Narayaniyam Dvatrimsadasakam In English – Narayaneyam Dasakam 32

Narayaniyam Dvatrimsadasakam in English:

॥ arayanīyaṁ dvatriṁśadaśakam ॥

narayanīyaṁ dvatriṁśadaśakam (32) matsyavataram

pura hayagrīvamahasurēna sasthantarantōdyadakandakalpē ।
nidrōnmukhabrahmamukhaddhr̥tēsu vēdēsvadhitsaḥ kila matsyarūpam ॥ 32-1 ॥

satyavratasya dramiladhibharturnadījalē tarpayatastadanīm ।
karañjalau sañjvalitakr̥tistvamadr̥śyathaḥ kaścana balamīnaḥ ॥ 32-2 ॥

ksiptaṁ jalē tvaṁ cakitaṁ vilōkya ninyē:’ṁbupatrēna muniḥ svagēham ।
svalpairahōbhiḥ kalaśīṁ ca kūpaṁ vapīṁ saraścanaśisē vibhō tvam ॥ 32-3 ॥

yōgaprabhavadbhavadajñayaiva nītastatastvaṁ munina payōdhim ।
pr̥stō:’muna kalpadidr̥ksumēnaṁ saptahamasvēti vadannayasīḥ ॥ 32-4 ॥

praptē tvaduktē:’hani varidharapariplutē bhūmitalē munīndraḥ ।
saptarsibhiḥ sardhamaparavarinyudghūrnamanaḥ śaranaṁ yayau tvam ॥ 32-5 ॥

dharaṁ tvadadēśakarīmavaptaṁ naurūpinīmaruruhustada tē ।
tatkampakamprēsu ca tēsu bhūyastvamaṁbudhēravirabhūrmahīyan ॥ 32-6 ॥

jhasakr̥tiṁ yōjanalaksadīrghaṁ dadhanamuccaistaratējasaṁ tvam ।
nirīksya tusta munayastvaduktya tvattuṅgaśr̥ṅgē taraniṁ babandhuḥ ॥ 32-7 ॥

akr̥stanaukō munimandalaya pradarśayanviśvajagadvibhagan ।
saṁstūyamanō nr̥varēna tēna jñanaṁ paraṁ cōpadiśannacarīḥ ॥ 32-8 ॥

kalpavadhau saptamunīnpurōvatprasthapya satyavratabhūmipaṁ tam ।
vaivasvatakhyaṁ manumadadhanaḥ krōdhaddhayagrīvamabhidrutō:’bhūḥ ॥ 32-9 ॥

svatuṅgaśr̥ṅgaksatavaksasaṁ taṁ nipatya daityaṁ nigamangr̥hītva ।
viriñcayē prītahr̥dē dadanaḥ prabhañjanagarapatē prapayaḥ ॥ 32-10 ॥

iti dvatriṁśadaśakaṁ samaptam ॥

Narayaniyam Dvatrimsadasakam Meaning:

Long, long ago in the deluge that happened after,
The rule of the sixth Manu, Vedas were stolen,
From the mouth of Brahma who was going to sleep,
By Hayagreeva who was a very great Asura,
And at that time, did you not take the form of a fish? ॥ 32.1 ॥

See Also  Devi Mahatmyam Mangala Harathi In Sanskrit And English

In the hands of Satyavrutha, the Dramila* king,
Who was doing his evening ablations,
You appeared as a mall radiant baby fish. ॥ 32.2 ॥
*Progenitors of Tamils

When the king who was a sage who was doing penance,
Left you in the water and saw you getting scared,
He put you in his pitcher and took you to his hermitage,
But Oh Lord within a few days you filled completely that pot,
Later a pond and still later a lake. ॥ 32.3 ॥

Later according to your orders themselves,
Sage Sathyavrutha using his yogic powers,
Took and left you in the great ocean and to the sage,
Who wished to see the deluge, you told,
“Please wait for another seven days.” and then vanished. ॥ 32.4 ॥

When the time told by you came,
The entire earth went under the water,
And Sathyavrutha along with the Saptha Rishis,
Was turned and tossed in the waters and surrendered to you. ॥ 32.5 ॥

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Then they all, according to your orders boarded,
In a boat which was the shape that the earth had assumed,
And were greatly frightened by the vehicle on water,
And you appeared before them as very big fish in the ocean. ॥ 32.6 ॥

Seeing your fish form of the size of a hundred thousand yojanas,
Which was glittering with radiance, they all became happy,
And according to your orders tied their boat on your horn. 32.7

You with your fish form towed the earth which was a boat,
And showed Sathyavrutha and other sages,
All the parts of the world, and was praised by Sathyavrutha,
And taught all of them the supreme knowledge of self. ॥ 32.8 ॥

At the end of the deluge, you established the seven sages
In their respective places and made king Sathyavrutha,
As the Vaivaswatha Manu and due to the anger,
Of his having stolen the Vedas, you rushed towards Hayagreeva. ॥ 32.9 ॥

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With your lofty horn, you tore apart the chest of Hayagreeva,
Retrieved the Vedas sand gave them back to the pleased Brahma,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, please protect and save me. ॥ 32.10 ॥

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