1008 Names Of Goddess Lakshmi Devi Mantra In Sanskrit And Meaning

1) ॐ नित्यागतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who keeps on Traveling
2) ॐ अनन्तनित्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Endless and is Forever
3) ॐ नन्दिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who was the Daughter of Nandagopa
4) ॐ जनरञ्जन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes People Happy
5) ॐ नित्यप्रकाशिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Shines Permanently
6) ॐ स्वप्रकाशस्वरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Naturally Shining
7) ॐ महालक्ष्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Great Lakshmi
8) ॐ महाकाल्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Black in Colour
9) ॐ महाकन्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Great Virgin
10) ॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः। – The Goddess of Knowledge, Music and the Arts
11) ॐ भोगवैभवसन्धात्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives Pleasure and Wealth
12) ॐ भक्तानुग्रहकारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Blesses her Devotees
13) ॐ ईशावास्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Everywhere
14) ॐ महामायायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Great Enchantress
15) ॐ महादेव्यै नमः। – The One Who is the Great Goddess
16) ॐ महेश्वर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Wife of Great Shiva
17) ॐ हृल्लेखायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in Letter Hreem
18) ॐ परमायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Greatest
19) ॐ शक्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power
20) ॐ मातृकाबीजरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Model Root Letter
21) ॐ नित्यानन्दायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Forever Happy
22) ॐ नित्यबोधायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Permanent Wisdom
23) ॐ नादिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes Musical Note
24) ॐ जन्मोदिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Entertains People
25) ॐ सत्यप्रत्ययिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Believes in Truth
26) ॐ स्वप्रकाशात्मरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Herself has a Shining Form
27) ॐ त्रिपुरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Wife of Shiva Who Destroyed the Three Cities
28) ॐ भैरव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Fearful Form
29) ॐ विद्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Knowledge
30) ॐ हंसायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the “Hamsa” chant
31) ॐ वागीश्वर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Goddess of Words
32) ॐ शिवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Consort of Lord Shiva
33) ॐ वाग्देव्यै नमः। – The One Who is the Goddess of Words
34) ॐ महारात्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Night Before the Deluge
35) ॐ कालरात्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Night Before Death
36) ॐ त्रिलोचनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Three Eyes
37) ॐ भद्रकाल्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Kali Who Protects
38) ॐ कराल्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Fearsome
39) ॐ महाकाल्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Swallows Time
40) ॐ तिलोत्तमायै नमः। – The Goddess Whose Every Atom is Pretty
41) ॐ काल्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Black
42) ॐ करालवक्त्रान्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Horrifying Mouth
43) ॐ कामाक्ष्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Fulfills Desires by Her Eyes
44) ॐ कामदायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Fulfills Desires
45) ॐ शुभायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Auspicious
46) ॐ चण्डिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Great Anger (or) The Goddess who Killed Mahishasura
47) ॐ चण्डरुपेशायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Fearsome Form
48) ॐ चामुण्डायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Killed Chanda and Munda
49) ॐ चक्रधारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Armed with a Wheel
50) ॐ त्रैलोक्यजनन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Won Over the Three Worlds

51) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes Things Move
52) ॐ त्रैलोक्यविजयोत्तमायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the First Among Those Who Won Over the Three Worlds
53) ॐ सिद्धलक्ष्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Grants Occult Powers
54) ॐ क्रियालक्ष्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Behind All Actions
55) ॐ मोक्षलक्ष्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Lakshmi Giving Salvation
56) ॐ प्रसादिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Becomes Pleased with Devotees
57) ॐ उमायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Daughter of Himavan
58) ॐ भगवत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Goddess with All Types of Wealth
59) ॐ दुर्गायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Killed Durgamasura
60) ॐ चान्द्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Shines Like the Moon
61) ॐ दाक्षायण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Daughter of Daksha
62) ॐ शिवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Extremely Peaceful
63) ॐ प्रत्यङ्गिरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Took the Form of the Fearsome Atharvana Bhadrakali
64) ॐ धरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Carries (or) Who is Earth
65) ॐ वेलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Edge of Time
66) ॐ लोकमात्रे नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Mother of the World
67) ॐ हरिप्रियायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Loved by Vishnu
68) ॐ पार्वत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Daughter of the Mountain
69) ॐ परमायै नमः। – The Goddess is the First Among Everything
70) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
71) ॐ ब्रह्मविद्याप्रदायिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Grants Knowledge of God
72) ॐ अरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does Not have Any Form
73) ॐ बहुरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Several Forms
74) ॐ विरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Horrible Form of Durga
75) ॐ विश्वरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Whose Form is the Universe
76) ॐ पञ्चभूतात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Soul of the Five Elements
77) ॐ वाण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Plays Veena
78) ॐ पञ्चभूतात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Soul of the Five Elements
79) ॐ परायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Above the Five Elements
80) ॐ कालिम्नयै नमः। – The One Who is the Goddess of Time
81) ॐ पञ्चिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the World Spread Through the Five Elements
82) ॐ वाग्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Controls Words
83) ॐ हविषे नमः। – The Goddess Who is Cooked Rice and Ghee to be Offered in the Fire
84) ॐ प्रत्यधिदेवतायै नमः। – The One Who Makes the Mind and Body Work as its Goddess
85) ॐ देवमात्रे नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Mother of Devas
86) ॐ सुरेशानायै नमः। – The Goddess of the Devas
87) ॐ वेदगर्भायै नमः। – The Goddess is the origin of the Vedas
88) ॐ अम्बिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Mother
89) ॐ धृतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Courage
90) ॐ सङ्ख्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Numbers
91) ॐ जातये नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives as All Castes and Creeds
92) ॐ क्रियाशक्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power Behind Action
93) ॐ प्रकृत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Nature
94) ॐ मोहिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Bewitches
95) ॐ मह्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Earth
96) ॐ यज्ञविद्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Science of Yajna
97) ॐ महाविद्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Greatest Knowledge
98) ॐ गुह्यविद्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Secret Knowledge
99) ॐ विभावर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Drives Away Darkness
100) ॐ ज्योतिष्मत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Possesses Light

101) ॐ महामात्रे नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Great Mother
102) ॐ सर्वमन्त्रफलप्रदायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes All Mantras Yield Results
103) ॐ दारिद्र्यध्वंसिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Destroys Poverty
104) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
105) ॐ हृदयग्रन्थिभेदिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Breaks the Knot of Heart
106) ॐ सहस्रादित्यसङ्काशायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Like One Thousand Suns
107) ॐ चन्द्रिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Like the Light of Moon
108) ॐ चन्द्ररूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has the Form of Moon
109) ॐ गायत्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Gayathri Mantra
110) ॐ सोमसम्भूत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears the Crescent
111) ॐ सावित्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gave Birth to Vedas
112) ॐ प्रणवात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Soul of Pranava
113) ॐ शाङ्कर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Consort of Shiva
114) ॐ वैष्णव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Consort of Vishnu
115) ॐ ब्राह्मयै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Aspect of Brahma
116) ॐ सर्वदेवनमस्कृतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Saluted by All Devas
117) ॐ सेव्यदुर्गायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Durga Who Should be Saluted
118) ॐ कुबेराक्ष्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who by Her Mere Glance can Make a Man Rich
119) ॐ करवीरनिवासिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who lives in Nerium Oleander (Kaner) Flowers
120) ॐ जयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Victorious
121) ॐ विजयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Ever Victorious
122) ॐ जयन्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Always Wins Everywhere
123) ॐ अपराजितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Cannot be Defeated
124) ॐ कुब्जिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Curled up and Sleeping
125) ॐ कालिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form of Kali
126) ॐ शास्त्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Rules Over Knowledge
127) ॐ विनापुस्तकधारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Carried a Book and a Veena
128) ॐ सर्वज्ञशक्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Victorious
129) ॐ श्रीशक्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Victorious
130) ॐ ब्रह्मविष्णुशिवात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Victorious
131) ॐ इडापिङ्गलिकामध्यमृणाली-तन्तुरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who goes in Between Ida and Pingala and Reaches the Sahasrara
132) ॐ यज्ञेशान्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Rules Over Yajnas
133) ॐ प्रथायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Famous
134) ॐ दीक्षायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives You License to do Yajna
135) ॐ दक्षिणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is an Expert
136) ॐ सर्वमोहिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Prettier than All
137) ॐ अष्टाङ्गयोगिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who can be Seen by Eight Fold Yoga
138) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
139) ॐ निर्बीजध्यानगोचरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Visible to Those Who Meditate Using Yoga
140) ॐ सर्वतीर्थस्थितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in All Sacred Waters
141) ॐ शुद्धायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Eternally Pure
142) ॐ सर्वपर्वतवासिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives on All Mountains
143) ॐ वेदशास्त्रप्रमायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Throws Light on Vedas and Sasthras
144) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
145) ॐ षडङ्गादिपदक्रमायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Codifies the Six Branches of Vedas-Siksha, Chandas, Nirukta, Jyotisha, Vyakarana and Kalpa
146) ॐ शिवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Auspicious
147) ॐ धात्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives
148) ॐ शुभानन्दायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Auspiciously Happy
149) ॐ यज्ञकर्मस्वरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Carrying Out of Fire Sacrifices
150) ॐ व्रतिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who does Penance
151) ॐ मेनकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Daughter of Mena
152) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
153) ॐ ब्रह्माण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Brahma
154) ॐ ब्रह्मचारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Meditates on Brahman
155) ॐ एकाक्षरपरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Likes Om
156) ॐ तारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Helps to Cross the Sea of Misery
157) ॐ भवबन्धविनाशिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Destroys Attachment to Domestic Life
158) ॐ विश्वम्भरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Supports the Universe
159) ॐ धराधारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Supports the Earth
160) ॐ निराधारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Have Any Support
161) ॐ अधिकस्वरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Beyond Description
162) ॐ राकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Like the Full Moon
163) ॐ कुह्वे नमः। – The One Who is the Goddess of New Moon Day
164) ॐ अमावास्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the New Moon Day
165) ॐ पूर्णिमायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Full Moon Day
166) ॐ अनुमत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Permits
167) ॐ द्युत्ये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Light
168) ॐ सिनीवाल्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is One Day Previous to New Moon Day
169) ॐ शिवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Consort of Shiva
170) ॐ अवश्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Attracts
171) ॐ वैश्वादेव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Vishva Devas
172) ॐ पिशङ्गीलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Very Soft Body
173) ॐ पिप्पलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Banyan Tree
174) ॐ विशालाक्ष्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Broad Eyes
175) ॐ रक्षोघ्नयै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Fire that Protects
176) ॐ वृष्टिकारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Reason of Rain
177) ॐ दुष्टविद्राविण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Drives Away Bad People
178) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
179) ॐ सर्वोपद्रवनाशिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Destroys All Type of Troubles
180) ॐ शारदायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives Wisdom
181) ॐ शरसन्धानायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Sending Arrows Using the Bow
182) ॐ सर्वशस्त्रस्वरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of All Weapons
183) ॐ युद्धमध्यस्थितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Middle of the Battle
184) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
185) ॐ सर्वभूतप्रभञ्जन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Destroys All Evil Spirits
186) ॐ अयुद्धायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Participate in a War
187) ॐ युद्धरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Battle
188) ॐ शान्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Peaceful
189) ॐ शान्तिस्वरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Personification of Peace
190) ॐ गङ्गायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form of Ganges
191) ॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form of Saraswati
192) ॐ वेण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Braid
193) ॐ यमुनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the River Yamuna
194) ॐ नर्मदायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the River Narmada
195) ॐ आपगायै नमः। – The Goddess Who was Once a River
196) ॐ समुद्रवसनावासायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives in Between the Seas
197) ॐ ब्रह्माण्डश्रेणिमेखलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears the Universe as Hip Belt
198) ॐ पञ्चवक्त्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Five Faces
199) ॐ दशभुजायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Ten Hands
200) ॐ शुद्धस्फटिकसन्निभायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Like a Clear Crystal

201) ॐ रक्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is of Blood Red Colour
202) ॐ कृष्णायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is of Black Colour
203) ॐ सीतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is of White Colour
204) ॐ पीतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is of Yellow Colour
205) ॐ सर्ववर्णायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is of All Colours
206) ॐ निरीश्वर्यै नमः। – The One Who does not have Any Other Goddess
207) ॐ कालिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Kali
208) ॐ चक्रिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in Sri Chakra
209) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
210) ॐ सत्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Truth
211) ॐ वटुकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Always a Lass
212) ॐ स्थितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Stable
213) ॐ तरुण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is a Lass
214) ॐ वारुण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Varuna
215) ॐ नार्यै नमः। – The One Who is a Woman
216) ॐ ज्येष्ठादेव्यै नमः। – The One Who is Elder Goddess
217) ॐ सुरेश्वर्यै नमः। – The One Who is the Goddess of Devas
218) ॐ विश्वम्भरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears the Universe as Cloth
219) ॐ धरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Earth
220) ॐ कर्त्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Doer
221) ॐ गलार्गलविभञ्जन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Breaks Problems
222) ॐ सन्ध्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Dawn, Dusk and Noon
223) ॐ रात्रयै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Night
224) ॐ दिवे नमः। – The Goddess Who is Day Time
225) ॐ ज्योत्स्नायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Night Lit by Full Moon
226) ॐ कलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Crescent
227) ॐ काष्ठायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Quarter of the World
228) ॐ निमेषिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does Everything in a Nimisha (Time Between Opening and Closing of Eye)
229) ॐ उर्व्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form of Earth
230) ॐ कात्यायन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Daughter of Sage Katyayana
231) ॐ शुभ्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is White and Clean
232) ॐ संसारार्णवतारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes Us Cross the Forest of Domestic Life
233) ॐ कपिलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Wife of Sage Kapila
234) ॐ कीलिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Axis of Everything
235) ॐ अशोकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Never Sad
236) ॐ मल्लिकानवमालिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Jasmine Flower
237) ॐ देविकायै नमः। – The One Who is the Goddess with a Form of a Child
238) ॐ नन्दिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Daughter
239) ॐ शान्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Patient
240) ॐ भञ्जिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Breaks
241) ॐ भयभञ्जिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Breaks Fear
242) ॐ कौशिक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Came Out of the Hair of Parvati
243) ॐ वैदिक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Vedic in Form
244) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
245) ॐ सौर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Sun
246) ॐ रूपाधिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Transcends the Form
247) ॐ अतिभायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Relatively More Light
248) ॐ दिग्वस्त्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears the Directions as Cloth
249) ॐ नववस्त्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears New Cloths
250) ॐ कन्यकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is An Unmarried Girl
251) ॐ कमलोद्भवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Was Born Out of Lotus
252) ॐ श्रियै नमः। – The One Who is Goddess Lakshmi
253) ॐ सौम्यलक्षणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Calm Look
254) ॐ अतीतदुर्गायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Unapproachable in the Fort
255) ॐ सूत्रप्रबोधिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Teaches Vedic Sutras
256) ॐ श्रद्धायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Attentive
257) ॐ मेधायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Intelligence
258) ॐ कृत्ये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Composition
259) ॐ प्रज्ञायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Conscience
260) ॐ धारणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Understanding
261) ॐ कान्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Light
262) ॐ श्रुतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Vedas
263) ॐ स्मृतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Guide to Vedas
264) ॐ धृतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Personification of Courage
265) ॐ धन्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has All Sort of Wealth
266) ॐ भूतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Cause of All Wealth
267) ॐ इष्टयै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Fire Sacrifice
268) ॐ मनीषिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives Wisdom
269) ॐ विरक्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Detached
270) ॐ व्यापिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Spread Everywhere
271) ॐ मायायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Illusion
272) ॐ सर्वमायाप्रभञ्जन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Breaks All Illusion
273) ॐ माहेन्द्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Greater Than Indra
274) ॐ मन्त्रिण्यै नमः। – The One Who is the Goddess of All Chants
275) ॐ सिंह्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Assumes the Form of a Lion
276) ॐ इन्द्रजालस्वरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Personification of Magic
277) ॐ अवस्थात्रयनिर्मुक्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is not Subject to Three Activities of Wake, Sleep and Dream
278) ॐ गुणत्रयविवर्जितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Beyond Three Qualities of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas
279) ॐ ईषणात्रयनिर्मुक्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Have the Three Desires of Son, Wealth and Heaven
280) ॐ सर्वरोगविवर्जितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Cures All Diseases
281) ॐ योगिध्यानान्तगम्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Aim at the End of Yoga
282) ॐ योगध्यानपरायणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Cures All Diseases
283) ॐ त्रयीशिखाविशेषज्ञायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is an Expert in Three Vedas
284) ॐ वेदान्तज्ञानरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of the Experts in Vedanta
285) ॐ भारत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives Form of Letter and Words to Knowledge
286) ॐ कमलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is as Pretty as a Lotus
287) ॐ भाषायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Language
288) ॐ पद्मायै नमः। – The Goddess Who was Born Out of a Lotus
289) ॐ पद्मवत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Sits on a Lotus
290) ॐ कृतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Result of Action
291) ॐ गौतम्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who was Born as a Daughter of Sage Gautama
292) ॐ गोमत्यै नमः। – The One Who is the River Gomati
293) ॐ गौर्यै नमः। – The One Who is the Goddess Parvati
294) ॐ ईशानायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Consort of Ishwara
295) ॐ हंसवाहिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Rides on a Swan
296) ॐ नारायण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Refuge of Humans
297) ॐ प्रभाधारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Continuous Shower of Light
298) ॐ जाह्नव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Daughter of Sage Jahnu
299) ॐ शङ्करात्मजायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Shiva as Son
300) ॐ चित्रघण्टायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Picturesque Neck

See Also  Pashupatya Ashtakam In Sanskrit

301) ॐ सुनन्दायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is with Happiness
302) ॐ श्रियै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives All Type of Wealth
303) ॐ मानव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Daughter of Manu
304) ॐ मनुसम्भवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who was Born to Manu
305) ॐ स्तम्भिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Very Stable
306) ॐ क्षोभिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gets Agitated
307) ॐ मार्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Kills Asuras
308) ॐ भ्रामिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes the World Rotate
309) ॐ शत्रुमारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Killer of Her Enemies
310) ॐ मोहिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Bewitches
311) ॐ द्वेषिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power Behind Hating
312) ॐ वीरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Valour
313) ॐ अघोरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Not Horrible
314) ॐ रुद्ररूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has an Angry Form
315) ॐ रुद्रैकादशिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form of Eleven Rudras
316) ॐ पुण्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Appreciates Good Deeds
317) ॐ कल्याण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Auspicious
318) ॐ लाभकारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Causes Profit
319) ॐ देवदुर्गायै नमः। – The Durga in the State of Wakefulness
320) ॐ महादुर्गायै नमः। – The Durga Who is Sleeping
321) ॐ स्वप्नदुर्गायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Dream State
322) ॐ अष्टभैरव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Eight Bhairavis
323) ॐ सूर्यचन्द्राग्निरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Sun, Moon and Fire as eyes
324) ॐ ग्रहनक्षत्ररूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Stars and Planets
325) ॐ बिन्दुनादकलातीतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form of Dot and Sound
326) ॐ बिन्दुनादकलात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is is the Soul of Dot, Sound and Crescent
327) ॐ दशवायुजयाकारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wins as the Ten Vayus
328) ॐ कलाषोडशसंयुतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is with Sixteen crescents of the Moon
329) ॐ काश्यप्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Daughter of Sage Kasyapa
330) ॐ कमलायै नमः। – The Goddess of Lotus
331) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
332) ॐ नादचक्रनिवासिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives in Srichakra as well as in Sound
333) ॐ मृडाधारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Foundation for Lord Shiva
334) ॐ स्थिरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Permanent
335) ॐ गुह्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Secret
336) ॐ देविकायै नमः। – The One Who is Like the Goddess
337) ॐ चक्ररूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Sri Chakra
338) ॐ अविद्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is The Power Behind Ignorance
339) ॐ शार्वर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Night
340) ॐ भुञ्जायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Undergone All Pleasures
341) ॐ जम्भासुरनिबर्हिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Killed Jambhasura in the Form of Indra
342) ॐ श्रीकायायै नमः। – The Goddess Who was Born as Wealth
343) ॐ श्रीकलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Knows Auspicious Art Forms
344) ॐ शुभ्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Neat
345) ॐ कर्मनिर्मूलकारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Destroys All Accumulated Sins
346) ॐ आदिलक्ष्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Primeval Lakshmi
347) ॐ गुणाधारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Stream of Good Qualities
348) ॐ पञ्चब्रह्मात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has the Five Gods Brahma, Vishnu, Easwara, Rudra and Sadashiva within herself
349) ॐ परायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Above Everything
350) ॐ श्रुतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Vedas
351) ॐ ब्रह्ममुखावासायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Saraswati Who Lives in the Face of Brahma
352) ॐ सर्वसम्पत्तिरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of All Wealth
353) ॐ मृतसञ्जीविन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes the Dead Alive
354) ॐ मैत्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Friendship
355) ॐ कामिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Passion
356) ॐ कामवर्जितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Detached From Passion
357) ॐ निर्वाणमार्गदायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Shows the Way to Salvation
358) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
359) ॐ हंसिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the State of Hamsa
360) ॐ काशिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Luminous
361) ॐ क्षमायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Patience
362) ॐ सपर्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Fit to be Worshipped
363) ॐ गुणिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Treasure of Good Qualities
364) ॐ भिन्नायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Different
365) ॐ निर्गुणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Devoid of Any Characteristics
366) ॐ अखण्डितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has not been Split
367) ॐ शुभायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Auspicious
368) ॐ स्वामिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Master
369) ॐ वेदिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Should be Understood
370) ॐ शक्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who can be Understood
371) ॐ शाम्बर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Great Illusion
372) ॐ चक्रधारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds the Wheel
373) ॐ दण्डिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Punishes
374) ॐ मुण्डिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears Garland of Cut Heads
375) ॐ व्याघ्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Tigress
376) ॐ शिखिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Peahen
377) ॐ सोमसंहतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Sister of Moon
378) ॐ चिन्तामणये नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives All that is Thought Off
379) ॐ चिदानन्दायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the State of Divine Joy
380) ॐ पञ्चबाणप्रबोधिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes God of Love with Five Flower Arrows Work
381) ॐ बाणश्रेणये नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Sequence of Arrows
382) ॐ सहस्राक्ष्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Thousand Eyes
383) ॐ सहस्रभुजापादुकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Thousand Hands and Legs
384) ॐ सन्ध्याबलये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Twilight Oblation
385) ॐ त्रिसन्ध्याख्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who can be Understood
386) ॐ ब्रह्माण्डमणिभूषणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Ornament for the Universe
387) ॐ वासव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Indra
388) ॐ वारुणीसेनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Dreadful Army
389) ॐ कुलिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Belongs to a Good Lineage
390) ॐ मन्त्ररञ्जिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Becomes Happy with Prayers (Mantras)
391) ॐ जिताप्राणस्वरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has the Form Which has Won the Soul
392) ॐ कान्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Liked by Every One
393) ॐ काम्यवरप्रदायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Grants Desired Boons
394) ॐ मन्त्रब्राह्मणविद्यार्थायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Would Like to Know the Brahma Mantra
395) ॐ नादरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Sound
396) ॐ हविष्मत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Offers Offerings in Fire
397) ॐ आथर्वणीश्रुतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Atharva Veda
398) ॐ शून्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Without Beginning or End
399) ॐ कल्पनावर्जितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Does Not have Any Expectation
400) ॐ सत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Sati, the Daughter of Daksha

401) ॐ सत्ताजातये नमः। – The Goddess Who Belongs to a Noble Family
402) ॐ प्रमायै नमः। – The Goddess Who can Estimate Devotees Through Her Intelligence
403) ॐ अमेयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Have Any Boundaries
404) ॐ अप्रमित्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who could be Known by Axioms of Vedas
405) ॐ प्राणदायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives Life
406) ॐ गतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Destination
407) ॐ अवर्णायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Have Colours
408) ॐ पञ्चवर्णायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Five Colours
409) ॐ सर्वदायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives Everything Always
410) ॐ भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः। – The Goddess of the Universe
411) ॐ त्रैलोक्यमोहिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Bewitches the Three Worlds
412) ॐ विद्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Knowledge
413) ॐ सर्वभर्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Administers Everyone
414) ॐ क्षरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Form that can be Destroyed
415) ॐ अक्षरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who cannot be Destroyed
416) ॐ हिरण्यवर्णायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is of the Colour of Gold
417) ॐ हरिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Destroys Sorrows
418) ॐ सर्वोपद्रवनाशिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Destroys All Painful Problems
419) ॐ कैवल्यपदवीरेखायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Way to Attain Salvation
420) ॐ सूर्यमण्डलसंस्थितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Solar System
421) ॐ सोममण्डलमध्यस्थायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Middle of Moon
422) ॐ वह्निमण्डलसंस्थितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in Between Fire
423) ॐ वायुमण्डलमध्यस्थायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Midst of Wind
424) ॐ व्योममण्डलसंस्थितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Stays in the Sky
425) ॐ चक्रिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has the Divine Wheel
426) ॐ चक्रमध्यस्थायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Middle of Sri Chakra
427) ॐ चक्रमार्गप्रवर्तिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Travels in the Path of Wheels of the Body
428) ॐ कोकिलाकुलचक्राशायै नमः। – The One Who is the King of the Universe of Koels
429) ॐ पक्षतये नमः। – The Beginning of the Phases of Moon
430) ॐ पङ्क्तिपावनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Purifies the World
431) ॐ सर्वसिद्धान्तमार्गस्थायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Way to All Knowledge
432) ॐ षड्वर्णायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Six Colours
433) ॐ वर्णवर्जितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Need Any Boons
434) ॐ शतरुद्रहरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Cures Pain Caused by Arrows
435) ॐ हन्त्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Kills
436) ॐ सर्वसंहारकारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Cause of All Destruction
437) ॐ पुरुषायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Ancient
438) ॐ पौरुष्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Masculine
439) ॐ तुष्टये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Satisfaction
440) ॐ सर्वतन्त्रप्रसूतिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gave Birth to All Tantras
441) ॐ अर्धनारीश्वर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Occupied Left Side of Shiva
442) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
443) ॐ सर्वविद्याप्रदायिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives All Types of Knowledge
444) ॐ भार्गव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Daughter of Sage Bhrigu
445) ॐ भूजुषीविद्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Knowledge that Protects the Earth
446) ॐ सर्वोपनिषदास्थितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in All Upanishads
447) ॐ व्योमकेशायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Sky as Hair
448) ॐ अखिलप्राणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Soul of All Beings
449) ॐ पञ्चकोशविलक्षणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is not Affected by the Five Koshas Like Annamaya kosha
450) ॐ पञ्चकोषात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives in the Five Koshas of the Body
451) ॐ प्रत्यक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who can be Seen Inside
452) ॐ पञ्चब्रह्मात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Five Brahmas
453) ॐ शिवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Consort of Lord Shiva
454) ॐ जगज्जराजनित्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Creates the World When it is Affected by Old Age
455) ॐ पञ्चकर्मप्रसूतिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gave Birth to Five Type of Actions viz Creation, Upkeep, Merging, Disappearance and Blessing
456) ॐ वाग्देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess of Words
457) ॐ आभरणाकारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears Ornaments
458) ॐ सर्वकाम्यस्थितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in All Desires
459) ॐ स्थित्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Stable
460) ॐ अष्टादशचतुष्षष्टिपीठिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Eighteen or Sixty-Four peethas
461) ॐ विद्यायुतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is with Knowledge
462) ॐ कालिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Kali
463) ॐ कर्षण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Attracts
464) ॐ शयामायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Black
465) ॐ यक्षिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is a Yaksha woman
466) ॐ किन्नरेश्वर्यै नमः। – The One Who is the Goddess of Kinnaras (People with Human Body and Head of a Horse)
467) ॐ केतक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Likes Screw Pine Flower
468) ॐ मल्लिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Likes Jasmine Flowers
469) ॐ अशोकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Have Sorrow
470) ॐ वाराह्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Boar, An Incarnation of Lord Vishnu
471) ॐ धरण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Earth
472) ॐ ध्रुवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Very Stable
473) ॐ नारसिंह्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Man Lion, An Incarnation of Lord Vishnu
474) ॐ महोग्रास्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Swallows Great Quantities
475) ॐ भक्तानामार्तिनाशिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Destroys the Sorrows of Devotees
476) ॐ अन्तर्बलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Mentally Strong
477) ॐ स्थिरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Permanent
478) ॐ लक्ष्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess of Wealth
479) ॐ जरामरणनाशिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Prevents Old Age and Death
480) ॐ श्रीरञ्जितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Shines Because of Wealth
481) ॐ महामायायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Great Illusion
482) ॐ सोमसुर्याग्निलोचनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Moon, Sun and Fire as Eyes
483) ॐ अदितये नमः। – The One Who is a Sky Goddess and the Mother of All Devas
484) ॐ देवमात्रे नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Mother of All Devas
485) ॐ अष्टपुत्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Devaki with Eight Sons
486) ॐ अष्टयोगिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is an Expert in Eight Yogas
487) ॐ अष्टप्रकृतये नमः। – The Goddess Who has Eight Types of Nature
488) ॐ अष्टाष्टविभ्राजद्विकृताकृतये नमः। – The Goddess Who Shines in All Sixty-Four Arts
489) ॐ दुर्बिक्षध्वंसिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Destroyer of Scarcity
490) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
491) ॐ सीतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Sita, the Wife of Lord Rama
492) ॐ सत्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Truth
493) ॐ रुक्मिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Rukmini, the Wife of Lord Krishna
494) ॐ ख्यातिजायै नमः। – The Goddess Who was Born with Fame
495) ॐ भार्गव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Daughter of Sage Bhrigu
496) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
497) ॐ देवयोनये नमः। – The Goddess Who Gave Birth to All Devas
498) ॐ तपस्विन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who does Penance
499) ॐ शाकम्भर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Produced Several Vegetables From Her Body and Sustained the World
500) ॐ महाशोणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Dark Red

501) ॐ गरुडोपरिसंस्थितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Sits on the Garuda
502) ॐ सिंहगायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Sits on the Lion
503) ॐ व्याघ्रगायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Sits on a Tiger
504) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
505) ॐ वायुगायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes Wind Move
506) ॐ महाद्रिगायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Sits on a Big Mountain
507) ॐ आकारादिक्षकारांतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Alphabets From Aa to Ksha
508) ॐ सर्वविद्याधिदेवतायै नमः। – The Goddess of All Learning
509) ॐ मन्त्रव्याख्याननिपुणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is an Expert in Explaining Mantras
510) ॐ ज्योतिश्शास्त्रैकलोचनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes Us See the Science of Astronomy
511) ॐ इडापिङ्गलिकामध्यसुषुम्नायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Sushumna Nadi Which is in Between Ida and Pingala Nadis
512) ॐ ग्रन्थिभेदिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Dark Red
513) ॐ कालचक्राश्रयोपेतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes the Wheel of Time Work
514) ॐ कालचक्रस्वरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Wheel of Time
515) ॐ वैशारद्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Expert in Every Knowledge
516) ॐ मतिश्रेष्ठायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Most Intelligent
517) ॐ वरिष्ठायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Best
518) ॐ सर्वदीपिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Light to Everyone
519) ॐ वैनायक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Lord Ganesha
520) ॐ वरारोहायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Ultimate Refuge
521) ॐ श्रोणिवेलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Surrounded by Vedas
522) ॐ बहिर्वलये नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives Strength to the Body
523) ॐ जम्भिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Very Proud of Her Beauty
524) ॐ जृम्भिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Spread All Over the World
525) ॐ जृम्भकारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Cause of Opening of Flower
526) ॐ गणकारिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who was Responsible for Making Ganesha
527) ॐ शरण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Arrows
528) ॐ चक्रिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has the Divine Wheel
529) ॐ अनन्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Have an End
530) ॐ सर्वव्याधिचिकित्सक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Treats All Diseases
531) ॐ देवक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Mother of Lord Krishna
532) ॐ देवसङ्काशायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Like the Devas
533) ॐ वारिधये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Ocean
534) ॐ करुणाकरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Mercy
535) ॐ शर्वर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Removes Darkness from People
536) ॐ सर्वसम्पन्नायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Every Sort of Wealth
537) ॐ सर्वपापप्रभञ्जन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Breaks All Sort of Sins
538) ॐ एकमात्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is One Syllable-OM (Waking Up State)
539) ॐ द्विमात्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Two “OM”s, One After Another (Dream State)
540) ॐ त्रिमात्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Three Syllables (Sleep State)
541) ॐ अपरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Outside There (Turiya State)
542) ॐ अर्धमात्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Half Syllable (Anusvara)
543) ॐ परायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Great
544) ॐ सूक्ष्मायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Micro Form
545) ॐ सूक्ष्मार्थार्थपरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Micro in Micro
546) ॐ अपरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Incomparable
547) ॐ एकवीरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Alone Valorous
548) ॐ विषेशाख्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Special Activity
549) ॐ षष्ठ्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Mahalakshmi with Six Forms
550) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
551) ॐ मनस्विन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Mind of Everyone
552) ॐ नैष्कर्म्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Do Any Action
553) ॐ निष्कलालोकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who cannot be Found Fault by People
554) ॐ ज्ञानकर्माधिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who can be Realized by Gyana
555) ॐ गुणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has All Characters
556) ॐ सबन्ध्वानन्दसन्दोहायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives Happiness to People and Stays with Them
557) ॐ व्योमाकारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form of Sky
558) ॐ निरूपितायै नमः। – The Goddess Whose Form cannot be Described
559) ॐ गद्यपद्यात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Soul of Prose and Poem
560) ॐ वाण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Saraswati
561) ॐ सर्वालङ्कारसंयुतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Well Made Up with All Ornaments
562) ॐ साधुबन्धपदन्यासायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is with Good People and Guides Them
563) ॐ सर्वोकसे नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Home of Everything
564) ॐ घटिकावलये नमः। – The Goddess Who Measures Time
565) ॐ षट्कर्मिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who does Six acts viz Teaching, Learning, Sacrificing, Requesting, Giving and Taking
566) ॐ कर्कशाकारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Like Stone Towards Asuras
567) ॐ सर्वकर्मविवर्जितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has no Need to do Karmas
568) ॐ आदित्यवर्णायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Red Coloured Like the Sun
569) ॐ अपर्णायै नमः। – The Goddess Who did not Eat Even Leaves
570) ॐ कामिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Lover
571) ॐ वररूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has the Chosen Form
572) ॐ ब्रह्माण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Lord Brahma
573) ॐ ब्रह्मसन्तानायै नमः। – The Goddess Whose Son is Brahma
574) ॐ वेदवाचे नमः। – The Goddess Who is Praised by Vedic Words
575) ॐ ईश्वर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Consort of Ishwara
576) ॐ शिवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Consort of Lord Shiva
577) ॐ पुराणन्यायमीमांसा-धर्मशास्त्रागमश्रुतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Described in Puranas, Nyaya, Mimamsa, Dharma Shastras and Agamas
578) ॐ सद्योवेदवत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Knows Vedas
579) ॐ सर्वायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Everywhere
580) ॐ हंस्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form of a Swan
581) ॐ विद्याधिदेवतायै नमः। – The One Who is the Goddess of Learning
582) ॐ विश्वेश्वर्यै नमः। – The One Who is the Goddess of Universe
583) ॐ जगद्धात्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Mother of Universe
584) ॐ विश्वनिर्माणकारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who was the Cause of Creating the World
585) ॐ वैदिक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form of Vedas
586) ॐ वेदरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Personification of Vedas
587) ॐ कालिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is a Form of Time
588) ॐ कालरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Personification of Time
589) ॐ नारायण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Lord Narayana
590) ॐ महादेव्यै नमः। – The One Who is the Great Goddess
591) ॐ सर्वतत्त्वप्रवर्तिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes All Principles Work
592) ॐ हिरण्यवर्णरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Golden Coloured Form
593) ॐ हिरण्यपदसम्भवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the form of Virat Purusha (who is the form of 14 worlds)
594) ॐ कैवल्यपदव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Leads You to One ness with God
595) ॐ पुण्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Auspicious Deeds
596) ॐ कैवल्यज्ञानलक्षितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Known by People Who Try to Become One with God
597) ॐ ब्रह्मसम्पत्तिरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Wealth of Brahma
598) ॐ ब्रह्मसम्पत्तिकारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Cause of Wealth of Brahma
599) ॐ वारुण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Varuna
600) ॐ वरुणाराध्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Worshipped by Son of Varuna – Sage Bhrigu

See Also  Gangashtakam 2 In Sanskrit

601) ॐ सर्वकर्मप्रवतिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes Us do All Actions
602) ॐ एकाक्षरपरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Indicated by OM
603) ॐ युक्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in Alphabets
604) ॐ सर्वदारिद्र्यभञ्जिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Breaks All Types of Poverty
605) ॐ पाशाङ्कुशान्वितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds the Rope and the Goad
606) ॐ दिव्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Divine
607) ॐ वीणाव्याख्याक्षसूत्रभृते नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds Veena, Book and the Rosary
608) ॐ एकमूर्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who has One Form
609) ॐ त्रयीमूर्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who has Three Forms of Lakshmi, Parvati and Saraswati
610) ॐ मधुकैटभभञ्जिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Killed Madhu and Kaitabha
611) ॐ साङ्ख्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Numerals
612) ॐ साङ्ख्यवत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Described by Numerals
613) ॐ ज्वालायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Flame
614) ॐ ज्वलन्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Shines
615) ॐ कामरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who can Take Any Form She Likes
616) ॐ जाग्रत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Always Awake
617) ॐ सर्वसम्पत्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who is All Types of Wealth
618) ॐ सुषुप्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in Deep Sleep
619) ॐ स्वेष्टदायिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Fulfills One’s Desires
620) ॐ कपालिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Skull
621) ॐ महादंष्ट्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Big Teeth
622) ॐ भ्रुकुटीकुटिलाननायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Bent and Dense Eye-Brows
623) ॐ सर्वावासायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives in Everything
624) ॐ सुवासायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives with Good People
625) ॐ बृहत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Macro Form
626) ॐ अष्टये नमः। – The Goddess Who has Eight Forms
627) ॐ शक्वर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Rides on the Bull
628) ॐ छन्दोगणप्रतीकाशायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Merged with the Vedas
629) ॐ कल्माष्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Several Colours
630) ॐ करुणात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Merciful
631) ॐ चक्षुष्मत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Eye Sight
632) ॐ महाघोषायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Chanting of Vedas
633) ॐ खङ्गचर्मधरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears a Sword and a Shield
634) ॐ अशनये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Vajrayudha of Indra
635) ॐ शिल्पवैचित्र्यविद्योतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Knowledge of Sculpture Making
636) ॐ सर्वतोभद्रवासिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Safe in All Places
637) ॐ अचिन्त्यलक्षणाकारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Unimaginable Good Properties
638) ॐ सूत्रभाष्यनिबन्धनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form of People Writing Explanations to Vedas
639) ॐ सर्ववेदान्तसम्पत्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Import of All Vedas
640) ॐ सर्वशास्त्रार्थमातृकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Model Meaning of All Shastras
641) ॐ अकारादिक्षकारान्त-सर्ववर्णकृतस्थलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of All Alphabets from Aa to Ksha
642) ॐ सर्वलक्ष्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is All Forms of Lakshmi
643) ॐ सादानन्दायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Always Happy
644) ॐ सारविद्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Essence of Wisdom
645) ॐ सदाशिवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Consort of Lord Sadashiva
646) ॐ सर्वज्ञायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Knows Everything
647) ॐ सर्वशक्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is All Powers
648) ॐ खेचरीरूपगायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form All Beings Who Fly
649) ॐ उच्छितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Great
650) ॐ अणिमादिगुणोपेतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Surrounded by Occult Powers Like Anima
651) ॐ परायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Divine
652) ॐ काष्ठायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is at the End
653) ॐ परागतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Divine Destination
654) ॐ हंसयुक्तविमानस्थायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Drives a Chariot Drawn by Swans
655) ॐ हंसारूढायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Travels on a Swan
656) ॐ शशिप्रभायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Model
657) ॐ भवान्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Giver of Life
658) ॐ वासनाशक्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who is in Born Talents
659) ॐ आकृतिस्थायै नमः। – The Goddess Who can Take a Form
660) ॐ खिलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is All Living Beings
661) ॐ अखिलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Everywhere
662) ॐ तन्त्रहेतवे नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Cause of All 64 Tantras
663) ॐ विचित्राङ्ग्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Wonderful Limbs
664) ॐ व्योमगङ्गाविनोदिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Plays in the Akasha Ganga
665) ॐ वर्षायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is rain
666) ॐ वर्षिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Rains Mercy on Devotees
667) ॐ ऋग्यजुस्सामरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the form of Rig, Yajur and Sama Vedas
668) ॐ महानद्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Great River Ganga
669) ॐ नदीपुण्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Sacred River
670) ॐ अगण्यपुण्यगुणक्रियायै नमः। – The Goddess by Serving Her We Will Get Innumerable Blessings
671) ॐ समाधिगतलभ्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who can be Got by Samadhi
672) ॐ अर्थायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Meaning
673) ॐ श्रोतव्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Should be Heard About
674) ॐ स्वप्रियायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Likes Herself
675) ॐ घृणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Hate
676) ॐ नामाक्षरपरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Above Her Names
677) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
678) ॐ उपसर्गनखाञ्चितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Shines With Her Long Nails
679) ॐ निपातोरुद्व्यायै नमः। –
680) ॐ जङ्घामातृकायै नमः। –
681) ॐ मन्त्ररूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Mantras
682) ॐ आसीनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Sitting
683) ॐ शयानायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Lying Down
684) ॐ तिष्ठन्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Standing
685) ॐ धावनाधिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Stable Without Movement
686) ॐ लक्ष्यलक्षणयोगाढ्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Worshipped as a Form and Without Form
687) ॐ ताद्रूपगणनाकृतये नमः। – The Goddess Who has Several Forms Which are Different
688) ॐ एकरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is an Example
689) ॐ अनैकरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Have Only One Form
690) ॐ तस्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is You
691) ॐ इन्दुरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has the Form of Moon
692) ॐ तदाकृतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is in God’s Form
693) ॐ समासतद्धिताकारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has the Form of the World that is Pointed to
694) ॐ विभक्तिवचनात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in a Grammatical Sentence
695) ॐ स्वाहाकारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form of Swaha Who is the Wife of Fire
696) ॐ स्वधाकारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who in the Form of Offering to the Manes
697) ॐ श्रीपत्यर्धाङ्गनन्दिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Occupies Half the Body of Lord Vishnu as Srivatsa
698) ॐ गम्भीरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Serious
699) ॐ गहनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Deep
700) ॐ गुह्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Secretive

701) ॐ योनिलिङ्गार्धधारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Half Male and Half Female Organ as Ardha Nareeswari
702) ॐ शेषवासुकिसंसेव्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Served by Adi Shesha and Vasuki
703) ॐ चपलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does Stay Permanently in One Place
704) ॐ वरवर्णिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Belongs to the Blessed Category
705) ॐ कारुण्याकारसम्पत्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who has Wealth of Mercy
706) ॐ कीलकृते नमः। – The Goddess Who Shuts Illusion from Devotees
707) ॐ मन्त्रकीलिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Being Worshipped by Mantras
708) ॐ शक्तिबीजात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Soul of Seed Chants Like Iym, Hreem, Sreem
709) ॐ सर्वमन्त्रेष्टायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Likes All Mantras
710) ॐ अक्षयकामनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Desires Which Never Decrease
711) ॐ आग्नेय्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Fire
712) ॐ पार्थिवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Earth
713) ॐ आप्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Water
714) ॐ वायव्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Secretive
715) ॐ व्योमकेतनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Sky as Flag
716) ॐ सत्यज्ञानात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Whose Soul is Truth and Wisdom
717) ॐ नन्दायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes One Happy
718) ॐ ब्राह्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Brahma
719) ॐ ब्रह्मणे नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Brahman
720) ॐ सनातन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Have Any Origin
721) ॐ अविद्यावासनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Habit of Ignorance
722) ॐ मायायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Illusion
723) ॐ प्रकृत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Nature
724) ॐ सर्वमोहिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Attracts Everyone
725) ॐ शक्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power
726) ॐ धारणशक्तयेयोगिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Strength of Understanding
727) ॐ चिदचिच्छक्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is an Expert in Yoga with Wisdom and Ignorance
728) ॐ वक्त्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Red Face
729) ॐ अरुणायै नमः। –
730) ॐ महामायायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is a Great Illusion
731) ॐ मरीचये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Hiding
732) ॐ मदमर्दिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Kills Unnecessary Exuberance
733) ॐ विराजे नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Supreme
734) ॐ स्वाहायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Takes the Form of Swaha, Wife of Fire God
735) ॐ स्वधायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of Swadha, Offering for Manes
736) ॐ शुद्धायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is clean
737) ॐ निरूपास्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Fit to be Worshipped
738) ॐ सुभक्तिगायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Likes People with Good Devotion
739) ॐ निरूपिताद्व्य्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Proves Knowledge and Ignorance
740) ॐ विद्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Knowledge
741) ॐ नित्यानित्यस्वरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Permanent as Well as Temporary
742) ॐ वैराजमार्गसञ्चारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Travels in Path of Detachment
743) ॐ सर्वसत्पथदर्शिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who shows the right path
744) ॐ जालन्धर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Keeps the Net Called Illusion
745) ॐ मृडान्यै नमः। – The Wife of Lord Shiva
746) ॐ भवान्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Wife of Lord Shiva
747) ॐ भवभञ्जिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Breaks the Misery of Birth
748) ॐ त्रैकालिकज्ञानतन्तवे नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives Wisdom in All Three Periods of Time
749) ॐ त्रिकालज्ञानदायिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives Knowledge of the Past, Present and Future
750) ॐ नादातीतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Beyond Sound
751) ॐ स्मृतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Memory
752) ॐ प्रज्ञायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Intuitiveness
753) ॐ धात्रीरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Form Carrying the World
754) ॐ त्रिपुष्करायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Looks After Body, Mind and Wisdom
755) ॐ पराजितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Defeated by Devotees
756) ॐ विधानज्ञायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Knows How to Arrange for Things
757) ॐ विशेषितगुणात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Special Auspicious Qualities
758) ॐ हिरण्यकेशिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Golden Hair
759) ॐ हेमब्रह्मसूत्रविचक्षणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Knows the Golden Book Called Brahma Sutra
760) ॐ असङ्ख्येयपरार्धान्तस्वर-व्यञ्जनवैखर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Birth Place of Innumerable Alphabets, Consonants and Vowels
761) ॐ मधुजिह्वायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Sweet Toungue
762) ॐ मधुमत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Birth
763) ॐ मधुमासोदयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Beginning of Pleasurable Months
764) ॐ मधवे नमः। – The Goddess Who is Like Honey
765) ॐ माधव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Wife of Madhava
766) ॐ महाभागायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Lot of Wealth/Luck/Fame
767) ॐ मेघगम्भीरनिस्वनायै नमः। – The Goddess Whose Voice is Like Thunder
768) ॐ ब्रह्मविष्णुमहेशादि-ज्ञातव्यार्थविशेषगायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Greatness Known to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
769) ॐ नाभौवह्निशिखाकारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Keeps Fire in Her Belly
770) ॐ ललाटेचन्द्रसन्निभायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Crescent
771) ॐ भ्रूमध्येभास्कराकारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Sun Like Light in the Middle of Her Eyebrows
772) ॐ हृदिसर्वताराकृत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Keeps Stars in Her Heart
773) ॐ कृत्तिकादिभरण्यन्त-नक्षत्रेष्ट्यार्चितोदयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Worshipped During All the 27 Stars
774) ॐ ग्रहविद्यात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Knows All About the Planets
775) ॐ ज्योतिषे नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Light of a Flame
776) ॐ ज्योतिर्विदे नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Place for Light
777) ॐ मतिजीविकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Helps All Beings to Lead Their Life
778) ॐ ब्रह्माण्डगर्भिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Keeps the Universe in her Womb
779) ॐ बालायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is a Lass
780) ॐ सप्तावरणदेवतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Form of the Gods of the Seven Avaranas of Sri Chakra
781) ॐ वैराजोत्तमसाम्राज्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Rules the World
782) ॐ कुमारकुशलोदयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Reason for Greatness of Her Son Subrahmanya
783) ॐ बगलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the World that Cannot be Measured
784) ॐ भ्रमराम्बायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Curly Hair on the Forehead
785) ॐ शिवदूत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Sent Lord Shiva as her Emissary
786) ॐ शिवात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Soul of Lord Shiva
787) ॐ मेरुविन्ध्यान्त संस्थानायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Stays in Mountains Like Meru and Vindhyaa
788) ॐ काश्मीरपुरवासिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives in Kashmir
789) ॐ योगनिद्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in Yogic Sleep
790) ॐ महानिद्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in Great Sleep
791) ॐ विनिद्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Never Sleeps
792) ॐ राक्षसाश्रितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Made Rakshasas Surrender
793) ॐ सुवर्णदायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Golden
794) ॐ महागङ्गायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Great Ganges
795) ॐ पञ्चाख्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Five Elements
796) ॐ पञ्चसंहत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Made of Five Elements
797) ॐ सुप्रजातायै नमः। – The Goddess Who was Born in a Good Family
798) ॐ सुवीरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Great Valour
799) ॐ सुपोषायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Grants Good Health
800) ॐ सुपतये नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Good Husband

See Also  Sri Hanuman Chalisa In Sanskrit

801) ॐ शिवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Consort of Shiva
802) ॐ सुगृह्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Home Without Sorrow
803) ॐ रक्तबीजान्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Killed Raktabija
804) ॐ हतकन्दर्पजीविकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who gave Life to God of Love Who was Killed
805) ॐ समुद्रव्योममध्यस्थायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in Between Sky and Ocean
806) ॐ समबिन्दुसमाश्रयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives in the Dot in the Sri Chakra
807) ॐ सौभाग्यरसजीवातवे नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives with Different Forms of Wealth and Luck
808) ॐ सारासारविवेकदृशे नमः। – The Goddess Who has Wisdom to Classify Knowledge into Various Aspects
809) ॐ त्रिवल्यादिसुपुष्टाङ्गायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Healthy Body with Three Folds in Her Hip
810) ॐ भारत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Saraswati
811) ॐ भरताश्रितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Sita Worshipped by Bharata
812) ॐ नादब्रह्ममयीविद्यायै नमः। – The Knowledge of the God of Sound Which Pervades Everywhere
813) ॐ ज्ञानब्रह्ममयीपरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Divine Knowledge of Brahman
814) ॐ ब्रह्मनाड्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Sushumna
815) ॐ निरुक्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who Cannot be Explained
816) ॐ ब्रह्मकैवल्यसाधनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Way to Salvation
817) ॐ कालिकेयमहोदारवीर्य-विक्रमरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Responsible for the Great Strength of the Snake Called Kalikeya
818) ॐ बडबाग्निशिखावक्त्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Vadavagni (Fire Underneath Ocean) as Her Face
819) ॐ महाकबलतर्पणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Swallows All at Deluge and Gets Satisfied
820) ॐ महाभूतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Big Body
821) ॐ महादर्पायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Very Proud
822) ॐ महासारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Ultimate Meaning
823) ॐ महाक्रतवे नमः। – The Goddess Who is Worshipped by Big Yaga
824) ॐ पञ्चभूतमहाग्रासायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Swallows Five Elements During Deluge
825) ॐ पञ्चभूताधिदेवतायै नमः। – The God Controlling the Five Elements
826) ॐ सर्वप्रमाणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Cause of Everything
827) ॐ सम्पत्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Wealth
828) ॐ सर्वरोगप्रतिक्रियायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Cures for All Diseases
829) ॐ ब्रह्माण्डान्तर्बहिर्व्याप्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Spread Inside and Outside the Brahmanda
830) ॐ विष्णुवक्षोविभूषिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Decorates the Chest of Lord Vishnu
831) ॐ शाङ्कर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Shankara
832) ॐ विधिवक्त्रस्थायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is on the Face of Brahma-Saraswati
833) ॐ प्रवरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Greatest
834) ॐ वरहेतुक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Cause of All Boons
835) ॐ हेममालायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears a Golden Necklace
836) ॐ शिखामालायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears a Garland of Heads
837) ॐ त्रिशिखायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Three Vedas
838) ॐ पञ्चलोचनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Five Eyes
839) ॐ सर्वागमसदाचारमर्यादायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Observes All the Rituals Mentioned in All Scriptures
840) ॐ यातुभञ्जन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Destroys All Asuras
841) ॐ पुण्यश्लोकप्रबन्धाढ्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in the Form of Auspicious Verses
842) ॐ सर्वान्तर्यामिरूपिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Inside Every Being
843) ॐ सामगानसमाराध्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Worshipped by Singing Sama Veda
844) ॐ श्रोतृकर्णरसायनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives Pleasure to All Who Hear About Her
845) ॐ जीवलोकैकजीवात्मने नमः। – The Goddess Who Takes Care of All Lives of This World
846) ॐ भद्रोदारविलोकनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Glance that Grants Auspiciousness
847) ॐ तडित्कोटिलसत्कान्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is as Pretty as Billions of Lightning
848) ॐ तरुण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is a Lass
849) ॐ हरिसुन्दर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Pretty to Lord Vishnu
850) ॐ मीननेत्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Fish Like Eyes
851) ॐ इन्द्राक्ष्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has 1000 Eyes Like Indra
852) ॐ विशालाक्ष्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Wide Eyes
853) ॐ सुमङ्गलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has All Auspiciousness
854) ॐ सर्वमङ्गलसम्पन्नायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Full of All Auspiciousness
855) ॐ साक्षान्मङ्गलदेवतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Real God of Auspiciousness
856) ॐ देहिहृद्दीपिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Light of Body and the Heart
857) ॐ दीप्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Glowing with Light
858) ॐ जिह्मपापप्रनाशिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Destroys Sins Done by the Toungue
859) ॐ अर्धचन्द्रोल्लसद्धंष्ट्रायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Glowing Teeth Like the Half Moon
860) ॐ यज्ञवाटीविलासिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes the Hall of Fire Sacrifice Glow
861) ॐ महादुर्गायै नमः। – The Great Goddess Who Removes Intense Sorrows
862) ॐ महोत्साहायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Great Enthusiasm
863) ॐ महादेवबलोदयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is responsible for strength of Lord Shiva
864) ॐ डाकिनीड्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Being Worshipped by Dakini Who is the Goddess of Vishudhi Chakra
865) ॐ शाकिनीड्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Being Praised by Shakini Who is the Goddess of Mooladhara
866) ॐ साकिनीड्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Praised by Saakini
867) ॐ समस्तजुषे नमः। – The Goddess Who is Being Worshipped Everywhere by Everybody
868) ॐ निरङ्कुशायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Have a Goad
869) ॐ नाकिवन्द्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Worshipped by All Devas
870) ॐ षडाधाराधिदेवतायै नमः। – The Goddess of the Six Chakras
871) ॐ भुवनज्ञाननिश्रेणये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Stair Case of Wise People of Earth
872) ॐ भुवनाकारवल्लर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Flag of Earth
873) ॐ शाश्वत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Will Always be There
874) ॐ शाश्वताकारायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Working Always
875) ॐ लोकानुग्रहकारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Blesses People
876) ॐ सारस्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives in the Sea
877) ॐ मानस्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives in the Mind
878) ॐ हंस्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives in the Form of a Swan
879) ॐ हंसलोकप्रदायिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Blesses with Hamsa Loka
880) ॐ चिन्मुद्रालङ्कृतकरायै नमः। – The Goddess Whose Hand is Decorated by Divine Seal
881) ॐ कोटिसूर्यसमप्रभायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Shines Like Billion Suns
882) ॐ सुखप्राणिशिरोरेखायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Determines Fate of Living Happily
883) ॐ सददृष्टप्रदायिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Gives the Divine Sight
884) ॐ सर्वसाङ्कर्यदोषघ्नयै नमः। – The Goddess Who Removes All Defects
885) ॐ ग्रहोपद्रवनाशिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Removes Problems Created by Planets
886) ॐ क्षुद्रजन्तुभयघ्नयै नमः। – The Goddess Who Removes Fear Caused by Evil Animals
887) ॐ विषरोगादिभञ्जन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Removes Diseases Caused by Poison
888) ॐ सदाशान्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Always Peaceful
889) ॐ सदाशुद्धायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Always Pure
890) ॐ गृहच्छिद्रनिवारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Removes the Shortcomings Caused by Planets
891) ॐ कलिदोषप्रशमन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Solves Problems During the Kali Age
892) ॐ कोलाहलपुरस्थितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Stays in Kolhapur
893) ॐ गौर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is White
894) ॐ लाक्षणिक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Special Properties
895) ॐ मुख्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Chief
896) ॐ जघन्याकृतिवर्जितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Have Body Subject to Birth and Death
897) ॐ मायायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Illusion
898) ॐ विद्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Knowledge
899) ॐ मूलभूतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Basis of All Life
900) ॐ वासव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Indra

901) ॐ विष्णुचेतनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Lord Vishnu
902) ॐ वादिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Indra
903) ॐ वसुरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Wealth
904) ॐ वसुरत्नपरिच्छदायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has All the Jewels of Happiness
905) ॐ छांदस्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Knows Meter of Vedas
906) ॐ चन्द्रहृदयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Heart Like the Moon
907) ॐ मन्त्रस्वच्छन्दभैरव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Meter of the Mantras
908) ॐ वनमालायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears Garlands Made Out of Forest Flowers
909) ॐ वैजयन्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears Vaijayanti Garland of Lord Vishnu
910) ॐ पञ्चदिव्यायुधात्मिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Armed with Five Divine Weapons
911) ॐ पीताम्बरमय्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Dressed in Yellow Silk
912) ॐ चञ्चत्कौस्तुभायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears the Moving Kaustubha Gem
913) ॐ हरिकामिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Sweet Heart of Hari
914) ॐ नित्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Always There
915) ॐ तथ्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Truth
916) ॐ रमायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Attracts
917) ॐ रामायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Consort of Rama
918) ॐ रमण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes Devotees Enjoy
919) ॐ मृत्युभञ्जन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Destroys Death
920) ॐ ज्येष्ठायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Elder
921) ॐ काष्ठायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Superior
922) ॐ धनिष्ठान्तायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Inside the Cloud
923) ॐ शराङ्ग्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds Sharanga, the Bow of Vishnu
924) ॐ निर्गुणप्रियायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Likes People Who are Beyond the Three Gunas
925) ॐ मैत्रेयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Friendly
926) ॐ मित्रविन्दायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Mitravinda, Wife of Krishna
927) ॐ शेष्यशेषकलाशयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who can Take Independence with Her Devotees
928) ॐ वाराणसीवासलभ्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who can be Attained by People Living in Kashi
929) ॐ आर्यावर्तजनस्तुतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Prayed by People of Aryavarta
930) ॐ जगदुत्पत्तिसंस्थानसंहार-त्रयकारणायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Cause of Creation, Upkeep and Destruction of the Universe
931) ॐ तुभ्यं नमः। – The Goddess Who is You
932) ॐ अम्बायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Mother
933) ॐ विष्णुसर्वस्वायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Everything to Vishnu
934) ॐ महेश्वर्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Greatest Goddess
935) ॐ सर्वलोकानाम्जनन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Mother of All Worlds
936) ॐ पुण्यमूर्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Auspiciousness Personified
937) ॐ सिद्धलक्ष्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Lakshmi Giving Occult Powers
938) ॐ महाकाल्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Great Kali
939) ॐ महालक्ष्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Great Lakshmi
940) ॐ सद्योजातादि-पञ्चाग्निरूपायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Five Faces of Shiva and She Who did Penance in the Middle of Five Fires
941) ॐ पञ्चकपञ्चकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Five Times Five
942) ॐ यन्त्रलक्ष्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Lakshmi of Yantras
943) ॐ भवत्यै नमः। –
944) ॐ आद्ये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Primeval
945) ॐ आद्यादये नमः। – The Goddess Who is First Among the First
946) ॐ सृष्ट्यादिकारणाकारविततये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Cause of Acts Like Creation
947) ॐ दोषवर्जितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does not Have Any Flaws
948) ॐ जगल्लक्ष्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Lakshmi of the Universe
949) ॐ जगन्मात्रे नमः। – The Goddess Who the Mother of Universe
950) ॐ विष्णुपत्न्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Wife of Vishnu
951) ॐ नवकोटिमहाशक्ति-समुपास्यपदाम्भुजायै नमः। – The Goddess Whose Lotus Like Feet are Worshipped by 90 Million Great Shaktis
952) ॐ कनत्सौवर्णरत्नाढ्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Wears Gem Studded Gold Ornaments
953) ॐ सर्वाभरणभूषितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Shines with All Sort of Ornaments
954) ॐ अनन्तनित्यमहिष्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Endless and Ever Lasting Queen
955) ॐ प्रपञ्चेश्वरनायक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Leader for All Gods of the World
956) ॐ अत्युच्छ्रितपदान्तस्थायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is in Vaikuntha
957) ॐ परमव्योमनायक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Leader of All Divine Beings of the Sky
958) ॐ नाकपृष्ठगताराध्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Worshipped by All Who Have Reached Heaven
959) ॐ विष्णुलोकविलासिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Makes the World of Vishnu Shine
960) ॐ वैकुण्ठराजमहिष्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Queen of the King of Vaikuntha
961) ॐ श्रीरङ्गनगराश्रित्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives in the Town of Sri Ranga
962) ॐ रङ्गनायक्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Chief of the Stage of Life
963) ॐ भूपुत्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Daughter of Earth (Sita)
964) ॐ कृष्णायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Wife of Krishna
965) ॐ वरदवल्लभायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Consort of Lord Varadaraja
966) ॐ कोटिब्रह्मादिसंसेव्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Served by Billions of Brahmas
967) ॐ कोटिरुद्रादिकीर्तितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Sung About by Billions of Rudras
968) ॐ मातुलुङ्गमयं खेटं बिभ्रत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds the Shield Made by Pomegranate
969) ॐ सौवर्णचषकं बिभ्रत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds the Golden Goblet in Her Hands
970) ॐ पद्मद्वयं दधानायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds Two Lotus Flowers
971) ॐ पूर्णकुम्भं बिभ्रत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Full Pot
972) ॐ कीरं दधानायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Parrot
973) ॐ वरदाभय दधानायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Protects and Blesses
974) ॐ पाशं बिभ्रत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Rope
975) ॐ अङ्कुशं बिभ्रत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Goad
976) ॐ शङ्खं वहन्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Shell
977) ॐ चक्रं वहन्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Wheel
978) ॐ शूलं वहन्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Trident
979) ॐ कृपाणिकां वहन्त्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Sword
980) ॐ धनुर्बाणौ बिभ्रत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Bow and Arrow
981) ॐ अक्षमालां दधानायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Rosary of Rudraksha
982) ॐ चिन्मुद्रां बिभ्रत्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Divine Symbol
983) ॐ अष्टादशभुजायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Eighteen Hands
984) ॐ लक्ष्म्यै नमः। – The Goddess of Wealth
985) ॐ महाष्टादशपीठगायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Eighteen Great Temples
986) ॐ भूमिनीलादिसंसेव्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Served by Earth and Nila Devi
987) ॐ स्वमिचित्तानुवर्तिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Acts According to the Wishes of Her Husband
988) ॐ पद्मायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Lotus Like
989) ॐ पद्मालयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives in a Lotus
990) ॐ पद्मिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is as Pretty as Lotus
991) ॐ पूर्णकुम्भाभिषेचितायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Anointed by a Pot Full of Water
992) ॐ इन्दिरायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is of the Form Of Indra
993) ॐ इन्दिराभाक्ष्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who has Shine Like Moon
994) ॐ क्षीरसागरकन्यकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Lass of Ocean of Milk
995) ॐ भार्गव्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Daughter of Sage Bhrigu
996) ॐ स्वतन्त्रेच्छायै नमः। – The Goddess Who does Acts Independently from Her Lord
997) ॐ वशीकृतजगत्पतये नमः। – The Goddess Who Attracted the Lord of the Universe
998) ॐ मङ्गलानां मङ्गलायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Auspicious Among the Auspicious Ones
999) ॐ देवतानां देवतायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Holds a Bow
1000) ॐ उत्तमानामुत्तमायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Best Among the Best

1001) ॐ श्रेयसे नमः। – The Goddess Who has Great Fame
1002) ॐ परमामृतयै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Best Among the Best
1003) ॐ धनधान्याभिवृद्धये नमः। – The Goddess Who Blesses with Increased Wealth
1004) ॐ सार्वभौमसुखोच्छ्रयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Blesses a Happy Life of an Emperor
1005) ॐ आन्दोलिकादिसौभाग्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Grants the Luck to Travel in a Palanquin
1006) ॐ मत्तेभादिमहोदयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Posses Exuberant Elephants
1007) ॐ पुत्रपौत्राभिवृद्धये नमः। – The Goddess Who Grants Increase in Sons and Grand Sons
1008) ॐ विद्याभोगबलाधिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Grants Increase in Knowledge and Pleasure
1009) ॐ आयुरारोग्यसम्पत्तये नमः। – The Goddess Who Grants Long Life, Health and Wealth
1010) ॐ अष्टैश्वर्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Grants Eight Types of Wealth
1011) ॐ परमेशविभूतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Power of Parameshwara
1012) ॐ सुक्ष्मात्सूक्ष्मतरागतये नमः। – The Goddess Who is Smaller than the Smallest
1013) ॐ सदयापाङ्गसन्दत्त ब्रह्मेन्द्रादि पदस्थितये नमः। – The Goddess Who by Her Mercy Drenched Looks Give Stable Positions to Brahma, Indra and Others
1014) ॐ अव्याहतमहाभाग्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Luck Without Any Breaks or Stops
1015) ॐ अक्षोभ्यविक्रमायै नमः। – The Goddess Who has a Valour that Never Diminishes
1016) ॐ वेदानाम्समन्वयायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Meaning of Vedas
1017) ॐ वेदानामविरोधायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is not the Enemy of Vedas
1018) ॐ निश्रेयसपदप्राप्तिसाधनायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Way and End to the Salvation
1019) ॐ फलायै नमः। –
1020) ॐ श्रीमन्त्रराजराज्ञ्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Queen of Sri Vidya
1021) ॐ श्रीविद्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Sri Vidya
1022) ॐ क्षेमकारिण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Queen of Sri Vidya
1023) ॐ श्रीम्बीजजपसन्तुष्टायै नमः। – The Goddess Who Becomes Happy by the Chanting of the Root Sreem
1024) ॐ ऐं ह्रिं श्रीं बीजपालिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Worshipped by Chanting Aim, Hreem, Sreem
1025) ॐ प्रपत्तिमार्गसुलभायै नमः। – The Goddess Whom Following is Easy
1026) ॐ विष्णुप्रथमकिङ्कर्यै नमः। –
1027) ॐ क्लीङ्कारार्थसवित्र्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Made the Sound Kleem
1028) ॐ सौमङ्गल्याधिदेवतायै नमः। – The Goddess of Good Luck
1029) ॐ श्रीषोडशाक्षरीविद्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Knowledge of Sixteen Letter
1030) ॐ श्रीयन्त्रपुरवासिन्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who Lives in Sri Chakra
1031) ॐ सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Giver of Auspicious Things
1032) ॐ शिवायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Consort of Shiva
1033) ॐ सर्वार्थसाधिकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Fulfiller of All Wishes
1034) ॐ शरण्यायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is to be Fit to be Surrendered to
1035) ॐ त्र्यम्बकायै नमः। – The Goddess Who is the Mother with Three Eyes
1036) ॐ देव्यै नमः। – The Goddess
1037) ॐ नारायण्यै नमः। – The Goddess Who is Narayani