Saranagata Rakshana In English – Sri Ramadasu Keerthanalu

Bhadradri Ramadasu Keerthanalu

॥ Saranagata Rakshana Lyrics and Meaning ॥

saranagata rakshana birudani ne saranamti gadayya
veravakumani abhayambosagave nanu ganna tamdrivayya ॥
I sought your shelter, knowing that you possess the title “protector of devotees.”
You are my father, I pray for your assurance to free me from all fears.

kari varada sirulosaganu daSaratha kumara ravayya
niratamu nee namamu jivhaku ruchi kara madi ee vayya ॥
You blessed Gajendra, the king of elephants.
Please come, Oh Rama, the son of Dasaratha, bestow me all prosperity.
Bestow me your sweet name forever.

narahari baluni gachina Sree jagannatha vina vayya
garuda vahanu da vai na kannula ganupimpa vayya ॥
Oh lord of the universe, as Narasimha (man-lion), you protected the boy Prahlada. Please listen.
Please appear to me with Garuda bird as your vehicle.

adi deva nee chittamu bhagyamu adarimpa vayya
nee dasulakunu ne dasuda daya yunchi yelu mayya ॥
Oh prime God, your will is my fortune.
Please treat me kindly.
I am the servant of your servants. Kindly rule me.

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hari nee toti samana maina ma yaptulu levarayya
karuna sagaruda vani moralidaga kanika rincha vemayya ॥
Who is more intimate to me than you?
I know that you are the ocean of compassion. I beg for your grace.

koriti na daivamu neeve yanu kontini gadayya
neeramu lenchaka garavinchi krupa nelu nalla nayya ॥
I wholeheartedly thought that you are my dear Lord.
Oh God, shower your compassion, ignoring my mistakes.

muri pemuga Sree ramadasudani muchchata ladu mayya
narulanu brochedi bhadrachala pati neevu gada tayya ॥
Please converse with me fondly. I am the servant of Sree Rama.
You are the Lord of Badrachala. You are the saviour of the mankind.

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