Dosha Parihara Ashtakam In English

॥ Dosha Parihara Ashtakam English Lyrics and Meaning ॥

॥ dosapariharastakam sartham ॥
anyasya dosagananakutukam mamaitadaviskaroti niyatam mayi dosavattvam ।
dosah punarmayi na cedakhile satise dosagrahah kathamudetu mamesa tasmin ॥ 1 ॥

O, Lord! My inclination in finding fault with others definitely shows my imperfection. If there is no flaw in myself, then everyone will become Isha and if so, how will I be able to find fault with others?

esa vyathetirakrteti mamesa tasmin kopo yadi svaparakamamukhaprasuta ।
seyam vyatheti mayi me na kathannu kopah svasya vyatha svaduritaprabhava hi sarva ॥ 2 ॥

O, Lord! I am angry with others because I feel that I am subjected to this suffering because of them. When my wishes/liking and others’ wishes/likings clash, then should I not get angry with myself too, since I am also a reason for the clash of the wishes/likings? Further, is it not true that this suffering is a result of my own sins because my wish/liking did not succeed and so I get angry?

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kamabhrtyakhiladosanidhermamaisa mayyaha dosamiti ko nu duragrahom’smin ।
heyatvamalapati yo’yamalam na kena varyo’tha satvavati so’yamasatkimaha ॥ 3 ॥

I am the repository of all imperfections such as lust and anger. Why should I get angry just because he pointed
out at my imperfection? Did he point this on a person who is blemishless? (No) He merely reiterated I am marred by a blemish which is avoidable.

yah samsritah svahita dhirvyasanaturastaddosasya tam prati vaco’stu tadanyadosam ।
yadvacmi tanmama na kim ksataye svadosacintaiva me tadapanodaphalocitatah ॥ 4 ॥

If someone comes to me considering me as a well-wisher then I can perhaps point out his blemishes. Else, will not
this habit of pointing out blemishes of others result in my own downfall? If the recognition of one’s own blemishes is used to eradicate those blemishes, then it is apt.

dosam parasya nanu grhnati mayyanaina svatmaisa eva paragatrasamahrtena
durvastuneva malinikriyate tadanyadosagrahadahaha kim na nivartitavyam ॥ 5 ॥

My mind becomes dirty by carrying the resulting dirt through criticism of others. Hence should I not avoid such a habit?

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nirdosabhavamitarasya sadosabhavam svasyapi samvidadhati paradosadhirme ।
astamiyam taditara tu parartimatraheturvyanaktu na katham mama tucchabhavam ॥ 6 ॥

This criticizing tendency actually will only confirm that the blemish is within me and not in others. Further, this tendency will cause discomfort to others. Will that not show my meanness and pettiness?

padmadisaurabha iva bhramarasya harsam hitvanyadiyasugune punaranyadose ।
harso durartha iva gehakiteh kimaste ha me kadesa krpaya vigaletsa esah ॥ 7 ॥

When I see greatness in others, I get pleasure in the same way as a bee gets pleasure by smelling lotus flowers. But when I find fault with others, I get pleasure in the same way as a pig gets pleasure when it gets into the gutter. O Lord! When will I get absolved of this blemish by Your blessing?

dose svabhaji matikausalamanyabhaji maudhyam gane’nyajusi harsabharah svabhaji ।
astaprasaktirakhilesu dayatyudaravrtyorjito mama kada’stu haranuragah ॥ 8 ॥

Let the intellect be used to recognize and eradicate one’s own blemishes and not with others. Let there be
pleasure through seeing the greatness of others. Let there be no attachment, should there be greatness in self. Let there be love for all. O, Lord! When will I get this supreme mental stature through which I get unswerving bhakti unto You?

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॥ iti srisridhara ayyavalakrta dosapariharastakam sampurnam ॥

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