Cheri Yasodaku In English

41 ॥ Cheri Yasodaku in English Lyrics ॥

ceri yasodaku sisu vitadu
dharuni brahmaku tandriyu nitadu ॥

solasi cucinanu suryacandrulanu
lali vedacalledulaksanudu ।
nilicinaniluvuna nikhiladevatala
kaligincu suralaganivo yitadu ॥

mataladinanu mariyajandamulu
kotulu vodametigunarasi ।
nitagunurpula nikhilavedamulu
catuvanu retisamudra mitadu ॥

mungita jolasina mohana matmala
bonginceghanapurusudu ।
sangati mavantisaranagatulaku
nangamu srivenkatadhipu ditadu ॥

॥ Cheri Yasodaku Meaning ॥

He is the baby of Yashoda
He is also the Father of Brahma

As he sees, he reflects an aura similar to that of the sun and the moon (this is in the context of the concept that the sun and moon being the eyes of the Lord)

As he stands, it feels as if all the devatas are right in front – as He is the mine of all the Gods

When He speaks, he pours out millions and millions of ‘guna-s’
He is similar to the ocean properly composed veda-s

As he appears in front of you He is such a man that he makes pleasant thoughts (or love) flow in abundance
For refugees like us, Venkateswara is a part of us.

See Also  Sri Venkateshwara Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram In English

I have a great privilege to work with audio to our Parthasarathy Utsavams. Hope everyone enjoys the same. A humbly present one of the beautiful work of our Lord Krishna pasted to me by a very good friend…

– Chant Stotra in Other Languages –

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