Narayaniyam Prathamadasakam In English – Narayaneyam Dasakam 1

॥ Narayaniyam Prathamadasakam English Lyrics ॥

॥ narayanīyam prathamadaśakam ॥

narayanīyaṁ prathamadaśakam (1) – bhagavataḥ svarūpaṁ tatha mahatmyam

sandranandavabōdhatmakamanupamitaṁ kaladēśavadhibhyaṁ
nirmuktaṁ nityamuktaṁ nigamaśatasahasrēna nirbhasyamanam ।
aspastaṁ dr̥stamatrē punarurupurusarthatmakaṁ brahma tattvaṁ
tattavadbhati saksadgurupavanapurē hanta bhagyaṁ jananam ॥ 1-1 ॥

ēvaṁdurlabhyavastunyapi sulabhataya hastalabdhē yadanyat
tanva vaca dhiya va bhajati bata janaḥ ksudrataiva sphutēyam ।
ētē tavadvayaṁ tu sthirataramanasa viśvapīdapahatyai
niśśēsatmanamēnaṁ gurupavanapuradhīśamēvaśrayamaḥ ॥ 1-2 ॥

sattvaṁ yattatpurabhyamaparikalanatō nirmalaṁ tēna tavat-
bhūtairbhūtēndriyaistē vapuriti bahuśaḥ śrūyatē vyasavakyam ।
tasmin dhanya ramantē śrutimatimadhurē sugrahē vigrahē tē ॥ 1-3 ॥

niskampē nityapūrnē niravadhiparamanandapīyūsarūpē
nirlīnanēkamuktavalisubhagatamē nirmalabrahmasindhau ।
kallōlōllasatulyaṁ khalu vimalataraṁ sattvamahustadatma
kasmannō niskalastvaṁ sakala iti vacastvatkalasvēva bhūman ॥ 1-4 ॥

nirvyaparō:’pi niskaranamaja bhajasē yatkriyamīksanakhyaṁ
tēnaivōdēti līna prakr̥tirasatikalpa:’pi kalpadikalē ।
tasyaḥ saṁśuddhamaṁśaṁ kamapi tamatirōdhayakaṁ sattvarūpaṁ
sa tvaṁ dhr̥tva dadhasi svamahimavibhavakuntha vaikuntha rūpam ॥ 1-5 ॥

tattē pratyagradharadharalalitakalayavalīkēlikaraṁ
lavanyasyaikasaraṁ sukr̥tijanadr̥śaṁ pūrnapunyavataram ।
siñcatsañcintakanaṁ vapuranukalayē marutagaranatha ॥ 1-6 ॥

kasta tē sr̥sticēsta bahutarabhavakhēdavaha jīvabhaja-
mityēvaṁ pūrvamalōcitamajita maya naivamadyabhijanē ।
nōcējjīvaḥ kathaṁ va madhurataramidaṁ tvadvapuścidrasardraṁ
nētraiḥ śrōtraiśca pītva paramarasasudhaṁbhōdhipūrē ramēran ॥ 1-7 ॥

namranaṁ sannidhattē satatamapi purastairanabhyarthitana-
pyarthan kamanajasraṁ vitarati paramanandasandraṁ gatiṁ ca ।
itthaṁ niśśēsalabhyō niravadhikaphalaḥ parijatō harē tvaṁ
ksudraṁ taṁ śakravatīdrumamabhilasati vyarthamarthivrajō:’yam ॥ 1-8 ॥

karunyatkamamanyaṁ dadati khalu parē svatmadastvaṁ viśēsa-
daiśvaryadīśatē:’nyē jagati parajanē svatmanō:’pīśvarastvam ।
tvayyuccairaramanti pratipadamadhurē cētanaḥ sphītabhagya-
stvaṁ catmarama ēvētyatulagunaganadhara śaurē namastē ॥ 1-9 ॥

aiśvaryaṁ śaṅkaradīśvaraviniyamanaṁ viśvatējōharanaṁ
tējassaṁhari vīryaṁ vimalamapi yaśō nispr̥haiścōpagītam ।
aṅgasaṅga sada śrīrakhilavidasi na kvapi tē saṅgavarta
tadvatagaravasin murahara bhagavacchabdamukhyaśrayō:’si ॥ 1-10 ॥

iti prathamadaśakaṁ samaptam ।

Indeed it is great luck that in Guruvayur,
The great and well known divine principle of God,
Is present as the continuous stream of joy and wisdom,
Which does not have an equal, which is beyond time and place,
Which is always free from ties, which in spite of being made clear,
By several prayers as well as words of praise is still unclear,
And which makes you want to see it again and again, once you see it. ॥ 1.1 ॥

See Also  108 Names Of Rama 2 – Ashtottara Shatanamavali In English

When this principle of God is difficult to get,
Is easily available to us, it is unfortunate that people depend,
On some other thing by their body, mind and words,
And this is clearly not correct and also bad,
But we with great stability of mind are depending on,
The lord of Guruvayur for getting rid of all problems of the world. ॥ 1.2 ॥

It is heard that sage Vyasa has several times told that your form,
Is extremely pure and personification of Sathwa aspect,
And is entirely separated from the regal and base aspects,
And is made of the beings and their properties.
And due to this purity, your form which is unhidden great pleasure,
Shines and has a great form inside and is pleasant to hear and meditate,
Making it possible for your devotees to get attracted and enjoy. ॥ 1.3 ॥

It is said by the learned that the very pure sathva character,
Is equal to the beating of the waves of the ocean called Brahmam,
Which is without movement, always full, personification,
Of the limitless nectar of joy and great due to merging of several liberated souls,
Oh God who is everywhere, this thine form is the only complete one,
Compared to the several incarnations that you have taken. ॥ 1.4 ॥

See Also  Viduva Viduvaninka In English

Oh God, who does not have any birth, though you seem to be without action,
You take up the job of being “this moment” without any reason,
And that is why you as nature, rise up at the beginning of the ions,
From within yourself though there seems to be nothing therein you at that time,
And that nature is pure, does not hide anything and the form of pure thought,
And you yourself have assumed your form from a part of that nature. ॥ 1.5 ॥

I meditate always on your form oh Lord of Guruvayur,
Which is as pretty as the water-rich new clouds,
Which makes one happy with its play like kalaya flowers,
Which is the ultimate single essence of prettiness,
Which is the incarnation which is born as the good deeds,
Of those people who have done laudable actions,
Which is the place for Goddess Lakshmi to play without hesitation,
And which is the rain of nectar in the mind of those who meditate on you. ॥ 1.6 ॥

Oh God, who can never be defeated, I once thought that,
Your act of creation was cruel as it gives all the beings,
A large amount of sorrow and pain in day to day life,
But I am not thinking like that now, for without that action,
How can they drink the beauty of your form which is full of joy and knowledge,
And enjoy themselves in the sea of the nectar of that divine joy. ॥ 1.7 ॥

Oh God, you always appear before all those who salute you,
And grant them not only their wishes but also those that they have not asked,
You grant them the joyful path of salvation at all times,
And so, Oh Lord Vishnu, you are the wish giving tree,
Which is available for all with unending fruits,
But those devotees seem unnecessarily to want,
That weeds like wish giving tree in the Garden of Indra. ॥ 1.8 ॥

See Also  Sri Krishna Govinda Hare Murari Bhajan In English

Other Gods due to mercy fulfill some other desires,
But you give them due to great mercy give your soul itself,
Other Gods due to riches become their Lord,
But you are god and Lord even of your own soul,
Some very lucky ones make you an interesting subject,
And become incomparably very happy,
But you are the one within whom there is nothing but joy,
And So oh valorous God, salutations to you for these exceptional qualities. ॥ 1.9 ॥

Your greatness is indicated by your making Shiva and other Gods obey you,
Your valor lies in your abilities in your control of the power of those who give power,
Your spotless fame is being praised by sages, who do not want anything,
Goddess Lakshmi is always with your various parts of your body,
And so you are the one who knows all and no one can imagine that you have any desires,
And so Oh Lord of Guruvayur, killer of Mura, you are fit to be termed as God. ॥ 1.10 ॥

॥ – Chant Stotras in other Languages –

Narayaniyam Prathamadasakam in English – KannadaTeluguTamil