Sri Madan Gopal Ashtakam In English

॥ Sri Madan Gopal Ashtakam English Lyrics ॥

॥ śrīmadanagopalastakam ॥
kulisakanjaridarakalasajhasacihnitam ।
hrdi mamadhaya nijacaranasarasiruham
madanagopala ! nijasadanamanu raksa mam ॥ 1 ॥

vimalamalabhiranupadamuditakantibhih ।
sravananetrasvasanapathasukhada natha he
madanagopala ! nijasadanamanu raksa mam ॥ 2 ॥

ccalanacaturyacitalavanimanigandayoh ।
kanakatatankarucimadhurimani majjayan
madanagopala ! nijasadanamanu raksa mam ॥ 3 ॥

adharasonimni darahasitasitimarcite
vijitamanikyaradakiranaganamandite ।
nihitavamsika janaduravagamalila he
madanagopala ! nijasadanamanu raksa mam ॥ 4 ॥

valaya tatankamukhanikhilamanibhūsanaih ।
kalitanavyabha nijatanurucibhūsitai-
rmadanagopala ! nijasadanamanu raksa mam ॥ 5 ॥

rmadanakotimathananakharakarakandalaih ।
rmadanagopala ! nijasadanamanu raksa mam ॥ 6 ॥

krtanarakarabhavamukhavibudhasevita !
dyutisudhasara ! purukaruna ! kamapi ksitau ।
prakatayan premabharamadhikrtasanatanam
madanagopala ! nijasadanamanu raksa mam ॥ 7 ॥

taranijatirabhuvi taranikaravaraka
priyakasandasthamanisadanamahitasthite !
lalitaya sardhamanupadaramita ! radhaya
madanagopala ! nijasadanamanu raksa mam ॥ 8 ॥

madanagopala ! tava sarasamidamastakam
pathati yah sayamatisaralamatirasu tam ।
svacaranambhojaratirasasarasi majjayan
madanagopala ! nijasadanamanu raksa mam ॥ 9 ॥

iti srivisvanathacakravartithakkuraviracitastavamrtalaharyam
srimadanagopalastakam sampūrnam ।

॥ Madanagopalashtakam Meaning in English ॥

O Madana Gopala, please place Your lotus feet, which are marked with a thunderbolt, lotus, conch shell, water pot, and fish, which eclipse all splendors, and which with soft soles have conquered Vrndavana forest, in my heart. Please protect me, for I am now Your home. ॥ 1 ॥

See Also  Kaveri Ashtakam In Tamil

With every step, splendid garlands of the cooling moonlight of Your toenail-moons and the words of Your talkative anklets bring happiness to the path of my ears, eyes, and breath. O Madana Gopala, please protect me, for I am now Your home. ॥ 2 ॥

O Madana Gopala, as You plunge me in the sweetness of the glittering golden earrings at Your cheeks, in the tilt of Your jeweled crown, and in the handsomeness of Your expertly moving restless eyes, please protect me, for I am now Your home. ॥ 3 ॥

You place a flute on the red of Your lips, which are worshipped by the splendor of Your smile and decorated with the effulgence of teeth that defeat the splendor of rubies. O Madana Gopala, whose pastimes cannot be understood by the people, please protect me, for I am now Your home. ॥ 4 ॥

You are splendid with golden earrings, many necklaces and garlands, dancing anklets and bracelets, and many other jewel ornaments, which are themselves decorated by the splendor of Your form. O Madana Gopala, please protect me, for I am now Your home. ॥ 5 ॥

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O Madana Gopala, with Your merciful glances, which are arbors of millions of celestial desire-trees, with the new blossoms of the splendor of Your face, which eclipses millions of moons, and with the kandala flowers of Your hands, which have nails to attack millions of Kamadevas, please protect me, for I am now Your home ॥ 6 ॥

O Madana Gopala, who appeared in a humanlike form and was served by Siva and all the demigods, O merciful one, who showed the Earth eternal spiritual love, please protect me, for I am now Your home. ॥ 7 ॥

On the Yamuna’s shore is a shady kadamba grove and a glorious jewel palace where You eternally play with Radha and Lalita. O Madana Gopala, please protect me, for I am now Your home. ॥ 8 ॥

Into the nectar lake of love for Your lotus feet, You quickly plunge a sincere devotee who reads these eight nectar verses glorifying You. O Madana Gopala, please protect me, for I am now Your home. ॥ 9 ॥

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