Sri Suktam In English

॥ Goddess Lakshmi Devi Suktam ॥

॥ Vaibhava Pradata Shree Sukta ॥
Harih Om Hirannya-VarnnaamHarinniim Suvarnna-Rajata-Srajaam।
Candraam Hirannmayiim LakssmiimJatavedo Ma Aavaha ॥ 1 ॥

Taam Ma Aavaha JatavedoLakssmiim-Anapagaaminiim।
Yasyaam Hirannyam VindeyamGaam-Ashvam Purussaan-Aham ॥ 2 ॥

Ashva-Puurvaam Ratha-MadhyaamHastinaada-Prabodhiniim।
Shriyam Deviim-UpahvayeShriirmaa Devii Jussataam ॥ 3 ॥

Kaam So-Smitaam Hirannya-Praakaaraam-AardraamJvalantiim Trptaam Tarpayantiim।
Padme Sthitaam Padma-VarnnaamTaam-Iha-Upahvaye Shriyam ॥ 4 ॥

Prabhaasam Yashasaa LokeDeva-Jussttaam-Udaaraam।
Padminiim-Iim Sharannam-AhamPrapadye-Alakssmiir-Me Nashyataam Tvaam Vrnne ॥ 5 ॥

Aaditya-Varnne Tapasoa-Adhi-JaatoVanaspatis-Tava Vrkssah-Atha Bilvah।
Tasya Phalani Tapasaa-NudantuMaaya-Antaraayaashca Baahyaa Alakssmiih ॥ 6 ॥

Upaitu Maam Deva-SakhahKiirtish-Ca Manninaa Saha।
Praadurbhuutah-Asmi Raassttre-AsminKiirtim-Rddhim Dadaatu To Me ॥ 7 ॥

Kssut-Pipaasaa-MalaamJyesstthaam-Alakssmiim Naashayaamy-Aham।
Abhuutim-Asamrddhim ChaSarvaam Nirnnuda Grhaat ॥ 8 ॥

Gandha-Dvaaraam DuraadharssamNitya-Pussttaam Kariissinniim।
Iishvariing Sarva-BhuutaanaamTaam-Iha-Upahvaye Shriyam ॥ 9 ॥

Manasah Kaamam-AakuutimVaacah Satyam-Ashiimahi।
Pashuunaam Rupam-Annasya MayiShriih Shrayataam Yashah ॥ 10 ॥

Kardamena Prajaa-BhuutaaSambhava Kardama।
Shriyam Vaasaya Me KuleMaataram Padma-Maaliniim ॥ 11 ॥

Aapah Srjantu SnigdhaaniCikliita Vasa Grhe।
Ni Ca Deviim MaataramShriyam Vaasaya Kule ॥ 12 ॥

Aardraam Pusskarinniim PussttimPinggalaam Padma-Maaliniim।
Candraam Hirannmayiim LakssmiimJatavedo Ma Aavaha ॥ 13 ॥

Aardraam Yah Karinniim YassttimSuvarnnam Hema-Maaliniim।
Suuryaam Hirannmayiim LakssmiimJatavedo Ma Aavaha ॥ 14 ॥

Taam Ma Aavaha JatavedoLakssmiim-Anapagaaminiim।
Yasyaam Hirannyam Prabhuutam GaavoDaasyah-Ashvaan Vindeyam Puurussaan-Aham ॥ 15 ॥

Yah Shucih Prayato BhuutvaaJuhu-Yaad-Aajyam-Anvaham।
Suuktam Pancadasharcam CaShriikaamah Satatam Japet ॥ 16 ॥

Padma-Aanane Padma UuruPadma-Akssii Padmaa-Sambhave।
Tvam Maam Bhajasva Padma-AkssiiYena Saukhyam Labhaami-Aham ॥ 17 ॥

Ashva-Daayi Go-DaayiDhana-Daayi Mahaa-Dhane।
Dhanam To Me Jussataam DeviiSarva-Kaamaamsh-Ca Dehi To Me ॥ 18 ॥

Putra-Pautra Dhanam DhaanyamHasti-Ashva-Aadi-Gave Ratham।
Prajaanaam Bhavasi MaataaAayussmantam Karotu Maam ॥ 19 ॥

Dhanam-Agnir-Dhanam Vaayur-DhanamSuuryo Dhanam Vasuh।
Dhanam-Indro BrhaspatirVarunnam Dhanam-Ashnute ॥ 20 ॥

Vainateya Somam PibaSomam Pibatu Vrtrahaa।
Somam Dhanasya SominoMahyam Dadaatu ॥ 21 ॥

Na Krodho Na Cha MaatsaryaNa Lobho Na-Ashubhaa Matih।
Bhavanti Krtpunnyaanaam BhaktaanaamShriisuuktam Japet-Sadaa ॥ 22 ॥

Varssantu Te VibhaavariDivo Abhrasya Vidyutah।
Rohantu Sarva-Biija-AnyavaBrahma Dvisso Jahi ॥ 23 ॥

See Also  Maa Gayatri Chalisa In English

Padma-Priye Padma Padma-HastePadma-Aalaye Padma-Dalaayata-Akssi।
Vishva-Priye Vissnnu Mano-AnukuuleTvat-Paada-Padmam Mayi Sannidhatsva ॥ 24 ॥

Yaa Saa Padma-Aasana-Sthaa Vipula-KattitattiiPadma-Patraayata-Akssii।
Gambhiiraa Varta-Naabhih StanabharaNamita Shubhra Vastra-Uttariiyaa ॥ 25 ॥

Lakssmiir-Divyair-Gajendrair-Manni-GannaKhacitais-Snaapitaa Hema-Kumbhaih।
Nityam Saa Padma-Hastaa Mama VasatuGrhe Sarva-Maanggalya-Yuktaa ॥ 26 ॥

Lakssmiim Kssiira-Samudra Raaja-TanayaamShriirangga-Dhaama-Iishvariim।
Daasii-Bhuuta-Samasta Deva VanitaamLoka-Eka Diipa-Amkuraam ॥ 27 ॥

Shriimat-Manda-Kattaakssa-LabdhaVibhava Brahmaa-Indra-Ganggaadharaam।
Tvaam Trai-Lokya KuttumbiniimSarasijaam Vande Mukunda-Priyaam ॥ 28 ॥

Shrii-Lakssmiir-Vara-LakssmiishcaPrasannaa Mama Sarvadaa ॥ 29 ॥

Vara-Angkushau Paasham-Abhiiti-MudraamKarair-Vahantiim Kamala-Aasana-Sthaam।
Baala-Aarka Kotti Pratibhaam Tri-NetraamBhaje-Aham-Aadyaam Jagat-Iisvariim Tvaam ॥ 30 ॥

Sarva-Manggala-MaanggalyeShive Sarvaartha Saadhike।
Sharannye Try-Ambake DeviNaaraayanni Namostu Te ॥ 31 ॥

Sarasija-Nilaye Saroja-HasteDhavalatara-Amshuka Gandha-Maalya-Shobhe।
Bhagavati Hari-Vallabhe ManojnyeTri-Bhuvana-Bhuuti-Kari Prasiida Mahyam ॥ 32 ॥

Vissnnu-Patniim Kssamaam DeviimMaadhaviim Maadhava-Priyaam।
Vissnnoh Priyasakhiim DeviimNamaamy-Acyuta-Vallabhaam ॥ 33 ॥

Mahaalakssmii Ca VidmaheVissnnu-Patniim Ca Dhiimahi।
Tat-No Lakssmiih Pracodayaat ॥ 34 ॥

Shrii-Varcasyam-Aayussyam-AarogyamaaVidhaat Pavamaanam Mahiyate।
Dhanam Dhaanyam Pashum Bahu-Putra-LaabhamShatasamvatsaram Diirghamaayuh ॥ 35 ॥

Bhaya-Shoka-ManastaapaaNashyantu Mama Sarvadaa ॥ 36 ॥

Ya Evam Veda Om Mahaadevyai ChaVissnnu-Patniim Cha Dhiimahi।
Tat-No Lakssmiih PracodayaatOm Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ॥ 37 ॥

॥ Devi Stotram – Sri Suktam Meaning

Invoke for me, O Agni, the Goddess Lakshmi, who shines like gold, yellow in hue, wearing gold and silver garlands, blooming like the moon, the embodiment of wealth. O Agni! Invoke for me that unfailing Lakshmi, being blessed by whom I shall win wealth, cattle, horses and men.

I invoke (Lakshmi), who has a line of horses in front of her, a series of chariots in the middle, who is being awakened by the trumpeting of elephants, who is divinely resplendent. May that divine Lakshmi grace me. I hereby invoke that (Lakshmi) who is an embodiment of Absolute Bliss; who is of a pleasant smile on her face; whose lustre is like that of burnished gold; who is wet, as it were, (just from the milky ocean), who is blazing with splendour and is the embodiment of the fulfilment of all wishes; who satisfies the desires of her votaries; who is seated on the lotus and is beautiful like the lotus.

For shelter in this world, I resort to that Lakshmi who is beautiful like the moon, who shines bright, who is blazing with renown, who is adored (even) by the gods, who is highly magnanimous, and grand like the lotus. May my misfortunes perish. I surrender myself to Thee. O Thou, resplendent like the Sun! By Thy power and glory have the plants, (like) the bael tree, grown-up. May the fruits thereof destroy through Thy Grace all inauspiciousness rising from the inner organs and ignorance as well as from the outer senses.

O, Lakshmi! I am born in this country with a heritage of wealth. May the friend of the Lord Siva (Kubera) and Kirti (fame) come to me. May these (having taken their abode with me) bestow on me fame and prosperity. I shall destroy the elder sister of Lakshmi, the embodiment of inauspiciousness and such evil as hunger, thirst, and the like. O, Lakshmi! Drive out from my abode all misfortune and poverty.

I invoke hereby that Lakshmi (Shri), whose (main) avenue of perception is the odoriferous sense (i.e., who abides mainly in cows); who is incapable of defeat or threat from anyone; who is ever healthy (with such virtuous qualities as truth); whose grace is seen abundantly in the refuse of cows (the cows being sacred); and who is supreme over all created beings. O, Lakshmi! May we obtain and enjoy the fulfilment of our desires and our volitions, the veracity of our speech, the wealth of cattle, the abundance of varieties of food to eat! May prosperity and fame reside in me (thy devotee)!

Lakshmi! You have progeny in Kardama. (Hence) O Kardama, may you reside in me. Make Mother with garlands of lotuses, to have Her abode in my (ancestral) line. May the (holy) waters create friendship (they being of an adhesive nature). O Chiklita (Progeny of Shri), reside in my home; and arrange to make Divine Mother stay in my lineage!

Invoke for me, O Agni, Lakshmi who shines like gold, is brilliant like the sun, who is powerfully fragrant, who wields the rod of suzerainty, who is of the form of supreme rulership, who is radiant with ornaments and is the goddess of wealth. Invoke for me, O Agni, the Goddess Lakshmi who shines like gold, blooms like the moon, who is fresh with anointment (of fragrant scent), who is adorned with the lotuses (lifted up by celestial elephants in the act of worship), who is the presiding deity of nourishment, who is yellow in colour, and who wears garlands of lotuses.

Invoke for me, O Agni, that Goddess Lakshmi who is ever unfailing, being blessed by whom I shall win wealth in plenty, cattle, servants, horses, and men.

We commune ourselves with the Great Goddess and meditate on the Consort of Vishnu. May that Lakshmi direct us (to the Great Goal).

Om. May there be Peace, Peace, Peace.

॥ – Chant Stotras in other Languages –

Sri Suktam in Sanskrit – English – KannadaTeluguTamilBengaliMalayalam