Bhagavadgita Words And Meanings In Sanskrit

॥ Bhagavad Geetaa words and Meanings Sanskrit Lyrics ॥

॥ भगवद्गीता शब्दार्थ ॥

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच = King Dhritarashtra said
धर्मक्षेत्रे = in the place of pilgrimage
कुरुक्षेत्रे = in the place named Kuruksetra
समवेताः = assembled
युयुत्सवः = desiring to fight
मामकाः = my party (sons)
पाण्डवाः = the sons of Pandu
च = and
एव = certainly
किं = what
अकुर्वत = did they do
सञ्जय = O Sanjaya.
सञ्जय उवाच = Sanjaya said
दृष्ट्वा = after seeing
तु = but
पाण्डवानीकं = the soldiers of the Pandavas
व्यूढं = arranged in a military phalanx
दुर्योधनः = King Duryodhana
तदा = at that time
आचार्यं = the teacher
उपसङ्गम्य = approaching
राजा = the king
वचनं = word
अब्रवीत् = spoke.
पश्य = behold
एतां = this
पाण्डुपुत्राणां = of the sons of Pandu
आचार्य = O teacher
महतीं = great
चमूं = military force
व्यूढां = arranged
द्रुपदपुत्रेण = by the son of Drupada
तव = your
शिष्येण = disciple
धीमता = very intelligent.
अत्र = here
शूराः = heroes
महेश्वासाः = mighty bowmen
भीमार्जुन = to Bhima and Arjuna
समाः = equal
युधि = in the fight
युयुधानः = Yuyudhana
विराटः = Virata
च = also
द्रुपदः = Drupada
च = also
महारथः = great fighter.
धृष्टकेतुः = Dhrishtaketu
चेकितानः = Cekitana
काशिराजः = Kasiraja
च = also
वीर्यवान् = very powerful
पुरुजित् = Purujit
कुन्तिभोजः = Kuntibhoja
च = and
शैब्यः = Saibya
च = and
नरपुङ्गवः = hero in human society.
युधामन्युः = Yudhamanyu
च = and
विक्रान्तः = mighty
उत्तमौजाः = Uttamauja
च = and
वीर्यवान् = very powerful
सौभद्रः = the son of Subhadra
द्रौपदेयाः = the sons of Draupadi
च = and
सर्वे = all
एव = certainly
महारथाः = great chariot fighters.
अस्माकं = our
तु = but
विशिष्टाः = especially powerful
ये = who
तान् = them
निबोध = just take note of, be informed
द्विजोत्तम = O best of the brahmanas
नायकाः = captains
मम = my
सैन्यस्य = of the soldiers
संज्ञार्थं = for information
तान् = them
ब्रवीमि = I am speaking
ते = to you.
भवान् = your good self
भीष्मः = Grandfather Bhishma
च = also
कर्णः = Karna
च = and
कृपः = Krpa
च = and
समितिञ्जयः = always victorious in battle
अश्वत्थामा = Asvatthama
विकर्णः = Vikarna
च = as well as
सौमदत्तिः = the son of Somadatta
तथा = as well as
एव = certainly
च = also.
अन्ये = others
च = also
बहवः = in great numbers
शूराः = heroes
मदर्थे = for my sake
त्यक्तजीविताः = prepared to risk life
नाना = many
शस्त्र = weapons
प्रहरणाः = equipped with
सर्वे = all of them
युद्धविशारदाः = experienced in military science.
अपर्याप्तं = immeasurable
तत् = that
अस्माकं = of ours
बलं = strength
भीष्म = by Grandfather Bhishma
अभिरक्षितं = perfectly protected
पर्याप्तं = limited
तु = but
इदं = all this
एतेषां = of the Pandavas
बलं = strength
भीम = by Bhima
अभिरक्षितं = carefully protected.
अयनेषु = in the strategic points
च = also
सर्वेषु = everywhere
यथाभागं = as differently arranged
अवस्थिताः = situated
भीष्मं = unto Grandfather Bhishma
एव = certainly
अभिरक्षन्तु = should give support
भवन्तः = you
सर्व = all respectively
एव हि = certainly.
तस्य = his
सञ्जनयन् = increasing
हर्षं = cheerfulness
कुरुवृद्धः = the grandsire of the Kuru dynasty (Bhishma)
पितामहः = the grandfather
सिंहनादं = roaring sound, like that of a lion
विनद्य = vibrating
उच्चैः = very loudly
शङ्खं = conchshell
दध्मौ = blew
प्रतापवान् = the valiant.
ततः = thereafter
शङ्खाः = conchshells
च = also
भेर्यः = large drums
च = and
पणवानक = small drums and kettledrums
गोमुखाः = horns
सहसा = all of a sudden
एव = certainly
अभ्यहन्यन्त = were simultaneously sounded
सः = that
शब्दः = combined sound
तुमुलः = tumultuous
अभवत् = became.
ततः = thereafter
श्वेतैः = with white
हयैः = horses
युक्ते = being yoked
महति = in a great
स्यन्दने = chariot
स्थितौ = situated
माधवः = KRiShNa (the husband of the goddess of fortune)
पाण्डवः = Arjuna (the son of Pandu)
च = also
एव = certainly
दिव्यौ = transcendental
शङ्खौ = conchshells
प्रदध्मतुः = sounded.
पाञ्चजन्यं = the conchshell named Pancajanya
हृषीकेशः = Hrsikesa (KRiShNa, the Lord who directs the senses of the devotees)
देवदत्तं = the conchshell named Devadatta
धनञ्जयः = Dhananjaya (Arjuna, the winner of wealth)
पौंड्रं = the conch named Paundra
दध्मौ = blew
महाशङ्खं = the terrific conchshell
भीमकर्मा = one who performs herculean tasks
वृकोदरः = the voracious eater (Bhima).
अनन्तविजयं = the conch named Ananta-vijaya
राजा = the king
कुन्तीपुत्रः = the son of Kunti
युधिष्ठिरः = Yudhisthira
नकुलः = Nakula
सहदेवः = Sahadeva
च = and
सुघोषमणिपुष्पकौ = the conches named Sughosa and Manipuspaka
काश्यः = the King of Kasi (Varanasi)
च = and
परमेष्वासः = the great archer
शिखण्डी = Sikhandi
च = also
महारथः = one who can fight alone against thousands
धृष्टद्युम्नः = Dhristadyumna (the son of King Drupada)
विराटः = Virata (the prince who gave shelter to the Pandavas while they were in disguise)
च = also
सात्यकिः = Satyaki (the same as Yuyudhana, the charioteer of Lord KRiShNa)
च = and
अपराजितः = who had never been vanquished
द्रुपदः = Drupada, the King of Pancala
द्रौपदेयाः = the sons of Draupadi
च = also
सर्वशः = all
पृथिवीपते = O King
सौभद्रः = Abhimanyu, the son of Subhadra
च = also
महाबाहुः = mighty-armed
शङ्खान् = conchshells
दध्मुः = blew
पृथक् = each separately.
सः = that
घोषः = vibration
धार्तराष्ट्राणां = of the sons of Dhritarashtra
हृदयानि = hearts
व्यदारयत् = shattered
नभः = the sky
च = also
पृथिवीं = the surface of the earth
च = also
एव = certainly
तुमुलः = uproarious
अभ्यनुनादयन् = resounding.
अथ = thereupon
व्यवस्थितान् = situated
दृष्ट्वा = looking upon
धार्तराष्ट्रान् = the sons of Dhritarashtra
कपिध्वजः = he whose flag was marked with Hanuman
प्रवृत्ते = while about to engage
शस्त्रसम्पाते = in releasing his arrows
धनुः = bow
उद्यम्य = taking up
पाण्डवः = the son of Pandu (Arjuna)
हृषीकेशं = unto Lord KRiShNa
तदा = at that time
वाक्यं = words
इदं = these
आह = said
महीपते = O King.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
सेनयोः = of the armies
उभयोः = both
मध्ये = between
रथं = the chariot
स्थापय = please keep
मे = my
अच्युत = O infallible one
यावत् = as long as
एतान् = all these
निरीक्षे = may look upon
अहं = I
योद्धुकामान् = desiring to fight
अवस्थितान् = arrayed on the battlefield
कैः = with whom
मया = by me
सह = together
योद्धव्यं = have to fight
अस्मिन् = in this
रण = strife
समुद्यमे = in the attempt.
योत्स्यमानान् = those who will be fighting
अवेक्षे = let me see
अहं = I
ये = who
एते = those
अत्र = here
समागताः = assembled
धार्तराष्ट्रस्य = for the son of Dhritarashtra
दुर्बुद्धेः = evil-minded
युद्धे = in the fight
प्रिय = well
चिकीर्षवः = wishing.
सञ्जय उवाच = Sanjaya said
एवं = thus
उक्तः = addressed
हृषीकेशः = Lord KRiShNa
गुडाकेशेन = by Arjuna
भारत = O descendant of Bharata
सेनयोः = of the armies
उभयोः = both
मध्ये = in the midst
स्थापयित्वा = placing
रथोत्तमं = the finest chariot.
भीष्म = Grandfather Bhishma
द्रोण = the teacher Drona
प्रमुखतः = in front of
सर्वेषां = all
च = also
महीक्षितां = chiefs of the world
उवाच = said
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
पश्य = just behold
एतान् = all of them
समवेतान् = assembled
कुरून् = the members of the Kuru dynasty
इति = thus.
तत्र = there
अपश्यत् = he could see
स्थितान् = standing
पार्थः = Arjuna
पितृन् = fathers
अथ = also
पितामहान् = grandfathers
आचार्यान् = teachers
मातुलान् = maternal uncles
भ्रातॄन् = brothers
पुत्रान् = sons
पौत्रान् = grandsons
सखीन् = friends
तथा = too
श्वशुरान् = fathers-in-law
सुहृदः = well-wishers
च = also
एव = certainly
सेनयोः = of the armies
उभयोः = of both parties
अपि = including.
तान् = all of them
समीक्ष्य = after seeing
सः = he
कौन्तेयः = the son of Kunti
सर्वान् = all kinds of
बन्धून् = relatives
अवस्थितान् = situated
कृपया = by compassion
परया = of a high grade
आविष्टः = overwhelmed
विषीदन् = while lamenting
इदं = thus
अब्रवीत् = spoke.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
दृष्ट्वा = after seeing
इमं = all these
स्वजनं = kinsmen
कृष्ण = O KRiShNa
युयुत्सुं = all in a fighting spirit
समुपस्थितं = present
सीदन्ति = are quivering
मम = my
गात्राणि = limbs of the body
मुखं = mouth
च = also
परिशुष्यति = is drying up.
वेपथुः = trembling of the body
च = also
शरीरे = on the body
मे = my
रोमहर्षः = standing of hair on end
च = also
जायते = is taking place
गाण्डीवं = the bow of Arjuna
स्त्रंसते = is slipping
हस्तात् = from the hand
त्वक् = skin
च = also
एव = certainly
परिदह्यते = is burning.
न = nor
च = also
शक्नोमि = am I able
अवस्थातुं = to stay
भ्रमति = forgetting
इव = as
च = and
मे = my
मनः = mind
निमित्तानि = causes
च = also
पश्यामि = I see
विपरीतानि = just the opposite
केशव = O killer of the demon Kesi (KRiShNa).
न = nor
च = also
श्रेयः = good
अनुपश्यामि = do I foresee
हत्वा = by killing
स्वजनं = own kinsmen
आहवे = in the fight
न = nor
काङ्क्षे = do I desire
विजयं = victory
कृष्ण = O KRiShNa
न = nor
च = also
राज्यं = kingdom
सुखानि = happiness thereof
च = also.
किं = what use
नः = to us
राज्येन = is the kingdom
गोविन्द = O KRiShNa
किं = what
भोगैः = enjoyment
जीवितेन = living
वा = either
येषां = of whom
अर्थे = for the sake
काङ्क्षितं = is desired
नः = by us
राज्यं = kingdom
भोगाः = material enjoyment
सुखानि = all happiness
च = also
ते = all of them
इमे = these
अवस्थिताः = situated
युद्धे = on this battlefield
प्राणान् = lives
त्यक्त्वा = giving up
धनानि = riches
च = also
आचार्याः = teachers
पितरः = fathers
पुत्राः = sons
तथा = as well as
एव = certainly
च = also
पितामहाः = grandfathers
मातुलाः = maternal uncles
श्वशूराः = fathers-in-law
पौत्राः = grandsons
श्यालाः = brothers-in-law
सम्बन्धिनः = relatives
तथा = as well as
एतान् = all these
न = never
हन्तुं = to kill
इच्छामि = do I wish
घ्नतः = being killed
अपि = even
मधुसूदन = O killer of the demon Madhu (KRiShNa)
अपि = even if
त्रैलोक्य = of the three worlds
राज्यस्य = for the kingdom
हेतोः = in exchange
किम् नु = what to speak of
महीकृते = for the sake of the earth
निहत्य = by killing
धार्तराष्ट्रान् = the sons of Dhritarashtra
नः = our
का = what
प्रीतिः = pleasure
स्यात् = will there be
जनार्दन = O maintainer of all living entities.
पापं = vices
एव = certainly
आश्रयेत् = must come upon
अस्मान् = us
हत्वा = by killing
एतान् = all these
आततायिनः = aggressors
तस्मात् = therefore
न = never
आर्हाः = deserving
वयं = we
हन्तुं = to kill
धार्तराष्ट्रान् = the sons of Dhritarashtra
सबान्धवान् = along with friends
स्वजनं = kinsmen
हि = certainly
कथं = how
हत्वा = by killing
सुखिनः = happy
स्याम = will we become
माधव = O KRiShNa, husband of the goddess of fortune.
यदि = if
अपि = even
एते = they
न = do not
पश्यन्ति = see
लोभ = by greed
उपहत = overpowered
चेतसः = their hearts
कुलक्षय = in killing the family
कृतं = done
दोषं = fault
मित्रद्रोहे = in quarreling with friends
च = also
पातकं = sinful reactions
कथं = why
न = should not
ज्ञेयं = be known
अस्माभिः = by us
पापात् = from sins
अस्मात् = these
निवर्तितुं = to cease
कुलक्षय = in the destruction of a dynasty
कृतं = done
दोषं = crime
प्रपश्यद्भिः = by those who can see
जनार्दन = O KRiShNa.
कुलक्षये = in destroying the family
प्रणश्यन्ति = become vanquished
कुलधर्माः = the family traditions
सनातनाः = eternal
धर्मे = religion
नष्टे = being destroyed
कुलं = family
कृत्स्नं = whole
अधर्मः = irreligion
अभिभवति = transforms
उत = it is said.
अधर्म = irreligion
अभिभवात् = having become predominant
कृष्ण = O KRiShNa
प्रदुष्यन्ति = become polluted
कुलस्त्रियः = family ladies
स्त्रीषु = by the womanhood
दुष्टासु = being so polluted
वार्ष्णेय = O descendant of VRiShNi
जायते = comes into being
वर्णसङ्करः = unwanted progeny.
सङ्करः = such unwanted children
नरकाय = make for hellish life
एव = certainly
कुलघ्नानां = for those who are killers of the family
कुलस्य = for the family
च = also
पतन्ति = fall down
पितरः = forefathers
हि = certainly
एषां = of them
लुप्त = stopped
पिण्ड = of offerings of food
उदक = and water
क्रियाः = performances.
दोषैः = by such faults
एतैः = all these
कुलघ्नानां = of the destroyers of the family
वर्णसङ्कर = of unwanted children
कारकैः = which are causes
उत्साद्यन्ते = are devastated
जातिधर्माः = community projects
कुलधर्माः = family traditions
च = also
शाश्वताः = eternal.
उत्सन्न = spoiled
कुलधर्माणां = of those who have the family traditions
मनुष्याणां = of such men
जनार्दन = O KRiShNa
नरके = in hell
नियतं = always
वासः = residence
भवति = it so becomes
इति = thus
अनुशुश्रुम = I have heard by disciplic succession.
अहो = alas
बत = how strange it is
महत् = great
पापं = sins
कर्तुं = to perform
व्यवासिताः = have decided
वयं = we
यत् = because
राज्यसुखलोभेन = driven by greed for royal happiness
हन्तुं = to kill
स्वजनं = kinsmen
उद्यताः = trying.
यदि = even if
मां = me
अप्रतीकारं = without being resistant
अशस्त्रं = without being fully equipped
शस्त्रपाणयः = those with weapons in hand
धार्तराष्ट्राः = the sons of Dhritarashtra
रणे = on the battlefield
हन्युः = may kill
तत् = that
मे = for me
क्षेमतरं = better
भवेत् = would be.
सञ्जय उवाच = Sanjaya said
एवं = thus
उक्त्वा = saying
अर्जुनः = Arjuna
सङ्ख्ये = in the battlefield
रथ = of the chariot
उपस्थे = on the seat
उपविशत् = sat down again
विसृज्य = putting aside
सशरं = along with arrows
चापं = the bow
शोक = by lamentation
संविग्न = distressed
मानसः = within the mind.

End of 1.46

सञ्जय उवाच = Sanjaya said
तं = unto Arjuna
तथा = thus
कृपया = by compassion
आविष्टं = overwhelmed
अश्रूपूर्णाकुल = full of tears
ईक्षणं = eyes
विषीदन्तं = lamenting
इदं = these
वाक्यं = words
उवाच = said
मधुसूदनः = the killer of Madhu.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
कुतः = wherefrom
त्वा = unto you
कश्मलं = dirtiness
इदं = this lamentation
विषमे = in this hour of crisis
समुपस्थितं = arrived
अनार्य = persons who do not know the value of life
जुष्टं = practiced by
अस्वर्ग्यं = which does not lead to higher planets
अकीर्ति = infamy
करं = the cause of
अर्जुन = O Arjuna.
क्लैब्यं = impotence
मा स्म = do not
गमः = take to
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
न = never
एतत् = this
त्वयि = unto you
उपपद्यते = is befitting
क्षुद्रं = petty
हृदय = of the heart
दौर्बल्यं = weakness
त्यक्त्वा = giving up
उत्तिष्ठ = get up
परंतप = O chastiser of the enemies.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
कथं = how
भीष्मं = Bhishma
अहं = I
साङ्ख्ये = in the fight
द्रोणं = Drona
च = also
मधुसूदन = O killer of Madhu
इषुभिः = with arrows
प्रतियोत्स्यामि = shall counterattack
पूजार्हौ = those who are worshipable
अरिसूदन = O killer of the enemies.
गुरुन् = the superiors
अहत्वा = not killing
हि = certainly
महानुभवान् = great souls
श्रेयः = it is better
भोक्तुं = to enjoy life
भैक्ष्यं = by begging
अपि = even
इह = in this life
लोके = in this world
हत्वा = killing
अर्थ = gain
कामान् = desiring
तु = but
गुरुन् = superiors
इह = in this world
एव = certainly
भुञ्जीय = one has to enjoy
भोगान् = enjoyable things
रुधिर = blood
प्रदिग्धान् = tainted with.
न = nor
च = also
एतत् = this
विद्मः = do we know
कतरत् = which
नः = for us
गरीयः = better
यद्वा = whether
जयेम = we may conquer
यदि = if
वा = or
नः = us
जयेयुः = they conquer
यान् = those who
एव = certainly
हत्वा = by killing
न = never
जिजीविषामः = we would want to live
ते = all of them
अवस्थिताः = are situated
प्रमुखे = in the front
धार्तराष्ट्राः = the sons of Dhritarashtra.
कार्पण्य = of miserliness
दोष = by the weakness
उपहत = being afflicted
स्वभावः = characteristics
पृच्छामि = I am asking
त्वां = unto You
धर्म = religion
सम्मूढ = bewildered
चेताः = in heart
यत् = what
श्रेयः = all-good
स्यात् = may be
निश्चितं = confidently
ब्रूहि = tell
तत् = that
मे = unto me
शिष्यः = disciple
ते = Your
अहं = I am
शाधि = just instruct
मां = me
त्वां = unto You
प्रपन्नं = surrendered.
न = do not
हि = certainly
प्रपश्यामि = I see
मम = my
अपनुद्यात् = can drive away
यत् = that which
शोकं = lamentation
उच्छोषणं = drying up
इन्द्रियाणां = of the senses
अवाप्य = achieving
भुमौ = on the earth
असपत्नं = without rival
ऋद्धं = prosperous
राज्यं = kingdom
सुराणां = of the demigods
अपि = even
च = also
आधिपत्यं = supremacy.
सञ्जय उवाच = Sanjaya said
एवं = thus
उक्त्वा = speaking
हृषीकेशं = unto KRiShNa, the master of the senses
गुडाकेशः = Arjuna, the master of curbing ignorance
परन्तप = the chastiser of the enemies
न योत्स्ये = I shall not fight
इति = thus
गोविन्दं = unto KRiShNa, the giver of pleasure to the senses
उक्त्वा = saying
तुष्णिं = silent
बभूव = became
ह = certainly.
तं = unto him
उवाच = said
हृषीकेशः = the master of the senses, KRiShNa
प्रहसन् = smiling
इव = like that
भारत = O Dhritarashtra, descendant of Bharata
सेनयोः = of the armies
उभयोः = of both parties
मध्ये = between
विषीदन्तं = unto the lamenting one
इदं = the following
वचः = words.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
अशोच्यान् = not worthy of lamentation
अन्वशोचः = you are lamenting
त्वं = you
प्रज्ञावादान् = learned talks
च = also
भाषसे = speaking
गत = lost
असून् = life
अगत = not past
असून् = life
च = also
न = never
अनुशोचन्ति = lament
पण्डिताः = the learned.
न = never
तु = but
एव = certainly
अहं = I
जातु = at any time
न = did not
आसं = exist
न = not
त्वं = you
न = not
इमे = all these
जनाधिपः = kings
न = never
च = also
एव = certainly
न = not
भविष्यामः = shall exist
सर्वे वयं = all of us
अतः परं = hereafter.
देहीनः = of the embodied
अस्मिन् = in this
यथा = as
देहे = in the body
कौमारं = boyhood
यौवनं = youth
जरा = old age
तथा = similarly
देहान्तर = of transference of the body
प्राप्तिः = achievement
धीरः = the sober
तत्र = thereupon
न = never
मुह्यति = is deluded.
मात्रास्पर्शः = sensory perception
तु = only
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
शीत = winter
उष्ण = summer
सुख = happiness
दुःख = and pain
दाः = giving
आगम = appearing
अपायिनः = disappearing
अनित्यः = nonpermanent
तान् = all of them
तितिक्षस्व = just try to tolerate
भारत = O descendant of the Bharata dynasty.
यं = one to whom
हि = certainly
न = never
व्यथयन्ति = are distressing
एते = all these
पुरुषं = to a person
पुरुषर्षभ = O best among men
सम = unaltered
दुःख = in distress
सुखं = and happiness
धीरं = patient
सः = he
अमृतत्त्वाय = for liberation
कल्पते = is considered eligible.
न = never
असतः = of the nonexistent
विद्यते = there is
भावः = endurance
न = never
अभावः = changing quality
विद्यते = there is
सतः = of the eternal
उभयोः = of the two
अपि = verily
दृष्टः = observed
अन्तः = conclusion
तु = indeed
अनयोः = of them
तत्त्व = of the truth
दर्शिभिः = by the seers.
अविनाशि = imperishable
तु = but
तत् = that
विद्धि = know it
येन = by whom
सर्वं = all of the body
इदं = this
ततं = pervaded
विनाशं = destruction
अव्ययस्य = of the imperishable
अस्य = of it
न कश्चित् = no one
कर्तुं = to do
अर्हति = is able.
अन्तवन्तः = perishable
इमे = all these
देहाः = material bodies
नित्यस्य = eternal in existence
उक्ताः = are said
शरीरिणः = of the embodied soul
अनाशिनः = never to be destroyed
अप्रमेयस्य = immeasurable
तस्मात् = therefore
युध्यस्व = fight
भारत = O descendant of Bharata.
यः = anyone who
एनं = this
वेत्ति = knows
हन्तारं = the killer
यः = anyone who
च = also
एनं = this
मन्यते = thinks
हतं = killed
उभौ = both
तौ = they
न = never
विजानीताः = are in knowledge
न = never
अयं = this
हन्ति = kills
न = nor
हन्यते = is killed.
न = never
जायते = takes birth
म्रियते = dies
वा = either
कदाचित् = at any time (past, present or future)
न = never
अयं = this
भूत्वा = having come into being
भविता = will come to be
वा = or
न = not
भूयः = or is again coming to be
अजः = unborn
नित्यः = eternal
शाश्वतः = permanent
अयं = this
पुराणः = the oldest
न = never
हन्यते = is killed
हन्यमाने = being killed
शरीरे = the body.
वेद = knows
अविनाशिनं = indestructible
नित्यं = always existing
यः = one who
एनं = this (soul)
अजं = unborn
अव्ययं = immutable
कथं = how
सः = that
पुरुषः = person
पार्थ = O Partha (Arjuna)
कं = whom
घातयति = causes to hurt
हन्ति = kills
कं = whom.
वासांसि = garments
जीर्णानि = old and worn out
यथा = just as
विहाय = giving up
नवानि = new garments
गृह्णाति = does accept
नरः = a man
अपराणि = others
तथा = in the same way
शरीराणि = bodies
विहाय = giving up
जीर्णानि = old and useless
अन्यानि = different
संयाति = verily accepts
नवानि = new sets
देही = the embodied.
न = never
एनं = this soul
छिन्दन्ति = can cut to pieces
शस्त्राणि = weapons
न = never
एनं = this soul
दहति = burns
पावकः = fire
न = never
च = also
एनं = this soul
क्लेदयन्ति = moistens
आपः = water
न = never
शोषयति = dries
मारुतः = wind.
अच्छेद्यः = unbreakable
अयं = this soul
अदाह्यः = unable to be burned
अयं = this soul
अक्लेद्यः = insoluble
अशोष्यः = not able to be dried
एव = certainly
च = and
नित्यः = everlasting
सर्वगतः = all-pervading
स्थाणुः = unchangeable
अचलः = immovable
अयं = this soul
सनातनः = eternally the same.
अव्यक्तः = invisible
अयं = this soul
अचिन्त्यः = inconceivable
अयं = this soul
अविकार्यः = unchangeable
अयं = this soul
उच्यते = is said
तस्मात् = therefore
एवं = like this
विदित्वा = knowing it well
एनं = this soul
न = do not
अनुशोचितुं = to lament
अर्हसि = you deserve.
अथ = if, however
च = also
एनं = this soul
नित्यजातं = always born
नित्यं = forever
वा = either
मन्यसे = you so think
मृतं = dead
तथापि = still
त्वं = you
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed one
न = never
एनं = about the soul
शोचितुं = to lament
अर्हसि = deserve.
जातस्य = of one who has taken his birth
हि = certainly
ध्रुवः = a fact
मृत्युः = death
ध्रुवं = it is also a fact
जन्म = birth
मृतस्य = of the dead
च = also
तस्मात् = therefore
अपरिहार्ये = of that which is unavoidable
अर्थे = in the matter
न = do not
त्वं = you
शोचितुं = to lament
अर्हसि = deserve.
अव्यक्तादीनि = in the beginning unmanifested
भूतानी = all that are created
व्यक्त = manifested
मध्यानि = in the middle
भारत = O descendant of Bharata
अव्यक्त = nonmanifested
निधनानि = when vanquished
एव = it is all like that
तत्र = therefore
का = what
परिदेवना = lamentation.
आश्चर्यवत् = as amazing
पश्यति = sees
कश्चित् = someone
एनं = this soul
आश्चर्यवत् = as amazing
वदति = speaks of
तथा = thus
एव = certainly
च = also
अन्यः = another
आश्चर्यवत् = similarly amazing
च = also
एनं = this soul
अन्यः = another
श‍ृणोति = hears of
श्रुत्वा = having heard
अपि = even
एनं = this soul
वेद = knows
न = never
च = and
एव = certainly
कश्चित् = someone.
देही = the owner of the material body
नित्यं = eternally
अवध्यः = cannot be killed
अयं = this soul
देहे = in the body
सर्वस्य = of everyone
भारत = O descendant of Bharata
तस्मात् = therefore
सर्वाणि = all
भूतानि = living entities (that are born)
न = never
त्वं = you
शोचितुं = to lament
अर्हसि = deserve.
स्वधर्मं = one’s own religious principles
अपि = also
च = indeed
अवेक्ष्य = considering
न = never
विकम्पितुं = to hesitate
अर्हसि = you deserve
धर्म्यात् = for religious principles
हि = indeed
युद्धात् = than fighting
श्रेयः = better engagement
अन्यत् = any other
क्षत्रियस्य = of the ksatriya
न = does not
विद्यते = exist.
यदृच्छया = by its own accord
च = also
उपपन्नं = arrived at
स्वर्ग = of the heavenly planets
द्वारं = door
अपावृतं = wide open
सुखिनः = very happy
क्षत्रियाः = the members of the royal order
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
लभन्ते = do achieve
युद्धं = war
ईदृषं = like this.
अथ = therefore
चेत् = if
त्वं = you
इमं = this
धर्म्यं = as a religious duty
संग्रामं = fighting
न = do not
करिष्यसि = perform
ततः = then
स्वधर्मं = your religious duty
कीर्तिं = reputation
च = also
हित्वा = losing
पापं = sinful reaction
अवाप्स्यसि = will gain.
अकीर्तिं = infamy
च = also
अपि = over and above
भूतानि = all people
कथयिष्यन्ति = will speak
ते = of you
अव्ययं = forever
सम्भावितस्य = for a respectable man
च = also
अकीर्तिः = ill fame
मरणात् = than death
अतिरिच्यते = becomes more.
भयात् = out of fear
रणात् = from the battlefield
उपरतं = ceased
मंस्यन्ते = they will consider
त्वां = you
महारथाः = the great generals
येषां = for whom
च = also
त्वं = you
बहुमतः = in great estimation
भूत्वा = having been
यास्यसि = you will go
लाघवं = decreased in value.
अवाच्य = unkind
वादान् = fabricated words
च = also
बहून् = many
वदिष्यन्ति = will say
तव = your
अहिताः = enemies
निन्दन्तः = while vilifying
तव = your
सामर्थ्यं = ability
ततः = than that
दुःखतरं = more painful
नु = of course
किं = what is there.
हतः = being killed
वा = either
प्राप्स्यसि = you gain
स्वर्गं = the heavenly kingdom
जित्वा = by conquering
वा = or
भोक्ष्यसे = you enjoy
महीं = the world
तस्मात् = therefore
उत्तिष्ठ = get up
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
युद्धाय = to fight
कृत = determined
निश्चयः = in certainty.
सुख = happiness
दुःखे = and distress
समे = in equanimity
कृत्वा = doing so
लाभालाभौ = both profit and loss
जयाजयौ = both victory and defeat
ततः = thereafter
युद्धाय = for the sake of fighting
युज्यस्व = engage (fight)
न = never
एवं = in this way
पापं = sinful reaction
अवाप्स्यसि = you will gain.
एषा = all this
ते = unto you
अभिहिता = described
साङ्ख्ये = by analytical study
बुद्धिः = intelligence
योगे = in work without fruitive result
तु = but
इमं = this
श‍ृणु = just hear
बुद्ध्या = by intelligence
युक्तः = dovetailed
यया = by which
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
कर्मबन्धं = bondage of reaction
प्रहास्यसि = you can be released from.
न = there is not
इह = in this yoga
अभिक्रम = in endeavoring
नाशः = loss
अस्ति = there is
प्रत्यवायः = diminution
न = never
विद्यते = there is
स्वल्पं = a little
अपि = although
अस्य = of this
धर्मस्य = occupation
त्रायते = releases
महतः = from very great
भयात् = danger.
व्यवसायात्मिका = resolute in KRiShNa consciousness
बुद्धिः = intelligence
एक = only one
इह = in this world
कुरुनन्दन = O beloved child of the Kurus
बहुशाखाः = having various branches
हि = indeed
अनन्ताः = unlimited
च = also
बुद्धयः = intelligence
अव्यवसायिनां = of those who are not in KRiShNa consciousness.
यामिमां = all these
पुष्पितां = flowery
वाचं = words
प्रवदन्ति = say
अविपश्चितः = men with a poor fund of knowledge
वेदवादरताः = supposed followers of the Vedas
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
न = never
अन्यत् = anything else
अस्ति = there is
इति = thus
वादिनः = the advocates
कामात्मानः = desirous of sense gratification
स्वर्गपराः = aiming to achieve heavenly planets
जन्मकर्मफलप्रदां = resulting in good birth and other fruitive reactions
क्रियाविशेष = pompous ceremonies
बहुलां = various
भोग = in sense enjoyment
ऐश्वर्य = and opulence
गतिं = progress
प्रति = towards.
भोग = to material enjoyment
ऐश्वर्य = and opulence
प्रसक्तानां = for those who are attached
तया = by such things
अपहृतचेतसां = bewildered in mind
व्यवसायात्मिका = fixed in determination
बुद्धिः = devotional service to the Lord
समाधौ = in the controlled mind
न = never
विधीयते = does take place.
त्रैगुण्य = pertaining to the three modes of material nature
विषयाः = on the subject matter
वेदाः = Vedic literatures
निस्त्रैगुण्यः = transcendental to the three modes of material nature
भव = be
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
निर्द्वन्द्वः = without duality
नित्यसत्त्वस्थः = in a pure state of spiritual existence
निर्योगक्षेमः = free from ideas of gain and protection
आत्मवान् = established in the self.
यावान् = all that
अर्थः = is meant
उदपाने = in a well of water
सर्वतः = in all respects
सम्प्लुतोदके = in a great reservoir of water
तावान् = similarly
सर्वेषु = in all
वेदेषु = Vedic literatures
ब्राह्मणस्य = of the man who knows the Supreme Brahman
विजानतः = who is in complete knowledge.
कर्माणि = in prescribed duties
एव = certainly
अधिकारः = right
ते = of you
मा = never
फलेषु = in the fruits
कदाचन = at any time
मा = never
कर्मफल = in the result of the work
हेतुः = cause
भूः = become
मा = never
ते = of you
सङ्गः = attachment
अस्तु = there should be
अकर्मणि = in not doing prescribed duties.
योगस्थः = equipoised
कुरु = perform
कर्माणि = your duties
सङ्गं = attachment
त्यक्त्वा = giving up
धनञ्जय = O Arjuna
सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्योः = in success and failure
समः = equipoised
भूत्वा = becoming
समत्वं = equanimity
योगः = yoga
उच्यते = is called.
दूरेण = discard it at a long distance
हि = certainly
अवरं = abominable
कर्म = activity
बुद्धियोगात् = on the strength of KRiShNa consciousness
धनञ्जय = O conqueror of wealth
बुद्धौ = in such consciousness
शरणं = full surrender
अन्विच्छ = try for
कृपणाः = misers
फलहेतवः = those desiring fruitive results.
बुद्धियुक्तः = one who is engaged in devotional service
जहाति = can get rid of
इह = in this life
उभे = both
सुकृतदुष्कृते = good and bad results
तस्मात् = therefore
योगाय = for the sake of devotional service
युज्यस्व = be so engaged
योगः = KRiShNa consciousness
कर्मसु = in all activities
कौशलं = art.
कर्मजं = due to fruitive activities
बुद्धियुक्ताः = being engaged in devotional service
हि = certainly
फलं = results
त्यक्त्वा = giving up
मनीषिणः = great sages or devotees
जन्मबन्ध = from the bondage of birth and death
विनिर्मुक्ताः = liberated
पदं = position
गच्छन्ति = they reach
अनामयं = without miseries.
यदा = when
ते = your
मोह = of illusion
कलिलं = dense forest
बुद्धिः = transcendental service with intelligence
व्यतितरिष्यति = surpasses
तदा = at that time
गन्तासि = you shall go
निर्वेदं = callousness
श्रोतव्यस्य = toward all that is to be heard
श्रुतस्य = all that is already heard
च = also.
श्रुति = of Vedic revelation
विप्रतिपन्ना = without being influenced by the fruitive results
ते = your
यदा = when
स्थास्यति = remains
निश्चला = unmoved
समाधौ = in transcendental consciousness, or KRiShNa consciousness
अचला = unflinching
बुद्धिः = intelligence
तदा = at that time
योगं = self-realization
अवाप्स्यसि = you will achieve.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
स्थितप्रज्ञस्य = of one who is situated in fixed KRiShNa consciousness
का = what
भाषा = language
समाधिस्थस्य = of one situated in trance
केशव = O KRiShNa
स्थितधीः = one fixed in KRiShNa consciousness
किं = what
प्रभाषेत = speaks
किं = how
आसीत = does remain still
व्रजेत = walks
किं = how.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
प्रजहाति = gives up
यदा = when
कामान् = desires for sense gratification
सर्वान् = of all varieties
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
मनोगतान् = of mental concoction
आत्मानि = in the pure state of the soul
एव = certainly
आत्मना = by the purified mind
तुष्टः = satisfied
स्थितप्रज्ञः = transcendentally situated
तदा = at that time
उच्यते = is said.
दुःखेषु = in the threefold miseries
अनुद्विग्नमनाः = without being agitated in mind
सुखेषु = in happiness
विगतस्पृहः = without being interested
वीत = free from
राग = attachment
भय = fear
क्रोधः = and anger
स्थितधीः = whose mind is steady
मुनिः = a sage
उच्यते = is called.
यः = one who
सर्वत्र = everywhere
अनभिस्नेहः = without affection
तत् = that
तत् = that
प्राप्य = achieving
शुभ = good
अशुभं = evil
न = never
अभिनन्दती = praises
न = never
द्वेष्टि = envies
तस्य = his
प्रज्ञा = perfect knowledge
प्रतिष्ठिता = fixed.
यदा = when
संहरते = winds up
च = also
अयं = he
कूर्मः = tortoise
अङ्गानि = limbs
इव = like
सर्वशः = altogether
इन्द्रियाणि = senses
इन्द्रियार्थेभ्यः = from the sense objects
तस्य = his
प्रज्ञा = consciousness
प्रतिष्ठिता = fixed.
विषयाः = objects for sense enjoyment
विनिवर्तन्ते = are practiced to be refrained from
निराहारस्य = by negative restrictions
देहीनः = for the embodied
रसवर्जं = giving up the taste
रसः = sense of enjoyment
अपि = although there is
अस्य = his
परं = far superior things
दृष्ट्वा = by experiencing
निवर्तते = he ceases from.
यततः = while endeavoring
हि = certainly
अपि = in spite of
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
पुरुषस्य = of a man
विपश्चितः = full of discriminating knowledge
इन्द्रियाणि = the senses
प्रमाथीनि = agitating
हरन्ति = throw
प्रसभं = by force
मनः = the mind.
तानि = those senses
सर्वाणि = all
संयम्य = keeping under control
युक्तः = engaged
आसीत = should be situated
मत्परः = in relationship with Me
वशे = in full subjugation
हि = certainly
यस्य = one whose
इन्द्रियाणि = senses
तस्य = his
प्रज्ञा = consciousness
प्रतिष्ठिता = fixed.
ध्यायतः = while contemplating
विषयान् = sense objects
पुंसः = of a person
सङ्गः = attachment
तेषु = in the sense objects
उपजायते = develops
सङ्गात् = from attachment
सञ्जायते = develops
कामः = desire
कामात् = from desire
क्रोधः = anger
अभिजायते = becomes manifest.
क्रोधात् = from anger
भवति = takes place
सम्मोहः = perfect illusion
सम्मोहात् = from illusion
स्मृति = of memory
विभ्रमः = bewilderment
स्मृतिभ्रंशात् = after bewilderment of memory
बुद्धिनाशः = loss of intelligence
बुद्धिनाशात् = and from loss of intelligence
प्रणश्यति = one falls down.
राग = attachment
द्वेष = and detachment
विमुक्तैः = by one who has become free from
तु = but
विषयान् = sense objects
इन्द्रियैः = by the senses
चरन् = acting upon
आत्मवश्यैः = under one’s control
विधेयात्मा = one who follows regulated freedom
प्रसादं = the mercy of the Lord
अधिगच्छति = attains.
प्रसादे = on achievement of the causeless mercy of the Lord
सर्व = of all
दुःखानां = material miseries
हानिः = destruction
अस्य = his
उपजायते = takes place
प्रसन्नचेतसः = of the happy-minded
हि = certainly
आषु = very soon
बुद्धिः = intelligence
परि = sufficiently
अवतिष्ठते = becomes established.
नास्ति = there cannot be
बुद्धिः = transcendental intelligence
अयुक्तस्य = of one who is not connected (with KRiShNa consciousness)
न = not
च = and
अयुक्तस्य = of one devoid of KRiShNa consciousness
भावना = fixed mind (in happiness)
न = not
च = and
अभावयतः = of one who is not fixed
शान्तिः = peace
अशान्तस्य = of the unpeaceful
कुतः = where is
सुखं = happiness.
इन्द्रियाणां = of the senses
हि = certainly
चरतां = while roaming
यत् = with which
मनः = the mind
अनुविधीयते = becomes constantly engaged
तत् = that
अस्य = his
हरति = takes away
प्रज्ञां = intelligence
वायुः = wind
नवं = a boat
इव = like
अम्भसि = on the water.
तस्मात् = therefore
यस्य = whose
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed one
निगृहीतानि = so curbed down
सर्वशः = all around
इन्द्रियाणि = the senses
इन्द्रियार्थेभ्यः = from sense objects
तस्य = his
प्रज्ञा = intelligence
प्रतिष्ठिता = fixed.
या = what
निशा = is night
सर्व = all
भूतानां = of living entities
तस्यां = in that
जागर्ति = is wakeful
संयमी = the self-controlled
यस्यां = in which
जाग्रति = are awake
भूतानि = all beings
सा = that is
निशा = night
पश्यतः = for the introspective
मुनेः = sage.
आपुर्यमाणं = always being filled
अचलप्रतिष्ठं = steadily situated
समुद्रं = the ocean
आपः = waters
प्रविशन्ति = enter
यद्वत् = as
तद्वत् = so
कामाः = desires
यं = unto whom
प्रविशन्ति = enter
सर्वे = all
सः = that person
शान्तिं = peace
आप्नोति = achieves
न = not
कामकामी = one who desires to fulfill desires.
विहाय = giving up
कामान् = material desires for sense gratification
यः = who
सर्वान् = all
पुमान् = a person
चरति = lives
निःस्पृहः = desireless
निर्ममः = without a sense of proprietorship
निरहङ्कारः = without false ego
सः = he
शान्तिं = perfect peace
अधिगच्छति = attains.
एषा = this
ब्राह्मी = spiritual
स्थितिः = situation
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
न = never
एनं = this
प्राप्य = achieving
विमुह्यति = one is bewildered
स्थित्वा = being situated
अस्यां = in this
अन्तकाले = at the end of life
अपि = also
ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं = the spiritual kingdom of God
ऋच्छति = one attains.

End of 2.72

अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
ज्यायसि = better
चेत् = if
कर्मणः = than fruitive action
ते = by You
मता = is considered
बुद्धिः = intelligence
जनार्दन = O KRiShNa
तत् = therefore
किं = why
कर्मणि = in action
घोरे = ghastly
मां = me
नियोजयसि = You are engaging
केशव = O KRiShNa.
व्यामिश्रेण = by equivocal
इव = certainly
वाक्येन = words
बुद्धिं = intelligence
मोहयसि = You are bewildering
इव = certainly
मे = my
तत् = therefore
एकं = only one
वद = please tell
निश्चित्य = ascertaining
येन = by which
श्रेयः = real benefit
अहं = I
आप्नुयां = may have.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
लोके = in the world
अस्मिन् = this
द्विविधा = two kinds of
निष्ठा = faith
पुरा = formerly
प्रोक्ता = were said
मया = by Me
अनघ = O sinless one
ज्ञानयोगेन = by the linking process of knowledge
साङ्ख्यानां = of the empiric philosophers
कर्मयोगेण = by the linking process of devotion
योगिनां = of the devotees.
न = not
कर्मणां = of prescribed duties
अनारम्भात् = by nonperformance
नैष्कर्म्यं = freedom from reaction
पुरुषः = a man
अश्नुते = achieves
न = nor
च = also
संन्यासनात् = by renunciation
एव = simply
सिद्धिं = success
समधिगच्छति = attains.
न = nor
हि = certainly
कश्चित् = anyone
क्षणं = a moment
अपि = also
जातु = at any time
तिष्ठति = remains
अकर्मकृत् = without doing something
कार्यते = is forced to do
हि = certainly
अवशः = helplessly
कर्म = work
सर्वः = all
प्रकृतिजैः = born of the modes of material nature
गुणैः = by the qualities.
कर्मेन्द्रियाणि = the five working sense organs
संयम्य = controlling
यः = anyone who
आस्ते = remains
मनसा = by the mind
स्मरन् = thinking of
इन्द्रियार्थान् = sense objects
विमूढ = foolish
आत्मा = soul
मिथ्याचारः = pretender
सः = he
उच्यते = is called.
यः = one who
तु = but
इन्द्रियाणि = the senses
मनसा = by the mind
नियम्य = regulating
आरभते = begins
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
कर्मेन्द्रियैः = by the active sense organs
कर्मयोगं = devotion
असक्तः = without attachment
सः = he
विशिष्यते = is by far the better.
नियतं = prescribed
कुरु = do
कर्म = duties
त्वं = you
कर्म = work
ज्यायाः = better
हि = certainly
अकर्मणः = than no work
शरीर = bodily
यात्रा = maintenance
अपि = even
च = also
ते = your
न = never
प्रसिद्ध्येत् = is effected
अकर्मणः = without work.
यज्ञार्थात् = done only for the sake of Yajna, or Visnu
कर्मणः = than work
अन्यत्र = otherwise
लोकः = world
अयं = this
कर्मबन्धनः = bondage by work
तत् = of Him
अर्थं = for the sake
कर्म = work
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
मुक्तसङ्गः = liberated from association
समाचर = do perfectly.
सह = along with
यज्ञाः = sacrifices
प्रजाः = generations
सृष्ट्वा = creating
पुरा = anciently
उवाच = said
प्रजापतिः = the Lord of creatures
अनेन = by this
प्रसविष्यध्वं = be more and more prosperous
एषः = this
वः = your
अस्तु = let it be
इष्ट = of all desirable things
कामधुक् = bestower.
देवान् = demigods
भावयता = having pleased
अनेन = by this sacrifice
ते = those
देवाः = demigods
भावयन्तु = will please
वः = you
परस्परं = mutually
भावयन्तः = pleasing one another
श्रेयः = benediction
परं = the supreme
अवाप्स्यथ = you will achieve.
इष्टान् = desired
भोगान् = necessities of life
हि = certainly
वः = unto you
देवाः = the demigods
दास्यन्ते = will award
यज्ञभाविताः = being satisfied by the performance of sacrifices
तैः = by them
दत्तान् = things given
अप्रदाय = without offering
एभ्यः = to these demigods
यः = he who
भुङ्क्ते = enjoys
स्तेनः = thief
एव = certainly
सः = he.
यज्ञशिष्टा = of food taken after performance of yajna
आसिनः = eaters
सन्तः = the devotees
मुच्यन्ते = get relief
सर्व = all kinds of
किल्बिषैः = from sins
भुञ्जते = enjoy
ते = they
तु = but
अघं = grievous sins
पापाः = sinners
ये = who
पचन्ति = prepare food
आत्मकारणात् = for sense enjoyment.
अन्नात् = from grains
भवन्ति = grow
भूतानि = the material bodies
पर्जन्यात् = from rains
अन्न = of food grains
सम्भवः = production
यज्ञात् = from the performance of sacrifice
भवति = becomes possible
पर्जन्यः = rain
यज्ञः = performance of yajna
कर्म = prescribed duties
समुद्भवः = born of.
कर्म = work
ब्रह्म = from the Vedas
उद्भवं = produced
विद्धि = you should know
ब्रह्म = the Vedas
अक्षर = from the Supreme Brahman (Personality of Godhead)
समुद्भवं = directly manifested
तस्मात् = therefore
सर्वगतं = all-pervading
ब्रह्म = transcendence
नित्यं = eternally
यज्ञे = in sacrifice
प्रतिष्ठितं = situated.
एवं = thus
प्रवर्तितं = established by the Vedas
चक्रं = cycle
न = does not
अनुवर्तयति = adopt
इह = in this life
यः = one who
अघायुः = whose life is full of sins
इन्द्रियारामः = satisfied in sense gratification
मोघं = uselessly
पार्थ = O son of Pritha (Arjuna)
सः = he
जीवति = lives.
यः = one who
तु = but
आत्मरतिः = taking pleasure in the self
एव = certainly
स्यात् = remains
आत्मतृप्तः = self-illuminated
च = and
मानवः = a man
आत्मनि = in himself
एव = only
च = and
सन्तुष्टः = perfectly satiated
तस्य = his
कार्यं = duty
न = does not
विद्यते = exist.
न = never
एव = certainly
तस्य = his
कृतेन = by discharge of duty
अर्थः = purpose
न = nor
अकृतेन = without discharge of duty
इह = in this world
कश्चन = whatever
न = never
च = and
अस्य = of him
सर्वभूतेषु = among all living beings
कश्चित् = any
अर्थ = purpose
व्यपाश्रयः = taking shelter of.
तस्मात् = therefore
असक्तः = without attachment
सततं = constantly
कार्यं = as duty
कर्म = work
समाचर = perform
असक्तः = unattached
हि = certainly
आचरान् = performing
कर्म = work
परं = the Supreme
आप्नोति = achieves
पूरुषः = a man.
कर्मणा = by work
एव = even
हि = certainly
संसिद्धिं = in perfection
आस्थिताः = situated
जनकादयाः = Janaka and other kings
लोकसंग्रहं = the people in general
एवापि = also
सम्पश्यन् = considering
कर्तुं = to act
अर्हसि = you deserve.
यद्यत् = whatever
आचरति = he does
श्रेष्ठः = a respectable leader
तत् = that
तत् = and that alone
एव = certainly
इतरः = common
जनः = person
सः = he
यत् = whichever
प्रमाणं = example
कुरुते = does perform
लोकाः = all the world
तत् = that
अनुवर्तते = follows in the footsteps.
न = not
मे = Mine
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
अस्ति = there is
कर्तव्यं = prescribed duty
त्रिषु = in the three
लोकेषु = planetary systems
किञ्चन = any
न = nothing
अनवाप्तं = wanted
अवाप्तव्यं = to be gained
वर्ते = I am engaged
एव = certainly
च = also
कर्मणि = in prescribed duty.
यदि = if
हि = certainly
अहं = I
न = do not
वर्तेयं = thus engage
जातु = ever
कर्मणि = in the performance of prescribed duties
अतन्द्रितः = with great care
मम = My
वर्त्म = path
अनुवर्तन्ते = would follow
मनुष्याः = all men
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
सर्वशः = in all respects.
उत्सीदेयुः = would be put into ruin
इमे = all these
लोकाः = worlds
न = not
कुर्यां = I perform
कर्म = prescribed duties
चेत् = if
अहं = I
सङ्करस्य = of unwanted population
च = and
कर्ता = creator
स्यां = would be
उपहन्यां = would destroy
इमाः = all these
प्रजाः = living entities.
सक्ताः = being attached
कर्मणि = in prescribed duties
अविद्वांसः = the ignorant
यथा = as much as
कुर्वन्ति = they do
भारत = O descendant of Bharata
कुर्यात् = must do
विद्वान् = the learned
तथा = thus
असक्तः = without attachment
चिकीर्षुः = desiring to lead
लोकसंग्रहं = the people in general.
न = not
बुद्धिभेदं = disruption of intelligence
जनयेत् = he should cause
अज्ञानां = of the foolish
कर्मसङ्गिनां = who are attached to fruitive work
जोषयेत् = he should dovetail
सर्व = all
कर्माणि = work
विद्वान् = a learned person
युक्तः = engaged
समाचरन् = practicing.
प्रकृतेः = of material nature
क्रियमाणानि = being done
गुणैः = by the modes
कर्माणि = activities
सर्वशः = all kinds of
अहङ्कारविमूढ = bewildered by false ego
आत्मा = the spirit soul
कर्ता = doer
अहं = I
इति = thus
मन्यते = he thinks.
तत्त्ववित् = the knower of the Absolute Truth
तु = but
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed one
गुणकर्म = of works under material influence
विभागयोः = differences
गुणाः = senses
गुणेषु = in sense gratification
वर्तन्ते = are being engaged
इति = thus
मत्वा = thinking
न = never
सज्जते = becomes attached.
प्रकृतेः = of material nature
गुण = by the modes
सम्मूढाः = befooled by material identification
सज्जन्ते = they become engaged
गुणकर्मसु = in material activities
तान् = those
अकृत्स्नविदाः = persons with a poor fund of knowledge
मन्दान् = lazy to understand self-realization
कृत्स्नवित् = one who is in factual knowledge
न = not
विचालयेत् = should try to agitate.
मयि = unto Me
सर्वाणि = all sorts of
कर्माणि = activities
संन्यस्य = giving up completely
अध्यात्म = with full knowledge of the self
चेतसा = by consciousness
निराशीः = without desire for profit
निर्ममः = without ownership
भूत्वा = so being
युध्यस्व = fight
विगतज्वरः = without being lethargic.
ये = those who
मे = My
मतं = injunctions
इदं = these
नित्यं = as an eternal function
अनुतिष्ठन्ति = execute regularly
मानवाः = human beings
श्रद्धावन्तः = with faith and devotion
अनसूयन्तः = without envy
मुच्यन्ते = become free
ते = all of them
अपि = even
कर्मभिः = from the bondage of the law of fruitive actions.
ये = those
तु = however
एतत् = this
अभ्यसूयन्तः = out of envy
न = do not
अनुतिष्ठन्ति = regularly perform
मे = My
मतं = injunction
सर्वज्ञान = in all sorts of knowledge
विमूढान् = perfectly befooled
तान् = they are
विद्धि = know it well
नष्टान् = all ruined
अचेतसः = without KRiShNa consciousness.
सदृशं = accordingly
चेष्टते = tries
स्वस्यः = by his own
प्रकृतेः = modes of nature
ज्ञानवान् = learned
अपि = although
प्रकृतिं = nature
यान्ति = undergo
भूतानी = all living entities
निग्रहः = repression
किं = what
करिष्यति = can do.
इन्द्रियस्य = of the senses
इन्द्रियस्यार्थे = in the sense objects
राग = attachment
द्वेषौ = also detachment
व्यवस्थितौ = put under regulations
तयोः = of them
न = never
वशं = control
आगच्छेत् = one should come
तौ = those
हि = certainly
अस्य = his
परिपन्थिनौ = stumbling blocks.
श्रेयान् = far better
स्वधर्मः = one’s prescribed duties
विगुणः = even faulty
परधर्मात् = than duties mentioned for others
स्वनुष्ठितात् = perfectly done
स्वधर्मे = in one’s prescribed duties
निधनं = destruction
श्रेयः = better
परधर्मः = duties prescribed for others
भयावहः = dangerous.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
अथ = then
केन = by what
प्रयुक्तः = impelled
अयं = one
पापं = sins
चरति = does
पूरुषः = a man
अनिच्छन् = without desiring
अपि = although
वार्ष्णेय = O descendant of VRiShNi
बलात् = by force
इव = as if
नियोजितः = engaged.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Personality of Godhead said
कामः = lust
एषः = this
क्रोधः = wrath
एषः = this
रजोगुण = the mode of passion
समुद्भवः = born of
महाशनः = all-devouring
महापाप्मा = greatly sinful
विद्धि = know
एनं = this
इह = in the material world
वैरिणं = greatest enemy.
धूमेन = by smoke
आव्रियते = is covered
वह्निः = fire
यथा = just as
अदर्शः = mirror
मलेन = by dust
च = also
यथा = just as
उल्बेन = by the womb
आवृतः = is covered
गर्भः = embryo
तथा = so
तेन = by that lust
इदं = this
आवृतं = is covered.
आवृतं = covered
ज्ञानं = pure consciousness
एतेन = by this
ज्ञानिनः = of the knower
नित्यवैरिण = by the eternal enemy
कामरूपेण = in the form of lust
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
दुष्पूरेण = never to be satisfied
अनलेन = by the fire
च = also.
इन्द्रियाणि = the senses
मनः = the mind
बुद्धिः = the intelligence
अस्य = of this lust
अधिष्ठानं = sitting place
उच्यते = is called
एतैः = by all these
विमोहयति = bewilders
एषः = this
ज्ञानं = knowledge
आवृत्य = covering
देहिनं = of the embodied.
तस्मात् = therefore
त्वं = you
इन्द्रियाणि = senses
आदौ = in the beginning
नियम्य = by regulating
भरतर्षभ = O chief amongst the descendants of Bharata
पाप्मानं = the great symbol of sin
प्रजहि = curb
हि = certainly
एनं = this
ज्ञान = of knowledge
विज्ञान = and scientific knowledge of the pure soul
नाशनं = the destroyer.
इन्द्रियाणि = senses
पराणि = superior
आहुः = are said
इन्द्रियेभ्यः = more than the senses
परं = superior
मनः = the mind
मनसः = more than the mind
तु = also
परा = superior
बुद्धिः = intelligence
यः = who
बुद्धेः = more than the intelligence
परतः = superior
तु = but
सः = he.
एवं = thus
बुद्धेः = to intelligence
परं = superior
बुद्ध्वा = knowing
संस्तभ्य = by steadying
आत्मानं = the mind
आत्मना = by deliberate intelligence
जहि = conquer
शत्रुं = the enemy
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed one
कामरूपं = in the form of lust
दुरासदं = formidable.

End of 3.43

श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
इमं = this
विवस्वते = unto the sun-god
योगं = the science of one’s relationship to the Supreme
प्रोक्तवान् = instructed
अहं = I
अव्ययं = imperishable
विवस्वान् = Vivasvan (the sun-god’s name)
मनवे = unto the father of mankind (of the name Vaivasvata)
प्राह = told
मनुः = the father of mankind
इक्ष्वाकवे = unto King Iksvaku
अब्रवीत् = said.
एवं = thus
परम्परा = by disciplic succession
प्राप्तं = received
इमं = this science
राजर्षयः = the saintly kings
विदुः = understood
सः = that knowledge
कालेन = in the course of time
इह = in this world
महता = great
योगः = the science of one’s relationship with the Supreme
नष्टः = scattered
परन्तप = O Arjuna, subduer of the enemies.
सः = the same
एव = certainly
अयं = this
मया = by Me
ते = unto you
अद्य = today
योगः = the science of yoga
प्रोक्तः = spoken
पुरातनः = very old
भक्तः = devotee
असि = you are
मे = My
सखा = friend
च = also
इति = therefore
रहस्यं = mystery
हि = certainly
एतत् = this
उत्तमं = transcendental.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
अपरं = junior
भवतः = Your
जन्म = birth
परं = superior
जन्म = birth
विवस्वतः = of the sun-god
कथं = how
एतत् = this
विजानीयं = shall I understand
त्वं = You
आदौ = in the beginning
प्रोक्तवान् = instructed
इति = thus.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Personality of Godhead said
बहूनि = many
मे = of Mine
व्यतीतानि = have passed
जन्मानि = births
तव = of yours
च = and also
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
तानि = those
अहं = I
वेद = do know
सर्वाणि = all
न = not
त्वं = you
वेत्थ = know
परन्तप = O subduer of the enemy.
अजः = unborn
अपि = although
सन् = being so
अव्यय = without deterioration
आत्मा = body
भूतानां = of all those who are born
ईश्वरः = the Supreme Lord
अपि = although
सन् = being so
प्रकृतिं = in the transcendental form
स्वां = of Myself
अधिष्ठाय = being so situated
सम्भवामि = I do incarnate
आत्ममायया = by My internal energy.
यदा यदा = whenever and wherever
हि = certainly
धर्मस्य = of religion
ग्लानिः = discrepancies
भवति = become manifested
भारत = O descendant of Bharata
अभ्युत्थानं = predominance
अधर्मस्य = of irreligion
तदा = at that time
आत्मानं = self
सृजामि = manifest
अहं = I.
परित्राणाय = for the deliverance
साधूनां = of the devotees
विनाशाय = for the annihilation
च = and
दुष्कृतां = of the miscreants
धर्म = principles of religion
संस्थापनार्थाय = to reestablish
सम्भवामि = I do appear
युगे = millennium
युगे = after millennium.
जन्म = birth
कर्म = work
च = also
मे = of Mine
दिव्यं = transcendental
एवं = like this
यः = anyone who
वेत्ति = knows
तत्त्वतः = in reality
त्यक्त्वा = leaving aside
देहं = this body
पुनः = again
जन्म = birth
न = never
एति = does attain
मां = unto Me
एति = does attain
सः = he
अर्जुन = O Arjuna.
वीत = freed from
राग = attachment
भय = fear
क्रोधः = and anger
मन्मया = fully in Me
मां = in Me
उपाश्रिताः = being fully situated
बहवः = many
ज्ञान = of knowledge
तपसा = by the penance
पूताः = being purified
मद्भावं = transcendental love for Me
आगताः = attained.
ये = all who
यथा = as
मां = unto Me
प्रपद्यन्ते = surrender
तान् = them
तथा = so
एव = certainly
भजामि = reward
अहं = I
मम = My
वर्त्म = path
अनुवर्तन्ते = follow
मनुष्याः = all men
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
सर्वशः = in all respects.
काङ्क्षन्तः = desiring
कर्मणां = of fruitive activities
सिद्धिं = perfection
यजन्ते = they worship by sacrifices
इह = in the material world
देवताः = the demigods
क्षिप्रं = very quickly
हि = certainly
मानुषे = in human society
लोके = within this world
सिद्धिः = success
भवति = comes
कर्मजा = from fruitive work.
चातुर्वर्ण्यं = the four divisions of human society
मया = by Me
सृष्ट्वा = created
गुण = of quality
कर्म = and work
विभागशः = in terms of division
तस्य = of that
कर्तारं = the father
अपि = although
मां = Me
विद्धि = you may know
अकर्तारं = as the nondoer
अव्ययं = unchangeable.
न = never
मां = Me
कर्माणि = all kinds of work
लिम्पन्ति = do affect
न = nor
मे = My
कर्मफले = in fruitive action
स्पृहा = aspiration
इति = thus
मां = Me
यः = one who
अभिजानाति = does know
कर्मभिः = by the reaction of such work
न = never
सः = he
बध्यते = becomes entangled.
एवं = thus
ज्ञात्वा = knowing well
कृतं = was performed
कर्म = work
पूर्वैः = by past authorities
अपि = indeed
मुमुक्षुभिः = who attained liberation
कुरु = just perform
कर्म = prescribed duty
एव = certainly
तस्मात् = therefore
त्वं = you
पूर्वैः = by the predecessors
पूर्वतरं = in ancient times
कृतं = as performed.
किं = what is
कर्म = action
किं = what is
अकर्म = inaction
इति = thus
कवयः = the intelligent
अपि = also
अत्र = in this matter
मोहिताः = are bewildered
तत् = that
ते = unto you
कर्म = work
प्रवक्ष्यामि = I shall explain
यत् = which
ज्ञात्वा = knowing
मोक्ष्यसे = you will be liberated
अशुभात् = from ill fortune.
कर्मणः = of work
हि = certainly
अपि = also
बोद्धव्यं = should be understood
बोद्धव्यं = should be understood
च = also
विकर्मणः = of forbidden work
अकर्मणः = of inaction
च = also
बोद्धव्यं = should be understood
गहना = very difficult
कर्मणः = of work
गतिः = entrance.
कर्मणि = in action
अकर्म = inaction
यः = one who
पश्येत् = observes
अकर्मणि = in inaction
च = also
कर्म = fruitive action
यः = one who
सः = he
बुद्धिमान् = is intelligent
मनुष्येषु = in human society
सः = he
युक्तः = is in the transcendental position
कृत्स्नकर्मकृत् = although engaged in all activities.
यस्य = one whose
सर्वे = all sorts of
समारम्भाः = attempts
काम = based on desire for sense gratification
सङ्कल्प = determination
वर्जिताः = are devoid of
ज्ञान = of perfect knowledge
अग्नि = by the fire
दग्ध = burned
कर्माणां = whose work
तं = him
आहुः = declare
पण्डितं = learned
बुधाः = those who know.
त्यक्त्वा = having given up
कर्मफलासङ्गं = attachment for fruitive results
नित्य = always
तृप्तः = being satisfied
निराश्रयः = without any shelter
कर्मणि = in activity
अभिप्रवृत्तः = being fully engaged
अपि = in spite of
न = does not
एव = certainly
किञ्चित् = anything
करोति = do
सः = he.
निराशीः = without desire for the result
यत = controlled
चित्तात्मा = mind and intelligence
त्यक्त = giving up
सर्व = all
परिग्रहः = sense of proprietorship over possessions
शारीरं = in keeping body and soul together
केवलं = only
कर्म = work
कुर्वान् = doing
न = never
आप्नोति = does acquire
किल्बिशं = sinful reactions.
यदृच्छा = out of its own accord
लाभ = with gain
सन्तुष्टः = satisfied
द्वन्द्व = duality
अतीतः = surpassed
विमत्सरः = free from envy
समः = steady
सिद्धौ = in success
असिद्धौ = failure
च = also
कृत्वा = doing
अपि = although
न = never
निबध्यते = becomes affected.
गतसङ्गस्य = of one unattached to the modes of material nature
मुक्तस्य = of the liberated
ज्ञानावस्थित = situated in transcendence
चेतसः = whose wisdom
यज्ञाय = for the sake of Yajna (KRiShNa)
आचरतः = acting
कर्म = work
समग्रं = in total
प्रविलीयते = merges entirely.
ब्रह्म = spiritual in nature
अर्पणं = contribution
ब्रह्म = the Supreme
हविः = butter
ब्रह्म = spiritual
अग्नौ = in the fire of consummation
ब्रह्मणा = by the spirit soul
हुतं = offered
ब्रह्म = spiritual kingdom
एव = certainly
तेन = by him
गन्तव्यं = to be reached
ब्रह्म = spiritual
कर्म = in activities
समाधिना = by complete absorption.
दैवं = in worshiping the demigods
एव = like this
अपरे = some others
यज्ञं = sacrifices
योगिनः = mystics
पर्युपासते = worship perfectly
ब्रह्म = of the Absolute Truth
अग्नौ = in the fire
अपरे = others
यज्ञं = sacrifice
यज्ञेन = by sacrifice
एव = thus
उपजुह्वति = offer.
श्रोत्रादीनि = such as the hearing process
इन्द्रियाणि = senses
अन्ये = others
संयम = of restraint
अग्निषु = in the fires
जुह्वति = offer
शब्दादिन् = sound vibration, etc.
विषयान् = objects of sense gratification
अन्ये = others
इन्द्रिय = of the sense organs
अग्निषु = in the fires
जुह्वति = they sacrifice.
सर्वाणि = of all
इन्द्रिय = the senses
कर्माणि = functions
प्राणकर्माणि = functions of the life breath
च = also
अपरे = others
आत्मसंयम = of controlling the mind
योग = the linking process
अग्नौ = in the fire of
जुह्वति = offer
ज्ञानदीपिते = because of the urge for self-realization.
द्रव्ययज्ञाः = sacrificing one’s possessions
तपोयज्ञाः = sacrifice in austerities
योगयज्ञाः = sacrifice in eightfold mysticism
तथा = thus
अपरे = others
स्वाध्याय = sacrifice in the study of the Vedas
ज्ञानयज्ञाः = sacrifice in advancement of transcendental knowledge
च = also
यतयः = enlightened persons
संशितव्रताः = taken to strict vows.
अपाने = in the air which acts downward
जुह्वति = offer
प्राणं = the air which acts outward
प्राणे = in the air going outward
अपानं = the air going downward
तथा = as also
अपरे = others
प्राण = of the air going outward
अपान = and the air going downward
गति = the movement
रुद्ध्वा = checking
प्राणायाम = trance induced by stopping all breathing
परायणाः = so inclined
अपरे = others
नियत = having controlled
आहाराः = eating
प्राणान् = the outgoing air
प्राणेषु = in the outgoing air
जुह्वति = sacrifice.
सर्वे = all
अपि = although apparently different
एते = these
यज्ञविदः = conversant with the purpose of performing sacrifices
यज्ञक्षपित = being cleansed as the result of such performances
कल्मषाः = of sinful reactions
यज्ञशिष्ट = of the result of such performances of yajna
अमृतभुजः = those who have tasted such nectar
यान्ति = do approach
ब्रह्म = the supreme
सनातनं = eternal atmosphere.
न = never
अयं = this
लोकाः = planet
अस्ति = there is
अयज्ञस्य = for one who performs no sacrifice
कुतः = where is
अन्यः = the other
कुरुसत्तम = O best amongst the Kurus.
एवं = thus
बहुविधाः = various kinds of
यज्ञाः = sacrifices
विततः = are spread
ब्रह्मणः = of the Vedas
मुखे = through the mouth
कर्मजान् = born of work
विद्धि = you should know
तान् = them
सर्वान् = all
एवं = thus
ज्ञात्वा = knowing
विमोक्ष्यसे = you will be liberated.
श्रेयान् = greater
द्रव्यमयात् = of material possessions
यज्ञात् = than the sacrifice
ज्ञानयज्ञः = sacrifice in knowledge
परन्तप = O chastiser of the enemy
सर्वं = all
कर्म = activities
अखिलं = in totality
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
ज्ञाने = in knowledge
परिसमप्यते = end.
तत् = that knowledge of different sacrifices
विद्धि = try to understand
प्रणिपातेन = by approaching a spiritual master
परिप्रश्नेन = by submissive inquiries
सेवया = by the rendering of service
उपदेक्ष्यन्ति = they will initiate
ते = you
ज्ञानं = into knowledge
ज्ञानिनः = the self-realized
तत्त्व = of the truth
दर्शिनः = seers.
यत् = which
ज्ञात्वा = knowing
न = never
पुनः = again
मोहं = to illusion
एवं = like this
यास्यसि = you shall go
पाण्डव = O son of Pandu
येन = by which
भूतानि = living entities
अशेषाणि = all
द्रक्ष्यसि = you will see
आत्मनि = in the Supreme Soul
अथौ = or in other words
मयि = in Me.
अपि = even
चेत् = if
असि = you are
पापेभ्यः = of sinners
सर्वेभ्यः = of all
पापकृत्तमः = the greatest sinner
सर्वं = all such sinful reactions
ज्ञानप्लवेन = by the boat of transcendental knowledge
एव = certainly
वृजनं = the ocean of miseries
सन्तरिष्यसि = you will cross completely.
यथा = just as
एधांसि = firewood
समिद्धः = blazing
अग्निः = fire
भस्मसात् = ashes
कुरुते = turns
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
ज्ञानाग्निः = the fire of knowledge
सर्वकर्माणि = all reactions to material activities
भस्मसात् = to ashes
कुरुते = it turns
तथा = similarly.
न = notHing
हि = certainly
ज्ञानेन = with knowledge
सदृशं = in comparison
पवित्रं = sanctified
इह = in this world
विद्यते = exists
तत् = that
स्वयं = himself
योग = in devotion
संसिद्धः = he who is mature
कालेन = in course of time
आत्मनि = in himself
विन्दति = enjoys.
श्रद्धावान् = a faithful man
लभते = achieves
ज्ञानं = knowledge
तत्परः = very much attached to it
संयत = controlled
इन्द्रियः = senses
ज्ञानं = knowledge
लब्ध्वा = having achieved
परां = transcendental
शान्तिं = peace
अचिरेण = very soon
अधिगच्छति = attains.
अज्ञः = a fool who has no knowledge in standard scriptures
च = and
अश्रद्दधानः = without faith in revealed scriptures
च = also
संशय = of doubts
आत्मा = a person
विनश्यति = falls back
न = never
अयं = in this
लोकः = world
अस्ति = there is
न = nor
परः = in the next life
न = not
सुखं = happiness
संशय = doubtful
आत्मनः = of the person.
योग = by devotional service in karma-yoga
संन्यस्त = one who has renounced
कर्माणं = the fruits of actions
ज्ञान = by knowledge
सञ्छिन्न = cut
संशयं = doubts
आत्मवन्तं = situated in the self
न = never
कर्माणि = works
निबध्नन्ति = do bind
धनञ्जय = O conqueror of riches.
तस्मात् = therefore
अज्ञानसम्भूतं = born of ignorance
हृत्स्थं = situated in the heart
ज्ञान = of knowledge
आसिन = by the weapon
आत्मनः = of the self
छित्त्वा = cutting off
एनं = this
संशयं = doubt
योगं = in yoga
आतिष्ठ = be situated
उत्तिष्ठ = stand up to fight
भारत = O descendant of Bharata.

See Also  Guha Gita In Kannada

End of 4.42

अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
संन्यासं = renunciation
कर्मणां = of all activities
कृष्ण = O KRiShNa
पुनः = again
योगं = devotional service
च = also
शंससि = You are praising
यत् = which
श्रेयः = is more beneficial
एतयोः = of these two
एकं = one
तत् = that
मे = unto me
ब्रूहि = please tell
सुनिश्चितं = definitely.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Personality of Godhead said
संन्यासः = renunciation of work
कर्मयोगः = work in devotion
च = also
निःश्रेयसकरौ = leading to the path of liberation
उभौ = both
तयोः = of the two
तु = but
कर्मसंन्यासात् = in comparison to the renunciation of fruitive work
कर्मयोगः = work in devotion
विशिष्यते = is better.
ज्ञेयः = should be known
सः = he
नित्य = always
संन्यासी = renouncer
यः = who
न = never
द्वेष्टि = abhors
न = nor
काङ्क्षति = desires
निर्द्वन्द्वः = free from all dualities
हि = certainly
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed one
सुखं = happily
बन्धात् = from bondage
प्रमुच्यते = is completely liberated.
साङ्ख्य = analytical study of the material world
योगौ = work in devotional service
पृथक् = different
बालाः = the less intelligent
प्रवदन्ति = say
न = never
पण्डिताः = the learned
एकं = in one
अपि = even
आस्थितः = being situated
सम्यक् = complete
उभयोः = of both
विन्दते = enjoys
फलं = the result.
यत् = what
साङ्ख्यैः = by means of Sankhya philosophy
प्राप्यते = is achieved
स्थानं = place
तत् = that
योगैः = by devotional service
अपि = also
गम्यते = one can attain
एकं = one
साङ्ख्यं = analytical study
च = and
योगं = action in devotion
च = and
यः = one who
पश्यति = sees
सः = he
पश्यति = actually sees.
संन्यासः = the renounced order of life
तु = but
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed one
दुःखं = distress
आप्तुं = afflicts one with
अयोगतः = without devotional service
योगयुक्तः = one engaged in devotional service
मुनिः = a thinker
ब्रह्म = the Supreme
न चिरेण = without delay
अधिगच्छति = attains.
योगयुक्तः = engaged in devotional service
विशुद्धात्मा = a purified soul
विजितात्मा = self-controlled
जितेन्द्रियः = having conquered the senses
सर्वभूत = to all living entities
आत्मभूतात्मा = compassionate
कुर्वन्नपि = although engaged in work
न = never
लिप्यते = is entangled.
न = never
एव = certainly
किञ्चित् = anything
करोमि = I do
इति = thus
युक्तः = engaged in the divine consciousness
मन्येत = thinks
तत्त्ववित् = one who knows the truth
पश्यन् = seeing
श‍ृण्वन् = hearing
स्पृशन् = touching
जिघ्रन् = smelling
अश्नन् = eating
गच्छन् = going
स्वपन् = dreaming
श्वसन् = breathing
प्रलपन् = talking
विसृजन् = giving up
गृह्णन् = accepting
उन्मिषन् = opening
निमिषन् = closing
अपि = in spite of
इन्द्रियाणि = the senses
इन्द्रियार्थेषु = in sense gratification
वर्तन्ते = let them be so engaged
इति = thus
धारयन् = considering.
ब्रह्मणि = unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
आधाय = resigning
कर्माणि = all works
सङ्गं = attachment
त्यक्त्वा = giving up
करोति = performs
यः = who
लिप्यते = is affected
न = never
सः = he
पापेन = by sin
पद्मपत्रं = a lotus leaf
इव = like
अम्भसा = by the water.
कायेन = with the body
मनसा = with the mind
बुद्ध्या = with the intelligence
केवलैः = purified
इन्द्रियैः = with the senses
अपि = even
योगिनः = KRiShNa conscious persons
कर्म = actions
कुर्वन्ति = they perform
सङ्गं = attachment
त्यक्त्वा = giving up
आत्म = of the self
शुद्धये = for the purpose of purification.
युक्तः = one who is engaged in devotional service
कर्मफलं = the results of all activities
त्यक्त्वा = giving up
शन्तिं = perfect peace
आप्नोति = achieves
नैष्ठिकीं = unflinching
अयुक्तः = one who is not in KRiShNa consciousness
कामकारेण = for enjoying the result of work
फले = in the result
सक्ताः = attached
निबध्यते = becomes entangled.
सर्व = all
कर्माणि = activities
मनसा = by the mind
संन्यस्य = giving up
आस्ते = remains
सुखं = in happiness
वशी = one who is controlled
नवद्वारे = in the place where there are nine gates
पुरे = in the city
देही = the embodied soul
न = never
एव = certainly
कुर्वन् = doing anything
न = not
कारयन् = causing to be done.
न = never
कर्तृत्वं = proprietorship
न = nor
कर्माणि = activities
लोकस्य = of the people
सृजति = creates
प्रभुः = the master of the city of the body
न = nor
कर्मफल = with the results of activities
संयोगं = connection
स्वभावः = the modes of material nature
तु = but
प्रवर्तते = act.
न = never
आदत्ते = accepts
कस्यचित् = anyone’s
पापं = sin
न = nor
च = also
एव = certainly
सुकृतं = pious activities
विभुः = the Supreme Lord
अज्ञानेन = by ignorance
आवृतं = covered
ज्ञानं = knowledge
तेन = by that
मुह्यन्ति = are bewildered
जन्तवः = the living entities.
ज्ञानेन = by knowledge
तु = but
तत् = that
अज्ञानं = nescience
येषां = whose
नाशितं = is destroyed
आत्मनः = of the living entity
तेषां = their
आदित्यवत् = like the rising sun
ज्ञानं = knowledge
प्रकाशयति = discloses
तत्परं = KRiShNa consciousness.
तत्बुद्धयः = those whose intelligence is always in the Supreme
तदात्मानः = those whose minds are always in the Supreme
तन्निष्ठाः = those whose faith is only meant for the Supreme
तत्परायणः = who have completely taken shelter of Him
गच्छन्ति = go
अपुनरावृत्तिं = to liberation
ज्ञान = by knowledge
निर्धूत = cleansed
कल्मषाः = misgivings.
विद्या = with education
विनय = and gentleness
सम्पन्ने = fully equipped
ब्राह्मणे = in the brahmana
गवि = in the cow
हस्तिनि = in the elephant
शुनि = in the dog
च = and
एव = certainly
श्वपाके = in the dog-eater (the outcaste)
च = respectively
पण्डिताः = those who are wise
समदर्शिनः = who see with equal vision.
इह = in this life
एव = certainly
तैः = by them
जितः = conquered
सर्गः = birth and death
येषां = whose
साम्ये = in equanimity
स्थितं = situated
मनः = mind
निर्दोषं = flawless
हि = certainly
समं = in equanimity
ब्रह्म = like the Supreme
तस्मात् = therefore
ब्रह्मणि = in the Supreme
ते = they
स्थिताः = are situated.
न = never
प्रहृष्येत् = rejoices
प्रियं = the pleasant
प्राप्य = achieving
न = does not
उद्विजेत् = become agitated
प्राप्य = obtaining
च = also
अप्रियं = the unpleasant
स्थिरबुद्धिः = self-intelligent
असम्मूढाः = unbewildered
ब्रह्मवित् = one who knows the Supreme perfectly
ब्रह्मणि = in the transcendence
स्थितः = situated.
बाह्यस्पर्शेषु = in external sense pleasure
असक्तात्मा = one who is not attached
विन्दति = enjoys
आत्मनि = in the self
यत् = that which
सुखं = happiness
सः = he
ब्रह्मयोग = by concentration in Brahman
युक्तात्मा = self-connected
सुखं = happiness
अक्षयं = unlimited
अश्नुते = enjoys.
ये = those
हि = certainly
संस्पर्शजाः = by contact with the material senses
भोगाः = enjoyments
दुःख = distress
योनयः = sources of
एव = certainly
ते = they are
आदि = beginning
अन्त = end
वन्तः = subject to
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
न = never
तेषु = in those
रमते = takes delight
बुधः = the intelligent person.
शक्नोति = is able
इहैव = in the present body
यः = one who
सोढुं = to tolerate
प्राक् = before
शरीर = the body
विमोक्षणात् = giving up
काम = desire
क्रोध = and anger
उद्भवं = generated from
वेगं = urges
सः = he
युक्तः = in trance
सः = he
सुखी = happy
नरः = human being.
यः = one who
अन्तर्सुखः = happy from within
अन्तरारामः = actively enjoying within
तथा = as well as
अन्तर्ज्योतिः = aiming within
एव = certainly
यः = anyone
सः = he
योगी = a mystic
ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं = liberation in the Supreme
ब्रह्मभूतः = being self-realized
अधिगच्छति = attains.
लभन्ते = achieve
ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं = liberation in the Supreme
ऋषयः = those who are active within
क्षीणकल्मषाः = who are devoid of all sins
छिन्न = having torn off
द्वैधाः = duality
यतात्मनाः = engaged in self-realization
सर्वभूत = for all living entities
हिते = in welfare work
रताः = engaged.
काम = from desires
क्रोध = and anger
विमुक्तानां = of those who are liberated
यतीनां = of the saintly persons
यतचेतसां = who have full control over the mind
अभितः = assured in the near future
ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं = liberation in the Supreme
वर्तते = is there
विदितात्मनां = of those who are self-realized.
स्पर्शान् = sense objects, such as sound
कृत्वा = keeping
बहिः = external
बाह्यान् = unnecessary
चक्षुः = eyes
च = also
एव = certainly
अन्तरे = between
भ्रुवोः = the eyebrows
प्राणापानौ = up-and down-moving air
समौ = in suspension
कृत्वा = keeping
नासाभ्यन्तर = within the nostrils
चारिणौ = blowing
यत = controlled
इन्द्रिय = senses
मनः = mind
बुद्धिः = intelligence
मुनिः = the transcendentalist
मोक्ष = for liberation
परायणः = being so destined
विगत = having discarded
इच्छा = wishes
भय = fear
क्रोधः = anger
यः = one who
सदा = always
मुक्तः = liberated
एव = certainly
सः = he is.
भोक्तारं = the beneficiary
यज्ञ = of sacrifices
तपसां = and penances and austerities
सर्वलोक = of all planets and the demigods thereof
महेश्वरं = the Supreme Lord
सुहृदं = the benefactor
सर्व = of all
भूतानां = the living entities
ज्ञात्वा = thus knowing
मां = Me (Lord KRiShNa)
शान्तिं = relief from material pangs
ऋच्छति = one achieves.

End of 5.29

श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Lord said
अनाश्रितः = without taking shelter
कर्मफलं = of the result of work
कार्यं = obligatory
कर्म = work
करोति = performs
यः = one who
सः = he
संन्यासी = in the renounced order
च = also
योगी = mystic
च = also
न = not
निः = without
अग्निः = fire
न = nor
च = also
अक्रियाः = without duty.
यं = what
संन्यासं = renunciation
इति = thus
प्राहुः = they say
योगं = linking with the Supreme
तं = that
विद्धि = you must know
पाण्डव = O son of Pandu
न = never
हि = certainly
असंन्यस्त = without giving up
सङ्कल्पः = desire for self-satisfaction
योगी = a mystic transcendentalist
भवति = becomes
कश्चन = anyone.
आरुरुक्षोः = who has just begun yoga
मुनेः = of the sage
योगं = the eightfold yoga system
कर्म = work
कारणं = the means
उच्यते = is said to be
योग = eightfold yoga
आरूढस्य = of one who has attained
तस्य = his
एव = certainly
शमः = cessation of all material activities
करणं = the means
उच्यते = is said to be.
यदा = when
हि = certainly
न = not
इन्द्रियार्थेषु = in sense gratification
न = never
कर्मसु = in fruitive activities
अनुषज्जते = one necessarily engages
सर्वसङ्कल्प = of all material desires
संन्यासी = renouncer
योगारूढः = elevated in yoga
तदा = at that time
उच्यते = is said to be.
उद्धरेत् = one must deliver
आत्मना = by the mind
आत्मानं = the conditioned soul
न = never
आत्मानं = the conditioned soul
अवसादयेत् = put into degradation
आत्मा = mind
एव = certainly
हि = indeed
आत्मनः = of the conditioned soul
बन्धुः = friend
आत्मा = mind
एव = certainly
रिपुः = enemy
आत्मनः = of the conditioned soul.
बन्धुः = friend
आत्मा = the mind
आत्मनः = of the living entity
तस्य = of him
येन = by whom
आत्मा = the mind
एव = certainly
आत्मना = by the living entity
जितः = conquered
अनात्मनः = of one who has failed to control the mind
तु = but
शत्रुत्वे = because of enmity
वर्तेत = remains
आत्मैव = the very mind
शत्रुवत् = as an enemy.
जितात्मनः = of one who has conquered his mind
प्रशान्तस्य = who has attained tranquillity by such control over the mind
परमात्मा = the Supersoul
समाहितः = approached completely
शीत = in cold
उष्ण = heat
सुख = happiness
दुःखेषु = and distress
तथा = also
मान = in honor
अपमानयोः = and dishonor.
ज्ञान = by acquired knowledge
विज्ञान = and realized knowledge
तृप्त = satisfied
आत्मा = a living entity
कूटस्थः = spiritually situated
विजितेन्द्रियः = sensually controlled
युक्तः = competent for self-realization
इति = thus
उच्यते = is said
योगी = a mystic
सम = equipoised
लोष्ट्र = pebbles
अश्म = stone
काञ्चनः = gold.
सुहृत् = to well-wishers by nature
मित्र = benefactors with affection
अरि = enemies
उदासीन = neutrals between belligerents
मध्यस्थ = mediators between belligerents
द्वेष्य = the envious
बन्धुषु = and the relatives or well-wishers
साधुषु = unto the pious
अपि = as well as
च = and
पापेषु = unto the sinners
समबुद्धिः = having equal intelligence
विशिष्यते = is far advanced.
योगी = a transcendentalist
युञ्जीत = must concentrate in KRiShNa consciousness
सततं = constantly
आत्मानं = himself (by body, mind and self)
रहसि = in a secluded place
स्थितः = being situated
एकाकी = alone
यतचित्तात्मा = always careful in mind
निराशीः = without being attracted by anything else
अपरिग्रहः = free from the feeling of possessiveness.
शुचौ = in a sanctified
देशे = land
प्रतिष्ठाप्य = placing
स्थिरं = firm
आसनं = seat
आत्मनः = his own
न = not
अति = too
उच्छ्रितं = high
न = nor
अति = too
नीचं = low
चैलाजिन = of soft cloth and deerskin
कुश = and kusa grass
उत्तरं = covering
तत्र = thereupon
एकाग्रं = with one attention
मनः = mind
कृत्वा = making
यतचित्त = controlling the mind
इन्द्रिय = senses
क्रियः = and activities
उपविश्य = sitting
आसने = on the seat
युञ्ज्यात् = should execute
योगं = yoga practice
आत्मा = the heart
विशुद्धये = for clarifying.
समं = straight
काय = body
शिरः = head
ग्रीवं = neck
धारयन् = holding
अचलं = unmoving
स्थिरः = still
सम्प्रेक्ष्य = looking
नासिका = of the nose
अग्रं = at the tip
स्वं = own
दिशः = on all sides
च = also
अनवलोकयान् = not looking
प्रशान्त = unagitated
आत्मा = mind
विगतभीः = devoid of fear
ब्रह्मचारिव्रते = in the vow of celibacy
स्थितः = situated
मनः = mind
संयम्य = completely subduing
मत् = upon Me (KRiShNa)
चित्तः = concentrating the mind
युक्तः = the actual yogi
आसीत = should sit
मत् = Me
परः = the ultimate goal.
युञ्जन् = practicing
एवं = as mentioned above
सदा = constantly
आत्मानं = body, mind and soul
योगी = the mystic transcendentalist
नियतमनसः = with a regulated mind
शान्तिं = peace
निर्वाणपरमां = cessation of material existence
मत्संस्थां = the spiritual sky (the kingdom of God)
अधिगच्छति = does attain.
न = never
अति = too much
अश्नतः = of one who eats
तु = but
योगः = linking with the Supreme
अस्ति = there is
न = nor
च = also
एकान्तं = overly
अनश्नतः = abstaining from eating
न = nor
च = also
अति = too much
स्वप्नशीलस्य = of one who sleeps
जग्रतः = or one who keeps night watch too much
न = not
एव = ever
च = and
अर्जुन = O Arjuna.
युक्त = regulated
आहार = eating
विहारस्य = recreation
युक्त = regulated
चेष्टस्य = of one who works for maintenance
कर्मसु = in discharging duties
युक्त = regulated
स्वप्नावबोधस्य = sleep and wakefulness
योगः = practice of yoga
भवति = becomes
दुःखहा = diminishing pains.
यदा = when
विनियतं = particularly disciplined
चित्तं = the mind and its activities
आत्मनि = in the transcendence
एव = certainly
अवतिष्ठते = becomes situated
निस्पृहः = devoid of desire
सर्व = for all kinds of
कामेभ्यः = material sense gratification
युक्तः = well situated in yoga
इति = thus
उच्यते = is said to be
तदा = at that time.
यथा = as
दीपः = a lamp
निवातस्थः = in a place without wind
न = does not
इङ्गते = waver
सा = this
उपमा = comparison
स्मृता = is considered
योगिनः = of the yogi
यतचित्तस्य = whose mind is controlled
युञ्जतः = constantly engaged
योगं = in meditation
आत्मनः = on transcendence.
यत्र = in that state of affairs where
उपरमते = cease (because one feels transcendental happiness)
चित्तं = mental activities
निरुद्धं = being restrained from matter
योगसेवया = by performance of yoga
यत्र = in which
च = also
एव = certainly
आत्मना = by the pure mind
आत्मानं = the self
पश्यन् = realizing the position of
आत्मनि = in the self
तुष्यति = one becomes satisfied
सुखं = happiness
आत्यन्तिकं = supreme
यत् = which
तत् = that
बुद्धि = by intelligence
ग्राह्यं = accessible
अतीन्द्रियं = transcendental
वेत्ति = one knows
यत्र = wherein
न = never
च = also
एव = certainly
अयं = he
स्थितः = situated
चलति = moves
तत्त्वतः = from the truth
यं = that which
लब्ध्वा = by attainment
च = also
अपरं = any other
लाभं = gain
मन्यते = considers
न = never
अधिकं = more
ततः = than that
यस्मिन् = in which
स्थितः = being situated
न = never
दुःखेन = by miseries
गुरुणापि = even though very difficult
विचाल्यते = becomes shaken
तं = that
विद्यात् = you must know
दुःखसंयोग = of the miseries of material contact
वियोगं = extermination
योगसंज्ञितं = called trance in yoga.
सः = that
निश्चयेन = with firm determination
योक्तव्यः = must be practiced
योगः = yoga system
अनिर्विण्णचेतस = without deviation
सङ्कल्प = mental speculations
प्रभवान् = born of
कामान् = material desires
त्यक्त्वा = giving up
सर्वान् = all
अशेषतः = completely
मनसा = by the mind
एव = certainly
इन्द्रियग्रामं = the full set of senses
विनियम्य = regulating
समन्ततः = from all sides.
शनैः = gradually
शनैः = step by step
उपरमेत् = one should hold back
बुद्ध्या = by intelligence
धृतिगृहीतया = carried by conviction
आत्मसंस्थं = placed in transcendence
मनः = mind
कृत्वा = making
न = not
किञ्चित् = anything else
अपि = even
चिन्तयेत् = should think of.
यतस्यतः = wherever
निश्चलति = becomes verily agitated
मनः = the mind
चञ्चलं = flickering
अस्थिरं = unsteady
ततस्ततः = from there
नियम्य = regulating
एतत् = this
आत्मनि = in the self
एव = certainly
वशं = control
नयेत् = must bring under.
प्रशान्त = peaceful, fixed on the lotus feet of KRiShNa
मनसं = whose mind
हि = certainly
एनं = this
योगिनं = yogi
सुखं = happiness
उत्तमं = the highest
उपैति = attains
शान्तरजसं = his passion pacified
ब्रह्मभूतं = liberation by identification with the Absolute
अकल्मषं = freed from all past sinful reactions.
युञ्जन् = engaging in yoga practice
एवं = thus
सदा = always
आत्मानं = the self
योगी = one who is in touch with the Supreme Self
विगत = freed from
कल्मषः = all material contamination
सुखेन = in transcendental happiness
ब्रह्मसंस्पर्शं = being in constant touch with the Supreme
अत्यन्तं = the highest
सुखं = happiness
अश्नुते = attains.
सर्वभूतस्थं = situated in all beings
आत्मानं = the Supersoul
सर्व = all
भूतानी = entities
च = also
आत्मनि = in the self
ईक्षते = does see
योगयुक्तात्मा = one who is dovetailed in KRiShNa consciousness
सर्वत्र = everywhere
समदर्शनः = seeing equally.
यः = whoever
मां = Me
पश्यति = sees
सर्वत्र = everywhere
सर्वं = everything
च = and
मयि = in Me
पश्यति = sees
तस्य = for him
अहं = I
न = not
प्रणश्यामि = am lost
सः = he
च = also
मे = to Me
न = nor
प्रणश्यति = is lost.
सर्वभूतस्थितं = situated in everyone’s heart
यः = he who
मां = Me
भजति = serves in devotional service
एकत्वं = in oneness
आस्थितः = situated
सर्वथा = in all respects
वर्तमानः = being situated
अपि = in spite of
सः = he
योगी = the transcendentalist
मयि = in Me
वर्तते = remains.
आत्मा = with his self
औपम्येन = by comparison
सर्वत्र = everywhere
समं = equally
पश्यति = sees
यः = he who
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
सुखं = happiness
वा = or
यदि = if
वा = or
दुःखं = distress
सः = such
योगी = a transcendentalist
परमः = perfect
मतः = is considered.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
योऽयं = this system
योगः = mysticism
त्वया = by You
प्रोक्तः = described
साम्येन = generally
मधुसूदन = O killer of the demon Madhu
एतस्य = of this
अहं = I
न = do not
पश्यामि = see
चञ्चलत्वात् = due to being restless
स्थितिं = situation
स्थिरां = stable.
चञ्चलं = flickering
हि = certainly
मनः = mind
कृष्ण = O KRiShNa
प्रमाथि = agitating
बलवत् = strong
दृढं = obstinate
तस्य = its
अहं = I
निग्रहं = subduing
मन्ये = think
वायोः = of the wind
इव = like
सुदुष्करं = difficult.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Personality of Godhead said
असंशयं = undoubtedly
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed one
मनः = the mind
दुर्निग्रहं = difficult to curb
चलं = flickering
अभ्यासेन = by practice
तु = but
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
वैराग्येण = by detachment
च = also
गृह्यते = can be so controlled.
असंयता = unbridled
आत्मना = by the mind
योगः = self-realization
दुष्प्रापः = difficult to obtain
इति = thus
मे = My
मतिः = opinion
वश्य = controlled
आत्मना = by the mind
तु = but
यतता = while endeavoring
शक्यः = practical
अवाप्तुं = to achieve
उपायतः = by appropriate means.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
अयतिः = the unsuccessful transcendentalist
श्रद्धया = with faith
उपेतः = engaged
योगात् = from the mystic link
चलित = deviated
मानसः = who has such a mind
अप्राप्य = failing to attain
योगसंसिद्धिं = the highest perfection in mysticism
कां = which
गतिं = destination
कृष्ण = O KRiShNa
गच्छति = achieves.
कच्चित् = whether
न = not
उभय = both
विभ्रष्टः = deviated from
छिन्न = torn
अभ्रं = cloud
इव = like
नश्यति = perishes
अप्रतिष्ठः = without any position
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed KRiShNa
विमूढः = bewildered
ब्रह्मणः = of transcendence
पथि = on the path.
एतत् = this is
मे = my
संशयं = doubt
कृष्ण = O KRiShNa
छेत्तुं = to dispel
अर्हसि = You are requested
अशेषतः = completely
त्वत् = than You
अन्यः = other
संशयस्य = of the doubt
अस्य = this
छेत्ता = remover
न = never
हि = certainly
उपपद्यते = is to be found.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
नैव = never is it so
इह = in this material world
न = never
अमुत्र = in the next life
विनाशः = destruction
तस्य = his
विद्यते = exists
न = never
हि = certainly
कल्याणकृत् = one who is engaged in auspicious activities
कश्चित् = anyone
दुर्गतिं = to degradation
तात = My friend
गच्छति = goes.
प्राप्य = after achieving
पुण्यकृतं = of those who performed pious activities
लोकान् = planets
उषित्वा = after dwelling
शाश्वतीः = many
समाः = years
शुचीनां = of the pious
श्रीमतं = of the prosperous
गेहे = in the house
योगभ्रष्टः = one who has fallen from the path of self-realization
अभिजायते = takes his birth.
अथवा = or
योगिनां = of learned transcendentalists
एव = certainly
कुले = in the family
भवति = takes birth
धीमतां = of those who are endowed with great wisdom
एतत् = this
हि = certainly
दुर्लभतरं = very rare
लोके = in this world
जन्म = birth
यत् = that which
ईदृषं = like this.
तत्र = thereupon
तं = that
बुद्धिसंयोगं = revival of consciousness
लभते = gains
पौर्वदेहिकं = from the previous body
यतते = he endeavors
च = also
ततः = thereafter
भूयः = again
संसिद्धौ = for perfection
कुरुनन्दन = O son of Kuru.
पूर्व = previous
अभ्यासेन = by practice
तेन = by that
एव = certainly
ह्रियते = is attracted
हि = surely
अवशः = automatically
अपि = also
सः = he
जिज्ञासुः = inquisitive
अपि = even
योगस्य = about yoga
शब्दब्रह्म = ritualistic principles of scriptures
अतिवर्तते = transcends.
प्रयत्नात् = by rigid practice
यतमानः = endeavoring
तु = and
योगी = such a transcendentalist
संशुद्ध = washed off
किल्बिषः = all of whose sins
अनेक = after many, many
जन्म = births
संसिद्धः = having achieved perfection
ततः = thereafter
याति = attains
परां = the highest
गतिं = destination.
तपस्विभ्यः = than the ascetics
अधिकः = greater
योगी = the yogi
ज्ञानिभ्यः = than the wise
अपि = also
मतः = considered
अधिकः = greater
कर्मिभ्यः = than the fruitive workers
च = also
अधिकः = greater
योगी = the yogi
तस्मात् = therefore
योगी = a transcendentalist
भव = just become
अर्जुन = O Arjuna.
योगिनां = of yogis
अपि = also
सर्वेषां = all types of
मद्गतेन = abiding in Me, always thinking of Me
अन्तरात्मना = within himself
श्रद्धावान् = in full faith
भजते = renders transcendental loving service
यः = one who
मां = to Me (the Supreme Lord)
सः = he
मे = by Me
युक्ततमः = the greatest yogi
मतः = is considered.

End of 6.47

श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Lord said
मयि = to Me
आसक्तमनाः = mind attached
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
योगं = self-realization
युञ्जन् = practicing
मदाश्रयः = in consciousness of Me (KRiShNa consciousness)
असंशयं = without doubt
समग्रं = completely
मां = Me
यथा = how
ज्ञास्यसि = you can know
तत् = that
श‍ृणु = try to hear.
ज्ञानं = phenomenal knowledge
ते = unto you
अहं = I
स = with
विज्ञानं = numinous knowledge
इदं = this
वक्ष्यामि = shall explain
अशेषतः = in full
यत् = which
ज्ञात्वा = knowing
न = not
इह = in this world
भूयः = further
अन्यत् = anything more
ज्ञातव्यं = knowable
अवशिष्यते = remains.
मनुष्याणां = of men
सहस्रेषु = out of many thousands
कश्चित् = someone
यतति = endeavors
सिद्धये = for perfection
यततां = of those so endeavoring
अपि = indeed
सिद्धानां = of those who have achieved perfection
कश्चित् = someone
मां = Me
वेत्ति = does know
तत्त्वतः = in fact.
भूमिः = earth
आपः = water
अनलः = fire
वायुः = air
खं = ether
मनः = mind
बुद्धिः = intelligence
एव = certainly
च = and
अहङ्कारः = false ego
इति = thus
इयं = all these
मे = My
भिन्ना = separated
प्रकृतिः = energies
अष्टधा = eightfold.
अपरा = inferior
इयं = this
इतः = besides this
तु = but
अन्यां = another
प्रकृतिं = energy
विद्धि = just try to understand
मे = My
परं = superior
जिवभूतां = comprising the living entities
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed one
यया = by whom
इदं = this
धार्यते = is utilized or exploited
जगत् = the material world.
एतत् = these two natures
योनीनि = whose source of birth
भूतानि = everything created
सर्वाणि = all
इति = thus
उपधारय = know
अहं = I
कृत्स्नस्य = all-inclusive
जगतः = of the world
प्रभवः = the source of manifestation
प्रलयः = annihilation
तथा = as well as.
मत्तः = beyond Me
परतरं = superior
न = not
अन्यत् किञ्चित् = anything else
अस्ति = there is
धनञ्जय = O conqueror of wealth
मयि = in Me
सर्वं = all that be
इदं = which we see
प्रोतं = is strung
सूत्रे = on a thread
मणिगणाः = pearls
इव = like.
रसः = taste
अहं = I
अप्सु = in water
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
प्रभा = the light
अस्मि = I am
शशिसूर्ययोः = of the moon and the sun
प्रणवः = the three letters a-u-m
सर्व = in all
वेदेषु = the Vedas
शब्दः = sound vibration
खे = in the ether
पौरुषं = ability
नृषु = in men.
पुण्यः = original
गन्धः = fragrance
पृथिव्यां = in the earth
च = also
तेजः = heat
च = also
अस्मि = I am
विभावसौ = in the fire
जीवनं = life
सर्व = in all
भूतेषु = living entities
तपः = penance
च = also
अस्मि = I am
तपस्विषु = in those who practice penance.
बीजं = the seed
मां = Me
सर्वभूतानां = of all living entities
विद्धि = try to understand
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
सनातनं = original, eternal
बुद्धिः = intelligence
बुद्धिमतां = of the intelligent
अस्मि = I am
तेजः = prowess
तेजस्विनां = of the powerful
अहं = I am.
बलं = strength
बलवतां = of the strong
च = and
अहं = I am
काम = passion
राग = and attachment
विवर्जितं = devoid of
धर्माविरुद्धः = not against religious principles
भूतेषु = in all beings
कामः = sex life
अस्मि = I am
भरतर्षभ = O lord of the Bharatas.
ये = all which
च = and
एव = certainly
सात्त्विकाः = in goodness
भावः = states of being
राजसः = in the mode of passion
तामसाः = in the mode of ignorance
च = also
ये = all which
मत्तः = from Me
एव = certainly
इति = thus
तान् = those
विद्धि = try to know
न = not
तु = but
अहं = I
तेषु = in them
ते = they
मयि = in Me.
त्रिभिः = three
गुणमयैः = consisting of the gunas
भावैः = by the states of being
एभिः = all these
सर्वं = whole
इदं = this
जगत् = universe
मोहितं = deluded
नाभिजानाति = does not know
मां = Me
एभ्यः = above these
परं = the Supreme
अव्ययं = inexhaustible.
दैवी = transcendental
हि = certainly
एषा = this
गुणमयी = consisting of the three modes of material nature
मम = My
माया = energy
दुरत्यया = very difficult to overcome
मां = unto Me
एव = certainly
ये = those who
प्रपद्यन्ते = surrender
मायामेतां = this illusory energy
तरन्ति = overcome
ते = they.
न = not
मां = unto Me
दुष्कृतिनः = miscreants
मूढः = foolish
प्रपद्यन्ते = surrender
नराधमाः = lowest among mankind
मायया = by the illusory energy
अपहृत = stolen
ज्ञानः = whose knowledge
आसुरं = demonic
भावं = nature
आश्रिताः = accepting.
चतुर्विधाः = four kinds of
भजन्ते = render services
मां = unto Me
जनाः = persons
सुकृतिनः = those who are pious
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
आर्तः = the distressed
जिज्ञासुः = the inquisitive
अर्थार्थी = one who desires material gain
ज्ञानी = one who knows things as they are
च = also
भरतर्षभ = O great one amongst the descendants of Bharata.
तेषां = out of them
ज्ञानी = one in full knowledge
नित्ययुक्तः = always engaged
एक = only
भक्तिः = in devotional service
विशिष्यते = is special
प्रियः = very dear
हि = certainly
ज्ञानिनः = to the person in knowledge
अत्यर्थं = highly
अहं = I am
सः = he
च = also
मम = to Me
प्रियः = dear.
उदाराः = magnanimous
सर्व = all
एव = certainly
एते = these
ज्ञानी = one who is in knowledge
तु = but
आत्मैव = just like Myself
मे = My
मतं = opinion
आस्थितः = situated
सः = he
हि = certainly
युक्तात्मा = engaged in devotional service
मां = in Me
एव = certainly
अनुत्तमां = the highest
गतिं = destination.
बहूनां = many
जन्मनां = repeated births and deaths
अन्ते = after
ज्ञानवान् = one who is in full knowledge
मां = unto Me
प्रपद्यते = surrenders
वासुदेवः = the Personality of Godhead, KRiShNa
सर्वं = everything
इति = thus
सः = that
महात्मा = great soul
सुदुर्लभः = very rare to see.
कामैः = by desires
तैस्तैः = various
हृत = deprived of
ज्ञानाः = knowledge
प्रपद्यन्ते = surrender
अन्य = to other
देवताः = demigods
तं तं = corresponding
नियमं = regulations
आस्थाय = following
प्रकृत्या = by nature
नियताः = controlled
स्वया = by their own.
यस्य = whoever
यां यां = whichever
तनुं = form of a demigod
भक्तः = devotee
श्रद्धया = with faith
अर्चितुं = to worship
इच्छति = desires
तस्य तस्य = to him
अचलं = steady
श्रद्धां = faith
तां = that
एव = surely
विदधामि = give
अहं = I.
सः = he
तया = with that
श्रद्धया = inspiration
युक्तः = endowed
तस्य = of that demigod
आराधनं = for the worship
ईहते = he aspires
लभते = obtains
च = and
ततः = from that
कामान् = his desires
मया = by Me
एव = alone
विहितान् = arranged
हि = certainly
तान् = those.
अन्तवत् = perishable
तु = but
फलं = fruit
तेषां = their
तत् = that
भवति = becomes
अल्पमेधसां = of those of small intelligence
देवान् = to the demigods
देवयजः = the worshipers of the demigods
यान्ति = go
मत् = My
भक्ताः = devotees
यान्ति = go
मां = to Me
अपि = also.
अव्यक्तं = nonmanifested
व्यक्तिं = personality
आपन्नं = achieved
मन्यन्ते = think
मां = Me
अबुद्धयः = less intelligent persons
परं = supreme
भावं = existence
अजानन्तः = without knowing
मम = My
अव्ययं = imperishable
अनुत्तमं = the finest.
न = nor
अहं = I
प्रकाशः = manifest
सर्वस्य = to everyone
योगमाया = by internal potency
समावृतः = covered
मूढः = foolish
अयं = these
न = not
अभिजानाति = can understand
लोकः = persons
मां = Me
अजं = unborn
अव्ययं = inexhaustible.
वेद = know
अहं = I
समतीतानि = completely past
वर्तमानानि = present
च = and
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
भविष्याणि = future
च = also
भूतानी = all living entities
मां = Me
तु = but
वेद = knows
न = not
कश्चन = anyone.
इच्छा = desire
द्वेष = and hate
समुत्थेन = arisen from
द्वन्द्व = of duality
मोहेन = by the illusion
भारत = O scion of Bharata
सर्व = all
भूतानी = living entities
सम्मोहं = into delusion
सर्गे = while taking birth
यान्ति = go
परन्तप = O conqueror of enemies.
येषां = whose
तु = but
अन्तगतं = completely eradicated
पापं = sin
जनानां = of the persons
पुण्य = pious
कर्मणां = whose previous activities
ते = they
द्वन्द्व = of duality
मोह = delusion
निर्मुक्ताः = free from
भजन्ते = engage in devotional service
मां = to Me
दृढव्रताः = with determination.
जरा = from old age
मरण = and death
मोक्षाय = for the purpose of liberation
मां = Me
आश्रित्य = taking shelter of
यतन्ति = endeavor
ये = all those who
ते = such persons
ब्रह्म = Brahman
तत् = actually that
विदुः = they know
कृत्स्नं = everything
अध्यात्मं = transcendental
कर्म = activities
च = also
अखिलं = entirely.
साधिभूत = and the governing principle of the material manifestation
अधिदैवं = governing all the demigods
मां = Me
साधियज्ञं = and governing all sacrifices
च = also
ये = those who
विदुः = know
प्रयाण = of death
काले = at the time
अपि = even
च = and
मां = Me
ते = they
विदुः = know
युक्तचेतसः = their minds engaged in Me.

End of 7.30

अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
किं = what
तत् = that
ब्रह्म = Brahman
किं = what
अध्यात्मं = the self
किं = what
कर्म = fruitive activities
पुरुषोत्तम = O Supreme Person
अधिभूतं = the material manifestation
च = and
किं = what
प्रोक्तं = is called
अधिदैवं = the demigods
किं = what
उच्यते = is called.
अधियज्ञः = the Lord of sacrifice
कथं = how
कः = who
अत्र = here
देहे = in the body
अस्मिन् = this
मधुसूदन = O Madhusudana
प्रयाणकाले = at the time of death
च = and
कथं = how
ज्ञेयोसि = You can be known
नियतात्मभिः = by the self-controlled.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
अक्षरं = indestructible
ब्रह्म = Brahman
परमं = transcendental
स्वभावः = eternal nature
अध्यात्मं = the self
उच्यते = is called
भूतभावोद्भवकरः = producing the material bodies of the living entities
विसर्गः = creation
कर्म = fruitive activities
संज्ञितः = is called.
अधिभूतं = the physical manifestation
क्षरः = constantly changing
भावः = nature
पुरुषः = the universal form
च = and
अधिदैवतं = called adhidaiva
अधियज्ञः = the Supersoul
अहं = I (KRiShNa)
एव = certainly
अत्र = in this
देहे = body
देहभृतां = of the embodied
वर = O best.
अन्तकाले = at the end of life
च = also
मां = Me
एव = certainly
स्मरन् = remembering
मुक्त्वा = quitting
कलेवरं = the body
यः = he who
प्रयाति = goes
सः = he
मद्भावं = My nature
याति = achieves
न = not
अस्ति = there is
अत्र = here
संशयः = doubt.
यं यं = whatever
वापि = at all
स्मरन् = remembering
भावं = nature
त्यजति = gives up
अन्ते = at the end
कलेवरं = this body
तं तं = similar
एव = certainly
एति = gets
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
सदा = always
तत् = that
भाव = state of being
भाविताः = remembering.
तस्मात् = therefore
सर्वेषु = at all
कालेषु = times
मां = Me
अनुस्मर = go on remembering
युध्य = fight
च = also
मयि = unto Me
अर्पित = surrendering
मनः = mind
बुद्धिः = intellect
मां = unto Me
एव = surely
एष्यसि = you will attain
असंशयः = beyond a doubt.
अभ्यासयोग = by practice
युक्तेन = being engaged in meditation
चेतसा = by the mind and intelligence
नान्यगामिना = without their being deviated
परमं = the Supreme
पुरुषं = Personality of Godhead
दिव्यं = transcendental
याति = one achieves
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
अनुचिन्तयन् = constantly thinking of.
कविं = the one who knows everything
पुराणं = the oldest
अनुशासितारं = the controller
अणोः = than the atom
अणीयांसं = smaller
अनुस्मरेत् = always thinks of
यः = one who
सर्वस्य = of everything
धातारं = the maintainer
अचिन्त्य = inconceivable
रूपं = whose form
आदित्यवर्णं = luminous like the sun
तमसः = to darkness
परस्तात् = transcendental.
प्रयाणकाले = at the time of death
मनसा = by the mind
अचलेन = without its being deviated
भक्त्या = in full devotion
युक्तः = engaged
योगबलेन = by the power of mystic yoga
च = also
एव = certainly
भ्रुवोः = the two eyebrows
मध्ये = between
प्राणं = the life air
आवेश्य = establishing
सम्यक् = completely
सः = he
तं = that
परं = transcendental
पुरुषं = Personality of Godhead
उपैति = achieves
दिव्यं = in the spiritual kingdom.
यत् = that which
अक्षरं = syllable om
वेदविदः = persons conversant with the Vedas
वदन्ति = say
विशन्ति = enter
यत् = in which
यतयः = great sages
वीतरागाः = in the renounced order of life
यत् = that which
इच्छन्तः = desiring
ब्रह्मचर्यं = celibacy
चरन्ति = practice
तत् = that
ते = unto you
पदं = situation
संग्रहेण = in summary
प्रवक्ष्ये = I shall explain.
सर्वद्वाराणि = all the doors of the body
संयम्य = controlling
मनः = the mind
हृदि = in the heart
निरुध्य = confining
च = also
मूर्ध्नि = on the head
आधाय = fixing
आत्मनः = of the soul
प्राणं = the life air
आस्थितः = situated in
योगधारणां = the yogic situation.
ॐ = the combination of letters om (omkara)
इति = thus
एकाक्षरं = the one syllable
ब्रह्म = absolute
व्याहरन् = vibrating
मां = Me (KRiShNa)
अनुस्मरन् = remembering
यः = anyone who
प्रयाति = leaves
त्यजन् = quitting
देहं = this body
सः = he
याति = achieves
परमां = the supreme
गतिं = destination.
अनन्यचेताः = without deviation of the mind
सततं = always
यः = anyone who
मां = Me (KRiShNa)
स्मरति = remembers
नित्यशः = regularly
तस्य = to him
अहं = I am
सुलभः = very easy to achieve
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
नित्य = regularly
युक्तस्य = engaged
योगिनः = for the devotee.
मां = Me
उपेत्य = achieving
पुनः = again
जन्म = birth
दुःखालयं = place of miseries
अशाश्वतं = temporary
न = never
आप्नुवन्ति = attain
महात्मनः = the great souls
संसिद्धिं = perfection
परमां = ultimate
गताः = having achieved.
आब्रह्मभुवनात् = up to the Brahmaloka planet
लोकाः = the planetary systems
पुनः = again
आवर्तिनः = returning
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
मां = unto Me
उपेत्य = arriving
तु = but
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
पुनर्जन्म = rebirth
न = never
विद्यते = takes place.
सहस्र = one thousand
युग = millenniums
पर्यन्तं = including
अहः = day
यत् = that which
ब्रह्मणः = of Brahma
विदुः = they know
रात्रिं = night
युग = millenniums
सहस्रान्तां = similarly, ending after one thousand
ते = they
अहोरात्र = day and night
विदः = who understand
जनाः = people.
अव्यक्तात् = from the unmanifest
व्यक्तयः = living entities
सर्वः = all
प्रभवन्ति = become manifest
अहरागमे = at the beginning of the day
रात्र्यागमे = at the fall of night
प्रलीयन्ते = are annihilated
तत्र = into that
एव = certainly
अव्यक्त = the unmanifest
संज्ञके = which is called.
भूतग्रामः = the aggregate of all living entities
सः = these
एव = certainly
अयं = this
भूत्वा भूत्वा = repeatedly taking birth
प्रलीयते = is annihilated
रात्रि = of night
आगमे = on the arrival
अवशः = automatically
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
प्रभवति = is manifest
अहः = of daytime
आगमे = on the arrival.
परः = transcendental
तस्मात् = to that
तु = but
भावः = nature
अन्यः = another
अव्यक्तः = unmanifest
अव्यक्तात् = to the unmanifest
सनातनः = eternal
यः सः = that which
सर्वेषु = all
भूतेषु = manifestation
नश्यात्सु = being annihilated
न = never
विनश्यति = is annihilated.
अव्यक्तः = unmanifested
अक्षरः = infallible
इति = thus
उक्तः = is said
तं = that
आहुः = is known
परमां = the ultimate
गतिं = destination
यं = which
प्राप्य = gaining
न = never
निवर्तन्ते = come back
तत् = that
धाम = abode
परमं = supreme
मम = My.
पुरुषः = the Supreme Personality
सः = He
परः = the Supreme, than whom no one is greater
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
भक्त्या = by devotional service
लभ्यः = can be achieved
तु = but
अनन्यया = unalloyed, undeviating
यस्य = whom
अन्तःस्थानि = within
भूतानी = all of this material manifestation
येन = by whom
सर्वं = all
इदं = whatever we can see
ततं = is pervaded.
यत्र = at which
काले = time
तु = and
अनावृत्तिं = no return
आवृत्तिं = return
च = also
एव = certainly
योगिनः = different kinds of mystics
प्रयाताः = having departed
यान्ति = attain
तं = that
कालं = time
वक्ष्यामि = I shall describe
भरतर्षभ = O best of the Bharatas.
अग्निः = fire
ज्योतिः = light
अहः = day
शुक्लः = the white fortnight
षण्मासाः = the six months
उत्तरायणं = when the sun passes on the northern side
तत्र = there
प्रयाताः = those who pass away
गच्छन्ति = go
ब्रह्म = to the Absolute
ब्रह्मविदः = who know the Absolute
जनाः = persons.
धुमः = smoke
रात्रिः = night
तथा = also
कृष्णः = the fortnight of the dark moon
षण्मासाः = the six months
दक्षिणायनं = when the sun passes on the southern side
तत्र = there
चान्द्रमसं = the moon planet
ज्योतिः = the light
योगी = the mystic
प्राप्य = achieving
निवर्तते = comes back.
शुक्ल = light
कृष्णे = and darkness
गति = ways of passing
हि = certainly
एते = these two
जगतः = of the material world
शाश्वते = of the Vedas
मते = in the opinion
एकया = by one
याति = goes
अनावृत्तिं = to no return
अन्यया = by the other
आवर्तते = comes back
पुनः = again.
न = never
एते = these two
सृती = different paths
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
जानन् = even if he knows
योगी = the devotee of the Lord
मुह्यति = is bewildered
कश्चन = any
तस्मात् = therefore
सर्वेषु कालेषु = always
योगयुक्तः = engaged in KRiShNa consciousness
भव = just become
अर्जुन = O Arjuna.
वेदेषु = in the study of the Vedas
यज्ञेषु = in the performances of yajna, sacrifice
तपःसु = in undergoing different types of austerities
च = also
एव = certainly
दानेषु = in giving charities
यत् = that which
पुण्यफलं = result of pious work
प्रदिष्टं = indicated
अत्येति = surpasses
तत् सर्वं = all those
इदं = this
विदित्वा = knowing
योगी = the devotee
परं = supreme
स्थानं = abode
उपैति = achieves
च = also
आद्यं = original.

End of 8.28

श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
इदं = this
तु = but
ते = unto you
गुह्यतमं = the most confidential
प्रवक्ष्यामि = I am speaking
अनसुयवे = to the nonenvious
ज्ञानं = knowledge
विज्ञान = realized knowledge
सहितं = with
यत् = which
ज्ञात्वा = knowing
मोक्ष्यसे = you will be released
अशुभात् = from this miserable material existence.
राजविद्या = the king of education
राजगुह्यं = the king of confidential knowledge
पवित्रं = the purest
इदं = this
उत्तमं = transcendental
प्रत्यक्ष = by direct experience
अवगमं = understood
धर्म्यं = the principle of religion
सुसुखं = very happy
कर्तुं = to execute
अव्ययं = everlasting.
अश्रद्दधानाः = those who are faithless
पुरुषाः = such persons
धर्मस्य = toward the process of religion
अस्य = this
परन्तप = O killer of the enemies
अप्राप्य = without obtaining
मां = Me
निवर्तन्ते = come back
मृत्यु = of death
संसार = in material existence
वर्त्मनि = on the path.
मया = by Me
ततं = pervaded
इदं = this
सर्वं = all
जगत् = cosmic manifestation
अव्यक्तमूर्तिना = by the unmanifested form
मत्स्थानि = in Me
सर्वभूतानी = all living entities
न = not
च = also
अहं = I
तेषु = in them
अवस्थितः = situated.
न = never
च = also
मत्स्थानि = situated in Me
भूतानि = all creation
पश्य = just see
मे = My
योगमैश्वरं = inconceivable mystic power
भूतभृत् = the maintainer of all living entities
न = never
च = also
भूतस्थः = in the cosmic manifestation
मम = My
आत्मा = Self
भूतभावनः = the source of all manifestations.
यथा = just as
आकाशस्थितः = situated in the sky
नित्यं = always
वायुः = the wind
सर्वत्रगः = blowing everywhere
महान् = great
तथा = similarly
सर्वाणि भूतानि = all created beings
मत्स्थानि = situated in Me
इति = thus
उपधारय = try to understand.
सर्वभूतानि = all created entities
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
प्रकृतिं = nature
यान्ति = enter
मामिकां = My
कल्पक्षये = at the end of the millennium
पुनः = again
तानि = all those
कल्पादौ = in the beginning of the millennium
विसृजामि = create
अहं = I.
प्रकृतिं = the material nature
स्वां = of My personal Self
अवष्टभ्य = entering into
विसृजामि = I create
पुनः पुनः = again and again
भूतग्रामं = all the cosmic manifestations
इमं = these
कृत्स्नं = in total
अवसं = automatically
प्रकृतेः = of the force of nature
वशात् = under obligation.
न = never
च = also
मां = Me
तानि = all those
कर्माणि = activities
निबध्नन्ति = bind
धनञ्जय = O conqueror of riches
उदासीनवत् = as neutral
आसिनं = situated
असक्तं = without attraction
तेषु = for those
कर्मसु = activities.
मया = by Me
अध्यक्षेण = by superintendence
प्रकृतिः = material nature
सूयते = manifests
स = with both
चराचरम् = the moving and the nonmoving
हेतुना = for the reason
अनेन = this
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
जगत् = the cosmic manifestation
विपरिवर्तते = is working.
अवजानन्ति = deride
मां = Me
मूढाः = foolish men
मानुषीं = in a human form
तनुं = a body
आश्रितं = assuming
परं = transcendental
भावं = nature
अजानन्तः = not knowing
मम = My
भूत = of everything that be
महेश्वरं = the supreme proprietor.
मोघाशाः = baffled in their hopes
मोघकर्माणः = baffled in fruitive activities
मोघज्ञानाः = baffled in knowledge
विचेतसः = bewildered
राक्षसीं = demonic
आसुरीं = atheistic
च = and
एव = certainly
प्रकृतिं = nature
मोहिनीं = bewildering
श्रिताः = taking shelter of.
महात्मानः = the great souls
तु = but
मां = unto Me
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
दैवीं = divine
प्रकृतिं = nature
आश्रिताः = having taken shelter of
भजन्ति = render service
अनन्यमनसः = without deviation of the mind
ज्ञात्वा = knowing
भूत = of creation
आदिं = the origin
अव्ययं = inexhaustible.
सततं = always
कीर्तयन्तः = chanting
मां = about Me
यतन्तः = fully endeavoring
च = also
दृढव्रताः = with determination
नमस्यन्तः = offering obeisances
च = and
मां = Me
भक्त्या = in devotion
नित्ययुक्ताः = perpetually engaged
उपासते = worship.
ज्ञानयज्ञेन = by cultivation of knowledge
च = also
अपि = certainly
अन्ये = others
यजन्तः = sacrificing
मां = Me
उपासते = worship
एकत्वेन = in oneness
पृथक्त्वेन = in duality
बहुधा = in diversity
विश्वतोमुखं = and in the universal form.
अहं = I
क्रतुः = Vedic ritual
अहं = I
यज्ञः = smrti sacrifice
स्वधा = oblation
अहं = I
अहं = I
औषधं = healing herb
मन्त्रः = transcendental chant
अहं = I
अहं = I
एव = certainly
आज्यं = melted butter
अहं = I
अग्निः = fire
अहं = I
हुतं = offering.
पिता = father
अहं = I
अस्य = of this
जगतः = universe
माता = mother
धाता = supporter
पितामहः = grandfather
वेद्यं = what is to be known
पवित्रं = that which purifies
ॐकार = the syllable om
ऋक् = the Rg Veda
साम = the Sama Veda
यजुः = the Yajur Veda
एव = certainly
च = and.
गतिः = goal
भर्ता = sustainer
प्रभुः = Lord
सक्षी = witness
निवासः = abode
शरणं = refuge
सुहृत् = most intimate friend
प्रभवः = creation
प्रलयः = dissolution
स्थानं = ground
निधानं = resting place
बीजं = seed
अव्ययं = imperishable.
तपामि = give heat
अहं = I
अहं = I
वर्षं = rain
निगृह्णामि = withhold
उत्सृजामि = send forth
च = and
अमृतं = immortality
च = and
एव = certainly
मृत्युः = death
च = and
सत् = spirit
असत् = matter
च = and
अहं = I
अर्जुन = O Arjuna.
त्रैविद्यः = the knowers of the three Vedas
मां = Me
सोमपाः = drinkers of soma juice
पूत = purified
पापाः = of sins
यज्ञैः = with sacrifices
इष्ट्वा = worshiping
स्वर्गतिं = passage to heaven
प्रार्थयन्ते = pray for
ते = they
पुण्यं = pious
आसाद्य = attaining
सुरेन्द्र = of Indra
लोकं = the world
अश्नन्ति = enjoy
दिव्यान् = celestial
दिवि = in heaven
देवभोगान् = the pleasures of the gods.
ते = they
तं = that
भुक्त्वा = enjoying
स्वर्गलोकं = heaven
विशालं = vast
क्षीणे = being exhausted
पुण्ये = the results of their pious activities
मर्त्यलोकं = to the mortal earth
विशन्ति = fall down
एवं = thus
त्रयी = of the three Vedas
धर्मं = doctrines
अनुप्रपन्नाः = following
गतागतं = death and birth
कामकामाः = desiring sense enjoyments
लभन्ते = attain.
अनन्याः = having no other object
चिन्तयन्तः = concentrating
मां = on Me
ये = those who
जनाः = persons
पर्युपासते = properly worship
तेषां = of them
नित्य = always
अभियुक्तानां = fixed in devotion
योग = requirements
क्षेमं = protection
वहामि = carry
अहं = I.
ये = those who
अपि = also
अन्य = of other
देवता = gods
भक्ताः = devotees
यजन्ते = worship
श्रद्धयान्विताः = with faith
ते = they
अपि = also
मां = Me
एव = only
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
यजन्ति = they worship
अविधिपूर्वकं = in a wrong way.
अहं = I
हि = surely
सर्व = of all
यज्ञानां = sacrifices
भोक्ता = the enjoyer
च = and
प्रभुः = the Lord
एव = also
च = and
न = not
तु = but
मां = Me
अभिजानन्ति = they know
तत्त्वेन = in reality
अतः = therefore
च्यवन्ति = fall down
ते = they.
यान्ति = go
देवव्रताः = worshipers of demigods
देवान् = to the demigods
पितॄन् = to the ancestors
यान्ति = go
पितृव्रताः = worshipers of ancestors
भूतानी = to the ghosts and spirits
यान्ति = go
भूतेज्याः = worshipers of ghosts and spirits
यान्ति = go
मत् = My
यजिनः = devotees
अपि = but
मां = unto Me.
पत्रं = a leaf
पुष्पं = a flower
फलं = a fruit
तोयं = water
यः = whoever
मे = unto Me
भक्त्या = with devotion
प्रयच्छति = offers
तत् = that
अहं = I
भक्त्युपहृतं = offered in devotion
अश्नामि = accept
प्रयतात्मनः = from one in pure consciousness.
यत् = whatever
करोसि = you do
यत् = whatever
अश्नासि = you eat
यत् = whatever
जुहोसि = you offer
ददासि = you give away
यत् = whatever
यत् = whatever
तपस्यसि = austerities you perform
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
तत् = that
कुरुष्व = do
मत् = unto Me
अर्पणं = as an offering.
शुभ = from auspicious
अशुभ = and inauspicious
फलैः = results
एवं = thus
मोक्ष्यसे = you will become free
कर्म = of work
बन्धनैः = from the bondage
संन्यास = of renunciation
योग = the yoga
युक्तात्म = having the mind firmly set on
विमुक्तः = liberated
मां = to Me
उपैष्यसि = you will attain.
समः = equally disposed
अहं = I
सर्वभूतेषु = to all living entities
न = no one
मे = to Me
द्वेष्यः = hateful
अस्ति = is
न = nor
प्रियः = dear
ये = those who
भजन्ति = render transcendental service
तु = but
मां = unto Me
भक्त्या = in devotion
मयि = are in Me
ते = such persons
तेषु = in them
च = also
अपि = certainly
अहं = I.
अपि = even
चेत् = if
सुदुराचारः = one committing the most abominable actions
भजते = is engaged in devotional service
मां = unto Me
अनन्यभाक् = without deviation
साधुः = a saint
एव = certainly
सः = he
मन्तव्यः = is to be considered
सम्यक् = completely
व्यवसितः = situated in determination
हि = certainly
सः = he.
क्षिप्रं = very soon
भवति = becomes
धर्मात्मा = righteous
शश्वच्छान्तिं = lasting peace
निगच्छति = attains
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
प्रतिजानीहि = declare
न = never
मे = My
भक्तः = devotee
प्रणश्यति = perishes.
मां = of Me
हि = certainly
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
व्यपाश्रित्य = particularly taking shelter
ये = those who
अपि = also
स्युः = are
पापयोनयः = born of a lower family
स्त्रियः = women
वैश्यः = mercantile people
तथा = also
शूद्रः = lower-class men
तेऽपि = even they
यान्ति = go
परां = to the supreme
गतिं = destination.
किं = how much
पुनः = again
ब्राह्मणाः = brahmanas
पुण्याः = righteous
भक्ताः = devotees
राजर्षयः = saintly kings
तथा = also
अनित्यं = temporary
असुखं = full of miseries
लोकं = planet
इमं = this
प्राप्य = gaining
भजस्व = be engaged in loving service
मां = unto Me.
मन्मनाः = always thinking of Me
भव = become
मत् = My
भक्तः = devotee
मत् = My
याजि = worshiper
मां = unto Me
नमस्कुरु = offer obeisances
मां = unto Me
एव = completely
एष्यसि = you will come
युक्त्वा = being absorbed
एवं = thus
आत्मानं = your soul
मत्परायणः = devoted to Me.

See Also  Agastya Gita In Gujarati

End of 9.34

श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
भूयः = again
एव = certainly
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed
श‍ृणु = just hear
मे = My
परमं = supreme
वचः = instruction
यत् = that which
ते = to you
अहं = I
प्रीयमाणाय = thinking you dear to Me
वक्ष्यामि = say
हितकाम्यया = for your benefit.
न = never
मे = My
विदुः = know
सुरगणाः = the demigods
प्रभवं = origin, opulences
न = never
महर्षयः = great sages
अहं = I am
आदिः = the origin
हि = certainly
देवानां = of the demigods
महर्षीणां = of the great sages
च = also
सर्वशः = in all respects.
यः = anyone who
मां = Me
अजं = unborn
अनादिं = without beginning
च = also
वेत्ति = knows
लोक = of the planets
महेश्वरं = the supreme master
असम्मूढः = undeluded
सः = he
मर्त्येषु = among those subject to death
सर्वपापैः = from all sinful reactions
प्रमुच्यते = is delivered.
बुद्धिः = intelligence
ज्ञानं = knowledge
असम्मोहः = freedom from doubt
क्षमा = forgiveness
सत्यं = truthfulness
दमः = control of the senses
शमः = control of the mind
सुखं = happiness
दुःखं = distress
भवः = birth
अभावः = death
भयं = fear
च = also
अभयं = fearlessness
एव = also
च = and
अहिंसा = nonviolence
समता = equilibrium
तुष्टिः = satisfaction
तपः = penance
दानं = charity
यशः = fame
अयशः = infamy
भवन्ति = come about
भावाः = natures
भूतानां = of living entities
मत्तः = from Me
एव = certainly
पृथग्विधाः = variously arranged.
महर्षयः = the great sages
सप्त = seven
पूर्वे = before
चत्वारः = four
मनवः = Manus
तथा = also
मद्भावाः = born of Me
मानसाः = from the mind
जाताः = born
येषां = of them
लोके = in the world
इमाः = all this
प्रजाः = population.
एतां = all this
विभूतिं = opulence
योगं = mystic power
च = also
मम = of Mine
यः = anyone who
वेत्ति = knows
तत्त्वतः = factually
सः = he
अविकल्पेन = without division
योगेन = in devotional service
युज्यते = is engaged
न = never
अत्र = here
संशयः = doubt.
अहं = I
सर्वस्य = of all
प्रभवः = the source of generation
मत्तः = from Me
सर्वं = everything
प्रवर्तते = emanates
इति = thus
मत्वा = knowing
भजन्ते = become devoted
मां = unto Me
बुधाः = the learned
भावसमन्वितः = with great attention.
मच्चित्ताः = their minds fully engaged in Me
मद्गतप्राणाः = their lives devoted to Me
बोधयन्तः = preaching
परस्परं = among themselves
कथयन्तः = talking
च = also
मां = about Me
नित्यं = perpetually
तुष्यन्ति = become pleased
च = also
रमन्ति = enjoy transcendental bliss
च = also.
तेषां = unto them
सततयुक्तानां = always engaged
भजतां = in rendering devotional service
प्रीतिपूर्वकं = in loving ecstasy
ददामि = I give
बुद्धियोगं = real intelligence
तं = that
येन = by which
मां = unto Me
उपयान्ति = come
ते = they.
तेषां = for them
एव = certainly
अनुकम्पार्थं = to show special mercy
अहं = I
अज्ञानजं = due to ignorance
तमः = darkness
नाशयामि = dispel
आत्मभाव = within their hearts
स्थः = situated
ज्ञान = of knowledge
दीपेन = with the lamp
भास्वता = glowing.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
परं = supreme
ब्रह्म = truth
परं = supreme
धाम = sustenance
पवित्रं = pure
परमं = supreme
भवान् = You
पुरुषं = personality
शाश्वतं = original
दिव्यं = transcendental
आदिदेवं = the original Lord
अजं = unborn
विभुं = greatest
आहुः = say
त्वां = of You
ऋषयः = sages
सर्वे = all
देवर्षिः = the sage among the demigods
नारदः = Narada
तथा = also
असितः = Asita
देवलः = Devala
व्यासः = Vyasa
स्वयं = personally
च = also
एव = certainly
ब्रवीषि = You are explaining
मे = unto me.
सर्वं = all
एतत् = this
ऋतं = truth
मन्ये = I accept
यत् = which
मां = unto me
वदसि = You tell
केशव = O KRiShNa
न = never
हि = certainly
ते = Your
भगवान् = O Personality of Godhead
व्यक्तिं = revelation
विदुः = can know
देवाः = the demigods
न = nor
दानवः = the demons.
स्वयं = personally
एव = certainly
आत्मना = by Yourself
आत्मानं = Yourself
वेत्थ = know
त्वं = You
पुरुषोत्तम = O greatest of all persons
भूतभावन = O origin of everything
भूतेश = O Lord of everything
देवदेव = O Lord of all demigods
जगत्पते = O Lord of the entire universe.
वक्तुं = to say
अर्हसि = You deserve
अशेषेण = in detail
दिव्याः = divine
हि = certainly
आत्म = Your own
विभूतयः = opulences
याभिः = by which
विभूतिभिः = opulences
लोकान् = all the planets
इमान् = these
त्वां = You
व्याप्य = pervading
तिष्ठसि = remain.
कथं = how
विद्यामहं = shall I know
योगिन् = O supreme mystic
त्वां = You
सदा = always
परिचिन्तयन् = thinking of
केषु = in which
केषु = in which
च = also
भावेषु = natures cintyah
असि = You are to be remembered
भगवन् = O Supreme
मया = by me.
विस्तरेण = in detail
आत्मनः = Your
योगं = mystic power
विभूतिं = opulences
च = also
जनार्दन = O killer of the atheists
भूयः = again
कथय = describe
तृप्तिः = satisfaction
हि = certainly
श‍ृण्वतः = hearing
नास्ति = there is not
मे = my
अमृतं = nectar.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
हन्त = yes
ते = unto you
कथयिष्यामि = I shall speak
दिव्याः = divine
हि = certainly
आत्मविभूतयः = personal opulences
प्राधान्यतः = which are principal
कुरुश्रेष्ठ = O best of the Kurus
नास्ति = there is not
अन्तः = limit
विस्तरस्य = to the extent
मे = My.
अहं = I
आत्मा = the soul
गुडाकेश = O Arjuna
सर्वभूत = of all living entities
आशयस्थिताः = situated within the heart
अहं = I am
आदिः = the origin
च = also
मध्यं = middle
च = also
भूतानां = of all living entities
अन्तः = end
एव = certainly
च = and.
आदित्यानां = of the Adityas
अहं = I am
विष्णुः = the Supreme Lord
ज्योतीषां = of all luminaries
रविः = the sun
अंशुमान् = radiant
मरीचिः = Marici
मरुतां = of the Maruts
अस्मि = I am
नक्षत्राणां = of the stars
अहं = I am
शशी = the moon.
वेदानां = of all the Vedas
सामवेदः = the Sama Veda
अस्मि = I am
देवानां = of all the demigods
अस्मि = I am
वासवः = the heavenly king
इन्द्रियाणां = of all the senses
मनः = the mind
च = also
अस्मि = I am
भूतानां = of all living entities
अस्मि = I am
चेतना = the living force.
रुद्राणां = of all the Rudras
शङ्करः = Lord Siva
च = also
अस्मि = I am
वित्तेशः = the lord of the treasury of the demigods
यक्षरक्षसां = of the Yaksas and Raksasas
वसौनां = of the Vasus
पावकः = fire
च = also
अस्मि = I am
मेरुः = Meru
शिखरिणां = of all mountains
अहं = I am.
पुरोधसां = of all priests
च = also
मुख्यं = the chief
मां = Me
विद्धि = understand
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
बृहस्पतिं = Brhaspati
सेनानीनां = of all commanders
अहं = I am
स्कन्दः = Kartikeya
सरसां = of all reservoirs of water
अस्मि = I am
सागरः = the ocean.
महर्षीणां = among the great sages
भृगुः = Bhrigu
अहं = I am
गिरां = of vibrations
अस्मि = I am
एकमक्षरं = pranava
यज्ञानां = of sacrifices
जपयज्ञः = chanting
अस्मि = I am
स्थावराणां = of immovable things
हिमालयः = the Himalayan mountains.
अश्वत्थः = the banyan tree
सर्ववृक्षाणां = of all trees
देवर्षीणां = of all the sages amongst the demigods
च = and
नारदः = Narada
गन्धर्वाणां = of the citizens of the Gandharva planet
चित्ररथः = Citraratha
सिद्धानां = of all those who are perfected
कपिलः मुनिः = Kapila Muni.
उच्चैःश्रवसं = Uccaihsrava
अश्वानां = among horses
विद्धि = know
मां = Me
अमृतोद्भवं = produced from the churning of the ocean
ऐरावतं = Airavata
गजेन्द्राणां = of lordly elephants
नराणां = among human beings
च = and
नराधिपं = the king.
आयुधानां = of all weapons
अहं = I am
वज्रं = the thunderbolt
धेनूनां = of cows
अस्मि = I am
कामधुक् = the surabhi cow
प्रजनः = the cause for begetting children
च = and
अस्मि = I am
कन्दर्पः = Cupid
सर्पाणां = of serpents
अस्मि = I am
वासुकिः = Vasuki.
अनन्तः = Ananta
च = also
अस्मि = I am
नागानां = of the manyhooded serpents
वरुणः = the demigod controlling the water
यादसां = of all aquatics
अहं = I am
पितॄणां = of the ancestors
अर्यमा = Aryama
च = also
अस्मि = I am
यमः = the controller of death
संयमतां = of all regulators
अहं = I am.
प्रह्लादः = Prahlada
च = also
अस्मि = I am
दैत्यानां = of the demons
कालः = time
कलयतां = of subduers
अहं = I am
मृगाणां = of animals
च = and
मृगेन्द्रः = the lion
अहं = I am
वैनतेयः = Garuda
च = also
पक्षिणां = of birds.
पवनः = the wind
पवतां = of all that purifies
अस्मि = I am
रामः = Rama
शस्त्रभृतां = of the carriers of weapons
अहं = I am
झषाणां = of all fish
मकरः = the shark
च = also
अस्मि = I am
स्रोतसां = of flowing rivers
अस्मि = I am
जाह्नवी = the River Ganges.
सर्गाणां = of all creations
आदिः = the beginning
अन्तः = end
च = and
मध्यं = middle
च = also
एव = certainly
अहं = I am
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
अध्यात्मविद्या = spiritual knowledge
विद्यानां = of all education
वादः = the natural conclusion
प्रवदतां = of arguments
अहं = I am.
अक्षराणां = of letters
अकारः = the first letter
अस्मि = I am
द्वन्द्वः = the dual
सामासिकस्य = of compounds
च = and
अहं = I am
एव = certainly
अक्षयः = eternal
कालः = time
धाता = the creator
अहं = I am
विश्वतोमुखः = Brahma.
मृत्युः = death
सर्वहरः = all-devouring
च = also
अहं = I am
उद्भवः = generation
च = also
भविष्यतां = of future manifestations
कीर्तिः = fame
श्रीः = opulence or beauty
वाक् = fine speech
च = also
नारीणां = of women
स्मृतिः = memory
मेधा = intelligence
धृतिः = firmness
क्षमा = patience.
बृहत्साम = the BrAhat-sama
तथा = also
साम्नं = of the Sama Veda songs
गायत्री = the Gayatri hymns
छन्दसां = of all poetry
अहं = I am
मासानां = of months
मार्गशीर्षः = the month of November-December
अहं = I am
ऋतूनां = of all seasons
कुसुमाकरः = spring.
द्युतं = gambling
छलयतां = of all cheats
अस्मि = I am
तेजः = the splendor
तेजस्विनां = of everything splendid
अहं = I am
जयः = victory
अस्मि = I am
व्यवसायः = enterprise or adventure
अस्मि = I am
सत्त्वं = the strength
सत्त्ववतं = of the strong
अहं = I am.
वृष्णीनां = of the descendants of VRiShNi
वासुदेवः = KRiShNa in Dvaraka
अस्मि = I am
पाण्डवानां = of the Pandavas
धनञ्जयः = Arjuna
मुनीनां = of the sages
अपि = also
अहं = I am
व्यासः = Vyasa, the compiler of all Vedic literature
कवीनां = of all great thinkers
उशना = Usana
कविः = the thinker.
दंडः = punishment
दमयतां = of all means of suppression
अस्मि = I am
नीतिः = morality
अस्मि = I am
जिगिषतां = of those who seek victory
मौनं = silence
च = and
एव = also
अस्मि = I am
गुह्यानां = of secrets
ज्ञानं = knowledge
ज्ञानवतां = of the wise
अहं = I am.
यत् = whatever
च = also
अपि = may be
सर्वभूतानां = of all creations
बीजं = seed
तत् = that
अहं = I am
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
न = not
तत् = that
अस्ति = there is
विना = without
यत् = which
स्यात् = exists
मया = Me
भूतं = created being
चराचरं = moving and nonmoving.
न = nor
अन्तः = a limit
अस्ति = there is
मम = My
दिव्यानां = of the divine
विभूतिनां = opulences
परन्तप = O conqueror of the enemies
एषः = all this
तु = but
उद्देशतः = as examples
प्रोक्ताः = spoken
विभूतेः = of opulences
विस्तरः = the expanse
मया = by Me.
यद्यत् = whatever
विभूति = opulences
मत् = having
सत्त्वं = existence
श्रीमत् = beautiful
उर्जितं = glorious
एव = certainly
वा = or
तत् तत् = all those
एव = certainly
अवगच्छ = must know
त्वं = you
मम = My
तेजः = of the splendor
अंश = a part
सम्भवं = born of.
अथवा = or
बहुना = many
एतेन = by this kind
किं = what
ज्ञातेन = by knowing
तव = your
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
विष्टभ्य = pervading
अहं = I
इदं = this
कृत्स्नं = entire
एक = by one
अंशेन = part
स्थिताः = am situated
जगत् = universe.

End of 10.41

अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
मदनुग्रहाय = just to show me favor
परमं = supreme
गुह्यं = confidential subject
अध्यात्म = spiritual
संज्ञितं = in the matter of
यत् = what
त्वया = by You
उक्तं = said
वचः = words
तेन = by that
मोहः = illusion
अयं = this
विगतः = is removed
मम = my.
भव = appearance
अप्ययौ = disappearance
हि = certainly
भूतानां = of all living entities
श्रुतौ = have been heard
विस्तरशः = in detail
मया = by me
त्वत्तः = from You
कमलपत्राक्ष = O lotus-eyed one
माहात्म्यं = glories
अपि = also
च = and
अव्ययं = inexhaustible.
एवं = thus
एतत् = this
यथा = as it is
आत्थ = have spoken
त्वं = You
आत्मानं = Yourself
परमेश्वर = O Supreme Lord
द्रष्टुं = to see
इच्छामि = I wish
ते = Your
रूपं = form
ऐश्वरं = divine
पुरुषोत्तम = O best of personalities.
मन्यसे = You think
यदि = if
तत् = that
शक्यं = is able
मया = by me
द्रष्टुं = to be seen
इति = thus
प्रभो = O Lord
योगेश्वर = O Lord of all mystic power
ततः = then
मे = unto me
त्वं = You
दर्शय = show
आत्मानं = Your Self
अव्ययं = eternal.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
पश्य = just see
मे = My
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
रूपाणि = forms
शतशः = hundreds
अथ = also
सहस्रशः = thousands
नानाविधानि = variegated
दिव्यानि = divine
नाना = variegated
वर्ण = colors
आकृतीनि = forms
च = also.
पश्य = see
आदित्यान् = the twelve sons of Aditi
वसुन् = the eight Vasus
रुद्रान् = the eleven forms of Rudra
अश्विनौ = the two Asvinis
मरुतः = the forty-nine Maruts (demigods of the wind)
तथा = also
बहूनि = many
अदृष्ट = that you have not seen
पूर्वाणि = before
पश्य = see
आश्चर्याणि = all the wonders
भारत = O best of the Bharatas.
इह = in this
एकस्थं = in one place
जगत् = the universe
कृत्स्नं = completely
पश्य = see
आद्य = immediately
स = with
चर = the moving
अचरं = and not moving
मम = My
देहे = in this body
गुडाकेश = O Arjuna
यत् = that which
च = also
अन्यत् = other
द्रष्टुं = to see
इच्छसि = you wish.
न = never
तु = but
मां = Me
शक्यसे = are able
द्रष्टुं = to see
अनेन = with these
एव = certainly
स्वचक्षुषा = your own eyes
दिव्यं = divine
ददामि = I give
ते = to you
चक्षुः = eyes
पश्य = see
मे = My
योगमैश्वरं = inconceivable mystic power.
सञ्जय उवाच = Sanjaya said
एवं = thus
उक्त्वा = saying
ततः = thereafter
राजन् = O King
महायोगेश्वरः = the most powerful mystic
हरिः = the Supreme Personality of Godhead, KRiShNa
दर्शयामास = showed
पार्थाय = unto Arjuna
परमं = the divine
रूपमैश्वरं = universal form.
अनेक = various
वक्त्र = mouths
नयनं = eyes
अनेक = various
अद्भुत = wonderful
दर्शनं = sights
अनेक = many
दिव्य = divine
आभरणं = ornaments
दिव्य = divine
अनेक = various
उद्यत = uplifted
आयुधं = weapons
दिव्य = divine
माल्य = garlands
अम्बर = dresses
धरं = wearing
दिव्य = divine
गन्ध = fragrances
अनुलेपनं = smeared with
सर्व = all
आश्चर्यमयं = wonderful
देवं = shining
अनन्तं = unlimited
विश्वतोमुखं = all-pervading.
दिवि = in the sky
सूर्य = of suns
सहस्रस्य = of many thousands
भवेत् = there were
युगपत् = simultaneously
उत्थिता = present
यदि = if
भाः = light
सदृशी = like that
स = that
स्यात् = might be
भासः = effulgence
तस्य = of Him
महात्मनः = the great Lord.
तत्र = there
एकस्थं = in one place
जगत् = the universe
कृत्स्नं = complete
प्रविभक्तं = divided
अनेकधा = into many
अपश्यत् = could see
देवदेवस्य = of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
शरीरे = in the universal form
पाण्डवः = Arjuna
तदा = at that time.
ततः = thereafter
सः = he
विस्मयाविष्टः = being overwhelmed with wonder
हृष्टरोमा = with his bodily hairs standing on end due to his great ecstasy
धनञ्जयः = Arjuna
प्रणम्य = offering obeisances
शिरसा = with the head
देवं = to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
कृताञ्जलिः = with folded hands
अभाषत = began to speak.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
पश्यामि = I see
देवान् = all the demigods
तव = Your
देव = O Lord
देहे = in the body
सर्वान् = all
तथा = also
भूत = living entities
विशेषसङ्घान् = specifically assembled
ब्रह्माणं = Lord Brahma
ईशं = Lord Siva
कमलासनस्थं = sitting on the lotus flower
ऋषिन् = great sages
च = also
सर्वान् = all
उरगान् = serpents
च = also
दिव्यान् = divine.
अनेक = many
बाहु = arms
उदर = bellies
वक्त्र = mouths
नेत्रं = eyes
पश्यामि = I see
त्वं = You
सर्वतः = on all sides
अनन्तरूपं = unlimited form
नान्तं = no end
न मध्यं = no middle
न पुनः = nor again
तव = Your
आदिं = beginning
पश्यामि = I see
विश्वेश्वर = O Lord of the universe
विश्वरूप = in the form of the universe.
किरीटिनं = with helmets
गदिनं = with maces
चक्रिणं = with discs
च = and
तेजोराशिं = effulgence
सर्वतः = on all sides
दीप्तिमन्तं = glowing
पश्यामि = I see
त्वां = You
दुर्निरीक्ष्यं = difficult to see
समन्तात् = everywhere
दीप्तानल = blazing fire
अर्क = of the sun
द्युतिं = the sunshine
अप्रमेयं = immeasurable.
त्वं = You
अक्षरं = the infallible
परमं = supreme
वेदितव्यं = to be understood
त्वं = You
अस्य = of this
विश्वस्य = universe
परं = supreme
निधानं = basis
त्वं = You
अव्ययः = inexhaustible
शाश्वतधर्मगोप्ता = maintainer of the eternal religion
सनातनः = eternal
त्वं = You
पुरुषः = the Supreme Personality
मतः मे = this is my opinion.
अनादि = without beginning
मध्य = middle
अन्तं = or end
अनन्त = unlimited
वीर्यां = glories
अनन्त = unlimited
बाहुं = arms
शशी = the moon
सूर्य = and sun
नेत्रं = eyes
पश्यामि = I see
त्वां = You
दीप्त = blazing
हुताशवक्त्रं = fire coming out of Your mouth
स्वतेजसा = by Your radiance
विश्वं = universe
इदं = this
तपन्तं = heating.
द्यौ = from outer space
अपृथिव्योः = to the earth
इदं = this
अन्तरं = between
हि = certainly
व्याप्तं = pervaded
त्वया = by You
एकेन = alone
दिशः = directions
च = and
सर्वाः = all
दृष्ट्वा = by seeing
अद्भुतं = wonderful
रूपं = form
उग्रं = terrible
तव = Your
इदं = this
लोक = the planetary systems
त्रयं = three
प्रव्यथितं = perturbed
महात्मन् = O great one.
अमी = all those
हि = certainly
त्वां = You
सुरसङ्घाः = groups of demigods
विशन्ति = are entering
केचित् = some of them
भिताः = out of fear
प्राञ्जलयः = with folded hands
गृणन्ति = are offering prayers
स्वस्ति = all peace
इति = thus
उक्त्वा = speaking
महर्षि = great sages
सिद्धसङ्घाः = perfect beings
स्तुवन्ति = are singing hymns
त्वां = unto You
स्तुतिभिः = with prayers
पुष्कलाभिः = Vedic hymns.
रुद्र = manifestations of Lord Siva
आदित्यः = the Adityas
वसवः = the Vasus
ये = all those
च = and
साध्याः = the Sadhyas
विश्वे = the Visvedevas
अश्विनौ = the Asvini-kumaras
मरुतः = the Maruts
च = and
उष्मपाः = the forefathers
च = and
गन्धर्व = of the Gandharvas
यक्ष = the Yaksas
असुर = the demons
सिद्ध = and the perfected demigods
सङ्घाः = the assemblies
वीक्षन्ते = are beholding
त्वां = You
विस्मिताः = in wonder
च = also
एव = certainly
सर्वे = all.
रूपं = the form
महत् = very great
ते = of You
बहु = many
वक्त्र = faces
नेत्रं = and eyes
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed one
बहु = many
बाहु = arms
उरु = thighs
पादं = and legs
बहूदरं = many bellies
बहुदंष्ट्रा = many teeth
करालं = horrible
दृष्ट्वा = seeing
लोकाः = all the planets
प्रव्यथिताः = perturbed
तथा = similarly
अहं = I.
नभःस्पृशं = touching the sky
दीप्तं = glowing
अनेक = many
वर्णं = colors
व्यत्त = open
आननं = mouths
दीप्त = glowing
विशाल = very great
नेत्रं = eyes
दृष्ट्वा = seeing
हि = certainly
त्वां = You
प्रव्यथित = perturbed
अन्तः = within
आत्मा = soul
धृतिं = steadiness
न = not
विन्दामि = I have
शमं = mental tranquillity
च = also
विष्णो = O Lord Visnu.
दंष्ट्रा = teeth
करालानि = terrible
च = also
ते = Your
मुखानि = faces
दृष्ट्वा = seeing
एव = thus
कालानल = the fire of death
सन्निभानि = as if
दिशः = the directions
न = not
जाने = I know
न = not
लभे = I obtain
च = and
शर्म = grace
प्रसीद = be pleased
देवेश = O Lord of all lords
जगन्निवास = O refuge of the worlds.
अमी = these
च = also
त्वां = You
धृतराष्ट्रस्य = of Dhritarashtra
पुत्राः = the sons
सर्वे = all
सह = with
एव = indeed
अवनिपाल = of warrior kings
सङ्घैः = the groups
भीष्मः = Bhishmadeva
द्रोणः = Dronacarya
सूतपुत्रः = Karna
तथा = also
असौ = that
सह = with
अस्मदीयैः = our
अपि = also
योधमुख्यैः = chiefs among the warriors
वक्त्राणि = mouths
ते = Your
त्वरमाणाः = rushing
विशन्ति = are entering
दंष्ट्रा = teeth
करालानि = terrible
भयानकानि = very fearful
केचित् = some of them
विलग्नाः = becoming attached
दशनान्तरेषु = between the teeth
सन्दृश्यन्ते = are seen
चूर्णितैः = with smashed
उत्तमाङ्गैः = heads.
यथा = as
नदीनां = of the rivers
बहवः = the many
अम्बुवेगाः = waves of the waters
समुद्रं = the ocean
एव = certainly
अभिमुखाः = towards
द्रवन्ति = glide
तथा = similarly
तव = Your
अमी = all these
नरलोकवीराः = kings of human society
विशन्ति = are entering
वक्त्राणि = the mouths
अभिविज्वलन्ति = and are blazing.
यथा = as
प्रदीप्तं = blazing
ज्वलनं = a fire
पतङ्गाः = moths
विशन्ति = enter
नाशाय = for destruction
समृद्ध = with full
वेगाः = speed
तथैव = similarly
नाशाय = for destruction
विशन्ति = are entering
लोकाः = all people
तव = Your
अपि = also
वक्त्राणि = mouths
समृद्धवेगः = with full speed.
लेलिह्यसे = You are licking
ग्रसमानः = devouring
समन्तात् = from all directions
लोकान् = people
समग्रान् = all
वदनैः = by the mouths
ज्वलद्भिः = blazing
तेजोभिः = by effulgence
आपूर्य = covering
जगत् = the universe
समग्रं = all
भासः = rays
तव = Your
उग्रः = terrible
प्रतपन्ति = are scorching
विष्णो = O all-pervading Lord.
आख्याहि = please explain
मे = unto me
कः = who
भवान् = You
उग्ररूपः = fierce form
नमः अस्तु = obeisances
ते = unto You
देववर = O great one amongst the demigods
प्रसीद = be gracious
विज्ञातुं = to know
इच्छामि = I wish
भवन्तं = You
आद्यं = the original
न = not
हि = certainly
प्रजानामि = do I know
तव = Your
प्रवृत्तिं = mission.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Personality of Godhead said
कालः = time
अस्मि = I am
लोक = of the worlds
क्षयकृत् = the destroyer
प्रवृद्धः = great
लोकान् = all people
समाहर्तुं = in destroying
इह = in this world
प्रवृत्तः = engaged
ऋते = without, except for
अपि = even
त्वां = you
न = never
भविष्यन्ति = will be
सर्वे = all
ये = who
अवस्थिताः = situated
प्रत्यानीकेषु = on the opposite sides
योधाः = the soldiers.
तस्मात् = therefore
त्वं = you
उत्तिष्ठ = get up
यशः = fame
लभस्व = gain
जित्वा = conquering
शत्रुन् = enemies
भुङ्क्ष्व = enjoy
राज्यं = kingdom
समृद्धं = flourishing
मया = by Me
एव = certainly
एते = all these
निहताः = killed
पूर्वमेव = by previous arrangement
निमित्तमात्रं = just the cause
भव = become
सव्यसाचिन् = O Savyasaci.
द्रोणं च = also Drona
भीष्मं च = also Bhishma
जयद्रथं च = also Jayadratha
कर्णं = Karna
तथा = also
अन्यान् = others
अपि = certainly
योधवीरान् = great warriors
मया = by Me
हतान् = already killed
त्वं = you
जहि = destroy
मा = do not
व्यथिष्ठाः = be disturbed
युध्यस्व = just fight
जेतासि = you will conquer
रणे = in the fight
सपत्नान् = enemies.
सञ्जय उवाच = Sanjaya said
एतत् = thus
श्रुत्वा = hearing
वचनं = the speech
केशवस्य = of KRiShNa
कृताञ्जलिः = with folded hands
वेपमानः = trembling
किरीटिन् = Arjuna
नमस्कृत्वा = offering obeisances
भूयः = again
एव = also
अह = said
कृष्णं = unto KRiShNa
सगद्गदं = with a faltering voice
भीतभीतः = fearful
प्रणम्य = offering obeisances.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
स्थाने = rightly
हृषीकेश = O master of all senses
तव = Your
प्रकीर्त्य = by the glories
जगत् = the entire world
प्रहृष्यति = is rejoicing
अनुरज्यते = is becoming attached
च = and
रक्षांसि = the demons
भीतानि = out of fear
दिशः = in all directions
द्रवन्ति = are fleeing
सर्वे = all
नमस्यन्ति = are offering respects
च = also
सिद्धसङ्घाः = the perfect human beings.
कस्मात् = why
च = also
ते = unto You
न = not
नमेरन् = they should offer proper obeisances
महात्मन् = O great one
गरीयसे = who are better
ब्रह्मणः = than Brahma
अपि = although
आदिकर्त्रे = to the supreme creator
अनन्त = O unlimited
देवेश = O God of the gods
जगन्निवास = O refuge of the universe
त्वं = You are
अक्षरं = imperishable
सदसत् = to cause and effect
तत्परं = transcendental
यत् = because.
त्वं = You
आदिदेवः = the original Supreme God
पुरुषः = personality
पुराणः = old
त्वं = You
अस्य = of this
विश्वस्य = universe
परं = transcendental
निधानं = refuge
वेत्त = the knower
असि = You are
वेद्यं = the knowable
च = and
परं = transcendental
च = and
धाम = refuge
त्वया = by You
ततं = pervaded
विश्वं = the universe
अनन्तरूप = O unlimited form.
वायुः = air
यमः = the controller
अग्निः = fire
वरुणः = water
शशाङ्कः = the moon
प्रजापतिः = Brahma
त्वं = You
प्रपितामहः = the great-grandfather
च = also
नमः = my respects
नमः = again my respects
ते = unto You
अस्तु = let there be
सहस्रकृत्वः = a thousand times
पुनश्च = and again
भूयः = again
अपि = also
नमः = offering my respects
नमस्ते = offering my respects unto You.
नमः = offering obeisances
पुरस्तात् = from the front
अथ = also
पृष्ठतः = from behind
ते = unto You
नमः अस्तु = I offer my respects
ते = unto You
सर्वतः = from all sides
एव = indeed
सर्व = because You are everything
अनन्तवीर्या = unlimited potency
अमितविक्रमः = and unlimited force
त्वं = You
सर्वं = everything
समाप्नोषि = You cover
ततः = therefore
असि = You are
सर्वः = everything.
सखा = friend
इति = thus
मत्वा = thinking
प्रसभं = presumptuously
यत् = whatever
उक्तं = said
हे कृष्ण = O KRiShNa
हे यादव = O Yadava
हे सखे = O my dear friend
इति = thus
अजानता = without knowing
महिमानं = glories
तव = Your
इदं = this
मया = by me
प्रमादात् = out of foolishness
प्रणयेन = out of love
वापि = either
यत् = whatever
च = also
अवहासार्थं = for joking
असत्कृतः = dishonored
असि = You have been
विहार = in relaxation
शय्या = in lying down
आसन = in sitting
भोजनेषु = or while eating together
एकः = alone
अथवा = or
अपि = also
अच्युत = O infallible one
तत्समक्षं = among companions
तत् = all those
क्षामये = ask forgiveness
त्वं = from You
अहं = I
अप्रमेयं = immeasurable.
पिता = the father
असि = You are
लोकस्य = of all the world
चर = moving
अचरस्य = and nonmoving
त्वं = You are
अस्य = of this
पूज्यः = worshipable
च = also
गुरुः = master
गरीयान् = glorious
न = never
त्वत्समः = equal to You
अस्ति = there is
अभ्यधिकः = greater
कुतः = how is it possible
अन्यः = other
लोकत्रये = in the three planetary systems
अपि = also
अप्रतिमप्रभाव = O immeasurable power.
तस्मात् = therefore
प्रणम्य = offering obeisances
प्रणिधाय = laying down
कायं = the body
प्रसादये = to beg mercy
त्वं = unto You
अहं = I
ईशं = unto the Supreme Lord
इड्यं = worshipable
पितेव = like a father
पुत्रस्य = with a son
सखैव = like a friend
सख्युः = with a friend
प्रियः = a lover
प्रियायाः = with the dearmost
अर्हसि = You should
देव = my Lord
सोढुं = tolerate.
अदृष्टपूर्वं = never seen before
हृषितः = gladdened
अस्मि = I am
दृष्ट्वा = by seeing
भयेन = out of fear
च = also
प्रव्यथितं = perturbed
मनः = mind
मे = my
तत् = that
एव = certainly
मे = unto me
दर्शय = show
देव = O Lord
रूपं = the form
प्रसीद = just be gracious
देवेश = O Lord of lords
जगन्निवास = O refuge of the universe.
किरीटिनं = with helmet
गदिनं = with club
चक्रहस्तं = disc in hand
इच्छामि = I wish
त्वां = You
द्रष्टुं = to see
अहं = I
तथैव = in that position
तेनैव = in that
रूपेण = form
चतुर्भुजेन = four-handed
सहस्रबाहो = O thousand-handed one
भव = just become
विश्वमूर्ते = O universal form.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
मया = by Me
प्रसन्नेन = happily
तव = unto you
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
इदं = this
रूपं = form
परं = transcendental
दर्शितं = shown
आत्मयोगात् = by My internal potency
तेजोमयं = full of effulgence
विश्वं = the entire universe
अनन्तं = unlimited
आद्यं = original
यत् = that which
मे = My
त्वदन्येन = besides you
न दृष्टपूर्वं = no one has previously seen.
न = never
वेदयज्ञ = by sacrifice
अध्ययनैः = or Vedic study
न = never
दानैः = by charity
न = never
च = also
क्रियाभिः = by pious activities
न = never
तपोभिः = by serious penances
उग्रैः = severe
एवं रूपः = in this form
शक्यः = can
अहं = I
नृलोके = in this material world
द्रष्टुं = be seen
त्वत् = than you
अन्येन = by another
कुरुप्रवीर = O best among the Kuru warriors.
मा = let it not be
ते = unto you
व्यथा = trouble
मा = let it not be
च = also
विमूढभावः = bewilderment
दृष्ट्वा = by seeing
रूपं = form
घोरं = horrible
इदृक् = as it is
मम = My
इदं = this
व्यपेतभीः = free from all fear
प्रीतमनाः = pleased in mind
पुनः = again
त्वं = you
तत् = that
एव = thus
मे = My
रूपं = form
इदं = this
प्रपश्य = just see.
सञ्जय उवाच = Sanjaya said
इति = thus
अर्जुनं = unto Arjuna
वासुदेवाः = KRiShNa
तथा = in that way
उक्त्वा = speaking
स्वकं = His own
रूपं = form
दर्शयामास = showed
भूयः = again
आश्वासयामास = encouraged
च = also
भीतं = fearful
एनं = him
भूत्वा = becoming
पुनः = again
सौम्यवपुः = the beautiful form
महात्मा = the great one.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
दृष्ट्वा = seeing
इदं = this
मानुषं = human
रूपं = form
तव = Your
सौम्यं = very beautiful
जनार्दन = O chastiser of the enemies
इदानीं = now
अस्मि = I am
संवृत्तः = settled
सचेताः = in my consciousness
प्रकृतिं = to my own nature
गतः = returned.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
सुदुर्दर्शं = very difficult to see
इदं = this
रूपं = form
दृष्टवानसि = as you have seen
यत् = which
मम = of Mine
देवाः = the demigods
अपि = also
अस्य = this
रूपस्य = form
नित्यं = eternally
दर्शनकाङ्क्षिणः = aspiring to see.
न = never
अहं = I
वेदैः = by study of the Vedas
न = never
तपसा = by serious penances
न = never
दानेन = by charity
न = never
च = also
इज्यया = by worship
शक्यः = it is possible
एवंविधाः = like this
द्रष्टुं = to see
दृष्टवान् = seeing
असि = you are
मां = Me
यथा = as.
भक्त्या = by devotional service
तु = but
अनन्यया = without being mixed with fruitive activities or speculative knowledge
शक्यः = possible
अहं = I
एवंविधः = like this
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
ज्ञातुं = to know
द्रष्टुं = to see
च = and
तत्त्वेन = in fact
प्रवेष्टुं = to enter into
च = also
परन्तप = O mighty-armed one.
मत्कर्मकृत् = engaged in doing My work
मत्परमः = considering Me the Supreme
मद्भक्तः = engaged in My devotional service
संगवर्जितः = freed from the contamination of fruitive activities and mental speculation
निर्वैरः = without an enemy
सर्वभूतेषु = among all living entities
यः = one who
सः = he
मां = unto Me
एति = comes
पाण्डव = O son of Pandu.

End of 11.55

अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
एवं = thus
सतत = always
युक्तः = engaged
ये = those who
भक्ताः = devotees
त्वां = You
पर्युपासते = properly worship
ये = those who
च = also
अपि = again
अक्षरं = beyond the senses
अव्यक्तं = the unmanifested
तेषां = of them
के = who
योगवित्तमाः = the most perfect in knowledge of yoga.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
मयि = upon Me
आवेश्य = fixing
मनः = the mind
ये = those who
मां = Me
नित्य = always
युक्ताः = engaged
उपासते = worship
श्रद्धया = with faith
परया = transcendental
उपेतः = endowed
ते = they
मे = by Me
युक्ततमाः = most perfect in yoga
मताः = are considered.
ये = those who
तु = but
अक्षरं = that which is beyond the perception of the senses
अनिर्देश्यं = indefinite
अव्यक्तं = unmanifested
पर्युपासते = completely engage in worshiping
सर्वत्रगं = all-pervading
अचिन्त्यं = inconceivable
च = also
कूटस्थं = unchanging
अचलं = immovable
ध्रुवं = fixed
सन्नियम्य = controlling
इन्द्रियग्रामं = all the senses
सर्वत्र = everywhere
समबुद्धयः = equally disposed
ते = they
प्राप्नुवन्ति = achieve
मां = Me
एव = certainly
सर्वभूतहिते = for the welfare of all living entities
रताः = engaged.
क्लेशः = trouble
अधिकतरः = very much
तेषां = of them
अव्यक्त = to the unmanifested
असक्त = attached
चेतसां = of those whose minds
अव्यक्ता = toward the unmanifested
हि = certainly
गतिः = progress
दुःखं = with trouble
देहवद्भिः = by the embodied
अवाप्यते = is achieved.
ये = those who
तु = but
सर्वाणि = all
कर्माणि = activities
मयि = unto Me
संन्यस्य = giving up
मत्पराः = being attached to Me
अनन्येन = without division
एव = certainly
योगेन = by practice of such bhakti-yoga
मां = upon Me
ध्यायन्तः = meditating
उपासते = worship
तेषां = of them
अहं = I
समुद्धर्ता = the deliverer
मृत्यु = of death
संसार = in material existence
सागरात् = from the ocean
भवामि = I become
न = not
चिरात् = after a long time
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
मयि = upon Me
आवेशित = fixed
चेतसां = of those whose minds.
मयि = upon Me
एव = certainly
मनः = mind
आधत्स्व = fix
मयि = upon Me
बुद्धिं = intelligence
निवेशय = apply
निवसिष्यसि = you will live
मयि = in Me
एव = certainly
अत ऊर्ध्वं = thereafter
न = never
संशयः = doubt.
अथ = if, therefore
चित्तं = mind
समाधातुं = to fix
न = not
शक्नोषि = you are able
मयि = upon Me
स्थिरं = steadily
अभ्यासयोगेन = by the practice of devotional service
ततः = then
मां = Me
इच्छा = desire
आप्तुं = to get
धनञ्जय = O winner of wealth, Arjuna.
अभ्यासे = in practice
अपि = even if
असमर्थः = unable
असि = you are
मत्कर्म = My work
परमः = dedicated to
भव = become
मदर्थं = for My sake
अपि = even
कर्माणि = work
कुर्वन् = performing
सिद्धिं = perfection
अवाप्स्यसि = you will achieve.
अथ = even though
एतत् = this
अपि = also
अशक्तः = unable
असि = you are
कर्तुं = to perform
मत् = unto Me
योगं = in devotional service
आश्रितः = taking refuge
सर्वकर्म = of all activities
फल = of the results
त्यागं = renunciation
ततः = then
कुरु = do
यतात्मवान् = self-situated.
श्रेयः = better
हि = certainly
ज्ञानं = knowledge
अभ्यासात् = than practice
ज्ञानात् = than knowledge
ध्यानं = meditation
विशिष्यते = is considered better
ध्यानात् = than meditation
कर्मफलत्यागः = renunciation of the results of fruitive action
त्यागात् = by such renunciation
शान्तिः = peace
अनन्तरं = thereafter.
अद्वेष्टा = nonenvious
सर्वभूतानां = toward all living entities
मैत्रः = friendly
करुणः = kindly
एव = certainly
च = also
निर्ममः = with no sense of proprietorship
निरहङ्कारः = without false ego
सम = equal
दुःख = in distress
सुखः = and happiness
क्षमी = forgiving
सन्तुष्टः = satisfied
सततं = always
योगी = one engaged in devotion
यतात्म = self-controlled
दृढनिश्चयः = with determination
मयि = upon Me
अर्पित = engaged
मनः = mind
बुद्धिः = and intelligence
यः = one who
मद्भक्तः = My devotee
सः = he
मे = to Me
प्रियः = dear.
यस्मात् = from whom
न = never
उद्विजते = are agitated
लोकः = people
लोकात् = from people
न = never
उद्विजते = is disturbed
च = also
यः = anyone who
हर्ष = from happiness
अमर्ष = distress
भय = fear
उद्वेगैः = and anxiety
मुक्तः = freed
यः = who
सः = anyone
च = also
मे = to Me
प्रियः = very dear.
अनपेक्षः = neutral
शुचिः = pure
दक्षः = expert
उदासीनः = free from care
गतव्यथाः = freed from all distress
सर्वारम्भ = of all endeavors
परित्यागी = renouncer
यः = anyone who
मद्भक्तः = My devotee
सः = he
मे = to Me
प्रियः = very dear.
यः = one who
न = never
हृष्यति = takes pleasure
न = never
द्वेष्टि = grieves
न = never
शोचति = laments
न = never
काङ्क्षति = desires
शुभ = of the auspicious
अशुभ = and the inauspicious
परित्यागी = renouncer
भक्तिमान् = devotee
यः = one who
सः = he is
मे = to Me
प्रियः = dear.
समः = equal
शत्रौ = to an enemy
च = also
मित्रे = to a friend
च = also
तथा = so
मान = in honor
अपमानयोः = and dishonor
शीत = in cold
उष्ण = heat
सुख = happiness
दुःखेषु = and distress
समः = equipoised
सङ्गविवर्जितः = free from all association
तुल्य = equal
निन्दा = in defamation
स्तुतिः = and repute
मौनि = silent
सन्तुष्टः = satisfied
येनकेनचित् = with anything
अनिकेतः = having no residence
स्थिर = fixed
मतिः = determination
भक्तिमान् = engaged in devotion
मे = to Me
प्रियः = dear
नरः = a man.
ये = those who
तु = but
धर्म = of religion
अमृतं = nectar
इदं = this
यथा = as
उक्तं = said
पर्युपासते = completely engage
श्रद्दधानाः = with faith
मत्परमाः = taking Me, the Supreme Lord, as everything
भक्तः = devotees
ते = they
अतीव = very, very
मे = to Me
प्रियः = dear.

End of 12.20

अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
प्रकृतिं = nature
पुरुषं = the enjoyer
च = also
एव = certainly
क्षेत्रं = the field
क्षेत्रज्ञं = the knower of the field
एव = certainly
च = also
एतत् = all this
वेदितुं = to understand
इच्छामि = I wish
ज्ञानं = knowledge
ज्ञेयं = the object of knowledge
च = also
केशव = O KRiShNa
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Personality of Godhead said
इदं = this
शरीरं = body
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
क्षेत्रं = the field
इति = thus
अभिधीयते = is called
एतत् = this
यः = one who
वेत्ति = knows
तं = he
प्राहुः = is called
क्षेत्रज्ञः = the knower of the field
इति = thus
तत्विदः = by those who know this.
क्षेत्रज्ञं = the knower of the field
च = also
अपि = certainly
मां = Me
विद्धि = know
सर्व = all
क्षेत्रेषु = in bodily fields
भारत = O son of Bharata
क्षेत्र = the field of activities (the body)
क्षेत्रज्ञयोः = and the knower of the field
ज्ञानं = knowledge of
यत् = that which
तत् = that
ज्ञानं = knowledge
मतं = opinion
मम = My.
तत् = that
क्षेत्रं = field of activities
यत् = what
च = also
यादृक् = as it is
च = also
यत् = having what
विकारि = changes
यतः = from which
च = also
यत् = what
सः = he
च = also
यः = who
यत् = having what
प्रभावः = influence
च = also
तत् = that
समासेन = in summary
मे = from Me
श‍ृणु = understand.
ऋषिभिः = by the wise sages
बहुधा = in many ways
गीतं = described
छन्दोभिः = by Vedic hymns
विविधैः = various
पृथक् = variously
ब्रह्मसूत्र = of the Vedanta
पदैः = by the aphorisms
च = also
एव = certainly
हेतुमद्भिः = with cause and effect
विनिश्चितैः = certain.
महाभूतानी = the great elements
अहङ्कारः = false ego
बुद्धिः = intelligence
अव्यक्तं = the unmanifested
एव = certainly
च = also
इन्द्रियाणि = the senses
दशैकं = eleven
च = also
पञ्च = five
च = also
इन्द्रियगोचराः = the objects of the senses
इच्छा = desire
द्वेषः = hatred
सुखं = happiness
दुःखं = distress
सङ्घातः = the aggregate
चेतना = living symptoms
धृतिः = conviction
एतत् = all this
क्षेत्रं = the field of activities
समासेन = in summary
सविकारं = with interactions
उदाहृतं = exemplified.
अमानित्वं = humility
अदम्भित्वं = pridelessness
अहिंसा = nonviolence
क्षन्तिः = tolerance
आर्जवं = simplicity
आचार्योपासनं = approaching a bona fide spiritual master
शौचं = cleanliness
स्थैर्यं = steadfastness
आत्मविनिग्रहः = self-control
इन्द्रियार्थेषु = in the matter of the senses
वैराग्यं = renunciation
अनहङ्कारः = being without false egoism
एव = certainly
च = also
जन्म = of birth
मृत्यु = death
जरा = old age
व्याधि = and disease
दुःख = of the distress
दोष = the fault
अनुदर्शनं = observing
असक्तिः = being without attachment
अनभिश्वङ्गः = being without association
पुत्र = for son
दारा = wife
गृहादिषु = home, etc.
नित्यं = constant
च = also
समचित्तत्वं = equilibrium
इष्ट = the desirable
अनिष्ट = and undesirable
उपपत्तिषु = having obtained
मयि = unto Me
च = also
अनन्ययोगेन = by unalloyed devotional service
भक्तिः = devotion
अव्यभिचारिणी = without any break
विविक्त = to solitary
देश = places
सेवित्वं = aspiring
अरतिः = being without attachment
जनसंसदि = to people in general
अध्यात्म = pertaining to the self
ज्ञान = in knowledge
नित्यत्वं = constancy
तत्त्वज्ञान = of knowledge of the truth
अर्थ = for the object
दर्शनं = philosophy
एतत् = all this
ज्ञानं = knowledge
इति = thus
प्रोक्तं = declared
अज्ञानं = ignorance
यत् = that which
अतः = from this
अन्यथा = other.
ज्ञेयं = the knowable
यत् = which
तत् = that
प्रवक्ष्यामि = I shall now explain
यत् = which
ज्ञात्वा = knowing
अमृतं = nectar
अश्नुते = one tastes
अनादि = beginningless
मत्परं = subordinate to Me
ब्रह्म = spirit
न = neither
सत् = cause
तत् = that
न = nor
असत् = effect
उच्यते = is said to be.
सर्वतः = everywhere
पाणि = hands
पदं = legs
तत् = that
सर्वतः = everywhere
अक्षि = eyes
शिरः = heads
मुखं = faces
सर्वतः = everywhere
श्रुतिमत् = having ears
लोके = in the world
सर्वं = everything
आवृत्य = covering
तिष्ठति = exists.
सर्व = of all
इन्द्रिय = senses
गुण = of the qualities
आभासं = the original source
सर्व = all
इन्द्रिय = senses
विवर्जितं = being without
असक्तं = without attachment
सर्वभृत् = the maintainer of everyone
च = also
एव = certainly
निर्गुणं = without material qualities
गुणभोक्तृ = master of the gunas
च = also.
बहिः = outside
अन्तः = inside
च = also
भूतानां = of all living entities
अचरं = not moving
चरं = moving
एव = also
च = and
सूक्ष्मत्वात् = on account of being subtle
तत् = that
अविज्ञेयं = unknowable
दूरस्थं = far away
च = also
अन्तिके = near
च = and
तत् = that.
अविभक्तं = without division
च = also
भूतेषु = in all living beings
विभक्तं = divided
इव = as if
च = also
स्थितं = situated
भूतभर्तृ = the maintainer of all living entities
च = also
तत् = that
ज्ञेयं = to be understood
ग्रसिष्णु = devouring
प्रभविष्णु = developing
च = also.
ज्योतीषां = in all luminous objects
अपि = also
तत् = that
ज्योतिः = the source of light
तमसः = the darkness
परं = beyond
उच्यते = is said
ज्ञानं = knowledge
ज्ञेयं = to be known
ज्ञानगम्यं = to be approached by knowledge
हृदि = in the heart
सर्वस्य = of everyone
विष्ठितं = situated.
इति = thus
क्षेत्रं = the field of activities (the body)
तथा = also
ज्ञानं = knowledge
ज्ञेयं = the knowable
च = also
उक्तं = described
समासतः = in summary
मद्भक्तः = My devotee
एतत् = all this
विज्ञाय = after understanding
मद्भावाय = to My nature
उपपद्यते = attains.
प्रकृतिं = material nature
पुरुषं = the living entities
च = also
एव = certainly
विद्धि = you must know
अनादि = without beginning
उभौ = both
अपि = also
विकारान् = transformations
च = also
गुणान् = the three modes of nature
च = also
एव = certainly
विद्धि = know
प्रकृति = material nature
सम्भवान् = produced of.
कार्य = of effect
कारण = and cause
कर्तृत्वे = in the matter of creation
हेतुः = the instrument
प्रकृतिः = material nature
उच्यते = is said to be
पुरुषः = the living entity
सुख = of happiness
दुःखानां = and distress
भोक्तृत्वे = in enjoyment
हेतुः = the instrument
उच्यते = is said to be.
पुरुषः = the living entity
प्रकृतिस्थः = being situated in the material energy
हि = certainly
भुङ्क्ते = enjoys
प्रकृतिजान् = produced by the material nature
गुणान् = the modes of nature
करणं = the cause
गुणसङ्गः = the association with the modes of nature
अस्य = of the living entity
सदसत् = in good and bad
योनि = species of life
जन्मसु = in births.
उपद्रष्टा = overseer
अनुमन्ता = permitter
च = also
भर्ता = master
भोक्ता = supreme enjoyer
महेश्वरः = the Supreme Lord
परमात्म = the Supersoul
इति = also
च = and
अपि = indeed
उक्तः = is said
देहे = in the body
अस्मिन् = this
पुरुषः = enjoyer
परः = transcendental.
यः = anyone who
एवं = thus
वेत्ति = understands
पुरुषं = the living entity
प्रकृतिं = material nature
च = and
गुणैः = the modes of material nature
सह = with
सर्वथा = in all ways
वर्तमानः = being situated
अपि = in spite of
न = never
सः = he
भूयः = again
अभिजायते = takes his birth.
ध्यानेन = by meditation
आत्मनि = within the self
पश्यन्ति = see
केचित् = some
आत्मानं = the Supersoul
आत्मना = by the mind
अन्ये = others
साङ्ख्येन = of philosophical discussion
योगेन = by the yoga system
कर्मयोगेण = by activities without fruitive desire
च = also
अपरे = others.
अन्ये = others
तु = but
एवं = thus
अजानन्तः = without spiritual knowledge
श्रुत्वा = by hearing
अन्येभ्यः = from others
उपासते = begin to worship
ते = they
अपि = also
च = and
अतितरन्ति = transcend
एव = certainly
मृत्युं = the path of death
श्रुतिपरायणाः = inclined to the process of hearing.
यावत् = whatever
सञ्जायते = comes into being
किञ्चित् = anything
सत्त्वं = existence
स्थावर = not moving
जङ्गमं = moving
क्षेत्र = of the body
क्षेत्रज्ञ = and the knower of the body
संयोगात् = by the union between
तद्विद्धि = you must know it
भरतर्षभ = O chief of the Bharatas.
समं = equally
सर्वेषु = in all
भूतेषु = living entities
तिष्ठन्तं = residing
परमेश्वरं = the Supersoul
विनश्यत्सु = in the destructible
अविनश्यन्तं = not destroyed
यः = anyone who
पश्यति = sees
सः = he
पश्यति = actually sees.
समं = equally
पश्यन् = seeing
हि = certainly
सर्वत्र = everywhere
समवस्थितं = equally situated
ईश्वरं = the Supersoul
न = does not
हिनस्ति = degrade
आत्मना = by the mind
आत्मानं = the soul
ततः = then
याति = reaches
परां = the transcendental
गतिं = destination.
प्रकृत्या = by material nature
एव = certainly
च = also
कर्माणि = activities
क्रियमाणानि = being performed
सर्वशः = in all respects
यः = anyone who
पश्यति = sees
तथा = also
आत्मानं = himself
अकर्तारं = the nondoer
सः = he
पश्यति = sees perfectly.
यदा = when
भूत = of living entities
पृथग्भावं = separated identities
एकस्थं = situated in one
अनुपश्यति = one tries to see through authority
ततः एव = thereafter
च = also
विस्तारं = the expansion
ब्रह्म = the Absolute
सम्पद्यते = he attains
तदा = at that time.
अनादित्वात् = due to eternity
निर्गुणत्वात् = due to being transcendental
परम = beyond material nature
आत्मा = spirit
अयं = this
अव्ययः = inexhaustible
शरीरस्थः = dwelling in the body
अपि = though
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
न करोति = never does anything
न लिप्यते = nor is he entangled.
यथा = as
सर्वगतं = all-pervading
सौक्ष्म्यात् = due to being subtle
आकाशं = the sky
न = never
उपलिप्यते = mixes
सर्वत्र = everywhere
अवस्थितः = situated
देहे = in the body
तथा = so
आत्मा = the self
न = never
उपलिप्यते = mixes.
यथा = as
प्रकाशयति = illuminates
एकः = one
कृत्स्नं = the whole
लोकं = universe
इमं = this
रविः = sun
क्षेत्रं = this body
क्षेत्री = the soul
तथा = similarly
कृत्स्नं = all
प्रकाशयति = illuminates
भारत = O son of Bharata.
क्षेत्र = of the body
क्षेत्रज्ञयोः = of the proprietor of the body
एवं = thus
अन्तरं = the difference
ज्ञानचक्षुषा = by the vision of knowledge
भूत = of the living entity
प्रकृति = from material nature
मोक्षं = the liberation
च = also
ये = those who
विदुः = know
यान्ति = approach
ते = they
परं = the Supreme.

See Also  Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Shankara Bhashya In Kannada

End of 13.35

श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
परं = transcendental
भूयः = again
प्रवक्ष्यामि = I shall speak
ज्ञानानां = of all knowledge
ज्ञानं = knowledge
उत्तमं = the supreme
यत् = which
ज्ञात्वा = knowing
मुनयः = the sages
सर्वे = all
परं = transcendental
सिद्धिं = perfection
इतः = from this world
गताः = attained.
इदं = this
ज्ञानं = knowledge
उपाश्रित्य = taking shelter of
मम = My
साधर्म्यं = same nature
आगतः = having attained
सर्गेऽपि = even in the creation
न = never
उपजायन्ते = are born
प्रलये = in the annihilation
न = nor
व्यथन्ति = are disturbed
च = also.
मम = My
योनिः = source of birth
महत् = the total material existence
ब्रह्म = supreme
तस्मिन् = in that
गर्भं = pregnancy
दधामि = create
अहं = I
सम्भवः = the possibility
सर्वभूतानां = of all living entities
ततः = thereafter
भवति = becomes
भारत = O son of Bharata.
सर्वयोनिषु = in all species of life
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
मूर्तयः = forms
सम्भवन्ति = they appear
यः = which
तासां = of all of them
ब्रह्म = the supreme
महद्योनिः = source of birth in the material substance
अहं = I
बीजप्रदः = the seed-giving
पिता = father.
सत्त्वं = the mode of goodness
रजः = the mode of passion
तमः = the mode of ignorance
इति = thus
गुणाः = the qualities
प्रकृति = material nature
सम्भवाः = produced of
निबध्नन्ति = do condition
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed one
देहे = in this body
देहीनं = the living entity
अव्ययं = eternal.
तत्र = there
सत्त्वं = the mode of goodness
निर्मलत्वात् = being purest in the material world
प्रकाशकं = illuminating
अनामयं = without any sinful reaction
सुख = with happiness
सङ्गेन = by association
बध्नाति = conditions
ज्ञान = with knowledge
सङ्गेन = by association
च = also
अनघ = O sinless one.
रजः = the mode of passion
रागात्मकं = born of desire or lust
विद्धि = know
तृष्णा = with hankering
सङ्ग = association
समुद्भवं = produced of
तत् = that
निबध्नाति = binds
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
कर्मसङ्गेन = by association with fruitive activity
देहिनं = the embodied.
तमः = the mode of ignorance
तु = but
अज्ञानजं = produced of ignorance
विद्धि = know
मोहनं = the delusion
सर्वदेहिनां = of all embodied beings
प्रमाद = with madness
अलस्य = indolence
निद्राभिः = and sleep
तत् = that
निबध्नाति = binds
भारत = O son of Bharata.
सत्त्वं = the mode of goodness
सुखे = in happiness
सञ्जयति = binds
रजः = the mode of passion
कर्माणि = in fruitive activity
भारत = O son of Bharata
ज्ञानं = knowledge
आवृत्य = covering
तु = but
तमः = the mode of ignorance
प्रमादे = in madness
सञ्जयति = binds
उत = it is said.
रजः = the mode of passion
तमः = the mode of ignorance
च = also
अभिभूय = surpassing
सत्त्वं = the mode of goodness
भवति = becomes prominent
भारत = O son of Bharata
रजः = the mode of passion
सत्त्वं = the mode of goodness
तमः = the mode of ignorance
च = also
एव = like that
तमः = the mode of ignorance
सत्त्वं = the mode of goodness
रजः = the mode of passion
तथा = thus.
सर्वद्वारेषु = in all the gates
देहेऽस्मिन् = in this body
प्रकाशः = the quality of illumination
उपजायते = develops
ज्ञानं = knowledge
यदा = when
तदा = at that time
विद्यात् = know
विवृद्धं = increased
सत्त्वं = the mode of goodness
इत्युत = thus it is said.
लोभः = greed
प्रवृत्तिः = activity
आरम्भः = endeavor
कर्मणां = in activities
अशमः = uncontrollable
स्पृहा = desire
रजसि = of the mode of passion
एतानि = all these
जायन्ते = develop
विवृद्धे = when there is an excess
भरतर्षभ = O chief of the descendants of Bharata.
अप्रकाशः = darkness
अप्रवृत्तिः = inactivity
च = and
प्रमादः = madness
मोहः = illusion
एव = certainly
च = also
तमसि = the mode of ignorance
एतानि = these
जायन्ते = are manifested
विवृद्धे = when developed
कुरुनन्दन = O son of Kuru.
यदा = when
सत्त्वे = the mode of goodness
प्रवृद्धे = developed
तु = but
प्रलयं = dissolution
याति = goes
देहभृत् = the embodied
तदा = at that time
उत्तमविदां = of the great sages
लोकान् = the planets
अमलान् = pure
प्रतिपद्यते = attains.
रजसि = in passion
प्रलयं = dissolution
गत्वा = attaining
कर्मसङ्गिषु = in the association of those engaged in fruitive activities
जायते = takes birth
तथा = similarly
प्रलीनः = being dissolved
तमसि = in ignorance
मूढयोनिषु = in animal species
जायते = takes birth.
कर्मणः = of work
सुकृतस्य = pious
आहुः = is said
सात्त्विकं = in the mode of goodness
निर्मलं = purified
फलं = the result
रजसः = of the mode of passion
तु = but
फलं = the result
दुःखं = misery
अज्ञानं = nonsense
तमसः = of the mode of ignorance
फलं = the result.
सत्त्वात् = from the mode of goodness
सञ्जायते = develops
ज्ञानं = knowledge
रजसः = from the mode of passion
लोभः = greed
एव = certainly
च = also
प्रमाद = madness
मोहौ = and illusion
तमसः = from the mode of ignorance
भवतः = develop
अज्ञानं = nonsense
एव = certainly
च = also.
ऊर्ध्वं = upwards
गच्छन्ति = go
सत्त्वस्थाः = those situated in the mode of goodness
मध्ये = in the middle
तिष्ठन्ति = dwell
राजसाः = those situated in the mode of passion
जघन्य = of abominable
गुण = quality
वृत्तिस्थाः = whose occupation
अधः = down
गच्छन्ति = go
तामसाः = persons in the mode of ignorance.
न = no
अन्यं = other
गुणेभ्यः = than the qualities
कर्तारं = performer
यदा = when
द्रष्टा = a seer
अनुपश्यति = sees properly
गुणेभ्यः = to the modes of nature
च = and
परं = transcendental
वेत्ति = knows
मद्भावं = to My spiritual nature
सः = he
अधिगच्छति = is promoted.
गुणान् = qualities
एतान् = all these
अतीत्य = transcending
त्रीन् = three
देही = the embodied
देह = the body
समुद्भवान् = produced of
जन्म = of birth
मृत्यु = death
जरा = and old age
दुःखैः = the distresses
विमुक्तः = being freed from
अमृतं = nectar
अश्नुते = he enjoys.
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
कैः = by which
लिङ्गैः = symptoms
त्रीन् = three
गुणान् = qualities
एतान् = all these
अतीतः = having transcended
भवति = is
प्रभो = O my Lord
किं = what
आचारः = behavior
कथं = how
च = also
एतान् = these
त्रीन् = three
गुणान् = qualities
अतिवर्तते = transcends.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
प्रकाशं = illumination
च = and
प्रवृत्तिं = attachment
च = and
मोहं = illusion
एव च = also
पाण्डव = O son of Pandu
न द्वेष्टि = does not hate
सम्प्रवृत्तानि = although developed
न निवृत्तानि = nor stopping development
काङ्क्षति = desires
उदासीनवत् = as if neutral
आसीनः = situated
गुणैः = by the qualities
यः = one who
न = never
विचाल्यते = is agitated
गुणाः = the qualities
वर्तन्ते = are acting
इत्येवं = knowing thus
यः = one who
अवतिष्ठति = remains
न = never
इङ्गते = flickers
सम = equal
दुःख = in distress
सुखः = and happiness
स्वस्थः = being situated in himself
सम = equally
लोष्ट = a lump of earth
अश्म = stone
काञ्चनः = gold
तुल्य = equally disposed
प्रिय = to the dear
अप्रियः = and the undesirable
धीरः = steady
तुल्य = equal
निन्दा = in defamation
आत्मसंस्तुतिः = and praise of himself
मान = in honor
अपमानयोः = and dishonor
तुल्यः = equal
तुल्यः = equal
मित्र = of friends
अरि = and enemies
पक्षयोः = to the parties
सर्व = of all
आरम्भ = endeavors
परित्यागी = renouncer
गुणातीतः = transcendental to the material modes of nature
सः = he
उच्यते = is said to be.
मां = unto Me
च = also
यः = a person who
अव्यभिचारेण = without fail
भक्तियोगेन = by devotional service
सेवते = renders service
सः = he
गुणान् = the modes of material nature
समतित्य = transcending
एतान् = all these
ब्रह्मभुयाय = elevated to the Brahman platform
कल्पते = becomes.
ब्रह्मणः = of the impersonal brahmajyoti
हि = certainly
प्रतिष्ठा = the rest
अहं = I am
अमृतस्य = of the immortal
अव्ययस्य = of the imperishable
च = also
शाश्वतस्य = of the eternal
च = and
धर्मस्य = of the constitutional position
सुखस्य = of happiness
ऐकान्तिकस्य = ultimate
च = also.

End of 14.27

श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
ऊर्ध्वमूलं = with roots above
अधः = downwards
शाखं = branches
अश्वत्थं = a banyan tree
प्राहुः = is said
अव्ययं = eternal
छन्दांसि = the Vedic hymns
यस्य = of which
पर्णानि = the leaves
यः = anyone who
तं = that
वेद = knows
सः = he
वेदवित् = the knower of the Vedas.
अधः = downward
च = and
ऊर्ध्वं = upward
प्रसृताः = extended
तस्य = its
शाखाः = branches
गुण = by the modes of material nature
प्रवृद्धाः = developed
विषय = sense objects
प्रवालाः = twigs
अधः = downward
च = and
मूलानि = roots
अनुसन्ततानि = extended
कर्म = to work
अनुबन्धीनि = bound
मनुष्यलोके = in the world of human society.
न = not
रूपं = the form
अस्य = of this tree
इह = in this world
तथा = also
उपलभ्यते = can be perceived
न = never
अन्तः = end
न = never
च = also
आदिः = beginning
न = never
च = also
सम्प्रतिष्ठा = the foundation
अश्वत्थं = banyan tree
एनं = this
सुविरूढ = strongly
मूलं = rooted
असङ्गशस्त्रेण = by the weapon of detachment
दृढेन = strong
छित्त्व = cutting
ततः = thereafter
पदं = situation
तत् = that
परिमार्गितव्यं = has to be searched out
यस्मिन् = where
गताः = going
न = never
निवर्तन्ति = they come back
भूयः = again
तं = to Him
एव = certainly
च = also
आद्यं = original
पुरुषं = the Personality of Godhead
प्रपद्ये = surrender
यतः = from whom
प्रवृत्तिः = the beginning
प्रसृता = extended
पुराणी = very old.
निः = without
मान = false prestige
मोहः = and illusion
जित = having conquered
सङ्ग = of association
दोषाः = the faults
अध्यात्म = in spiritual knowledge
नित्याः = in eternity
विनिवृत्त = disassociated
कामाः = from lust
द्वन्द्वैः = from the dualities
विमुक्तः = liberated
सुखदुःख = happiness and distress
संज्ञैः = named
गच्छन्ति = attain
अमूढाः = unbewildered
पदं = situation
अव्ययं = eternal
तत् = that.
न = not
तत् = that
भासयते = illuminates
सूर्यः = the sun
न = nor
शशाङ्कः = the moon
न = nor
पावकः = fire, electricity
यत् = where
गत्वा = going
न = never
निवर्तन्ते = they come back
तद्धाम = that abode
परमं = supreme
मम = My.
मम = My
एव = certainly
अंशः = fragmental particle
जीवलोके = in the world of conditional life
जीवभूतः = the conditioned living entity
सनातनः = eternal
मनः = with the mind
षष्ठाणि = the six
इन्द्रियाणि = senses
प्रकृति = in material nature
स्थानि = situated
कर्षति = is struggling hard.
शरीरं = the body
यत् = as
अवाप्नोति = gets
यत् = as
चापि = also
उत्क्रामति = gives up
ईश्वरः = the lord of the body
गृहीत्वा = taking
एतानि = all these
संयाति = goes away
वायुः = the air
गन्धान् = smells
इव = like
अशयात् = from their source.
श्रोत्रं = ears
चक्षुः = eyes
स्पर्शनं = touch
च = also
रसनं = tongue
घ्राणं = smelling power
एव = also
च = and
अधिष्ठाय = being situated in
मनः = mind
च = also
अयं = he
विषयान् = sense objects
उपसेवते = enjoys.
उत्क्रामन्तं = quitting the body
स्थितं = situated in the body
वापि = either
भुञ्जानं = enjoying
वा = or
गुणान्वितं = under the spell of the modes of material nature
विमूढाः = foolish persons
न = never
अनुपश्यन्ति = can see
पश्यन्ति = can see
ज्ञानचक्षुषः = those who have the eyes of knowledge.
यतन्तः = endeavoring
योगिनः = transcendentalists
च = also
एनं = this
पश्यन्ति = can see
आत्मनि = in the self
अवस्थितं = situated
यतन्तः = endeavoring
अपि = although
अकृतात्मानः = those without self-realization
न = do not
एनं = this
पश्यन्ति = see
अचेतसः = having undeveloped minds.
यत् = that which
आदित्यगतं = in the sunshine
तेजः = splendor
जगत् = the whole world
भासयते = illuminates
अखिलं = entirely
यत् = that which
चन्द्रमसि = in the moon
यत् = that which
च = also
अग्नौ = in fire
तत् = that
तेजः = splendor
विद्धि = understand
मामकं = from Me.
गां = the planets
आविश्य = entering
च = also
भूतानी = the living entities
धारयामि = sustain
अहं = I
ओजसा = by My energy
पुष्णामि = am nourishing
च = and
औषधीः = vegetables
सर्वाः = all
सोमः = the moon
भूत्वा = becoming
रसात्मकः = supplying the juice.
अहं = I
वैश्वानरः = My plenary portion as the digesting fire
भूत्वा = becoming
प्राणिनां = of all living entities
देहं = in the bodies
आश्रितः = situated
प्राण = the outgoing air
अपान = the down-going air
समायुक्तः = keeping in balance
पचामि = I digest
अन्नं = foodstuff
चतुर्विधं = the four kinds.
सर्वस्य = of all living beings
च = and
अहं = I
हृदि = in the heart
सन्निविष्टः = situated
मत्तः = from Me
स्मृतिः = remembrance
ज्ञानं = knowledge
अपोहनं = forgetfulness
च = and
वेदैः = by the Vedas
च = also
सर्वैः = all
अहं = I am
एव = certainly
वेद्यः = knowable
वेदान्तकृत् = the compiler of the Vedanta
वेदवित् = the knower of the Vedas
एव = certainly
च = and
अहं = I.
द्वौ = two
इमौ = these
पुरुषौ = living entities
लोके = in the world
क्षरः = fallible
च = and
अक्षरः = infallible
एव = certainly
च = and
क्षरः = fallible
सर्वाणि = all
भूतानी = living entities
कूटस्थः = in oneness
अक्षरः = infallible
उच्यते = is said.
उत्तमः = the best
पुरुषः = personality
तु = but
अन्यः = another
परम = the supreme
आत्मा = self
इति = thus
उदाहृतः = is said
यः = who
लोक = of the universe
त्रयं = the three divisions
आविश्य = entering
बिभर्ति = is maintaining
अव्ययः = inexhaustible
ईश्वरः = the Lord.
यस्मात् = because
क्षरं = to the fallible
अतीतः = transcendental
अहं = I am
अक्षरात् = beyond the infallible
अपि = also
च = and
उत्तमः = the best
अतः = therefore
अस्मि = I am
लोके = in the world
वेदे = in the Vedic literature
च = and
प्रथितः = celebrated
पुरुषोत्तमः = as the Supreme Personality.
यः = anyone who
मां = Me
एवं = thus
असम्मूढः = without a doubt
जानाति = knows
पुरुषोत्तमं = the Supreme Personality of Godhead
सः = he
सर्ववित् = the knower of everything
भजति = renders devotional service
मां = unto Me
सर्वभावेन = in all respects
भारत = O son of Bharata.
इति = thus
गुह्यतमं = the most confidential
शास्त्रं = revealed scripture
इदं = this
उक्तं = disclosed
मया = by Me
अनघ = O sinless one
एतत् = this
बुद्ध्वा = understanding
बुद्धिमान् = intelligent
स्यात् = one becomes
कृतकृत्यः = the most perfect in his endeavors
च = and
भारत = O son of Bharata.

End of 15.20

श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
अभयं = fearlessness
सत्त्वसंशुद्धिः = purification of one’s existence
ज्ञान = in knowledge
योग = of linking up
व्यवस्थितिः = the situation
दानं = charity
दमः = controlling the mind
च = and
यज्ञः = performance of sacrifice
च = and
स्वाध्यायः = study of Vedic literature
तपः = austerity
आर्जवं = simplicity
अहिंसा = nonviolence
सत्यं = truthfulness
अक्रोधः = freedom from anger
त्यागः = renunciation
शान्तिः = tranquillity
अपैशुनं = aversion to fault-finding
दया = mercy
भूतेषु = towards all living entities
अलोलुप्त्वं = freedom from greed
मार्दवं = gentleness
ह्रीः = modesty
अचापलं = determination
तेजः = vigor
क्षमा = forgiveness
धृतिः = fortitude
शौचं = cleanliness
अद्रोहः = freedom from envy
न = not
अति मानिता = expectation of honor
भवन्ति = are
सम्पदं = the qualities
दैवीं = the transcendental nature
अभिजातस्य = of one who is born of
भारत = O son of Bharata.
दम्भः = pride
दर्पः = arrogance
अभिमनः = conceit
च = and
क्रोधः = anger
पारुष्यं = harshness
एव = certainly
च = and
अज्ञानं = ignorance
च = and
अभिजातस्य = of one who is born of
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
सम्पदं = the qualities
आसुरीं = the demoniac nature.
दैवी = transcendental
सम्पत् = assets
विमोक्षाय = meant for liberation
निबन्धाय = for bondage
आसुरी = demoniac qualities
मता = are considered
मा = do not
शुचः = worry
सम्पदं = assets
दैवीं = transcendental
अभिजातः = born of
असि = you are
पाण्डव = O son of Pandu.
द्वौ = two
भूतसर्गौ = created living beings
लोके = in the world
अस्मिन् = this
दैवः = godly
आसुरः = demoniac
एव = certainly
च = and
दैवः = the divine
विस्तरशः = at great length
प्रोक्तः = said
आसुरं = the demoniac
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
मे = from Me
श‍ृणु = just hear.
प्रवृत्तिं = acting properly
च = also
निवृत्तिं = not acting improperly
च = and
जनाः = persons
न = never
विदुः = know
आसुरः = of demoniac quality
न = never
शौचं = cleanliness
न = nor
अपि = also
च = and
आचारः = behavior
न = never
सत्यं = truth
तेषु = in them
विद्यते = there is.
असत्यं = unreal
अप्रतिष्ठं = without foundation
ते = they
जगत् = the cosmic manifestation
आहुः = say
अनीश्वरं = with no controller
अपरस्पर = without cause
सम्भूतं = arisen kim
अन्यत् = there is no other cause
कामहैतुकं = it is due to lust only.
एतां = this
दृष्टिं = vision
अवष्टभ्य = accepting
नष्ट = having lost
आत्मनः = themselves
अल्पबुद्धयः = the less intelligent
प्रभवन्ति = flourish
उग्रकर्माणः = engaged in painful activities
क्षयाय = for destruction
जगतः = of the world
अहिताः = unbeneficial.
कामं = lust
आश्रित्य = taking shelter of
दुष्पूरं = insatiable
दम्भ = of pride
मन = and false prestige
मदान्विताः = absorbed in the conceit
मोहात् = by illusion
गृहीत्वा = taking
असत् = nonpermanent
ग्राहान् = things
प्रवर्तन्ते = they flourish
अशुचि = to the unclean
व्रताः = avowed.
चिन्तां = fears and anxieties
अपरिमेयं = immeasurable
च = and
प्रलयान्तां = unto the point of death
उपाश्रिताः = having taken shelter of
कामोपभोग = sense gratification
परमाः = the highest goal of life
एतावत् = thus
इति = in this way
निश्चिताः = having ascertained
आशापाश = entanglements in a network of hope
शतैः = by hundreds
बद्धाः = being bound
काम = of lust
क्रोध = and anger
परायणाः = always situated in the mentality
ईहन्ते = they desire
काम = lust
भोग = sense enjoyment
अर्थं = for the purpose of
अन्यायेन = illegally
अर्थ = of wealth
सञ्चयान् = accumulation.
इदं = this
अद्य = today
मया = by me
लब्धं = gained
इमं = this
प्राप्स्ये = I shall gain
मनोरथं = according to my desires
इदं = this
अस्ति = there is
इदं = this
अपि = also
मे = mine
भविष्यति = it will increase in the future
पुनः = again
धनं = wealth
असौ = that
मया = by me
हतः = has been killed
शत्रुः = enemy
हनिष्ये = I shall kill
च = also
अपरान् = others
अपि = certainly
ईश्वरः = the lord
अहं = I am
अहं = I am
भोगी = the enjoyer
सिद्धः = perfect
अहं = I am
बलवान् = powerful
सुखी = happy
आढ्यः = wealthy
अभिजनवान् = surrounded by aristocratic relatives
अस्मि = I am
कः = who
अन्यः = other
अस्ति = there is
सदृशः = like
मया = me
यक्ष्ये = I shall sacrifice
दास्यामि = I shall give charity
मोदिष्ये = I shall rejoice
इति = thus
अज्ञान = by ignorance
विमोहिताः = deluded.
अनेक = numerous
चित्त = by anxieties
विभ्रान्ताः = perplexed
मोह = of illusions
जाल = by a network
समावृतः = surrounded
प्रसक्ताः = attached
कामभोगेषु = to sense gratification
पतन्ति = they glide down
नरके = into hell
अशुचौ = unclean.
आत्मासम्भविताः = self-complacent
स्तब्धः = impudent
धनमान = of wealth and false prestige
मद = in the delusion
अन्विताः = absorbed
यजन्ते = they perform sacrifice
नाम = in name only
यज्ञैः = with sacrifices
ते = they
दम्भेन = out of pride
अविधिपूर्वकं = without following any rules and regulations.
अहङ्कारं = false ego
बलं = strength
दर्पं = pride
कामं = lust
क्रोधं = anger
च = also
संश्रिताः = having taken shelter of
मां = Me
आत्म = in their own
पर = and in other
देहेषु = bodies
प्रद्विषन्तः = blaspheming
अभ्यसूयकाः = envious.
तान् = those
अहं = I
द्विषतः = envious
क्रूरान् = mischievous
संसारेषु = into the ocean of material existence
नराधमान् = the lowest of mankind
क्षिपामि = I put
अजस्रं = forever
अशुभान् = inauspicious
आसुरीषु = demoniac
एव = certainly
योनिषु = into the wombs.
आसुरीं = demoniac
योनिं = species
आपन्नाः = gaining
मूढाः = the foolish
जन्मनि जन्मनि = in birth after birth
मां = Me
अप्राप्य = without achieving
एव = certainly
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
ततः = thereafter
यान्ति = go
अधमां = condemned
गतिं = destination.
त्रिविधं = of three kinds
नरकस्य = of hell
इदं = this
द्वारं = gate
नाशनं = destructive
आत्मनः = of the self
कामः = lust
क्रोधः = anger
तथा = as well as
लोभः = greed
तस्मात् = therefore
एतत् = these
त्रयं = three
त्यजेत् = one must give up.
एतैः = from these
विमुक्तः = being liberated
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
तमोद्वारैः = from the gates of ignorance
त्रिभिः = of three kinds
नरः = a person
आचरति = performs
आत्मनः = for the self
श्रेयः = benediction
ततः = thereafter
याति = he goes
परां = to the supreme
गतिं = destination.
यः = anyone who
शास्त्रविधिं = the regulations of the scriptures
उत्सृज्य = giving up
वर्तते = remains
कामकारतः = acting whimsically in lust
न = never
सः = he
सिद्धिं = perfection
अवाप्नोति = achieves
न = never
सुखं = happiness
न = never
परां = the supreme
गतिं = perfectional stage.
तस्मात् = therefore
शास्त्रं = the scriptures
प्रमाणं = evidence
ते = your
कार्य = duty
अकार्य = and forbidden activities
व्यवस्थितौ = in determining
ज्ञात्वा = knowing
शास्त्र = of scripture
विधान = the regulations
उक्तं = as declared
कर्म = work
कर्तुं = do
इह = in this world
अर्हसि = you should.

End of 16.24

अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
ये = those who
शास्त्रविधिं = the regulations of scripture
उत्सृज्य = giving up
यजन्ते = worship
श्रद्धया = full faith
अन्विताः = possessed of
तेषां = of them
निष्ठा = the faith
तु = but
का = what
कृष्ण = O KRiShNa
सत्त्वं = in goodness
आहो = or else
रजः = in passion
तमः = in ignorance.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
त्रिविधा = of three kinds
भवति = becomes
श्रद्धा = the faith
देहिनां = of the embodied
सा = that
स्वभावजा = according to his mode of material nature
सात्त्विकी = in the mode of goodness
राजसी = in the mode of passion
च = also
एव = certainly
तामसी = in the mode of ignorance
च = and
इति = thus
तां = that
श‍ृणु = hear from Me.
सत्त्वानुरूपा = according to the existence
सर्वस्य = of everyone
श्रद्धा = faith
भवति = becomes
भारत = O son of Bharata
श्रद्धा = faith
मयः = full of
अयं = this
पुरुषः = living entity
यः = who
यत् = having which
श्रद्धः = faith
सः = thus
एव = certainly
सः = he.
यजन्ते = worship
सात्त्विकाः = those who are in the mode of goodness
देवान् = demigods
यक्षरक्षांसि = demons
राजसाः = those who are in the mode of passion
प्रेतान् = spirits of the dead
भूतगणान् = ghosts
च = and
अन्ये = others
यजन्ते = worship
तामसाः = in the mode of ignorance
जनाः = people.
अशास्त्र = not in the scriptures
विहितं = directed
घोरं = harmful to others
तप्यन्ते = undergo
ये = those who
तपः = austerities
जनाः = persons
दम्भ = with pride
अहङ्कार = and egoism
संयुक्ताः = engaged
काम = of lust
राग = and attachment
बल = by the force
अन्विताः = impelled
कर्षयन्तः = tormenting
शरीरस्थं = situated within the body
भूतग्रामं = the combination of material elements
अचेतसः = having a misled mentality
मां = Me
च = also
एव = certainly
अन्तः = within
शरीरस्थं = situated in the body
तान् = them
विद्धि = understand
आसुरनिश्चयान् = demons.
आहारः = eating
तु = certainly
अपि = also
सर्वस्य = of everyone
त्रिविधः = of three kinds
भवति = there is
प्रियः = dear
यज्ञः = sacrifice
तपः = austerity
तथा = also
दानं = charity
तेषां = of them
भेदं = the differences
इमं = this
श‍ृणु = hear.
आयुः = duration of life
सत्त्व = existence
बल = strength
आरोग्य = health
सुख = happiness
प्रीति = and satisfaction
विवर्धनाः = increasing
रस्याः = juicy
स्निग्धाः = fatty
स्थिराः = enduring
हृद्याः = pleasing to the heart
आहारः = food
सात्त्विक = to one in goodness
प्रियाः = palatable.
कटु = bitter
आम्ल = sour
लवण = salty
अत्युष्ण = very hot
तीक्ष्ण = pungent
रुक्ष = dry
विदाहिनः = burning
आहारः = food
राजसस्य = to one in the mode of passion
इष्टाः = palatable
दुःख = distress
शोक = misery
आमय = disease
प्रदाः = causing.
यातयामं = food cooked three hours before being eaten
गतरसं = tasteless
पूति = bad-smelling
पर्युषितं = decomposed
च = also
यत् = that which
उच्छिष्टं = remnants of food eaten by others
अपि = also
च = and
अमेध्यं = untouchable
भोजनं = eating
तामस = to one in the mode of darkness
प्रियं = dear.
अफलाकाङ्क्षिभिः = by those devoid of desire for result
यज्ञः = sacrifice
विधिदिष्टः = according to the direction of scripture
यः = which
इज्यते = is performed
यष्टव्यं = must be performed
एव = certainly
इति = thus
मनः = mind
समाधाय = fixing
सः = it
सात्त्विकः = in the mode of goodness.
अभिसन्धाय = desiring
तु = but
फलं = the result
दम्भ = pride
अर्थं = for the sake of
अपि = also
च = and
एव = certainly
यत् = that which
इज्यते = is performed
भरतश्रेष्ठ = O chief of the Bharatas
तं = that
यज्ञं = sacrifice
विद्धि = know
राजसं = in the mode of passion.
विधिहीनं = without scriptural direction
असृष्टान्नं = without distribution of prasAdam
मन्त्रहीनं = with no chanting of the Vedic hymns
अदक्षिणं = with no remunerations to the priests
श्रद्धा = faith
विरहितं = without
यज्ञं = sacrifice
तामसं = in the mode of ignorance
परिचक्षते = is to be considered.
देव = of the Supreme Lord
द्विज = the brahmanas
गुरु = the spiritual master
प्रज्ञा = and worshipable personalities
पूजानं = worship
शौचं = cleanliness
आर्जवं = simplicity
ब्रह्मचर्यं = celibacy
अहिंसा = nonviolence
च = also
शरीरं = pertaining to the body
तपः = austerity
उच्यते = is said to be.
अनुद्वेगकरं = not agitating
वाक्यं = words
सत्यं = truthful
प्रिय = dear
हितं = beneficial
च = also
यत् = which
स्वाध्याय = of Vedic study
अभ्यसनं = practice
च = also
एव = certainly
वाङ्मयं = of the voice
तपः = austerity
उच्यते = is said to be.
मनःप्रसादः = satisfaction of the mind
सौम्यत्वं = being without duplicity towards others
मौनं = gravity
आत्म = of the self
विनिग्रहः = control
भाव = of one’s nature
संशुद्धिः = purification
इति = thus
एतत् = this
तपः = austerity
मानसं = of the mind
उच्यते = is said to be.
श्रद्धया = with faith
परया = transcendental
तप्तं = executed
तपः = austerity
तत् = that
त्रिविधं = of three kinds
नरैः = by men
अफलाकाङ्क्षिभिः = who are without desires for fruits
युक्तैः = engaged
सात्त्विकं = in the mode of goodness
परिचक्षते = is called.
सत्कार = respect
मान = honor
पूजा = and worship
अर्थं = for the sake of
तपः = austerity
दम्भेन = with pride
च = also
एव = certainly
यत् = which
क्रियते = is performed
तत् = that
इह = in this world
प्रोक्तं = is said
राजसं = in the mode of passion
चलं = flickering
अध्रुवं = temporary.
मूढ = foolish
ग्राहेण = with endeavor
आत्मनः = of one’s own self
यत् = which
पीडया = by torture
क्रियते = is performed
तपः = penance
परस्य = to others
उत्सादनार्थं = for the sake of causing annihilation
वा = or
तत् = that
तामसं = in the mode of darkness
उदाहृतं = is said to be.
दातव्यं = worth giving
इति = thus
यत् = that which
दानं = charity
दीयते = is given
अनुपकारिणे = irrespective of return
देशे = in a proper place
काले = at a proper time
च = also
पात्रे = to a suitable person
च = and
तत् = that
दानं = charity
सात्त्विकं = in the mode of goodness
स्मृतं = is considered.
यत् = that which
तु = but
प्रत्युपकारार्थं = for the sake of getting some return
फलं = a result
उद्दिश्य = desiring
वा = or
पुनः = again
दीयते = is given
च = also
परिक्लिष्टं = grudgingly
तत् = that
दानं = charity
राजसं = in the mode of passion
स्मृतं = is understood to be.
अदेश = at an unpurified place
काले = and unpurified time
यत् = that which
दानं = charity
अपात्रेभ्यः = to unworthy persons
च = also
दीयते = is given
असत्कृतं = without respect
अवज्ञातं = without proper attention
तत् = that
तामसं = in the mode of darkness
उदाहृतं = is said to be.
ॐ = indication of the Supreme
तत् = that
सत् = eternal
इति = thus
निर्देशः = indication
ब्रह्मणः = of the Supreme
त्रिविधः = threefold
स्मृतः = is considered
ब्राह्मणाः = the brahmanas
तेन = with that
वेदाः = the Vedic literature
च = also
यज्ञाः = sacrifice
च = also
विहिताः = used
पुरा = formerly.
तस्मात् = therefore
ॐ = beginning with om
इति = thus
उदाहृत्य = indicating
यज्ञ = of sacrifice
दान = charity
तपः = and penance
क्रियाः = performances
प्रवर्तन्ते = begin
विधानोक्तः = according to scriptural regulation
सततं = always
ब्रह्मवादिनां = of the transcendentalists.
तत् = that
इति = thus
अनभिसन्धाय = without desiring
फलं = the fruitive result
यज्ञ = of sacrifice
तपः = and penance
क्रियाः = activities
दान = of charity
क्रियाः = activities
च = also
विविधाः = various
क्रियन्ते = are done
मोक्षकाङ्क्षिभिः = by those who actually desire liberation.
सद्भवे = in the sense of the nature of the Supreme
साधुभावे = in the sense of the nature of the devotee
च = also
सत् = the word sat
इति = thus
एतत् = this
प्रयुज्यते = is used
प्रशस्ते = in bona fide
कर्मणि = activities
तथा = also
सच्छब्दः = the sound sat
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
युज्यते = is used
यज्ञे = in sacrifice
तपसि = in penance
दाने = in charity
च = also
स्थितिः = the situation
सत् = the Supreme
इति = thus
च = and
उच्यते = is pronounced
कर्म = work
च = also
एव = certainly
तत् = for that
अर्थियं = meant
सत् = the Supreme
इति = thus
एव = certainly
अभिधीयते = is indicated.
अश्रद्धया = without faith
हुतं = offered in sacrifice
दत्तं = given
तपः = penance
तप्तं = executed
कृतं = performed
च = also
यत् = that which
असत् = false
इति = thus
उच्यते = is said to be
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
न = never
च = also
तत् = that
प्रेत्य = after death
नो = nor
इह = in this life.

End of 17.28

अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
संन्यासस्य = of renunciation
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed one
तत्त्वं = the truth
इच्छामि = I wish
वेदितुं = to understand
त्यागस्य = of renunciation
च = also
हृषीकेश = O master of the senses
पृथक् = differently
केशिनिशूदन = O killer of the Kesi demon.
श्रीभगवानुवाच = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
काम्यानां = with desire
कर्मणां = of activities
न्यासं = renunciation
संन्यासं = the renounced order of life
कवयः = the learned
विदुः = know
सर्व = of all
कर्म = activities
फल = of results
त्यागं = renunciation
प्राहुः = call
त्यागं = renunciation
विचक्षणः = the experienced.
त्याज्यं = must be given up
दोषवत् = as an evil
इति = thus
एके = one group
कर्म = work
प्राहुः = they say
मनीषिणः = great thinkers
यज्ञ = of sacrifice
दान = charity
तपः = and penance
कर्म = works
न = never
त्याज्यं = are to be given up
इति = thus
च = and
अपरे = others.
निश्चयं = certainty
श‍ृणु = hear
मे = from Me
तत्र = therein
त्यागे = in the matter of renunciation
भरतसत्तम = O best of the Bharatas
त्यागः = renunciation
हि = certainly
पुरुषव्याघ्र = O tiger among human beings
त्रिविधः = of three kinds
सम्प्रकीर्तितः = is declared.
यज्ञ = of sacrifice
दान = charity
तपः = and penance
कर्म = activity
न = never
त्याज्यं = to be given up
कार्यं = must be done
एव = certainly
तत् = that
यज्ञः = sacrifice
दानं = charity
तपः = penance
च = also
एव = certainly
पावनानि = purifying
मनीषिणां = even for the great souls.
एतानि = all these
अपि = certainly
तु = but
कर्माणि = activities
सङ्गं = association
त्यक्त्वा = renouncing
फलानि = results
च = also
कर्तव्यानि = should be done as duty
इति = thus
मे = My
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
निश्चितं = definite
मतं = opinion
उत्तमं = the best.
नियतस्य = prescribed
तु = but
संन्यासः = renunciation
कर्मणः = of activities
न = never
उपपद्यते = is deserved
मोहात् = by illusion
तस्य = of them
परित्यागः = renunciation
तामसः = in the mode of ignorance
परिकीर्तितः = is declared.
दुःखं = unhappy
इति = thus
एव = certainly
यत् = which
कर्म = work
काय = for the body
क्लेश = trouble
भयात् = out of fear
त्यजेत् = gives up
सः = he
कृत्वा = after doing
राजसं = in the mode of passion
त्यागं = renunciation
न = not
एव = certainly
त्याग = of renunciation
फलं = the results
लभेत् = gains.
कार्यं = it must be done
इति = thus
एव = indeed
यत् = which
कर्म = work
नियतं = prescribed
क्रियते = is performed
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
सङ्गं = association
त्यक्त्वा = giving up
फलं = the result
च = also
एव = certainly
सः = that
त्यागः = renunciation
सात्त्विकः = in the mode of goodness
मतः = in My opinion.
न = never
द्वेष्टि = hates
अकुशलं = inauspicious
कर्म = work
कुशले = in the auspicious
न = nor
अनुषज्जते = becomes attached
त्यागी = the renouncer
सत्त्व = in goodness
समाविष्टः = absorbed
मेधावी = intelligent
छिन्न = having cut off
संशयः = all doubts.
न = never
हि = certainly
देहभृता = by the embodied
शक्यं = is possible
त्यक्तुं = to be renounced
कर्माणि = activities
अशेषतः = altogether
यः = anyone who
तु = but
कर्म = of work
फल = of the result
त्यागी = the renouncer
सः = he
त्यागी = the renouncer
इति = thus
अभिधीयते = is said.
अनिष्टं = leading to hell
इष्टं = leading to heaven
मिश्रं = mixed
च = and
त्रिविधं = of three kinds
कर्मणः = of work
फलं = the result
भवति = comes
अत्यागिनां = for those who are not renounced
प्रेत्य = after death
न = not
तु = but
संन्यासीनां = for the renounced order
क्वचित् = at any time.
पञ्च = five
एतानि = these
महाबाहो = O mighty-armed one
कारणानि = causes
निबोध = just understand
मे = from Me
साङ्ख्ये = in the Vedanta
कृतान्ते = in the conclusion
प्रोक्तानि = said
सिद्धये = for the perfection
सर्व = of all
कर्मणां = activities.
अधिष्ठानं = the place
तथा = also
कर्ता = the worker
करणं = instruments
च = and
पृथग्विधं = of different kinds
विविधः = various
च = and
पृथक् = separate
चेष्टः = the endeavors
दैवं = the Supreme
च = also
एव = certainly
अत्र = here
पञ्चमं = the fifth.
शरीर = by the body
वाक् = speech
मनोभिः = and mind
यत् = which
कर्म = work
प्रारभते = begins
नरः = a person
न्याय्यं = right
वा = or
विपरीतं = the opposite
वा = or
पञ्च = five
एते = all these
तस्य = its
हेतवः = causes.
तत्र = there
एवं = thus
सति = being
कर्तारं = the worker
आत्मानं = himself
केवलं = only
तु = but
यः = anyone who
पश्यति = sees
अकृतबुद्धित्वात् = due to unintelligence
न = never
सः = he
पश्यति = sees
दुर्मतिः = foolish.
यस्य = one whose
न = never
अहङ्कृतः = of false ego
भावः = nature
बुद्धिः = intelligence
यस्य = one whose
न = never
लिप्यते = is attached
हत्वा = killing
अपि = even
सः = he
इमान् = this
लोकान् = world
न = never
हन्ति = kills
न = never
निबध्यते = becomes entangled.
ज्ञानं = knowledge
ज्ञेयं = the objective of knowledge
परिज्ञाता = the knower
त्रिविधा = of three kinds
कर्म = of work
चोदना = the impetus
करणं = the senses
कर्म = the work
कर्ता = the doer
इति = thus
त्रिविधः = of three kinds
कर्म = of work
संग्रहः = the accumulation.
ज्ञानं = knowledge
कर्म = work
च = also
कर्ता = worker
च = also
त्रिधा = of three kinds
एव = certainly
गुणभेदतः = in terms of different modes of material nature
प्रोच्यते = are said
गुणसंख्याने = in terms of different modes
यथावत् = as they are
श‍ृणु = hear
तानि = all of them
अपि = also.
सर्वभूतेषु = in all living entities
येन = by which
एकं = one
भावं = situation
अव्ययं = imperishable
ईक्षते = one sees
अविभक्तं = undivided
विभक्तेषु = in the numberless divided
तत् = that
ज्ञानं = knowledge
विद्धि = know
सात्त्विकं = in the mode of goodness.
पृथक्त्वेन = because of division
तु = but
यत् = which
ज्ञानं = knowledge
नानाभावान् = multifarious situations
पृथग्विधान् = different
वेत्ति = knows
सर्वेषु = in all
भूतेषु = living entities
तत् = that
ज्ञानं = knowledge
विद्धि = must be known
राजसं = in terms of passion.
यत् = that which
तु = but
कृत्स्नवत् = as all in all
एकस्मिन् = in one
कार्ये = work
सक्तं = attached
अहैतुकं = without cause
अतत्त्वार्थवत् = without knowledge of reality
अल्पं = very meager
च = and
तत् = that
तामसं = in the mode of darkness
उदाहृतं = is said to be.
नियतं = regulated
सङ्गरहितं = without attachment
अरागद्वेषतः = without love or hatred
कृतं = done
अफलप्रेप्सुना = by one without desire for fruitive result
कर्म = action
यत् = which
तत् = that
सात्त्विकं = in the mode of goodness
उच्यते = is called.
यत् = that which
तु = but
कामेप्सुना = by one with desires for fruitive results
कर्म = work
साहङ्कारेण = with ego
वा = or
पुनः = again
क्रियते = is performed
बहुलायासं = with great labor
तत् = that
राजसं = in the mode of passion
उदाहृतं = is said to be.
अनुबन्धं = of future bondage
क्षयं = destruction
हिंसां = and distress to others
अनपेक्ष्य = without considering the consequences
च = also
पौरुषं = self-sanctioned
मोहात् = by illusion
आरभ्यते = is begun
कर्म = work
यत् = which
तत् = that
तामसं = in the mode of ignorance
उच्यते = is said to be.
मुक्तसङ्गः = liberated from all material association
अनहंवादि = without false ego
धृति = with determination
उत्साह = and great enthusiasm
समन्वितः = qualified
सिद्धि = in perfection
असिद्ध्योः = and failure
निर्विकारः = without change
कर्ता = worker
सात्त्विकः = in the mode of goodness
उच्यते = is said to be.
रागी = very much attached
कर्मफल = the fruit of the work
प्रेप्सुः = desiring
लुब्धः = greedy
हिंसात्मकः = always envious
अशुचिः = unclean
हर्षशोकान्वितः = subject to joy and sorrow
कर्ता = such a worker
राजसः = in the mode of passion
परिकीर्तितः = is declared.
अयुक्तः = not referring to the scriptural injunctions
प्राकृतः = materialistic
स्तब्धः = obstinate
शठः = deceitful
नैष्कृतिकः = expert in insulting others
अलसः = lazy
विषादि = morose
दीर्घसूत्री = procrastinating
च = also
कर्ता = worker
तामसः = in the mode of ignorance
उच्यते = is said to be.
बुद्धेः = of intelligence
भेदं = the differences
धृतेः = of steadiness
च = also
एव = certainly
गुणतः = by the modes of material nature
त्रिविधं = of three kinds
श‍ृणु = just hear
प्रोच्यमानं = as described by Me
अशेषेण = in detail
पृथक्त्वेन = differently
धनञ्जय = O winner of wealth.
प्रवृत्तिं = doing
च = also
निवृत्तिं = not doing
च = and
कार्य = what ought to be done
अकार्ये = and what ought not to be done
भय = fear
अभये = and fearlessness
बन्धं = bondage
मोक्षं = liberation
च = and
या = that which
वेत्ति = knows
बुद्धिः = understanding
सा = that
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
सात्त्विकी = in the mode of goodness.
यया = by which
धर्मं = the principles of religion
अधर्मं = irreligion
च = and
कार्यं = what ought to be done
च = also
अकार्यं = what ought not to be done
एव = certainly
च = also
अयथावत् = imperfectly
प्रजानाति = knows
बुद्धिः = intelligence
सा = that
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
राजसी = in the mode of passion.
अधर्मं = irreligion
धर्मं = religion
इति = thus
या = which
मन्यते = thinks
तमस = by illusion
आवृता = covered
सर्वार्थान् = all things
विपरीतान् = in the wrong direction
च = also
बुद्धिः = intelligence
सा = that
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
तामसी = in the mode of ignorance.
धृत्या = determination
यया = by which
धारयते = one sustains
मनः = of the mind
प्राण = life
इन्द्रिय = and senses
क्रियाः = the activities
योगेन = by yoga practice
अव्यभिचारिण्या = without any break
धृतिः = determination
सा = that
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
सात्त्विकी = in the mode of goodness.
यया = by which
तु = but
धर्म = religiosity
काम = sense gratification
अर्थन् = and economic development
धृत्य = by determination
धारयते = one sustains
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
प्रसङ्गेन = because of attachment
फलाकाङ्क्षी = desiring fruitive results
धृतिः = determination
सा = that
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
राजसी = in the mode of passion.
यया = by which
स्वप्नं = dreaming
भयं = fearfulness
शोकं = lamentation
विषादं = moroseness
मदं = illusion
एव = certainly
च = also
न = never
विमुञ्चति = one gives up
दुर्मेधा = unintelligent
धृतिः = determination
सा = that
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
तामसी = in the mode of ignorance.
सुखं = happiness
तु = but
इदानीं = now
त्रिविधं = of three kinds
श‍ृणु = hear
मे = from Me
भरतर्षभ = O best amongst the Bharatas
अभ्यासात् = by practice
रमते = one enjoys
यत्र = where
दुःख = of distress
अन्तं = the end
च = also
निगच्छति = gains.
यत् = which
तत् = that
अग्रे = in the beginning
विषमिव = like poison
परिणामे = at the end
अमृत = nectar
उपमं = compared to
तत् = that
सुखं = happiness
सात्त्विकं = in the mode of goodness
प्रोक्तं = is said
आत्म = in the self
बुद्धि = of intelligence
प्रसादजं = born of the satisfaction.
विषय = of the objects of the senses
इन्द्रिय = and the senses
संयोगात् = from the combination
यत् = which
तत् = that
अग्रे = in the beginning
अमृतोपमं = just like nectar
परिणामे = at the end
विषमिव = like poison
तत् = that
सुखं = happiness
राजसं = in the mode of passion
स्मृतं = is considered.
यत् = that which
अग्रे = in the beginning
च = also
अनुबन्धे = at the end
च = also
सुखं = happiness
मोहनं = illusory
आत्मनः = of the self
निद्रा = sleep
आलस्य = laziness
प्रमाद = and illusion
उत्थं = produced of
तत् = that
तामसं = in the mode of ignorance
उदाहृतं = is said to be.
न = not
तत् = that
अस्ति = there is
पृथिव्यां = on the earth
वा = or
दिवि = in the higher planetary system
देवेषु = amongst the demigods
वा = or
पुनः = again
सत्त्वं = existence
प्रकृतिजैः = born of material nature
मुक्तं = liberated
यत् = that
एभिः = from the influence of these
स्यात् = is
त्रिभिः = three
गुणैः = modes of material nature.
ब्राह्मण = of the brahmanas
क्षत्रिय = the ksatriyas
विशां = and the vaisyas
शूद्राणां = of the shudras
च = and
परन्तप = O subduer of the enemies
कर्माणि = the activities
प्रविभक्तानि = are divided
स्वभाव = their own nature
प्रभवैः = born of
गुणैः = by the modes of material nature.
समः = peacefulness
दमः = self-control
तपः = austerity
शौचं = purity
क्षान्तिः = tolerance
आर्जवं = honesty
एव = certainly
च = and
ज्ञानं = knowledge
विज्ञानं = wisdom
आस्तिक्यं = religiousness
ब्रह्म = of a brahmana
कर्म = duty
स्वभावजं = born of his own nature.
शौर्यं = heroism
तेजः = power
धृतिः = determination
दाक्ष्यं = resourcefulness
युद्धे = in battle
च = and
अपि = also
अपलायनं = not fleeing
दानं = generosity
ईश्वर = of leadership
भावः = the nature
च = and
क्षात्रं = of a ksatriya
कर्म = duty
स्वभावजं = born of his own nature.
कृषि = plowing
गो = of cows
रक्ष्य = protection
वाणिज्यं = trade
वैश्य = of a vaisya
कर्म = duty
स्वभावजं = born of his own nature
परिचर्य = service
आत्मकं = consisting of
कर्म = duty
शूद्रस्य = of the shudra
अपि = also
स्वभावजं = born of his own nature.
स्वे स्वे = each his own
कर्मणि = work
अभिरतः = following
संसिद्धिं = perfection
लभते = achieves
नरः = a man
स्वकर्म = in his own duty
निरतः = engaged
सिद्धिं = perfection
यथा = as
विन्दति = attains
तत् = that
श‍ृणु = listen.
यतः = from whom
प्रवृत्तिः = the emanation
भूतानां = of all living entities
येन = by whom
सर्वं = all
इदं = this
ततं = is pervaded
स्वकर्मणा = by his own duties
तं = Him
अभ्यर्च्य = by worshiping
सिद्धिं = perfection
विन्दति = achieves
मानवः = a man.
श्रेयान् = better
स्वधर्मः = one’s own occupation
विगुणः = imperfectly performed
परधर्मात् = than another’s occupation
स्वनुष्ठितात् = perfectly done
स्वभावनियतं = prescribed according to one’s nature
कर्म = work
कुर्वन् = performing
न = never
आप्नोति = achieves
किल्बिशं = sinful reactions.
सहजं = born simultaneously
कर्म = work
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
सदोषं = with fault
अपि = although
न = never
त्यजेत् = one should give up
सर्वारम्भः = all ventures
हि = certainly
दोषेन = with fault
धूमेन = with smoke
अग्निः = fire
इव = as
आवृताः = covered.
असक्तबुद्धिः = having unattached intelligence
सर्वत्र = everywhere
जितात्मा = having control of the mind
विगतस्पृहः = without material desires
नैष्कर्म्यसिद्धिं = the perfection of nonreaction
परमां = supreme
संन्यासेन = by the renounced order of life
अधिगच्छति = one attains.
सिद्धिं = perfection
प्राप्तः = achieving
यथा = as
ब्रह्म = the Supreme
तथा = so
आप्नोति = one achieves
निबोध = try to understand
मे = from Me
समासेन = summarily
एव = certainly
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
निष्ठा = the stage
ज्ञानस्य = of knowledge
या = which
परा = transcendental.
बुद्ध्या = with the intelligence
विशुद्धया = fully purified
युक्तः = engaged
धृत्य = by determination
आत्मानं = the self
नियम्य = regulating
च = also
शब्दादिन् = such as sound
विषयान् = the sense objects
त्यक्त्वा = giving up
राग = attachment
द्वेषौ = and hatred
व्युदस्य = laying aside
च = also
विविक्तसेवी = living in a secluded place
लघ्वाशी = eating a small quantity
यत = having controlled
वाक् = speech
काय = body
मानसः = and mind
ध्यानयोगपरः = absorbed in trance
नित्यं = twenty-four hours a day
वैराग्यं = detachment
समुपाश्रितः = having taken shelter of
अहङ्कारं = false ego
बलं = false strength
दर्पं = false pride
कामं = lust
क्रोधं = anger
परिग्रहं = and acceptance of material things
विमुच्य = being delivered from
निर्ममः = without a sense of proprietorship
शान्तः = peaceful
ब्रह्मभूयाय = for self-realization
कल्पते = is qualified.
ब्रह्मभूतः = being one with the Absolute
प्रसन्नात्मा = fully joyful
न = never
शोचति = laments
न = never
काङ्क्षति = desires
समः = equally disposed
सर्वेषु = to all
भूतेषु = living entities
मद्भक्तिं = My devotional service
लभते = gains
परां = transcendental.
भक्त्या = by pure devotional service
मां = Me
अभिजानाति = one can know
यावान् = as much as yah
चास्मि = as I am
तत्त्वतः = in truth
ततः = thereafter
मां = Me
तत्त्वतः = in truth
ज्ञात्वा = knowing
विशते = he enters
तदनन्तरं = thereafter.
सर्व = all
कर्माणि = activities
अपि = although
सदा = always
कुर्वाणः = performing
मद्व्यपाश्रयः = under My protection
मत्प्रसादात् = by My mercy
अवाप्नोति = one achieves
शाश्वतं = the eternal
पदं = abode
अव्ययं = imperishable.
चेतसा = by intelligence
सर्वकर्माणि = all kinds of activities
मयि = unto Me
संन्यस्य = giving up
मत्परः = under My protection
बुद्धियोगं = devotional activities
उपाश्रित्य = taking shelter of
मच्चित्तः = in consciousness of Me
सततं = twenty-four hours a day
भव = just become.
मत् = of Me
चित्तः = being in consciousness
सर्व = all
दुर्गाणि = impediments
मत्प्रसादात् = by My mercy
तरिष्यसि = you will overcome
अथ = but
चेत् = if
त्वं = you
अहङ्कारात् = by false ego
न श्रोस्यसि = do not hear
विनङ्क्ष्यसि = you will be lost.
यत् = if
अहङ्कारं = of false ego
आश्रित्य = taking shelter
न योत्स्ये = I shall not fight
इति = thus
मन्यसे = you think
मिथ्यैषः = this is all false
व्यवसायः = determination
ते = your
प्रकृतिः = material nature
त्वां = you
नियोक्ष्यति = will engage.
स्वभावजेन = born of your own nature
कौन्तेय = O son of Kunti
निबद्धः = conditioned
स्वेन = by your own
कर्मणा = activities
कर्तुं = to do
न = not
इच्छसि = you like
यत् = that which
मोहात् = by illusion
करिष्यसि = you will do
अवशः = involuntarily
अपि = even
तत् = that.
ईश्वरः = the Supreme Lord
सर्वभूतानां = of all living entities
हृद्देशे = in the location of the heart
अर्जुन = O Arjuna
तिष्ठति = resides
भ्रामयन् = causing to travel
सर्वभूतानी = all living entities
यन्त्र = on a machine
आरूढानि = being placed
मायया = under the spell of material energy.
तं = unto Him
एव = certainly
शरणम् गच्छ = surrender
सर्वभावेन = in all respects
भारत = O son of Bharata
तत्प्रसादात् = by His grace
परां = transcendental
शान्तिं = peace
स्थानं = the abode
प्राप्स्यसि = you will get
शाश्वतं = eternal.
इति = thus
ते = unto you
ज्ञानं = knowledge
आख्यातं = described
गुह्यात् = than confidential
गुह्यतरं = still more confidential
मया = by Me
विमृश्य = deliberating
एतत् = on this
अशेषेण = fully
यथा = as
इच्छसि = you like
तथा = that
कुरु = perform.
सर्वगुह्यतमं = the most confidential of all
भूयः = again
श‍ृणु = just hear
मे = from Me
परमं = the supreme
वचः = instruction
इष्टः असि = you are dear
मे = to Me
दृढं = very
इति = thus
ततः = therefore
वक्ष्यामि = I am speaking
ते = for your
हितं = benefit.
मन्मनाः = thinking of Me
भव = just become
मद्भक्तः = My devotee
मद्याजी = My worshiper
मां = unto Me
नमस्कुरु = offer your obeisances
मां = unto Me
एव = certainly
एष्यसि = you will come
सत्यं = truly
ते = to you
प्रतिजाने = I promise
प्रियः = dear
असि = you are
मे = to Me.
सर्वधर्मान् = all varieties of religion
परित्यज्य = abandoning
मां = unto Me
एकं = only
शरणं = for surrender
व्रज = go
अहं = I
त्वां = you
सर्व = all
पापेभ्यः = from sinful reactions
मोक्षयिष्यामि = will deliver
मा = do not
शुचः = worry.
इदं = this
ते = by you
न = never
अतपस्काय = to one who is not austere
न = never
अभक्ताय = to one who is not a devotee
कदाचन = at any time
न = never
च = also
अशुश्रूषवे = to one who is not engaged in devotional service
वाच्यं = to be spoken
न = never
च = also
मां = toward Me
यः = anyone who
अभ्यसूयति = is envious.
यः = anyone who
इदं = this
परमं = most
गुह्यं = confidential secret
मत् = of Mine
भक्तेषु = amongst devotees
अभिधास्यति = explains
भक्तिं = devotional service
मयि = unto Me
परां = transcendental
कृत्वा = doing
मां = unto Me
एव = certainly
एष्यति = comes
असंशयः = without doubt.
न = never
च = and
तस्मात् = than him
मनुष्येषु = among men
कश्चित् = anyone
मे = to Me
प्रियकृत्तमः = more dear
भविता = will become
न = nor
च = and
मे = to Me
तस्मात् = than him
अन्यः = another
प्रियतरः = dearer
भुवि = in this world.
अध्येष्यते = will study
च = also
यः = he who
इमं = this
धर्म्यं = sacred
संवादं = conversation
आवयोः = of ours
ज्ञान = of knowledge
यज्ञेन = by the sacrifice
तेन = by him
अहं = I
इष्टः = worshiped
स्यां = shall be
इति = thus
मे = My
मतिः = opinion.
श्रद्धावान् = faithful
अनसूयः = not envious
च = and
श‍ृणुयात् = does hear
अपि = certainly
यः = who
नरः = a man
सः = he
अपि = also
मुक्तः = being liberated
शुभान् = the auspicious
लोकान् = planets
प्राप्नुयात् = he attains
पुण्यकर्मणां = of the pious.
कच्चित् = whether
एतत् = this
श्रुतं = heard
पार्थ = O son of Pritha
त्वया = by you
एकाग्रेण = with full attention
चेतसा = by the mind
कच्चित् = whether
अज्ञान = of ignorance
सम्मोहः = the illusion
प्रणष्टः = dispelled
ते = of you
धनञ्जय = O conqueror of wealth (Arjuna).
अर्जुन उवाच = Arjuna said
नष्टः = dispelled
मोहः = illusion
स्मृतिः = memory
लब्धा = regained
त्वत्प्रसादात् = by Your mercy
मया = by me
अच्युत = O infallible KRiShNa
स्थितः = situated
अस्मि = I am
गत = removed
सन्देहः = all doubts
करिष्ये = I shall execute
वचनं = order
तव = Your.
सञ्जय उवाच = Sanjaya said
इति = thus
अहं = I
वासुदेवस्य = of KRiShNa
पार्थस्य = and Arjuna
च = also
महात्मनः = of the great soul
संवादं = discussion
इमं = this
अश्रौषं = have heard
अद्भुतं = wonderful
रोमहर्षणं = making the hair stand on end.
व्यासप्रसादात् = by the mercy of Vyasadeva
श्रुतवान् = have heard
एतत् = this
गुह्यं = confidential
अहं = I
परं = the supreme
योगं = mysticism
योगेश्वरात् = from the master of all mysticism
कृष्णात् = from KRiShNa
साक्षात् = directly
कथयतः = speaking
स्वयं = personally.
राजन् = O King
संस्मृत्य = remembering
संस्मृत्य = remembering
संवादं = message
इमं = this
अद्भुतं = wonderful
केशव = of Lord KRiShNa
अर्जुनयोः = and Arjuna
पुण्यं = pious
हृष्यामि = I am taking pleasure
च = also
मुहुर्मुहुः = repeatedly.
तत् = that
च = also
संस्मृत्य = remembering
संस्मृत्य = remembering
रूपं = form
अति = greatly
अद्भुतं = wonderful
हरेः = of Lord KRiShNa
विस्मयः = wonder
मे = my
महान् = great
राजन् = O King
हृष्यामि = I am enjoying
च = also
पुनः पुनः = repeatedly.
यत्र = where
योगेश्वरः = the master of mysticism
कृष्णः = Lord KRiShNa
यत्र = where
पार्थः = the son of Pritha
धनुर्धरः = the carrier of the bow and arrow
तत्र = there
श्रीः = opulence
विजयः = victory
भूतिः = exceptional power
ध्रुवा = certain
नीतिः = morality
मतिर्मम = my opinion.

End of 18.78

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