Sri Datta Sharana Ashtakam In English

॥ Sri Datta Sharana Ashtakam English Lyrics and Meaning ॥

॥ śrīdattaśaraṇāṣṭakam ॥
Dathathreya Thava Saranam
Dathathreya Thava Saranam

I surrender to you Lord Dattatreya
I surrender to you Lord Dattatreya

Trignathmaka trigunatheetha,
Tribhuvana Palaka Thava Saranam,
Shaasvaha murthe thava Saranam,
Shyama Sundara thava saranam ॥ 1 ॥

You are the soul of three Gunas,
You are beyond the three Gunas,
You rule over the three worlds,
I surrender to you oh God,
I surrender to you oh God with stable form,
I surrender to you oh pretty one who is black.

Seshaabharana Sesha bhooshana,
Seshasaayi guru thava saranam,
Shadbhuja moorthe thava saranam,
Shadbhuja yathivara thava saranam ॥ 2 ॥

You are an ornament to Sesha,
You wear Sesha as an ornament,
I surrender to you teacher who sleeps on Sesha,
I surrender to God with six arms,
I surrender to the saint with six hands.

Danda Kamandalu Gada padmakara,
Shanka Chakra Dhara thava saranam,
Karuna nidhe Thava Saranam,
Karuna sagara thava Saranam ॥ 3 ॥

You hold Danda, Kamandalu, mace and lotus,
You wear the conch and the holy wheel.
I surrender to you, Oh my God,
I surrender to the treasure of compassion,
I surrender to the ocean of compassion.

Sreepada sree Vallabha guruvara,
Narasimha Saraswathi thava Saranam,
Sri Gurunatha thava saranam,
Sad guru natha thava saranam ॥ 4 ॥

I surrender to teacher Narasha Saraswathi,
Who is also Sripada and Vallabha Guru,
I surrender to the Guru natha,
I surrender to the holy Guru natha.

See Also  Narayaniyam Ekonacatvarimsadasakam In English – Narayaneyam Dasakam 39

Krishna sangama tharuvara vasi,
Bhaktha vathsala thava Saranam,
Kripa nidhe thava saranam,
Kripa sagara thava saranam ॥ 5 ॥

I surrender to the God who loves his devotees,
And lives in the shade of trees by the confluence of Krishna,
I surrender to the treasure of mercy,
I surrender to the ocean of mercy.

Kripa kataksha kripaavalokana,
Kripa nidhe, Prabhu thava saranam,
Kalaanthaka thava Saranam,
Kala nasaka thava saranam ॥ 6 ॥

I surrender to the Lord who is a treasure of mercy,
Who has sidelong glance of mercy,
And has a glance of graceful mercy,
I surrender to him who killed the God of death,
I surrender to him who wipes away time.

Poornananda poorna Paresha,
Poorna purusha thava saranam,
Jagadheesa thava saranam,
Jaganatha thava saranam ॥ 7 ॥

I surrender to the Lord who is complete,
Who is full of bliss and the complete divine God,
I surrender to the God of the universe,
I surrender to the lord of the universe.

Jagat palaka jagadadheesa,
Jagadodhara thava saranam,
Akhilaanthaka thava saranam,
Akhileswaraya thava saranam ॥ 8 ॥

I surrender to the Lord who lifted the earth,
Who looks after the earth and is the master of the earth,
I surrender to him who destroys everything,
I surrender to the Lord of everything.

See Also  Sri Kantimatishvari Ashtakam In Kannada

Bhaktha Priya vajra panjara,
Prasanna vakthra thava saranam,
Digambhara thava saranam,
Dheena dhaya Ghana thava saranam. ॥ 9 ॥

I surrender to the Lord who has a happy pleasing face,
Who loves his devotees and is an armor of diamond,
I surrender to him who wears the directions,
I surrender to him who sings and has mercy on the oppressed.

Dheena natha, dheena dhayala,
Dhenodhara thava saranam,
Thapo murthe thava saranam,
Thejo rasi thava saranam ॥ 10 ॥

I surrender to that lord who lifts the oppressed,
Who is the lord of the oppressed and merciful towards the oppressed
I surrender to the acme of thapas,
I surrender to the one who shines.

Brahmananda, Brahma Sanathana,
Brahma mohana thava saranam,
Viswathmaka thava saranam,
Vishwa Rakshaka thava saranam ॥ 11 ॥

I surrender to the Lord who sports with Brahma,
Who has the bliss of Brahma and ancient like Brahma,
I surrender to Him who is the soul of this universe,
I surrender to him who is the protector of the universe.

Viswambhara Vishva jeevana,
Viswa parathpara thava sharanam,
Vighnantaaka thava saranam,
Vighna nasaka thava saranam ॥ 12 ॥

I surrender to him who is the divine truth of the universe,
Who is dressed in universe and is the life of the universe,
I surrender to him who ends all obstacles,
I surrender to him who destroys all obstacles.

See Also  Vemana Satakam In English – Vemana Padyalu

Pranatheetha prema vardhana,
Prakasa murthe thava saranam,
Nijaananda thava saranam,
Nija pada dayaka thava sharanam. ॥ 13 ॥

I surrender to him who dazzles and shines,
Who is beyond the soul and increases love,
I surrender to him who is the true bliss,
I surrender to him who gives true salvation.

Nithya niranjana niraakara,
Niradhara thava saranam,
Chidathma roopa Chidananda,
Chithsukhaa kanda thava saranam ॥ 14 ॥

I surrender to him who needs no support,
Who is forever blemishless and has no form,
Who is the divine soul and who is the divine bliss,
I surrender to him who grants divine bliss.

Anadhi Murthe thava saranam,
Akhilavathaara thava saranam,
Anantha koti Brahmanda nayaka,
Aghathitha ghatana thava saranam ॥ 15 ॥

I surrender to him who is there from ancient times,
I surrender to him whose incarnation is the world,
I surrender to him who protects the helpless,
And who is the lord of billions of universes.

Bhakthodhara thava saranam,
Bhaktha Rakshaka thava saranam,
Bhathanugraha guru bhaktha Priya,
Pathithodhara thava saranam ॥ 16 ॥

I surrender to the one who saves his devotees,
I surrender to the one who protects his devotees,
I surrender to him who uplifts the oppressed,
Who blesses his devotees and who likes devotees of Guru.