Ramayana Jaya Mantram In English

This is the Famous ‘Jaya mantra”. Hanuman announces his presence in Ashokvan to get the attention of Ravana.

The authority with which he announces himself is indeed contagious. Seemingly he achieves success by announcing himself as the servant of Rama . He lets go a roar ” Victory to Rama”. That roar itself disheartens the enemies!

The mystique of these slokas is that it is sung in First person. Hanuman says it in First person. “Dasoham Kausalendrasya…. When we recite we are automatically reciting in first person !! . I suppose that sentence making ourselves a Rama Bhaktas and hailing the victory of Rama provides a contagious self belief leading to victory.

We might as well recite loudly with vigour.
The energy it gives is worth its purpose.

॥ Ramayana Jaya Mantram English Lyrics ॥

jayatyatibalo raamo lakshmashcha mahaabalah ।
raajaa jayati sugreevo raaghavenaabhipaalitah ॥ 1 ॥

Daasoham kosalendrasya raamasyaaklishtakarmanah ।
hanumaan shatrusainyaanaam nihantaa maarutaatmaja ॥ 2 ॥

See Also  Gita – Sandhi Vigraha And Anvaya In English

na raavana sahasram me yuddhe pratibalam bhaveth ।
shilaabhistu praharatah paadapaishcha sahasrashah ॥ 3 ॥

Arthayitvaa pureem lankaamabhivaadya cha maithileem ।
samruddhaartho gamishyaami mishataam sarvarakshasaam ॥ 4 ॥

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