108 Name Mantras Of Shani In English – Saneeswara 108 Names

॥ Ashtottara Shatanamavali of Lord Shani Dev Mantra in English/Meaning ॥

1) Om Shanaishcharaya Namah। = The One Who Moves Slowly
2) Om Shantaya Namah। = The Peaceful One
3) Om Sarvabhishtapradayine Namah। = The Fulfiller of All Desires
4) Om Sharanyaya Namah। = The Protector
5) Om Varenyaya Namah। = The Most Excellent One
6) Om Sarveshaya Namah। = The Lord of All
7) Om Saumyaya Namah। = The Mild One
8) Om Suravandyaya Namah। = The One Who is Fit to be Worshipped by Suras
9) Om Suralokaviharine Namah। = The One Who Wanders in the World of Suras
10) Om Sukhasanopavishtaya Namah। = The One Seated Upon a Comfortable ॥ 10 ॥

11) Om Sundaraya Namah। = The Beautiful One
12) Om Ghanaya Namah। = The Solid One
13) Om Ghanarupaya Namah। = The One with a Solid Form
14) Om Ghanabharanadharine Namah। = The One Who Wears an Iron Ornament
15) Om Ghanasaravilepaya Namah। = The One Anointed with Camphor
16) Om Khadyotaya Namah। = The Light of the Sky
17) Om Mandaya Namah। = The Slow One
18) Om Mandacheshtaya Namah। = The Slow Moving One
19) Om Mahaniyagunatmane Namah। = The One with Glorious Qualities
20) Om Martyapavanapadaya Namah। = The One (the Worship at) Whose Feet Purifies Mortals ॥ 20 ॥

21) Om Maheshaya Namah। = The Great Lord
22) Om Chhayaputraya Namah। = The Son of Chaya
23) Om Sharvaya Namah। = The One Who Injures
24) Om Shatatuniradharine Namah। = The One Who Bears a Quiver of a Hundred Arrows
25) Om Charasthirasvabhavaya Namah। = The One Whose Nature is to Move Steadily
26) Om Achanchalaya Namah। = The Steady One
27) Om Nilavarnaya Namah। = The Blue-Colored One
28) Om Nityaya Namah। = The Eternal One
29) Om Nilanjananibhaya Namah। = The One with the Appearance of Blue Ointment
30) Om Nilambaravibhushanaya Namah। = The One Adorned with a Blue Garment ॥ 30 ॥

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31) Om Nishchalaya Namah। = The Steady One
32) Om Vedyaya Namah। = The One Who is to be Known
33) Om Vidhirupaya Namah। = The One Who has the Form of the Sacred Precepts
34) Om Virodhadharabhumaye Namah। = The Ground that Supports Obstacles
35) Om Bhedaspadasvabhavaya Namah। = The One Whose Nature is the Place of Separation
36) Om Vajradehaya Namah। = The One with a Body Like a Thunderbolt
37) Om Vairagyadaya Namah। = The Bestower of Non-Attachment
38) Om Viraya Namah। = The Hero
39) Om Vitarogabhayaya Namah। = The One Who is Free of Disease and Fear
40) Om Vipatparampareshaya Namah। = The Lord of Successive Misfortune ॥ 40 ॥

41) Om Vishvavandyaya Namah। = The One Who is Fit to be Worshipped by All
42) Om Gridhnavahaya Namah। = The One Whose Mount is a Vulture
43) Om Gudhaya Namah। = The Hidden One
44) Om Kurmangaya Namah। = The One with the Body of a Tortoise
45) Om Kurupine Namah। = The One with an Unusual Appearance
46) Om Kutsitaya Namah। = The One Who is Despised
47) Om Gunadhyaya Namah। = The One Abounding in Good Qualities
48) Om Gocharaya Namah। = The One Associated with the Range of the Senses (the Field of Action)
49) Om Avidyamulanashanaya Namah। = The Destroyer of the Root of Ignorance
50) Om Vidyavidyasvarupine Namah। = The One Whose Nature is Both Knowledge and Ignorance ॥ 50 ॥

51) Om Ayushyakaranaya Namah। = The Cause of Long Life
52) Om Apadurddhatre Namah। = The Remover of Misfortune
53) Om Vishnubhaktaya Namah। = The Devotee of Vishnu
54) Om Vishine Namah। = The Self-Controlled One
55) Om Vividhagamavedine Namah। = The Knower of Manifold Scriptures
56) Om Vidhistutyaya Namah। = The One Who is Fit to be Praised with Sacred Rites
57) Om Vandyaya Namah। = The One Who is Fit to be Worshipped
58) Om Virupakshaya Namah। = The One with Manifold Eyes
59) Om Varishthaya Namah। = The Most Excellent One
60) Om Garishthaya Namah। = The Most Venerable One ॥ 60 ॥

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61) Om Vajrankushadharaya Namah। = the One who Holds a Thunderbolt-Goad
62) Om Varadabhayahastaya Namah। = The One Whose Hands Grant Boons and Remove Fear
63) Om Vamanaya Namah। = The Dwarf
64) Om Jyeshthapatnisametaya Namah। = The One Whose Wife is Jyestha (the Devi of Misfortune, Elder Sister of Lakshmi)
65) Om Shreshthaya Namah। = The Most Excellent One
66) Om Mitabhashine Namah। = The One with Measured Speech
67) Om Kashtaughanashakartre Namah। = The Destroyer of an Abundance of Troubles
68) Om Pushtidaya Namah। = The Bestower of Prosperity
69) Om Stutyaya Namah। = The One Who is Fit to Praised
70) Om Stotragamyaya Namah। = The One Who is Accessible Through Hymns of Praise ॥ 70 ॥

71) Om Bhaktivashyaya Namah। = The One Who is Subdued by Devotion
72) Om Bhanave Namah। = The Bright One
73) Om Bhanuputraya Namah। = The Son of Bhanu (the Sun)
74) Om Bhavyaya Namah। = The Auspicious One
75) Om Pavanaya Namah। = The Purifier
76) Om Dhanurmandalasamsthaya Namah। = The One Who Stays in the Circle of the Bow
77) Om Dhanadaya Namah। = The Bestower of Wealth
78) Om Dhanushmate Namah। = The Archer
79) Om Tanuprakashadehaya Namah। = The One Whose Body has a Thin Appearance
80) Om Tamasaya Namah। = The One Associated with Tamoguna ॥ 80 ॥

81) Om Asheshajanavandyaya Namah। = The One Who is Fit to be Worshipped by All Living Beings
82) Om Visheshaphaladayine Namah। = The Bestower of the Fruit of Discrimination
83) Om Vashikritajaneshaya Namah। = The Lord of Living Beings Who have Accomplished Self-Control
84) Om Pashunam Pataye Namah। = The Lord of Animals
85) Om Khecharaya Namah। = The One Who Moves Through the Sky
86) Om Khageshaya Namah। = The Lord of Planets
87) Om Ghananilambaraya Namah। = The One Who Wears a Dense Blue Garment
88) Om Kathinyamanasaya Namah। = The Stern-Minded One
89) Om Aryaganastutyaya Namah। = The One Who is Fit to Praised by a Multitude of Aryas
90) Om Nilachchhatraya Namah। = The One with a Blue Umbrella ॥ 90 ॥

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91) Om Nityaya Namah। = The Eternal One
92) Om Nirgunaya Namah। = The One Without Attributes
93) Om Gunatmane Namah। = The One with Attributes
94) Om Niramayaya Namah। = The One Who is Free from Disease
95) Om Nindyaya Namah। = The Blamable One
96) Om Vandaniyaya Namah। = The One Wo is Fit to be Worshipped
97) Om Dhiraya Namah। = The Resolute One
98) Om Divyadehaya Namah। = The One with a Celestial Body
99) Om Dinartiharanaya Namah। = The Remover of the Suffering of Those in Distress
100) Om Dainyanashakaraya Namah। = The Destroyer of Affliction ॥ 100 ॥

101) Om Aryajanaganyaya Namah। = The One Who is a Member of the Arya People
102) Om Kruraya Namah। = The Cruel One
103) Om Kruracheshtaya Namah। = The One Who Acts Cruelly
104) Om Kamakrodhakaraya Namah। = The Maker of Desire and Anger
105) Om Kalatraputrashatrutvakaranaya Namah। = The Cause of Hostility of Wife and Son
106) Om Pariposhitabhaktaya Namah। = The One Whose Devotees are Supported
107) Om Parabhitiharaya Namah। = The Remover of the Greatest Fear
108) Om Bhaktasanghamanoabhishtaphaladaya Namah। = The Bestower of the Fruits that are Desired in the Minds of a Multitude of Devotees ॥ 108 ॥