Narayaniyam Dvadasadasakam In English – Narayaneeyam Dasakam 12

Narayaniyam Dvadasadasakam in English:

॥ narayanīyaṁ dvadaśadaśakam> ॥

narayanīyaṁ dvadaśadaśakam (12) varahavataram

svayaṁbhuvō manurathō janasargaśīlō
dr̥stva mahīmasamayē salilē nimagnam ।
srastaramapa śaranaṁ bhavadaṅghrisēva-
tustaśayaṁ munijanaiḥ saha satyalōkē ॥ 12-1 ॥

kastaṁ prajaḥ sr̥jati mayyavanirnimagna
sthanaṁ sarōjabhava kalpaya tatprajanam ।
ityēvamēsa kathitō manuna svayaṁbhūḥ
raṁbhōruhaksa tava padayugaṁ vyacintīt ॥ 12-2 ॥

ha ha vibhō jalamahaṁ nyapibaṁ purasta-
dadyapi majjati mahī kimahaṁ karōmi ।
itthaṁ tvadaṅghriyugalaṁ śaranaṁ yatō:’sya
nasaputatsamabhavaḥ śiśukōlarūpī ॥ 12-3 ॥
[** gatō:’sya **]

aṅgusthamatravapurutpatitaḥ purastat
bhūyō:’tha kuṁbhisadr̥śaḥ samajr̥ṁbhathastvam ।
abhrē tathavidhamudīksya bhavantamuccai-
rvismērataṁ vidhiragatsaha sūnubhiḥ svaiḥ ॥ 12-4 ॥

kō:’savacintyamahima kitirutthitō mē
nasaputatkimu bhavēdajitasya maya ।
itthaṁ vicintayati dhatari śailamatraḥ
sadyō bhavankila jagarjitha ghōraghōram ॥ 12-5 ॥

taṁ tē ninadamupakarnya janastapaḥsthaḥ
satyasthitaśca munayō nunuvurbhavantam ।
tatstōtraharsulamanaḥ parinadya bhūya-
stōyaśayaṁ vipulamūrtiravatarastvam ॥ 12-6 ॥

prōtksiptavaladhiravaṅmukhaghōraghōnaḥ ।
tūrnapradīrnajaladaḥ parighūrnadaksna
stōtr̥̄nmunīn śiśirayannavatēritha tvam ॥ 12-7 ॥

antarjalaṁ tadanu saṅkulanakracakraṁ
bhramyattimiṅgilakulaṁ kalusōrmimalam ।
aviśya bhīsanaravēna rasatalastha-
nakampayanvasumatīmagavēsayastvam ॥ 12-8 ॥

dr̥stva:’tha daityahatakēna rasatalantē
saṁvēśitaṁ jhatiti kūtakitirvibhō tvam ।
apatukanaviganayya surarikhētan
daṁstraṅkurēna vasudhamadadhaḥ salīlam ॥ 12-9 ॥

abhyuddharannatha dharaṁ daśanagralagna
mustaṅkuraṅkita ivadhikapīvaratma ।
krīdavarahavapurīśvara pahi rōgat ॥ 12-10 ॥

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iti dvadaśadaśakaṁ samaptam ॥

Narayaniyam Dvadasadasakam Meaning:

Then Swayambhuva Manu who was doing the creation of human beings,
Seeing that the earth was drowned in the water at an inappropriate time,
Went and approached Lord Brahma who lived in Sathya Loka with sages,
And who was having a joyful mind as he was serving your lotus feet. ॥ 12.1 ॥

Oh Lotus eyed God when Swayambhuva Manu approached Brahma,
And told, “When I was creating people, alas, the earth went into the water,
So be kind enough to make a place for all of them to live,”
And Brahma prayed deeply your lotus-like feet. ॥ 12.2 ॥

Lord Brahma said,” Alas, alas, Oh God, I drank away the causal water,
Even earlier and now the world is drowning in water, what shall I do?”’
And said that he is surrendering at your two lotus-like feet,
And from the nostrils of Lord Brahma, you came in the shape of a boar calf. ॥ 12.3 ॥

When you came out, you initially were of the size of a thumb,
And later grew to the size of an elephant and Brahma,
Seeing you in that big form along with Mareechi and others and was surprised. ॥ 12.4 ॥

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When he was wondering “who is this mighty boar,
With unimaginable power, which has come out of my nostrils?
Could it be the Maya of Lord Vishnu?”
You grew up into the size of a great hill and roared. ॥ 12.5 ॥

The sages in the Jana Loka, Thapo Loka and Sathya Loka,
Hearing the thunderous roar of God, prayed to you,
You became very happy hearing those prayers,
Again roared, assumed a still bigger form,
And jumped into that great ocean. ॥ 12.6 ॥

You stood up, with erect copper-colored hairs,
With tail held up erect, with snout pointing downwards,
And with rolling eyes and plunged into the ocean,
Making the dark clouds on the way shatter into pieces and,
Making the sages, who were praying you happy by your rotating eyes. ॥ 12.7 ॥

You then got down into the ocean,
Which had moving groups of crocodiles,
With big whales going round and round,
With fast swirling waters and tumultuous waves,
And with your roar frightened the people of Rasatala,
And started your frantic search, for the Goddess earth. ॥ 12.8 ॥

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Oh lord, you who were in the form of the terrible boar,
After a search located Goddess earth hid in the Patala,
By those bad asuras and without bothering about them,
Playfully lifted, the earth in your tusk. ॥ 12.9 ॥

Oh playful Lord in the form of a boar,
You who after taking the earth in your tusks,
Started lifting it up and it appeared,
As if it is a small piece of the root of grass,
And you appeared with a grossly large body,
And you who emerged from the ocean,
With the water being churned greatly,
Please save me from this disease. ॥ 12.10 ॥

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