Narayaniyam Ekapancasattamasakam In English – Narayaneyam Dasakam 51

Narayaniyam Ekapancasattamasakam in English:

॥ narayanīyaṁ ēkapañcaśattamaśakam ॥

narayanīyaṁ ēkapañcaśattamaśakam (51) – aghasuravadham

kadacana vrajaśiśubhiḥ samaṁ bhavan
vanaśanē vihitamatiḥ pragētaram ।
samavr̥tō bahutaravatsamandalaiḥ
satēmanairniragamadīśa jēmanaiḥ ॥ 51-1 ॥

viniryatastava caranaṁbujadvaya-
dudañcitaṁ tribhuvanapavanaṁ rajaḥ ।
maharsayaḥ pulakadharaiḥ kalēbarai-
rudūhirē dhr̥tabhavadīksanōtsavaḥ ॥ 51-2 ॥

pracarayatyaviralaśadvalē talē
paśūnvibhō bhavati samaṁ kumarakaiḥ ।
aghasurō nyarunadaghaya vartanīṁ
bhayanakaḥ sapadi śayanakakr̥tiḥ ॥ 51-3 ॥

prasaritaprathitamukhasya kananē ।
mukhōdaraṁ viharanakautukadgataḥ
kumarakaḥ kimapi vidūragē tvayi ॥ 51-4 ॥

pramadataḥ praviśati pannagōdaraṁ
kvathattanau paśupakulē savatsakē ।
vidannidaṁ tvamapi vivēśitha prabhō
suhr̥jjanaṁ viśaranamaśu raksitum ॥ 51-5 ॥

galōdarē vipulitavarsmana tvaya
mahōragē luthati niruddhamarutē ।
drutaṁ bhavanvidalitakanthamandalō
vimōcayanpaśupapaśūn viniryayau ॥ 51-6 ॥

ksanaṁ divi tvadupagamarthamasthitaṁ
mahasuraprabhavamahō mahō mahat ।
vinirgatē tvayi tu nilīnamañjasa
nabhaḥsthalē nanr̥turathō jagussuraḥ ॥ 51-7 ॥

savismayaiḥ kamalabhavadibhiḥ surai-
ranudrutastadanu gataḥ kumarakaiḥ ।
dinē punastarunadaśamupēyusi
svakairbhavanatanuta bhōjanōtsavam ॥ 51-8 ॥

visanikamapi muralīṁ nitaṁbakē
nivēśayankabaladharaḥ karaṁbujē ।
prahasayankalavacanaiḥ kumarakan
bubhōjitha tridaśaganairmuda nutaḥ ॥ 51-9 ॥

sukhaśanaṁ tviha tava gōpamandalē
makhaśanatpriyamiva dēvamandalē ।
iti stutastridaśavarairjagatpatē
marutpurīnilaya gadatprapahi mam ॥ 51-10 ॥

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iti ēkapañcaśattamadaśakaṁ samaptam ।

Narayaniyam Ekapancasattamasakam Meaning:

One day along with the children of Vruja Desa,
You decided to have a picnic in the forest,
And with several children surrounding you,
As well as accompanied by different several tasty dishes,
And snacks, you went to the forest in the morning ॥ 51.1 ॥

When you started to the forest, the holy dust from your feet,
Which is capable of purifying all the three worlds,
Rose from there and was received by the overjoyed sages. ॥ 51.2 ॥

Oh Lord, when you were grazing the cattle,
In the land which was full of grass along with Gopas,
The very fierce Aghasura assuming the form of a python,
With an intention to do sin, stopped them in their way. ॥ 51.3 ॥

When you were a little far away and behind the group,
With interest to indulge in playing,
The Gopas entered the mouth of the python,
Which had a body like a mountain and a mouth like a cave. ॥ 51.4 ॥

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When without thinking the Gopas and cows entered,
Inside the python and when their body started boiling in heat,
Oh Lord, you realizing it, also entered the mouth of the python,
With an intention of saving your friends who were without any support. ॥ 51.5 ॥

When you inflated your body making him not able to breathe,
The great snake started writhing and struggling in agony,
And you speedily wrenched open his thick neck,
And sent out the Gopas and calves outside his body and came out. ॥ 51.6 ॥

The great light which emerged from the body of that Asura,
Stood waiting in the sky so that it can merge along with you,
And wonder of wonders merged with you when you came out,
And the devas who were in the sky danced and sang during this time. ॥ 51.7 ॥

Followed by lord Brahma and
Other devas who were full of wonderment,
At the time of noon, you went to a different spot
With all your friends and made a festival of your lunch. ॥ 51.8 ॥

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Tucking the flute and the horn in your waist,
Telling sweet words and holding a handful of rice,
You made the Gopa boys laugh and took your food,
And this made the devas pray you with happiness. ॥ 51.9 ॥

The devas prayed, “the happiness that you get,
By taking food sitting in the midst of the Gopa boys,
Seems to be much greater than your taking food with us,”
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, please cure me of all my diseases. ॥ 51.10 ॥

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