Before You Leave This Section

In this section, Hinduism A Perspective, you have read some of the basic concepts of Hinduism. There would have been lots of unanswered questions. In fact after reading this section there may be much more. It is definitely a sign of good quest for knowledge and hence should be welcome. This section may not be the ultimate information. However this could have served as a starting point. The treasure of Hinduism, the religion that existed from time undefined to today, is huge. You would definitely want to seek out those information and enrich your knowledge. This is definitely fine and also encouragable as the Hinduism calls for wisdom from all horizons.

However take a pragmatic approach as Hinduism suggests for the life of the followers (purushartha). When you want to reach that goal, you would also need to enjoy the journey with the fruits of what you already know. All the food cannot be gulped in one go. Digest and relish the food you can consume before getting on to more delicacies of Hinduism. Put the knowledge to practice. With the new strength that is not just the book knowledge but that is the solid experience, you would be able to receive more information and in more depth. In case of Hinduism, it is quite a bit experience supported. Rather than getting into analysis paralysis that leads to nowhere, take one step at time consolidate it by experience and move forward.

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Hinduism has both the flexibility to accommodate and the rigidity to channelize the followers. The life would be meaningful towards the Bliss as well as enjoyable through the way ! For practicing the Hindu concepts the following sections may be helpful.

May the Supreme beyond form, name, attributes guide your way to Its Eternal Bliss !

namah shivaya
When there is time, now itself seek and get to the betterment. The God, Difficult One to even divines, is showering now from Its treasury ! Oh Devotees, come, hurry up ! – thiruvasakam.