Shirdi Saibaba Shej Aarti – Night Arati – Midnight Harathi Meaning

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba – Shej Aarti – Night Aarthi


 ॥ Shirdi Sai Baba Stotram – Shej Aarati Meaning ॥

Let us Hail! Sachchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!


Composed by: Sant Tukaram Maharaj.

Refrain: My Sadguru Sainath, I lit up the five elements of my body as a lamp and do your aarti.

How has the attributeless taken form. Baba took form! You fill every part of existence and still, you are full O! Sai Mother. I do Aarti….

All the three qualities of passion, ignorance, excellence have spread illusion, have engulfed me with illusion. How has the rest of the illusory world come into existence, born of this Maya (illusion).
I do Aarti….

How have you started this divine sport across the seven seas! Baba started this divine sport! And how has this divine sport spread over the whole creation! I do Aarti….

The Lord has shown me the creation and arrangement of this universe. Tuka says: My Lord is simple and compassionate. I do Aarti….


Composed by: Rama Janardhani Swami.

Knowledge had disappeared from the world. No one knew what was good or right. Then the Pandurang Avatar (incarnation) came and manifested in human form. The learned called him thus.


Aarti Jnyan Raja! (Lord of wisdom). Great divine essence and light! Served by Saints and sadhus as you are, you have engrossed my mind.
Aarti Jnyan Raja!

With golden Thalis (Round platters filled with puja i.e. worship items) in their hands, gopikas and other woman are standing. Narad and Tumbar are singing Samveda! ( One of the four Vedas). Aarti …

The secret knowledge has been disclosed that the universe is created by Brahma. Ram, Janardani! I bow and place their heads at the feet of the Lord. Aarti ….

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Composed by: Rameswar Bhat.


Aarti Tukaram! An embodiment of Sadguru Swami, the personification of Sachchidanand! Grace us by giving a glimpse of your feet. Aarti Tukaram!

Just as the boulders were kept afloat by Ram (When Lord ram built the bridge to Lanka, He kept boulders afloat in the waters), so were Tukoba’s precious books (Of Abhangs which were thrown into the River Indrayani near Dehu) floated on the river waters (As a result of His prayers, after three days had passed)

When appraising and comparing him with Brahma, Tukaram was found to be his equal (As Tukaram had Divinity also in Him). Because of this, Rameshwar, (Rameshwar, a Brahmin who was jealous of Tukaram’s knowledge, had thrown His books in the river) bowed down to Tuka. Refrain…..


Composed by: Krishna Jogeswar Bhishma.


Let us Hail! Hail Sainath! Now come and please lie down in the temple.
Let us Hail! Hail Sainath! Now come and please lie down in the temple.
Holding the lamp in my hands, I do Aarti and pray to you with all my love.
Let us Hail! Hail Sainath! Now come and please lie down in the temple.

As a mother amuses her little son with sweet talk, you also enrapture your devotees. For those devotees who have sufferings, you endure their problems by taking them upon yourself thus removing their difficulties. For those who are dedicated to Lord, you quickly give them Darshan. You must be terribly troubled in your body (Baba suffered for His devotees, by taking upon himself their physical afflictions). Let us Hail, Hail… Refrain…..

Forgive us and lie down on that beautiful flower-decked bed. Please accept some of the services your devotees render in your worship. I offer you the light of good intentions lit with five elements of my body. This servant is offering you the Attar (perfume) of love and also fragrant water (Zarna water placed before Baba at bedtime, with rose water added to it) Let us Hail, Hail…. Refrain…..

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Sai it saddens us to leave your feet and go away. At your command, we go with your blessings as Prasad (blessed food), to our own homes. We are going now, but we will come again to be near your feet; to awaken you, Sai mother and to achieve our own welfare. Let us Hail, Hail…. Refrain…..


Composed by: Krishna Jogeswar Bhishma.

Refrain: Now, Swami, sleep in peace, Avadhuta! Baba Sainath does so.

Mind full of pure knowledge, the abode of happiness, retire in seclusion.

With the broom of non-attachment, the courtyard has been swept. Baba the courtyard has been swept. At the time of sweeping the courtyard, it has been showered with love. Now….

The beautiful carpet of the nine types of Bhakti (Devotion) has been unrolled. Baba, of the nine types of Bhakti. The Samaya (Upright metal lampstand, used in temples and places of worship) of knowledge has been lit and the light burnished. Now….

The swing-bed of Faith and devotion has been suspended from the rafters (Like the wooden plank which Baba had hung up from the rafters of the Dwarkamai mosque, for His bed) in my heart. Baba, I have hung it from the rafters. With a pure and virtuous mind, I have made your bed. Now…

Duality is locked up behind the shut doors, and unity is established. Baba, unity is established. The knot of evil intentions has been loosened and the curtains have been opened (Lifting veils of ignorance). Now…

See Also  Shirdi Saibaba Shej Aarti Odia – Night Arati – Midnight Harathi

The clamor of desire, hope, imagination has been left behind. Baba the clamor has been left behind. Mercy, forgiveness, peace are now in attendance as humble servants. Now….

Inconceivably absorbed in divine contemplation, Baba wrapped in a pair of delicate shawls, Baba in a pair of delicate shawls. Perfect light of knowledge, Sadguru Swami, rest and sleep in your bed. Now…

Let us Hail! Sachchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!

Guru Deva Datta!
Guru Deva Datta!


Composed by: Sant Tukaram Maharaj.

I am waiting for the prasad. Give me a washed plate.

I will take the left-overs from your plate after ypur meal is finished.

I have become one with you, after praying fervently to you, Lord.

Tuka says: Now my mind is determinedly settled here (in devotion).


Composed by: Sant Tukaram Maharaj.

Now that the prasad is received Vithoba, do sleep. Baba, do sleep. We can understand how fatigued you are.

Now, Swami, sleep well, Gopala(Lord Krishna). Kind Baba Sai. Our desires are now fulfilled and we go now to our own homes.

We shall wake you up for our own needs to destroy the torment that is ours due to our fate, caused by our good or bad actions. Now Swami….

Tuka says: You have given us the left-over food from your plate. You have selected us as being not separate from yourself. Now Swami…

Now, swami, sleep well, Gopala(Lord Krishna). Kind baba sai. Our desires are now fulfilled and we go to our own homes.

Let us Hail! Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!

Aum! King of Kings! King of Yogis! Absolute Brahman! Sainath Maharaj! Let us Hail! Sachchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!