Bhagavadgita Words And Meanings In Tamil

॥ Bhagavad Geetaa words and Meanings Tamil Lyrics ॥

॥ ப⁴க³வத்³கீ³தா ஶப்³தா³ர்த² ॥
த்⁴ருʼதராஷ்ட்ர உவாச = King Dhritarashtra said
த⁴ர்மக்ஷேத்ரே = in the place of pilgrimage
குருக்ஷேத்ரே = in the place named Kuruksetra
ஸமவேதா꞉ = assembled
யுயுத்ஸவ꞉ = desiring to fight
மாமகா꞉ = my party (sons)
பாண்ட³வா꞉ = the sons of Pandu
ச = and
ஏவ = certainly
கிம்ʼ = what
அகுர்வத = did they do
ஸஞ்ஜய = O Sanjaya.
ஸஞ்ஜய உவாச = Sanjaya said
த்³ருʼஷ்ட்வா = after seeing
து = but
பாண்ட³வானீகம்ʼ = the soldiers of the Pandavas
வ்யூட⁴ம்ʼ = arranged in a military phalanx
து³ர்யோத⁴ன꞉ = King Duryodhana
ததா³ = at that time
ஆசார்யம்ʼ = the teacher
உபஸங்க³ம்ய = approaching
ராஜா = the king
வசனம்ʼ = word
அப்³ரவீத் = spoke.
பஶ்ய = behold
ஏதாம்ʼ = this
பாண்டு³புத்ராணாம்ʼ = of the sons of Pandu
ஆசார்ய = O teacher
மஹதீம்ʼ = great
சமூம்ʼ = military force
வ்யூடா⁴ம்ʼ = arranged
த்³ருபத³புத்ரேண = by the son of Drupada
தவ = your
ஶிஷ்யேண = disciple
தீ⁴மதா = very intelligent.
அத்ர = here
ஶூரா꞉ = heroes
மஹேஶ்வாஸா꞉ = mighty bowmen
பீ⁴மார்ஜுன = to Bhima and Arjuna
ஸமா꞉ = equal
யுதி⁴ = in the fight
யுயுதா⁴ன꞉ = Yuyudhana
விராட꞉ = Virata
ச = also
த்³ருபத³꞉ = Drupada
ச = also
மஹாரத²꞉ = great fighter.
த்⁴ருʼஷ்டகேது꞉ = Dhrishtaketu
சேகிதான꞉ = Cekitana
காஶிராஜ꞉ = Kasiraja
ச = also
வீர்யவான் = very powerful
புருஜித் = Purujit
குந்திபோ⁴ஜ꞉ = Kuntibhoja
ச = and
ஶைப்³ய꞉ = Saibya
ச = and
நரபுங்க³வ꞉ = hero in human society.
யுதா⁴மன்யு꞉ = Yudhamanyu
ச = and
விக்ராந்த꞉ = mighty
உத்தமௌஜா꞉ = Uttamauja
ச = and
வீர்யவான் = very powerful
ஸௌப⁴த்³ர꞉ = the son of Subhadra
த்³ரௌபதே³யா꞉ = the sons of Draupadi
ச = and
ஸர்வே = all
ஏவ = certainly
மஹாரதா²꞉ = great chariot fighters.
அஸ்மாகம்ʼ = our
து = but
விஶிஷ்டா꞉ = especially powerful
யே = who
தான் = them
நிபோ³த⁴ = just take note of, be informed
த்³விஜோத்தம = O best of the brahmanas
நாயகா꞉ = captains
மம = my
ஸைன்யஸ்ய = of the soldiers
ஸஞ்ஜ்ஞார்த²ம்ʼ = for information
தான் = them
ப்³ரவீமி = I am speaking
தே = to you.
ப⁴வான் = your good self
பீ⁴ஷ்ம꞉ = Grandfather Bhishma
ச = also
கர்ண꞉ = Karna
ச = and
க்ருʼப꞉ = Krpa
ச = and
ஸமிதிஞ்ஜய꞉ = always victorious in battle
அஶ்வத்தா²மா = Asvatthama
விகர்ண꞉ = Vikarna
ச = as well as
ஸௌமத³த்தி꞉ = the son of Somadatta
ததா² = as well as
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also.
அன்யே = others
ச = also
ப³ஹவ꞉ = in great numbers
ஶூரா꞉ = heroes
மத³ர்தே² = for my sake
த்யக்தஜீவிதா꞉ = prepared to risk life
நானா = many
ஶஸ்த்ர = weapons
ப்ரஹரணா꞉ = equipped with
ஸர்வே = all of them
யுத்³த⁴விஶாரதா³꞉ = experienced in military science.
அபர்யாப்தம்ʼ = immeasurable
தத் = that
அஸ்மாகம்ʼ = of ours
ப³லம்ʼ = strength
பீ⁴ஷ்ம = by Grandfather Bhishma
அபி⁴ரக்ஷிதம்ʼ = perfectly protected
பர்யாப்தம்ʼ = limited
து = but
இத³ம்ʼ = all this
ஏதேஷாம்ʼ = of the Pandavas
ப³லம்ʼ = strength
பீ⁴ம = by Bhima
அபி⁴ரக்ஷிதம்ʼ = carefully protected.
அயனேஷு = in the strategic points
ச = also
ஸர்வேஷு = everywhere
யதா²பா⁴க³ம்ʼ = as differently arranged
அவஸ்தி²தா꞉ = situated
பீ⁴ஷ்மம்ʼ = unto Grandfather Bhishma
ஏவ = certainly
அபி⁴ரக்ஷந்து = should give support
ப⁴வந்த꞉ = you
ஸர்வ = all respectively
ஏவ ஹி = certainly.
தஸ்ய = his
ஸஞ்ஜநயன் = increasing
ஹர்ஷம்ʼ = cheerfulness
குருவ்ருʼத்³த⁴꞉ = the grandsire of the Kuru dynasty (Bhishma)
பிதாமஹ꞉ = the grandfather
ஸிம்ʼஹநாத³ம்ʼ = roaring sound, like that of a lion
வினத்³ய = vibrating
உச்சை꞉ = very loudly
ஶங்க²ம்ʼ = conchshell
த³த்⁴மௌ = blew
ப்ரதாபவான் = the valiant.
தத꞉ = thereafter
ஶங்கா²꞉ = conchshells
ச = also
பே⁴ர்ய꞉ = large drums
ச = and
பணவானக = small drums and kettledrums
கோ³முகா²꞉ = horns
ஸஹஸா = all of a sudden
ஏவ = certainly
அப்⁴யஹன்யந்த = were simultaneously sounded
ஸ꞉ = that
ஶப்³த³꞉ = combined sound
துமுல꞉ = tumultuous
அப⁴வத் = became.
தத꞉ = thereafter
ஶ்வேதை꞉ = with white
ஹயை꞉ = horses
யுக்தே = being yoked
மஹதி = in a great
ஸ்யந்த³னே = chariot
ஸ்தி²தௌ = situated
மாத⁴வ꞉ = KRiShNa (the husband of the goddess of fortune)
பாண்ட³வ꞉ = Arjuna (the son of Pandu)
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
தி³வ்யௌ = transcendental
ஶங்கௌ² = conchshells
ப்ரத³த்⁴மது꞉ = sounded.
பாஞ்சஜன்யம்ʼ = the conchshell named Pancajanya
ஹ்ருʼஷீகேஶ꞉ = Hrsikesa (KRiShNa, the Lord who directs the senses of the devotees)
தே³வத³த்தம்ʼ = the conchshell named Devadatta
த⁴னஞ்ஜய꞉ = Dhananjaya (Arjuna, the winner of wealth)
பௌண்ட்³ரம்ʼ = the conch named Paundra
த³த்⁴மௌ = blew
மஹாஶங்க²ம்ʼ = the terrific conchshell
பீ⁴மகர்மா = one who performs herculean tasks
வ்ருʼகோத³ர꞉ = the voracious eater (Bhima).
அனந்தவிஜயம்ʼ = the conch named Ananta-vijaya
ராஜா = the king
குந்தீபுத்ர꞉ = the son of Kunti
யுதி⁴ஷ்டி²ர꞉ = Yudhisthira
நகுல꞉ = Nakula
ஸஹதே³வ꞉ = Sahadeva
ச = and
ஸுகோ⁴ஷமணிபுஷ்பகௌ = the conches named Sughosa and Manipuspaka
காஶ்ய꞉ = the King of Kasi (Varanasi)
ச = and
பரமேஷ்வாஸ꞉ = the great archer
ஶிக²ண்டீ³ = Sikhandi
ச = also
மஹாரத²꞉ = one who can fight alone against thousands
த்⁴ருʼஷ்டத்³யும்ன꞉ = Dhristadyumna (the son of King Drupada)
விராட꞉ = Virata (the prince who gave shelter to the Pandavas while they were in disguise)
ச = also
ஸாத்யகி꞉ = Satyaki (the same as Yuyudhana, the charioteer of Lord KRiShNa)
ச = and
அபராஜித꞉ = who had never been vanquished
த்³ருபத³꞉ = Drupada, the King of Pancala
த்³ரௌபதே³யா꞉ = the sons of Draupadi
ச = also
ஸர்வஶ꞉ = all
ப்ருʼதி²வீபதே = O King
ஸௌப⁴த்³ர꞉ = Abhimanyu, the son of Subhadra
ச = also
மஹாபா³ஹு꞉ = mighty-armed
ஶங்கா²ன் = conchshells
த³த்⁴மு꞉ = blew
ப்ருʼத²க் = each separately.
ஸ꞉ = that
கோ⁴ஷ꞉ = vibration
தா⁴ர்தராஷ்ட்ராணாம்ʼ = of the sons of Dhritarashtra
ஹ்ருʼத³யானி = hearts
வ்யதா³ரயத் = shattered
நப⁴꞉ = the sky
ச = also
ப்ருʼதி²வீம்ʼ = the surface of the earth
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
துமுல꞉ = uproarious
அப்⁴யனுநாத³யன் = resounding.
அத² = thereupon
வ்யவஸ்தி²தான் = situated
த்³ருʼஷ்ட்வா = looking upon
தா⁴ர்தராஷ்ட்ரான் = the sons of Dhritarashtra
கபித்⁴வஜ꞉ = he whose flag was marked with Hanuman
ப்ரவ்ருʼத்தே = while about to engage
ஶஸ்த்ரஸம்பாதே = in releasing his arrows
த⁴னு꞉ = bow
உத்³யம்ய = taking up
பாண்ட³வ꞉ = the son of Pandu (Arjuna)
ஹ்ருʼஷீகேஶம்ʼ = unto Lord KRiShNa
ததா³ = at that time
வாக்யம்ʼ = words
இத³ம்ʼ = these
ஆஹ = said
மஹீபதே = O King.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
ஸேனயோ꞉ = of the armies
உப⁴யோ꞉ = both
மத்⁴யே = between
ரத²ம்ʼ = the chariot
ஸ்தா²பய = please keep
மே = my
அச்யுத = O infallible one
யாவத் = as long as
ஏதான் = all these
நிரீக்ஷே = may look upon
அஹம்ʼ = I
யோத்³து⁴காமான் = desiring to fight
அவஸ்தி²தான் = arrayed on the battlefield
கை꞉ = with whom
மயா = by me
ஸஹ = together
யோத்³த⁴வ்யம்ʼ = have to fight
அஸ்மின் = in this
ரண = strife
ஸமுத்³யமே = in the attempt.
யோத்ஸ்யமானான் = those who will be fighting
அவேக்ஷே = let me see
அஹம்ʼ = I
யே = who
ஏதே = those
அத்ர = here
ஸமாக³தா꞉ = assembled
தா⁴ர்தராஷ்ட்ரஸ்ய = for the son of Dhritarashtra
து³ர்பு³த்³தே⁴꞉ = evil-minded
யுத்³தே⁴ = in the fight
ப்ரிய = well
சிகீர்ஷவ꞉ = wishing.
ஸஞ்ஜய உவாச = Sanjaya said
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
உக்த꞉ = addressed
ஹ்ருʼஷீகேஶ꞉ = Lord KRiShNa
கு³டா³கேஶேன = by Arjuna
பா⁴ரத = O descendant of Bharata
ஸேனயோ꞉ = of the armies
உப⁴யோ꞉ = both
மத்⁴யே = in the midst
ஸ்தா²பயித்வா = placing
ரதோ²த்தமம்ʼ = the finest chariot.
பீ⁴ஷ்ம = Grandfather Bhishma
த்³ரோண = the teacher Drona
ப்ரமுக²த꞉ = in front of
ஸர்வேஷாம்ʼ = all
ச = also
மஹீக்ஷிதாம்ʼ = chiefs of the world
உவாச = said
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
பஶ்ய = just behold
ஏதான் = all of them
ஸமவேதான் = assembled
குரூன் = the members of the Kuru dynasty
இதி = thus.
தத்ர = there
அபஶ்யத் = he could see
ஸ்தி²தான் = standing
பார்த²꞉ = Arjuna
பித்ருʼன் = fathers
அத² = also
பிதாமஹான் = grandfathers
ஆசார்யான் = teachers
மாதுலான் = maternal uncles
ப்⁴ராத்ரூʼன் = brothers
புத்ரான் = sons
பௌத்ரான் = grandsons
ஸகீ²ன் = friends
ததா² = too
ஶ்வஶுரான் = fathers-in-law
ஸுஹ்ருʼத³꞉ = well-wishers
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
ஸேனயோ꞉ = of the armies
உப⁴யோ꞉ = of both parties
அபி = including.
தான் = all of them
ஸமீக்ஷ்ய = after seeing
ஸ꞉ = he
கௌந்தேய꞉ = the son of Kunti
ஸர்வான் = all kinds of
ப³ந்தூ⁴ன் = relatives
அவஸ்தி²தான் = situated
க்ருʼபயா = by compassion
பரயா = of a high grade
ஆவிஷ்ட꞉ = overwhelmed
விஷீத³ன் = while lamenting
இத³ம்ʼ = thus
அப்³ரவீத் = spoke.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
த்³ருʼஷ்ட்வா = after seeing
இமம்ʼ = all these
ஸ்வஜனம்ʼ = kinsmen
க்ருʼஷ்ண = O KRiShNa
யுயுத்ஸும்ʼ = all in a fighting spirit
ஸமுபஸ்தி²தம்ʼ = present
ஸீத³ந்தி = are quivering
மம = my
கா³த்ராணி = limbs of the body
முக²ம்ʼ = mouth
ச = also
பரிஶுஷ்யதி = is drying up.
வேபது²꞉ = trembling of the body
ச = also
ஶரீரே = on the body
மே = my
ரோமஹர்ஷ꞉ = standing of hair on end
ச = also
ஜாயதே = is taking place
கா³ண்டீ³வம்ʼ = the bow of Arjuna
ஸ்த்ரம்ʼஸதே = is slipping
ஹஸ்தாத் = from the hand
த்வக் = skin
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
பரித³ஹ்யதே = is burning.
ந = nor
ச = also
ஶக்னோமி = am I able
அவஸ்தா²தும்ʼ = to stay
ப்⁴ரமதி = forgetting
இவ = as
ச = and
மே = my
மன꞉ = mind
நிமித்தானி = causes
ச = also
பஶ்யாமி = I see
விபரீதானி = just the opposite
கேஶவ = O killer of the demon Kesi (KRiShNa).
ந = nor
ச = also
ஶ்ரேய꞉ = good
அனுபஶ்யாமி = do I foresee
ஹத்வா = by killing
ஸ்வஜனம்ʼ = own kinsmen
ஆஹவே = in the fight
ந = nor
காங்க்ஷே = do I desire
விஜயம்ʼ = victory
க்ருʼஷ்ண = O KRiShNa
ந = nor
ச = also
ராஜ்யம்ʼ = kingdom
ஸுகா²னி = happiness thereof
ச = also.
கிம்ʼ = what use
ந꞉ = to us
ராஜ்யேன = is the kingdom
கோ³விந்த³ = O KRiShNa
கிம்ʼ = what
போ⁴கை³꞉ = enjoyment
ஜீவிதேன = living
வா = either
யேஷாம்ʼ = of whom
அர்தே² = for the sake
காங்க்ஷிதம்ʼ = is desired
ந꞉ = by us
ராஜ்யம்ʼ = kingdom
போ⁴கா³꞉ = material enjoyment
ஸுகா²னி = all happiness
ச = also
தே = all of them
இமே = these
அவஸ்தி²தா꞉ = situated
யுத்³தே⁴ = on this battlefield
ப்ராணான் = lives
த்யக்த்வா = giving up
த⁴னானி = riches
ச = also
ஆசார்யா꞉ = teachers
பிதர꞉ = fathers
புத்ரா꞉ = sons
ததா² = as well as
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
பிதாமஹா꞉ = grandfathers
மாதுலா꞉ = maternal uncles
ஶ்வஶூரா꞉ = fathers-in-law
பௌத்ரா꞉ = grandsons
ஶ்யாலா꞉ = brothers-in-law
ஸம்ப³ந்தி⁴ன꞉ = relatives
ததா² = as well as
ஏதான் = all these
ந = never
ஹந்தும்ʼ = to kill
இச்சா²மி = do I wish
க்⁴னத꞉ = being killed
அபி = even
மது⁴ஸூத³ன = O killer of the demon Madhu (KRiShNa)
அபி = even if
த்ரைலோக்ய = of the three worlds
ராஜ்யஸ்ய = for the kingdom
ஹேதோ꞉ = in exchange
கிம் நு = what to speak of
மஹீக்ருʼதே = for the sake of the earth
நிஹத்ய = by killing
தா⁴ர்தராஷ்ட்ரான் = the sons of Dhritarashtra
ந꞉ = our
கா = what
ப்ரீதி꞉ = pleasure
ஸ்யாத் = will there be
ஜனார்த³ன = O maintainer of all living entities.
பாபம்ʼ = vices
ஏவ = certainly
ஆஶ்ரயேத் = must come upon
அஸ்மான் = us
ஹத்வா = by killing
ஏதான் = all these
ஆததாயின꞉ = aggressors
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
ந = never
ஆர்ஹா꞉ = deserving
வயம்ʼ = we
ஹந்தும்ʼ = to kill
தா⁴ர்தராஷ்ட்ரான் = the sons of Dhritarashtra
ஸபா³ந்த⁴வான் = along with friends
ஸ்வஜனம்ʼ = kinsmen
ஹி = certainly
கத²ம்ʼ = how
ஹத்வா = by killing
ஸுகி²ன꞉ = happy
ஸ்யாம = will we become
மாத⁴வ = O KRiShNa, husband of the goddess of fortune.
யதி³ = if
அபி = even
ஏதே = they
ந = do not
பஶ்யந்தி = see
லோப⁴ = by greed
உபஹத = overpowered
சேதஸ꞉ = their hearts
குலக்ஷய = in killing the family
க்ருʼதம்ʼ = done
தோ³ஷம்ʼ = fault
மித்ரத்³ரோஹே = in quarreling with friends
ச = also
பாதகம்ʼ = sinful reactions
கத²ம்ʼ = why
ந = should not
ஜ்ஞேயம்ʼ = be known
அஸ்மாபி⁴꞉ = by us
பாபாத் = from sins
அஸ்மாத் = these
நிவர்திதும்ʼ = to cease
குலக்ஷய = in the destruction of a dynasty
க்ருʼதம்ʼ = done
தோ³ஷம்ʼ = crime
ப்ரபஶ்யத்³பி⁴꞉ = by those who can see
ஜனார்த³ன = O KRiShNa.
குலக்ஷயே = in destroying the family
ப்ரணஶ்யந்தி = become vanquished
குலத⁴ர்மா꞉ = the family traditions
ஸனாதனா꞉ = eternal
த⁴ர்மே = religion
நஷ்டே = being destroyed
குலம்ʼ = family
க்ருʼத்ஸ்னம்ʼ = whole
அத⁴ர்ம꞉ = irreligion
அபி⁴ப⁴வதி = transforms
உத = it is said.
அத⁴ர்ம = irreligion
அபி⁴ப⁴வாத் = having become predominant
க்ருʼஷ்ண = O KRiShNa
ப்ரது³ஷ்யந்தி = become polluted
குலஸ்த்ரிய꞉ = family ladies
ஸ்த்ரீஷு = by the womanhood
து³ஷ்டாஸு = being so polluted
வார்ஷ்ணேய = O descendant of VRiShNi
ஜாயதே = comes into being
வர்ணஸங்கர꞉ = unwanted progeny.
ஸங்கர꞉ = such unwanted children
நரகாய = make for hellish life
ஏவ = certainly
குலக்⁴னானாம்ʼ = for those who are killers of the family
குலஸ்ய = for the family
ச = also
பதந்தி = fall down
பிதர꞉ = forefathers
ஹி = certainly
ஏஷாம்ʼ = of them
லுப்த = stopped
பிண்ட³ = of offerings of food
உத³க = and water
க்ரியா꞉ = performances.
தோ³ஷை꞉ = by such faults
ஏதை꞉ = all these
குலக்⁴னானாம்ʼ = of the destroyers of the family
வர்ணஸங்கர = of unwanted children
காரகை꞉ = which are causes
உத்ஸாத்³யந்தே = are devastated
ஜாதித⁴ர்மா꞉ = community projects
குலத⁴ர்மா꞉ = family traditions
ச = also
ஶாஶ்வதா꞉ = eternal.
உத்ஸன்ன = spoiled
குலத⁴ர்மாணாம்ʼ = of those who have the family traditions
மனுஷ்யாணாம்ʼ = of such men
ஜனார்த³ன = O KRiShNa
நரகே = in hell
நியதம்ʼ = always
வாஸ꞉ = residence
ப⁴வதி = it so becomes
இதி = thus
அனுஶுஶ்ரும = I have heard by disciplic succession.
அஹோ = alas
ப³த = how strange it is
மஹத் = great
பாபம்ʼ = sins
கர்தும்ʼ = to perform
வ்யவாஸிதா꞉ = have decided
வயம்ʼ = we
யத் = because
ராஜ்யஸுக²லோபே⁴ன = driven by greed for royal happiness
ஹந்தும்ʼ = to kill
ஸ்வஜனம்ʼ = kinsmen
உத்³யதா꞉ = trying.
யதி³ = even if
மாம்ʼ = me
அப்ரதீகாரம்ʼ = without being resistant
அஶஸ்த்ரம்ʼ = without being fully equipped
ஶஸ்த்ரபாணய꞉ = those with weapons in hand
தா⁴ர்தராஷ்ட்ரா꞉ = the sons of Dhritarashtra
ரணே = on the battlefield
ஹன்யு꞉ = may kill
தத் = that
மே = for me
க்ஷேமதரம்ʼ = better
ப⁴வேத் = would be.
ஸஞ்ஜய உவாச = Sanjaya said
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
உக்த்வா = saying
அர்ஜுன꞉ = Arjuna
ஸங்க்²யே = in the battlefield
ரத² = of the chariot
உபஸ்தே² = on the seat
உபவிஶத் = sat down again
விஸ்ருʼஜ்ய = putting aside
ஸஶரம்ʼ = along with arrows
சாபம்ʼ = the bow
ஶோக = by lamentation
ஸம்ʼவிக்³ன = distressed
மானஸ꞉ = within the mind.

End of 1.46

ஸஞ்ஜய உவாச = Sanjaya said
தம்ʼ = unto Arjuna
ததா² = thus
க்ருʼபயா = by compassion
ஆவிஷ்டம்ʼ = overwhelmed
அஶ்ரூபூர்ணாகுல = full of tears
ஈக்ஷணம்ʼ = eyes
விஷீத³ந்தம்ʼ = lamenting
இத³ம்ʼ = these
வாக்யம்ʼ = words
உவாச = said
மது⁴ஸூத³ன꞉ = the killer of Madhu.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
குத꞉ = wherefrom
த்வா = unto you
கஶ்மலம்ʼ = dirtiness
இத³ம்ʼ = this lamentation
விஷமே = in this hour of crisis
ஸமுபஸ்தி²தம்ʼ = arrived
அனார்ய = persons who do not know the value of life
ஜுஷ்டம்ʼ = practiced by
அஸ்வர்க்³யம்ʼ = which does not lead to higher planets
அகீர்தி = infamy
கரம்ʼ = the cause of
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna.
க்லைப்³யம்ʼ = impotence
மா ஸ்ம = do not
க³ம꞉ = take to
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ந = never
ஏதத் = this
த்வயி = unto you
உபபத்³யதே = is befitting
க்ஷுத்³ரம்ʼ = petty
ஹ்ருʼத³ய = of the heart
தௌ³ர்ப³ல்யம்ʼ = weakness
த்யக்த்வா = giving up
உத்திஷ்ட² = get up
பரந்தப = O chastiser of the enemies.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
கத²ம்ʼ = how
பீ⁴ஷ்மம்ʼ = Bhishma
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஸாங்க்²யே = in the fight
த்³ரோணம்ʼ = Drona
ச = also
மது⁴ஸூத³ன = O killer of Madhu
இஷுபி⁴꞉ = with arrows
ப்ரதியோத்ஸ்யாமி = shall counterattack
பூஜார்ஹௌ = those who are worshipable
அரிஸூத³ன = O killer of the enemies.
கு³ருன் = the superiors
அஹத்வா = not killing
ஹி = certainly
மஹானுப⁴வான் = great souls
ஶ்ரேய꞉ = it is better
போ⁴க்தும்ʼ = to enjoy life
பை⁴க்ஷ்யம்ʼ = by begging
அபி = even
இஹ = in this life
லோகே = in this world
ஹத்வா = killing
அர்த² = gain
காமான் = desiring
து = but
கு³ருன் = superiors
இஹ = in this world
ஏவ = certainly
பு⁴ஞ்ஜீய = one has to enjoy
போ⁴கா³ன் = enjoyable things
ருதி⁴ர = blood
ப்ரதி³க்³தா⁴ன் = tainted with.
ந = nor
ச = also
ஏதத் = this
வித்³ம꞉ = do we know
கதரத் = which
ந꞉ = for us
க³ரீய꞉ = better
யத்³வா = whether
ஜயேம = we may conquer
யதி³ = if
வா = or
ந꞉ = us
ஜயேயு꞉ = they conquer
யான் = those who
ஏவ = certainly
ஹத்வா = by killing
ந = never
ஜிஜீவிஷாம꞉ = we would want to live
தே = all of them
அவஸ்தி²தா꞉ = are situated
ப்ரமுகே² = in the front
தா⁴ர்தராஷ்ட்ரா꞉ = the sons of Dhritarashtra.
கார்பண்ய = of miserliness
தோ³ஷ = by the weakness
உபஹத = being afflicted
ஸ்வபா⁴வ꞉ = characteristics
ப்ருʼச்சா²மி = I am asking
த்வாம்ʼ = unto You
த⁴ர்ம = religion
ஸம்மூட⁴ = bewildered
சேதா꞉ = in heart
யத் = what
ஶ்ரேய꞉ = all-good
ஸ்யாத் = may be
நிஶ்சிதம்ʼ = confidently
ப்³ரூஹி = tell
தத் = that
மே = unto me
ஶிஷ்ய꞉ = disciple
தே = Your
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ஶாதி⁴ = just instruct
மாம்ʼ = me
த்வாம்ʼ = unto You
ப்ரபன்னம்ʼ = surrendered.
ந = do not
ஹி = certainly
ப்ரபஶ்யாமி = I see
மம = my
அபனுத்³யாத் = can drive away
யத் = that which
ஶோகம்ʼ = lamentation
உச்சோ²ஷணம்ʼ = drying up
இந்த்³ரியாணாம்ʼ = of the senses
அவாப்ய = achieving
பு⁴மௌ = on the earth
அஸபத்னம்ʼ = without rival
ருʼத்³த⁴ம்ʼ = prosperous
ராஜ்யம்ʼ = kingdom
ஸுராணாம்ʼ = of the demigods
அபி = even
ச = also
ஆதி⁴பத்யம்ʼ = supremacy.
ஸஞ்ஜய உவாச = Sanjaya said
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
உக்த்வா = speaking
ஹ்ருʼஷீகேஶம்ʼ = unto KRiShNa, the master of the senses
கு³டா³கேஶ꞉ = Arjuna, the master of curbing ignorance
பரந்தப = the chastiser of the enemies
ந யோத்ஸ்யே = I shall not fight
இதி = thus
கோ³விந்த³ம்ʼ = unto KRiShNa, the giver of pleasure to the senses
உக்த்வா = saying
துஷ்ணிம்ʼ = silent
ப³பூ⁴வ = became
ஹ = certainly.
தம்ʼ = unto him
உவாச = said
ஹ்ருʼஷீகேஶ꞉ = the master of the senses, KRiShNa
ப்ரஹஸன் = smiling
இவ = like that
பா⁴ரத = O Dhritarashtra, descendant of Bharata
ஸேனயோ꞉ = of the armies
உப⁴யோ꞉ = of both parties
மத்⁴யே = between
விஷீத³ந்தம்ʼ = unto the lamenting one
இத³ம்ʼ = the following
வச꞉ = words.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
அஶோச்யான் = not worthy of lamentation
அன்வஶோச꞉ = you are lamenting
த்வம்ʼ = you
ப்ரஜ்ஞாவாதா³ன் = learned talks
ச = also
பா⁴ஷஸே = speaking
க³த = lost
அஸூன் = life
அக³த = not past
அஸூன் = life
ச = also
ந = never
அனுஶோசந்தி = lament
பண்டி³தா꞉ = the learned.
ந = never
து = but
ஏவ = certainly
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஜாது = at any time
ந = did not
ஆஸம்ʼ = exist
ந = not
த்வம்ʼ = you
ந = not
இமே = all these
ஜனாதி⁴ப꞉ = kings
ந = never
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
ந = not
ப⁴விஷ்யாம꞉ = shall exist
ஸர்வே வயம்ʼ = all of us
அத꞉ பரம்ʼ = hereafter.
தே³ஹீன꞉ = of the embodied
அஸ்மின் = in this
யதா² = as
தே³ஹே = in the body
கௌமாரம்ʼ = boyhood
யௌவனம்ʼ = youth
ஜரா = old age
ததா² = similarly
தே³ஹாந்தர = of transference of the body
ப்ராப்தி꞉ = achievement
தீ⁴ர꞉ = the sober
தத்ர = thereupon
ந = never
முஹ்யதி = is deluded.
மாத்ராஸ்பர்ஶ꞉ = sensory perception
து = only
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
ஶீத = winter
உஷ்ண = summer
ஸுக² = happiness
து³꞉க² = and pain
தா³꞉ = giving
ஆக³ம = appearing
அபாயின꞉ = disappearing
அநித்ய꞉ = nonpermanent
தான் = all of them
திதிக்ஷஸ்வ = just try to tolerate
பா⁴ரத = O descendant of the Bharata dynasty.
யம்ʼ = one to whom
ஹி = certainly
ந = never
வ்யத²யந்தி = are distressing
ஏதே = all these
புருஷம்ʼ = to a person
புருஷர்ஷப⁴ = O best among men
ஸம = unaltered
து³꞉க² = in distress
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = and happiness
தீ⁴ரம்ʼ = patient
ஸ꞉ = he
அம்ருʼதத்த்வாய = for liberation
கல்பதே = is considered eligible.
ந = never
அஸத꞉ = of the nonexistent
வித்³யதே = there is
பா⁴வ꞉ = endurance
ந = never
அபா⁴வ꞉ = changing quality
வித்³யதே = there is
ஸத꞉ = of the eternal
உப⁴யோ꞉ = of the two
அபி = verily
த்³ருʼஷ்ட꞉ = observed
அந்த꞉ = conclusion
து = indeed
அனயோ꞉ = of them
தத்த்வ = of the truth
த³ர்ஶிபி⁴꞉ = by the seers.
அவிநாஶி = imperishable
து = but
தத் = that
வித்³தி⁴ = know it
யேன = by whom
ஸர்வம்ʼ = all of the body
இத³ம்ʼ = this
ததம்ʼ = pervaded
விநாஶம்ʼ = destruction
அவ்யயஸ்ய = of the imperishable
அஸ்ய = of it
ந கஶ்சித் = no one
கர்தும்ʼ = to do
அர்ஹதி = is able.
அந்தவந்த꞉ = perishable
இமே = all these
தே³ஹா꞉ = material bodies
நித்யஸ்ய = eternal in existence
உக்தா꞉ = are said
ஶரீரிண꞉ = of the embodied soul
அநாஶின꞉ = never to be destroyed
அப்ரமேயஸ்ய = immeasurable
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
யுத்⁴யஸ்வ = fight
பா⁴ரத = O descendant of Bharata.
ய꞉ = anyone who
ஏனம்ʼ = this
வேத்தி = knows
ஹந்தாரம்ʼ = the killer
ய꞉ = anyone who
ச = also
ஏனம்ʼ = this
மன்யதே = thinks
ஹதம்ʼ = killed
உபௌ⁴ = both
தௌ = they
ந = never
விஜானீதா꞉ = are in knowledge
ந = never
அயம்ʼ = this
ஹந்தி = kills
ந = nor
ஹன்யதே = is killed.
ந = never
ஜாயதே = takes birth
ம்ரியதே = dies
வா = either
கதா³சித் = at any time (past, present or future)
ந = never
அயம்ʼ = this
பூ⁴த்வா = having come into being
ப⁴விதா = will come to be
வா = or
ந = not
பூ⁴ய꞉ = or is again coming to be
அஜ꞉ = unborn
நித்ய꞉ = eternal
ஶாஶ்வத꞉ = permanent
அயம்ʼ = this
புராண꞉ = the oldest
ந = never
ஹன்யதே = is killed
ஹன்யமானே = being killed
ஶரீரே = the body.
வேத³ = knows
அவிநாஶினம்ʼ = indestructible
நித்யம்ʼ = always existing
ய꞉ = one who
ஏனம்ʼ = this (soul)
அஜம்ʼ = unborn
அவ்யயம்ʼ = immutable
கத²ம்ʼ = how
ஸ꞉ = that
புருஷ꞉ = person
பார்த² = O Partha (Arjuna)
கம்ʼ = whom
கா⁴தயதி = causes to hurt
ஹந்தி = kills
கம்ʼ = whom.
வாஸாம்ʼஸி = garments
ஜீர்ணானி = old and worn out
யதா² = just as
விஹாய = giving up
நவானி = new garments
க்³ருʼஹ்ணாதி = does accept
நர꞉ = a man
அபராணி = others
ததா² = in the same way
ஶரீராணி = bodies
விஹாய = giving up
ஜீர்ணானி = old and useless
அன்யானி = different
ஸம்ʼயாதி = verily accepts
நவானி = new sets
தே³ஹீ = the embodied.
ந = never
ஏனம்ʼ = this soul
சி²ந்த³ந்தி = can cut to pieces
ஶஸ்த்ராணி = weapons
ந = never
ஏனம்ʼ = this soul
த³ஹதி = burns
பாவக꞉ = fire
ந = never
ச = also
ஏனம்ʼ = this soul
க்லேத³யந்தி = moistens
ஆப꞉ = water
ந = never
ஶோஷயதி = dries
மாருத꞉ = wind.
அச்சே²த்³ய꞉ = unbreakable
அயம்ʼ = this soul
அதா³ஹ்ய꞉ = unable to be burned
அயம்ʼ = this soul
அக்லேத்³ய꞉ = insoluble
அஶோஷ்ய꞉ = not able to be dried
ஏவ = certainly
ச = and
நித்ய꞉ = everlasting
ஸர்வக³த꞉ = all-pervading
ஸ்தா²ணு꞉ = unchangeable
அசல꞉ = immovable
அயம்ʼ = this soul
ஸனாதன꞉ = eternally the same.
அவ்யக்த꞉ = invisible
அயம்ʼ = this soul
அசிந்த்ய꞉ = inconceivable
அயம்ʼ = this soul
அவிகார்ய꞉ = unchangeable
அயம்ʼ = this soul
உச்யதே = is said
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
ஏவம்ʼ = like this
விதி³த்வா = knowing it well
ஏனம்ʼ = this soul
ந = do not
அனுஶோசிதும்ʼ = to lament
அர்ஹஸி = you deserve.
அத² = if, however
ச = also
ஏனம்ʼ = this soul
நித்யஜாதம்ʼ = always born
நித்யம்ʼ = forever
வா = either
மன்யஸே = you so think
ம்ருʼதம்ʼ = dead
ததா²பி = still
த்வம்ʼ = you
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed one
ந = never
ஏனம்ʼ = about the soul
ஶோசிதும்ʼ = to lament
அர்ஹஸி = deserve.
ஜாதஸ்ய = of one who has taken his birth
ஹி = certainly
த்⁴ருவ꞉ = a fact
ம்ருʼத்யு꞉ = death
த்⁴ருவம்ʼ = it is also a fact
ஜன்ம = birth
ம்ருʼதஸ்ய = of the dead
ச = also
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
அபரிஹார்யே = of that which is unavoidable
அர்தே² = in the matter
ந = do not
த்வம்ʼ = you
ஶோசிதும்ʼ = to lament
அர்ஹஸி = deserve.
அவ்யக்தாதீ³னி = in the beginning unmanifested
பூ⁴தானீ = all that are created
வ்யக்த = manifested
மத்⁴யானி = in the middle
பா⁴ரத = O descendant of Bharata
அவ்யக்த = nonmanifested
நித⁴னானி = when vanquished
ஏவ = it is all like that
தத்ர = therefore
கா = what
பரிதே³வனா = lamentation.
ஆஶ்சர்யவத் = as amazing
பஶ்யதி = sees
கஶ்சித் = someone
ஏனம்ʼ = this soul
ஆஶ்சர்யவத் = as amazing
வத³தி = speaks of
ததா² = thus
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
அன்ய꞉ = another
ஆஶ்சர்யவத் = similarly amazing
ச = also
ஏனம்ʼ = this soul
அன்ய꞉ = another
ஶ்ருʼணோதி = hears of
ஶ்ருத்வா = having heard
அபி = even
ஏனம்ʼ = this soul
வேத³ = knows
ந = never
ச = and
ஏவ = certainly
கஶ்சித் = someone.
தே³ஹீ = the owner of the material body
நித்யம்ʼ = eternally
அவத்⁴ய꞉ = cannot be killed
அயம்ʼ = this soul
தே³ஹே = in the body
ஸர்வஸ்ய = of everyone
பா⁴ரத = O descendant of Bharata
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
ஸர்வாணி = all
பூ⁴தானி = living entities (that are born)
ந = never
த்வம்ʼ = you
ஶோசிதும்ʼ = to lament
அர்ஹஸி = deserve.
ஸ்வத⁴ர்மம்ʼ = one’s own religious principles
அபி = also
ச = indeed
அவேக்ஷ்ய = considering
ந = never
விகம்பிதும்ʼ = to hesitate
அர்ஹஸி = you deserve
த⁴ர்ம்யாத் = for religious principles
ஹி = indeed
யுத்³தா⁴த் = than fighting
ஶ்ரேய꞉ = better engagement
அன்யத் = any other
க்ஷத்ரியஸ்ய = of the ksatriya
ந = does not
வித்³யதே = exist.
யத்³ருʼச்ச²யா = by its own accord
ச = also
உபபன்னம்ʼ = arrived at
ஸ்வர்க³ = of the heavenly planets
த்³வாரம்ʼ = door
அபாவ்ருʼதம்ʼ = wide open
ஸுகி²ன꞉ = very happy
க்ஷத்ரியா꞉ = the members of the royal order
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
லப⁴ந்தே = do achieve
யுத்³த⁴ம்ʼ = war
ஈத்³ருʼஷம்ʼ = like this.
அத² = therefore
சேத் = if
த்வம்ʼ = you
இமம்ʼ = this
த⁴ர்ம்யம்ʼ = as a religious duty
ஸங்க்³ராமம்ʼ = fighting
ந = do not
கரிஷ்யஸி = perform
தத꞉ = then
ஸ்வத⁴ர்மம்ʼ = your religious duty
கீர்திம்ʼ = reputation
ச = also
ஹித்வா = losing
பாபம்ʼ = sinful reaction
அவாப்ஸ்யஸி = will gain.
அகீர்திம்ʼ = infamy
ச = also
அபி = over and above
பூ⁴தானி = all people
கத²யிஷ்யந்தி = will speak
தே = of you
அவ்யயம்ʼ = forever
ஸம்பா⁴விதஸ்ய = for a respectable man
ச = also
அகீர்தி꞉ = ill fame
மரணாத் = than death
அதிரிச்யதே = becomes more.
ப⁴யாத் = out of fear
ரணாத் = from the battlefield
உபரதம்ʼ = ceased
மம்ʼஸ்யந்தே = they will consider
த்வாம்ʼ = you
மஹாரதா²꞉ = the great generals
யேஷாம்ʼ = for whom
ச = also
த்வம்ʼ = you
ப³ஹுமத꞉ = in great estimation
பூ⁴த்வா = having been
யாஸ்யஸி = you will go
லாக⁴வம்ʼ = decreased in value.
அவாச்ய = unkind
வாதா³ன் = fabricated words
ச = also
ப³ஹூன் = many
வதி³ஷ்யந்தி = will say
தவ = your
அஹிதா꞉ = enemies
நிந்த³ந்த꞉ = while vilifying
தவ = your
ஸாமர்த்²யம்ʼ = ability
தத꞉ = than that
து³꞉க²தரம்ʼ = more painful
நு = of course
கிம்ʼ = what is there.
ஹத꞉ = being killed
வா = either
ப்ராப்ஸ்யஸி = you gain
ஸ்வர்க³ம்ʼ = the heavenly kingdom
ஜித்வா = by conquering
வா = or
போ⁴க்ஷ்யஸே = you enjoy
மஹீம்ʼ = the world
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
உத்திஷ்ட² = get up
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
யுத்³தா⁴ய = to fight
க்ருʼத = determined
நிஶ்சய꞉ = in certainty.
ஸுக² = happiness
து³꞉கே² = and distress
ஸமே = in equanimity
க்ருʼத்வா = doing so
லாபா⁴லாபௌ⁴ = both profit and loss
ஜயாஜயௌ = both victory and defeat
தத꞉ = thereafter
யுத்³தா⁴ய = for the sake of fighting
யுஜ்யஸ்வ = engage (fight)
ந = never
ஏவம்ʼ = in this way
பாபம்ʼ = sinful reaction
அவாப்ஸ்யஸி = you will gain.
ஏஷா = all this
தே = unto you
அபி⁴ஹிதா = described
ஸாங்க்²யே = by analytical study
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
யோகே³ = in work without fruitive result
து = but
இமம்ʼ = this
ஶ்ருʼணு = just hear
பு³த்³த்⁴யா = by intelligence
யுக்த꞉ = dovetailed
யயா = by which
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
கர்மப³ந்த⁴ம்ʼ = bondage of reaction
ப்ரஹாஸ்யஸி = you can be released from.
ந = there is not
இஹ = in this yoga
அபி⁴க்ரம = in endeavoring
நாஶ꞉ = loss
அஸ்தி = there is
ப்ரத்யவாய꞉ = diminution
ந = never
வித்³யதே = there is
ஸ்வல்பம்ʼ = a little
அபி = although
அஸ்ய = of this
த⁴ர்மஸ்ய = occupation
த்ராயதே = releases
மஹத꞉ = from very great
ப⁴யாத் = danger.
வ்யவஸாயாத்மிகா = resolute in KRiShNa consciousness
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
ஏக = only one
இஹ = in this world
குருநந்த³ன = O beloved child of the Kurus
ப³ஹுஶாகா²꞉ = having various branches
ஹி = indeed
அனந்தா꞉ = unlimited
ச = also
பு³த்³த⁴ய꞉ = intelligence
அவ்யவஸாயினாம்ʼ = of those who are not in KRiShNa consciousness.
யாமிமாம்ʼ = all these
புஷ்பிதாம்ʼ = flowery
வாசம்ʼ = words
ப்ரவத³ந்தி = say
அவிபஶ்சித꞉ = men with a poor fund of knowledge
வேத³வாத³ரதா꞉ = supposed followers of the Vedas
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ந = never
அன்யத் = anything else
அஸ்தி = there is
இதி = thus
வாதி³ன꞉ = the advocates
காமாத்மான꞉ = desirous of sense gratification
ஸ்வர்க³பரா꞉ = aiming to achieve heavenly planets
ஜன்மகர்மப²லப்ரதா³ம்ʼ = resulting in good birth and other fruitive reactions
க்ரியாவிஶேஷ = pompous ceremonies
ப³ஹுலாம்ʼ = various
போ⁴க³ = in sense enjoyment
ஐஶ்வர்ய = and opulence
க³திம்ʼ = progress
ப்ரதி = towards.
போ⁴க³ = to material enjoyment
ஐஶ்வர்ய = and opulence
ப்ரஸக்தானாம்ʼ = for those who are attached
தயா = by such things
அபஹ்ருʼதசேதஸாம்ʼ = bewildered in mind
வ்யவஸாயாத்மிகா = fixed in determination
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = devotional service to the Lord
ஸமாதௌ⁴ = in the controlled mind
ந = never
விதீ⁴யதே = does take place.
த்ரைகு³ண்ய = pertaining to the three modes of material nature
விஷயா꞉ = on the subject matter
வேதா³꞉ = Vedic literatures
நிஸ்த்ரைகு³ண்ய꞉ = transcendental to the three modes of material nature
ப⁴வ = be
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
நிர்த்³வந்த்³வ꞉ = without duality
நித்யஸத்த்வஸ்த²꞉ = in a pure state of spiritual existence
நிர்யோக³க்ஷேம꞉ = free from ideas of gain and protection
ஆத்மவான் = established in the self.
யாவான் = all that
அர்த²꞉ = is meant
உத³பானே = in a well of water
ஸர்வத꞉ = in all respects
ஸம்ப்லுதோத³கே = in a great reservoir of water
தாவான் = similarly
ஸர்வேஷு = in all
வேதே³ஷு = Vedic literatures
ப்³ராஹ்மணஸ்ய = of the man who knows the Supreme Brahman
விஜானத꞉ = who is in complete knowledge.
கர்மாணி = in prescribed duties
ஏவ = certainly
அதி⁴கார꞉ = right
தே = of you
மா = never
ப²லேஷு = in the fruits
கதா³சன = at any time
மா = never
கர்மப²ல = in the result of the work
ஹேது꞉ = cause
பூ⁴꞉ = become
மா = never
தே = of you
ஸங்க³꞉ = attachment
அஸ்து = there should be
அகர்மணி = in not doing prescribed duties.
யோக³ஸ்த²꞉ = equipoised
குரு = perform
கர்மாணி = your duties
ஸங்க³ம்ʼ = attachment
த்யக்த்வா = giving up
த⁴னஞ்ஜய = O Arjuna
ஸித்³த்⁴யஸித்³த்⁴யோ꞉ = in success and failure
ஸம꞉ = equipoised
பூ⁴த்வா = becoming
ஸமத்வம்ʼ = equanimity
யோக³꞉ = yoga
உச்யதே = is called.
தூ³ரேண = discard it at a long distance
ஹி = certainly
அவரம்ʼ = abominable
கர்ம = activity
பு³த்³தி⁴யோகா³த் = on the strength of KRiShNa consciousness
த⁴னஞ்ஜய = O conqueror of wealth
பு³த்³தௌ⁴ = in such consciousness
ஶரணம்ʼ = full surrender
அன்விச்ச² = try for
க்ருʼபணா꞉ = misers
ப²லஹேதவ꞉ = those desiring fruitive results.
பு³த்³தி⁴யுக்த꞉ = one who is engaged in devotional service
ஜஹாதி = can get rid of
இஹ = in this life
உபே⁴ = both
ஸுக்ருʼதது³ஷ்க்ருʼதே = good and bad results
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
யோகா³ய = for the sake of devotional service
யுஜ்யஸ்வ = be so engaged
யோக³꞉ = KRiShNa consciousness
கர்மஸு = in all activities
கௌஶலம்ʼ = art.
கர்மஜம்ʼ = due to fruitive activities
பு³த்³தி⁴யுக்தா꞉ = being engaged in devotional service
ஹி = certainly
ப²லம்ʼ = results
த்யக்த்வா = giving up
மனீஷிண꞉ = great sages or devotees
ஜன்மப³ந்த⁴ = from the bondage of birth and death
விநிர்முக்தா꞉ = liberated
பத³ம்ʼ = position
க³ச்ச²ந்தி = they reach
அநாமயம்ʼ = without miseries.
யதா³ = when
தே = your
மோஹ = of illusion
கலிலம்ʼ = dense forest
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = transcendental service with intelligence
வ்யதிதரிஷ்யதி = surpasses
ததா³ = at that time
க³ந்தாஸி = you shall go
நிர்வேத³ம்ʼ = callousness
ஶ்ரோதவ்யஸ்ய = toward all that is to be heard
ஶ்ருதஸ்ய = all that is already heard
ச = also.
ஶ்ருதி = of Vedic revelation
விப்ரதிபன்னா = without being influenced by the fruitive results
தே = your
யதா³ = when
ஸ்தா²ஸ்யதி = remains
நிஶ்சலா = unmoved
ஸமாதௌ⁴ = in transcendental consciousness, or KRiShNa consciousness
அசலா = unflinching
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
ததா³ = at that time
யோக³ம்ʼ = self-realization
அவாப்ஸ்யஸி = you will achieve.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
ஸ்தி²தப்ரஜ்ஞஸ்ய = of one who is situated in fixed KRiShNa consciousness
கா = what
பா⁴ஷா = language
ஸமாதி⁴ஸ்த²ஸ்ய = of one situated in trance
கேஶவ = O KRiShNa
ஸ்தி²ததீ⁴꞉ = one fixed in KRiShNa consciousness
கிம்ʼ = what
ப்ரபா⁴ஷேத = speaks
கிம்ʼ = how
ஆஸீத = does remain still
வ்ரஜேத = walks
கிம்ʼ = how.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
ப்ரஜஹாதி = gives up
யதா³ = when
காமான் = desires for sense gratification
ஸர்வான் = of all varieties
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
மனோக³தான் = of mental concoction
ஆத்மானி = in the pure state of the soul
ஏவ = certainly
ஆத்மனா = by the purified mind
துஷ்ட꞉ = satisfied
ஸ்தி²தப்ரஜ்ஞ꞉ = transcendentally situated
ததா³ = at that time
உச்யதே = is said.
து³꞉கே²ஷு = in the threefold miseries
அனுத்³விக்³னமனா꞉ = without being agitated in mind
ஸுகே²ஷு = in happiness
விக³தஸ்ப்ருʼஹ꞉ = without being interested
வீத = free from
ராக³ = attachment
ப⁴ய = fear
க்ரோத⁴꞉ = and anger
ஸ்தி²ததீ⁴꞉ = whose mind is steady
முனி꞉ = a sage
உச்யதே = is called.
ய꞉ = one who
ஸர்வத்ர = everywhere
அனபி⁴ஸ்னேஹ꞉ = without affection
தத் = that
தத் = that
ப்ராப்ய = achieving
ஶுப⁴ = good
அஶுப⁴ம்ʼ = evil
ந = never
அபி⁴னந்த³தீ = praises
ந = never
த்³வேஷ்டி = envies
தஸ்ய = his
ப்ரஜ்ஞா = perfect knowledge
ப்ரதிஷ்டி²தா = fixed.
யதா³ = when
ஸம்ʼஹரதே = winds up
ச = also
அயம்ʼ = he
கூர்ம꞉ = tortoise
அங்கா³னி = limbs
இவ = like
ஸர்வஶ꞉ = altogether
இந்த்³ரியாணி = senses
இந்த்³ரியார்தே²ப்⁴ய꞉ = from the sense objects
தஸ்ய = his
ப்ரஜ்ஞா = consciousness
ப்ரதிஷ்டி²தா = fixed.
விஷயா꞉ = objects for sense enjoyment
விநிவர்தந்தே = are practiced to be refrained from
நிராஹாரஸ்ய = by negative restrictions
தே³ஹீன꞉ = for the embodied
ரஸவர்ஜம்ʼ = giving up the taste
ரஸ꞉ = sense of enjoyment
அபி = although there is
அஸ்ய = his
பரம்ʼ = far superior things
த்³ருʼஷ்ட்வா = by experiencing
நிவர்ததே = he ceases from.
யதத꞉ = while endeavoring
ஹி = certainly
அபி = in spite of
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
புருஷஸ்ய = of a man
விபஶ்சித꞉ = full of discriminating knowledge
இந்த்³ரியாணி = the senses
ப்ரமாதீ²னி = agitating
ஹரந்தி = throw
ப்ரஸப⁴ம்ʼ = by force
மன꞉ = the mind.
தானி = those senses
ஸர்வாணி = all
ஸம்ʼயம்ய = keeping under control
யுக்த꞉ = engaged
ஆஸீத = should be situated
மத்பர꞉ = in relationship with Me
வஶே = in full subjugation
ஹி = certainly
யஸ்ய = one whose
இந்த்³ரியாணி = senses
தஸ்ய = his
ப்ரஜ்ஞா = consciousness
ப்ரதிஷ்டி²தா = fixed.
த்⁴யாயத꞉ = while contemplating
விஷயான் = sense objects
பும்ʼஸ꞉ = of a person
ஸங்க³꞉ = attachment
தேஷு = in the sense objects
உபஜாயதே = develops
ஸங்கா³த் = from attachment
ஸஞ்ஜாயதே = develops
காம꞉ = desire
காமாத் = from desire
க்ரோத⁴꞉ = anger
அபி⁴ஜாயதே = becomes manifest.
க்ரோதா⁴த் = from anger
ப⁴வதி = takes place
ஸம்மோஹ꞉ = perfect illusion
ஸம்மோஹாத் = from illusion
ஸ்ம்ருʼதி = of memory
விப்⁴ரம꞉ = bewilderment
ஸ்ம்ருʼதிப்⁴ரம்ʼஶாத் = after bewilderment of memory
பு³த்³தி⁴நாஶ꞉ = loss of intelligence
பு³த்³தி⁴நாஶாத் = and from loss of intelligence
ப்ரணஶ்யதி = one falls down.
ராக³ = attachment
த்³வேஷ = and detachment
விமுக்தை꞉ = by one who has become free from
து = but
விஷயான் = sense objects
இந்த்³ரியை꞉ = by the senses
சரன் = acting upon
ஆத்மவஶ்யை꞉ = under one’s control
விதே⁴யாத்மா = one who follows regulated freedom
ப்ரஸாத³ம்ʼ = the mercy of the Lord
அதி⁴க³ச்ச²தி = attains.
ப்ரஸாதே³ = on achievement of the causeless mercy of the Lord
ஸர்வ = of all
து³꞉கா²னாம்ʼ = material miseries
ஹானி꞉ = destruction
அஸ்ய = his
உபஜாயதே = takes place
ப்ரஸன்னசேதஸ꞉ = of the happy-minded
ஹி = certainly
ஆஷு = very soon
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
பரி = sufficiently
அவதிஷ்ட²தே = becomes established.
நாஸ்தி = there cannot be
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = transcendental intelligence
அயுக்தஸ்ய = of one who is not connected (with KRiShNa consciousness)
ந = not
ச = and
அயுக்தஸ்ய = of one devoid of KRiShNa consciousness
பா⁴வனா = fixed mind (in happiness)
ந = not
ச = and
அபா⁴வயத꞉ = of one who is not fixed
ஶாந்தி꞉ = peace
அஶாந்தஸ்ய = of the unpeaceful
குத꞉ = where is
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness.
இந்த்³ரியாணாம்ʼ = of the senses
ஹி = certainly
சரதாம்ʼ = while roaming
யத் = with which
மன꞉ = the mind
அனுவிதீ⁴யதே = becomes constantly engaged
தத் = that
அஸ்ய = his
ஹரதி = takes away
ப்ரஜ்ஞாம்ʼ = intelligence
வாயு꞉ = wind
நவம்ʼ = a boat
இவ = like
அம்ப⁴ஸி = on the water.
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
யஸ்ய = whose
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed one
நிக்³ருʼஹீதானி = so curbed down
ஸர்வஶ꞉ = all around
இந்த்³ரியாணி = the senses
இந்த்³ரியார்தே²ப்⁴ய꞉ = from sense objects
தஸ்ய = his
ப்ரஜ்ஞா = intelligence
ப்ரதிஷ்டி²தா = fixed.
யா = what
நிஶா = is night
ஸர்வ = all
பூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = of living entities
தஸ்யாம்ʼ = in that
ஜாக³ர்தி = is wakeful
ஸம்ʼயமீ = the self-controlled
யஸ்யாம்ʼ = in which
ஜாக்³ரதி = are awake
பூ⁴தானி = all beings
ஸா = that is
நிஶா = night
பஶ்யத꞉ = for the introspective
முனே꞉ = sage.
ஆபுர்யமாணம்ʼ = always being filled
அசலப்ரதிஷ்ட²ம்ʼ = steadily situated
ஸமுத்³ரம்ʼ = the ocean
ஆப꞉ = waters
ப்ரவிஶந்தி = enter
யத்³வத் = as
தத்³வத் = so
காமா꞉ = desires
யம்ʼ = unto whom
ப்ரவிஶந்தி = enter
ஸர்வே = all
ஸ꞉ = that person
ஶாந்திம்ʼ = peace
ஆப்னோதி = achieves
ந = not
காமகாமீ = one who desires to fulfill desires.
விஹாய = giving up
காமான் = material desires for sense gratification
ய꞉ = who
ஸர்வான் = all
புமான் = a person
சரதி = lives
நி꞉ஸ்ப்ருʼஹ꞉ = desireless
நிர்மம꞉ = without a sense of proprietorship
நிரஹங்கார꞉ = without false ego
ஸ꞉ = he
ஶாந்திம்ʼ = perfect peace
அதி⁴க³ச்ச²தி = attains.
ஏஷா = this
ப்³ராஹ்மீ = spiritual
ஸ்தி²தி꞉ = situation
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ந = never
ஏனம்ʼ = this
ப்ராப்ய = achieving
விமுஹ்யதி = one is bewildered
ஸ்தி²த்வா = being situated
அஸ்யாம்ʼ = in this
அந்தகாலே = at the end of life
அபி = also
ப்³ரஹ்மநிர்வாணம்ʼ = the spiritual kingdom of God
ருʼச்ச²தி = one attains.

End of 2.72

அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
ஜ்யாயஸி = better
சேத் = if
கர்மண꞉ = than fruitive action
தே = by You
மதா = is considered
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
ஜனார்த³ன = O KRiShNa
தத் = therefore
கிம்ʼ = why
கர்மணி = in action
கோ⁴ரே = ghastly
மாம்ʼ = me
நியோஜயஸி = You are engaging
கேஶவ = O KRiShNa.
வ்யாமிஶ்ரேண = by equivocal
இவ = certainly
வாக்யேன = words
பு³த்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = intelligence
மோஹயஸி = You are bewildering
இவ = certainly
மே = my
தத் = therefore
ஏகம்ʼ = only one
வத³ = please tell
நிஶ்சித்ய = ascertaining
யேன = by which
ஶ்ரேய꞉ = real benefit
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஆப்னுயாம்ʼ = may have.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
லோகே = in the world
அஸ்மின் = this
த்³விவிதா⁴ = two kinds of
நிஷ்டா² = faith
புரா = formerly
ப்ரோக்தா = were said
மயா = by Me
அனக⁴ = O sinless one
ஜ்ஞானயோகே³ன = by the linking process of knowledge
ஸாங்க்²யானாம்ʼ = of the empiric philosophers
கர்மயோகே³ண = by the linking process of devotion
யோகி³னாம்ʼ = of the devotees.
ந = not
கர்மணாம்ʼ = of prescribed duties
அனாரம்பா⁴த் = by nonperformance
நைஷ்கர்ம்யம்ʼ = freedom from reaction
புருஷ꞉ = a man
அஶ்னுதே = achieves
ந = nor
ச = also
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸனாத் = by renunciation
ஏவ = simply
ஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = success
ஸமதி⁴க³ச்ச²தி = attains.
ந = nor
ஹி = certainly
கஶ்சித் = anyone
க்ஷணம்ʼ = a moment
அபி = also
ஜாது = at any time
திஷ்ட²தி = remains
அகர்மக்ருʼத் = without doing something
கார்யதே = is forced to do
ஹி = certainly
அவஶ꞉ = helplessly
கர்ம = work
ஸர்வ꞉ = all
ப்ரக்ருʼதிஜை꞉ = born of the modes of material nature
கு³ணை꞉ = by the qualities.
கர்மேந்த்³ரியாணி = the five working sense organs
ஸம்ʼயம்ய = controlling
ய꞉ = anyone who
ஆஸ்தே = remains
மனஸா = by the mind
ஸ்மரன் = thinking of
இந்த்³ரியார்தா²ன் = sense objects
விமூட⁴ = foolish
ஆத்மா = soul
மித்²யாசார꞉ = pretender
ஸ꞉ = he
உச்யதே = is called.
ய꞉ = one who
து = but
இந்த்³ரியாணி = the senses
மனஸா = by the mind
நியம்ய = regulating
ஆரப⁴தே = begins
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
கர்மேந்த்³ரியை꞉ = by the active sense organs
கர்மயோக³ம்ʼ = devotion
அஸக்த꞉ = without attachment
ஸ꞉ = he
விஶிஷ்யதே = is by far the better.
நியதம்ʼ = prescribed
குரு = do
கர்ம = duties
த்வம்ʼ = you
கர்ம = work
ஜ்யாயா꞉ = better
ஹி = certainly
அகர்மண꞉ = than no work
ஶரீர = bodily
யாத்ரா = maintenance
அபி = even
ச = also
தே = your
ந = never
ப்ரஸித்³த்⁴யேத் = is effected
அகர்மண꞉ = without work.
யஜ்ஞார்தா²த் = done only for the sake of Yajna, or Visnu
கர்மண꞉ = than work
அன்யத்ர = otherwise
லோக꞉ = world
அயம்ʼ = this
கர்மப³ந்த⁴ன꞉ = bondage by work
தத் = of Him
அர்த²ம்ʼ = for the sake
கர்ம = work
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
முக்தஸங்க³꞉ = liberated from association
ஸமாசர = do perfectly.
ஸஹ = along with
யஜ்ஞா꞉ = sacrifices
ப்ரஜா꞉ = generations
ஸ்ருʼஷ்ட்வா = creating
புரா = anciently
உவாச = said
ப்ரஜாபதி꞉ = the Lord of creatures
அனேன = by this
ப்ரஸவிஷ்யத்⁴வம்ʼ = be more and more prosperous
ஏஷ꞉ = this
வ꞉ = your
அஸ்து = let it be
இஷ்ட = of all desirable things
காமது⁴க் = bestower.
தே³வான் = demigods
பா⁴வயதா = having pleased
அனேன = by this sacrifice
தே = those
தே³வா꞉ = demigods
பா⁴வயந்து = will please
வ꞉ = you
பரஸ்பரம்ʼ = mutually
பா⁴வயந்த꞉ = pleasing one another
ஶ்ரேய꞉ = benediction
பரம்ʼ = the supreme
அவாப்ஸ்யத² = you will achieve.
இஷ்டான் = desired
போ⁴கா³ன் = necessities of life
ஹி = certainly
வ꞉ = unto you
தே³வா꞉ = the demigods
தா³ஸ்யந்தே = will award
யஜ்ஞபா⁴விதா꞉ = being satisfied by the performance of sacrifices
தை꞉ = by them
த³த்தான் = things given
அப்ரதா³ய = without offering
ஏப்⁴ய꞉ = to these demigods
ய꞉ = he who
பு⁴ங்க்தே = enjoys
ஸ்தேன꞉ = thief
ஏவ = certainly
ஸ꞉ = he.
யஜ்ஞஶிஷ்டா = of food taken after performance of yajna
ஆஸின꞉ = eaters
ஸந்த꞉ = the devotees
முச்யந்தே = get relief
ஸர்வ = all kinds of
கில்பி³ஷை꞉ = from sins
பு⁴ஞ்ஜதே = enjoy
தே = they
து = but
அக⁴ம்ʼ = grievous sins
பாபா꞉ = sinners
யே = who
பசந்தி = prepare food
ஆத்மகாரணாத் = for sense enjoyment.
அன்னாத் = from grains
ப⁴வந்தி = grow
பூ⁴தானி = the material bodies
பர்ஜன்யாத் = from rains
அன்ன = of food grains
ஸம்ப⁴வ꞉ = production
யஜ்ஞாத் = from the performance of sacrifice
ப⁴வதி = becomes possible
பர்ஜன்ய꞉ = rain
யஜ்ஞ꞉ = performance of yajna
கர்ம = prescribed duties
ஸமுத்³ப⁴வ꞉ = born of.
கர்ம = work
ப்³ரஹ்ம = from the Vedas
உத்³ப⁴வம்ʼ = produced
வித்³தி⁴ = you should know
ப்³ரஹ்ம = the Vedas
அக்ஷர = from the Supreme Brahman (Personality of Godhead)
ஸமுத்³ப⁴வம்ʼ = directly manifested
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
ஸர்வக³தம்ʼ = all-pervading
ப்³ரஹ்ம = transcendence
நித்யம்ʼ = eternally
யஜ்ஞே = in sacrifice
ப்ரதிஷ்டி²தம்ʼ = situated.
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
ப்ரவர்திதம்ʼ = established by the Vedas
சக்ரம்ʼ = cycle
ந = does not
அனுவர்தயதி = adopt
இஹ = in this life
ய꞉ = one who
அகா⁴யு꞉ = whose life is full of sins
இந்த்³ரியாராம꞉ = satisfied in sense gratification
மோக⁴ம்ʼ = uselessly
பார்த² = O son of Pritha (Arjuna)
ஸ꞉ = he
ஜீவதி = lives.
ய꞉ = one who
து = but
ஆத்மரதி꞉ = taking pleasure in the self
ஏவ = certainly
ஸ்யாத் = remains
ஆத்மத்ருʼப்த꞉ = self-illuminated
ச = and
மானவ꞉ = a man
ஆத்மனி = in himself
ஏவ = only
ச = and
ஸந்துஷ்ட꞉ = perfectly satiated
தஸ்ய = his
கார்யம்ʼ = duty
ந = does not
வித்³யதே = exist.
ந = never
ஏவ = certainly
தஸ்ய = his
க்ருʼதேன = by discharge of duty
அர்த²꞉ = purpose
ந = nor
அக்ருʼதேன = without discharge of duty
இஹ = in this world
கஶ்சன = whatever
ந = never
ச = and
அஸ்ய = of him
ஸர்வபூ⁴தேஷு = among all living beings
கஶ்சித் = any
அர்த² = purpose
வ்யபாஶ்ரய꞉ = taking shelter of.
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
அஸக்த꞉ = without attachment
ஸததம்ʼ = constantly
கார்யம்ʼ = as duty
கர்ம = work
ஸமாசர = perform
அஸக்த꞉ = unattached
ஹி = certainly
ஆசரான் = performing
கர்ம = work
பரம்ʼ = the Supreme
ஆப்னோதி = achieves
பூருஷ꞉ = a man.
கர்மணா = by work
ஏவ = even
ஹி = certainly
ஸம்ʼஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = in perfection
ஆஸ்தி²தா꞉ = situated
ஜனகாத³யா꞉ = Janaka and other kings
லோகஸங்க்³ரஹம்ʼ = the people in general
ஏவாபி = also
ஸம்பஶ்யன் = considering
கர்தும்ʼ = to act
அர்ஹஸி = you deserve.
யத்³யத் = whatever
ஆசரதி = he does
ஶ்ரேஷ்ட²꞉ = a respectable leader
தத் = that
தத் = and that alone
ஏவ = certainly
இதர꞉ = common
ஜன꞉ = person
ஸ꞉ = he
யத் = whichever
ப்ரமாணம்ʼ = example
குருதே = does perform
லோகா꞉ = all the world
தத் = that
அனுவர்ததே = follows in the footsteps.
ந = not
மே = Mine
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
அஸ்தி = there is
கர்தவ்யம்ʼ = prescribed duty
த்ரிஷு = in the three
லோகேஷு = planetary systems
கிஞ்சன = any
ந = nothing
அனவாப்தம்ʼ = wanted
அவாப்தவ்யம்ʼ = to be gained
வர்தே = I am engaged
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
கர்மணி = in prescribed duty.
யதி³ = if
ஹி = certainly
அஹம்ʼ = I
ந = do not
வர்தேயம்ʼ = thus engage
ஜாது = ever
கர்மணி = in the performance of prescribed duties
அதந்த்³ரித꞉ = with great care
மம = My
வர்த்ம = path
அனுவர்தந்தே = would follow
மனுஷ்யா꞉ = all men
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ஸர்வஶ꞉ = in all respects.
உத்ஸீதே³யு꞉ = would be put into ruin
இமே = all these
லோகா꞉ = worlds
ந = not
குர்யாம்ʼ = I perform
கர்ம = prescribed duties
சேத் = if
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஸங்கரஸ்ய = of unwanted population
ச = and
கர்தா = creator
ஸ்யாம்ʼ = would be
உபஹன்யாம்ʼ = would destroy
இமா꞉ = all these
ப்ரஜா꞉ = living entities.
ஸக்தா꞉ = being attached
கர்மணி = in prescribed duties
அவித்³வாம்ʼஸ꞉ = the ignorant
யதா² = as much as
குர்வந்தி = they do
பா⁴ரத = O descendant of Bharata
குர்யாத் = must do
வித்³வான் = the learned
ததா² = thus
அஸக்த꞉ = without attachment
சிகீர்ஷு꞉ = desiring to lead
லோகஸங்க்³ரஹம்ʼ = the people in general.
ந = not
பு³த்³தி⁴பே⁴த³ம்ʼ = disruption of intelligence
ஜனயேத் = he should cause
அஜ்ஞானாம்ʼ = of the foolish
கர்மஸங்கி³னாம்ʼ = who are attached to fruitive work
ஜோஷயேத் = he should dovetail
ஸர்வ = all
கர்மாணி = work
வித்³வான் = a learned person
யுக்த꞉ = engaged
ஸமாசரன் = practicing.
ப்ரக்ருʼதே꞉ = of material nature
க்ரியமாணானி = being done
கு³ணை꞉ = by the modes
கர்மாணி = activities
ஸர்வஶ꞉ = all kinds of
அஹங்காரவிமூட⁴ = bewildered by false ego
ஆத்மா = the spirit soul
கர்தா = doer
அஹம்ʼ = I
இதி = thus
மன்யதே = he thinks.
தத்த்வவித் = the knower of the Absolute Truth
து = but
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed one
கு³ணகர்ம = of works under material influence
விபா⁴க³யோ꞉ = differences
கு³ணா꞉ = senses
கு³ணேஷு = in sense gratification
வர்தந்தே = are being engaged
இதி = thus
மத்வா = thinking
ந = never
ஸஜ்ஜதே = becomes attached.
ப்ரக்ருʼதே꞉ = of material nature
கு³ண = by the modes
ஸம்மூடா⁴꞉ = befooled by material identification
ஸஜ்ஜந்தே = they become engaged
கு³ணகர்மஸு = in material activities
தான் = those
அக்ருʼத்ஸ்னவிதா³꞉ = persons with a poor fund of knowledge
மந்தா³ன் = lazy to understand self-realization
க்ருʼத்ஸ்னவித் = one who is in factual knowledge
ந = not
விசாலயேத் = should try to agitate.
மயி = unto Me
ஸர்வாணி = all sorts of
கர்மாணி = activities
ஸம்ʼந்யஸ்ய = giving up completely
அத்⁴யாத்ம = with full knowledge of the self
சேதஸா = by consciousness
நிராஶீ꞉ = without desire for profit
நிர்மம꞉ = without ownership
பூ⁴த்வா = so being
யுத்⁴யஸ்வ = fight
விக³தஜ்வர꞉ = without being lethargic.
யே = those who
மே = My
மதம்ʼ = injunctions
இத³ம்ʼ = these
நித்யம்ʼ = as an eternal function
அனுதிஷ்ட²ந்தி = execute regularly
மானவா꞉ = human beings
ஶ்ரத்³தா⁴வந்த꞉ = with faith and devotion
அனஸூயந்த꞉ = without envy
முச்யந்தே = become free
தே = all of them
அபி = even
கர்மபி⁴꞉ = from the bondage of the law of fruitive actions.
யே = those
து = however
ஏதத் = this
அப்⁴யஸூயந்த꞉ = out of envy
ந = do not
அனுதிஷ்ட²ந்தி = regularly perform
மே = My
மதம்ʼ = injunction
ஸர்வஜ்ஞான = in all sorts of knowledge
விமூடா⁴ன் = perfectly befooled
தான் = they are
வித்³தி⁴ = know it well
நஷ்டான் = all ruined
அசேதஸ꞉ = without KRiShNa consciousness.
ஸத்³ருʼஶம்ʼ = accordingly
சேஷ்டதே = tries
ஸ்வஸ்ய꞉ = by his own
ப்ரக்ருʼதே꞉ = modes of nature
ஜ்ஞானவான் = learned
அபி = although
ப்ரக்ருʼதிம்ʼ = nature
யாந்தி = undergo
பூ⁴தானீ = all living entities
நிக்³ரஹ꞉ = repression
கிம்ʼ = what
கரிஷ்யதி = can do.
இந்த்³ரியஸ்ய = of the senses
இந்த்³ரியஸ்யார்தே² = in the sense objects
ராக³ = attachment
த்³வேஷௌ = also detachment
வ்யவஸ்தி²தௌ = put under regulations
தயோ꞉ = of them
ந = never
வஶம்ʼ = control
ஆக³ச்சே²த் = one should come
தௌ = those
ஹி = certainly
அஸ்ய = his
பரிபந்தி²னௌ = stumbling blocks.
ஶ்ரேயான் = far better
ஸ்வத⁴ர்ம꞉ = one’s prescribed duties
விகு³ண꞉ = even faulty
பரத⁴ர்மாத் = than duties mentioned for others
ஸ்வனுஷ்டி²தாத் = perfectly done
ஸ்வத⁴ர்மே = in one’s prescribed duties
நித⁴னம்ʼ = destruction
ஶ்ரேய꞉ = better
பரத⁴ர்ம꞉ = duties prescribed for others
ப⁴யாவஹ꞉ = dangerous.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
அத² = then
கேன = by what
ப்ரயுக்த꞉ = impelled
அயம்ʼ = one
பாபம்ʼ = sins
சரதி = does
பூருஷ꞉ = a man
அனிச்ச²ன் = without desiring
அபி = although
வார்ஷ்ணேய = O descendant of VRiShNi
ப³லாத் = by force
இவ = as if
நியோஜித꞉ = engaged.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Personality of Godhead said
காம꞉ = lust
ஏஷ꞉ = this
க்ரோத⁴꞉ = wrath
ஏஷ꞉ = this
ரஜோகு³ண = the mode of passion
ஸமுத்³ப⁴வ꞉ = born of
மஹாஶன꞉ = all-devouring
மஹாபாப்மா = greatly sinful
வித்³தி⁴ = know
ஏனம்ʼ = this
இஹ = in the material world
வைரிணம்ʼ = greatest enemy.
தூ⁴மேன = by smoke
ஆவ்ரியதே = is covered
வஹ்னி꞉ = fire
யதா² = just as
அத³ர்ஶ꞉ = mirror
மலேன = by dust
ச = also
யதா² = just as
உல்பே³ன = by the womb
ஆவ்ருʼத꞉ = is covered
க³ர்ப⁴꞉ = embryo
ததா² = so
தேன = by that lust
இத³ம்ʼ = this
ஆவ்ருʼதம்ʼ = is covered.
ஆவ்ருʼதம்ʼ = covered
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = pure consciousness
ஏதேன = by this
ஜ்ஞானின꞉ = of the knower
நித்யவைரிண = by the eternal enemy
காமரூபேண = in the form of lust
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
து³ஷ்பூரேண = never to be satisfied
அனலேன = by the fire
ச = also.
இந்த்³ரியாணி = the senses
மன꞉ = the mind
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = the intelligence
அஸ்ய = of this lust
அதி⁴ஷ்டா²னம்ʼ = sitting place
உச்யதே = is called
ஏதை꞉ = by all these
விமோஹயதி = bewilders
ஏஷ꞉ = this
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
ஆவ்ருʼத்ய = covering
தே³ஹினம்ʼ = of the embodied.
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
த்வம்ʼ = you
இந்த்³ரியாணி = senses
ஆதௌ³ = in the beginning
நியம்ய = by regulating
ப⁴ரதர்ஷப⁴ = O chief amongst the descendants of Bharata
பாப்மானம்ʼ = the great symbol of sin
ப்ரஜஹி = curb
ஹி = certainly
ஏனம்ʼ = this
ஜ்ஞான = of knowledge
விஜ்ஞான = and scientific knowledge of the pure soul
நாஶனம்ʼ = the destroyer.
இந்த்³ரியாணி = senses
பராணி = superior
ஆஹு꞉ = are said
இந்த்³ரியேப்⁴ய꞉ = more than the senses
பரம்ʼ = superior
மன꞉ = the mind
மனஸ꞉ = more than the mind
து = also
பரா = superior
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
ய꞉ = who
பு³த்³தே⁴꞉ = more than the intelligence
பரத꞉ = superior
து = but
ஸ꞉ = he.
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
பு³த்³தே⁴꞉ = to intelligence
பரம்ʼ = superior
பு³த்³த்⁴வா = knowing
ஸம்ʼஸ்தப்⁴ய = by steadying
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = the mind
ஆத்மனா = by deliberate intelligence
ஜஹி = conquer
ஶத்ரும்ʼ = the enemy
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed one
காமரூபம்ʼ = in the form of lust
து³ராஸத³ம்ʼ = formidable.

End of 3.43

ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
இமம்ʼ = this
விவஸ்வதே = unto the sun-god
யோக³ம்ʼ = the science of one’s relationship to the Supreme
ப்ரோக்தவான் = instructed
அஹம்ʼ = I
அவ்யயம்ʼ = imperishable
விவஸ்வான் = Vivasvan (the sun-god’s name)
மனவே = unto the father of mankind (of the name Vaivasvata)
ப்ராஹ = told
மனு꞉ = the father of mankind
இக்ஷ்வாகவே = unto King Iksvaku
அப்³ரவீத் = said.
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
பரம்பரா = by disciplic succession
ப்ராப்தம்ʼ = received
இமம்ʼ = this science
ராஜர்ஷய꞉ = the saintly kings
விது³꞉ = understood
ஸ꞉ = that knowledge
காலேன = in the course of time
இஹ = in this world
மஹதா = great
யோக³꞉ = the science of one’s relationship with the Supreme
நஷ்ட꞉ = scattered
பரந்தப = O Arjuna, subduer of the enemies.
ஸ꞉ = the same
ஏவ = certainly
அயம்ʼ = this
மயா = by Me
தே = unto you
அத்³ய = today
யோக³꞉ = the science of yoga
ப்ரோக்த꞉ = spoken
புராதன꞉ = very old
ப⁴க்த꞉ = devotee
அஸி = you are
மே = My
ஸகா² = friend
ச = also
இதி = therefore
ரஹஸ்யம்ʼ = mystery
ஹி = certainly
ஏதத் = this
உத்தமம்ʼ = transcendental.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
அபரம்ʼ = junior
ப⁴வத꞉ = Your
ஜன்ம = birth
பரம்ʼ = superior
ஜன்ம = birth
விவஸ்வத꞉ = of the sun-god
கத²ம்ʼ = how
ஏதத் = this
விஜானீயம்ʼ = shall I understand
த்வம்ʼ = You
ஆதௌ³ = in the beginning
ப்ரோக்தவான் = instructed
இதி = thus.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Personality of Godhead said
ப³ஹூனி = many
மே = of Mine
வ்யதீதானி = have passed
ஜன்மானி = births
தவ = of yours
ச = and also
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
தானி = those
அஹம்ʼ = I
வேத³ = do know
ஸர்வாணி = all
ந = not
த்வம்ʼ = you
வேத்த² = know
பரந்தப = O subduer of the enemy.
அஜ꞉ = unborn
அபி = although
ஸன் = being so
அவ்யய = without deterioration
ஆத்மா = body
பூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = of all those who are born
ஈஶ்வர꞉ = the Supreme Lord
அபி = although
ஸன் = being so
ப்ரக்ருʼதிம்ʼ = in the transcendental form
ஸ்வாம்ʼ = of Myself
அதி⁴ஷ்டா²ய = being so situated
ஸம்ப⁴வாமி = I do incarnate
ஆத்மமாயயா = by My internal energy.
யதா³ யதா³ = whenever and wherever
ஹி = certainly
த⁴ர்மஸ்ய = of religion
க்³லானி꞉ = discrepancies
ப⁴வதி = become manifested
பா⁴ரத = O descendant of Bharata
அப்⁴யுத்தா²னம்ʼ = predominance
அத⁴ர்மஸ்ய = of irreligion
ததா³ = at that time
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = self
ஸ்ருʼஜாமி = manifest
அஹம்ʼ = I.
பரித்ராணாய = for the deliverance
ஸாதூ⁴னாம்ʼ = of the devotees
விநாஶாய = for the annihilation
ச = and
து³ஷ்க்ருʼதாம்ʼ = of the miscreants
த⁴ர்ம = principles of religion
ஸம்ʼஸ்தா²பனார்தா²ய = to reestablish
ஸம்ப⁴வாமி = I do appear
யுகே³ = millennium
யுகே³ = after millennium.
ஜன்ம = birth
கர்ம = work
ச = also
மே = of Mine
தி³வ்யம்ʼ = transcendental
ஏவம்ʼ = like this
ய꞉ = anyone who
வேத்தி = knows
தத்த்வத꞉ = in reality
த்யக்த்வா = leaving aside
தே³ஹம்ʼ = this body
புன꞉ = again
ஜன்ம = birth
ந = never
ஏதி = does attain
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ஏதி = does attain
ஸ꞉ = he
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna.
வீத = freed from
ராக³ = attachment
ப⁴ய = fear
க்ரோத⁴꞉ = and anger
மன்மயா = fully in Me
மாம்ʼ = in Me
உபாஶ்ரிதா꞉ = being fully situated
ப³ஹவ꞉ = many
ஜ்ஞான = of knowledge
தபஸா = by the penance
பூதா꞉ = being purified
மத்³பா⁴வம்ʼ = transcendental love for Me
ஆக³தா꞉ = attained.
யே = all who
யதா² = as
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ப்ரபத்³யந்தே = surrender
தான் = them
ததா² = so
ஏவ = certainly
ப⁴ஜாமி = reward
அஹம்ʼ = I
மம = My
வர்த்ம = path
அனுவர்தந்தே = follow
மனுஷ்யா꞉ = all men
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ஸர்வஶ꞉ = in all respects.
காங்க்ஷந்த꞉ = desiring
கர்மணாம்ʼ = of fruitive activities
ஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = perfection
யஜந்தே = they worship by sacrifices
இஹ = in the material world
தே³வதா꞉ = the demigods
க்ஷிப்ரம்ʼ = very quickly
ஹி = certainly
மானுஷே = in human society
லோகே = within this world
ஸித்³தி⁴꞉ = success
ப⁴வதி = comes
கர்மஜா = from fruitive work.
சாதுர்வர்ண்யம்ʼ = the four divisions of human society
மயா = by Me
ஸ்ருʼஷ்ட்வா = created
கு³ண = of quality
கர்ம = and work
விபா⁴க³ஶ꞉ = in terms of division
தஸ்ய = of that
கர்தாரம்ʼ = the father
அபி = although
மாம்ʼ = Me
வித்³தி⁴ = you may know
அகர்தாரம்ʼ = as the nondoer
அவ்யயம்ʼ = unchangeable.
ந = never
மாம்ʼ = Me
கர்மாணி = all kinds of work
லிம்பந்தி = do affect
ந = nor
மே = My
கர்மப²லே = in fruitive action
ஸ்ப்ருʼஹா = aspiration
இதி = thus
மாம்ʼ = Me
ய꞉ = one who
அபி⁴ஜானாதி = does know
கர்மபி⁴꞉ = by the reaction of such work
ந = never
ஸ꞉ = he
ப³த்⁴யதே = becomes entangled.
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
ஜ்ஞாத்வா = knowing well
க்ருʼதம்ʼ = was performed
கர்ம = work
பூர்வை꞉ = by past authorities
அபி = indeed
முமுக்ஷுபி⁴꞉ = who attained liberation
குரு = just perform
கர்ம = prescribed duty
ஏவ = certainly
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
த்வம்ʼ = you
பூர்வை꞉ = by the predecessors
பூர்வதரம்ʼ = in ancient times
க்ருʼதம்ʼ = as performed.
கிம்ʼ = what is
கர்ம = action
கிம்ʼ = what is
அகர்ம = inaction
இதி = thus
கவய꞉ = the intelligent
அபி = also
அத்ர = in this matter
மோஹிதா꞉ = are bewildered
தத் = that
தே = unto you
கர்ம = work
ப்ரவக்ஷ்யாமி = I shall explain
யத் = which
ஜ்ஞாத்வா = knowing
மோக்ஷ்யஸே = you will be liberated
அஶுபா⁴த் = from ill fortune.
கர்மண꞉ = of work
ஹி = certainly
அபி = also
போ³த்³த⁴வ்யம்ʼ = should be understood
போ³த்³த⁴வ்யம்ʼ = should be understood
ச = also
விகர்மண꞉ = of forbidden work
அகர்மண꞉ = of inaction
ச = also
போ³த்³த⁴வ்யம்ʼ = should be understood
க³ஹனா = very difficult
கர்மண꞉ = of work
க³தி꞉ = entrance.
கர்மணி = in action
அகர்ம = inaction
ய꞉ = one who
பஶ்யேத் = observes
அகர்மணி = in inaction
ச = also
கர்ம = fruitive action
ய꞉ = one who
ஸ꞉ = he
பு³த்³தி⁴மான் = is intelligent
மனுஷ்யேஷு = in human society
ஸ꞉ = he
யுக்த꞉ = is in the transcendental position
க்ருʼத்ஸ்னகர்மக்ருʼத் = although engaged in all activities.
யஸ்ய = one whose
ஸர்வே = all sorts of
ஸமாரம்பா⁴꞉ = attempts
காம = based on desire for sense gratification
ஸங்கல்ப = determination
வர்ஜிதா꞉ = are devoid of
ஜ்ஞான = of perfect knowledge
அக்³னி = by the fire
த³க்³த⁴ = burned
கர்மாணாம்ʼ = whose work
தம்ʼ = him
ஆஹு꞉ = declare
பண்டி³தம்ʼ = learned
பு³தா⁴꞉ = those who know.
த்யக்த்வா = having given up
கர்மப²லாஸங்க³ம்ʼ = attachment for fruitive results
நித்ய = always
த்ருʼப்த꞉ = being satisfied
நிராஶ்ரய꞉ = without any shelter
கர்மணி = in activity
அபி⁴ப்ரவ்ருʼத்த꞉ = being fully engaged
அபி = in spite of
ந = does not
ஏவ = certainly
கிஞ்சித் = anything
கரோதி = do
ஸ꞉ = he.
நிராஶீ꞉ = without desire for the result
யத = controlled
சித்தாத்மா = mind and intelligence
த்யக்த = giving up
ஸர்வ = all
பரிக்³ரஹ꞉ = sense of proprietorship over possessions
ஶாரீரம்ʼ = in keeping body and soul together
கேவலம்ʼ = only
கர்ம = work
குர்வான் = doing
ந = never
ஆப்னோதி = does acquire
கில்பி³ஶம்ʼ = sinful reactions.
யத்³ருʼச்சா² = out of its own accord
லாப⁴ = with gain
ஸந்துஷ்ட꞉ = satisfied
த்³வந்த்³வ = duality
அதீத꞉ = surpassed
விமத்ஸர꞉ = free from envy
ஸம꞉ = steady
ஸித்³தௌ⁴ = in success
அஸித்³தௌ⁴ = failure
ச = also
க்ருʼத்வா = doing
அபி = although
ந = never
நிப³த்⁴யதே = becomes affected.
க³தஸங்க³ஸ்ய = of one unattached to the modes of material nature
முக்தஸ்ய = of the liberated
ஜ்ஞானாவஸ்தி²த = situated in transcendence
சேதஸ꞉ = whose wisdom
யஜ்ஞாய = for the sake of Yajna (KRiShNa)
ஆசரத꞉ = acting
கர்ம = work
ஸமக்³ரம்ʼ = in total
ப்ரவிலீயதே = merges entirely.
ப்³ரஹ்ம = spiritual in nature
அர்பணம்ʼ = contribution
ப்³ரஹ்ம = the Supreme
ஹவி꞉ = butter
ப்³ரஹ்ம = spiritual
அக்³னௌ = in the fire of consummation
ப்³ரஹ்மணா = by the spirit soul
ஹுதம்ʼ = offered
ப்³ரஹ்ம = spiritual kingdom
ஏவ = certainly
தேன = by him
க³ந்தவ்யம்ʼ = to be reached
ப்³ரஹ்ம = spiritual
கர்ம = in activities
ஸமாதி⁴னா = by complete absorption.
தை³வம்ʼ = in worshiping the demigods
ஏவ = like this
அபரே = some others
யஜ்ஞம்ʼ = sacrifices
யோகி³ன꞉ = mystics
பர்யுபாஸதே = worship perfectly
ப்³ரஹ்ம = of the Absolute Truth
அக்³னௌ = in the fire
அபரே = others
யஜ்ஞம்ʼ = sacrifice
யஜ்ஞேன = by sacrifice
ஏவ = thus
உபஜுஹ்வதி = offer.
ஶ்ரோத்ராதீ³னி = such as the hearing process
இந்த்³ரியாணி = senses
அன்யே = others
ஸம்ʼயம = of restraint
அக்³நிஷு = in the fires
ஜுஹ்வதி = offer
ஶப்³தா³தி³ன் = sound vibration, etc.
விஷயான் = objects of sense gratification
அன்யே = others
இந்த்³ரிய = of the sense organs
அக்³நிஷு = in the fires
ஜுஹ்வதி = they sacrifice.
ஸர்வாணி = of all
இந்த்³ரிய = the senses
கர்மாணி = functions
ப்ராணகர்மாணி = functions of the life breath
ச = also
அபரே = others
ஆத்மஸம்ʼயம = of controlling the mind
யோக³ = the linking process
அக்³னௌ = in the fire of
ஜுஹ்வதி = offer
ஜ்ஞாநதீ³பிதே = because of the urge for self-realization.
த்³ரவ்யயஜ்ஞா꞉ = sacrificing one’s possessions
தபோயஜ்ஞா꞉ = sacrifice in austerities
யோக³யஜ்ஞா꞉ = sacrifice in eightfold mysticism
ததா² = thus
அபரே = others
ஸ்வாத்⁴யாய = sacrifice in the study of the Vedas
ஜ்ஞானயஜ்ஞா꞉ = sacrifice in advancement of transcendental knowledge
ச = also
யதய꞉ = enlightened persons
ஸம்ʼஶிதவ்ரதா꞉ = taken to strict vows.
அபானே = in the air which acts downward
ஜுஹ்வதி = offer
ப்ராணம்ʼ = the air which acts outward
ப்ராணே = in the air going outward
அபானம்ʼ = the air going downward
ததா² = as also
அபரே = others
ப்ராண = of the air going outward
அபான = and the air going downward
க³தி = the movement
ருத்³த்⁴வா = checking
ப்ராணாயாம = trance induced by stopping all breathing
பராயணா꞉ = so inclined
அபரே = others
நியத = having controlled
ஆஹாரா꞉ = eating
ப்ராணான் = the outgoing air
ப்ராணேஷு = in the outgoing air
ஜுஹ்வதி = sacrifice.
ஸர்வே = all
அபி = although apparently different
ஏதே = these
யஜ்ஞவித³꞉ = conversant with the purpose of performing sacrifices
யஜ்ஞக்ஷபித = being cleansed as the result of such performances
கல்மஷா꞉ = of sinful reactions
யஜ்ஞஶிஷ்ட = of the result of such performances of yajna
அம்ருʼதபு⁴ஜ꞉ = those who have tasted such nectar
யாந்தி = do approach
ப்³ரஹ்ம = the supreme
ஸனாதனம்ʼ = eternal atmosphere.
ந = never
அயம்ʼ = this
லோகா꞉ = planet
அஸ்தி = there is
அயஜ்ஞஸ்ய = for one who performs no sacrifice
குத꞉ = where is
அன்ய꞉ = the other
குருஸத்தம = O best amongst the Kurus.
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
ப³ஹுவிதா⁴꞉ = various kinds of
யஜ்ஞா꞉ = sacrifices
விதத꞉ = are spread
ப்³ரஹ்மண꞉ = of the Vedas
முகே² = through the mouth
கர்மஜான் = born of work
வித்³தி⁴ = you should know
தான் = them
ஸர்வான் = all
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
ஜ்ஞாத்வா = knowing
விமோக்ஷ்யஸே = you will be liberated.
ஶ்ரேயான் = greater
த்³ரவ்யமயாத் = of material possessions
யஜ்ஞாத் = than the sacrifice
ஜ்ஞானயஜ்ஞ꞉ = sacrifice in knowledge
பரந்தப = O chastiser of the enemy
ஸர்வம்ʼ = all
கர்ம = activities
அகி²லம்ʼ = in totality
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ஜ்ஞானே = in knowledge
பரிஸமப்யதே = end.
தத் = that knowledge of different sacrifices
வித்³தி⁴ = try to understand
ப்ரணிபாதேன = by approaching a spiritual master
பரிப்ரஶ்னேன = by submissive inquiries
ஸேவயா = by the rendering of service
உபதே³க்ஷ்யந்தி = they will initiate
தே = you
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = into knowledge
ஜ்ஞானின꞉ = the self-realized
தத்த்வ = of the truth
த³ர்ஶின꞉ = seers.
யத் = which
ஜ்ஞாத்வா = knowing
ந = never
புன꞉ = again
மோஹம்ʼ = to illusion
ஏவம்ʼ = like this
யாஸ்யஸி = you shall go
பாண்ட³வ = O son of Pandu
யேன = by which
பூ⁴தானி = living entities
அஶேஷாணி = all
த்³ரக்ஷ்யஸி = you will see
ஆத்மனி = in the Supreme Soul
அதௌ² = or in other words
மயி = in Me.
அபி = even
சேத் = if
அஸி = you are
பாபேப்⁴ய꞉ = of sinners
ஸர்வேப்⁴ய꞉ = of all
பாபக்ருʼத்தம꞉ = the greatest sinner
ஸர்வம்ʼ = all such sinful reactions
ஜ்ஞானப்லவேன = by the boat of transcendental knowledge
ஏவ = certainly
வ்ருʼஜனம்ʼ = the ocean of miseries
ஸந்தரிஷ்யஸி = you will cross completely.
யதா² = just as
ஏதா⁴ம்ʼஸி = firewood
ஸமித்³த⁴꞉ = blazing
அக்³னி꞉ = fire
ப⁴ஸ்மஸாத் = ashes
குருதே = turns
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
ஜ்ஞாநாக்³னி꞉ = the fire of knowledge
ஸர்வகர்மாணி = all reactions to material activities
ப⁴ஸ்மஸாத் = to ashes
குருதே = it turns
ததா² = similarly.
ந = notHing
ஹி = certainly
ஜ்ஞானேன = with knowledge
ஸத்³ருʼஶம்ʼ = in comparison
பவித்ரம்ʼ = sanctified
இஹ = in this world
வித்³யதே = exists
தத் = that
ஸ்வயம்ʼ = himself
யோக³ = in devotion
ஸம்ʼஸித்³த⁴꞉ = he who is mature
காலேன = in course of time
ஆத்மனி = in himself
விந்த³தி = enjoys.
ஶ்ரத்³தா⁴வான் = a faithful man
லப⁴தே = achieves
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
தத்பர꞉ = very much attached to it
ஸம்ʼயத = controlled
இந்த்³ரிய꞉ = senses
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
லப்³த்⁴வா = having achieved
பராம்ʼ = transcendental
ஶாந்திம்ʼ = peace
அசிரேண = very soon
அதி⁴க³ச்ச²தி = attains.
அஜ்ஞ꞉ = a fool who has no knowledge in standard scriptures
ச = and
அஶ்ரத்³த³தா⁴ன꞉ = without faith in revealed scriptures
ச = also
ஸம்ʼஶய = of doubts
ஆத்மா = a person
வினஶ்யதி = falls back
ந = never
அயம்ʼ = in this
லோக꞉ = world
அஸ்தி = there is
ந = nor
பர꞉ = in the next life
ந = not
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
ஸம்ʼஶய = doubtful
ஆத்மன꞉ = of the person.
யோக³ = by devotional service in karma-yoga
ஸம்ʼந்யஸ்த = one who has renounced
கர்மாணம்ʼ = the fruits of actions
ஜ்ஞான = by knowledge
ஸஞ்சி²ன்ன = cut
ஸம்ʼஶயம்ʼ = doubts
ஆத்மவந்தம்ʼ = situated in the self
ந = never
கர்மாணி = works
நிப³த்⁴னந்தி = do bind
த⁴னஞ்ஜய = O conqueror of riches.
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
அஜ்ஞானஸம்பூ⁴தம்ʼ = born of ignorance
ஹ்ருʼத்ஸ்த²ம்ʼ = situated in the heart
ஜ்ஞான = of knowledge
ஆஸின = by the weapon
ஆத்மன꞉ = of the self
சி²த்த்வா = cutting off
ஏனம்ʼ = this
ஸம்ʼஶயம்ʼ = doubt
யோக³ம்ʼ = in yoga
ஆதிஷ்ட² = be situated
உத்திஷ்ட² = stand up to fight
பா⁴ரத = O descendant of Bharata.

See Also  Gurujnanavasishtha’S Ribhu Gita In Sanskrit

End of 4.42

அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸம்ʼ = renunciation
கர்மணாம்ʼ = of all activities
க்ருʼஷ்ண = O KRiShNa
புன꞉ = again
யோக³ம்ʼ = devotional service
ச = also
ஶம்ʼஸஸி = You are praising
யத் = which
ஶ்ரேய꞉ = is more beneficial
ஏதயோ꞉ = of these two
ஏகம்ʼ = one
தத் = that
மே = unto me
ப்³ரூஹி = please tell
ஸுநிஶ்சிதம்ʼ = definitely.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Personality of Godhead said
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸ꞉ = renunciation of work
கர்மயோக³꞉ = work in devotion
ச = also
நி꞉ஶ்ரேயஸகரௌ = leading to the path of liberation
உபௌ⁴ = both
தயோ꞉ = of the two
து = but
கர்மஸம்ʼந்யாஸாத் = in comparison to the renunciation of fruitive work
கர்மயோக³꞉ = work in devotion
விஶிஷ்யதே = is better.
ஜ்ஞேய꞉ = should be known
ஸ꞉ = he
நித்ய = always
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸீ = renouncer
ய꞉ = who
ந = never
த்³வேஷ்டி = abhors
ந = nor
காங்க்ஷதி = desires
நிர்த்³வந்த்³வ꞉ = free from all dualities
ஹி = certainly
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed one
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happily
ப³ந்தா⁴த் = from bondage
ப்ரமுச்யதே = is completely liberated.
ஸாங்க்²ய = analytical study of the material world
யோகௌ³ = work in devotional service
ப்ருʼத²க் = different
பா³லா꞉ = the less intelligent
ப்ரவத³ந்தி = say
ந = never
பண்டி³தா꞉ = the learned
ஏகம்ʼ = in one
அபி = even
ஆஸ்தி²த꞉ = being situated
ஸம்யக் = complete
உப⁴யோ꞉ = of both
விந்த³தே = enjoys
ப²லம்ʼ = the result.
யத் = what
ஸாங்க்²யை꞉ = by means of Sankhya philosophy
ப்ராப்யதே = is achieved
ஸ்தா²னம்ʼ = place
தத் = that
யோகை³꞉ = by devotional service
அபி = also
க³ம்யதே = one can attain
ஏகம்ʼ = one
ஸாங்க்²யம்ʼ = analytical study
ச = and
யோக³ம்ʼ = action in devotion
ச = and
ய꞉ = one who
பஶ்யதி = sees
ஸ꞉ = he
பஶ்யதி = actually sees.
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸ꞉ = the renounced order of life
து = but
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed one
து³꞉க²ம்ʼ = distress
ஆப்தும்ʼ = afflicts one with
அயோக³த꞉ = without devotional service
யோக³யுக்த꞉ = one engaged in devotional service
முனி꞉ = a thinker
ப்³ரஹ்ம = the Supreme
ந சிரேண = without delay
அதி⁴க³ச்ச²தி = attains.
யோக³யுக்த꞉ = engaged in devotional service
விஶுத்³தா⁴த்மா = a purified soul
விஜிதாத்மா = self-controlled
ஜிதேந்த்³ரிய꞉ = having conquered the senses
ஸர்வபூ⁴த = to all living entities
ஆத்மபூ⁴தாத்மா = compassionate
குர்வன்னபி = although engaged in work
ந = never
லிப்யதே = is entangled.
ந = never
ஏவ = certainly
கிஞ்சித் = anything
கரோமி = I do
இதி = thus
யுக்த꞉ = engaged in the divine consciousness
மன்யேத = thinks
தத்த்வவித் = one who knows the truth
பஶ்யன் = seeing
ஶ்ருʼண்வன் = hearing
ஸ்ப்ருʼஶன் = touching
ஜிக்⁴ரன் = smelling
அஶ்னன் = eating
க³ச்ச²ன் = going
ஸ்வபன் = dreaming
ஶ்வஸன் = breathing
ப்ரலபன் = talking
விஸ்ருʼஜன் = giving up
க்³ருʼஹ்ணன் = accepting
உன்மிஷன் = opening
நிமிஷன் = closing
அபி = in spite of
இந்த்³ரியாணி = the senses
இந்த்³ரியார்தே²ஷு = in sense gratification
வர்தந்தே = let them be so engaged
இதி = thus
தா⁴ரயன் = considering.
ப்³ரஹ்மணி = unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
ஆதா⁴ய = resigning
கர்மாணி = all works
ஸங்க³ம்ʼ = attachment
த்யக்த்வா = giving up
கரோதி = performs
ய꞉ = who
லிப்யதே = is affected
ந = never
ஸ꞉ = he
பாபேன = by sin
பத்³மபத்ரம்ʼ = a lotus leaf
இவ = like
அம்ப⁴ஸா = by the water.
காயேன = with the body
மனஸா = with the mind
பு³த்³த்⁴யா = with the intelligence
கேவலை꞉ = purified
இந்த்³ரியை꞉ = with the senses
அபி = even
யோகி³ன꞉ = KRiShNa conscious persons
கர்ம = actions
குர்வந்தி = they perform
ஸங்க³ம்ʼ = attachment
த்யக்த்வா = giving up
ஆத்ம = of the self
ஶுத்³த⁴யே = for the purpose of purification.
யுக்த꞉ = one who is engaged in devotional service
கர்மப²லம்ʼ = the results of all activities
த்யக்த்வா = giving up
ஶந்திம்ʼ = perfect peace
ஆப்னோதி = achieves
நைஷ்டி²கீம்ʼ = unflinching
அயுக்த꞉ = one who is not in KRiShNa consciousness
காமகாரேண = for enjoying the result of work
ப²லே = in the result
ஸக்தா꞉ = attached
நிப³த்⁴யதே = becomes entangled.
ஸர்வ = all
கர்மாணி = activities
மனஸா = by the mind
ஸம்ʼந்யஸ்ய = giving up
ஆஸ்தே = remains
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = in happiness
வஶீ = one who is controlled
நவத்³வாரே = in the place where there are nine gates
புரே = in the city
தே³ஹீ = the embodied soul
ந = never
ஏவ = certainly
குர்வன் = doing anything
ந = not
காரயன் = causing to be done.
ந = never
கர்த்ருʼத்வம்ʼ = proprietorship
ந = nor
கர்மாணி = activities
லோகஸ்ய = of the people
ஸ்ருʼஜதி = creates
ப்ரபு⁴꞉ = the master of the city of the body
ந = nor
கர்மப²ல = with the results of activities
ஸம்ʼயோக³ம்ʼ = connection
ஸ்வபா⁴வ꞉ = the modes of material nature
து = but
ப்ரவர்ததே = act.
ந = never
ஆத³த்தே = accepts
கஸ்யசித் = anyone’s
பாபம்ʼ = sin
ந = nor
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
ஸுக்ருʼதம்ʼ = pious activities
விபு⁴꞉ = the Supreme Lord
அஜ்ஞானேன = by ignorance
ஆவ்ருʼதம்ʼ = covered
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
தேன = by that
முஹ்யந்தி = are bewildered
ஜந்தவ꞉ = the living entities.
ஜ்ஞானேன = by knowledge
து = but
தத் = that
அஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = nescience
யேஷாம்ʼ = whose
நாஶிதம்ʼ = is destroyed
ஆத்மன꞉ = of the living entity
தேஷாம்ʼ = their
ஆதி³த்யவத் = like the rising sun
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
ப்ரகாஶயதி = discloses
தத்பரம்ʼ = KRiShNa consciousness.
தத்பு³த்³த⁴ய꞉ = those whose intelligence is always in the Supreme
ததா³த்மான꞉ = those whose minds are always in the Supreme
தந்நிஷ்டா²꞉ = those whose faith is only meant for the Supreme
தத்பராயண꞉ = who have completely taken shelter of Him
க³ச்ச²ந்தி = go
அபுனராவ்ருʼத்திம்ʼ = to liberation
ஜ்ஞான = by knowledge
நிர்தூ⁴த = cleansed
கல்மஷா꞉ = misgivings.
வித்³யா = with education
வினய = and gentleness
ஸம்பன்னே = fully equipped
ப்³ராஹ்மணே = in the brahmana
க³வி = in the cow
ஹஸ்தினி = in the elephant
ஶுனி = in the dog
ச = and
ஏவ = certainly
ஶ்வபாகே = in the dog-eater (the outcaste)
ச = respectively
பண்டி³தா꞉ = those who are wise
ஸமத³ர்ஶின꞉ = who see with equal vision.
இஹ = in this life
ஏவ = certainly
தை꞉ = by them
ஜித꞉ = conquered
ஸர்க³꞉ = birth and death
யேஷாம்ʼ = whose
ஸாம்யே = in equanimity
ஸ்தி²தம்ʼ = situated
மன꞉ = mind
நிர்தோ³ஷம்ʼ = flawless
ஹி = certainly
ஸமம்ʼ = in equanimity
ப்³ரஹ்ம = like the Supreme
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
ப்³ரஹ்மணி = in the Supreme
தே = they
ஸ்தி²தா꞉ = are situated.
ந = never
ப்ரஹ்ருʼஷ்யேத் = rejoices
ப்ரியம்ʼ = the pleasant
ப்ராப்ய = achieving
ந = does not
உத்³விஜேத் = become agitated
ப்ராப்ய = obtaining
ச = also
அப்ரியம்ʼ = the unpleasant
ஸ்தி²ரபு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = self-intelligent
அஸம்மூடா⁴꞉ = unbewildered
ப்³ரஹ்மவித் = one who knows the Supreme perfectly
ப்³ரஹ்மணி = in the transcendence
ஸ்தி²த꞉ = situated.
பா³ஹ்யஸ்பர்ஶேஷு = in external sense pleasure
அஸக்தாத்மா = one who is not attached
விந்த³தி = enjoys
ஆத்மனி = in the self
யத் = that which
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
ஸ꞉ = he
ப்³ரஹ்மயோக³ = by concentration in Brahman
யுக்தாத்மா = self-connected
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
அக்ஷயம்ʼ = unlimited
அஶ்னுதே = enjoys.
யே = those
ஹி = certainly
ஸம்ʼஸ்பர்ஶஜா꞉ = by contact with the material senses
போ⁴கா³꞉ = enjoyments
து³꞉க² = distress
யோனய꞉ = sources of
ஏவ = certainly
தே = they are
ஆதி³ = beginning
அந்த = end
வந்த꞉ = subject to
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
ந = never
தேஷு = in those
ரமதே = takes delight
பு³த⁴꞉ = the intelligent person.
ஶக்னோதி = is able
இஹைவ = in the present body
ய꞉ = one who
ஸோடு⁴ம்ʼ = to tolerate
ப்ராக் = before
ஶரீர = the body
விமோக்ஷணாத் = giving up
காம = desire
க்ரோத⁴ = and anger
உத்³ப⁴வம்ʼ = generated from
வேக³ம்ʼ = urges
ஸ꞉ = he
யுக்த꞉ = in trance
ஸ꞉ = he
ஸுகீ² = happy
நர꞉ = human being.
ய꞉ = one who
அந்தர்ஸுக²꞉ = happy from within
அந்தராராம꞉ = actively enjoying within
ததா² = as well as
அந்தர்ஜ்யோதி꞉ = aiming within
ஏவ = certainly
ய꞉ = anyone
ஸ꞉ = he
யோகீ³ = a mystic
ப்³ரஹ்மநிர்வாணம்ʼ = liberation in the Supreme
ப்³ரஹ்மபூ⁴த꞉ = being self-realized
அதி⁴க³ச்ச²தி = attains.
லப⁴ந்தே = achieve
ப்³ரஹ்மநிர்வாணம்ʼ = liberation in the Supreme
ருʼஷய꞉ = those who are active within
க்ஷீணகல்மஷா꞉ = who are devoid of all sins
சி²ன்ன = having torn off
த்³வைதா⁴꞉ = duality
யதாத்மனா꞉ = engaged in self-realization
ஸர்வபூ⁴த = for all living entities
ஹிதே = in welfare work
ரதா꞉ = engaged.
காம = from desires
க்ரோத⁴ = and anger
விமுக்தானாம்ʼ = of those who are liberated
யதீனாம்ʼ = of the saintly persons
யதசேதஸாம்ʼ = who have full control over the mind
அபி⁴த꞉ = assured in the near future
ப்³ரஹ்மநிர்வாணம்ʼ = liberation in the Supreme
வர்ததே = is there
விதி³தாத்மனாம்ʼ = of those who are self-realized.
ஸ்பர்ஶான் = sense objects, such as sound
க்ருʼத்வா = keeping
ப³ஹி꞉ = external
பா³ஹ்யான் = unnecessary
சக்ஷு꞉ = eyes
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
அந்தரே = between
ப்⁴ருவோ꞉ = the eyebrows
ப்ராணாபானௌ = up-and down-moving air
ஸமௌ = in suspension
க்ருʼத்வா = keeping
நாஸாப்⁴யந்தர = within the nostrils
சாரிணௌ = blowing
யத = controlled
இந்த்³ரிய = senses
மன꞉ = mind
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
முனி꞉ = the transcendentalist
மோக்ஷ = for liberation
பராயண꞉ = being so destined
விக³த = having discarded
இச்சா² = wishes
ப⁴ய = fear
க்ரோத⁴꞉ = anger
ய꞉ = one who
ஸதா³ = always
முக்த꞉ = liberated
ஏவ = certainly
ஸ꞉ = he is.
போ⁴க்தாரம்ʼ = the beneficiary
யஜ்ஞ = of sacrifices
தபஸாம்ʼ = and penances and austerities
ஸர்வலோக = of all planets and the demigods thereof
மஹேஶ்வரம்ʼ = the Supreme Lord
ஸுஹ்ருʼத³ம்ʼ = the benefactor
ஸர்வ = of all
பூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = the living entities
ஜ்ஞாத்வா = thus knowing
மாம்ʼ = Me (Lord KRiShNa)
ஶாந்திம்ʼ = relief from material pangs
ருʼச்ச²தி = one achieves.

End of 5.29

ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Lord said
அநாஶ்ரித꞉ = without taking shelter
கர்மப²லம்ʼ = of the result of work
கார்யம்ʼ = obligatory
கர்ம = work
கரோதி = performs
ய꞉ = one who
ஸ꞉ = he
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸீ = in the renounced order
ச = also
யோகீ³ = mystic
ச = also
ந = not
நி꞉ = without
அக்³னி꞉ = fire
ந = nor
ச = also
அக்ரியா꞉ = without duty.
யம்ʼ = what
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸம்ʼ = renunciation
இதி = thus
ப்ராஹு꞉ = they say
யோக³ம்ʼ = linking with the Supreme
தம்ʼ = that
வித்³தி⁴ = you must know
பாண்ட³வ = O son of Pandu
ந = never
ஹி = certainly
அஸம்ʼந்யஸ்த = without giving up
ஸங்கல்ப꞉ = desire for self-satisfaction
யோகீ³ = a mystic transcendentalist
ப⁴வதி = becomes
கஶ்சன = anyone.
ஆருருக்ஷோ꞉ = who has just begun yoga
முனே꞉ = of the sage
யோக³ம்ʼ = the eightfold yoga system
கர்ம = work
காரணம்ʼ = the means
உச்யதே = is said to be
யோக³ = eightfold yoga
ஆரூட⁴ஸ்ய = of one who has attained
தஸ்ய = his
ஏவ = certainly
ஶம꞉ = cessation of all material activities
கரணம்ʼ = the means
உச்யதே = is said to be.
யதா³ = when
ஹி = certainly
ந = not
இந்த்³ரியார்தே²ஷு = in sense gratification
ந = never
கர்மஸு = in fruitive activities
அனுஷஜ்ஜதே = one necessarily engages
ஸர்வஸங்கல்ப = of all material desires
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸீ = renouncer
யோகா³ரூட⁴꞉ = elevated in yoga
ததா³ = at that time
உச்யதே = is said to be.
உத்³த⁴ரேத் = one must deliver
ஆத்மனா = by the mind
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = the conditioned soul
ந = never
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = the conditioned soul
அவஸாத³யேத் = put into degradation
ஆத்மா = mind
ஏவ = certainly
ஹி = indeed
ஆத்மன꞉ = of the conditioned soul
ப³ந்து⁴꞉ = friend
ஆத்மா = mind
ஏவ = certainly
ரிபு꞉ = enemy
ஆத்மன꞉ = of the conditioned soul.
ப³ந்து⁴꞉ = friend
ஆத்மா = the mind
ஆத்மன꞉ = of the living entity
தஸ்ய = of him
யேன = by whom
ஆத்மா = the mind
ஏவ = certainly
ஆத்மனா = by the living entity
ஜித꞉ = conquered
அனாத்மன꞉ = of one who has failed to control the mind
து = but
ஶத்ருத்வே = because of enmity
வர்தேத = remains
ஆத்மைவ = the very mind
ஶத்ருவத் = as an enemy.
ஜிதாத்மன꞉ = of one who has conquered his mind
ப்ரஶாந்தஸ்ய = who has attained tranquillity by such control over the mind
பரமாத்மா = the Supersoul
ஸமாஹித꞉ = approached completely
ஶீத = in cold
உஷ்ண = heat
ஸுக² = happiness
து³꞉கே²ஷு = and distress
ததா² = also
மான = in honor
அபமானயோ꞉ = and dishonor.
ஜ்ஞான = by acquired knowledge
விஜ்ஞான = and realized knowledge
த்ருʼப்த = satisfied
ஆத்மா = a living entity
கூடஸ்த²꞉ = spiritually situated
விஜிதேந்த்³ரிய꞉ = sensually controlled
யுக்த꞉ = competent for self-realization
இதி = thus
உச்யதே = is said
யோகீ³ = a mystic
ஸம = equipoised
லோஷ்ட்ர = pebbles
அஶ்ம = stone
காஞ்சன꞉ = gold.
ஸுஹ்ருʼத் = to well-wishers by nature
மித்ர = benefactors with affection
அரி = enemies
உதா³ஸீன = neutrals between belligerents
மத்⁴யஸ்த² = mediators between belligerents
த்³வேஷ்ய = the envious
ப³ந்து⁴ஷு = and the relatives or well-wishers
ஸாது⁴ஷு = unto the pious
அபி = as well as
ச = and
பாபேஷு = unto the sinners
ஸமபு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = having equal intelligence
விஶிஷ்யதே = is far advanced.
யோகீ³ = a transcendentalist
யுஞ்ஜீத = must concentrate in KRiShNa consciousness
ஸததம்ʼ = constantly
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = himself (by body, mind and self)
ரஹஸி = in a secluded place
ஸ்தி²த꞉ = being situated
ஏகாகீ = alone
யதசித்தாத்மா = always careful in mind
நிராஶீ꞉ = without being attracted by anything else
அபரிக்³ரஹ꞉ = free from the feeling of possessiveness.
ஶுசௌ = in a sanctified
தே³ஶே = land
ப்ரதிஷ்டா²ப்ய = placing
ஸ்தி²ரம்ʼ = firm
ஆஸனம்ʼ = seat
ஆத்மன꞉ = his own
ந = not
அதி = too
உச்ச்²ரிதம்ʼ = high
ந = nor
அதி = too
நீசம்ʼ = low
சைலாஜின = of soft cloth and deerskin
குஶ = and kusa grass
உத்தரம்ʼ = covering
தத்ர = thereupon
ஏகாக்³ரம்ʼ = with one attention
மன꞉ = mind
க்ருʼத்வா = making
யதசித்த = controlling the mind
இந்த்³ரிய = senses
க்ரிய꞉ = and activities
உபவிஶ்ய = sitting
ஆஸனே = on the seat
யுஞ்ஜ்யாத் = should execute
யோக³ம்ʼ = yoga practice
ஆத்மா = the heart
விஶுத்³த⁴யே = for clarifying.
ஸமம்ʼ = straight
காய = body
ஶிர꞉ = head
க்³ரீவம்ʼ = neck
தா⁴ரயன் = holding
அசலம்ʼ = unmoving
ஸ்தி²ர꞉ = still
ஸம்ப்ரேக்ஷ்ய = looking
நாஸிகா = of the nose
அக்³ரம்ʼ = at the tip
ஸ்வம்ʼ = own
தி³ஶ꞉ = on all sides
ச = also
அனவலோகயான் = not looking
ப்ரஶாந்த = unagitated
ஆத்மா = mind
விக³தபீ⁴꞉ = devoid of fear
ப்³ரஹ்மசாரிவ்ரதே = in the vow of celibacy
ஸ்தி²த꞉ = situated
மன꞉ = mind
ஸம்ʼயம்ய = completely subduing
மத் = upon Me (KRiShNa)
சித்த꞉ = concentrating the mind
யுக்த꞉ = the actual yogi
ஆஸீத = should sit
மத் = Me
பர꞉ = the ultimate goal.
யுஞ்ஜன் = practicing
ஏவம்ʼ = as mentioned above
ஸதா³ = constantly
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = body, mind and soul
யோகீ³ = the mystic transcendentalist
நியதமனஸ꞉ = with a regulated mind
ஶாந்திம்ʼ = peace
நிர்வாணபரமாம்ʼ = cessation of material existence
மத்ஸம்ʼஸ்தா²ம்ʼ = the spiritual sky (the kingdom of God)
அதி⁴க³ச்ச²தி = does attain.
ந = never
அதி = too much
அஶ்னத꞉ = of one who eats
து = but
யோக³꞉ = linking with the Supreme
அஸ்தி = there is
ந = nor
ச = also
ஏகாந்தம்ʼ = overly
அனஶ்னத꞉ = abstaining from eating
ந = nor
ச = also
அதி = too much
ஸ்வப்னஶீலஸ்ய = of one who sleeps
ஜக்³ரத꞉ = or one who keeps night watch too much
ந = not
ஏவ = ever
ச = and
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna.
யுக்த = regulated
ஆஹார = eating
விஹாரஸ்ய = recreation
யுக்த = regulated
சேஷ்டஸ்ய = of one who works for maintenance
கர்மஸு = in discharging duties
யுக்த = regulated
ஸ்வப்னாவபோ³த⁴ஸ்ய = sleep and wakefulness
யோக³꞉ = practice of yoga
ப⁴வதி = becomes
து³꞉க²ஹா = diminishing pains.
யதா³ = when
விநியதம்ʼ = particularly disciplined
சித்தம்ʼ = the mind and its activities
ஆத்மனி = in the transcendence
ஏவ = certainly
அவதிஷ்ட²தே = becomes situated
நிஸ்ப்ருʼஹ꞉ = devoid of desire
ஸர்வ = for all kinds of
காமேப்⁴ய꞉ = material sense gratification
யுக்த꞉ = well situated in yoga
இதி = thus
உச்யதே = is said to be
ததா³ = at that time.
யதா² = as
தீ³ப꞉ = a lamp
நிவாதஸ்த²꞉ = in a place without wind
ந = does not
இங்க³தே = waver
ஸா = this
உபமா = comparison
ஸ்ம்ருʼதா = is considered
யோகி³ன꞉ = of the yogi
யதசித்தஸ்ய = whose mind is controlled
யுஞ்ஜத꞉ = constantly engaged
யோக³ம்ʼ = in meditation
ஆத்மன꞉ = on transcendence.
யத்ர = in that state of affairs where
உபரமதே = cease (because one feels transcendental happiness)
சித்தம்ʼ = mental activities
நிருத்³த⁴ம்ʼ = being restrained from matter
யோக³ஸேவயா = by performance of yoga
யத்ர = in which
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
ஆத்மனா = by the pure mind
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = the self
பஶ்யன் = realizing the position of
ஆத்மனி = in the self
துஷ்யதி = one becomes satisfied
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
ஆத்யந்திகம்ʼ = supreme
யத் = which
தத் = that
பு³த்³தி⁴ = by intelligence
க்³ராஹ்யம்ʼ = accessible
அதீந்த்³ரியம்ʼ = transcendental
வேத்தி = one knows
யத்ர = wherein
ந = never
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
அயம்ʼ = he
ஸ்தி²த꞉ = situated
சலதி = moves
தத்த்வத꞉ = from the truth
யம்ʼ = that which
லப்³த்⁴வா = by attainment
ச = also
அபரம்ʼ = any other
லாப⁴ம்ʼ = gain
மன்யதே = considers
ந = never
அதி⁴கம்ʼ = more
தத꞉ = than that
யஸ்மின் = in which
ஸ்தி²த꞉ = being situated
ந = never
து³꞉கே²ன = by miseries
கு³ருணாபி = even though very difficult
விசால்யதே = becomes shaken
தம்ʼ = that
வித்³யாத் = you must know
து³꞉க²ஸம்ʼயோக³ = of the miseries of material contact
வியோக³ம்ʼ = extermination
யோக³ஸஞ்ஜ்ஞிதம்ʼ = called trance in yoga.
ஸ꞉ = that
நிஶ்சயேன = with firm determination
யோக்தவ்ய꞉ = must be practiced
யோக³꞉ = yoga system
அநிர்விண்ணசேதஸ = without deviation
ஸங்கல்ப = mental speculations
ப்ரப⁴வான் = born of
காமான் = material desires
த்யக்த்வா = giving up
ஸர்வான் = all
அஶேஷத꞉ = completely
மனஸா = by the mind
ஏவ = certainly
இந்த்³ரியக்³ராமம்ʼ = the full set of senses
விநியம்ய = regulating
ஸமந்தத꞉ = from all sides.
ஶனை꞉ = gradually
ஶனை꞉ = step by step
உபரமேத் = one should hold back
பு³த்³த்⁴யா = by intelligence
த்⁴ருʼதிக்³ருʼஹீதயா = carried by conviction
ஆத்மஸம்ʼஸ்த²ம்ʼ = placed in transcendence
மன꞉ = mind
க்ருʼத்வா = making
ந = not
கிஞ்சித் = anything else
அபி = even
சிந்தயேத் = should think of.
யதஸ்யத꞉ = wherever
நிஶ்சலதி = becomes verily agitated
மன꞉ = the mind
சஞ்சலம்ʼ = flickering
அஸ்தி²ரம்ʼ = unsteady
ததஸ்தத꞉ = from there
நியம்ய = regulating
ஏதத் = this
ஆத்மனி = in the self
ஏவ = certainly
வஶம்ʼ = control
நயேத் = must bring under.
ப்ரஶாந்த = peaceful, fixed on the lotus feet of KRiShNa
மனஸம்ʼ = whose mind
ஹி = certainly
ஏனம்ʼ = this
யோகி³னம்ʼ = yogi
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
உத்தமம்ʼ = the highest
உபைதி = attains
ஶாந்தரஜஸம்ʼ = his passion pacified
ப்³ரஹ்மபூ⁴தம்ʼ = liberation by identification with the Absolute
அகல்மஷம்ʼ = freed from all past sinful reactions.
யுஞ்ஜன் = engaging in yoga practice
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
ஸதா³ = always
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = the self
யோகீ³ = one who is in touch with the Supreme Self
விக³த = freed from
கல்மஷ꞉ = all material contamination
ஸுகே²ன = in transcendental happiness
ப்³ரஹ்மஸம்ʼஸ்பர்ஶம்ʼ = being in constant touch with the Supreme
அத்யந்தம்ʼ = the highest
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
அஶ்னுதே = attains.
ஸர்வபூ⁴தஸ்த²ம்ʼ = situated in all beings
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = the Supersoul
ஸர்வ = all
பூ⁴தானீ = entities
ச = also
ஆத்மனி = in the self
ஈக்ஷதே = does see
யோக³யுக்தாத்மா = one who is dovetailed in KRiShNa consciousness
ஸர்வத்ர = everywhere
ஸமத³ர்ஶன꞉ = seeing equally.
ய꞉ = whoever
மாம்ʼ = Me
பஶ்யதி = sees
ஸர்வத்ர = everywhere
ஸர்வம்ʼ = everything
ச = and
மயி = in Me
பஶ்யதி = sees
தஸ்ய = for him
அஹம்ʼ = I
ந = not
ப்ரணஶ்யாமி = am lost
ஸ꞉ = he
ச = also
மே = to Me
ந = nor
ப்ரணஶ்யதி = is lost.
ஸர்வபூ⁴தஸ்தி²தம்ʼ = situated in everyone’s heart
ய꞉ = he who
மாம்ʼ = Me
ப⁴ஜதி = serves in devotional service
ஏகத்வம்ʼ = in oneness
ஆஸ்தி²த꞉ = situated
ஸர்வதா² = in all respects
வர்தமான꞉ = being situated
அபி = in spite of
ஸ꞉ = he
யோகீ³ = the transcendentalist
மயி = in Me
வர்ததே = remains.
ஆத்மா = with his self
ஔபம்யேன = by comparison
ஸர்வத்ர = everywhere
ஸமம்ʼ = equally
பஶ்யதி = sees
ய꞉ = he who
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
வா = or
யதி³ = if
வா = or
து³꞉க²ம்ʼ = distress
ஸ꞉ = such
யோகீ³ = a transcendentalist
பரம꞉ = perfect
மத꞉ = is considered.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
யோ(அ)யம்ʼ = this system
யோக³꞉ = mysticism
த்வயா = by You
ப்ரோக்த꞉ = described
ஸாம்யேன = generally
மது⁴ஸூத³ன = O killer of the demon Madhu
ஏதஸ்ய = of this
அஹம்ʼ = I
ந = do not
பஶ்யாமி = see
சஞ்சலத்வாத் = due to being restless
ஸ்தி²திம்ʼ = situation
ஸ்தி²ராம்ʼ = stable.
சஞ்சலம்ʼ = flickering
ஹி = certainly
மன꞉ = mind
க்ருʼஷ்ண = O KRiShNa
ப்ரமாதி² = agitating
ப³லவத் = strong
த்³ருʼட⁴ம்ʼ = obstinate
தஸ்ய = its
அஹம்ʼ = I
நிக்³ரஹம்ʼ = subduing
மன்யே = think
வாயோ꞉ = of the wind
இவ = like
ஸுது³ஷ்கரம்ʼ = difficult.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Personality of Godhead said
அஸம்ʼஶயம்ʼ = undoubtedly
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed one
மன꞉ = the mind
து³ர்நிக்³ரஹம்ʼ = difficult to curb
சலம்ʼ = flickering
அப்⁴யாஸேன = by practice
து = but
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
வைராக்³யேண = by detachment
ச = also
க்³ருʼஹ்யதே = can be so controlled.
அஸம்ʼயதா = unbridled
ஆத்மனா = by the mind
யோக³꞉ = self-realization
து³ஷ்ப்ராப꞉ = difficult to obtain
இதி = thus
மே = My
மதி꞉ = opinion
வஶ்ய = controlled
ஆத்மனா = by the mind
து = but
யததா = while endeavoring
ஶக்ய꞉ = practical
அவாப்தும்ʼ = to achieve
உபாயத꞉ = by appropriate means.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
அயதி꞉ = the unsuccessful transcendentalist
ஶ்ரத்³த⁴யா = with faith
உபேத꞉ = engaged
யோகா³த் = from the mystic link
சலித = deviated
மானஸ꞉ = who has such a mind
அப்ராப்ய = failing to attain
யோக³ஸம்ʼஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = the highest perfection in mysticism
காம்ʼ = which
க³திம்ʼ = destination
க்ருʼஷ்ண = O KRiShNa
க³ச்ச²தி = achieves.
கச்சித் = whether
ந = not
உப⁴ய = both
விப்⁴ரஷ்ட꞉ = deviated from
சி²ன்ன = torn
அப்⁴ரம்ʼ = cloud
இவ = like
நஶ்யதி = perishes
அப்ரதிஷ்ட²꞉ = without any position
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed KRiShNa
விமூட⁴꞉ = bewildered
ப்³ரஹ்மண꞉ = of transcendence
பதி² = on the path.
ஏதத் = this is
மே = my
ஸம்ʼஶயம்ʼ = doubt
க்ருʼஷ்ண = O KRiShNa
சே²த்தும்ʼ = to dispel
அர்ஹஸி = You are requested
அஶேஷத꞉ = completely
த்வத் = than You
அன்ய꞉ = other
ஸம்ʼஶயஸ்ய = of the doubt
அஸ்ய = this
சே²த்தா = remover
ந = never
ஹி = certainly
உபபத்³யதே = is to be found.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
நைவ = never is it so
இஹ = in this material world
ந = never
அமுத்ர = in the next life
விநாஶ꞉ = destruction
தஸ்ய = his
வித்³யதே = exists
ந = never
ஹி = certainly
கல்யாணக்ருʼத் = one who is engaged in auspicious activities
கஶ்சித் = anyone
து³ர்க³திம்ʼ = to degradation
தாத = My friend
க³ச்ச²தி = goes.
ப்ராப்ய = after achieving
புண்யக்ருʼதம்ʼ = of those who performed pious activities
லோகான் = planets
உஷித்வா = after dwelling
ஶாஶ்வதீ꞉ = many
ஸமா꞉ = years
ஶுசீனாம்ʼ = of the pious
ஶ்ரீமதம்ʼ = of the prosperous
கே³ஹே = in the house
யோக³ப்⁴ரஷ்ட꞉ = one who has fallen from the path of self-realization
அபி⁴ஜாயதே = takes his birth.
அத²வா = or
யோகி³னாம்ʼ = of learned transcendentalists
ஏவ = certainly
குலே = in the family
ப⁴வதி = takes birth
தீ⁴மதாம்ʼ = of those who are endowed with great wisdom
ஏதத் = this
ஹி = certainly
து³ர்லப⁴தரம்ʼ = very rare
லோகே = in this world
ஜன்ம = birth
யத் = that which
ஈத்³ருʼஷம்ʼ = like this.
தத்ர = thereupon
தம்ʼ = that
பு³த்³தி⁴ஸம்ʼயோக³ம்ʼ = revival of consciousness
லப⁴தே = gains
பௌர்வதே³ஹிகம்ʼ = from the previous body
யததே = he endeavors
ச = also
தத꞉ = thereafter
பூ⁴ய꞉ = again
ஸம்ʼஸித்³தௌ⁴ = for perfection
குருநந்த³ன = O son of Kuru.
பூர்வ = previous
அப்⁴யாஸேன = by practice
தேன = by that
ஏவ = certainly
ஹ்ரியதே = is attracted
ஹி = surely
அவஶ꞉ = automatically
அபி = also
ஸ꞉ = he
ஜிஜ்ஞாஸு꞉ = inquisitive
அபி = even
யோக³ஸ்ய = about yoga
ஶப்³த³ப்³ரஹ்ம = ritualistic principles of scriptures
அதிவர்ததே = transcends.
ப்ரயத்னாத் = by rigid practice
யதமான꞉ = endeavoring
து = and
யோகீ³ = such a transcendentalist
ஸம்ʼஶுத்³த⁴ = washed off
கில்பி³ஷ꞉ = all of whose sins
அனேக = after many, many
ஜன்ம = births
ஸம்ʼஸித்³த⁴꞉ = having achieved perfection
தத꞉ = thereafter
யாதி = attains
பராம்ʼ = the highest
க³திம்ʼ = destination.
தபஸ்விப்⁴ய꞉ = than the ascetics
அதி⁴க꞉ = greater
யோகீ³ = the yogi
ஜ்ஞானிப்⁴ய꞉ = than the wise
அபி = also
மத꞉ = considered
அதி⁴க꞉ = greater
கர்மிப்⁴ய꞉ = than the fruitive workers
ச = also
அதி⁴க꞉ = greater
யோகீ³ = the yogi
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
யோகீ³ = a transcendentalist
ப⁴வ = just become
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna.
யோகி³னாம்ʼ = of yogis
அபி = also
ஸர்வேஷாம்ʼ = all types of
மத்³க³தேன = abiding in Me, always thinking of Me
அந்தராத்மனா = within himself
ஶ்ரத்³தா⁴வான் = in full faith
ப⁴ஜதே = renders transcendental loving service
ய꞉ = one who
மாம்ʼ = to Me (the Supreme Lord)
ஸ꞉ = he
மே = by Me
யுக்ததம꞉ = the greatest yogi
மத꞉ = is considered.

End of 6.47

ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Lord said
மயி = to Me
ஆஸக்தமனா꞉ = mind attached
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
யோக³ம்ʼ = self-realization
யுஞ்ஜன் = practicing
மதா³ஶ்ரய꞉ = in consciousness of Me (KRiShNa consciousness)
அஸம்ʼஶயம்ʼ = without doubt
ஸமக்³ரம்ʼ = completely
மாம்ʼ = Me
யதா² = how
ஜ்ஞாஸ்யஸி = you can know
தத் = that
ஶ்ருʼணு = try to hear.
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = phenomenal knowledge
தே = unto you
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஸ = with
விஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = numinous knowledge
இத³ம்ʼ = this
வக்ஷ்யாமி = shall explain
அஶேஷத꞉ = in full
யத் = which
ஜ்ஞாத்வா = knowing
ந = not
இஹ = in this world
பூ⁴ய꞉ = further
அன்யத் = anything more
ஜ்ஞாதவ்யம்ʼ = knowable
அவஶிஷ்யதே = remains.
மனுஷ்யாணாம்ʼ = of men
ஸஹஸ்ரேஷு = out of many thousands
கஶ்சித் = someone
யததி = endeavors
ஸித்³த⁴யே = for perfection
யததாம்ʼ = of those so endeavoring
அபி = indeed
ஸித்³தா⁴னாம்ʼ = of those who have achieved perfection
கஶ்சித் = someone
மாம்ʼ = Me
வேத்தி = does know
தத்த்வத꞉ = in fact.
பூ⁴மி꞉ = earth
ஆப꞉ = water
அனல꞉ = fire
வாயு꞉ = air
க²ம்ʼ = ether
மன꞉ = mind
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
ஏவ = certainly
ச = and
அஹங்கார꞉ = false ego
இதி = thus
இயம்ʼ = all these
மே = My
பி⁴ன்னா = separated
ப்ரக்ருʼதி꞉ = energies
அஷ்டதா⁴ = eightfold.
அபரா = inferior
இயம்ʼ = this
இத꞉ = besides this
து = but
அன்யாம்ʼ = another
ப்ரக்ருʼதிம்ʼ = energy
வித்³தி⁴ = just try to understand
மே = My
பரம்ʼ = superior
ஜிவபூ⁴தாம்ʼ = comprising the living entities
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed one
யயா = by whom
இத³ம்ʼ = this
தா⁴ர்யதே = is utilized or exploited
ஜக³த் = the material world.
ஏதத் = these two natures
யோனீனி = whose source of birth
பூ⁴தானி = everything created
ஸர்வாணி = all
இதி = thus
உபதா⁴ரய = know
அஹம்ʼ = I
க்ருʼத்ஸ்னஸ்ய = all-inclusive
ஜக³த꞉ = of the world
ப்ரப⁴வ꞉ = the source of manifestation
ப்ரலய꞉ = annihilation
ததா² = as well as.
மத்த꞉ = beyond Me
பரதரம்ʼ = superior
ந = not
அன்யத் கிஞ்சித் = anything else
அஸ்தி = there is
த⁴னஞ்ஜய = O conqueror of wealth
மயி = in Me
ஸர்வம்ʼ = all that be
இத³ம்ʼ = which we see
ப்ரோதம்ʼ = is strung
ஸூத்ரே = on a thread
மணிக³ணா꞉ = pearls
இவ = like.
ரஸ꞉ = taste
அஹம்ʼ = I
அப்ஸு = in water
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
ப்ரபா⁴ = the light
அஸ்மி = I am
ஶஶிஸூர்யயோ꞉ = of the moon and the sun
ப்ரணவ꞉ = the three letters a-u-m
ஸர்வ = in all
வேதே³ஷு = the Vedas
ஶப்³த³꞉ = sound vibration
கே² = in the ether
பௌருஷம்ʼ = ability
ந்ருʼஷு = in men.
புண்ய꞉ = original
க³ந்த⁴꞉ = fragrance
ப்ருʼதி²வ்யாம்ʼ = in the earth
ச = also
தேஜ꞉ = heat
ச = also
அஸ்மி = I am
விபா⁴வஸௌ = in the fire
ஜீவனம்ʼ = life
ஸர்வ = in all
பூ⁴தேஷு = living entities
தப꞉ = penance
ச = also
அஸ்மி = I am
தபஸ்விஷு = in those who practice penance.
பீ³ஜம்ʼ = the seed
மாம்ʼ = Me
ஸர்வபூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = of all living entities
வித்³தி⁴ = try to understand
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ஸனாதனம்ʼ = original, eternal
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
பு³த்³தி⁴மதாம்ʼ = of the intelligent
அஸ்மி = I am
தேஜ꞉ = prowess
தேஜஸ்வினாம்ʼ = of the powerful
அஹம்ʼ = I am.
ப³லம்ʼ = strength
ப³லவதாம்ʼ = of the strong
ச = and
அஹம்ʼ = I am
காம = passion
ராக³ = and attachment
விவர்ஜிதம்ʼ = devoid of
த⁴ர்மாவிருத்³த⁴꞉ = not against religious principles
பூ⁴தேஷு = in all beings
காம꞉ = sex life
அஸ்மி = I am
ப⁴ரதர்ஷப⁴ = O lord of the Bharatas.
யே = all which
ச = and
ஏவ = certainly
ஸாத்த்விகா꞉ = in goodness
பா⁴வ꞉ = states of being
ராஜஸ꞉ = in the mode of passion
தாமஸா꞉ = in the mode of ignorance
ச = also
யே = all which
மத்த꞉ = from Me
ஏவ = certainly
இதி = thus
தான் = those
வித்³தி⁴ = try to know
ந = not
து = but
அஹம்ʼ = I
தேஷு = in them
தே = they
மயி = in Me.
த்ரிபி⁴꞉ = three
கு³ணமயை꞉ = consisting of the gunas
பா⁴வை꞉ = by the states of being
ஏபி⁴꞉ = all these
ஸர்வம்ʼ = whole
இத³ம்ʼ = this
ஜக³த் = universe
மோஹிதம்ʼ = deluded
நாபி⁴ஜானாதி = does not know
மாம்ʼ = Me
ஏப்⁴ய꞉ = above these
பரம்ʼ = the Supreme
அவ்யயம்ʼ = inexhaustible.
தை³வீ = transcendental
ஹி = certainly
ஏஷா = this
கு³ணமயீ = consisting of the three modes of material nature
மம = My
மாயா = energy
து³ரத்யயா = very difficult to overcome
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ஏவ = certainly
யே = those who
ப்ரபத்³யந்தே = surrender
மாயாமேதாம்ʼ = this illusory energy
தரந்தி = overcome
தே = they.
ந = not
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
து³ஷ்க்ருʼதின꞉ = miscreants
மூட⁴꞉ = foolish
ப்ரபத்³யந்தே = surrender
நராத⁴மா꞉ = lowest among mankind
மாயயா = by the illusory energy
அபஹ்ருʼத = stolen
ஜ்ஞான꞉ = whose knowledge
ஆஸுரம்ʼ = demonic
பா⁴வம்ʼ = nature
ஆஶ்ரிதா꞉ = accepting.
சதுர்விதா⁴꞉ = four kinds of
ப⁴ஜந்தே = render services
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ஜனா꞉ = persons
ஸுக்ருʼதின꞉ = those who are pious
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
ஆர்த꞉ = the distressed
ஜிஜ்ஞாஸு꞉ = the inquisitive
அர்தா²ர்தீ² = one who desires material gain
ஜ்ஞானீ = one who knows things as they are
ச = also
ப⁴ரதர்ஷப⁴ = O great one amongst the descendants of Bharata.
தேஷாம்ʼ = out of them
ஜ்ஞானீ = one in full knowledge
நித்யயுக்த꞉ = always engaged
ஏக = only
ப⁴க்தி꞉ = in devotional service
விஶிஷ்யதே = is special
ப்ரிய꞉ = very dear
ஹி = certainly
ஜ்ஞானின꞉ = to the person in knowledge
அத்யர்த²ம்ʼ = highly
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ஸ꞉ = he
ச = also
மம = to Me
ப்ரிய꞉ = dear.
உதா³ரா꞉ = magnanimous
ஸர்வ = all
ஏவ = certainly
ஏதே = these
ஜ்ஞானீ = one who is in knowledge
து = but
ஆத்மைவ = just like Myself
மே = My
மதம்ʼ = opinion
ஆஸ்தி²த꞉ = situated
ஸ꞉ = he
ஹி = certainly
யுக்தாத்மா = engaged in devotional service
மாம்ʼ = in Me
ஏவ = certainly
அனுத்தமாம்ʼ = the highest
க³திம்ʼ = destination.
ப³ஹூனாம்ʼ = many
ஜன்மனாம்ʼ = repeated births and deaths
அந்தே = after
ஜ்ஞானவான் = one who is in full knowledge
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ப்ரபத்³யதே = surrenders
வாஸுதே³வ꞉ = the Personality of Godhead, KRiShNa
ஸர்வம்ʼ = everything
இதி = thus
ஸ꞉ = that
மஹாத்மா = great soul
ஸுது³ர்லப⁴꞉ = very rare to see.
காமை꞉ = by desires
தைஸ்தை꞉ = various
ஹ்ருʼத = deprived of
ஜ்ஞானா꞉ = knowledge
ப்ரபத்³யந்தே = surrender
அன்ய = to other
தே³வதா꞉ = demigods
தம்ʼ தம்ʼ = corresponding
நியமம்ʼ = regulations
ஆஸ்தா²ய = following
ப்ரக்ருʼத்யா = by nature
நியதா꞉ = controlled
ஸ்வயா = by their own.
யஸ்ய = whoever
யாம்ʼ யாம்ʼ = whichever
தனும்ʼ = form of a demigod
ப⁴க்த꞉ = devotee
ஶ்ரத்³த⁴யா = with faith
அர்சிதும்ʼ = to worship
இச்ச²தி = desires
தஸ்ய தஸ்ய = to him
அசலம்ʼ = steady
ஶ்ரத்³தா⁴ம்ʼ = faith
தாம்ʼ = that
ஏவ = surely
வித³தா⁴மி = give
அஹம்ʼ = I.
ஸ꞉ = he
தயா = with that
ஶ்ரத்³த⁴யா = inspiration
யுக்த꞉ = endowed
தஸ்ய = of that demigod
ஆராத⁴னம்ʼ = for the worship
ஈஹதே = he aspires
லப⁴தே = obtains
ச = and
தத꞉ = from that
காமான் = his desires
மயா = by Me
ஏவ = alone
விஹிதான் = arranged
ஹி = certainly
தான் = those.
அந்தவத் = perishable
து = but
ப²லம்ʼ = fruit
தேஷாம்ʼ = their
தத் = that
ப⁴வதி = becomes
அல்பமேத⁴ஸாம்ʼ = of those of small intelligence
தே³வான் = to the demigods
தே³வயஜ꞉ = the worshipers of the demigods
யாந்தி = go
மத் = My
ப⁴க்தா꞉ = devotees
யாந்தி = go
மாம்ʼ = to Me
அபி = also.
அவ்யக்தம்ʼ = nonmanifested
வ்யக்திம்ʼ = personality
ஆபன்னம்ʼ = achieved
மன்யந்தே = think
மாம்ʼ = Me
அபு³த்³த⁴ய꞉ = less intelligent persons
பரம்ʼ = supreme
பா⁴வம்ʼ = existence
அஜானந்த꞉ = without knowing
மம = My
அவ்யயம்ʼ = imperishable
அனுத்தமம்ʼ = the finest.
ந = nor
அஹம்ʼ = I
ப்ரகாஶ꞉ = manifest
ஸர்வஸ்ய = to everyone
யோக³மாயா = by internal potency
ஸமாவ்ருʼத꞉ = covered
மூட⁴꞉ = foolish
அயம்ʼ = these
ந = not
அபி⁴ஜானாதி = can understand
லோக꞉ = persons
மாம்ʼ = Me
அஜம்ʼ = unborn
அவ்யயம்ʼ = inexhaustible.
வேத³ = know
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஸமதீதானி = completely past
வர்தமானானி = present
ச = and
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
ப⁴விஷ்யாணி = future
ச = also
பூ⁴தானீ = all living entities
மாம்ʼ = Me
து = but
வேத³ = knows
ந = not
கஶ்சன = anyone.
இச்சா² = desire
த்³வேஷ = and hate
ஸமுத்தே²ன = arisen from
த்³வந்த்³வ = of duality
மோஹேன = by the illusion
பா⁴ரத = O scion of Bharata
ஸர்வ = all
பூ⁴தானீ = living entities
ஸம்மோஹம்ʼ = into delusion
ஸர்கே³ = while taking birth
யாந்தி = go
பரந்தப = O conqueror of enemies.
யேஷாம்ʼ = whose
து = but
அந்தக³தம்ʼ = completely eradicated
பாபம்ʼ = sin
ஜனானாம்ʼ = of the persons
புண்ய = pious
கர்மணாம்ʼ = whose previous activities
தே = they
த்³வந்த்³வ = of duality
மோஹ = delusion
நிர்முக்தா꞉ = free from
ப⁴ஜந்தே = engage in devotional service
மாம்ʼ = to Me
த்³ருʼட⁴வ்ரதா꞉ = with determination.
ஜரா = from old age
மரண = and death
மோக்ஷாய = for the purpose of liberation
மாம்ʼ = Me
ஆஶ்ரித்ய = taking shelter of
யதந்தி = endeavor
யே = all those who
தே = such persons
ப்³ரஹ்ம = Brahman
தத் = actually that
விது³꞉ = they know
க்ருʼத்ஸ்னம்ʼ = everything
அத்⁴யாத்மம்ʼ = transcendental
கர்ம = activities
ச = also
அகி²லம்ʼ = entirely.
ஸாதி⁴பூ⁴த = and the governing principle of the material manifestation
அதி⁴தை³வம்ʼ = governing all the demigods
மாம்ʼ = Me
ஸாதி⁴யஜ்ஞம்ʼ = and governing all sacrifices
ச = also
யே = those who
விது³꞉ = know
ப்ரயாண = of death
காலே = at the time
அபி = even
ச = and
மாம்ʼ = Me
தே = they
விது³꞉ = know
யுக்தசேதஸ꞉ = their minds engaged in Me.

End of 7.30

அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
கிம்ʼ = what
தத் = that
ப்³ரஹ்ம = Brahman
கிம்ʼ = what
அத்⁴யாத்மம்ʼ = the self
கிம்ʼ = what
கர்ம = fruitive activities
புருஷோத்தம = O Supreme Person
அதி⁴பூ⁴தம்ʼ = the material manifestation
ச = and
கிம்ʼ = what
ப்ரோக்தம்ʼ = is called
அதி⁴தை³வம்ʼ = the demigods
கிம்ʼ = what
உச்யதே = is called.
அதி⁴யஜ்ஞ꞉ = the Lord of sacrifice
கத²ம்ʼ = how
க꞉ = who
அத்ர = here
தே³ஹே = in the body
அஸ்மின் = this
மது⁴ஸூத³ன = O Madhusudana
ப்ரயாணகாலே = at the time of death
ச = and
கத²ம்ʼ = how
ஜ்ஞேயோஸி = You can be known
நியதாத்மபி⁴꞉ = by the self-controlled.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
அக்ஷரம்ʼ = indestructible
ப்³ரஹ்ம = Brahman
பரமம்ʼ = transcendental
ஸ்வபா⁴வ꞉ = eternal nature
அத்⁴யாத்மம்ʼ = the self
உச்யதே = is called
பூ⁴தபா⁴வோத்³ப⁴வகர꞉ = producing the material bodies of the living entities
விஸர்க³꞉ = creation
கர்ம = fruitive activities
ஸஞ்ஜ்ஞித꞉ = is called.
அதி⁴பூ⁴தம்ʼ = the physical manifestation
க்ஷர꞉ = constantly changing
பா⁴வ꞉ = nature
புருஷ꞉ = the universal form
ச = and
அதி⁴தை³வதம்ʼ = called adhidaiva
அதி⁴யஜ்ஞ꞉ = the Supersoul
அஹம்ʼ = I (KRiShNa)
ஏவ = certainly
அத்ர = in this
தே³ஹே = body
தே³ஹப்⁴ருʼதாம்ʼ = of the embodied
வர = O best.
அந்தகாலே = at the end of life
ச = also
மாம்ʼ = Me
ஏவ = certainly
ஸ்மரன் = remembering
முக்த்வா = quitting
கலேவரம்ʼ = the body
ய꞉ = he who
ப்ரயாதி = goes
ஸ꞉ = he
மத்³பா⁴வம்ʼ = My nature
யாதி = achieves
ந = not
அஸ்தி = there is
அத்ர = here
ஸம்ʼஶய꞉ = doubt.
யம்ʼ யம்ʼ = whatever
வாபி = at all
ஸ்மரன் = remembering
பா⁴வம்ʼ = nature
த்யஜதி = gives up
அந்தே = at the end
கலேவரம்ʼ = this body
தம்ʼ தம்ʼ = similar
ஏவ = certainly
ஏதி = gets
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
ஸதா³ = always
தத் = that
பா⁴வ = state of being
பா⁴விதா꞉ = remembering.
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
ஸர்வேஷு = at all
காலேஷு = times
மாம்ʼ = Me
அனுஸ்மர = go on remembering
யுத்⁴ய = fight
ச = also
மயி = unto Me
அர்பித = surrendering
மன꞉ = mind
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intellect
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ஏவ = surely
ஏஷ்யஸி = you will attain
அஸம்ʼஶய꞉ = beyond a doubt.
அப்⁴யாஸயோக³ = by practice
யுக்தேன = being engaged in meditation
சேதஸா = by the mind and intelligence
நான்யகா³மினா = without their being deviated
பரமம்ʼ = the Supreme
புருஷம்ʼ = Personality of Godhead
தி³வ்யம்ʼ = transcendental
யாதி = one achieves
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
அனுசிந்தயன் = constantly thinking of.
கவிம்ʼ = the one who knows everything
புராணம்ʼ = the oldest
அனுஶாஸிதாரம்ʼ = the controller
அணோ꞉ = than the atom
அணீயாம்ʼஸம்ʼ = smaller
அனுஸ்மரேத் = always thinks of
ய꞉ = one who
ஸர்வஸ்ய = of everything
தா⁴தாரம்ʼ = the maintainer
அசிந்த்ய = inconceivable
ரூபம்ʼ = whose form
ஆதி³த்யவர்ணம்ʼ = luminous like the sun
தமஸ꞉ = to darkness
பரஸ்தாத் = transcendental.
ப்ரயாணகாலே = at the time of death
மனஸா = by the mind
அசலேன = without its being deviated
ப⁴க்த்யா = in full devotion
யுக்த꞉ = engaged
யோக³ப³லேன = by the power of mystic yoga
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
ப்⁴ருவோ꞉ = the two eyebrows
மத்⁴யே = between
ப்ராணம்ʼ = the life air
ஆவேஶ்ய = establishing
ஸம்யக் = completely
ஸ꞉ = he
தம்ʼ = that
பரம்ʼ = transcendental
புருஷம்ʼ = Personality of Godhead
உபைதி = achieves
தி³வ்யம்ʼ = in the spiritual kingdom.
யத் = that which
அக்ஷரம்ʼ = syllable om
வேத³வித³꞉ = persons conversant with the Vedas
வத³ந்தி = say
விஶந்தி = enter
யத் = in which
யதய꞉ = great sages
வீதராகா³꞉ = in the renounced order of life
யத் = that which
இச்ச²ந்த꞉ = desiring
ப்³ரஹ்மசர்யம்ʼ = celibacy
சரந்தி = practice
தத் = that
தே = unto you
பத³ம்ʼ = situation
ஸங்க்³ரஹேண = in summary
ப்ரவக்ஷ்யே = I shall explain.
ஸர்வத்³வாராணி = all the doors of the body
ஸம்ʼயம்ய = controlling
மன꞉ = the mind
ஹ்ருʼதி³ = in the heart
நிருத்⁴ய = confining
ச = also
மூர்த்⁴னி = on the head
ஆதா⁴ய = fixing
ஆத்மன꞉ = of the soul
ப்ராணம்ʼ = the life air
ஆஸ்தி²த꞉ = situated in
யோக³தா⁴ரணாம்ʼ = the yogic situation.
ௐ = the combination of letters om (omkara)
இதி = thus
ஏகாக்ஷரம்ʼ = the one syllable
ப்³ரஹ்ம = absolute
வ்யாஹரன் = vibrating
மாம்ʼ = Me (KRiShNa)
அனுஸ்மரன் = remembering
ய꞉ = anyone who
ப்ரயாதி = leaves
த்யஜன் = quitting
தே³ஹம்ʼ = this body
ஸ꞉ = he
யாதி = achieves
பரமாம்ʼ = the supreme
க³திம்ʼ = destination.
அனன்யசேதா꞉ = without deviation of the mind
ஸததம்ʼ = always
ய꞉ = anyone who
மாம்ʼ = Me (KRiShNa)
ஸ்மரதி = remembers
நித்யஶ꞉ = regularly
தஸ்ய = to him
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ஸுலப⁴꞉ = very easy to achieve
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
நித்ய = regularly
யுக்தஸ்ய = engaged
யோகி³ன꞉ = for the devotee.
மாம்ʼ = Me
உபேத்ய = achieving
புன꞉ = again
ஜன்ம = birth
து³꞉கா²லயம்ʼ = place of miseries
அஶாஶ்வதம்ʼ = temporary
ந = never
ஆப்னுவந்தி = attain
மஹாத்மன꞉ = the great souls
ஸம்ʼஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = perfection
பரமாம்ʼ = ultimate
க³தா꞉ = having achieved.
ஆப்³ரஹ்மபு⁴வனாத் = up to the Brahmaloka planet
லோகா꞉ = the planetary systems
புன꞉ = again
ஆவர்தின꞉ = returning
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
உபேத்ய = arriving
து = but
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
புனர்ஜன்ம = rebirth
ந = never
வித்³யதே = takes place.
ஸஹஸ்ர = one thousand
யுக³ = millenniums
பர்யந்தம்ʼ = including
அஹ꞉ = day
யத் = that which
ப்³ரஹ்மண꞉ = of Brahma
விது³꞉ = they know
ராத்ரிம்ʼ = night
யுக³ = millenniums
ஸஹஸ்ராந்தாம்ʼ = similarly, ending after one thousand
தே = they
அஹோராத்ர = day and night
வித³꞉ = who understand
ஜனா꞉ = people.
அவ்யக்தாத் = from the unmanifest
வ்யக்தய꞉ = living entities
ஸர்வ꞉ = all
ப்ரப⁴வந்தி = become manifest
அஹராக³மே = at the beginning of the day
ராத்ர்யாக³மே = at the fall of night
ப்ரலீயந்தே = are annihilated
தத்ர = into that
ஏவ = certainly
அவ்யக்த = the unmanifest
ஸஞ்ஜ்ஞகே = which is called.
பூ⁴தக்³ராம꞉ = the aggregate of all living entities
ஸ꞉ = these
ஏவ = certainly
அயம்ʼ = this
பூ⁴த்வா பூ⁴த்வா = repeatedly taking birth
ப்ரலீயதே = is annihilated
ராத்ரி = of night
ஆக³மே = on the arrival
அவஶ꞉ = automatically
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ப்ரப⁴வதி = is manifest
அஹ꞉ = of daytime
ஆக³மே = on the arrival.
பர꞉ = transcendental
தஸ்மாத் = to that
து = but
பா⁴வ꞉ = nature
அன்ய꞉ = another
அவ்யக்த꞉ = unmanifest
அவ்யக்தாத் = to the unmanifest
ஸனாதன꞉ = eternal
ய꞉ ஸ꞉ = that which
ஸர்வேஷு = all
பூ⁴தேஷு = manifestation
நஶ்யாத்ஸு = being annihilated
ந = never
வினஶ்யதி = is annihilated.
அவ்யக்த꞉ = unmanifested
அக்ஷர꞉ = infallible
இதி = thus
உக்த꞉ = is said
தம்ʼ = that
ஆஹு꞉ = is known
பரமாம்ʼ = the ultimate
க³திம்ʼ = destination
யம்ʼ = which
ப்ராப்ய = gaining
ந = never
நிவர்தந்தே = come back
தத் = that
தா⁴ம = abode
பரமம்ʼ = supreme
மம = My.
புருஷ꞉ = the Supreme Personality
ஸ꞉ = He
பர꞉ = the Supreme, than whom no one is greater
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ப⁴க்த்யா = by devotional service
லப்⁴ய꞉ = can be achieved
து = but
அனன்யயா = unalloyed, undeviating
யஸ்ய = whom
அந்த꞉ஸ்தா²னி = within
பூ⁴தானீ = all of this material manifestation
யேன = by whom
ஸர்வம்ʼ = all
இத³ம்ʼ = whatever we can see
ததம்ʼ = is pervaded.
யத்ர = at which
காலே = time
து = and
அனாவ்ருʼத்திம்ʼ = no return
ஆவ்ருʼத்திம்ʼ = return
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
யோகி³ன꞉ = different kinds of mystics
ப்ரயாதா꞉ = having departed
யாந்தி = attain
தம்ʼ = that
காலம்ʼ = time
வக்ஷ்யாமி = I shall describe
ப⁴ரதர்ஷப⁴ = O best of the Bharatas.
அக்³னி꞉ = fire
ஜ்யோதி꞉ = light
அஹ꞉ = day
ஶுக்ல꞉ = the white fortnight
ஷண்மாஸா꞉ = the six months
உத்தராயணம்ʼ = when the sun passes on the northern side
தத்ர = there
ப்ரயாதா꞉ = those who pass away
க³ச்ச²ந்தி = go
ப்³ரஹ்ம = to the Absolute
ப்³ரஹ்மவித³꞉ = who know the Absolute
ஜனா꞉ = persons.
து⁴ம꞉ = smoke
ராத்ரி꞉ = night
ததா² = also
க்ருʼஷ்ண꞉ = the fortnight of the dark moon
ஷண்மாஸா꞉ = the six months
த³க்ஷிணாயனம்ʼ = when the sun passes on the southern side
தத்ர = there
சாந்த்³ரமஸம்ʼ = the moon planet
ஜ்யோதி꞉ = the light
யோகீ³ = the mystic
ப்ராப்ய = achieving
நிவர்ததே = comes back.
ஶுக்ல = light
க்ருʼஷ்ணே = and darkness
க³தி = ways of passing
ஹி = certainly
ஏதே = these two
ஜக³த꞉ = of the material world
ஶாஶ்வதே = of the Vedas
மதே = in the opinion
ஏகயா = by one
யாதி = goes
அனாவ்ருʼத்திம்ʼ = to no return
அன்யயா = by the other
ஆவர்ததே = comes back
புன꞉ = again.
ந = never
ஏதே = these two
ஸ்ருʼதீ = different paths
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ஜானன் = even if he knows
யோகீ³ = the devotee of the Lord
முஹ்யதி = is bewildered
கஶ்சன = any
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
ஸர்வேஷு காலேஷு = always
யோக³யுக்த꞉ = engaged in KRiShNa consciousness
ப⁴வ = just become
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna.
வேதே³ஷு = in the study of the Vedas
யஜ்ஞேஷு = in the performances of yajna, sacrifice
தப꞉ஸு = in undergoing different types of austerities
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
தா³னேஷு = in giving charities
யத் = that which
புண்யப²லம்ʼ = result of pious work
ப்ரதி³ஷ்டம்ʼ = indicated
அத்யேதி = surpasses
தத் ஸர்வம்ʼ = all those
இத³ம்ʼ = this
விதி³த்வா = knowing
யோகீ³ = the devotee
பரம்ʼ = supreme
ஸ்தா²னம்ʼ = abode
உபைதி = achieves
ச = also
ஆத்³யம்ʼ = original.

End of 8.28

ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
இத³ம்ʼ = this
து = but
தே = unto you
கு³ஹ்யதமம்ʼ = the most confidential
ப்ரவக்ஷ்யாமி = I am speaking
அனஸுயவே = to the nonenvious
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
விஜ்ஞான = realized knowledge
ஸஹிதம்ʼ = with
யத் = which
ஜ்ஞாத்வா = knowing
மோக்ஷ்யஸே = you will be released
அஶுபா⁴த் = from this miserable material existence.
ராஜவித்³யா = the king of education
ராஜகு³ஹ்யம்ʼ = the king of confidential knowledge
பவித்ரம்ʼ = the purest
இத³ம்ʼ = this
உத்தமம்ʼ = transcendental
ப்ரத்யக்ஷ = by direct experience
அவக³மம்ʼ = understood
த⁴ர்ம்யம்ʼ = the principle of religion
ஸுஸுக²ம்ʼ = very happy
கர்தும்ʼ = to execute
அவ்யயம்ʼ = everlasting.
அஶ்ரத்³த³தா⁴னா꞉ = those who are faithless
புருஷா꞉ = such persons
த⁴ர்மஸ்ய = toward the process of religion
அஸ்ய = this
பரந்தப = O killer of the enemies
அப்ராப்ய = without obtaining
மாம்ʼ = Me
நிவர்தந்தே = come back
ம்ருʼத்யு = of death
ஸம்ʼஸார = in material existence
வர்த்மனி = on the path.
மயா = by Me
ததம்ʼ = pervaded
இத³ம்ʼ = this
ஸர்வம்ʼ = all
ஜக³த் = cosmic manifestation
அவ்யக்தமூர்தினா = by the unmanifested form
மத்ஸ்தா²னி = in Me
ஸர்வபூ⁴தானீ = all living entities
ந = not
ச = also
அஹம்ʼ = I
தேஷு = in them
அவஸ்தி²த꞉ = situated.
ந = never
ச = also
மத்ஸ்தா²னி = situated in Me
பூ⁴தானி = all creation
பஶ்ய = just see
மே = My
யோக³மைஶ்வரம்ʼ = inconceivable mystic power
பூ⁴தப்⁴ருʼத் = the maintainer of all living entities
ந = never
ச = also
பூ⁴தஸ்த²꞉ = in the cosmic manifestation
மம = My
ஆத்மா = Self
பூ⁴தபா⁴வன꞉ = the source of all manifestations.
யதா² = just as
ஆகாஶஸ்தி²த꞉ = situated in the sky
நித்யம்ʼ = always
வாயு꞉ = the wind
ஸர்வத்ரக³꞉ = blowing everywhere
மஹான் = great
ததா² = similarly
ஸர்வாணி பூ⁴தானி = all created beings
மத்ஸ்தா²னி = situated in Me
இதி = thus
உபதா⁴ரய = try to understand.
ஸர்வபூ⁴தானி = all created entities
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
ப்ரக்ருʼதிம்ʼ = nature
யாந்தி = enter
மாமிகாம்ʼ = My
கல்பக்ஷயே = at the end of the millennium
புன꞉ = again
தானி = all those
கல்பாதௌ³ = in the beginning of the millennium
விஸ்ருʼஜாமி = create
அஹம்ʼ = I.
ப்ரக்ருʼதிம்ʼ = the material nature
ஸ்வாம்ʼ = of My personal Self
அவஷ்டப்⁴ய = entering into
விஸ்ருʼஜாமி = I create
புன꞉ புன꞉ = again and again
பூ⁴தக்³ராமம்ʼ = all the cosmic manifestations
இமம்ʼ = these
க்ருʼத்ஸ்னம்ʼ = in total
அவஸம்ʼ = automatically
ப்ரக்ருʼதே꞉ = of the force of nature
வஶாத் = under obligation.
ந = never
ச = also
மாம்ʼ = Me
தானி = all those
கர்மாணி = activities
நிப³த்⁴னந்தி = bind
த⁴னஞ்ஜய = O conqueror of riches
உதா³ஸீனவத் = as neutral
ஆஸினம்ʼ = situated
அஸக்தம்ʼ = without attraction
தேஷு = for those
கர்மஸு = activities.
மயா = by Me
அத்⁴யக்ஷேண = by superintendence
ப்ரக்ருʼதி꞉ = material nature
ஸூயதே = manifests
ஸ = with both
சராசரம் = the moving and the nonmoving
ஹேதுனா = for the reason
அனேன = this
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
ஜக³த் = the cosmic manifestation
விபரிவர்ததே = is working.
அவஜானந்தி = deride
மாம்ʼ = Me
மூடா⁴꞉ = foolish men
மானுஷீம்ʼ = in a human form
தனும்ʼ = a body
ஆஶ்ரிதம்ʼ = assuming
பரம்ʼ = transcendental
பா⁴வம்ʼ = nature
அஜானந்த꞉ = not knowing
மம = My
பூ⁴த = of everything that be
மஹேஶ்வரம்ʼ = the supreme proprietor.
மோகா⁴ஶா꞉ = baffled in their hopes
மோக⁴கர்மாண꞉ = baffled in fruitive activities
மோக⁴ஜ்ஞானா꞉ = baffled in knowledge
விசேதஸ꞉ = bewildered
ராக்ஷஸீம்ʼ = demonic
ஆஸுரீம்ʼ = atheistic
ச = and
ஏவ = certainly
ப்ரக்ருʼதிம்ʼ = nature
மோஹினீம்ʼ = bewildering
ஶ்ரிதா꞉ = taking shelter of.
மஹாத்மான꞉ = the great souls
து = but
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
தை³வீம்ʼ = divine
ப்ரக்ருʼதிம்ʼ = nature
ஆஶ்ரிதா꞉ = having taken shelter of
ப⁴ஜந்தி = render service
அனன்யமனஸ꞉ = without deviation of the mind
ஜ்ஞாத்வா = knowing
பூ⁴த = of creation
ஆதி³ம்ʼ = the origin
அவ்யயம்ʼ = inexhaustible.
ஸததம்ʼ = always
கீர்தயந்த꞉ = chanting
மாம்ʼ = about Me
யதந்த꞉ = fully endeavoring
ச = also
த்³ருʼட⁴வ்ரதா꞉ = with determination
நமஸ்யந்த꞉ = offering obeisances
ச = and
மாம்ʼ = Me
ப⁴க்த்யா = in devotion
நித்யயுக்தா꞉ = perpetually engaged
உபாஸதே = worship.
ஜ்ஞானயஜ்ஞேன = by cultivation of knowledge
ச = also
அபி = certainly
அன்யே = others
யஜந்த꞉ = sacrificing
மாம்ʼ = Me
உபாஸதே = worship
ஏகத்வேன = in oneness
ப்ருʼத²க்த்வேன = in duality
ப³ஹுதா⁴ = in diversity
விஶ்வதோமுக²ம்ʼ = and in the universal form.
அஹம்ʼ = I
க்ரது꞉ = Vedic ritual
அஹம்ʼ = I
யஜ்ஞ꞉ = smrti sacrifice
ஸ்வதா⁴ = oblation
அஹம்ʼ = I
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஔஷத⁴ம்ʼ = healing herb
மந்த்ர꞉ = transcendental chant
அஹம்ʼ = I
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஏவ = certainly
ஆஜ்யம்ʼ = melted butter
அஹம்ʼ = I
அக்³னி꞉ = fire
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஹுதம்ʼ = offering.
பிதா = father
அஹம்ʼ = I
அஸ்ய = of this
ஜக³த꞉ = universe
மாதா = mother
தா⁴தா = supporter
பிதாமஹ꞉ = grandfather
வேத்³யம்ʼ = what is to be known
பவித்ரம்ʼ = that which purifies
ௐகார = the syllable om
ருʼக் = the Rg Veda
ஸாம = the Sama Veda
யஜு꞉ = the Yajur Veda
ஏவ = certainly
ச = and.
க³தி꞉ = goal
ப⁴ர்தா = sustainer
ப்ரபு⁴꞉ = Lord
ஸக்ஷீ = witness
நிவாஸ꞉ = abode
ஶரணம்ʼ = refuge
ஸுஹ்ருʼத் = most intimate friend
ப்ரப⁴வ꞉ = creation
ப்ரலய꞉ = dissolution
ஸ்தா²னம்ʼ = ground
நிதா⁴னம்ʼ = resting place
பீ³ஜம்ʼ = seed
அவ்யயம்ʼ = imperishable.
தபாமி = give heat
அஹம்ʼ = I
அஹம்ʼ = I
வர்ஷம்ʼ = rain
நிக்³ருʼஹ்ணாமி = withhold
உத்ஸ்ருʼஜாமி = send forth
ச = and
அம்ருʼதம்ʼ = immortality
ச = and
ஏவ = certainly
ம்ருʼத்யு꞉ = death
ச = and
ஸத் = spirit
அஸத் = matter
ச = and
அஹம்ʼ = I
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna.
த்ரைவித்³ய꞉ = the knowers of the three Vedas
மாம்ʼ = Me
ஸோமபா꞉ = drinkers of soma juice
பூத = purified
பாபா꞉ = of sins
யஜ்ஞை꞉ = with sacrifices
இஷ்ட்வா = worshiping
ஸ்வர்க³திம்ʼ = passage to heaven
ப்ரார்த²யந்தே = pray for
தே = they
புண்யம்ʼ = pious
ஆஸாத்³ய = attaining
ஸுரேந்த்³ர = of Indra
லோகம்ʼ = the world
அஶ்னந்தி = enjoy
தி³வ்யான் = celestial
தி³வி = in heaven
தே³வபோ⁴கா³ன் = the pleasures of the gods.
தே = they
தம்ʼ = that
பு⁴க்த்வா = enjoying
ஸ்வர்க³லோகம்ʼ = heaven
விஶாலம்ʼ = vast
க்ஷீணே = being exhausted
புண்யே = the results of their pious activities
மர்த்யலோகம்ʼ = to the mortal earth
விஶந்தி = fall down
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
த்ரயீ = of the three Vedas
த⁴ர்மம்ʼ = doctrines
அனுப்ரபன்னா꞉ = following
க³தாக³தம்ʼ = death and birth
காமகாமா꞉ = desiring sense enjoyments
லப⁴ந்தே = attain.
அனன்யா꞉ = having no other object
சிந்தயந்த꞉ = concentrating
மாம்ʼ = on Me
யே = those who
ஜனா꞉ = persons
பர்யுபாஸதே = properly worship
தேஷாம்ʼ = of them
நித்ய = always
அபி⁴யுக்தானாம்ʼ = fixed in devotion
யோக³ = requirements
க்ஷேமம்ʼ = protection
வஹாமி = carry
அஹம்ʼ = I.
யே = those who
அபி = also
அன்ய = of other
தே³வதா = gods
ப⁴க்தா꞉ = devotees
யஜந்தே = worship
ஶ்ரத்³த⁴யான்விதா꞉ = with faith
தே = they
அபி = also
மாம்ʼ = Me
ஏவ = only
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
யஜந்தி = they worship
அவிதி⁴பூர்வகம்ʼ = in a wrong way.
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஹி = surely
ஸர்வ = of all
யஜ்ஞானாம்ʼ = sacrifices
போ⁴க்தா = the enjoyer
ச = and
ப்ரபு⁴꞉ = the Lord
ஏவ = also
ச = and
ந = not
து = but
மாம்ʼ = Me
அபி⁴ஜானந்தி = they know
தத்த்வேன = in reality
அத꞉ = therefore
ச்யவந்தி = fall down
தே = they.
யாந்தி = go
தே³வவ்ரதா꞉ = worshipers of demigods
தே³வான் = to the demigods
பித்ரூʼன் = to the ancestors
யாந்தி = go
பித்ருʼவ்ரதா꞉ = worshipers of ancestors
பூ⁴தானீ = to the ghosts and spirits
யாந்தி = go
பூ⁴தேஜ்யா꞉ = worshipers of ghosts and spirits
யாந்தி = go
மத் = My
யஜின꞉ = devotees
அபி = but
மாம்ʼ = unto Me.
பத்ரம்ʼ = a leaf
புஷ்பம்ʼ = a flower
ப²லம்ʼ = a fruit
தோயம்ʼ = water
ய꞉ = whoever
மே = unto Me
ப⁴க்த்யா = with devotion
ப்ரயச்ச²தி = offers
தத் = that
அஹம்ʼ = I
ப⁴க்த்யுபஹ்ருʼதம்ʼ = offered in devotion
அஶ்நாமி = accept
ப்ரயதாத்மன꞉ = from one in pure consciousness.
யத் = whatever
கரோஸி = you do
யத் = whatever
அஶ்னாஸி = you eat
யத் = whatever
ஜுஹோஸி = you offer
த³தா³ஸி = you give away
யத் = whatever
யத் = whatever
தபஸ்யஸி = austerities you perform
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
தத் = that
குருஷ்வ = do
மத் = unto Me
அர்பணம்ʼ = as an offering.
ஶுப⁴ = from auspicious
அஶுப⁴ = and inauspicious
ப²லை꞉ = results
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
மோக்ஷ்யஸே = you will become free
கர்ம = of work
ப³ந்த⁴னை꞉ = from the bondage
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸ = of renunciation
யோக³ = the yoga
யுக்தாத்ம = having the mind firmly set on
விமுக்த꞉ = liberated
மாம்ʼ = to Me
உபைஷ்யஸி = you will attain.
ஸம꞉ = equally disposed
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஸர்வபூ⁴தேஷு = to all living entities
ந = no one
மே = to Me
த்³வேஷ்ய꞉ = hateful
அஸ்தி = is
ந = nor
ப்ரிய꞉ = dear
யே = those who
ப⁴ஜந்தி = render transcendental service
து = but
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ப⁴க்த்யா = in devotion
மயி = are in Me
தே = such persons
தேஷு = in them
ச = also
அபி = certainly
அஹம்ʼ = I.
அபி = even
சேத் = if
ஸுது³ராசார꞉ = one committing the most abominable actions
ப⁴ஜதே = is engaged in devotional service
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
அனன்யபா⁴க் = without deviation
ஸாது⁴꞉ = a saint
ஏவ = certainly
ஸ꞉ = he
மந்தவ்ய꞉ = is to be considered
ஸம்யக் = completely
வ்யவஸித꞉ = situated in determination
ஹி = certainly
ஸ꞉ = he.
க்ஷிப்ரம்ʼ = very soon
ப⁴வதி = becomes
த⁴ர்மாத்மா = righteous
ஶஶ்வச்சா²ந்திம்ʼ = lasting peace
நிக³ச்ச²தி = attains
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
ப்ரதிஜானீஹி = declare
ந = never
மே = My
ப⁴க்த꞉ = devotee
ப்ரணஶ்யதி = perishes.
மாம்ʼ = of Me
ஹி = certainly
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
வ்யபாஶ்ரித்ய = particularly taking shelter
யே = those who
அபி = also
ஸ்யு꞉ = are
பாபயோனய꞉ = born of a lower family
ஸ்த்ரிய꞉ = women
வைஶ்ய꞉ = mercantile people
ததா² = also
ஶூத்³ர꞉ = lower-class men
தே(அ)பி = even they
யாந்தி = go
பராம்ʼ = to the supreme
க³திம்ʼ = destination.
கிம்ʼ = how much
புன꞉ = again
ப்³ராஹ்மணா꞉ = brahmanas
புண்யா꞉ = righteous
ப⁴க்தா꞉ = devotees
ராஜர்ஷய꞉ = saintly kings
ததா² = also
அநித்யம்ʼ = temporary
அஸுக²ம்ʼ = full of miseries
லோகம்ʼ = planet
இமம்ʼ = this
ப்ராப்ய = gaining
ப⁴ஜஸ்வ = be engaged in loving service
மாம்ʼ = unto Me.
மன்மனா꞉ = always thinking of Me
ப⁴வ = become
மத் = My
ப⁴க்த꞉ = devotee
மத் = My
யாஜி = worshiper
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
நமஸ்குரு = offer obeisances
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ஏவ = completely
ஏஷ்யஸி = you will come
யுக்த்வா = being absorbed
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = your soul
மத்பராயண꞉ = devoted to Me.

See Also  Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Ashtakam In Telugu

End of 9.34

ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
பூ⁴ய꞉ = again
ஏவ = certainly
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed
ஶ்ருʼணு = just hear
மே = My
பரமம்ʼ = supreme
வச꞉ = instruction
யத் = that which
தே = to you
அஹம்ʼ = I
ப்ரீயமாணாய = thinking you dear to Me
வக்ஷ்யாமி = say
ஹிதகாம்யயா = for your benefit.
ந = never
மே = My
விது³꞉ = know
ஸுரக³ணா꞉ = the demigods
ப்ரப⁴வம்ʼ = origin, opulences
ந = never
மஹர்ஷய꞉ = great sages
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ஆதி³꞉ = the origin
ஹி = certainly
தே³வானாம்ʼ = of the demigods
மஹர்ஷீணாம்ʼ = of the great sages
ச = also
ஸர்வஶ꞉ = in all respects.
ய꞉ = anyone who
மாம்ʼ = Me
அஜம்ʼ = unborn
அநாதி³ம்ʼ = without beginning
ச = also
வேத்தி = knows
லோக = of the planets
மஹேஶ்வரம்ʼ = the supreme master
அஸம்மூட⁴꞉ = undeluded
ஸ꞉ = he
மர்த்யேஷு = among those subject to death
ஸர்வபாபை꞉ = from all sinful reactions
ப்ரமுச்யதே = is delivered.
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
அஸம்மோஹ꞉ = freedom from doubt
க்ஷமா = forgiveness
ஸத்யம்ʼ = truthfulness
த³ம꞉ = control of the senses
ஶம꞉ = control of the mind
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
து³꞉க²ம்ʼ = distress
ப⁴வ꞉ = birth
அபா⁴வ꞉ = death
ப⁴யம்ʼ = fear
ச = also
அப⁴யம்ʼ = fearlessness
ஏவ = also
ச = and
அஹிம்ʼஸா = nonviolence
ஸமதா = equilibrium
துஷ்டி꞉ = satisfaction
தப꞉ = penance
தா³னம்ʼ = charity
யஶ꞉ = fame
அயஶ꞉ = infamy
ப⁴வந்தி = come about
பா⁴வா꞉ = natures
பூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = of living entities
மத்த꞉ = from Me
ஏவ = certainly
ப்ருʼத²க்³விதா⁴꞉ = variously arranged.
மஹர்ஷய꞉ = the great sages
ஸப்த = seven
பூர்வே = before
சத்வார꞉ = four
மனவ꞉ = Manus
ததா² = also
மத்³பா⁴வா꞉ = born of Me
மானஸா꞉ = from the mind
ஜாதா꞉ = born
யேஷாம்ʼ = of them
லோகே = in the world
இமா꞉ = all this
ப்ரஜா꞉ = population.
ஏதாம்ʼ = all this
விபூ⁴திம்ʼ = opulence
யோக³ம்ʼ = mystic power
ச = also
மம = of Mine
ய꞉ = anyone who
வேத்தி = knows
தத்த்வத꞉ = factually
ஸ꞉ = he
அவிகல்பேன = without division
யோகே³ன = in devotional service
யுஜ்யதே = is engaged
ந = never
அத்ர = here
ஸம்ʼஶய꞉ = doubt.
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஸர்வஸ்ய = of all
ப்ரப⁴வ꞉ = the source of generation
மத்த꞉ = from Me
ஸர்வம்ʼ = everything
ப்ரவர்ததே = emanates
இதி = thus
மத்வா = knowing
ப⁴ஜந்தே = become devoted
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
பு³தா⁴꞉ = the learned
பா⁴வஸமன்வித꞉ = with great attention.
மச்சித்தா꞉ = their minds fully engaged in Me
மத்³க³தப்ராணா꞉ = their lives devoted to Me
போ³த⁴யந்த꞉ = preaching
பரஸ்பரம்ʼ = among themselves
கத²யந்த꞉ = talking
ச = also
மாம்ʼ = about Me
நித்யம்ʼ = perpetually
துஷ்யந்தி = become pleased
ச = also
ரமந்தி = enjoy transcendental bliss
ச = also.
தேஷாம்ʼ = unto them
ஸததயுக்தானாம்ʼ = always engaged
ப⁴ஜதாம்ʼ = in rendering devotional service
ப்ரீதிபூர்வகம்ʼ = in loving ecstasy
த³தா³மி = I give
பு³த்³தி⁴யோக³ம்ʼ = real intelligence
தம்ʼ = that
யேன = by which
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
உபயாந்தி = come
தே = they.
தேஷாம்ʼ = for them
ஏவ = certainly
அனுகம்பார்த²ம்ʼ = to show special mercy
அஹம்ʼ = I
அஜ்ஞானஜம்ʼ = due to ignorance
தம꞉ = darkness
நாஶயாமி = dispel
ஆத்மபா⁴வ = within their hearts
ஸ்த²꞉ = situated
ஜ்ஞான = of knowledge
தீ³பேன = with the lamp
பா⁴ஸ்வதா = glowing.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
பரம்ʼ = supreme
ப்³ரஹ்ம = truth
பரம்ʼ = supreme
தா⁴ம = sustenance
பவித்ரம்ʼ = pure
பரமம்ʼ = supreme
ப⁴வான் = You
புருஷம்ʼ = personality
ஶாஶ்வதம்ʼ = original
தி³வ்யம்ʼ = transcendental
ஆதி³தே³வம்ʼ = the original Lord
அஜம்ʼ = unborn
விபு⁴ம்ʼ = greatest
ஆஹு꞉ = say
த்வாம்ʼ = of You
ருʼஷய꞉ = sages
ஸர்வே = all
தே³வர்ஷி꞉ = the sage among the demigods
நாரத³꞉ = Narada
ததா² = also
அஸித꞉ = Asita
தே³வல꞉ = Devala
வ்யாஸ꞉ = Vyasa
ஸ்வயம்ʼ = personally
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
ப்³ரவீஷி = You are explaining
மே = unto me.
ஸர்வம்ʼ = all
ஏதத் = this
ருʼதம்ʼ = truth
மன்யே = I accept
யத் = which
மாம்ʼ = unto me
வத³ஸி = You tell
கேஶவ = O KRiShNa
ந = never
ஹி = certainly
தே = Your
ப⁴க³வான் = O Personality of Godhead
வ்யக்திம்ʼ = revelation
விது³꞉ = can know
தே³வா꞉ = the demigods
ந = nor
தா³னவ꞉ = the demons.
ஸ்வயம்ʼ = personally
ஏவ = certainly
ஆத்மனா = by Yourself
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = Yourself
வேத்த² = know
த்வம்ʼ = You
புருஷோத்தம = O greatest of all persons
பூ⁴தபா⁴வன = O origin of everything
பூ⁴தேஶ = O Lord of everything
தே³வதே³வ = O Lord of all demigods
ஜக³த்பதே = O Lord of the entire universe.
வக்தும்ʼ = to say
அர்ஹஸி = You deserve
அஶேஷேண = in detail
தி³வ்யா꞉ = divine
ஹி = certainly
ஆத்ம = Your own
விபூ⁴தய꞉ = opulences
யாபி⁴꞉ = by which
விபூ⁴திபி⁴꞉ = opulences
லோகான் = all the planets
இமான் = these
த்வாம்ʼ = You
வ்யாப்ய = pervading
திஷ்ட²ஸி = remain.
கத²ம்ʼ = how
வித்³யாமஹம்ʼ = shall I know
யோகி³ன் = O supreme mystic
த்வாம்ʼ = You
ஸதா³ = always
பரிசிந்தயன் = thinking of
கேஷு = in which
கேஷு = in which
ச = also
பா⁴வேஷு = natures cintyah
அஸி = You are to be remembered
ப⁴க³வன் = O Supreme
மயா = by me.
விஸ்தரேண = in detail
ஆத்மன꞉ = Your
யோக³ம்ʼ = mystic power
விபூ⁴திம்ʼ = opulences
ச = also
ஜனார்த³ன = O killer of the atheists
பூ⁴ய꞉ = again
கத²ய = describe
த்ருʼப்தி꞉ = satisfaction
ஹி = certainly
ஶ்ருʼண்வத꞉ = hearing
நாஸ்தி = there is not
மே = my
அம்ருʼதம்ʼ = nectar.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
ஹந்த = yes
தே = unto you
கத²யிஷ்யாமி = I shall speak
தி³வ்யா꞉ = divine
ஹி = certainly
ஆத்மவிபூ⁴தய꞉ = personal opulences
ப்ராதா⁴ன்யத꞉ = which are principal
குருஶ்ரேஷ்ட² = O best of the Kurus
நாஸ்தி = there is not
அந்த꞉ = limit
விஸ்தரஸ்ய = to the extent
மே = My.
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஆத்மா = the soul
கு³டா³கேஶ = O Arjuna
ஸர்வபூ⁴த = of all living entities
ஆஶயஸ்தி²தா꞉ = situated within the heart
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ஆதி³꞉ = the origin
ச = also
மத்⁴யம்ʼ = middle
ச = also
பூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = of all living entities
அந்த꞉ = end
ஏவ = certainly
ச = and.
ஆதி³த்யானாம்ʼ = of the Adityas
அஹம்ʼ = I am
விஷ்ணு꞉ = the Supreme Lord
ஜ்யோதீஷாம்ʼ = of all luminaries
ரவி꞉ = the sun
அம்ʼஶுமான் = radiant
மரீசி꞉ = Marici
மருதாம்ʼ = of the Maruts
அஸ்மி = I am
நக்ஷத்ராணாம்ʼ = of the stars
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ஶஶீ = the moon.
வேதா³னாம்ʼ = of all the Vedas
ஸாமவேத³꞉ = the Sama Veda
அஸ்மி = I am
தே³வானாம்ʼ = of all the demigods
அஸ்மி = I am
வாஸவ꞉ = the heavenly king
இந்த்³ரியாணாம்ʼ = of all the senses
மன꞉ = the mind
ச = also
அஸ்மி = I am
பூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = of all living entities
அஸ்மி = I am
சேதனா = the living force.
ருத்³ராணாம்ʼ = of all the Rudras
ஶங்கர꞉ = Lord Siva
ச = also
அஸ்மி = I am
வித்தேஶ꞉ = the lord of the treasury of the demigods
யக்ஷரக்ஷஸாம்ʼ = of the Yaksas and Raksasas
வஸௌனாம்ʼ = of the Vasus
பாவக꞉ = fire
ச = also
அஸ்மி = I am
மேரு꞉ = Meru
ஶிக²ரிணாம்ʼ = of all mountains
அஹம்ʼ = I am.
புரோத⁴ஸாம்ʼ = of all priests
ச = also
முக்²யம்ʼ = the chief
மாம்ʼ = Me
வித்³தி⁴ = understand
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ப்³ருʼஹஸ்பதிம்ʼ = Brhaspati
ஸேனானீனாம்ʼ = of all commanders
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ஸ்கந்த³꞉ = Kartikeya
ஸரஸாம்ʼ = of all reservoirs of water
அஸ்மி = I am
ஸாக³ர꞉ = the ocean.
மஹர்ஷீணாம்ʼ = among the great sages
ப்⁴ருʼகு³꞉ = Bhrigu
அஹம்ʼ = I am
கி³ராம்ʼ = of vibrations
அஸ்மி = I am
ஏகமக்ஷரம்ʼ = pranava
யஜ்ஞானாம்ʼ = of sacrifices
ஜபயஜ்ஞ꞉ = chanting
அஸ்மி = I am
ஸ்தா²வராணாம்ʼ = of immovable things
ஹிமாலய꞉ = the Himalayan mountains.
அஶ்வத்த²꞉ = the banyan tree
ஸர்வவ்ருʼக்ஷாணாம்ʼ = of all trees
தே³வர்ஷீணாம்ʼ = of all the sages amongst the demigods
ச = and
நாரத³꞉ = Narada
க³ந்த⁴ர்வாணாம்ʼ = of the citizens of the Gandharva planet
சித்ரரத²꞉ = Citraratha
ஸித்³தா⁴னாம்ʼ = of all those who are perfected
கபில꞉ முனி꞉ = Kapila Muni.
உச்சை꞉ஶ்ரவஸம்ʼ = Uccaihsrava
அஶ்வானாம்ʼ = among horses
வித்³தி⁴ = know
மாம்ʼ = Me
அம்ருʼதோத்³ப⁴வம்ʼ = produced from the churning of the ocean
ஐராவதம்ʼ = Airavata
க³ஜேந்த்³ராணாம்ʼ = of lordly elephants
நராணாம்ʼ = among human beings
ச = and
நராதி⁴பம்ʼ = the king.
ஆயுதா⁴னாம்ʼ = of all weapons
அஹம்ʼ = I am
வஜ்ரம்ʼ = the thunderbolt
தே⁴னூனாம்ʼ = of cows
அஸ்மி = I am
காமது⁴க் = the surabhi cow
ப்ரஜன꞉ = the cause for begetting children
ச = and
அஸ்மி = I am
கந்த³ர்ப꞉ = Cupid
ஸர்பாணாம்ʼ = of serpents
அஸ்மி = I am
வாஸுகி꞉ = Vasuki.
அனந்த꞉ = Ananta
ச = also
அஸ்மி = I am
நாகா³னாம்ʼ = of the manyhooded serpents
வருண꞉ = the demigod controlling the water
யாத³ஸாம்ʼ = of all aquatics
அஹம்ʼ = I am
பித்ரூʼணாம்ʼ = of the ancestors
அர்யமா = Aryama
ச = also
அஸ்மி = I am
யம꞉ = the controller of death
ஸம்ʼயமதாம்ʼ = of all regulators
அஹம்ʼ = I am.
ப்ரஹ்லாத³꞉ = Prahlada
ச = also
அஸ்மி = I am
தை³த்யானாம்ʼ = of the demons
கால꞉ = time
கலயதாம்ʼ = of subduers
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ம்ருʼகா³ணாம்ʼ = of animals
ச = and
ம்ருʼகே³ந்த்³ர꞉ = the lion
அஹம்ʼ = I am
வைனதேய꞉ = Garuda
ச = also
பக்ஷிணாம்ʼ = of birds.
பவன꞉ = the wind
பவதாம்ʼ = of all that purifies
அஸ்மி = I am
ராம꞉ = Rama
ஶஸ்த்ரப்⁴ருʼதாம்ʼ = of the carriers of weapons
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ஜ²ஷாணாம்ʼ = of all fish
மகர꞉ = the shark
ச = also
அஸ்மி = I am
ஸ்ரோதஸாம்ʼ = of flowing rivers
அஸ்மி = I am
ஜாஹ்னவீ = the River Ganges.
ஸர்கா³ணாம்ʼ = of all creations
ஆதி³꞉ = the beginning
அந்த꞉ = end
ச = and
மத்⁴யம்ʼ = middle
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
அஹம்ʼ = I am
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
அத்⁴யாத்மவித்³யா = spiritual knowledge
வித்³யானாம்ʼ = of all education
வாத³꞉ = the natural conclusion
ப்ரவத³தாம்ʼ = of arguments
அஹம்ʼ = I am.
அக்ஷராணாம்ʼ = of letters
அகார꞉ = the first letter
அஸ்மி = I am
த்³வந்த்³வ꞉ = the dual
ஸாமாஸிகஸ்ய = of compounds
ச = and
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ஏவ = certainly
அக்ஷய꞉ = eternal
கால꞉ = time
தா⁴தா = the creator
அஹம்ʼ = I am
விஶ்வதோமுக²꞉ = Brahma.
ம்ருʼத்யு꞉ = death
ஸர்வஹர꞉ = all-devouring
ச = also
அஹம்ʼ = I am
உத்³ப⁴வ꞉ = generation
ச = also
ப⁴விஷ்யதாம்ʼ = of future manifestations
கீர்தி꞉ = fame
ஶ்ரீ꞉ = opulence or beauty
வாக் = fine speech
ச = also
நாரீணாம்ʼ = of women
ஸ்ம்ருʼதி꞉ = memory
மேதா⁴ = intelligence
த்⁴ருʼதி꞉ = firmness
க்ஷமா = patience.
ப்³ருʼஹத்ஸாம = the BrAhat-sama
ததா² = also
ஸாம்னம்ʼ = of the Sama Veda songs
கா³யத்ரீ = the Gayatri hymns
ச²ந்த³ஸாம்ʼ = of all poetry
அஹம்ʼ = I am
மாஸானாம்ʼ = of months
மார்க³ஶீர்ஷ꞉ = the month of November-December
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ருʼதூனாம்ʼ = of all seasons
குஸுமாகர꞉ = spring.
த்³யுதம்ʼ = gambling
ச²லயதாம்ʼ = of all cheats
அஸ்மி = I am
தேஜ꞉ = the splendor
தேஜஸ்வினாம்ʼ = of everything splendid
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ஜய꞉ = victory
அஸ்மி = I am
வ்யவஸாய꞉ = enterprise or adventure
அஸ்மி = I am
ஸத்த்வம்ʼ = the strength
ஸத்த்வவதம்ʼ = of the strong
அஹம்ʼ = I am.
வ்ருʼஷ்ணீனாம்ʼ = of the descendants of VRiShNi
வாஸுதே³வ꞉ = KRiShNa in Dvaraka
அஸ்மி = I am
பாண்ட³வானாம்ʼ = of the Pandavas
த⁴னஞ்ஜய꞉ = Arjuna
முனீனாம்ʼ = of the sages
அபி = also
அஹம்ʼ = I am
வ்யாஸ꞉ = Vyasa, the compiler of all Vedic literature
கவீனாம்ʼ = of all great thinkers
உஶனா = Usana
கவி꞉ = the thinker.
த³ண்ட³꞉ = punishment
த³மயதாம்ʼ = of all means of suppression
அஸ்மி = I am
நீதி꞉ = morality
அஸ்மி = I am
ஜிகி³ஷதாம்ʼ = of those who seek victory
மௌனம்ʼ = silence
ச = and
ஏவ = also
அஸ்மி = I am
கு³ஹ்யானாம்ʼ = of secrets
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
ஜ்ஞானவதாம்ʼ = of the wise
அஹம்ʼ = I am.
யத் = whatever
ச = also
அபி = may be
ஸர்வபூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = of all creations
பீ³ஜம்ʼ = seed
தத் = that
அஹம்ʼ = I am
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
ந = not
தத் = that
அஸ்தி = there is
வினா = without
யத் = which
ஸ்யாத் = exists
மயா = Me
பூ⁴தம்ʼ = created being
சராசரம்ʼ = moving and nonmoving.
ந = nor
அந்த꞉ = a limit
அஸ்தி = there is
மம = My
தி³வ்யானாம்ʼ = of the divine
விபூ⁴தினாம்ʼ = opulences
பரந்தப = O conqueror of the enemies
ஏஷ꞉ = all this
து = but
உத்³தே³ஶத꞉ = as examples
ப்ரோக்தா꞉ = spoken
விபூ⁴தே꞉ = of opulences
விஸ்தர꞉ = the expanse
மயா = by Me.
யத்³யத் = whatever
விபூ⁴தி = opulences
மத் = having
ஸத்த்வம்ʼ = existence
ஶ்ரீமத் = beautiful
உர்ஜிதம்ʼ = glorious
ஏவ = certainly
வா = or
தத் தத் = all those
ஏவ = certainly
அவக³ச்ச² = must know
த்வம்ʼ = you
மம = My
தேஜ꞉ = of the splendor
அம்ʼஶ = a part
ஸம்ப⁴வம்ʼ = born of.
அத²வா = or
ப³ஹுனா = many
ஏதேன = by this kind
கிம்ʼ = what
ஜ்ஞாதேன = by knowing
தவ = your
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
விஷ்டப்⁴ய = pervading
அஹம்ʼ = I
இத³ம்ʼ = this
க்ருʼத்ஸ்னம்ʼ = entire
ஏக = by one
அம்ʼஶேன = part
ஸ்தி²தா꞉ = am situated
ஜக³த் = universe.

End of 10.41

அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
மத³னுக்³ரஹாய = just to show me favor
பரமம்ʼ = supreme
கு³ஹ்யம்ʼ = confidential subject
அத்⁴யாத்ம = spiritual
ஸஞ்ஜ்ஞிதம்ʼ = in the matter of
யத் = what
த்வயா = by You
உக்தம்ʼ = said
வச꞉ = words
தேன = by that
மோஹ꞉ = illusion
அயம்ʼ = this
விக³த꞉ = is removed
மம = my.
ப⁴வ = appearance
அப்யயௌ = disappearance
ஹி = certainly
பூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = of all living entities
ஶ்ருதௌ = have been heard
விஸ்தரஶ꞉ = in detail
மயா = by me
த்வத்த꞉ = from You
கமலபத்ராக்ஷ = O lotus-eyed one
மாஹாத்ம்யம்ʼ = glories
அபி = also
ச = and
அவ்யயம்ʼ = inexhaustible.
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
ஏதத் = this
யதா² = as it is
ஆத்த² = have spoken
த்வம்ʼ = You
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = Yourself
பரமேஶ்வர = O Supreme Lord
த்³ரஷ்டும்ʼ = to see
இச்சா²மி = I wish
தே = Your
ரூபம்ʼ = form
ஐஶ்வரம்ʼ = divine
புருஷோத்தம = O best of personalities.
மன்யஸே = You think
யதி³ = if
தத் = that
ஶக்யம்ʼ = is able
மயா = by me
த்³ரஷ்டும்ʼ = to be seen
இதி = thus
ப்ரபோ⁴ = O Lord
யோகே³ஶ்வர = O Lord of all mystic power
தத꞉ = then
மே = unto me
த்வம்ʼ = You
த³ர்ஶய = show
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = Your Self
அவ்யயம்ʼ = eternal.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
பஶ்ய = just see
மே = My
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ரூபாணி = forms
ஶதஶ꞉ = hundreds
அத² = also
ஸஹஸ்ரஶ꞉ = thousands
நானாவிதா⁴னி = variegated
தி³வ்யானி = divine
நானா = variegated
வர்ண = colors
ஆக்ருʼதீனி = forms
ச = also.
பஶ்ய = see
ஆதி³த்யான் = the twelve sons of Aditi
வஸுன் = the eight Vasus
ருத்³ரான் = the eleven forms of Rudra
அஶ்வினௌ = the two Asvinis
மருத꞉ = the forty-nine Maruts (demigods of the wind)
ததா² = also
ப³ஹூனி = many
அத்³ருʼஷ்ட = that you have not seen
பூர்வாணி = before
பஶ்ய = see
ஆஶ்சர்யாணி = all the wonders
பா⁴ரத = O best of the Bharatas.
இஹ = in this
ஏகஸ்த²ம்ʼ = in one place
ஜக³த் = the universe
க்ருʼத்ஸ்னம்ʼ = completely
பஶ்ய = see
ஆத்³ய = immediately
ஸ = with
சர = the moving
அசரம்ʼ = and not moving
மம = My
தே³ஹே = in this body
கு³டா³கேஶ = O Arjuna
யத் = that which
ச = also
அன்யத் = other
த்³ரஷ்டும்ʼ = to see
இச்ச²ஸி = you wish.
ந = never
து = but
மாம்ʼ = Me
ஶக்யஸே = are able
த்³ரஷ்டும்ʼ = to see
அனேன = with these
ஏவ = certainly
ஸ்வசக்ஷுஷா = your own eyes
தி³வ்யம்ʼ = divine
த³தா³மி = I give
தே = to you
சக்ஷு꞉ = eyes
பஶ்ய = see
மே = My
யோக³மைஶ்வரம்ʼ = inconceivable mystic power.
ஸஞ்ஜய உவாச = Sanjaya said
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
உக்த்வா = saying
தத꞉ = thereafter
ராஜன் = O King
மஹாயோகே³ஶ்வர꞉ = the most powerful mystic
ஹரி꞉ = the Supreme Personality of Godhead, KRiShNa
த³ர்ஶயாமாஸ = showed
பார்தா²ய = unto Arjuna
பரமம்ʼ = the divine
ரூபமைஶ்வரம்ʼ = universal form.
அனேக = various
வக்த்ர = mouths
நயனம்ʼ = eyes
அனேக = various
அத்³பு⁴த = wonderful
த³ர்ஶனம்ʼ = sights
அனேக = many
தி³வ்ய = divine
ஆப⁴ரணம்ʼ = ornaments
தி³வ்ய = divine
அனேக = various
உத்³யத = uplifted
ஆயுத⁴ம்ʼ = weapons
தி³வ்ய = divine
மால்ய = garlands
அம்ப³ர = dresses
த⁴ரம்ʼ = wearing
தி³வ்ய = divine
க³ந்த⁴ = fragrances
அனுலேபனம்ʼ = smeared with
ஸர்வ = all
ஆஶ்சர்யமயம்ʼ = wonderful
தே³வம்ʼ = shining
அனந்தம்ʼ = unlimited
விஶ்வதோமுக²ம்ʼ = all-pervading.
தி³வி = in the sky
ஸூர்ய = of suns
ஸஹஸ்ரஸ்ய = of many thousands
ப⁴வேத் = there were
யுக³பத் = simultaneously
உத்தி²தா = present
யதி³ = if
பா⁴꞉ = light
ஸத்³ருʼஶீ = like that
ஸ = that
ஸ்யாத் = might be
பா⁴ஸ꞉ = effulgence
தஸ்ய = of Him
மஹாத்மன꞉ = the great Lord.
தத்ர = there
ஏகஸ்த²ம்ʼ = in one place
ஜக³த் = the universe
க்ருʼத்ஸ்னம்ʼ = complete
ப்ரவிப⁴க்தம்ʼ = divided
அனேகதா⁴ = into many
அபஶ்யத் = could see
தே³வதே³வஸ்ய = of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
ஶரீரே = in the universal form
பாண்ட³வ꞉ = Arjuna
ததா³ = at that time.
தத꞉ = thereafter
ஸ꞉ = he
விஸ்மயாவிஷ்ட꞉ = being overwhelmed with wonder
ஹ்ருʼஷ்டரோமா = with his bodily hairs standing on end due to his great ecstasy
த⁴னஞ்ஜய꞉ = Arjuna
ப்ரணம்ய = offering obeisances
ஶிரஸா = with the head
தே³வம்ʼ = to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
க்ருʼதாஞ்ஜலி꞉ = with folded hands
அபா⁴ஷத = began to speak.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
பஶ்யாமி = I see
தே³வான் = all the demigods
தவ = Your
தே³வ = O Lord
தே³ஹே = in the body
ஸர்வான் = all
ததா² = also
பூ⁴த = living entities
விஶேஷஸங்கா⁴ன் = specifically assembled
ப்³ரஹ்மாணம்ʼ = Lord Brahma
ஈஶம்ʼ = Lord Siva
கமலாஸனஸ்த²ம்ʼ = sitting on the lotus flower
ருʼஷின் = great sages
ச = also
ஸர்வான் = all
உரகா³ன் = serpents
ச = also
தி³வ்யான் = divine.
அனேக = many
பா³ஹு = arms
உத³ர = bellies
வக்த்ர = mouths
நேத்ரம்ʼ = eyes
பஶ்யாமி = I see
த்வம்ʼ = You
ஸர்வத꞉ = on all sides
அனந்தரூபம்ʼ = unlimited form
நாந்தம்ʼ = no end
ந மத்⁴யம்ʼ = no middle
ந புன꞉ = nor again
தவ = Your
ஆதி³ம்ʼ = beginning
பஶ்யாமி = I see
விஶ்வேஶ்வர = O Lord of the universe
விஶ்வரூப = in the form of the universe.
கிரீடினம்ʼ = with helmets
க³தி³னம்ʼ = with maces
சக்ரிணம்ʼ = with discs
ச = and
தேஜோராஶிம்ʼ = effulgence
ஸர்வத꞉ = on all sides
தீ³ப்திமந்தம்ʼ = glowing
பஶ்யாமி = I see
த்வாம்ʼ = You
து³ர்நிரீக்ஷ்யம்ʼ = difficult to see
ஸமந்தாத் = everywhere
தீ³ப்தானல = blazing fire
அர்க = of the sun
த்³யுதிம்ʼ = the sunshine
அப்ரமேயம்ʼ = immeasurable.
த்வம்ʼ = You
அக்ஷரம்ʼ = the infallible
பரமம்ʼ = supreme
வேதி³தவ்யம்ʼ = to be understood
த்வம்ʼ = You
அஸ்ய = of this
விஶ்வஸ்ய = universe
பரம்ʼ = supreme
நிதா⁴னம்ʼ = basis
த்வம்ʼ = You
அவ்யய꞉ = inexhaustible
ஶாஶ்வதத⁴ர்மகோ³ப்தா = maintainer of the eternal religion
ஸனாதன꞉ = eternal
த்வம்ʼ = You
புருஷ꞉ = the Supreme Personality
மத꞉ மே = this is my opinion.
அநாதி³ = without beginning
மத்⁴ய = middle
அந்தம்ʼ = or end
அனந்த = unlimited
வீர்யாம்ʼ = glories
அனந்த = unlimited
பா³ஹும்ʼ = arms
ஶஶீ = the moon
ஸூர்ய = and sun
நேத்ரம்ʼ = eyes
பஶ்யாமி = I see
த்வாம்ʼ = You
தீ³ப்த = blazing
ஹுதாஶவக்த்ரம்ʼ = fire coming out of Your mouth
ஸ்வதேஜஸா = by Your radiance
விஶ்வம்ʼ = universe
இத³ம்ʼ = this
தபந்தம்ʼ = heating.
த்³யௌ = from outer space
அப்ருʼதி²வ்யோ꞉ = to the earth
இத³ம்ʼ = this
அந்தரம்ʼ = between
ஹி = certainly
வ்யாப்தம்ʼ = pervaded
த்வயா = by You
ஏகேன = alone
தி³ஶ꞉ = directions
ச = and
ஸர்வா꞉ = all
த்³ருʼஷ்ட்வா = by seeing
அத்³பு⁴தம்ʼ = wonderful
ரூபம்ʼ = form
உக்³ரம்ʼ = terrible
தவ = Your
இத³ம்ʼ = this
லோக = the planetary systems
த்ரயம்ʼ = three
ப்ரவ்யதி²தம்ʼ = perturbed
மஹாத்மன் = O great one.
அமீ = all those
ஹி = certainly
த்வாம்ʼ = You
ஸுரஸங்கா⁴꞉ = groups of demigods
விஶந்தி = are entering
கேசித் = some of them
பி⁴தா꞉ = out of fear
ப்ராஞ்ஜலய꞉ = with folded hands
க்³ருʼணந்தி = are offering prayers
ஸ்வஸ்தி = all peace
இதி = thus
உக்த்வா = speaking
மஹர்ஷி = great sages
ஸித்³த⁴ஸங்கா⁴꞉ = perfect beings
ஸ்துவந்தி = are singing hymns
த்வாம்ʼ = unto You
ஸ்துதிபி⁴꞉ = with prayers
புஷ்கலாபி⁴꞉ = Vedic hymns.
ருத்³ர = manifestations of Lord Siva
ஆதி³த்ய꞉ = the Adityas
வஸவ꞉ = the Vasus
யே = all those
ச = and
ஸாத்⁴யா꞉ = the Sadhyas
விஶ்வே = the Visvedevas
அஶ்வினௌ = the Asvini-kumaras
மருத꞉ = the Maruts
ச = and
உஷ்மபா꞉ = the forefathers
ச = and
க³ந்த⁴ர்வ = of the Gandharvas
யக்ஷ = the Yaksas
அஸுர = the demons
ஸித்³த⁴ = and the perfected demigods
ஸங்கா⁴꞉ = the assemblies
வீக்ஷந்தே = are beholding
த்வாம்ʼ = You
விஸ்மிதா꞉ = in wonder
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
ஸர்வே = all.
ரூபம்ʼ = the form
மஹத் = very great
தே = of You
ப³ஹு = many
வக்த்ர = faces
நேத்ரம்ʼ = and eyes
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed one
ப³ஹு = many
பா³ஹு = arms
உரு = thighs
பாத³ம்ʼ = and legs
ப³ஹூத³ரம்ʼ = many bellies
ப³ஹுத³ம்ʼஷ்ட்ரா = many teeth
கராலம்ʼ = horrible
த்³ருʼஷ்ட்வா = seeing
லோகா꞉ = all the planets
ப்ரவ்யதி²தா꞉ = perturbed
ததா² = similarly
அஹம்ʼ = I.
நப⁴꞉ஸ்ப்ருʼஶம்ʼ = touching the sky
தீ³ப்தம்ʼ = glowing
அனேக = many
வர்ணம்ʼ = colors
வ்யத்த = open
ஆனனம்ʼ = mouths
தீ³ப்த = glowing
விஶால = very great
நேத்ரம்ʼ = eyes
த்³ருʼஷ்ட்வா = seeing
ஹி = certainly
த்வாம்ʼ = You
ப்ரவ்யதி²த = perturbed
அந்த꞉ = within
ஆத்மா = soul
த்⁴ருʼதிம்ʼ = steadiness
ந = not
விந்தா³மி = I have
ஶமம்ʼ = mental tranquillity
ச = also
விஷ்ணோ = O Lord Visnu.
த³ம்ʼஷ்ட்ரா = teeth
கராலானி = terrible
ச = also
தே = Your
முகா²னி = faces
த்³ருʼஷ்ட்வா = seeing
ஏவ = thus
காலானல = the fire of death
ஸன்னிபா⁴னி = as if
தி³ஶ꞉ = the directions
ந = not
ஜானே = I know
ந = not
லபே⁴ = I obtain
ச = and
ஶர்ம = grace
ப்ரஸீத³ = be pleased
தே³வேஶ = O Lord of all lords
ஜக³ந்நிவாஸ = O refuge of the worlds.
அமீ = these
ச = also
த்வாம்ʼ = You
த்⁴ருʼதராஷ்ட்ரஸ்ய = of Dhritarashtra
புத்ரா꞉ = the sons
ஸர்வே = all
ஸஹ = with
ஏவ = indeed
அவனிபால = of warrior kings
ஸங்கை⁴꞉ = the groups
பீ⁴ஷ்ம꞉ = Bhishmadeva
த்³ரோண꞉ = Dronacarya
ஸூதபுத்ர꞉ = Karna
ததா² = also
அஸௌ = that
ஸஹ = with
அஸ்மதீ³யை꞉ = our
அபி = also
யோத⁴முக்²யை꞉ = chiefs among the warriors
வக்த்ராணி = mouths
தே = Your
த்வரமாணா꞉ = rushing
விஶந்தி = are entering
த³ம்ʼஷ்ட்ரா = teeth
கராலானி = terrible
ப⁴யானகானி = very fearful
கேசித் = some of them
விலக்³னா꞉ = becoming attached
த³ஶனாந்தரேஷு = between the teeth
ஸந்த்³ருʼஶ்யந்தே = are seen
சூர்ணிதை꞉ = with smashed
உத்தமாங்கை³꞉ = heads.
யதா² = as
நதீ³னாம்ʼ = of the rivers
ப³ஹவ꞉ = the many
அம்பு³வேகா³꞉ = waves of the waters
ஸமுத்³ரம்ʼ = the ocean
ஏவ = certainly
அபி⁴முகா²꞉ = towards
த்³ரவந்தி = glide
ததா² = similarly
தவ = Your
அமீ = all these
நரலோகவீரா꞉ = kings of human society
விஶந்தி = are entering
வக்த்ராணி = the mouths
அபி⁴விஜ்வலந்தி = and are blazing.
யதா² = as
ப்ரதீ³ப்தம்ʼ = blazing
ஜ்வலனம்ʼ = a fire
பதங்கா³꞉ = moths
விஶந்தி = enter
நாஶாய = for destruction
ஸம்ருʼத்³த⁴ = with full
வேகா³꞉ = speed
ததை²வ = similarly
நாஶாய = for destruction
விஶந்தி = are entering
லோகா꞉ = all people
தவ = Your
அபி = also
வக்த்ராணி = mouths
ஸம்ருʼத்³த⁴வேக³꞉ = with full speed.
லேலிஹ்யஸே = You are licking
க்³ரஸமான꞉ = devouring
ஸமந்தாத் = from all directions
லோகான் = people
ஸமக்³ரான் = all
வத³னை꞉ = by the mouths
ஜ்வலத்³பி⁴꞉ = blazing
தேஜோபி⁴꞉ = by effulgence
ஆபூர்ய = covering
ஜக³த் = the universe
ஸமக்³ரம்ʼ = all
பா⁴ஸ꞉ = rays
தவ = Your
உக்³ர꞉ = terrible
ப்ரதபந்தி = are scorching
விஷ்ணோ = O all-pervading Lord.
ஆக்²யாஹி = please explain
மே = unto me
க꞉ = who
ப⁴வான் = You
உக்³ரரூப꞉ = fierce form
நம꞉ அஸ்து = obeisances
தே = unto You
தே³வவர = O great one amongst the demigods
ப்ரஸீத³ = be gracious
விஜ்ஞாதும்ʼ = to know
இச்சா²மி = I wish
ப⁴வந்தம்ʼ = You
ஆத்³யம்ʼ = the original
ந = not
ஹி = certainly
ப்ரஜாநாமி = do I know
தவ = Your
ப்ரவ்ருʼத்திம்ʼ = mission.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Personality of Godhead said
கால꞉ = time
அஸ்மி = I am
லோக = of the worlds
க்ஷயக்ருʼத் = the destroyer
ப்ரவ்ருʼத்³த⁴꞉ = great
லோகான் = all people
ஸமாஹர்தும்ʼ = in destroying
இஹ = in this world
ப்ரவ்ருʼத்த꞉ = engaged
ருʼதே = without, except for
அபி = even
த்வாம்ʼ = you
ந = never
ப⁴விஷ்யந்தி = will be
ஸர்வே = all
யே = who
அவஸ்தி²தா꞉ = situated
ப்ரத்யானீகேஷு = on the opposite sides
யோதா⁴꞉ = the soldiers.
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
த்வம்ʼ = you
உத்திஷ்ட² = get up
யஶ꞉ = fame
லப⁴ஸ்வ = gain
ஜித்வா = conquering
ஶத்ருன் = enemies
பு⁴ங்க்ஷ்வ = enjoy
ராஜ்யம்ʼ = kingdom
ஸம்ருʼத்³த⁴ம்ʼ = flourishing
மயா = by Me
ஏவ = certainly
ஏதே = all these
நிஹதா꞉ = killed
பூர்வமேவ = by previous arrangement
நிமித்தமாத்ரம்ʼ = just the cause
ப⁴வ = become
ஸவ்யஸாசின் = O Savyasaci.
த்³ரோணம்ʼ ச = also Drona
பீ⁴ஷ்மம்ʼ ச = also Bhishma
ஜயத்³ரத²ம்ʼ ச = also Jayadratha
கர்ணம்ʼ = Karna
ததா² = also
அன்யான் = others
அபி = certainly
யோத⁴வீரான் = great warriors
மயா = by Me
ஹதான் = already killed
த்வம்ʼ = you
ஜஹி = destroy
மா = do not
வ்யதி²ஷ்டா²꞉ = be disturbed
யுத்⁴யஸ்வ = just fight
ஜேதாஸி = you will conquer
ரணே = in the fight
ஸபத்னான் = enemies.
ஸஞ்ஜய உவாச = Sanjaya said
ஏதத் = thus
ஶ்ருத்வா = hearing
வசனம்ʼ = the speech
கேஶவஸ்ய = of KRiShNa
க்ருʼதாஞ்ஜலி꞉ = with folded hands
வேபமான꞉ = trembling
கிரீடின் = Arjuna
நமஸ்க்ருʼத்வா = offering obeisances
பூ⁴ய꞉ = again
ஏவ = also
அஹ = said
க்ருʼஷ்ணம்ʼ = unto KRiShNa
ஸக³த்³க³த³ம்ʼ = with a faltering voice
பீ⁴தபீ⁴த꞉ = fearful
ப்ரணம்ய = offering obeisances.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
ஸ்தா²னே = rightly
ஹ்ருʼஷீகேஶ = O master of all senses
தவ = Your
ப்ரகீர்த்ய = by the glories
ஜக³த் = the entire world
ப்ரஹ்ருʼஷ்யதி = is rejoicing
அனுரஜ்யதே = is becoming attached
ச = and
ரக்ஷாம்ʼஸி = the demons
பீ⁴தானி = out of fear
தி³ஶ꞉ = in all directions
த்³ரவந்தி = are fleeing
ஸர்வே = all
நமஸ்யந்தி = are offering respects
ச = also
ஸித்³த⁴ஸங்கா⁴꞉ = the perfect human beings.
கஸ்மாத் = why
ச = also
தே = unto You
ந = not
நமேரன் = they should offer proper obeisances
மஹாத்மன் = O great one
க³ரீயஸே = who are better
ப்³ரஹ்மண꞉ = than Brahma
அபி = although
ஆதி³கர்த்ரே = to the supreme creator
அனந்த = O unlimited
தே³வேஶ = O God of the gods
ஜக³ந்நிவாஸ = O refuge of the universe
த்வம்ʼ = You are
அக்ஷரம்ʼ = imperishable
ஸத³ஸத் = to cause and effect
தத்பரம்ʼ = transcendental
யத் = because.
த்வம்ʼ = You
ஆதி³தே³வ꞉ = the original Supreme God
புருஷ꞉ = personality
புராண꞉ = old
த்வம்ʼ = You
அஸ்ய = of this
விஶ்வஸ்ய = universe
பரம்ʼ = transcendental
நிதா⁴னம்ʼ = refuge
வேத்த = the knower
அஸி = You are
வேத்³யம்ʼ = the knowable
ச = and
பரம்ʼ = transcendental
ச = and
தா⁴ம = refuge
த்வயா = by You
ததம்ʼ = pervaded
விஶ்வம்ʼ = the universe
அனந்தரூப = O unlimited form.
வாயு꞉ = air
யம꞉ = the controller
அக்³னி꞉ = fire
வருண꞉ = water
ஶஶாங்க꞉ = the moon
ப்ரஜாபதி꞉ = Brahma
த்வம்ʼ = You
ப்ரபிதாமஹ꞉ = the great-grandfather
ச = also
நம꞉ = my respects
நம꞉ = again my respects
தே = unto You
அஸ்து = let there be
ஸஹஸ்ரக்ருʼத்வ꞉ = a thousand times
புனஶ்ச = and again
பூ⁴ய꞉ = again
அபி = also
நம꞉ = offering my respects
நமஸ்தே = offering my respects unto You.
நம꞉ = offering obeisances
புரஸ்தாத் = from the front
அத² = also
ப்ருʼஷ்ட²த꞉ = from behind
தே = unto You
நம꞉ அஸ்து = I offer my respects
தே = unto You
ஸர்வத꞉ = from all sides
ஏவ = indeed
ஸர்வ = because You are everything
அனந்தவீர்யா = unlimited potency
அமிதவிக்ரம꞉ = and unlimited force
த்வம்ʼ = You
ஸர்வம்ʼ = everything
ஸமாப்னோஷி = You cover
தத꞉ = therefore
அஸி = You are
ஸர்வ꞉ = everything.
ஸகா² = friend
இதி = thus
மத்வா = thinking
ப்ரஸப⁴ம்ʼ = presumptuously
யத் = whatever
உக்தம்ʼ = said
ஹே க்ருʼஷ்ண = O KRiShNa
ஹே யாத³வ = O Yadava
ஹே ஸகே² = O my dear friend
இதி = thus
அஜானதா = without knowing
மஹிமானம்ʼ = glories
தவ = Your
இத³ம்ʼ = this
மயா = by me
ப்ரமாதா³த் = out of foolishness
ப்ரணயேன = out of love
வாபி = either
யத் = whatever
ச = also
அவஹாஸார்த²ம்ʼ = for joking
அஸத்க்ருʼத꞉ = dishonored
அஸி = You have been
விஹார = in relaxation
ஶய்யா = in lying down
ஆஸன = in sitting
போ⁴ஜனேஷு = or while eating together
ஏக꞉ = alone
அத²வா = or
அபி = also
அச்யுத = O infallible one
தத்ஸமக்ஷம்ʼ = among companions
தத் = all those
க்ஷாமயே = ask forgiveness
த்வம்ʼ = from You
அஹம்ʼ = I
அப்ரமேயம்ʼ = immeasurable.
பிதா = the father
அஸி = You are
லோகஸ்ய = of all the world
சர = moving
அசரஸ்ய = and nonmoving
த்வம்ʼ = You are
அஸ்ய = of this
பூஜ்ய꞉ = worshipable
ச = also
கு³ரு꞉ = master
க³ரீயான் = glorious
ந = never
த்வத்ஸம꞉ = equal to You
அஸ்தி = there is
அப்⁴யதி⁴க꞉ = greater
குத꞉ = how is it possible
அன்ய꞉ = other
லோகத்ரயே = in the three planetary systems
அபி = also
அப்ரதிமப்ரபா⁴வ = O immeasurable power.
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
ப்ரணம்ய = offering obeisances
ப்ரணிதா⁴ய = laying down
காயம்ʼ = the body
ப்ரஸாத³யே = to beg mercy
த்வம்ʼ = unto You
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஈஶம்ʼ = unto the Supreme Lord
இட்³யம்ʼ = worshipable
பிதேவ = like a father
புத்ரஸ்ய = with a son
ஸகை²வ = like a friend
ஸக்²யு꞉ = with a friend
ப்ரிய꞉ = a lover
ப்ரியாயா꞉ = with the dearmost
அர்ஹஸி = You should
தே³வ = my Lord
ஸோடு⁴ம்ʼ = tolerate.
அத்³ருʼஷ்டபூர்வம்ʼ = never seen before
ஹ்ருʼஷித꞉ = gladdened
அஸ்மி = I am
த்³ருʼஷ்ட்வா = by seeing
ப⁴யேன = out of fear
ச = also
ப்ரவ்யதி²தம்ʼ = perturbed
மன꞉ = mind
மே = my
தத் = that
ஏவ = certainly
மே = unto me
த³ர்ஶய = show
தே³வ = O Lord
ரூபம்ʼ = the form
ப்ரஸீத³ = just be gracious
தே³வேஶ = O Lord of lords
ஜக³ந்நிவாஸ = O refuge of the universe.
கிரீடினம்ʼ = with helmet
க³தி³னம்ʼ = with club
சக்ரஹஸ்தம்ʼ = disc in hand
இச்சா²மி = I wish
த்வாம்ʼ = You
த்³ரஷ்டும்ʼ = to see
அஹம்ʼ = I
ததை²வ = in that position
தேனைவ = in that
ரூபேண = form
சதுர்பு⁴ஜேன = four-handed
ஸஹஸ்ரபா³ஹோ = O thousand-handed one
ப⁴வ = just become
விஶ்வமூர்தே = O universal form.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
மயா = by Me
ப்ரஸன்னேன = happily
தவ = unto you
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
இத³ம்ʼ = this
ரூபம்ʼ = form
பரம்ʼ = transcendental
த³ர்ஶிதம்ʼ = shown
ஆத்மயோகா³த் = by My internal potency
தேஜோமயம்ʼ = full of effulgence
விஶ்வம்ʼ = the entire universe
அனந்தம்ʼ = unlimited
ஆத்³யம்ʼ = original
யத் = that which
மே = My
த்வத³ன்யேன = besides you
ந த்³ருʼஷ்டபூர்வம்ʼ = no one has previously seen.
ந = never
வேத³யஜ்ஞ = by sacrifice
அத்⁴யயனை꞉ = or Vedic study
ந = never
தா³னை꞉ = by charity
ந = never
ச = also
க்ரியாபி⁴꞉ = by pious activities
ந = never
தபோபி⁴꞉ = by serious penances
உக்³ரை꞉ = severe
ஏவம்ʼ ரூப꞉ = in this form
ஶக்ய꞉ = can
அஹம்ʼ = I
ந்ருʼலோகே = in this material world
த்³ரஷ்டும்ʼ = be seen
த்வத் = than you
அன்யேன = by another
குருப்ரவீர = O best among the Kuru warriors.
மா = let it not be
தே = unto you
வ்யதா² = trouble
மா = let it not be
ச = also
விமூட⁴பா⁴வ꞉ = bewilderment
த்³ருʼஷ்ட்வா = by seeing
ரூபம்ʼ = form
கோ⁴ரம்ʼ = horrible
இத்³ருʼக் = as it is
மம = My
இத³ம்ʼ = this
வ்யபேதபீ⁴꞉ = free from all fear
ப்ரீதமனா꞉ = pleased in mind
புன꞉ = again
த்வம்ʼ = you
தத் = that
ஏவ = thus
மே = My
ரூபம்ʼ = form
இத³ம்ʼ = this
ப்ரபஶ்ய = just see.
ஸஞ்ஜய உவாச = Sanjaya said
இதி = thus
அர்ஜுனம்ʼ = unto Arjuna
வாஸுதே³வா꞉ = KRiShNa
ததா² = in that way
உக்த்வா = speaking
ஸ்வகம்ʼ = His own
ரூபம்ʼ = form
த³ர்ஶயாமாஸ = showed
பூ⁴ய꞉ = again
ஆஶ்வாஸயாமாஸ = encouraged
ச = also
பீ⁴தம்ʼ = fearful
ஏனம்ʼ = him
பூ⁴த்வா = becoming
புன꞉ = again
ஸௌம்யவபு꞉ = the beautiful form
மஹாத்மா = the great one.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
த்³ருʼஷ்ட்வா = seeing
இத³ம்ʼ = this
மானுஷம்ʼ = human
ரூபம்ʼ = form
தவ = Your
ஸௌம்யம்ʼ = very beautiful
ஜனார்த³ன = O chastiser of the enemies
இதா³னீம்ʼ = now
அஸ்மி = I am
ஸம்ʼவ்ருʼத்த꞉ = settled
ஸசேதா꞉ = in my consciousness
ப்ரக்ருʼதிம்ʼ = to my own nature
க³த꞉ = returned.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
ஸுது³ர்த³ர்ஶம்ʼ = very difficult to see
இத³ம்ʼ = this
ரூபம்ʼ = form
த்³ருʼஷ்டவானஸி = as you have seen
யத் = which
மம = of Mine
தே³வா꞉ = the demigods
அபி = also
அஸ்ய = this
ரூபஸ்ய = form
நித்யம்ʼ = eternally
த³ர்ஶனகாங்க்ஷிண꞉ = aspiring to see.
ந = never
அஹம்ʼ = I
வேதை³꞉ = by study of the Vedas
ந = never
தபஸா = by serious penances
ந = never
தா³னேன = by charity
ந = never
ச = also
இஜ்யயா = by worship
ஶக்ய꞉ = it is possible
ஏவம்ʼவிதா⁴꞉ = like this
த்³ரஷ்டும்ʼ = to see
த்³ருʼஷ்டவான் = seeing
அஸி = you are
மாம்ʼ = Me
யதா² = as.
ப⁴க்த்யா = by devotional service
து = but
அனன்யயா = without being mixed with fruitive activities or speculative knowledge
ஶக்ய꞉ = possible
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஏவம்ʼவித⁴꞉ = like this
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
ஜ்ஞாதும்ʼ = to know
த்³ரஷ்டும்ʼ = to see
ச = and
தத்த்வேன = in fact
ப்ரவேஷ்டும்ʼ = to enter into
ச = also
பரந்தப = O mighty-armed one.
மத்கர்மக்ருʼத் = engaged in doing My work
மத்பரம꞉ = considering Me the Supreme
மத்³ப⁴க்த꞉ = engaged in My devotional service
ஸங்க³வர்ஜித꞉ = freed from the contamination of fruitive activities and mental speculation
நிர்வைர꞉ = without an enemy
ஸர்வபூ⁴தேஷு = among all living entities
ய꞉ = one who
ஸ꞉ = he
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ஏதி = comes
பாண்ட³வ = O son of Pandu.

End of 11.55

அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
ஸதத = always
யுக்த꞉ = engaged
யே = those who
ப⁴க்தா꞉ = devotees
த்வாம்ʼ = You
பர்யுபாஸதே = properly worship
யே = those who
ச = also
அபி = again
அக்ஷரம்ʼ = beyond the senses
அவ்யக்தம்ʼ = the unmanifested
தேஷாம்ʼ = of them
கே = who
யோக³வித்தமா꞉ = the most perfect in knowledge of yoga.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
மயி = upon Me
ஆவேஶ்ய = fixing
மன꞉ = the mind
யே = those who
மாம்ʼ = Me
நித்ய = always
யுக்தா꞉ = engaged
உபாஸதே = worship
ஶ்ரத்³த⁴யா = with faith
பரயா = transcendental
உபேத꞉ = endowed
தே = they
மே = by Me
யுக்ததமா꞉ = most perfect in yoga
மதா꞉ = are considered.
யே = those who
து = but
அக்ஷரம்ʼ = that which is beyond the perception of the senses
அநிர்தே³ஶ்யம்ʼ = indefinite
அவ்யக்தம்ʼ = unmanifested
பர்யுபாஸதே = completely engage in worshiping
ஸர்வத்ரக³ம்ʼ = all-pervading
அசிந்த்யம்ʼ = inconceivable
ச = also
கூடஸ்த²ம்ʼ = unchanging
அசலம்ʼ = immovable
த்⁴ருவம்ʼ = fixed
ஸந்நியம்ய = controlling
இந்த்³ரியக்³ராமம்ʼ = all the senses
ஸர்வத்ர = everywhere
ஸமபு³த்³த⁴ய꞉ = equally disposed
தே = they
ப்ராப்னுவந்தி = achieve
மாம்ʼ = Me
ஏவ = certainly
ஸர்வபூ⁴தஹிதே = for the welfare of all living entities
ரதா꞉ = engaged.
க்லேஶ꞉ = trouble
அதி⁴கதர꞉ = very much
தேஷாம்ʼ = of them
அவ்யக்த = to the unmanifested
அஸக்த = attached
சேதஸாம்ʼ = of those whose minds
அவ்யக்தா = toward the unmanifested
ஹி = certainly
க³தி꞉ = progress
து³꞉க²ம்ʼ = with trouble
தே³ஹவத்³பி⁴꞉ = by the embodied
அவாப்யதே = is achieved.
யே = those who
து = but
ஸர்வாணி = all
கர்மாணி = activities
மயி = unto Me
ஸம்ʼந்யஸ்ய = giving up
மத்பரா꞉ = being attached to Me
அனன்யேன = without division
ஏவ = certainly
யோகே³ன = by practice of such bhakti-yoga
மாம்ʼ = upon Me
த்⁴யாயந்த꞉ = meditating
உபாஸதே = worship
தேஷாம்ʼ = of them
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஸமுத்³த⁴ர்தா = the deliverer
ம்ருʼத்யு = of death
ஸம்ʼஸார = in material existence
ஸாக³ராத் = from the ocean
ப⁴வாமி = I become
ந = not
சிராத் = after a long time
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
மயி = upon Me
ஆவேஶித = fixed
சேதஸாம்ʼ = of those whose minds.
மயி = upon Me
ஏவ = certainly
மன꞉ = mind
ஆத⁴த்ஸ்வ = fix
மயி = upon Me
பு³த்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = intelligence
நிவேஶய = apply
நிவஸிஷ்யஸி = you will live
மயி = in Me
ஏவ = certainly
அத ஊர்த்⁴வம்ʼ = thereafter
ந = never
ஸம்ʼஶய꞉ = doubt.
அத² = if, therefore
சித்தம்ʼ = mind
ஸமாதா⁴தும்ʼ = to fix
ந = not
ஶக்னோஷி = you are able
மயி = upon Me
ஸ்தி²ரம்ʼ = steadily
அப்⁴யாஸயோகே³ன = by the practice of devotional service
தத꞉ = then
மாம்ʼ = Me
இச்சா² = desire
ஆப்தும்ʼ = to get
த⁴னஞ்ஜய = O winner of wealth, Arjuna.
அப்⁴யாஸே = in practice
அபி = even if
அஸமர்த²꞉ = unable
அஸி = you are
மத்கர்ம = My work
பரம꞉ = dedicated to
ப⁴வ = become
மத³ர்த²ம்ʼ = for My sake
அபி = even
கர்மாணி = work
குர்வன் = performing
ஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = perfection
அவாப்ஸ்யஸி = you will achieve.
அத² = even though
ஏதத் = this
அபி = also
அஶக்த꞉ = unable
அஸி = you are
கர்தும்ʼ = to perform
மத் = unto Me
யோக³ம்ʼ = in devotional service
ஆஶ்ரித꞉ = taking refuge
ஸர்வகர்ம = of all activities
ப²ல = of the results
த்யாக³ம்ʼ = renunciation
தத꞉ = then
குரு = do
யதாத்மவான் = self-situated.
ஶ்ரேய꞉ = better
ஹி = certainly
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
அப்⁴யாஸாத் = than practice
ஜ்ஞானாத் = than knowledge
த்⁴யானம்ʼ = meditation
விஶிஷ்யதே = is considered better
த்⁴யானாத் = than meditation
கர்மப²லத்யாக³꞉ = renunciation of the results of fruitive action
த்யாகா³த் = by such renunciation
ஶாந்தி꞉ = peace
அனந்தரம்ʼ = thereafter.
அத்³வேஷ்டா = nonenvious
ஸர்வபூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = toward all living entities
மைத்ர꞉ = friendly
கருண꞉ = kindly
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
நிர்மம꞉ = with no sense of proprietorship
நிரஹங்கார꞉ = without false ego
ஸம = equal
து³꞉க² = in distress
ஸுக²꞉ = and happiness
க்ஷமீ = forgiving
ஸந்துஷ்ட꞉ = satisfied
ஸததம்ʼ = always
யோகீ³ = one engaged in devotion
யதாத்ம = self-controlled
த்³ருʼட⁴நிஶ்சய꞉ = with determination
மயி = upon Me
அர்பித = engaged
மன꞉ = mind
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = and intelligence
ய꞉ = one who
மத்³ப⁴க்த꞉ = My devotee
ஸ꞉ = he
மே = to Me
ப்ரிய꞉ = dear.
யஸ்மாத் = from whom
ந = never
உத்³விஜதே = are agitated
லோக꞉ = people
லோகாத் = from people
ந = never
உத்³விஜதே = is disturbed
ச = also
ய꞉ = anyone who
ஹர்ஷ = from happiness
அமர்ஷ = distress
ப⁴ய = fear
உத்³வேகை³꞉ = and anxiety
முக்த꞉ = freed
ய꞉ = who
ஸ꞉ = anyone
ச = also
மே = to Me
ப்ரிய꞉ = very dear.
அனபேக்ஷ꞉ = neutral
ஶுசி꞉ = pure
த³க்ஷ꞉ = expert
உதா³ஸீன꞉ = free from care
க³தவ்யதா²꞉ = freed from all distress
ஸர்வாரம்ப⁴ = of all endeavors
பரித்யாகீ³ = renouncer
ய꞉ = anyone who
மத்³ப⁴க்த꞉ = My devotee
ஸ꞉ = he
மே = to Me
ப்ரிய꞉ = very dear.
ய꞉ = one who
ந = never
ஹ்ருʼஷ்யதி = takes pleasure
ந = never
த்³வேஷ்டி = grieves
ந = never
ஶோசதி = laments
ந = never
காங்க்ஷதி = desires
ஶுப⁴ = of the auspicious
அஶுப⁴ = and the inauspicious
பரித்யாகீ³ = renouncer
ப⁴க்திமான் = devotee
ய꞉ = one who
ஸ꞉ = he is
மே = to Me
ப்ரிய꞉ = dear.
ஸம꞉ = equal
ஶத்ரௌ = to an enemy
ச = also
மித்ரே = to a friend
ச = also
ததா² = so
மான = in honor
அபமானயோ꞉ = and dishonor
ஶீத = in cold
உஷ்ண = heat
ஸுக² = happiness
து³꞉கே²ஷு = and distress
ஸம꞉ = equipoised
ஸங்க³விவர்ஜித꞉ = free from all association
துல்ய = equal
நிந்தா³ = in defamation
ஸ்துதி꞉ = and repute
மௌனி = silent
ஸந்துஷ்ட꞉ = satisfied
யேனகேனசித் = with anything
அநிகேத꞉ = having no residence
ஸ்தி²ர = fixed
மதி꞉ = determination
ப⁴க்திமான் = engaged in devotion
மே = to Me
ப்ரிய꞉ = dear
நர꞉ = a man.
யே = those who
து = but
த⁴ர்ம = of religion
அம்ருʼதம்ʼ = nectar
இத³ம்ʼ = this
யதா² = as
உக்தம்ʼ = said
பர்யுபாஸதே = completely engage
ஶ்ரத்³த³தா⁴னா꞉ = with faith
மத்பரமா꞉ = taking Me, the Supreme Lord, as everything
ப⁴க்த꞉ = devotees
தே = they
அதீவ = very, very
மே = to Me
ப்ரிய꞉ = dear.

End of 12.20

அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
ப்ரக்ருʼதிம்ʼ = nature
புருஷம்ʼ = the enjoyer
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
க்ஷேத்ரம்ʼ = the field
க்ஷேத்ரஜ்ஞம்ʼ = the knower of the field
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
ஏதத் = all this
வேதி³தும்ʼ = to understand
இச்சா²மி = I wish
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
ஜ்ஞேயம்ʼ = the object of knowledge
ச = also
கேஶவ = O KRiShNa
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Personality of Godhead said
இத³ம்ʼ = this
ஶரீரம்ʼ = body
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
க்ஷேத்ரம்ʼ = the field
இதி = thus
அபி⁴தீ⁴யதே = is called
ஏதத் = this
ய꞉ = one who
வேத்தி = knows
தம்ʼ = he
ப்ராஹு꞉ = is called
க்ஷேத்ரஜ்ஞ꞉ = the knower of the field
இதி = thus
தத்வித³꞉ = by those who know this.
க்ஷேத்ரஜ்ஞம்ʼ = the knower of the field
ச = also
அபி = certainly
மாம்ʼ = Me
வித்³தி⁴ = know
ஸர்வ = all
க்ஷேத்ரேஷு = in bodily fields
பா⁴ரத = O son of Bharata
க்ஷேத்ர = the field of activities (the body)
க்ஷேத்ரஜ்ஞயோ꞉ = and the knower of the field
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge of
யத் = that which
தத் = that
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
மதம்ʼ = opinion
மம = My.
தத் = that
க்ஷேத்ரம்ʼ = field of activities
யத் = what
ச = also
யாத்³ருʼக் = as it is
ச = also
யத் = having what
விகாரி = changes
யத꞉ = from which
ச = also
யத் = what
ஸ꞉ = he
ச = also
ய꞉ = who
யத் = having what
ப்ரபா⁴வ꞉ = influence
ச = also
தத் = that
ஸமாஸேன = in summary
மே = from Me
ஶ்ருʼணு = understand.
ருʼஷிபி⁴꞉ = by the wise sages
ப³ஹுதா⁴ = in many ways
கீ³தம்ʼ = described
ச²ந்தோ³பி⁴꞉ = by Vedic hymns
விவிதை⁴꞉ = various
ப்ருʼத²க் = variously
ப்³ரஹ்மஸூத்ர = of the Vedanta
பதை³꞉ = by the aphorisms
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
ஹேதுமத்³பி⁴꞉ = with cause and effect
விநிஶ்சிதை꞉ = certain.
மஹாபூ⁴தானீ = the great elements
அஹங்கார꞉ = false ego
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
அவ்யக்தம்ʼ = the unmanifested
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
இந்த்³ரியாணி = the senses
த³ஶைகம்ʼ = eleven
ச = also
பஞ்ச = five
ச = also
இந்த்³ரியகோ³சரா꞉ = the objects of the senses
இச்சா² = desire
த்³வேஷ꞉ = hatred
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
து³꞉க²ம்ʼ = distress
ஸங்கா⁴த꞉ = the aggregate
சேதனா = living symptoms
த்⁴ருʼதி꞉ = conviction
ஏதத் = all this
க்ஷேத்ரம்ʼ = the field of activities
ஸமாஸேன = in summary
ஸவிகாரம்ʼ = with interactions
உதா³ஹ்ருʼதம்ʼ = exemplified.
அமானித்வம்ʼ = humility
அத³ம்பி⁴த்வம்ʼ = pridelessness
அஹிம்ʼஸா = nonviolence
க்ஷந்தி꞉ = tolerance
ஆர்ஜவம்ʼ = simplicity
ஆசார்யோபாஸனம்ʼ = approaching a bona fide spiritual master
ஶௌசம்ʼ = cleanliness
ஸ்தை²ர்யம்ʼ = steadfastness
ஆத்மவிநிக்³ரஹ꞉ = self-control
இந்த்³ரியார்தே²ஷு = in the matter of the senses
வைராக்³யம்ʼ = renunciation
அனஹங்கார꞉ = being without false egoism
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
ஜன்ம = of birth
ம்ருʼத்யு = death
ஜரா = old age
வ்யாதி⁴ = and disease
து³꞉க² = of the distress
தோ³ஷ = the fault
அனுத³ர்ஶனம்ʼ = observing
அஸக்தி꞉ = being without attachment
அனபி⁴ஶ்வங்க³꞉ = being without association
புத்ர = for son
தா³ரா = wife
க்³ருʼஹாதி³ஷு = home, etc.
நித்யம்ʼ = constant
ச = also
ஸமசித்தத்வம்ʼ = equilibrium
இஷ்ட = the desirable
அநிஷ்ட = and undesirable
உபபத்திஷு = having obtained
மயி = unto Me
ச = also
அனன்யயோகே³ன = by unalloyed devotional service
ப⁴க்தி꞉ = devotion
அவ்யபி⁴சாரிணீ = without any break
விவிக்த = to solitary
தே³ஶ = places
ஸேவித்வம்ʼ = aspiring
அரதி꞉ = being without attachment
ஜனஸம்ʼஸதி³ = to people in general
அத்⁴யாத்ம = pertaining to the self
ஜ்ஞான = in knowledge
நித்யத்வம்ʼ = constancy
தத்த்வஜ்ஞான = of knowledge of the truth
அர்த² = for the object
த³ர்ஶனம்ʼ = philosophy
ஏதத் = all this
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
இதி = thus
ப்ரோக்தம்ʼ = declared
அஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = ignorance
யத் = that which
அத꞉ = from this
அன்யதா² = other.
ஜ்ஞேயம்ʼ = the knowable
யத் = which
தத் = that
ப்ரவக்ஷ்யாமி = I shall now explain
யத் = which
ஜ்ஞாத்வா = knowing
அம்ருʼதம்ʼ = nectar
அஶ்னுதே = one tastes
அநாதி³ = beginningless
மத்பரம்ʼ = subordinate to Me
ப்³ரஹ்ம = spirit
ந = neither
ஸத் = cause
தத் = that
ந = nor
அஸத் = effect
உச்யதே = is said to be.
ஸர்வத꞉ = everywhere
பாணி = hands
பத³ம்ʼ = legs
தத் = that
ஸர்வத꞉ = everywhere
அக்ஷி = eyes
ஶிர꞉ = heads
முக²ம்ʼ = faces
ஸர்வத꞉ = everywhere
ஶ்ருதிமத் = having ears
லோகே = in the world
ஸர்வம்ʼ = everything
ஆவ்ருʼத்ய = covering
திஷ்ட²தி = exists.
ஸர்வ = of all
இந்த்³ரிய = senses
கு³ண = of the qualities
ஆபா⁴ஸம்ʼ = the original source
ஸர்வ = all
இந்த்³ரிய = senses
விவர்ஜிதம்ʼ = being without
அஸக்தம்ʼ = without attachment
ஸர்வப்⁴ருʼத் = the maintainer of everyone
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
நிர்கு³ணம்ʼ = without material qualities
கு³ணபோ⁴க்த்ருʼ = master of the gunas
ச = also.
ப³ஹி꞉ = outside
அந்த꞉ = inside
ச = also
பூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = of all living entities
அசரம்ʼ = not moving
சரம்ʼ = moving
ஏவ = also
ச = and
ஸூக்ஷ்மத்வாத் = on account of being subtle
தத் = that
அவிஜ்ஞேயம்ʼ = unknowable
தூ³ரஸ்த²ம்ʼ = far away
ச = also
அந்திகே = near
ச = and
தத் = that.
அவிப⁴க்தம்ʼ = without division
ச = also
பூ⁴தேஷு = in all living beings
விப⁴க்தம்ʼ = divided
இவ = as if
ச = also
ஸ்தி²தம்ʼ = situated
பூ⁴தப⁴ர்த்ருʼ = the maintainer of all living entities
ச = also
தத் = that
ஜ்ஞேயம்ʼ = to be understood
க்³ரஸிஷ்ணு = devouring
ப்ரப⁴விஷ்ணு = developing
ச = also.
ஜ்யோதீஷாம்ʼ = in all luminous objects
அபி = also
தத் = that
ஜ்யோதி꞉ = the source of light
தமஸ꞉ = the darkness
பரம்ʼ = beyond
உச்யதே = is said
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
ஜ்ஞேயம்ʼ = to be known
ஜ்ஞானக³ம்யம்ʼ = to be approached by knowledge
ஹ்ருʼதி³ = in the heart
ஸர்வஸ்ய = of everyone
விஷ்டி²தம்ʼ = situated.
இதி = thus
க்ஷேத்ரம்ʼ = the field of activities (the body)
ததா² = also
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
ஜ்ஞேயம்ʼ = the knowable
ச = also
உக்தம்ʼ = described
ஸமாஸத꞉ = in summary
மத்³ப⁴க்த꞉ = My devotee
ஏதத் = all this
விஜ்ஞாய = after understanding
மத்³பா⁴வாய = to My nature
உபபத்³யதே = attains.
ப்ரக்ருʼதிம்ʼ = material nature
புருஷம்ʼ = the living entities
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
வித்³தி⁴ = you must know
அநாதி³ = without beginning
உபௌ⁴ = both
அபி = also
விகாரான் = transformations
ச = also
கு³ணான் = the three modes of nature
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
வித்³தி⁴ = know
ப்ரக்ருʼதி = material nature
ஸம்ப⁴வான் = produced of.
கார்ய = of effect
காரண = and cause
கர்த்ருʼத்வே = in the matter of creation
ஹேது꞉ = the instrument
ப்ரக்ருʼதி꞉ = material nature
உச்யதே = is said to be
புருஷ꞉ = the living entity
ஸுக² = of happiness
து³꞉கா²னாம்ʼ = and distress
போ⁴க்த்ருʼத்வே = in enjoyment
ஹேது꞉ = the instrument
உச்யதே = is said to be.
புருஷ꞉ = the living entity
ப்ரக்ருʼதிஸ்த²꞉ = being situated in the material energy
ஹி = certainly
பு⁴ங்க்தே = enjoys
ப்ரக்ருʼதிஜான் = produced by the material nature
கு³ணான் = the modes of nature
கரணம்ʼ = the cause
கு³ணஸங்க³꞉ = the association with the modes of nature
அஸ்ய = of the living entity
ஸத³ஸத் = in good and bad
யோனி = species of life
ஜன்மஸு = in births.
உபத்³ரஷ்டா = overseer
அனுமந்தா = permitter
ச = also
ப⁴ர்தா = master
போ⁴க்தா = supreme enjoyer
மஹேஶ்வர꞉ = the Supreme Lord
பரமாத்ம = the Supersoul
இதி = also
ச = and
அபி = indeed
உக்த꞉ = is said
தே³ஹே = in the body
அஸ்மின் = this
புருஷ꞉ = enjoyer
பர꞉ = transcendental.
ய꞉ = anyone who
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
வேத்தி = understands
புருஷம்ʼ = the living entity
ப்ரக்ருʼதிம்ʼ = material nature
ச = and
கு³ணை꞉ = the modes of material nature
ஸஹ = with
ஸர்வதா² = in all ways
வர்தமான꞉ = being situated
அபி = in spite of
ந = never
ஸ꞉ = he
பூ⁴ய꞉ = again
அபி⁴ஜாயதே = takes his birth.
த்⁴யானேன = by meditation
ஆத்மனி = within the self
பஶ்யந்தி = see
கேசித் = some
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = the Supersoul
ஆத்மனா = by the mind
அன்யே = others
ஸாங்க்²யேன = of philosophical discussion
யோகே³ன = by the yoga system
கர்மயோகே³ண = by activities without fruitive desire
ச = also
அபரே = others.
அன்யே = others
து = but
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
அஜானந்த꞉ = without spiritual knowledge
ஶ்ருத்வா = by hearing
அன்யேப்⁴ய꞉ = from others
உபாஸதே = begin to worship
தே = they
அபி = also
ச = and
அதிதரந்தி = transcend
ஏவ = certainly
ம்ருʼத்யும்ʼ = the path of death
ஶ்ருதிபராயணா꞉ = inclined to the process of hearing.
யாவத் = whatever
ஸஞ்ஜாயதே = comes into being
கிஞ்சித் = anything
ஸத்த்வம்ʼ = existence
ஸ்தா²வர = not moving
ஜங்க³மம்ʼ = moving
க்ஷேத்ர = of the body
க்ஷேத்ரஜ்ஞ = and the knower of the body
ஸம்ʼயோகா³த் = by the union between
தத்³வித்³தி⁴ = you must know it
ப⁴ரதர்ஷப⁴ = O chief of the Bharatas.
ஸமம்ʼ = equally
ஸர்வேஷு = in all
பூ⁴தேஷு = living entities
திஷ்ட²ந்தம்ʼ = residing
பரமேஶ்வரம்ʼ = the Supersoul
வினஶ்யத்ஸு = in the destructible
அவினஶ்யந்தம்ʼ = not destroyed
ய꞉ = anyone who
பஶ்யதி = sees
ஸ꞉ = he
பஶ்யதி = actually sees.
ஸமம்ʼ = equally
பஶ்யன் = seeing
ஹி = certainly
ஸர்வத்ர = everywhere
ஸமவஸ்தி²தம்ʼ = equally situated
ஈஶ்வரம்ʼ = the Supersoul
ந = does not
ஹினஸ்தி = degrade
ஆத்மனா = by the mind
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = the soul
தத꞉ = then
யாதி = reaches
பராம்ʼ = the transcendental
க³திம்ʼ = destination.
ப்ரக்ருʼத்யா = by material nature
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
கர்மாணி = activities
க்ரியமாணானி = being performed
ஸர்வஶ꞉ = in all respects
ய꞉ = anyone who
பஶ்யதி = sees
ததா² = also
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = himself
அகர்தாரம்ʼ = the nondoer
ஸ꞉ = he
பஶ்யதி = sees perfectly.
யதா³ = when
பூ⁴த = of living entities
ப்ருʼத²க்³பா⁴வம்ʼ = separated identities
ஏகஸ்த²ம்ʼ = situated in one
அனுபஶ்யதி = one tries to see through authority
தத꞉ ஏவ = thereafter
ச = also
விஸ்தாரம்ʼ = the expansion
ப்³ரஹ்ம = the Absolute
ஸம்பத்³யதே = he attains
ததா³ = at that time.
அநாதி³த்வாத் = due to eternity
நிர்கு³ணத்வாத் = due to being transcendental
பரம = beyond material nature
ஆத்மா = spirit
அயம்ʼ = this
அவ்யய꞉ = inexhaustible
ஶரீரஸ்த²꞉ = dwelling in the body
அபி = though
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
ந கரோதி = never does anything
ந லிப்யதே = nor is he entangled.
யதா² = as
ஸர்வக³தம்ʼ = all-pervading
ஸௌக்ஷ்ம்யாத் = due to being subtle
ஆகாஶம்ʼ = the sky
ந = never
உபலிப்யதே = mixes
ஸர்வத்ர = everywhere
அவஸ்தி²த꞉ = situated
தே³ஹே = in the body
ததா² = so
ஆத்மா = the self
ந = never
உபலிப்யதே = mixes.
யதா² = as
ப்ரகாஶயதி = illuminates
ஏக꞉ = one
க்ருʼத்ஸ்னம்ʼ = the whole
லோகம்ʼ = universe
இமம்ʼ = this
ரவி꞉ = sun
க்ஷேத்ரம்ʼ = this body
க்ஷேத்ரீ = the soul
ததா² = similarly
க்ருʼத்ஸ்னம்ʼ = all
ப்ரகாஶயதி = illuminates
பா⁴ரத = O son of Bharata.
க்ஷேத்ர = of the body
க்ஷேத்ரஜ்ஞயோ꞉ = of the proprietor of the body
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
அந்தரம்ʼ = the difference
ஜ்ஞானசக்ஷுஷா = by the vision of knowledge
பூ⁴த = of the living entity
ப்ரக்ருʼதி = from material nature
மோக்ஷம்ʼ = the liberation
ச = also
யே = those who
விது³꞉ = know
யாந்தி = approach
தே = they
பரம்ʼ = the Supreme.

See Also  Kanti Nakhilaanda In Telugu

End of 13.35

ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
பரம்ʼ = transcendental
பூ⁴ய꞉ = again
ப்ரவக்ஷ்யாமி = I shall speak
ஜ்ஞானானாம்ʼ = of all knowledge
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
உத்தமம்ʼ = the supreme
யத் = which
ஜ்ஞாத்வா = knowing
முனய꞉ = the sages
ஸர்வே = all
பரம்ʼ = transcendental
ஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = perfection
இத꞉ = from this world
க³தா꞉ = attained.
இத³ம்ʼ = this
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
உபாஶ்ரித்ய = taking shelter of
மம = My
ஸாத⁴ர்ம்யம்ʼ = same nature
ஆக³த꞉ = having attained
ஸர்கே³(அ)பி = even in the creation
ந = never
உபஜாயந்தே = are born
ப்ரலயே = in the annihilation
ந = nor
வ்யத²ந்தி = are disturbed
ச = also.
மம = My
யோனி꞉ = source of birth
மஹத் = the total material existence
ப்³ரஹ்ம = supreme
தஸ்மின் = in that
க³ர்ப⁴ம்ʼ = pregnancy
த³தா⁴மி = create
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஸம்ப⁴வ꞉ = the possibility
ஸர்வபூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = of all living entities
தத꞉ = thereafter
ப⁴வதி = becomes
பா⁴ரத = O son of Bharata.
ஸர்வயோநிஷு = in all species of life
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
மூர்தய꞉ = forms
ஸம்ப⁴வந்தி = they appear
ய꞉ = which
தாஸாம்ʼ = of all of them
ப்³ரஹ்ம = the supreme
மஹத்³யோனி꞉ = source of birth in the material substance
அஹம்ʼ = I
பீ³ஜப்ரத³꞉ = the seed-giving
பிதா = father.
ஸத்த்வம்ʼ = the mode of goodness
ரஜ꞉ = the mode of passion
தம꞉ = the mode of ignorance
இதி = thus
கு³ணா꞉ = the qualities
ப்ரக்ருʼதி = material nature
ஸம்ப⁴வா꞉ = produced of
நிப³த்⁴னந்தி = do condition
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed one
தே³ஹே = in this body
தே³ஹீனம்ʼ = the living entity
அவ்யயம்ʼ = eternal.
தத்ர = there
ஸத்த்வம்ʼ = the mode of goodness
நிர்மலத்வாத் = being purest in the material world
ப்ரகாஶகம்ʼ = illuminating
அநாமயம்ʼ = without any sinful reaction
ஸுக² = with happiness
ஸங்கே³ன = by association
ப³த்⁴னாதி = conditions
ஜ்ஞான = with knowledge
ஸங்கே³ன = by association
ச = also
அனக⁴ = O sinless one.
ரஜ꞉ = the mode of passion
ராகா³த்மகம்ʼ = born of desire or lust
வித்³தி⁴ = know
த்ருʼஷ்ணா = with hankering
ஸங்க³ = association
ஸமுத்³ப⁴வம்ʼ = produced of
தத் = that
நிப³த்⁴னாதி = binds
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
கர்மஸங்கே³ன = by association with fruitive activity
தே³ஹினம்ʼ = the embodied.
தம꞉ = the mode of ignorance
து = but
அஜ்ஞானஜம்ʼ = produced of ignorance
வித்³தி⁴ = know
மோஹனம்ʼ = the delusion
ஸர்வதே³ஹினாம்ʼ = of all embodied beings
ப்ரமாத³ = with madness
அலஸ்ய = indolence
நித்³ராபி⁴꞉ = and sleep
தத் = that
நிப³த்⁴னாதி = binds
பா⁴ரத = O son of Bharata.
ஸத்த்வம்ʼ = the mode of goodness
ஸுகே² = in happiness
ஸஞ்ஜயதி = binds
ரஜ꞉ = the mode of passion
கர்மாணி = in fruitive activity
பா⁴ரத = O son of Bharata
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
ஆவ்ருʼத்ய = covering
து = but
தம꞉ = the mode of ignorance
ப்ரமாதே³ = in madness
ஸஞ்ஜயதி = binds
உத = it is said.
ரஜ꞉ = the mode of passion
தம꞉ = the mode of ignorance
ச = also
அபி⁴பூ⁴ய = surpassing
ஸத்த்வம்ʼ = the mode of goodness
ப⁴வதி = becomes prominent
பா⁴ரத = O son of Bharata
ரஜ꞉ = the mode of passion
ஸத்த்வம்ʼ = the mode of goodness
தம꞉ = the mode of ignorance
ச = also
ஏவ = like that
தம꞉ = the mode of ignorance
ஸத்த்வம்ʼ = the mode of goodness
ரஜ꞉ = the mode of passion
ததா² = thus.
ஸர்வத்³வாரேஷு = in all the gates
தே³ஹே(அ)ஸ்மின் = in this body
ப்ரகாஶ꞉ = the quality of illumination
உபஜாயதே = develops
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
யதா³ = when
ததா³ = at that time
வித்³யாத் = know
விவ்ருʼத்³த⁴ம்ʼ = increased
ஸத்த்வம்ʼ = the mode of goodness
இத்யுத = thus it is said.
லோப⁴꞉ = greed
ப்ரவ்ருʼத்தி꞉ = activity
ஆரம்ப⁴꞉ = endeavor
கர்மணாம்ʼ = in activities
அஶம꞉ = uncontrollable
ஸ்ப்ருʼஹா = desire
ரஜஸி = of the mode of passion
ஏதானி = all these
ஜாயந்தே = develop
விவ்ருʼத்³தே⁴ = when there is an excess
ப⁴ரதர்ஷப⁴ = O chief of the descendants of Bharata.
அப்ரகாஶ꞉ = darkness
அப்ரவ்ருʼத்தி꞉ = inactivity
ச = and
ப்ரமாத³꞉ = madness
மோஹ꞉ = illusion
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
தமஸி = the mode of ignorance
ஏதானி = these
ஜாயந்தே = are manifested
விவ்ருʼத்³தே⁴ = when developed
குருநந்த³ன = O son of Kuru.
யதா³ = when
ஸத்த்வே = the mode of goodness
ப்ரவ்ருʼத்³தே⁴ = developed
து = but
ப்ரலயம்ʼ = dissolution
யாதி = goes
தே³ஹப்⁴ருʼத் = the embodied
ததா³ = at that time
உத்தமவிதா³ம்ʼ = of the great sages
லோகான் = the planets
அமலான் = pure
ப்ரதிபத்³யதே = attains.
ரஜஸி = in passion
ப்ரலயம்ʼ = dissolution
க³த்வா = attaining
கர்மஸங்கி³ஷு = in the association of those engaged in fruitive activities
ஜாயதே = takes birth
ததா² = similarly
ப்ரலீன꞉ = being dissolved
தமஸி = in ignorance
மூட⁴யோநிஷு = in animal species
ஜாயதே = takes birth.
கர்மண꞉ = of work
ஸுக்ருʼதஸ்ய = pious
ஆஹு꞉ = is said
ஸாத்த்விகம்ʼ = in the mode of goodness
நிர்மலம்ʼ = purified
ப²லம்ʼ = the result
ரஜஸ꞉ = of the mode of passion
து = but
ப²லம்ʼ = the result
து³꞉க²ம்ʼ = misery
அஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = nonsense
தமஸ꞉ = of the mode of ignorance
ப²லம்ʼ = the result.
ஸத்த்வாத் = from the mode of goodness
ஸஞ்ஜாயதே = develops
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
ரஜஸ꞉ = from the mode of passion
லோப⁴꞉ = greed
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
ப்ரமாத³ = madness
மோஹௌ = and illusion
தமஸ꞉ = from the mode of ignorance
ப⁴வத꞉ = develop
அஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = nonsense
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also.
ஊர்த்⁴வம்ʼ = upwards
க³ச்ச²ந்தி = go
ஸத்த்வஸ்தா²꞉ = those situated in the mode of goodness
மத்⁴யே = in the middle
திஷ்ட²ந்தி = dwell
ராஜஸா꞉ = those situated in the mode of passion
ஜக⁴ன்ய = of abominable
கு³ண = quality
வ்ருʼத்திஸ்தா²꞉ = whose occupation
அத⁴꞉ = down
க³ச்ச²ந்தி = go
தாமஸா꞉ = persons in the mode of ignorance.
ந = no
அன்யம்ʼ = other
கு³ணேப்⁴ய꞉ = than the qualities
கர்தாரம்ʼ = performer
யதா³ = when
த்³ரஷ்டா = a seer
அனுபஶ்யதி = sees properly
கு³ணேப்⁴ய꞉ = to the modes of nature
ச = and
பரம்ʼ = transcendental
வேத்தி = knows
மத்³பா⁴வம்ʼ = to My spiritual nature
ஸ꞉ = he
அதி⁴க³ச்ச²தி = is promoted.
கு³ணான் = qualities
ஏதான் = all these
அதீத்ய = transcending
த்ரீன் = three
தே³ஹீ = the embodied
தே³ஹ = the body
ஸமுத்³ப⁴வான் = produced of
ஜன்ம = of birth
ம்ருʼத்யு = death
ஜரா = and old age
து³꞉கை²꞉ = the distresses
விமுக்த꞉ = being freed from
அம்ருʼதம்ʼ = nectar
அஶ்னுதே = he enjoys.
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
கை꞉ = by which
லிங்கை³꞉ = symptoms
த்ரீன் = three
கு³ணான் = qualities
ஏதான் = all these
அதீத꞉ = having transcended
ப⁴வதி = is
ப்ரபோ⁴ = O my Lord
கிம்ʼ = what
ஆசார꞉ = behavior
கத²ம்ʼ = how
ச = also
ஏதான் = these
த்ரீன் = three
கு³ணான் = qualities
அதிவர்ததே = transcends.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
ப்ரகாஶம்ʼ = illumination
ச = and
ப்ரவ்ருʼத்திம்ʼ = attachment
ச = and
மோஹம்ʼ = illusion
ஏவ ச = also
பாண்ட³வ = O son of Pandu
ந த்³வேஷ்டி = does not hate
ஸம்ப்ரவ்ருʼத்தானி = although developed
ந நிவ்ருʼத்தானி = nor stopping development
காங்க்ஷதி = desires
உதா³ஸீனவத் = as if neutral
ஆஸீன꞉ = situated
கு³ணை꞉ = by the qualities
ய꞉ = one who
ந = never
விசால்யதே = is agitated
கு³ணா꞉ = the qualities
வர்தந்தே = are acting
இத்யேவம்ʼ = knowing thus
ய꞉ = one who
அவதிஷ்ட²தி = remains
ந = never
இங்க³தே = flickers
ஸம = equal
து³꞉க² = in distress
ஸுக²꞉ = and happiness
ஸ்வஸ்த²꞉ = being situated in himself
ஸம = equally
லோஷ்ட = a lump of earth
அஶ்ம = stone
காஞ்சன꞉ = gold
துல்ய = equally disposed
ப்ரிய = to the dear
அப்ரிய꞉ = and the undesirable
தீ⁴ர꞉ = steady
துல்ய = equal
நிந்தா³ = in defamation
ஆத்மஸம்ʼஸ்துதி꞉ = and praise of himself
மான = in honor
அபமானயோ꞉ = and dishonor
துல்ய꞉ = equal
துல்ய꞉ = equal
மித்ர = of friends
அரி = and enemies
பக்ஷயோ꞉ = to the parties
ஸர்வ = of all
ஆரம்ப⁴ = endeavors
பரித்யாகீ³ = renouncer
கு³ணாதீத꞉ = transcendental to the material modes of nature
ஸ꞉ = he
உச்யதே = is said to be.
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ச = also
ய꞉ = a person who
அவ்யபி⁴சாரேண = without fail
ப⁴க்தியோகே³ன = by devotional service
ஸேவதே = renders service
ஸ꞉ = he
கு³ணான் = the modes of material nature
ஸமதித்ய = transcending
ஏதான் = all these
ப்³ரஹ்மபு⁴யாய = elevated to the Brahman platform
கல்பதே = becomes.
ப்³ரஹ்மண꞉ = of the impersonal brahmajyoti
ஹி = certainly
ப்ரதிஷ்டா² = the rest
அஹம்ʼ = I am
அம்ருʼதஸ்ய = of the immortal
அவ்யயஸ்ய = of the imperishable
ச = also
ஶாஶ்வதஸ்ய = of the eternal
ச = and
த⁴ர்மஸ்ய = of the constitutional position
ஸுக²ஸ்ய = of happiness
ஐகாந்திகஸ்ய = ultimate
ச = also.

End of 14.27

ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
ஊர்த்⁴வமூலம்ʼ = with roots above
அத⁴꞉ = downwards
ஶாக²ம்ʼ = branches
அஶ்வத்த²ம்ʼ = a banyan tree
ப்ராஹு꞉ = is said
அவ்யயம்ʼ = eternal
ச²ந்தா³ம்ʼஸி = the Vedic hymns
யஸ்ய = of which
பர்ணானி = the leaves
ய꞉ = anyone who
தம்ʼ = that
வேத³ = knows
ஸ꞉ = he
வேத³வித் = the knower of the Vedas.
அத⁴꞉ = downward
ச = and
ஊர்த்⁴வம்ʼ = upward
ப்ரஸ்ருʼதா꞉ = extended
தஸ்ய = its
ஶாகா²꞉ = branches
கு³ண = by the modes of material nature
ப்ரவ்ருʼத்³தா⁴꞉ = developed
விஷய = sense objects
ப்ரவாலா꞉ = twigs
அத⁴꞉ = downward
ச = and
மூலானி = roots
அனுஸந்ததானி = extended
கர்ம = to work
அனுப³ந்தீ⁴னி = bound
மனுஷ்யலோகே = in the world of human society.
ந = not
ரூபம்ʼ = the form
அஸ்ய = of this tree
இஹ = in this world
ததா² = also
உபலப்⁴யதே = can be perceived
ந = never
அந்த꞉ = end
ந = never
ச = also
ஆதி³꞉ = beginning
ந = never
ச = also
ஸம்ப்ரதிஷ்டா² = the foundation
அஶ்வத்த²ம்ʼ = banyan tree
ஏனம்ʼ = this
ஸுவிரூட⁴ = strongly
மூலம்ʼ = rooted
அஸங்க³ஶஸ்த்ரேண = by the weapon of detachment
த்³ருʼடே⁴ன = strong
சி²த்த்வ = cutting
தத꞉ = thereafter
பத³ம்ʼ = situation
தத் = that
பரிமார்கி³தவ்யம்ʼ = has to be searched out
யஸ்மின் = where
க³தா꞉ = going
ந = never
நிவர்தந்தி = they come back
பூ⁴ய꞉ = again
தம்ʼ = to Him
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
ஆத்³யம்ʼ = original
புருஷம்ʼ = the Personality of Godhead
ப்ரபத்³யே = surrender
யத꞉ = from whom
ப்ரவ்ருʼத்தி꞉ = the beginning
ப்ரஸ்ருʼதா = extended
புராணீ = very old.
நி꞉ = without
மான = false prestige
மோஹ꞉ = and illusion
ஜித = having conquered
ஸங்க³ = of association
தோ³ஷா꞉ = the faults
அத்⁴யாத்ம = in spiritual knowledge
நித்யா꞉ = in eternity
விநிவ்ருʼத்த = disassociated
காமா꞉ = from lust
த்³வந்த்³வை꞉ = from the dualities
விமுக்த꞉ = liberated
ஸுக²து³꞉க² = happiness and distress
ஸஞ்ஜ்ஞை꞉ = named
க³ச்ச²ந்தி = attain
அமூடா⁴꞉ = unbewildered
பத³ம்ʼ = situation
அவ்யயம்ʼ = eternal
தத் = that.
ந = not
தத் = that
பா⁴ஸயதே = illuminates
ஸூர்ய꞉ = the sun
ந = nor
ஶஶாங்க꞉ = the moon
ந = nor
பாவக꞉ = fire, electricity
யத் = where
க³த்வா = going
ந = never
நிவர்தந்தே = they come back
தத்³தா⁴ம = that abode
பரமம்ʼ = supreme
மம = My.
மம = My
ஏவ = certainly
அம்ʼஶ꞉ = fragmental particle
ஜீவலோகே = in the world of conditional life
ஜீவபூ⁴த꞉ = the conditioned living entity
ஸனாதன꞉ = eternal
மன꞉ = with the mind
ஷஷ்டா²ணி = the six
இந்த்³ரியாணி = senses
ப்ரக்ருʼதி = in material nature
ஸ்தா²னி = situated
கர்ஷதி = is struggling hard.
ஶரீரம்ʼ = the body
யத் = as
அவாப்னோதி = gets
யத் = as
சாபி = also
உத்க்ராமதி = gives up
ஈஶ்வர꞉ = the lord of the body
க்³ருʼஹீத்வா = taking
ஏதானி = all these
ஸம்ʼயாதி = goes away
வாயு꞉ = the air
க³ந்தா⁴ன் = smells
இவ = like
அஶயாத் = from their source.
ஶ்ரோத்ரம்ʼ = ears
சக்ஷு꞉ = eyes
ஸ்பர்ஶனம்ʼ = touch
ச = also
ரஸனம்ʼ = tongue
க்⁴ராணம்ʼ = smelling power
ஏவ = also
ச = and
அதி⁴ஷ்டா²ய = being situated in
மன꞉ = mind
ச = also
அயம்ʼ = he
விஷயான் = sense objects
உபஸேவதே = enjoys.
உத்க்ராமந்தம்ʼ = quitting the body
ஸ்தி²தம்ʼ = situated in the body
வாபி = either
பு⁴ஞ்ஜானம்ʼ = enjoying
வா = or
கு³ணான்விதம்ʼ = under the spell of the modes of material nature
விமூடா⁴꞉ = foolish persons
ந = never
அனுபஶ்யந்தி = can see
பஶ்யந்தி = can see
ஜ்ஞானசக்ஷுஷ꞉ = those who have the eyes of knowledge.
யதந்த꞉ = endeavoring
யோகி³ன꞉ = transcendentalists
ச = also
ஏனம்ʼ = this
பஶ்யந்தி = can see
ஆத்மனி = in the self
அவஸ்தி²தம்ʼ = situated
யதந்த꞉ = endeavoring
அபி = although
அக்ருʼதாத்மான꞉ = those without self-realization
ந = do not
ஏனம்ʼ = this
பஶ்யந்தி = see
அசேதஸ꞉ = having undeveloped minds.
யத் = that which
ஆதி³த்யக³தம்ʼ = in the sunshine
தேஜ꞉ = splendor
ஜக³த் = the whole world
பா⁴ஸயதே = illuminates
அகி²லம்ʼ = entirely
யத் = that which
சந்த்³ரமஸி = in the moon
யத் = that which
ச = also
அக்³னௌ = in fire
தத் = that
தேஜ꞉ = splendor
வித்³தி⁴ = understand
மாமகம்ʼ = from Me.
கா³ம்ʼ = the planets
ஆவிஶ்ய = entering
ச = also
பூ⁴தானீ = the living entities
தா⁴ரயாமி = sustain
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஓஜஸா = by My energy
புஷ்ணாமி = am nourishing
ச = and
ஔஷதீ⁴꞉ = vegetables
ஸர்வா꞉ = all
ஸோம꞉ = the moon
பூ⁴த்வா = becoming
ரஸாத்மக꞉ = supplying the juice.
அஹம்ʼ = I
வைஶ்வானர꞉ = My plenary portion as the digesting fire
பூ⁴த்வா = becoming
ப்ராணினாம்ʼ = of all living entities
தே³ஹம்ʼ = in the bodies
ஆஶ்ரித꞉ = situated
ப்ராண = the outgoing air
அபான = the down-going air
ஸமாயுக்த꞉ = keeping in balance
பசாமி = I digest
அன்னம்ʼ = foodstuff
சதுர்வித⁴ம்ʼ = the four kinds.
ஸர்வஸ்ய = of all living beings
ச = and
அஹம்ʼ = I
ஹ்ருʼதி³ = in the heart
ஸந்நிவிஷ்ட꞉ = situated
மத்த꞉ = from Me
ஸ்ம்ருʼதி꞉ = remembrance
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
அபோஹனம்ʼ = forgetfulness
ச = and
வேதை³꞉ = by the Vedas
ச = also
ஸர்வை꞉ = all
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ஏவ = certainly
வேத்³ய꞉ = knowable
வேதா³ந்தக்ருʼத் = the compiler of the Vedanta
வேத³வித் = the knower of the Vedas
ஏவ = certainly
ச = and
அஹம்ʼ = I.
த்³வௌ = two
இமௌ = these
புருஷௌ = living entities
லோகே = in the world
க்ஷர꞉ = fallible
ச = and
அக்ஷர꞉ = infallible
ஏவ = certainly
ச = and
க்ஷர꞉ = fallible
ஸர்வாணி = all
பூ⁴தானீ = living entities
கூடஸ்த²꞉ = in oneness
அக்ஷர꞉ = infallible
உச்யதே = is said.
உத்தம꞉ = the best
புருஷ꞉ = personality
து = but
அன்ய꞉ = another
பரம = the supreme
ஆத்மா = self
இதி = thus
உதா³ஹ்ருʼத꞉ = is said
ய꞉ = who
லோக = of the universe
த்ரயம்ʼ = the three divisions
ஆவிஶ்ய = entering
பி³ப⁴ர்தி = is maintaining
அவ்யய꞉ = inexhaustible
ஈஶ்வர꞉ = the Lord.
யஸ்மாத் = because
க்ஷரம்ʼ = to the fallible
அதீத꞉ = transcendental
அஹம்ʼ = I am
அக்ஷராத் = beyond the infallible
அபி = also
ச = and
உத்தம꞉ = the best
அத꞉ = therefore
அஸ்மி = I am
லோகே = in the world
வேதே³ = in the Vedic literature
ச = and
ப்ரதி²த꞉ = celebrated
புருஷோத்தம꞉ = as the Supreme Personality.
ய꞉ = anyone who
மாம்ʼ = Me
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
அஸம்மூட⁴꞉ = without a doubt
ஜானாதி = knows
புருஷோத்தமம்ʼ = the Supreme Personality of Godhead
ஸ꞉ = he
ஸர்வவித் = the knower of everything
ப⁴ஜதி = renders devotional service
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ஸர்வபா⁴வேன = in all respects
பா⁴ரத = O son of Bharata.
இதி = thus
கு³ஹ்யதமம்ʼ = the most confidential
ஶாஸ்த்ரம்ʼ = revealed scripture
இத³ம்ʼ = this
உக்தம்ʼ = disclosed
மயா = by Me
அனக⁴ = O sinless one
ஏதத் = this
பு³த்³த்⁴வா = understanding
பு³த்³தி⁴மான் = intelligent
ஸ்யாத் = one becomes
க்ருʼதக்ருʼத்ய꞉ = the most perfect in his endeavors
ச = and
பா⁴ரத = O son of Bharata.

End of 15.20

ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
அப⁴யம்ʼ = fearlessness
ஸத்த்வஸம்ʼஶுத்³தி⁴꞉ = purification of one’s existence
ஜ்ஞான = in knowledge
யோக³ = of linking up
வ்யவஸ்தி²தி꞉ = the situation
தா³னம்ʼ = charity
த³ம꞉ = controlling the mind
ச = and
யஜ்ஞ꞉ = performance of sacrifice
ச = and
ஸ்வாத்⁴யாய꞉ = study of Vedic literature
தப꞉ = austerity
ஆர்ஜவம்ʼ = simplicity
அஹிம்ʼஸா = nonviolence
ஸத்யம்ʼ = truthfulness
அக்ரோத⁴꞉ = freedom from anger
த்யாக³꞉ = renunciation
ஶாந்தி꞉ = tranquillity
அபைஶுனம்ʼ = aversion to fault-finding
த³யா = mercy
பூ⁴தேஷு = towards all living entities
அலோலுப்த்வம்ʼ = freedom from greed
மார்த³வம்ʼ = gentleness
ஹ்ரீ꞉ = modesty
அசாபலம்ʼ = determination
தேஜ꞉ = vigor
க்ஷமா = forgiveness
த்⁴ருʼதி꞉ = fortitude
ஶௌசம்ʼ = cleanliness
அத்³ரோஹ꞉ = freedom from envy
ந = not
அதி மானிதா = expectation of honor
ப⁴வந்தி = are
ஸம்பத³ம்ʼ = the qualities
தை³வீம்ʼ = the transcendental nature
அபி⁴ஜாதஸ்ய = of one who is born of
பா⁴ரத = O son of Bharata.
த³ம்ப⁴꞉ = pride
த³ர்ப꞉ = arrogance
அபி⁴மன꞉ = conceit
ச = and
க்ரோத⁴꞉ = anger
பாருஷ்யம்ʼ = harshness
ஏவ = certainly
ச = and
அஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = ignorance
ச = and
அபி⁴ஜாதஸ்ய = of one who is born of
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ஸம்பத³ம்ʼ = the qualities
ஆஸுரீம்ʼ = the demoniac nature.
தை³வீ = transcendental
ஸம்பத் = assets
விமோக்ஷாய = meant for liberation
நிப³ந்தா⁴ய = for bondage
ஆஸுரீ = demoniac qualities
மதா = are considered
மா = do not
ஶுச꞉ = worry
ஸம்பத³ம்ʼ = assets
தை³வீம்ʼ = transcendental
அபி⁴ஜாத꞉ = born of
அஸி = you are
பாண்ட³வ = O son of Pandu.
த்³வௌ = two
பூ⁴தஸர்கௌ³ = created living beings
லோகே = in the world
அஸ்மின் = this
தை³வ꞉ = godly
ஆஸுர꞉ = demoniac
ஏவ = certainly
ச = and
தை³வ꞉ = the divine
விஸ்தரஶ꞉ = at great length
ப்ரோக்த꞉ = said
ஆஸுரம்ʼ = the demoniac
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
மே = from Me
ஶ்ருʼணு = just hear.
ப்ரவ்ருʼத்திம்ʼ = acting properly
ச = also
நிவ்ருʼத்திம்ʼ = not acting improperly
ச = and
ஜனா꞉ = persons
ந = never
விது³꞉ = know
ஆஸுர꞉ = of demoniac quality
ந = never
ஶௌசம்ʼ = cleanliness
ந = nor
அபி = also
ச = and
ஆசார꞉ = behavior
ந = never
ஸத்யம்ʼ = truth
தேஷு = in them
வித்³யதே = there is.
அஸத்யம்ʼ = unreal
அப்ரதிஷ்ட²ம்ʼ = without foundation
தே = they
ஜக³த் = the cosmic manifestation
ஆஹு꞉ = say
அனீஶ்வரம்ʼ = with no controller
அபரஸ்பர = without cause
ஸம்பூ⁴தம்ʼ = arisen kim
அன்யத் = there is no other cause
காமஹைதுகம்ʼ = it is due to lust only.
ஏதாம்ʼ = this
த்³ருʼஷ்டிம்ʼ = vision
அவஷ்டப்⁴ய = accepting
நஷ்ட = having lost
ஆத்மன꞉ = themselves
அல்பபு³த்³த⁴ய꞉ = the less intelligent
ப்ரப⁴வந்தி = flourish
உக்³ரகர்மாண꞉ = engaged in painful activities
க்ஷயாய = for destruction
ஜக³த꞉ = of the world
அஹிதா꞉ = unbeneficial.
காமம்ʼ = lust
ஆஶ்ரித்ய = taking shelter of
து³ஷ்பூரம்ʼ = insatiable
த³ம்ப⁴ = of pride
மன = and false prestige
மதா³ன்விதா꞉ = absorbed in the conceit
மோஹாத் = by illusion
க்³ருʼஹீத்வா = taking
அஸத் = nonpermanent
க்³ராஹான் = things
ப்ரவர்தந்தே = they flourish
அஶுசி = to the unclean
வ்ரதா꞉ = avowed.
சிந்தாம்ʼ = fears and anxieties
அபரிமேயம்ʼ = immeasurable
ச = and
ப்ரலயாந்தாம்ʼ = unto the point of death
உபாஶ்ரிதா꞉ = having taken shelter of
காமோபபோ⁴க³ = sense gratification
பரமா꞉ = the highest goal of life
ஏதாவத் = thus
இதி = in this way
நிஶ்சிதா꞉ = having ascertained
ஆஶாபாஶ = entanglements in a network of hope
ஶதை꞉ = by hundreds
ப³த்³தா⁴꞉ = being bound
காம = of lust
க்ரோத⁴ = and anger
பராயணா꞉ = always situated in the mentality
ஈஹந்தே = they desire
காம = lust
போ⁴க³ = sense enjoyment
அர்த²ம்ʼ = for the purpose of
அந்யாயேன = illegally
அர்த² = of wealth
ஸஞ்சயான் = accumulation.
இத³ம்ʼ = this
அத்³ய = today
மயா = by me
லப்³த⁴ம்ʼ = gained
இமம்ʼ = this
ப்ராப்ஸ்யே = I shall gain
மனோரத²ம்ʼ = according to my desires
இத³ம்ʼ = this
அஸ்தி = there is
இத³ம்ʼ = this
அபி = also
மே = mine
ப⁴விஷ்யதி = it will increase in the future
புன꞉ = again
த⁴னம்ʼ = wealth
அஸௌ = that
மயா = by me
ஹத꞉ = has been killed
ஶத்ரு꞉ = enemy
ஹநிஷ்யே = I shall kill
ச = also
அபரான் = others
அபி = certainly
ஈஶ்வர꞉ = the lord
அஹம்ʼ = I am
அஹம்ʼ = I am
போ⁴கீ³ = the enjoyer
ஸித்³த⁴꞉ = perfect
அஹம்ʼ = I am
ப³லவான் = powerful
ஸுகீ² = happy
ஆட்⁴ய꞉ = wealthy
அபி⁴ஜனவான் = surrounded by aristocratic relatives
அஸ்மி = I am
க꞉ = who
அன்ய꞉ = other
அஸ்தி = there is
ஸத்³ருʼஶ꞉ = like
மயா = me
யக்ஷ்யே = I shall sacrifice
தா³ஸ்யாமி = I shall give charity
மோதி³ஷ்யே = I shall rejoice
இதி = thus
அஜ்ஞான = by ignorance
விமோஹிதா꞉ = deluded.
அனேக = numerous
சித்த = by anxieties
விப்⁴ராந்தா꞉ = perplexed
மோஹ = of illusions
ஜால = by a network
ஸமாவ்ருʼத꞉ = surrounded
ப்ரஸக்தா꞉ = attached
காமபோ⁴கே³ஷு = to sense gratification
பதந்தி = they glide down
நரகே = into hell
அஶுசௌ = unclean.
ஆத்மாஸம்ப⁴விதா꞉ = self-complacent
ஸ்தப்³த⁴꞉ = impudent
த⁴னமான = of wealth and false prestige
மத³ = in the delusion
அன்விதா꞉ = absorbed
யஜந்தே = they perform sacrifice
நாம = in name only
யஜ்ஞை꞉ = with sacrifices
தே = they
த³ம்பே⁴ன = out of pride
அவிதி⁴பூர்வகம்ʼ = without following any rules and regulations.
அஹங்காரம்ʼ = false ego
ப³லம்ʼ = strength
த³ர்பம்ʼ = pride
காமம்ʼ = lust
க்ரோத⁴ம்ʼ = anger
ச = also
ஸம்ʼஶ்ரிதா꞉ = having taken shelter of
மாம்ʼ = Me
ஆத்ம = in their own
பர = and in other
தே³ஹேஷு = bodies
ப்ரத்³விஷந்த꞉ = blaspheming
அப்⁴யஸூயகா꞉ = envious.
தான் = those
அஹம்ʼ = I
த்³விஷத꞉ = envious
க்ரூரான் = mischievous
ஸம்ʼஸாரேஷு = into the ocean of material existence
நராத⁴மான் = the lowest of mankind
க்ஷிபாமி = I put
அஜஸ்ரம்ʼ = forever
அஶுபா⁴ன் = inauspicious
ஆஸுரீஷு = demoniac
ஏவ = certainly
யோநிஷு = into the wombs.
ஆஸுரீம்ʼ = demoniac
யோனிம்ʼ = species
ஆபன்னா꞉ = gaining
மூடா⁴꞉ = the foolish
ஜன்மனி ஜன்மனி = in birth after birth
மாம்ʼ = Me
அப்ராப்ய = without achieving
ஏவ = certainly
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
தத꞉ = thereafter
யாந்தி = go
அத⁴மாம்ʼ = condemned
க³திம்ʼ = destination.
த்ரிவித⁴ம்ʼ = of three kinds
நரகஸ்ய = of hell
இத³ம்ʼ = this
த்³வாரம்ʼ = gate
நாஶனம்ʼ = destructive
ஆத்மன꞉ = of the self
காம꞉ = lust
க்ரோத⁴꞉ = anger
ததா² = as well as
லோப⁴꞉ = greed
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
ஏதத் = these
த்ரயம்ʼ = three
த்யஜேத் = one must give up.
ஏதை꞉ = from these
விமுக்த꞉ = being liberated
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
தமோத்³வாரை꞉ = from the gates of ignorance
த்ரிபி⁴꞉ = of three kinds
நர꞉ = a person
ஆசரதி = performs
ஆத்மன꞉ = for the self
ஶ்ரேய꞉ = benediction
தத꞉ = thereafter
யாதி = he goes
பராம்ʼ = to the supreme
க³திம்ʼ = destination.
ய꞉ = anyone who
ஶாஸ்த்ரவிதி⁴ம்ʼ = the regulations of the scriptures
உத்ஸ்ருʼஜ்ய = giving up
வர்ததே = remains
காமகாரத꞉ = acting whimsically in lust
ந = never
ஸ꞉ = he
ஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = perfection
அவாப்னோதி = achieves
ந = never
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
ந = never
பராம்ʼ = the supreme
க³திம்ʼ = perfectional stage.
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
ஶாஸ்த்ரம்ʼ = the scriptures
ப்ரமாணம்ʼ = evidence
தே = your
கார்ய = duty
அகார்ய = and forbidden activities
வ்யவஸ்தி²தௌ = in determining
ஜ்ஞாத்வா = knowing
ஶாஸ்த்ர = of scripture
விதா⁴ன = the regulations
உக்தம்ʼ = as declared
கர்ம = work
கர்தும்ʼ = do
இஹ = in this world
அர்ஹஸி = you should.

End of 16.24

அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
யே = those who
ஶாஸ்த்ரவிதி⁴ம்ʼ = the regulations of scripture
உத்ஸ்ருʼஜ்ய = giving up
யஜந்தே = worship
ஶ்ரத்³த⁴யா = full faith
அன்விதா꞉ = possessed of
தேஷாம்ʼ = of them
நிஷ்டா² = the faith
து = but
கா = what
க்ருʼஷ்ண = O KRiShNa
ஸத்த்வம்ʼ = in goodness
ஆஹோ = or else
ரஜ꞉ = in passion
தம꞉ = in ignorance.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
த்ரிவிதா⁴ = of three kinds
ப⁴வதி = becomes
ஶ்ரத்³தா⁴ = the faith
தே³ஹினாம்ʼ = of the embodied
ஸா = that
ஸ்வபா⁴வஜா = according to his mode of material nature
ஸாத்த்விகீ = in the mode of goodness
ராஜஸீ = in the mode of passion
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
தாமஸீ = in the mode of ignorance
ச = and
இதி = thus
தாம்ʼ = that
ஶ்ருʼணு = hear from Me.
ஸத்த்வானுரூபா = according to the existence
ஸர்வஸ்ய = of everyone
ஶ்ரத்³தா⁴ = faith
ப⁴வதி = becomes
பா⁴ரத = O son of Bharata
ஶ்ரத்³தா⁴ = faith
மய꞉ = full of
அயம்ʼ = this
புருஷ꞉ = living entity
ய꞉ = who
யத் = having which
ஶ்ரத்³த⁴꞉ = faith
ஸ꞉ = thus
ஏவ = certainly
ஸ꞉ = he.
யஜந்தே = worship
ஸாத்த்விகா꞉ = those who are in the mode of goodness
தே³வான் = demigods
யக்ஷரக்ஷாம்ʼஸி = demons
ராஜஸா꞉ = those who are in the mode of passion
ப்ரேதான் = spirits of the dead
பூ⁴தக³ணான் = ghosts
ச = and
அன்யே = others
யஜந்தே = worship
தாமஸா꞉ = in the mode of ignorance
ஜனா꞉ = people.
அஶாஸ்த்ர = not in the scriptures
விஹிதம்ʼ = directed
கோ⁴ரம்ʼ = harmful to others
தப்யந்தே = undergo
யே = those who
தப꞉ = austerities
ஜனா꞉ = persons
த³ம்ப⁴ = with pride
அஹங்கார = and egoism
ஸம்ʼயுக்தா꞉ = engaged
காம = of lust
ராக³ = and attachment
ப³ல = by the force
அன்விதா꞉ = impelled
கர்ஷயந்த꞉ = tormenting
ஶரீரஸ்த²ம்ʼ = situated within the body
பூ⁴தக்³ராமம்ʼ = the combination of material elements
அசேதஸ꞉ = having a misled mentality
மாம்ʼ = Me
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
அந்த꞉ = within
ஶரீரஸ்த²ம்ʼ = situated in the body
தான் = them
வித்³தி⁴ = understand
ஆஸுரநிஶ்சயான் = demons.
ஆஹார꞉ = eating
து = certainly
அபி = also
ஸர்வஸ்ய = of everyone
த்ரிவித⁴꞉ = of three kinds
ப⁴வதி = there is
ப்ரிய꞉ = dear
யஜ்ஞ꞉ = sacrifice
தப꞉ = austerity
ததா² = also
தா³னம்ʼ = charity
தேஷாம்ʼ = of them
பே⁴த³ம்ʼ = the differences
இமம்ʼ = this
ஶ்ருʼணு = hear.
ஆயு꞉ = duration of life
ஸத்த்வ = existence
ப³ல = strength
ஆரோக்³ய = health
ஸுக² = happiness
ப்ரீதி = and satisfaction
விவர்த⁴னா꞉ = increasing
ரஸ்யா꞉ = juicy
ஸ்னிக்³தா⁴꞉ = fatty
ஸ்தி²ரா꞉ = enduring
ஹ்ருʼத்³யா꞉ = pleasing to the heart
ஆஹார꞉ = food
ஸாத்த்விக = to one in goodness
ப்ரியா꞉ = palatable.
கடு = bitter
ஆம்ல = sour
லவண = salty
அத்யுஷ்ண = very hot
தீக்ஷ்ண = pungent
ருக்ஷ = dry
விதா³ஹின꞉ = burning
ஆஹார꞉ = food
ராஜஸஸ்ய = to one in the mode of passion
இஷ்டா꞉ = palatable
து³꞉க² = distress
ஶோக = misery
ஆமய = disease
ப்ரதா³꞉ = causing.
யாதயாமம்ʼ = food cooked three hours before being eaten
க³தரஸம்ʼ = tasteless
பூதி = bad-smelling
பர்யுஷிதம்ʼ = decomposed
ச = also
யத் = that which
உச்சி²ஷ்டம்ʼ = remnants of food eaten by others
அபி = also
ச = and
அமேத்⁴யம்ʼ = untouchable
போ⁴ஜனம்ʼ = eating
தாமஸ = to one in the mode of darkness
ப்ரியம்ʼ = dear.
அப²லாகாங்க்ஷிபி⁴꞉ = by those devoid of desire for result
யஜ்ஞ꞉ = sacrifice
விதி⁴தி³ஷ்ட꞉ = according to the direction of scripture
ய꞉ = which
இஜ்யதே = is performed
யஷ்டவ்யம்ʼ = must be performed
ஏவ = certainly
இதி = thus
மன꞉ = mind
ஸமாதா⁴ய = fixing
ஸ꞉ = it
ஸாத்த்விக꞉ = in the mode of goodness.
அபி⁴ஸந்தா⁴ய = desiring
து = but
ப²லம்ʼ = the result
த³ம்ப⁴ = pride
அர்த²ம்ʼ = for the sake of
அபி = also
ச = and
ஏவ = certainly
யத் = that which
இஜ்யதே = is performed
ப⁴ரதஶ்ரேஷ்ட² = O chief of the Bharatas
தம்ʼ = that
யஜ்ஞம்ʼ = sacrifice
வித்³தி⁴ = know
ராஜஸம்ʼ = in the mode of passion.
விதி⁴ஹீனம்ʼ = without scriptural direction
அஸ்ருʼஷ்டான்னம்ʼ = without distribution of prasAdam
மந்த்ரஹீனம்ʼ = with no chanting of the Vedic hymns
அத³க்ஷிணம்ʼ = with no remunerations to the priests
ஶ்ரத்³தா⁴ = faith
விரஹிதம்ʼ = without
யஜ்ஞம்ʼ = sacrifice
தாமஸம்ʼ = in the mode of ignorance
பரிசக்ஷதே = is to be considered.
தே³வ = of the Supreme Lord
த்³விஜ = the brahmanas
கு³ரு = the spiritual master
ப்ரஜ்ஞா = and worshipable personalities
பூஜானம்ʼ = worship
ஶௌசம்ʼ = cleanliness
ஆர்ஜவம்ʼ = simplicity
ப்³ரஹ்மசர்யம்ʼ = celibacy
அஹிம்ʼஸா = nonviolence
ச = also
ஶரீரம்ʼ = pertaining to the body
தப꞉ = austerity
உச்யதே = is said to be.
அனுத்³வேக³கரம்ʼ = not agitating
வாக்யம்ʼ = words
ஸத்யம்ʼ = truthful
ப்ரிய = dear
ஹிதம்ʼ = beneficial
ச = also
யத் = which
ஸ்வாத்⁴யாய = of Vedic study
அப்⁴யஸனம்ʼ = practice
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
வாங்மயம்ʼ = of the voice
தப꞉ = austerity
உச்யதே = is said to be.
மன꞉ப்ரஸாத³꞉ = satisfaction of the mind
ஸௌம்யத்வம்ʼ = being without duplicity towards others
மௌனம்ʼ = gravity
ஆத்ம = of the self
விநிக்³ரஹ꞉ = control
பா⁴வ = of one’s nature
ஸம்ʼஶுத்³தி⁴꞉ = purification
இதி = thus
ஏதத் = this
தப꞉ = austerity
மானஸம்ʼ = of the mind
உச்யதே = is said to be.
ஶ்ரத்³த⁴யா = with faith
பரயா = transcendental
தப்தம்ʼ = executed
தப꞉ = austerity
தத் = that
த்ரிவித⁴ம்ʼ = of three kinds
நரை꞉ = by men
அப²லாகாங்க்ஷிபி⁴꞉ = who are without desires for fruits
யுக்தை꞉ = engaged
ஸாத்த்விகம்ʼ = in the mode of goodness
பரிசக்ஷதே = is called.
ஸத்கார = respect
மான = honor
பூஜா = and worship
அர்த²ம்ʼ = for the sake of
தப꞉ = austerity
த³ம்பே⁴ன = with pride
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
யத் = which
க்ரியதே = is performed
தத் = that
இஹ = in this world
ப்ரோக்தம்ʼ = is said
ராஜஸம்ʼ = in the mode of passion
சலம்ʼ = flickering
அத்⁴ருவம்ʼ = temporary.
மூட⁴ = foolish
க்³ராஹேண = with endeavor
ஆத்மன꞉ = of one’s own self
யத் = which
பீட³யா = by torture
க்ரியதே = is performed
தப꞉ = penance
பரஸ்ய = to others
உத்ஸாத³னார்த²ம்ʼ = for the sake of causing annihilation
வா = or
தத் = that
தாமஸம்ʼ = in the mode of darkness
உதா³ஹ்ருʼதம்ʼ = is said to be.
தா³தவ்யம்ʼ = worth giving
இதி = thus
யத் = that which
தா³னம்ʼ = charity
தீ³யதே = is given
அனுபகாரிணே = irrespective of return
தே³ஶே = in a proper place
காலே = at a proper time
ச = also
பாத்ரே = to a suitable person
ச = and
தத் = that
தா³னம்ʼ = charity
ஸாத்த்விகம்ʼ = in the mode of goodness
ஸ்ம்ருʼதம்ʼ = is considered.
யத் = that which
து = but
ப்ரத்யுபகாரார்த²ம்ʼ = for the sake of getting some return
ப²லம்ʼ = a result
உத்³தி³ஶ்ய = desiring
வா = or
புன꞉ = again
தீ³யதே = is given
ச = also
பரிக்லிஷ்டம்ʼ = grudgingly
தத் = that
தா³னம்ʼ = charity
ராஜஸம்ʼ = in the mode of passion
ஸ்ம்ருʼதம்ʼ = is understood to be.
அதே³ஶ = at an unpurified place
காலே = and unpurified time
யத் = that which
தா³னம்ʼ = charity
அபாத்ரேப்⁴ய꞉ = to unworthy persons
ச = also
தீ³யதே = is given
அஸத்க்ருʼதம்ʼ = without respect
அவஜ்ஞாதம்ʼ = without proper attention
தத் = that
தாமஸம்ʼ = in the mode of darkness
உதா³ஹ்ருʼதம்ʼ = is said to be.
ௐ = indication of the Supreme
தத் = that
ஸத் = eternal
இதி = thus
நிர்தே³ஶ꞉ = indication
ப்³ரஹ்மண꞉ = of the Supreme
த்ரிவித⁴꞉ = threefold
ஸ்ம்ருʼத꞉ = is considered
ப்³ராஹ்மணா꞉ = the brahmanas
தேன = with that
வேதா³꞉ = the Vedic literature
ச = also
யஜ்ஞா꞉ = sacrifice
ச = also
விஹிதா꞉ = used
புரா = formerly.
தஸ்மாத் = therefore
ௐ = beginning with om
இதி = thus
உதா³ஹ்ருʼத்ய = indicating
யஜ்ஞ = of sacrifice
தா³ன = charity
தப꞉ = and penance
க்ரியா꞉ = performances
ப்ரவர்தந்தே = begin
விதா⁴னோக்த꞉ = according to scriptural regulation
ஸததம்ʼ = always
ப்³ரஹ்மவாதி³னாம்ʼ = of the transcendentalists.
தத் = that
இதி = thus
அனபி⁴ஸந்தா⁴ய = without desiring
ப²லம்ʼ = the fruitive result
யஜ்ஞ = of sacrifice
தப꞉ = and penance
க்ரியா꞉ = activities
தா³ன = of charity
க்ரியா꞉ = activities
ச = also
விவிதா⁴꞉ = various
க்ரியந்தே = are done
மோக்ஷகாங்க்ஷிபி⁴꞉ = by those who actually desire liberation.
ஸத்³ப⁴வே = in the sense of the nature of the Supreme
ஸாது⁴பா⁴வே = in the sense of the nature of the devotee
ச = also
ஸத் = the word sat
இதி = thus
ஏதத் = this
ப்ரயுஜ்யதே = is used
ப்ரஶஸ்தே = in bona fide
கர்மணி = activities
ததா² = also
ஸச்ச²ப்³த³꞉ = the sound sat
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
யுஜ்யதே = is used
யஜ்ஞே = in sacrifice
தபஸி = in penance
தா³னே = in charity
ச = also
ஸ்தி²தி꞉ = the situation
ஸத் = the Supreme
இதி = thus
ச = and
உச்யதே = is pronounced
கர்ம = work
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
தத் = for that
அர்தி²யம்ʼ = meant
ஸத் = the Supreme
இதி = thus
ஏவ = certainly
அபி⁴தீ⁴யதே = is indicated.
அஶ்ரத்³த⁴யா = without faith
ஹுதம்ʼ = offered in sacrifice
த³த்தம்ʼ = given
தப꞉ = penance
தப்தம்ʼ = executed
க்ருʼதம்ʼ = performed
ச = also
யத் = that which
அஸத் = false
இதி = thus
உச்யதே = is said to be
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ந = never
ச = also
தத் = that
ப்ரேத்ய = after death
நோ = nor
இஹ = in this life.

End of 17.28

அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸஸ்ய = of renunciation
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed one
தத்த்வம்ʼ = the truth
இச்சா²மி = I wish
வேதி³தும்ʼ = to understand
த்யாக³ஸ்ய = of renunciation
ச = also
ஹ்ருʼஷீகேஶ = O master of the senses
ப்ருʼத²க் = differently
கேஶிநிஶூத³ன = O killer of the Kesi demon.
ஶ்ரீப⁴க³வானுவாச = the Supreme Personality of Godhead said
காம்யானாம்ʼ = with desire
கர்மணாம்ʼ = of activities
ந்யாஸம்ʼ = renunciation
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸம்ʼ = the renounced order of life
கவய꞉ = the learned
விது³꞉ = know
ஸர்வ = of all
கர்ம = activities
ப²ல = of results
த்யாக³ம்ʼ = renunciation
ப்ராஹு꞉ = call
த்யாக³ம்ʼ = renunciation
விசக்ஷண꞉ = the experienced.
த்யாஜ்யம்ʼ = must be given up
தோ³ஷவத் = as an evil
இதி = thus
ஏகே = one group
கர்ம = work
ப்ராஹு꞉ = they say
மனீஷிண꞉ = great thinkers
யஜ்ஞ = of sacrifice
தா³ன = charity
தப꞉ = and penance
கர்ம = works
ந = never
த்யாஜ்யம்ʼ = are to be given up
இதி = thus
ச = and
அபரே = others.
நிஶ்சயம்ʼ = certainty
ஶ்ருʼணு = hear
மே = from Me
தத்ர = therein
த்யாகே³ = in the matter of renunciation
ப⁴ரதஸத்தம = O best of the Bharatas
த்யாக³꞉ = renunciation
ஹி = certainly
புருஷவ்யாக்⁴ர = O tiger among human beings
த்ரிவித⁴꞉ = of three kinds
ஸம்ப்ரகீர்தித꞉ = is declared.
யஜ்ஞ = of sacrifice
தா³ன = charity
தப꞉ = and penance
கர்ம = activity
ந = never
த்யாஜ்யம்ʼ = to be given up
கார்யம்ʼ = must be done
ஏவ = certainly
தத் = that
யஜ்ஞ꞉ = sacrifice
தா³னம்ʼ = charity
தப꞉ = penance
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
பாவனானி = purifying
மனீஷிணாம்ʼ = even for the great souls.
ஏதானி = all these
அபி = certainly
து = but
கர்மாணி = activities
ஸங்க³ம்ʼ = association
த்யக்த்வா = renouncing
ப²லானி = results
ச = also
கர்தவ்யானி = should be done as duty
இதி = thus
மே = My
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
நிஶ்சிதம்ʼ = definite
மதம்ʼ = opinion
உத்தமம்ʼ = the best.
நியதஸ்ய = prescribed
து = but
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸ꞉ = renunciation
கர்மண꞉ = of activities
ந = never
உபபத்³யதே = is deserved
மோஹாத் = by illusion
தஸ்ய = of them
பரித்யாக³꞉ = renunciation
தாமஸ꞉ = in the mode of ignorance
பரிகீர்தித꞉ = is declared.
து³꞉க²ம்ʼ = unhappy
இதி = thus
ஏவ = certainly
யத் = which
கர்ம = work
காய = for the body
க்லேஶ = trouble
ப⁴யாத் = out of fear
த்யஜேத் = gives up
ஸ꞉ = he
க்ருʼத்வா = after doing
ராஜஸம்ʼ = in the mode of passion
த்யாக³ம்ʼ = renunciation
ந = not
ஏவ = certainly
த்யாக³ = of renunciation
ப²லம்ʼ = the results
லபே⁴த் = gains.
கார்யம்ʼ = it must be done
இதி = thus
ஏவ = indeed
யத் = which
கர்ம = work
நியதம்ʼ = prescribed
க்ரியதே = is performed
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
ஸங்க³ம்ʼ = association
த்யக்த்வா = giving up
ப²லம்ʼ = the result
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
ஸ꞉ = that
த்யாக³꞉ = renunciation
ஸாத்த்விக꞉ = in the mode of goodness
மத꞉ = in My opinion.
ந = never
த்³வேஷ்டி = hates
அகுஶலம்ʼ = inauspicious
கர்ம = work
குஶலே = in the auspicious
ந = nor
அனுஷஜ்ஜதே = becomes attached
த்யாகீ³ = the renouncer
ஸத்த்வ = in goodness
ஸமாவிஷ்ட꞉ = absorbed
மேதா⁴வீ = intelligent
சி²ன்ன = having cut off
ஸம்ʼஶய꞉ = all doubts.
ந = never
ஹி = certainly
தே³ஹப்⁴ருʼதா = by the embodied
ஶக்யம்ʼ = is possible
த்யக்தும்ʼ = to be renounced
கர்மாணி = activities
அஶேஷத꞉ = altogether
ய꞉ = anyone who
து = but
கர்ம = of work
ப²ல = of the result
த்யாகீ³ = the renouncer
ஸ꞉ = he
த்யாகீ³ = the renouncer
இதி = thus
அபி⁴தீ⁴யதே = is said.
அநிஷ்டம்ʼ = leading to hell
இஷ்டம்ʼ = leading to heaven
மிஶ்ரம்ʼ = mixed
ச = and
த்ரிவித⁴ம்ʼ = of three kinds
கர்மண꞉ = of work
ப²லம்ʼ = the result
ப⁴வதி = comes
அத்யாகி³னாம்ʼ = for those who are not renounced
ப்ரேத்ய = after death
ந = not
து = but
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸீனாம்ʼ = for the renounced order
க்வசித் = at any time.
பஞ்ச = five
ஏதானி = these
மஹாபா³ஹோ = O mighty-armed one
காரணானி = causes
நிபோ³த⁴ = just understand
மே = from Me
ஸாங்க்²யே = in the Vedanta
க்ருʼதாந்தே = in the conclusion
ப்ரோக்தானி = said
ஸித்³த⁴யே = for the perfection
ஸர்வ = of all
கர்மணாம்ʼ = activities.
அதி⁴ஷ்டா²னம்ʼ = the place
ததா² = also
கர்தா = the worker
கரணம்ʼ = instruments
ச = and
ப்ருʼத²க்³வித⁴ம்ʼ = of different kinds
விவித⁴꞉ = various
ச = and
ப்ருʼத²க் = separate
சேஷ்ட꞉ = the endeavors
தை³வம்ʼ = the Supreme
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
அத்ர = here
பஞ்சமம்ʼ = the fifth.
ஶரீர = by the body
வாக் = speech
மனோபி⁴꞉ = and mind
யத் = which
கர்ம = work
ப்ராரப⁴தே = begins
நர꞉ = a person
ந்யாய்யம்ʼ = right
வா = or
விபரீதம்ʼ = the opposite
வா = or
பஞ்ச = five
ஏதே = all these
தஸ்ய = its
ஹேதவ꞉ = causes.
தத்ர = there
ஏவம்ʼ = thus
ஸதி = being
கர்தாரம்ʼ = the worker
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = himself
கேவலம்ʼ = only
து = but
ய꞉ = anyone who
பஶ்யதி = sees
அக்ருʼதபு³த்³தி⁴த்வாத் = due to unintelligence
ந = never
ஸ꞉ = he
பஶ்யதி = sees
து³ர்மதி꞉ = foolish.
யஸ்ய = one whose
ந = never
அஹங்க்ருʼத꞉ = of false ego
பா⁴வ꞉ = nature
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
யஸ்ய = one whose
ந = never
லிப்யதே = is attached
ஹத்வா = killing
அபி = even
ஸ꞉ = he
இமான் = this
லோகான் = world
ந = never
ஹந்தி = kills
ந = never
நிப³த்⁴யதே = becomes entangled.
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
ஜ்ஞேயம்ʼ = the objective of knowledge
பரிஜ்ஞாதா = the knower
த்ரிவிதா⁴ = of three kinds
கர்ம = of work
சோத³னா = the impetus
கரணம்ʼ = the senses
கர்ம = the work
கர்தா = the doer
இதி = thus
த்ரிவித⁴꞉ = of three kinds
கர்ம = of work
ஸங்க்³ரஹ꞉ = the accumulation.
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
கர்ம = work
ச = also
கர்தா = worker
ச = also
த்ரிதா⁴ = of three kinds
ஏவ = certainly
கு³ணபே⁴த³த꞉ = in terms of different modes of material nature
ப்ரோச்யதே = are said
கு³ணஸங்க்²யானே = in terms of different modes
யதா²வத் = as they are
ஶ்ருʼணு = hear
தானி = all of them
அபி = also.
ஸர்வபூ⁴தேஷு = in all living entities
யேன = by which
ஏகம்ʼ = one
பா⁴வம்ʼ = situation
அவ்யயம்ʼ = imperishable
ஈக்ஷதே = one sees
அவிப⁴க்தம்ʼ = undivided
விப⁴க்தேஷு = in the numberless divided
தத் = that
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
வித்³தி⁴ = know
ஸாத்த்விகம்ʼ = in the mode of goodness.
ப்ருʼத²க்த்வேன = because of division
து = but
யத் = which
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
நாநாபா⁴வான் = multifarious situations
ப்ருʼத²க்³விதா⁴ன் = different
வேத்தி = knows
ஸர்வேஷு = in all
பூ⁴தேஷு = living entities
தத் = that
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
வித்³தி⁴ = must be known
ராஜஸம்ʼ = in terms of passion.
யத் = that which
து = but
க்ருʼத்ஸ்னவத் = as all in all
ஏகஸ்மின் = in one
கார்யே = work
ஸக்தம்ʼ = attached
அஹைதுகம்ʼ = without cause
அதத்த்வார்த²வத் = without knowledge of reality
அல்பம்ʼ = very meager
ச = and
தத் = that
தாமஸம்ʼ = in the mode of darkness
உதா³ஹ்ருʼதம்ʼ = is said to be.
நியதம்ʼ = regulated
ஸங்க³ரஹிதம்ʼ = without attachment
அராக³த்³வேஷத꞉ = without love or hatred
க்ருʼதம்ʼ = done
அப²லப்ரேப்ஸுனா = by one without desire for fruitive result
கர்ம = action
யத் = which
தத் = that
ஸாத்த்விகம்ʼ = in the mode of goodness
உச்யதே = is called.
யத் = that which
து = but
காமேப்ஸுனா = by one with desires for fruitive results
கர்ம = work
ஸாஹங்காரேண = with ego
வா = or
புன꞉ = again
க்ரியதே = is performed
ப³ஹுலாயாஸம்ʼ = with great labor
தத் = that
ராஜஸம்ʼ = in the mode of passion
உதா³ஹ்ருʼதம்ʼ = is said to be.
அனுப³ந்த⁴ம்ʼ = of future bondage
க்ஷயம்ʼ = destruction
ஹிம்ʼஸாம்ʼ = and distress to others
அனபேக்ஷ்ய = without considering the consequences
ச = also
பௌருஷம்ʼ = self-sanctioned
மோஹாத் = by illusion
ஆரப்⁴யதே = is begun
கர்ம = work
யத் = which
தத் = that
தாமஸம்ʼ = in the mode of ignorance
உச்யதே = is said to be.
முக்தஸங்க³꞉ = liberated from all material association
அனஹம்ʼவாதி³ = without false ego
த்⁴ருʼதி = with determination
உத்ஸாஹ = and great enthusiasm
ஸமன்வித꞉ = qualified
ஸித்³தி⁴ = in perfection
அஸித்³த்⁴யோ꞉ = and failure
நிர்விகார꞉ = without change
கர்தா = worker
ஸாத்த்விக꞉ = in the mode of goodness
உச்யதே = is said to be.
ராகீ³ = very much attached
கர்மப²ல = the fruit of the work
ப்ரேப்ஸு꞉ = desiring
லுப்³த⁴꞉ = greedy
ஹிம்ʼஸாத்மக꞉ = always envious
அஶுசி꞉ = unclean
ஹர்ஷஶோகான்வித꞉ = subject to joy and sorrow
கர்தா = such a worker
ராஜஸ꞉ = in the mode of passion
பரிகீர்தித꞉ = is declared.
அயுக்த꞉ = not referring to the scriptural injunctions
ப்ராக்ருʼத꞉ = materialistic
ஸ்தப்³த⁴꞉ = obstinate
ஶட²꞉ = deceitful
நைஷ்க்ருʼதிக꞉ = expert in insulting others
அலஸ꞉ = lazy
விஷாதி³ = morose
தீ³ர்க⁴ஸூத்ரீ = procrastinating
ச = also
கர்தா = worker
தாமஸ꞉ = in the mode of ignorance
உச்யதே = is said to be.
பு³த்³தே⁴꞉ = of intelligence
பே⁴த³ம்ʼ = the differences
த்⁴ருʼதே꞉ = of steadiness
ச = also
ஏவ = certainly
கு³ணத꞉ = by the modes of material nature
த்ரிவித⁴ம்ʼ = of three kinds
ஶ்ருʼணு = just hear
ப்ரோச்யமானம்ʼ = as described by Me
அஶேஷேண = in detail
ப்ருʼத²க்த்வேன = differently
த⁴னஞ்ஜய = O winner of wealth.
ப்ரவ்ருʼத்திம்ʼ = doing
ச = also
நிவ்ருʼத்திம்ʼ = not doing
ச = and
கார்ய = what ought to be done
அகார்யே = and what ought not to be done
ப⁴ய = fear
அப⁴யே = and fearlessness
ப³ந்த⁴ம்ʼ = bondage
மோக்ஷம்ʼ = liberation
ச = and
யா = that which
வேத்தி = knows
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = understanding
ஸா = that
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ஸாத்த்விகீ = in the mode of goodness.
யயா = by which
த⁴ர்மம்ʼ = the principles of religion
அத⁴ர்மம்ʼ = irreligion
ச = and
கார்யம்ʼ = what ought to be done
ச = also
அகார்யம்ʼ = what ought not to be done
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
அயதா²வத் = imperfectly
ப்ரஜானாதி = knows
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
ஸா = that
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ராஜஸீ = in the mode of passion.
அத⁴ர்மம்ʼ = irreligion
த⁴ர்மம்ʼ = religion
இதி = thus
யா = which
மன்யதே = thinks
தமஸ = by illusion
ஆவ்ருʼதா = covered
ஸர்வார்தா²ன் = all things
விபரீதான் = in the wrong direction
ச = also
பு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = intelligence
ஸா = that
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
தாமஸீ = in the mode of ignorance.
த்⁴ருʼத்யா = determination
யயா = by which
தா⁴ரயதே = one sustains
மன꞉ = of the mind
ப்ராண = life
இந்த்³ரிய = and senses
க்ரியா꞉ = the activities
யோகே³ன = by yoga practice
அவ்யபி⁴சாரிண்யா = without any break
த்⁴ருʼதி꞉ = determination
ஸா = that
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ஸாத்த்விகீ = in the mode of goodness.
யயா = by which
து = but
த⁴ர்ம = religiosity
காம = sense gratification
அர்த²ன் = and economic development
த்⁴ருʼத்ய = by determination
தா⁴ரயதே = one sustains
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
ப்ரஸங்கே³ன = because of attachment
ப²லாகாங்க்ஷீ = desiring fruitive results
த்⁴ருʼதி꞉ = determination
ஸா = that
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
ராஜஸீ = in the mode of passion.
யயா = by which
ஸ்வப்னம்ʼ = dreaming
ப⁴யம்ʼ = fearfulness
ஶோகம்ʼ = lamentation
விஷாத³ம்ʼ = moroseness
மத³ம்ʼ = illusion
ஏவ = certainly
ச = also
ந = never
விமுஞ்சதி = one gives up
து³ர்மேதா⁴ = unintelligent
த்⁴ருʼதி꞉ = determination
ஸா = that
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
தாமஸீ = in the mode of ignorance.
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
து = but
இதா³னீம்ʼ = now
த்ரிவித⁴ம்ʼ = of three kinds
ஶ்ருʼணு = hear
மே = from Me
ப⁴ரதர்ஷப⁴ = O best amongst the Bharatas
அப்⁴யாஸாத் = by practice
ரமதே = one enjoys
யத்ர = where
து³꞉க² = of distress
அந்தம்ʼ = the end
ச = also
நிக³ச்ச²தி = gains.
யத் = which
தத் = that
அக்³ரே = in the beginning
விஷமிவ = like poison
பரிணாமே = at the end
அம்ருʼத = nectar
உபமம்ʼ = compared to
தத் = that
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
ஸாத்த்விகம்ʼ = in the mode of goodness
ப்ரோக்தம்ʼ = is said
ஆத்ம = in the self
பு³த்³தி⁴ = of intelligence
ப்ரஸாத³ஜம்ʼ = born of the satisfaction.
விஷய = of the objects of the senses
இந்த்³ரிய = and the senses
ஸம்ʼயோகா³த் = from the combination
யத் = which
தத் = that
அக்³ரே = in the beginning
அம்ருʼதோபமம்ʼ = just like nectar
பரிணாமே = at the end
விஷமிவ = like poison
தத் = that
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
ராஜஸம்ʼ = in the mode of passion
ஸ்ம்ருʼதம்ʼ = is considered.
யத் = that which
அக்³ரே = in the beginning
ச = also
அனுப³ந்தே⁴ = at the end
ச = also
ஸுக²ம்ʼ = happiness
மோஹனம்ʼ = illusory
ஆத்மன꞉ = of the self
நித்³ரா = sleep
ஆலஸ்ய = laziness
ப்ரமாத³ = and illusion
உத்த²ம்ʼ = produced of
தத் = that
தாமஸம்ʼ = in the mode of ignorance
உதா³ஹ்ருʼதம்ʼ = is said to be.
ந = not
தத் = that
அஸ்தி = there is
ப்ருʼதி²வ்யாம்ʼ = on the earth
வா = or
தி³வி = in the higher planetary system
தே³வேஷு = amongst the demigods
வா = or
புன꞉ = again
ஸத்த்வம்ʼ = existence
ப்ரக்ருʼதிஜை꞉ = born of material nature
முக்தம்ʼ = liberated
யத் = that
ஏபி⁴꞉ = from the influence of these
ஸ்யாத் = is
த்ரிபி⁴꞉ = three
கு³ணை꞉ = modes of material nature.
ப்³ராஹ்மண = of the brahmanas
க்ஷத்ரிய = the ksatriyas
விஶாம்ʼ = and the vaisyas
ஶூத்³ராணாம்ʼ = of the shudras
ச = and
பரந்தப = O subduer of the enemies
கர்மாணி = the activities
ப்ரவிப⁴க்தானி = are divided
ஸ்வபா⁴வ = their own nature
ப்ரப⁴வை꞉ = born of
கு³ணை꞉ = by the modes of material nature.
ஸம꞉ = peacefulness
த³ம꞉ = self-control
தப꞉ = austerity
ஶௌசம்ʼ = purity
க்ஷாந்தி꞉ = tolerance
ஆர்ஜவம்ʼ = honesty
ஏவ = certainly
ச = and
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
விஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = wisdom
ஆஸ்திக்யம்ʼ = religiousness
ப்³ரஹ்ம = of a brahmana
கர்ம = duty
ஸ்வபா⁴வஜம்ʼ = born of his own nature.
ஶௌர்யம்ʼ = heroism
தேஜ꞉ = power
த்⁴ருʼதி꞉ = determination
தா³க்ஷ்யம்ʼ = resourcefulness
யுத்³தே⁴ = in battle
ச = and
அபி = also
அபலாயனம்ʼ = not fleeing
தா³னம்ʼ = generosity
ஈஶ்வர = of leadership
பா⁴வ꞉ = the nature
ச = and
க்ஷாத்ரம்ʼ = of a ksatriya
கர்ம = duty
ஸ்வபா⁴வஜம்ʼ = born of his own nature.
க்ருʼஷி = plowing
கோ³ = of cows
ரக்ஷ்ய = protection
வாணிஜ்யம்ʼ = trade
வைஶ்ய = of a vaisya
கர்ம = duty
ஸ்வபா⁴வஜம்ʼ = born of his own nature
பரிசர்ய = service
ஆத்மகம்ʼ = consisting of
கர்ம = duty
ஶூத்³ரஸ்ய = of the shudra
அபி = also
ஸ்வபா⁴வஜம்ʼ = born of his own nature.
ஸ்வே ஸ்வே = each his own
கர்மணி = work
அபி⁴ரத꞉ = following
ஸம்ʼஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = perfection
லப⁴தே = achieves
நர꞉ = a man
ஸ்வகர்ம = in his own duty
நிரத꞉ = engaged
ஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = perfection
யதா² = as
விந்த³தி = attains
தத் = that
ஶ்ருʼணு = listen.
யத꞉ = from whom
ப்ரவ்ருʼத்தி꞉ = the emanation
பூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = of all living entities
யேன = by whom
ஸர்வம்ʼ = all
இத³ம்ʼ = this
ததம்ʼ = is pervaded
ஸ்வகர்மணா = by his own duties
தம்ʼ = Him
அப்⁴யர்ச்ய = by worshiping
ஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = perfection
விந்த³தி = achieves
மானவ꞉ = a man.
ஶ்ரேயான் = better
ஸ்வத⁴ர்ம꞉ = one’s own occupation
விகு³ண꞉ = imperfectly performed
பரத⁴ர்மாத் = than another’s occupation
ஸ்வனுஷ்டி²தாத் = perfectly done
ஸ்வபா⁴வநியதம்ʼ = prescribed according to one’s nature
கர்ம = work
குர்வன் = performing
ந = never
ஆப்னோதி = achieves
கில்பி³ஶம்ʼ = sinful reactions.
ஸஹஜம்ʼ = born simultaneously
கர்ம = work
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
ஸதோ³ஷம்ʼ = with fault
அபி = although
ந = never
த்யஜேத் = one should give up
ஸர்வாரம்ப⁴꞉ = all ventures
ஹி = certainly
தோ³ஷேன = with fault
தூ⁴மேன = with smoke
அக்³னி꞉ = fire
இவ = as
ஆவ்ருʼதா꞉ = covered.
அஸக்தபு³த்³தி⁴꞉ = having unattached intelligence
ஸர்வத்ர = everywhere
ஜிதாத்மா = having control of the mind
விக³தஸ்ப்ருʼஹ꞉ = without material desires
நைஷ்கர்ம்யஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = the perfection of nonreaction
பரமாம்ʼ = supreme
ஸம்ʼந்யாஸேன = by the renounced order of life
அதி⁴க³ச்ச²தி = one attains.
ஸித்³தி⁴ம்ʼ = perfection
ப்ராப்த꞉ = achieving
யதா² = as
ப்³ரஹ்ம = the Supreme
ததா² = so
ஆப்னோதி = one achieves
நிபோ³த⁴ = try to understand
மே = from Me
ஸமாஸேன = summarily
ஏவ = certainly
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
நிஷ்டா² = the stage
ஜ்ஞானஸ்ய = of knowledge
யா = which
பரா = transcendental.
பு³த்³த்⁴யா = with the intelligence
விஶுத்³த⁴யா = fully purified
யுக்த꞉ = engaged
த்⁴ருʼத்ய = by determination
ஆத்மானம்ʼ = the self
நியம்ய = regulating
ச = also
ஶப்³தா³தி³ன் = such as sound
விஷயான் = the sense objects
த்யக்த்வா = giving up
ராக³ = attachment
த்³வேஷௌ = and hatred
வ்யுத³ஸ்ய = laying aside
ச = also
விவிக்தஸேவீ = living in a secluded place
லக்⁴வாஶீ = eating a small quantity
யத = having controlled
வாக் = speech
காய = body
மானஸ꞉ = and mind
த்⁴யானயோக³பர꞉ = absorbed in trance
நித்யம்ʼ = twenty-four hours a day
வைராக்³யம்ʼ = detachment
ஸமுபாஶ்ரித꞉ = having taken shelter of
அஹங்காரம்ʼ = false ego
ப³லம்ʼ = false strength
த³ர்பம்ʼ = false pride
காமம்ʼ = lust
க்ரோத⁴ம்ʼ = anger
பரிக்³ரஹம்ʼ = and acceptance of material things
விமுச்ய = being delivered from
நிர்மம꞉ = without a sense of proprietorship
ஶாந்த꞉ = peaceful
ப்³ரஹ்மபூ⁴யாய = for self-realization
கல்பதே = is qualified.
ப்³ரஹ்மபூ⁴த꞉ = being one with the Absolute
ப்ரஸன்னாத்மா = fully joyful
ந = never
ஶோசதி = laments
ந = never
காங்க்ஷதி = desires
ஸம꞉ = equally disposed
ஸர்வேஷு = to all
பூ⁴தேஷு = living entities
மத்³ப⁴க்திம்ʼ = My devotional service
லப⁴தே = gains
பராம்ʼ = transcendental.
ப⁴க்த்யா = by pure devotional service
மாம்ʼ = Me
அபி⁴ஜானாதி = one can know
யாவான் = as much as yah
சாஸ்மி = as I am
தத்த்வத꞉ = in truth
தத꞉ = thereafter
மாம்ʼ = Me
தத்த்வத꞉ = in truth
ஜ்ஞாத்வா = knowing
விஶதே = he enters
தத³னந்தரம்ʼ = thereafter.
ஸர்வ = all
கர்மாணி = activities
அபி = although
ஸதா³ = always
குர்வாண꞉ = performing
மத்³வ்யபாஶ்ரய꞉ = under My protection
மத்ப்ரஸாதா³த் = by My mercy
அவாப்னோதி = one achieves
ஶாஶ்வதம்ʼ = the eternal
பத³ம்ʼ = abode
அவ்யயம்ʼ = imperishable.
சேதஸா = by intelligence
ஸர்வகர்மாணி = all kinds of activities
மயி = unto Me
ஸம்ʼந்யஸ்ய = giving up
மத்பர꞉ = under My protection
பு³த்³தி⁴யோக³ம்ʼ = devotional activities
உபாஶ்ரித்ய = taking shelter of
மச்சித்த꞉ = in consciousness of Me
ஸததம்ʼ = twenty-four hours a day
ப⁴வ = just become.
மத் = of Me
சித்த꞉ = being in consciousness
ஸர்வ = all
து³ர்கா³ணி = impediments
மத்ப்ரஸாதா³த் = by My mercy
தரிஷ்யஸி = you will overcome
அத² = but
சேத் = if
த்வம்ʼ = you
அஹங்காராத் = by false ego
ந ஶ்ரோஸ்யஸி = do not hear
வினங்க்ஷ்யஸி = you will be lost.
யத் = if
அஹங்காரம்ʼ = of false ego
ஆஶ்ரித்ய = taking shelter
ந யோத்ஸ்யே = I shall not fight
இதி = thus
மன்யஸே = you think
மித்²யைஷ꞉ = this is all false
வ்யவஸாய꞉ = determination
தே = your
ப்ரக்ருʼதி꞉ = material nature
த்வாம்ʼ = you
நியோக்ஷ்யதி = will engage.
ஸ்வபா⁴வஜேன = born of your own nature
கௌந்தேய = O son of Kunti
நிப³த்³த⁴꞉ = conditioned
ஸ்வேன = by your own
கர்மணா = activities
கர்தும்ʼ = to do
ந = not
இச்ச²ஸி = you like
யத் = that which
மோஹாத் = by illusion
கரிஷ்யஸி = you will do
அவஶ꞉ = involuntarily
அபி = even
தத் = that.
ஈஶ்வர꞉ = the Supreme Lord
ஸர்வபூ⁴தானாம்ʼ = of all living entities
ஹ்ருʼத்³தே³ஶே = in the location of the heart
அர்ஜுன = O Arjuna
திஷ்ட²தி = resides
ப்⁴ராமயன் = causing to travel
ஸர்வபூ⁴தானீ = all living entities
யந்த்ர = on a machine
ஆரூடா⁴னி = being placed
மாயயா = under the spell of material energy.
தம்ʼ = unto Him
ஏவ = certainly
ஶரணம் க³ச்ச² = surrender
ஸர்வபா⁴வேன = in all respects
பா⁴ரத = O son of Bharata
தத்ப்ரஸாதா³த் = by His grace
பராம்ʼ = transcendental
ஶாந்திம்ʼ = peace
ஸ்தா²னம்ʼ = the abode
ப்ராப்ஸ்யஸி = you will get
ஶாஶ்வதம்ʼ = eternal.
இதி = thus
தே = unto you
ஜ்ஞானம்ʼ = knowledge
ஆக்²யாதம்ʼ = described
கு³ஹ்யாத் = than confidential
கு³ஹ்யதரம்ʼ = still more confidential
மயா = by Me
விம்ருʼஶ்ய = deliberating
ஏதத் = on this
அஶேஷேண = fully
யதா² = as
இச்ச²ஸி = you like
ததா² = that
குரு = perform.
ஸர்வகு³ஹ்யதமம்ʼ = the most confidential of all
பூ⁴ய꞉ = again
ஶ்ருʼணு = just hear
மே = from Me
பரமம்ʼ = the supreme
வச꞉ = instruction
இஷ்ட꞉ அஸி = you are dear
மே = to Me
த்³ருʼட⁴ம்ʼ = very
இதி = thus
தத꞉ = therefore
வக்ஷ்யாமி = I am speaking
தே = for your
ஹிதம்ʼ = benefit.
மன்மனா꞉ = thinking of Me
ப⁴வ = just become
மத்³ப⁴க்த꞉ = My devotee
மத்³யாஜீ = My worshiper
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
நமஸ்குரு = offer your obeisances
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ஏவ = certainly
ஏஷ்யஸி = you will come
ஸத்யம்ʼ = truly
தே = to you
ப்ரதிஜானே = I promise
ப்ரிய꞉ = dear
அஸி = you are
மே = to Me.
ஸர்வத⁴ர்மான் = all varieties of religion
பரித்யஜ்ய = abandoning
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ஏகம்ʼ = only
ஶரணம்ʼ = for surrender
வ்ரஜ = go
அஹம்ʼ = I
த்வாம்ʼ = you
ஸர்வ = all
பாபேப்⁴ய꞉ = from sinful reactions
மோக்ஷயிஷ்யாமி = will deliver
மா = do not
ஶுச꞉ = worry.
இத³ம்ʼ = this
தே = by you
ந = never
அதபஸ்காய = to one who is not austere
ந = never
அப⁴க்தாய = to one who is not a devotee
கதா³சன = at any time
ந = never
ச = also
அஶுஶ்ரூஷவே = to one who is not engaged in devotional service
வாச்யம்ʼ = to be spoken
ந = never
ச = also
மாம்ʼ = toward Me
ய꞉ = anyone who
அப்⁴யஸூயதி = is envious.
ய꞉ = anyone who
இத³ம்ʼ = this
பரமம்ʼ = most
கு³ஹ்யம்ʼ = confidential secret
மத் = of Mine
ப⁴க்தேஷு = amongst devotees
அபி⁴தா⁴ஸ்யதி = explains
ப⁴க்திம்ʼ = devotional service
மயி = unto Me
பராம்ʼ = transcendental
க்ருʼத்வா = doing
மாம்ʼ = unto Me
ஏவ = certainly
ஏஷ்யதி = comes
அஸம்ʼஶய꞉ = without doubt.
ந = never
ச = and
தஸ்மாத் = than him
மனுஷ்யேஷு = among men
கஶ்சித் = anyone
மே = to Me
ப்ரியக்ருʼத்தம꞉ = more dear
ப⁴விதா = will become
ந = nor
ச = and
மே = to Me
தஸ்மாத் = than him
அன்ய꞉ = another
ப்ரியதர꞉ = dearer
பு⁴வி = in this world.
அத்⁴யேஷ்யதே = will study
ச = also
ய꞉ = he who
இமம்ʼ = this
த⁴ர்ம்யம்ʼ = sacred
ஸம்ʼவாத³ம்ʼ = conversation
ஆவயோ꞉ = of ours
ஜ்ஞான = of knowledge
யஜ்ஞேன = by the sacrifice
தேன = by him
அஹம்ʼ = I
இஷ்ட꞉ = worshiped
ஸ்யாம்ʼ = shall be
இதி = thus
மே = My
மதி꞉ = opinion.
ஶ்ரத்³தா⁴வான் = faithful
அனஸூய꞉ = not envious
ச = and
ஶ்ருʼணுயாத் = does hear
அபி = certainly
ய꞉ = who
நர꞉ = a man
ஸ꞉ = he
அபி = also
முக்த꞉ = being liberated
ஶுபா⁴ன் = the auspicious
லோகான் = planets
ப்ராப்னுயாத் = he attains
புண்யகர்மணாம்ʼ = of the pious.
கச்சித் = whether
ஏதத் = this
ஶ்ருதம்ʼ = heard
பார்த² = O son of Pritha
த்வயா = by you
ஏகாக்³ரேண = with full attention
சேதஸா = by the mind
கச்சித் = whether
அஜ்ஞான = of ignorance
ஸம்மோஹ꞉ = the illusion
ப்ரணஷ்ட꞉ = dispelled
தே = of you
த⁴னஞ்ஜய = O conqueror of wealth (Arjuna).
அர்ஜுன உவாச = Arjuna said
நஷ்ட꞉ = dispelled
மோஹ꞉ = illusion
ஸ்ம்ருʼதி꞉ = memory
லப்³தா⁴ = regained
த்வத்ப்ரஸாதா³த் = by Your mercy
மயா = by me
அச்யுத = O infallible KRiShNa
ஸ்தி²த꞉ = situated
அஸ்மி = I am
க³த = removed
ஸந்தே³ஹ꞉ = all doubts
கரிஷ்யே = I shall execute
வசனம்ʼ = order
தவ = Your.
ஸஞ்ஜய உவாச = Sanjaya said
இதி = thus
அஹம்ʼ = I
வாஸுதே³வஸ்ய = of KRiShNa
பார்த²ஸ்ய = and Arjuna
ச = also
மஹாத்மன꞉ = of the great soul
ஸம்ʼவாத³ம்ʼ = discussion
இமம்ʼ = this
அஶ்ரௌஷம்ʼ = have heard
அத்³பு⁴தம்ʼ = wonderful
ரோமஹர்ஷணம்ʼ = making the hair stand on end.
வ்யாஸப்ரஸாதா³த் = by the mercy of Vyasadeva
ஶ்ருதவான் = have heard
ஏதத் = this
கு³ஹ்யம்ʼ = confidential
அஹம்ʼ = I
பரம்ʼ = the supreme
யோக³ம்ʼ = mysticism
யோகே³ஶ்வராத் = from the master of all mysticism
க்ருʼஷ்ணாத் = from KRiShNa
ஸாக்ஷாத் = directly
கத²யத꞉ = speaking
ஸ்வயம்ʼ = personally.
ராஜன் = O King
ஸம்ʼஸ்ம்ருʼத்ய = remembering
ஸம்ʼஸ்ம்ருʼத்ய = remembering
ஸம்ʼவாத³ம்ʼ = message
இமம்ʼ = this
அத்³பு⁴தம்ʼ = wonderful
கேஶவ = of Lord KRiShNa
அர்ஜுனயோ꞉ = and Arjuna
புண்யம்ʼ = pious
ஹ்ருʼஷ்யாமி = I am taking pleasure
ச = also
முஹுர்முஹு꞉ = repeatedly.
தத் = that
ச = also
ஸம்ʼஸ்ம்ருʼத்ய = remembering
ஸம்ʼஸ்ம்ருʼத்ய = remembering
ரூபம்ʼ = form
அதி = greatly
அத்³பு⁴தம்ʼ = wonderful
ஹரே꞉ = of Lord KRiShNa
விஸ்மய꞉ = wonder
மே = my
மஹான் = great
ராஜன் = O King
ஹ்ருʼஷ்யாமி = I am enjoying
ச = also
புன꞉ புன꞉ = repeatedly.
யத்ர = where
யோகே³ஶ்வர꞉ = the master of mysticism
க்ருʼஷ்ண꞉ = Lord KRiShNa
யத்ர = where
பார்த²꞉ = the son of Pritha
த⁴னுர்த⁴ர꞉ = the carrier of the bow and arrow
தத்ர = there
ஶ்ரீ꞉ = opulence
விஜய꞉ = victory
பூ⁴தி꞉ = exceptional power
த்⁴ருவா = certain
நீதி꞉ = morality
மதிர்மம = my opinion.

End of 18.78

– Chant Stotra in Other Languages –

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