one protect my middle,
Let the gem of light protect my stomach,
Let my hips be protected with one with twelve souls,
Let the Sun God protect my thighs.

Let the best of the devas protect my thigh,
Let the maker of light protect my knees,
Let the maker of the morn protect my calves,
Let my throat be protected by the Lord of the light.

Oh soul of the three Vedas, Oh Surya Narayana,
Oh the Lord of the universe, you are the reason for time,
You are the form of Vedas and you are source of light.

Becoming happy with this prayer by the bark clad sages,
That God who is the real Veda, came in a chariot before them.

Seeing him and getting very much pleased,
They saluted by touching the earth,
Saluted him again and stood there with devotion.

The form of Vedas, the valiant one, with sight of wisdom,
Could understand them all even before they stood there,

He is the source of good qualities, who is white in colour,
He is the form of Vedas, who is beyond mind,
He is the master of Vedas which is full of sound,
He does only good according to the words of Brahma.

Firstly that Sun God himself, who was among the saints,
Gave them first, the Vedas Of Parameshwara himself.

Yagna valkya who was the greatest among sages,
Became for always indebted to him,
Learned all the Vedas in front of Sun God himself.

Thus is told that which is very holy, which destroys sins,
And he who reads this or hears this would get rid of all his sins,
Would become expert in the import of Vedas,
And would make the Land of the Sun God as his.

Thus ends the armour of Sun God which occurs in Skanda Purana.

– Chant Stotra in Other Languages –

Sri Aditya Kavacham in English – Hindi – KannadaTeluguTamilMalayalam Bengali

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