Narayaniyam Saptanavatitamadasakam In English – Narayaneyam Dasakam 97

Narayaniyam Saptanavatitamadasakam in English:

॥ narayanīyaṁ saptanavatitamadaśakam ॥

narayanīyaṁ saptanavatitamadaśakam (97) – uttamabhaktiprarthana tatha markandēya katha ।

traigunyadbhinnarūpaṁ bhavati hi bhuvanē hīnamadhyōttamaṁ yat-
jñanaṁ śraddha ca karta vasatirapi sukhaṁ karma caharabhēdaḥ ।
tvatksētratvannisēvadi tu yadiha punastvatparaṁ tattu sarvaṁ
prahurnairgunyanisthaṁ tadanubhajanatō maṅksu siddhō bhavēyam ॥ 97-1 ॥

tvayyēva nyastacittaḥ sukhamayi vicaransarvacēstastvadarthaṁ
tvadbhaktaiḥ sēvyamananapi caritacaranaśrayan punyadēśan ।
dasyau viprē mr̥gadisvapi ca samamatirmucyamanavamana-
spardhasūyadidōsaḥ satatamakhilabhūtēsu sampūjayē tvam ॥ 97-2 ॥

tvadbhavō yavadēsu sphurati na viśadaṁ tavadēvaṁ hyupastiṁ
kurvannaikatmyabōdhē jhatiti vikasati tvanmayō:’haṁ carēyam ।
tvaddharmasyasya tavatkimapi na bhagavan prastutasya pranaśa-
stasmatsarvatmanaiva pradiśa mama vibhō bhaktimargaṁ manōjñam ॥ 97-3 ॥

taṁ cainaṁ bhaktiyōgaṁ dr̥dhayitumayi mē sadhyamarōgyamayu-
rdistya tatrapi sēvyaṁ tava caranamahō bhēsajayēva dugdham ।
markandēyō hi pūrvaṁ ganakanigaditadvadaśabdayuruccaiḥ
sēvitva vatsaraṁ tvaṁ tava bhatanivahairdravayamasa mr̥tyum ॥ 97-4 ॥

markandēyaścirayussa khalu punarapi tvatparaḥ puspabhadra-
tīrē ninyē tapasyannatulasukharatiḥ sat tu manvantarani ।
dēvēndraḥ saptamastaṁ surayuvatimarunmanmathairmōhayisyan
yōgōsmaplusyamanairna tu punaraśakattvajjanaṁ nirjayētkaḥ ॥ 97-5 ॥

prītya narayanakhyastvamatha narasakhaḥ praptavanasya parśvaṁ
tustya tōstūyamanaḥ sa tu vividhavarairlōbhitō nanumēnē ।
drastuṁ mayaṁ tvadīyaṁ kila punaravr̥nōdbhaktitr̥ptantaratma
mayaduḥkhanabhijñastadapi mr̥gayatē nūnamaścaryahētōḥ ॥ 97-6 ॥

yatē tvayyaśu vatakulajaladagalattōyapūrnatighūrnat-
saptarnōraśimagnē jagati sa tu jalē saṁbhramanvarsakōtīḥ ।
dīnaḥ praiksista dūrē vatadalaśayanaṁ kañcidaścaryabalaṁ
tvamēva śyamalaṅgaṁ vadanasarasijanyastapadaṅgulīkam ॥ 97-7 ॥

dr̥stva tvaṁ hr̥starōma tvaritamabhigataḥ sprastukamō munīndraḥ
śvasēnantarnivistaḥ punariha sakalaṁ dr̥stavan vistapaugham ।
bhūyō:’pi śvasavatairbahiranupatitō vīksitastvatkataksai-
rmōdadaślēstukamastvayi pihitatanau svaśramē pragvadasīt ॥ 97-8 ॥

gaurya sardhaṁ tadagrē purabhidatha gatastvatpriyaprēksanarthī
siddhanēvasya dattva svayamayamajaramr̥tyutadīn gatō:’bhūt ।
ēvaṁ tvatsēvayaiva smararipurapi sa prīyatē yēna tasma-
nmūrtitrayyatmakastvaṁ nanu sakalaniyantēti suvyaktamasīt ॥ 97-9 ॥

tryaṁśē:’sminsatyalōkē vidhiharipurabhinmandiranyūrdhvamūrdhvaṁ
tēbhyō:’pyūrdhvaṁ tu mayavikr̥tivirahitō bhati vaikunthalōkaḥ ।
tatra tvaṁ karanaṁbhasyapi paśupakulē śuddhasattvaikarūpī
saccidbrahmadvayatma pavanapurapatē pahi maṁ sarvarōgat ॥ 97-10
iti saptanavatitamadaśakaṁ samaptam ।

iti ēkadaśaskandhaṁ samaptam ।

Narayaniyam Saptanavatitamadasakam Meaning:

Knowledge, faith, doer, home, action and different types of food,
Fall into the mixture of three Gunas, Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas,
And so the world consists of different types classified as good, medium and bad,
But in this world, your temple and your prayers and all those concerning you,
Stand based on the property less Brahmam and so depending on that,
Within no time, I shall attain perfection and reach divinity. ॥ 97.1 ॥

See Also  Narayaniyam Saptatrimsadasakam In Tamil – Narayaneyam Dasakam 37

Hey God, Keeping my mind fixed on you and spending this life,
Offering thought words and action as an offering to you,
Going to pilgrimage to those holy places which are worshipped,
By your present-day devotees and those who have lived earlier,
Treating a thief, a Brahmin and animals in an equal manner,
Leaving out insults competition, and jealousy from life,
I would worship always you in all beings where ever you exist. ॥ 97.2 ॥

Till my mind firmly and truly recognizes that a Brahmin and a thief,
Are different forms of yourselves, I would continue worshipping you,
Always as indicated earlier till I get to know that the soul is one entity,
And spend all my life with you only, Oh God, once this Dharma,
Of a devotee is started it will never, ever die out and so,
Oh Lord of the universe, whatever happens, please,
Grant me this very interesting path of devotion and bless me. ॥ 97.3 ॥

To bring to practice this path of devotion that I have been telling,
Oh God, I need health as well as long life, luckily,
For that, all I need to do is to surrender to your lotus like feet,
And wonder of wonders, this is like drinking milk to cure diseases,
For instance when Marakandeya came to know that according to planets,
His life span would last only for a period of twelve years,
He spent one full year singing your praises with concentration,
And managed to drive away death by the help of your soldiers. ॥ 97.4 ॥

See Also  Parameshwara Sthuthi Sara Sthothram In English

Markandeya thus gained a very long life, and being attracted by incomparable bliss,
He spent six periods of different Manus by concentrating his mind deeply in you,
In the banks of the river Pushpa Bhadra and the seventh king of the devas,
Tried to entice that sage by sending celestial maids, gentle breeze and the God of love,
But since they all wilted in the heat of the great penance of Markandeya,
He failed miserably and Oh God whoever has so far conquered your devotees? ॥ 97.5 ॥

When things were like that you who along with your friend Nara,
Very much wanted to see Markandeya and paid a visit to him,
And that Markandeya praised you continuously by several prayers,
But refused any boons from you, though you were prepared to give any boon,
And when you compelled him, he requested you to show him Maya(illusion),
For he is a sage without any desire and mind filled with devotion,
Was not aware of the sorrow caused by Maya and wanted to see it,
Out of his simple curiosity and sense of wonder. ॥ 97.6 ॥

As soon as you left that place, from the thick clouds shaken and flown fast,
By huge cyclones and storms, rain poured and filled the seven seas,
And the entire earth was covered by floods and Markandeya floated in it,
For billions of years and was troubled by it and saw at a distance you,
As a small baby black in colour, keeping its thumb in his mouth
And lying on a banyan leaf and floating in that water making him greatly surprised. ॥ 97.7 ॥

See Also  Various Shiva Stotras In English

That king of sages was thrilled from head to feet on seeing you,
And with a desire to touch you, speedily went near you,
And he was sucked inside you through your inhalation,
And there inside he saw the entire universe,
And later he came out through the process of exhalation,
And fell down and you showered your glance on him,
And that sage who was extremely elated wanted to hug you,
And then you disappeared from there and everything became as before. ॥ 97.8 ॥

Later Lord Shiva wanted to see your favorite devotee and he came,
Along with Goddess Parvathi and appeared in front of Sage Markandeya,
And he blessed that sage with agelessness and immortality and other powers,
Without the sage asking him and Lord Shiva went back to his place.,
And this proves that even that enemy of God of love can only be pleased,
By serving you and this clearly proves that you are the sacred trinity,
And the one God who controls everybody. ॥ 97.9 ॥

In the Sathya Loka divided into three parts, worlds belonging to Brahma,
Vishnu and Shiva are one over another and on top of that,
Is Vaikunta which is completely free of illusion called Maya,
You shine there, in the primeval waters as well in Gokula,
As the form filled up with only sathva trait, having a form,
Which is different from that of Brahmam a mixture of Sath and Chith,
And oh Lord of Guruvayur, please cure all my diseases. ॥ 97.10 ॥

– Chant Stotras in other Languages –

Narayaneeyam Saptanavatitamadasakam in English – KannadaTeluguTamil