Doya Koro More Nitai And Meaning

DOYA KORO MORE NITAI – My Dear Lord Nitai! Please Be Merciful To Me By Srila Kanu Ramadasa Thakura.


Doya koro more nitai, doya koro more
agatira gati nitai sadhu loke bole

jaya prema bhakti data-pataka tomara
uttama adhama kichhu na kaila bichara

prema dane jagajanera mana kaila sukhi
tumi hena doyara thakura ami kene dukhi

kanu rama dasa bole ki boliba ami
e bada bharasa more kulera thakura tumi


1) 0 my Nitai, please shower your mercy on me. All sadhus say, “You are so merciful. You give the right destination to the fallen souls.”

2) Lord Nityananda has a flag. That flag gives prema-bhakti. He never discriminates whether one is uttama or adhama, most elevated or most degraded. He gives prema-bhakti to one and all.

3) Sri Nityananda Prabhu gives prema to one and all and makes the whole world happy. You are such a merciful Thakura, why am I so unhappy?

See Also  Nitai-Pada-Kamala And Meaning

4) Kanu Ramadasa says, “What more shall I say? 0 Lord Nityananda, You are the Lord of our parampara; so this is a great hope for me, that You are such a merciful Lord.”