Aditya Hridayam In English

॥ Aditya Hridayam English Lyrics ॥

Tato yuddha parishraantam samare chintayaa sthitam
Raavanam chaagrato drishtvaa yuddhaaya samupasthitam

Daivataishcha samaagamya drashtu mabhyaagato ranam
Upaagamyaabraveed ramam agastyo bhagavaan rishih

Rama Rama mahaa baaho shrunu guhyam sanaatanam
Yena sarvaanareen vatsa samare vijayishyasi

Aaditya Hridayam punyam sarva shatru vinaashanam
Jayaavaham japennityam akshayyam paramam shivam

Sarva mangala maangalyam sarva paapa pranaashanam
Chintaa shoka prashamanam ayur vardhanamuttamam

Rashmi mantam samudyantam devaasura namaskritam
Poojayasva vivasvantam bhaaskaram bhuvaneshvaram

Sarva devaatmako hyesha tejasvee rashmi bhaavanah
Esha devaasura ganaan lokaan paati gabhastibhih

Esha brahmaa cha vishnuscha shivah skandah prajaapatih
Mahendro dhanadah kaalo yamassomo hyappam patih

Pitaro vasavassaadhyaa hyashvinou maruto manuh
Vaayur vahnih prajaah praana ritukartaa prabhaakarah

Aadityassavitaa sooryah khagah pooshaa gabhastimaan
Suvarna sadrisho bhaanur hiranyaretaa divaakarah

Haridashwah sahasraarchih sapta saptir mareechimaan
Timironmathanah shambhuh stvashtaa maartanda amshumaan

Vyoma naathah stamo bhedee rig yajussaama paaragah
Ghana vrishti rapaam mitro vindhya veethee plavagamah

Aatapee mandalee mrityuh pingalah sarva taapanah
Kavir vishwo mahaa tejaa raktassarva bhavod bhavah

Nakshatra graha taaraanaam adhipo vishva bhaavanah
Tejasaamapi tejasvee dvaadashaatman namostute

Namah poorvaaya giraye paschimaayaadraye namah
Jyotirganaanaam pataye dinaadhipataye namah

Jayaaya jaya bhadraaya haryashvaaya namo namah
Namo namah sahasraamsho aadityaaya namo namah

Nama ugraaya veeraaya saarangaaya namo namah
Namah padma prabodhaaya maartaandaaya namo namah

Brahmeshaanaachyuteshaaya sooryaayaaditya varchase
Bhaasvate sarva bhakshaaya roudraaya vapushe namah

Tamoghnaaya himaghnaaya shatrughnaaya mitaatmane
Kritaghaghnaaya devaaya jyotishaam pataye namah

Tapta chaameekaraabhaaya vahnaye vishwa karmane
Namastamobhi nighnaaya ruchaye loka saakshine

Naashayatyesha vai bhootam tadeva srijati prabhuh
Paayatyesha tapatyesha varshatyesha gabhastibhih

Esha supteshu jaagarti bhooteshu pari nishthitah
Esha chaivaagni hotrancha phalam chivaagni hotrinaam

Vedaashcha kratavashchaiva kratoonaam phalameva cha
Yaani krityaani lokeshu sarva esha ravih prabhuh

Enam aapatsu krichchreshu kaantaareshu bhayeshu cha
Keertayan purushah kashchin naavaseedati raaghava

Poojayasvaina mekaagro deva devam jagatpatim
Etat trigunitam japtvaa yuddheshu vijayishyasi

Asmin kshane mahaa baaho raavanam tvam vadhishyasi
Evamuktvaa tadaagastyo jagaama cha yathaagatam

Etachchrutvaa mahaa tejaa nashta shoko bhavattadaa
Dhaarayaamaasa supreeto raghavah prayataatmavaan

Aadityam prekshya japtvaa tu param harshamavaaptavaan
Triraachamya shuchir bhootvaa dhanu raadaaya veeryavaan

Raavanam prekshya hirshtaatmaa yuddhaaya samupaagamat
Sarva yatnena mahataa vadhe tasya dhrito bhavat

Atha ravi ravadannirikshya raamam
mudita manaah paramam prahrishyamaanah

Nishi chara pati samkshayam viditvaa
suragana madhyagato vachastvareti

॥ Aditya Hridayam Meaning ॥

1) When Rama was exhausted in the battle field standing with greater sorrow and deep thought to fight against Ravana who was duly prepared for the battle, Agastya observed that.

2) Agastya who was with other Gods approaches Rama and says as follows.

3) Sage Agastya approached Rama and spoke as follows: dear Rama there is a solution for your worry which is a perennial secret, by reciting it you would be victorious in this war.

4) This is the holy hymn Aditya Hrudayam which destroys all enemies and brings you victory and permanent happiness by chanting it always.

5) This supreme prayer of Sun God always gives happiness, destroys all sins, worries and increases the longevity of life.

6) Worship the Sun God, the ruler of the worlds and lord of the universe, who is worshipped by devas and asuras and who is worshipped by every one of the universes.

7) He has within him all the devas and He is the brightest among the bright, He is self-luminous and sustains all worlds of Devas and Asuras with his rays.

See Also  Varahi Nigraha Ashtakam In English

8) He is pervading in all viz., Brahma (the creator), Visnu (the Sustainer), Shiva (the destroyer), Skanda (the son of Siva), Prajapati (progenitor of the human race), the mighty Indra (lord of senses), Kubera (the God of prosperity), Kala (eternal time), Yama (the lord of death), Soma (the moon god that nourishes), and Varuna (God of rain).

9) He is the manes (ancestors); He is the eight Vasus viz., Anala, Anila, Soma, Ahas, Dhara, Dhruva, Pratyoosha and Prabhasa. He is the God Sadhya, Ashwini devatas (Gods of health). He is the maruths who are responsible for the breeze, He is the wind God, He is the fire god, and he is the Manu, Vayu (the wind God), Agni (the fire God), Prana (the Life breath of all beings), the maker of six seasons and the giver of light.

10) He is the son of Adithi, Savitha (bright), Soorya (supreme light), Khaga (bird, travels on the sky,), feeds the world by rain, gabhastiman (possessed of rays) Golden colored (beautiful, wise), always shining, he is the creator, day starts with him.
Aditya – son of Aditi, one who attracts all towards Him
Savitha – one who rule the world, controller of the world
Soorya – one who encourages all, active
Khaga – one who moves in space (bird)
Poosha – one who protects all worlds
Gabhastiman – one who has bright rays
Suvarnasadrisha – golden colored
Bhanu – pervaded in all
Swarnareta – radiant round shaped like a golden egg
Diwakara – one who is the reason for a bright day.

11) He has green horses (green is a symbol of victory). He has thousands of rays (infinite), he is a dispeller of darkness. He has seven horses (symbol of seven lokas). He removes suffering and gives a pleasant life. He pervades all with an immeasurable amount of rays.
Haridashwa – one whose chariot is dragged by green horses
Sahasrarchi – one who has thousands of rays (infinite)
Saptasapti – one whose horses are seven (represents seven Lokas)
Marichiman – whose body radiates rays
Timironmatana – dispeller of darkness
Shambhu – one who gives contentment
Twastha – one who removes sorrow and gives elation
Martanda – one who comes from annihilated creation and again creates
Amshuman – vastness, pervaded in all.

12) He is the golden source (knowledge, prosperity). He who cools down the world from his rain (minds of devotees). He who bestows heat. He is the illuminator (source of light). He is praised by everyone. He who has fire within himself. He is the son of Adhithi and Kashyapa. He merges at night and becomes cool, destroyer of the cold, snow and fog.
Hiranyagarbha – one who has powers of Brahman, prosperity and who is wise (Jnani)
Sishira – one who makes cold by rain produced by him
Tapana – one who generates heat
Bhaskara – one who gives light (Jnana)
Ravi – one who is praised by everyone
Agnigharbha – one who has
Aditeputra – son of Aditi and Kashyapa Maharshi
Shankha – one who becomes cool when he sets
Shisiranashana – one who melts snow, fog and cold

See Also  Narayaniyam Astnavatitamadasakam In English – Narayaneyam Dasakam 98

13) He is the lord of the space and ruler of the sky, dispeller of darkness, master of the three Vedas viz., Rig, Yajur and Sama Vedas, he is the reason for heavy rain, and friend of the water God (Varuna), He swiftly courses in the direction South of Vindhya-mountains and sports in the Brahma Nadi (in daxinayana he travels swiftly like a monkey.
Yomanatha – one who is the lord of space and the ruler of sky
Tamobedhi – dispeller of darkness
RigYajuSamaparagha – one who mastered Three Vedas viz., Rig, Yajur and Samaveda
Ghanavrusthi – one who is the reason for heavy rain
Apam-mitra – one who is a friend of Rain God
Vindhyavithiplavangamaha – one who swiftly courses in the direction South of Vindhya-mountains like a monkey

14) He is a producer of heat, his form is circular, he is the death of foes, he is yellow-colored, he gives heat to all things, he is greater brilliance, shining with great radiance and expert in knowledge, pervades in the whole universe, is dear to everyone, sustaining the universe and all actions.
Atapi – one who is the creator of heat
Mandali – round shaped
Mrithyu – death for enemies
Pingala – yellow colored
Sarvatapana – one who makes heat to all things
Kavi – greater brilliance
Vishwa – pervaded in the whole universe
Mahateja – Shining with great radiance
Raktha – one who is dear to everyone
Sarvabhavodbhava – creator of all things

15) Salutations to him who is the lord of stars, planets and zodiac, and the origin of everything in the universe. Salutations to Aditya who appears in twelve forms viz., Indra, Dhata, Bhaga, Pooshana, Mitra, Aryama, Archi, Vivaswan, Twastru, Savitha, Varuna and Vishnu (in the shape of twelve months of the year.

16) Salutations to the Lord who rises from the mounts of east and sets on mounts of the west, Salutations to the Lord of the stellar bodies and to the Lord of daylight.

17) Pray him who has green horses and the bestower of victory, auspiciousness and prosperity. He has a thousand rays and who has the power to attract all towards him.
Jaya – one who brings victory
Jayabhadra – one who gives auspiciousness and prosperity
Haryashwa – one who is carried by Green horses
Sahasramsha – one who has infinite rays
Aditya – son of Aditi, one who attracts all towards Him.

18) Salutations to him who is terrible and fierce one to the sinners, to him who is the hero (controlled senses); one who travels fast, Salutations to the one whose appearance makes the lotus blossom. Salutations to the son of Mrukanda Maharshi.
Ugra – terrible for enemies
Veera – brave (powerful)
Saranga – one who runs swiftly
Padmaprabodha – one whose appearance makes the lotus blossom
Martanda – after that annihilation of the creation one who is able to create it again

19) Salutation to Him who is the inspiration to Trimurtis (Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha) and inspiration to all creatures, salutation to who is fierce like Rudra at the end of the creation

See Also  Guha Pancharatnam In English

20) Salutations to the dispeller of the darkness (ignorance) and cold (snow), who is fearful to bad people, Salutations also to the annihilator of the ungrateful and to the Lord of all the stellar bodies, who is the first amongst all the lights of the Universe.
Tamoghna – dispeller of the darkness (ignorance)
Himaghna – one who is the reason for melting snow
Shatrugna – one who punishes ungrateful people
Amitatmane – one who has the enormous will power
Krithagna – annihilator of the ungrateful people
Jyotishampati – lord of the all stellar things
Deva – one whose form is illuminating.

21) Salutations to Him, Who is the color of molten gold and the form of fire, one who burns all, dispeller of darkness, adorable from all and Salutations to Vishvakarma the architect of the universe, the cause of all activity and creation in the world, yet beyond the world.
Taptachamikarabha – whose color is like molten gold
Vahnaye – one who burns all
Vishwakarma – one who is the reason for all actions
Tamobhinighna – dispeller of darkness
Ravi – one who is adored by all
Lokasakshine – one who is witnessed to all

22) Salutation to the Sun God who is able to destroyer all with his rays and then create them again, he can be the producer of rain and also a showered of wisdom as well.

23) The lord Sun God is always awake and abides in the heart of all beings and awake them, he is only the sacrifice and fruit of the sacrifice performed by Yajna.

24) Behind all Vedas, Yagas and fruits of all yagas and results of all actions of the world is Sun God only, he is omnipresent.

25) Oh Raghava, one who chants this prayer in any critical situation viz., physical, mental and spiritual, for sure he will overcome of it and always he is blessed.

26) Do worship Adity by chanting this prayer with even-minded. If you chant three times for sure you will be the conquer of this battle.

27) Agastya Maharshi says to Rama that “you would kill Ravana within a moment,” and left that battlefield, Agastya had come to Rama to teach this holy hymn of Son God. With the grace of Gods, he encourages Rama with his meditation power.

28) Hearing the holy words of Agasthya with even minded Rama became rejuvenated and came out of the momentary fearful situation; his clouds of worry got dispelled, with enthusiastically started chanting the prayer of Son God.

29) Himself being purified concentrated on Sun God; Rama recited the prayer thrice with achamana (sipping water) then thrilled and lifted his holy bow.

30) Rama facing Ravana with the greater spirit who was coming to fight with his all effort determined to kill Ravana.

31) Then Aditya surrounded by all Gods appears and blesses Rama with great mental and physical strength and ordered to kill Ravana.

॥ – Chant Stotras in other Languages –

Aditya Hridayam in Sanskrit – English –  KannadaTeluguTamil