Narayaniyam Catuhsastitamadasakam In English – Narayaneyam Dasakam 64

Narayaniyam Catuhsastitamadasakam in English:

॥ arayanīyaṁ catuḥsastitamadaśakam ॥

narayanīyaṁ catuḥsastitamadaśakam (64) – gōvindapattabhisēkam ।

alōkya śailōddharanadirūpaṁ
prabhavamuccaistava gōpalōkaḥ ।
viśvēśvaraṁ tvamabhimatya viśvē
nandaṁ bhavajjatakamanvapr̥cchan ॥ 64-1 ॥

gargōditō nirgaditō nijaya
vargaya tatēna tava prabhavaḥ ।
pūrvadhikastvayyanuraga ēsa-
maidhista tavadbahumanabharaḥ ॥ 64-2 ॥

suradhirajaḥ saha divyagavya ।
upētya tustava sa nastagarvaḥ
spr̥stva padabjaṁ manimaulina tē ॥ 64-3 ॥

snēhasnutaistvaṁ surabhiḥ payōbhi-
rgōvindanamaṅkitamabhyasiñcat ।
pathōbhirindrō:’pi ca jataharsaḥ ॥ 64-4 ॥

jagattrayēśē tvayi gōkulēśē
tatha:’bhisiktē sati gōpavataḥ ।
nakē:’pi vaikunthapadē:’pyalabhyaṁ
śriyaṁ prapēdē bhavataḥ prabhavat ॥ 64-5 ॥

kadacidantaryamunaṁ prabhatē
snayan pita varunapūrusēna ।
nītastamanētumagaḥ purīṁ tvaṁ
taṁ varunīṁ karanamartyarūpaḥ ॥ 64-6 ॥

sasaṁbhramaṁ tēna jaladhipēna
prapūjitastvaṁ pratigr̥hya tatam ।
pita:’vadattaccaritaṁ nijēbhyaḥ ॥ 64-7 ॥

hariṁ viniścitya bhavantamētan
bhavatpadalōkanabaddhatr̥snan ।
nirīksya visnō paramaṁ padaṁ ta-
ddurapamanyaistvamadīdr̥śastan ॥ 64-8 ॥

prapūrnakaivalyamahapayōdhau ।
ciraṁ nimagnaḥ khalu gōpasaṅgha-
stvayaiva bhūman punaruddhr̥tastē ॥ 64-9 ॥

karabadaravadēvaṁ dēva kutravatarē
parapadamanavapyaṁ darśitaṁ bhaktibhajam – [** nijapadamanavapyaṁ **]
tadiha paśuparūpī tvaṁ hi saksatparatma
pavanapuranivasin pahi mamamayēbhyaḥ ॥ 64-10 ॥

See Also  Sri Krishna Stotram (Mohini Kritam) In English

iti catuḥsastitamadaśakaṁ samaptam ।

Narayaniyam Catuhsastitamadasakam Meaning:

All the cowherds after seeing and after witnessing,
Great acts of yours like the lifting of Govardhana,
Started thinking that you indeed were Lord of all,
And they again asked Nandagopa,
About what is written in the horoscope about you. ॥ 64.1 ॥

Your father told his people about your greatness,
As told to him by sage Garga and all of them,
Developed great respect towards you,
And their love for you increased greatly in their minds. ॥ 64.2 ॥

Later Devendra who realized the truth after his insult,
Lost all his ego and pride and came along with Kamadhenu,
And with his gem-studded crown touched your feet and prayed. ॥ 64.3 ॥

Then he anointed you with the milk given with love by Kamadhenu,
Repeating the words, “Govinda, Govinda” and by this act,
Indra was drowned in the ocean of joy and he further anointed you,
With the divine Ganga brought by his steed Iravatha. ॥ 64.4 ॥

See Also  Mantratmaka Sri Maruthi Stotram In English

When you who was really the Lord of the three worlds,
Was anointed as the Lord of Gokula,
Gokula by your divine grace got the glory,
Which was not even attainable by heaven or even Vaikunta. ॥ 64.5 ॥

Once one servant of God Varuna kidnapped your father,
Who was taking bath in river Yamuna in the early morning,
And you who were born in this world to protect good people,
Went to the land of Varuna to save your father. ॥ 64.6 ॥

You then accepted the worship from Varuna who was upset,
And received back your father who was returned back with respect,
And within no time returned back to your home along with him,
And this was narrated by your father in detail to the Gopas. ॥ 64.7 ॥

Oh Lord Vishnu,, the Gopas firmly decided that you were Lord Hari,
And were very anxious to visit your real place of residence,
And you showed them this spectacle which is difficult for others to see. ॥ 64.8 ॥

See Also  Sri Shankaracharya’S Gitarahasyam In English

It seems all the Gopas were drowned in the high tide,
Of the broad ocean of the extreme divine joy called salvation,
For a very long time and Oh God with complete form,
Then you yourself brought them back to this world. ॥ 64.9 ॥

Oh God, You have not shown the vision of your supreme abode,
In any of your previous incarnations like a fruit in the palm,
To any of your great devotees earlier and so you,
Who had taken the form of a cowherd in Gokula,
Are indeed the manifestation of supreme soul,
And so oh Lord of Guruvayur, please cure me from my diseases. ॥ 64.10 ॥

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