Maaruthi Stotram Shathru Vasa Manthram In English

॥ Maaruthi Stotram Shathru Vasa Manthram English ॥

Om namo bhagavate vichitra veera hanumathe
Pralaya kalanala prajwalanaya, Pratapa vajra dehaya, Anjani Garbha sambhutaya,
prakata vikrama veera daitya danava yaksha rakshogana graha bandhanaya
bhootagraha bandhanaya, pretagraha bandhanaya,
pisachagraha bandhanaya, sakini dakini graha bandhanaya
kakini kamini graham bandhanaya, brahmagraha bandhanaya
brahma rakshasa graha bandhanaya, choragraha bandhanaya
maareegraha bandhanaya
yehi yehi agacha agacha avesaya avesaya mama hrudaya pravesaya pravesaya
sphura sphura prasphura prasphura satyam kathaya
vyaghramukha bandhana sarpamukha bandhana rajamukha bandhana
narimukha bandhana sabhamukha bandhana satrumukha bandhana sarvamukha bandhana
lanka prasada bhanjana amukam may vasamanaya
kleem kleem kleem hreem sreem sreem rajanam vasamanaya
sreem hreem kleem streenam akarshaya akarshaya
satrunmardaya mardaya maraya maraya choornaya choornaya
khe khe sree Ramachandrajnaya mama karyasiddhim kuru kuru
om hram hreem hroom hraim hroum hra: phat swaha
Yeka dasa satha varam Japithwa
sarva shathroon vasamanayathi Nanyadha ithi

॥ Maaruthi Stotram Shathru Vasa Manthram Meaning ॥

Salutations to God, to the strangely valorous Hanuman, The one who puts away the fire at time of deluge, One who was born to Anjana,

See Also  Vishwanatha Ashtakam In English

He who ties the valorous Rakshasas, devas, yakshas and planets, He who ties devils, He who ties ghosts, He who ties evil spirits, He who ties the female evil spirits called Sakini and dakini, He who ties the evil spirits called Kakini and Kamini,, He who ties Lord Brahma, He who ties the Brahma Rakshas, He who ties thieves, he who ties deceitful asuras like Mareecha.

Here, here, come, come, spread, spread, enter, enter my heart

Sphum, Sphum, Manifest, manifest

He who ties the face of tiger, He who ties the face of a serpent, He who ties the face of a king, He who ties the face of a woman, He who ties the face of an audience, He who ties the face of the enemy, He who ties the face of every one,

He who put an end to happiness of Lanka, please come under my control, Kleem, kleem, kleem, Hreem, sreem sreem, make the kings under my control,

See Also  108 Names Of Kirata Sastha In English

Sreem hreem kleem attract, attract women, beat, beat my enemies, kill, kill them, powder, powder them

Hey, hey follow the orders of God Ramachandra and make my efforts succeed, succeed Om hraam, hreem Hrom, Hraim, Hrom, Hrah phat swaha

If this is chanted One thousand one times, all enemies will come under our control.