The Thousand Names Of Sri Gopala – Lord Krishna – Vaasudeva And Meaning

॥ Sri Krishna Sahasranama Stotram and Meaning ॥

Text 1:
sri parvaty uvacha
kailasashikhare ramye
gauri prichchhati shankaram ।
srishtisanharakarakah ॥ 1॥

sri-pärvaty uvächa
kailäsa-shikhare ramye
gauri pricchati shaìkaram
brahmändäkhila-näthas tvam

Sri Pärvati said: On the summit of Mount Kailäsa Goddess Gauri asked Lord Shiva: You are the master of the entire universe and its destroyer as well.

Text 2:
tvam eva pujyase lokair
nityam pathasi devesha
kasya stotram maheshvara

You are worshiped by Brahmä, Vishnu, all the demigods, and all the worlds. O master of the demigods, O great master, what is this prayer that you recite again and again?

Text 3:
äshcaryam idam atyantam
jäyate mama shaìkara
tat pränesha mahä-prajïa
samshayam chindhi shaìkara

O Shiva, a great feeling of wonder and surprise is now born within me. O master of my life, O wise one, O auspicious one, please cut apart my doubt.

Text 4:
sri-mahädeva uväca
dhanyäsi krita-puëyäsi
pärvati präna-vallabhe
rahasyäti-rahasyam cha
yat pricchasi varänane

Lord Shiva said: O Pärvati, O beloved more dear than life, You are fortunate and saintly. O girl with the beautiful face, you have asked about the most secret of all secrets.

Text 5:
shtri-svabhävän mahä-devi
punas tvam paripricchasi
gopaniyam gopaniyam
gopaniyam prayatnatah

O great goddess, with a woman’s curiosity you have asked again and again. What I tell you should be kept secret. It should be kept secret. It should be kept secret with great care.

Text 6:
datte ca siddhi-hänih syät
tasmäd yatnena gopayet
idam rahasyam paramam

Give it to someone and you will lose your spiritual perfections. Therefore please keep this secret with great care. This is a great secret that brings the final goal of life.

Text 7:
turangam gajädikam
dadäti samaranäd eva

Remembering this prayer brings wealth, jewels, rubies, horses, elephants, and other possessions. It also brings great liberation.

Text 8:
tat te ‘ham sampravakshyämi
shrinushv avihitä priye
yo ‘sau niranjano devash
chit-svarüpi janärdanah

I will tell this to you. O beloved, please listen carefully. Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His form is spiritual. He is never touched by matter.

Text 9:
käranäya sadä nrinäm
trailokyam vyäpya tishöhati

In order to rescue the people from the ocean of repeated birth and death, again and again He appears in the form of Lord Ranganätha and the forms of countless other Deities in every corner of the three worlds.

Texts 10 and 11:
tato lokä mahä-mudhä
nishcayam nädhigacchanti
punar näräyaëo harih
niranjano niräkäro
bhaktänäm priti-käma-dah
gopälam rüpam udvahan

The great fools of this world have no devotion for Lord Vishnu. They do not understand that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Always untouched by matter, the Supreme Lord, who is known as Näräyana and Hari and who delights His devotees, manifests His form as a cowherd boy to enjoy pastimes in the land of Vrindävana.

Text 12:
rädhäyai pritim ävahan
amshämshebhyah samunmilya

Playing on a flute, He brings great happiness to Sri Rädhä. His incarnations, partial incarnations, and the parts of His partial incarnations are all present in that form of a cowherd boy.

Text 13:
sri-krishnachandro bhagavän
dharini-rüpini mätä

That cowherd boy is Sri Krishnachandra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is the son of the cowherd Nanda. His mother is Yashodä, who was the goddess Dharä and who brings great happiness.

Text 14:
dväbhyäm prayächito nätho
devakyäm vasudevatah
brähmanäbhyarthito devo
devair api sureshvari

O queen of the demigods, requested by Brahmä, the demigods, and His parents, the Supreme Personality of Godhead became the son of Vasudeva and Devaki.

Text 15:
jäto ‘vaëyäm mukundo ‘pi
tayä särdhaà vacaù kåtvä
tato jäto mahi-tale

In this way the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the giver of liberation, was born on the earth. He breathed the Vedas into His flute. With His flute He spoke. In this way He was born on the earth.

Text 16:
shyämalam mahad ujjvalam
etaj jyotir aham vaidya
cintayämi sanätanam

I meditate on Him, the eternal dark splendor that is the treasure of the earth.

Text 17:
gaura-tejo vinä yas tu
shyäma-tejah samarchayet
japed vädhyayate väpi
sa bhavet pätaki shive

O auspicious one, a person who worships, glorifies, or studies the dark splendor that is Lord Krishna but does not worship, glorify, or study the fair splendor that is Sri Rädhä finds that he lives in hell.

Text 18:
sa brahma-hä suräpi cha
svarna-steyi cha pancamah
etair doshair vilipyeta
tejo bhedän maheshvari

O great goddess, a person who thinks Rädhä and Krishna are different becomes a brähmana-murderer, a wine-drinker, a thief of gold, and an outcaste. He becomes contaminated with all these sins.

Text 19:
tasmäj jyotir abhüd dvedhä
tasmäd idam mahä-devi
gopälenaiva bhäsitam

The splendid Supreme Personality of Godhead is manifest in two forms. He is both Rädhä and Krishna. O great goddess, in this way the Lord is manifest as a cowherd boy.

Text 20:
durväsaso muner mohe
kärttikyäm räsa-mandale
tatah prishtavati rädhä
sandeham bhedam ätmanah

When Durväsä Muni was bewildered by the räsa dance in the month of Kärttika, Sri Rädhä asked a question to break his doubt.

Text 21:
niranjanät samutpannam
mayädhitam jagan-mayi
sri-krishnena tatah proktam
rädhäyai näradäya cha

O queen of the universe, then Lord Krishna explained the pure spiritual truth to Rädhä, Närada, and me.

Text 22:
tato näradatah sarva-
viralä vaishnaväs tatah
kalau jänanti deveshi
gopaniyam prayatnatah

In Kali-yuga all the sincere Vaishnavas learned this truth from Närada. O queen of the demigods, please keep this secret carefully.

Text 23:
shathäya kripanäyathä
dambhikäya sureshvari
brahma-hatyäm aväpnoti
tasmäd yatnena gopayet

O queen of the demigods, this truth should not be given to a wicked person, a miser, or a person filled with pride. One who does so commits the sin of killing a brähmana. Therefore, please keep this secret carefully.

Text 24:
om asya sri-gopäla-sahasra-näma-stotra-mahä-mantrasya. sri-närada rishih. anushtup chandah. sri-gopälo devatä. käma-bijam. mäyä-shaktih. candrah kilakam. sri-krishnachandra-bhakti-rüpa-phala-präptaye sri-gopäla-sahasra-näma-stotra-jape viniyogah. athavä om aim klim bijam. shrim hrim shaktih. sri-vrindävana-niväsah kilakam. sri-rädhä-priyam param brahmeti mantrah. dharmädi-catur-vidha-purushärtha-siddhy-arthe jape viniyogah. om närada-rishaye namah shirasi. anushtup-chandase namo mukhe. sri-gopäla-devatäyai namo hridaye. klim kilakäya namo näbhau hrim shaktaye namo guhye. shrim kilakäya namah padayoh. klim krishnäya govindäya gopijana-vallabhäya svähä. iti mula-mantrah.

Om. This is the great mantra that is the prayer of the thousand names of Lord Gopäla. The sage of this prayer is Närada Muni. The meter is anushtup. The Deity is Lord Gopäla. The bija-syllable is the Käma-bija. The potency is Yogamäyä. The kilaka is Chandra. The prayer of the thousand names of Lord Gopäla is chanted to attain the result of devotion to Lord Krishnachandra.

The alternate bija-syllable is Om aim klim. Then the potency is Srim Hrim. The kila is Sri Vrindävana-niväsa. This mantra glorifying the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is dear to Sri Rädhä, is chanted to attain the four goals of life, which begin with piety.

On the head is chanted “Om närada-rishaye namah” (Obeisances to Närada Muni). On the mouth is chanted anushtup-chandase namah (obeisances to the meter anushthup). Over the heart is chanted “Sri Gopäla-devatäyai namah” (Obeisances to Lord Gopäladeva). On the navel is chanted “klim kilakäya namah”. Over the private parts is chanted, “hrim shaktaye namah”. Over the feet is chanted, “Srim kilakäya namah”. Then is chanted, “klim krishnaya govindäya gopijana-vallabhäya svähä”. That is the müla-mantra.

Text 25:
om kläm anugushthäbhyäm namah. om klim tarjanibhyäm namah. om klum madhyamäbhyäm namah. om klaim anämikäbhyäm namah. om klaum kanishthikäbhyäm namah. om klah kara-tala-kara-prishöhäbhyäm namah. om kläm hridayäya namah. om klim shirase svähä. om klum shikhäyai vashat. om klaim kavachäya hum. om klaum netra-trayäya vaushat. om klah asträya phat.

Then is chanted, “Om klim anugushthäbhyäh namah (obeisances to the thumb), “om klim tarjanibhyäm namah” (obeisances to the forefinger), “om klum madhyamäbhyäm namah” (obeisances to the middle finger), “om klaim anämikäbhyäm namah” (obeisances to the ring finger), “om klaum kanishthikäbhyäm namah” (obeisances to the little finger), “om klah kara-tala-kara-prishthäbhyäm namah” (obeisances to the palms of the hands), “om kläm hridayäya namah” (obeisances to the heart), “om klim shirase svähä” (obeisances to the head), “om klum shrikhäyai vashaha” (obeisances to the shikhä), “om klaim kavachäya hum” (obeisances to the armor), “om klaum netra-trayäya vaushaha” (obeisances to Lord Shiva. who has three eyes), and “om klam asträya phaha”.

Text 26:
atha mula-mantra-nyäsah.

klim aìgushthäbhyäm namah. krishnäya tarjanibhyäm namah. govindäya madhyamäbhyäm namah. gopijana anämikäbhyäm namah. vallabhäya kanishthikäbhyäm namah. svähä kara-tala-kara-prishthäbhyäm namah. iti kara-nyäsah.

Klim aìgushthäbhyäm namah (the thumbs). Krishnäya tarjanibhyäm namah (the forefingers). Govindäya madhyamäbhyäm namah (the middle fingers). Gopijana anämikäbhyäm namah (the ring fingers). Vallabhäya kanishthikäbhyäm namah (the little fingers). Svähä kara-tala-kara-prishthäbhyäm namah (the palms of the hands). These are the kara-nyäsas.

Text 27:
atha hridayädi-nyäsah.

klim hridayäya namah. krishnäya shirase svähä. govindäya shikhäyai vashat. gopijana kavacäya hum. vallabhäya netra-trayäya vaushat. svähä asträya phat. iti hridayädi-nyäsah.

Nyäsas Over the Heart and Other Places

Klim hridayäya namah (the heart). Krishnäya shirase svähä (the head). govindäya shikhäyai vashat (the shikhä). Gopijana kavacäya hum (the armor). Vallabhäya netra-trayäya vaushat. Svähä asträya phat. These are the nyäsas over the heart and other places.

Text 28:
atha dhyänam.

om. kasturi-tilakam laläta-patale vakshah-sthale kaustubham
näsägre vara-mauktikam kara-tale venum kare kaìkanam
sarväìge hari-candanam su-lalitam kanthe ca muktävali
gopa-stri-pariveshtito vijayate gopäla-cudä-manih

Om. All glories to the crest jewel of cowherd boys, who has a musk tilaka-mark on His forehead, a Kaustubha jewel on His chest, a graceful pearl on the tip of His nose, a flute in His hand, a bracelet on His wrist, graceful sandal paste on all His limbs, and a necklace of pearls on His neck, and who is surrounded by a host of gopis.

Text 29:
phullendivara-käntim indu-vadanam barhävatämsa-priyam
shrivatsänkam udära-kaustubha-dharam pitämbaram sundaram
gopinäm nayanotpalärcita-tanum go-gopa-sanghävritam
govindam kala-venu-vädana-param divyäìga-bhusham bhaje

I worship Lord Govinda, who is splendid like a blossoming blue lotus, whose face is like the moon, who is charming with a peacock-feather crown, who bears the mark of Srivatsa, who wears a great Kaustubha jewel, who is handsome in yellow garments, whose form is worshiped by the gopis’ lotus eyes, who is surrounded by cows and cowherd boys, who sweetly plays the flute, and whose limbs are splendid with ornaments.

॥ Sri Gopala Sahasra Nama ॥

Text 1:
om klim devah kämadevah
sri-gopälo mahi-pälo

Om. Klim. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is handsome like Kämadeva. He is the crest jewel of Kämadevas. He is a handsome cowherd boy (sri-gopäla), the protector of the earth (mahi-päla), the learned scholar who has gone to farther shore of all the Vedas (sarva-vedänta-päraga).

Text 2:
dharani-pälako dhanyah
pundarikah sanätanah
go-patir bhü-patih shastä
prahartä vishvato-mukhah

He is the protector of the earth (dharani-pälaka), glorious (dhanya), graceful like a blue lotus flower (pundarika), eternal (sanätana), the master of the cows (go-pati), the master of the earth (bhu-pati), the great ruler (shastä), the destroyer (prahartä), and He is all-pervading (visvato-mukha).

Text 3:
ädi-kartä mahä-kartä
mahä-kälah pratäpavän
jagaj-jivo jagad-dhätä
jagad-bhartä jagad-vasuh

He is the original creator (ädi-kartä), the great creator (mahä-kartä), great time (mahä-käla), the most powerful (pratäpavän), the life of the universe (jagaj-jiva), the maintainer of the universe (jagad-dhätä and jagad-bhartä), and the wealth of the universe (jagad-vasu).

Text 4:
matsyo bhimah kuhu-bhartä
hartä varäha-murtimän
näräyano hrishikesho
govindo garuda-dhvajah

He is the fish-incarnation (matsya), fearsome (bhima), the master of the new-moon (kuhu-bhartä), He who takes away everything (hartä), the boar-incarnation (varäha-murtimän), the resting place of all living entities (näräyana), the master of the senses (hrishikesa), the Lord who pleases the cows, land, and senses (govinda), and the Lord whose flag is marked with the sign of Garuda (garuda-dhvaja).

Text 5:
gokulendro mahä-candrah
sharvari priya-kärakah

He is the moon of Gokula (gokulendra), the great moon (mahä-candra), the night (sarvari), charming (priya-käraka), the Lord whose restless eyes glance at the goddess of fortune (kamalä-mukha-loläksha), and splendid like a blue lotus flower (pundarika-subhävaha).

Text 6:
durväsäh kapilo bhaumah
govindo gopatir gotrah

He is is Durväsä (durväsä), Kapila (kapila), the ruler of the earth (bhauma), the holy place where the Gangä meets the ocean (sindhu-sägara-sangama), the Lord who pleases the cows, land, and senses (govinda), the master of the cows (gopati), the protector of the cows (gotra), and a flood of love flowing in the Yamunä (kälindi-prema-puraka).

Text 7:
gopa-svämi gokulendro
dätä däridrya-bhaïjanah

He is the master of the cowherds (gopa-svämi), the king of Gokula (gokulendra), the Lord who granted a boon to Govardhana (govardhana-vara-prada), the protector of Nanda and the other people of Gokula (nandädi-gokula-trätä), the generous philanthropist (dätä), and the Lord who breaks poverty (däridrya-bhaïjana).

Text 8:
sarva-maìgala-dätä ca
ädi-kartä mahi-bhartä

He is the giver of all auspiciousness (sarva-maìgala-dätä), the fulfiller of all desires (sarva-käma-pradäyaka), the original creator (ädi-kartä), the maintainer of the earth (maha-bhartä), and the father of all rivers and oceans (sarva-sägara-sindhu-ja).

Text 9:
gaja-sämi gajoddhäri
kämi käma-kalä-nidhih
kalaìka-rahitash candro
bimbäsyo bimba-sattamah

He is powerful like an elephant (gaja-sämi and gajoddhäri), passionate (kämi), a treasury of amorous arts (käma-kalä-nidhi), pure (kalaìka-rahita), splendid like the moon (candra), with a face splendid like the moon (bimbäsya), and splendid like the moon (bimba-sattama).

Text 10:
mälä-kärah kripä-kärah
rämo nilämbaro devo
hali durdama-mardanah

He is expert at making flower garlands (mälä-kära), merciful (kripä-kära), decorated with a voice like the cuckoos’ singing (kokila-svara-bhushana), Lord Balaräma (räma), dressed in blue garments (nilämbara), the Supreme Personality of Godhead (deva), the holder of the plow (hali), and the crusher of the invincible (durdama-mardana).

Text 11:
shivah shivatamo bhettä

He is the Lord who broke the city of thousand-eyed Indra (sahasräksha-puri-bhettä), the killer of the great Marici (mahä-märici-näsana, (auspicious – shiva), most auspicious (shivatama), the great destroyer (bhettä), and worshiped by powerful enemies (baläräti-präpujaka).

Text 12:
kumäri vara-däyi ca
varenyo mina-ketanah
naro näräyano dhiro
rädhä-patir udära-dhih

He is soft and gentle (kumäri), the giver of boons (vara-däyi), the best (varenya), handsome like Kämadeva (mina-ketana), the Lord whose form is like that of a human being (nara), the resting place of all living entities (näräyana), saintly (dhira), the master of Rädhä (rädhä-pati), and generous at heart (udära-dhi).

Text 13:
sripatih srinidhih srimän
mäpatih pratiräjahä
vrindäpatih kula-grämi
dhämi brahma-sanätanah

He is the master of the goddess of fortune (sripatih), an ocean of handsomeness, glory, and opulence (srinidhi), handsome and glorious (srimän), the master of the goddess of fortune (mäpati), the destroyer of enemy kings (pratiräjahä), the master of Vrindä-devi (vrindäpati), the leader of the village (kula-grämi), splendid (dhämi), and the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead (brahma-sanätana).

Text 14:
revati-ramano rämash
cancalash cäru-locanah
rämayana-shariro ‘yam
rämi rämah sriyahpatih

He enjoys pastimes with Revati (revati-ramana), and He is Lord Balaräma (räma). He is restless (cancala), and has handsome eyes (cäru-locana). His transcendental form is the home of Lord Räma’s pastimes (rämayana-sharira). He is Lord Räma (rämi and räma), and He is the master of the goddess of fortune (sriyahpati).

Text 15:
sharvarah çarvari sharvah

He is night (sarvara and sarvari). He is all-pervading (sarva). He brings auspiciousness everywhere (sarvatra-shubha-däyaka). He worships Sri Rädhä (rädhärädhayitä). He is the supreme object of worship (ärädhi). He delights Rädhä’s heart (rädhä-citta-pramodaka).

Text 16:
rädhä-vashi-karo rädhä-

He enjoys pastimes with Rädhä (rädhä-rati-sukhopeta). He is enchanted by Rädhä (rädhä-mohana-tat-para). He has Rädhä under His control (rädhä-vasi-kara). He is a bee attracted to the lotus of Sri Rädhä’s heart (rädhä- hridayämbhoja-shatpada).

Text 17:

He is enchanted by Rädhä’s embraces (rädhäliìgana-sammoha). He is eager to dance with Rädhä (rädhä-nartana-kautuka). He is delighted by Rädhä (rädhä-saïjäta-sampriti). He fulfills Rädhä’s desires (rädhä-käma-phala-prada).

Text 18:
vrindä-patih kosha-nidhih
candrä-patish candra-patish

He is the master of Vrindä-devi (vrindä-pati) and He is a great treasury of transcendental opulences (kosha-nidhi). He destroys the koka birds’ grief (koka-shoka-vinäshaka). He is the master of Candrävali (candrä-pati), the master of the moon (candra-pati), and the breaker of the great bow (canda-kodanda-bhaïjana).

Text 19:
rämo däsharathi rämo
ätmärämo jita-krodha-
moho mohändha-bhaïjanah

He is Räma (räma), the son of Dasharatha (däsharathi), and born in the Bhrigu dynasty (bhrigu-vamsa-samudbhava). He is filled with spiritual bliss (ätmäräma). He has conquered illusion and anger (jita-krodha-moha). He has broken the blindness of material illusions (mohändha-bhaïjana).

Text 20:
vrishabhänur bhavo bhävih
käshyapih karunä-nidhih
kolähalo hali häli
heli haladhara-priyah

He is a sun rising among the heroic warriors (vrishabhänu). He is the universal form (bhava) and the father of all existence (bhävi). He is the son of Kashyapa (käshyapi). He is an ocean of mercy (karunä-nidhi). His voice is like thunder (kolähala). He is Balaräma, the holder of the plow (hali and häli). He rebukes His enemies (heli). He is dear to Lord Balaräma (haladhara-priya).

Text 21:
bhäskaro ravijo vidhuh
vidhir vidhätä varuno
väruno väruni-priyah

He is the sun that makes the lotus of Sri Rädhä’s face bloom (rädhä-mukhäbja-märtanda). He is glorious like the sun (bhäskara and ravija). He is glorious like the moon (vidhu). He is the creator (vidhi and vidhätä). He is the controller of Varuna (varuna), the descendent of Varuna (väruna), and the beloved of Väruni (väruni-priya).

Text 22:
vasudevätmajo bali
nilämbaro rauhineyo
jaräsandha-vadho ‘malah

He is the bliss of Rohini’s heart (rohini-hridayänandi), the son of Vasudeva (vasudevätmaja), powerful (bali), dressed in blue garments (nilämbara), the son of Rohini (rauhineya), the killer of Jaräsandha (jaräsandha-vadha), and supremely pure (amala).

Text 23:
nägo navämbho virudo
virahä varado bali
go-patho vijayi vidvän
sipivishnah sanätanah

He is the serpent Ananta (näga). He is the cause of new rains (navämbha). He is a tumultuous sound (viruda), the killer of heroic warriors (virahä), the giver of benedictions (varada), powerful (bali), the Lord who follows the path of the cows (go-patha), victorious (vijayi), wise (vidvän), effulgent (sipivishna), and eternal (sanätana).

See Also  Vishnu Shatpadi Stotram In Tamil

Text 24:
vara-grähi shrigäla-hä
damaghoshopadeshnä cha
ratha-grähi sudarshanah

He is Lord Rämachandra, who followed the orders of Parashuräma (parashuräma-vaco-grähi). He accepted a boon (vara-grähi), killed a jackel (srigäla-hä), taught a lesson to Damaghosha (damaghoshopadeshnä), and rode on a chariot (ratha-grähi). He is handsome (sudarshana).

Text 25:
vira-patni yashas-trätä

He has a heroic wife (vira-patni), is the protector of fame (yasas-trätä), destroys disease and old age (jarä-vyädhi-vighätaka), and is the wise ruler of Dvärakä (dvärikä-väsa-tattva-jïa). He gives the results of argnihotra-yajïas (hutäshana-vara-prada).

Text 26:
nilämbara-dharah prabhuh
vibhuh sharäsano dhanvi
ganesho gana-näyakah

He stopped the current of the Yamunä (yamunä-vega-samhäri), wears blue garments (nilämbara-dhara), is the all-powerful Supreme Lord (prabhu and vibhu), carries a great quiver (saräsana), is the best of archers (dhanvi), and is the ruler of all (ganesha and gana-näyaka).

Text 27:
lakshmano lakshano lakshyo
vämano vämani bhuto
vamano vamanäruhah

He is Lakshmana (lakshmana). He is virtue (lakshana). He is seen by His devotees (lakshya). He kills the demons’ dynasties (raksho-vamsha-vinäshana). He is Lord Vämana (vämana). He became a dwarf (vämani-bhuta). He manifested a gigiantic form (vamana and vamanäruha).

Text 28:
yashodä-nandanah kartä
ulukhali mahä-mäni
räma-baddhähvayi shami

He is the joy of Yashodä (yashodä-nandana), the creator (kartä), the giver of liberation to the yamala arjuna trees (yamalärjuna-mukti-da), the boy tied to a ginding mortar (ulukhali), noble-hearted (mahä-mäni), bound with a rope (däma-baddhähvayi), and peaceful (shami).

Text 29:
bhaktänukäri bhagavän
keshavo ‘cala-dhärakah
keshi-hä madhu-hä mohi

He becomes the follower of His devotees (bhaktänukäri). He is the supremely opulent Personality of Godhead (bhagavän). He is the master of Brahmä and Shiva (keshava). He lifted Govardhana Hill (acala-dhäraka), killed Keshi (keshi-hä), killed Madhu (madhu-hä), is bewildering to the demons (mohi), and killed Arishtäsura (vrishäsura-vighätaka).

Text 30:
aghäsura-vinäshi cha
kubjä-vinodi bhagavän
kamsa-mrityur mahä-makhi

He killed Aghäsura (aghäsura-vinäshi), liberated Pütanä (pütanä-moksha-däyaka), enjoyed pastimes with Kubjä (kubjä-vinodi), is the Supreme Personality of Godhead (bhagavän), became the death of Kamsa (kamsa-mrityu), and is worshiped in all yajïas (mahä-makhi).

Text 31:
ashvamedho väjapeyo
gomedho naramedhavän

He is the ashvamedha-yajïa (ashvamedha), väjapeya-yajïa (väjapeya), gomedha-yajïa (gomedha), and naramedha-yajïa (naramedhavän). He is more handsome than many millions of Kämadevas (kandarpa-koti-lävanya), and more pleasingly cool than many millions of moons (candra-koti-su-shitala).

Text 32:

brahmä brahmända-kartä cha

He is more splendid than many millions of suns (ravi-koti-pratikäsha), more powerful than many millions of blowing winds (väyu-koti-mahä-bala), the greatest (brahmä), the creator of the universes (brahmända-kartä), and the Lord who fulfills the goddess of fortune’s desires (kamalä-vänchita-prada).

Text 33:
kamali kamaläkshash cha
kamalä-vrata-dhäri cha
kamaläbhah purandarah

He is the master of the goddess of fortune (kamali). His eyes are like lotus flowers (kamaläksha). He yearns to gaze on the goddess of fortune’s face (kamalä-mukha-lolupa). He vows to stay by the goddess of fortune (kamalä-vrata-dhäri). He is splendid like a lotus flower (kamaläbha). He is the greatest of kings (purandara).

Text 34:
saubhägyädhika-citto ‘yam
mahä-mäyi mahotkatah
tärakärih sura-trätä

His heart is filled with good fortune (saubhägyädhika-citta). He is the master of transcendental potencies (mahä-mäyi). He is the most powerful (mahotkata). He is the enemy of Täraka (tärakäri), the protector of the demigods (sura-trätä), and the source of trouble for Marica (märica-kshobha-käraka).

Text 35:
vishvämitra-priyo dänto
rämo räjiva-locanah

He is dear to Vishvämitra (vishvämitra-priya), and He is self-controlled (dänta). He is Lord Rämacandra (räma), whose eyes are lotus flowers (räjiva-locana), who destroyed the dynasty of Laìkä’s king (laìkädhipa-kula-dhvamsi), and who gave a boon to Vibhishana (vibhishana-vara-prada).

Text 36:
sitänanda-karo rämo
viro väridhi-bandhanah

He is the delight of Sitä (sitänanda-kara), the supreme enjoyer (räma), the greatest of heroes (vira), the Lord who built a bridge across the ocean (väridhi-bandhana), and the killer of Khara and Dushana (khara-düshana-samhäri). He resides in Ayodhyä (säketa-pura-väsana).

Text 37:
chandrävali-patih kulah
keshi-kamsa-vadho ‘marah
mädhavo madhu-hä mädhvi
mädhviko mädhavi vibhuh

He is the master of Candrävali (candrävali-pati). He enjoys pastimes on the Yamunä’s shore (kula). He killed Keshi and Kamsa (keshi-kamsa-vadha). He never dies (amara). He killed the Madhu demon (mädhava and madhu-hä). He is sweet like nectar (mädhvi, mädhvika, and mädhavi). He is all-powerful (vibhu).

Text 38:
dhenukärir dharätmajah
vamshivata-vihäri cha

He entered the Muncätavi forest (muncätavi-gähamäna), became the enemy of Dhenukäsura (dhenukäri), is the son of Dharä (dharätmaja), enjoyed pastimes at Vamshivana (vamshivata-vihäri), and entered the forest at Govardhana Hill (govardhana-vanäshraya).

Text 39:
tathä tälavanoddeshi

He entered Tälavana (tälavanoddesi), killed Shaìkhäsura in Bhandiravana (bhändiravana-saìkha-hä), killed Trinävarta (trinävarta-kathä-käri), and is the master of King Vrishabhänu’s daughter (vrishabhänusutä-pati).

Text 40:
rädhä-präna-samo rädhä-

He thinks Rädhä as dear as life (rädhä-präna-sama). He is a bee attracted to Rädhä’s lotus face (rädhä-vadanäbja-madhuvrata). He delights the gopis (gopi-ra jana-daiva-jïa). He is worshiped with a pastime lotus-flower (lili-kamala-püjita).

Text 41:
ranjako ranjano rango
rangi ranga-mahiruhah

He plays with a pastime lotus-flower (kridä-kamala-sandoha), and He delights the gopis (gopikä-priti-raijana). He is passionate (ranjaka, ranjana, ranga, and rangi). He is a tree of bliss (ranga-mahiruha).

Text 42:
kämah kämäri-bhakto ‘yam
puräna-purushah kavih
närado devalo bhimo
bälo bäla-mukhämbujah

He is handsome like Kämadeva (käma). He is devoted to Kämadeva’s enemy, Shiva (kämäri-bhakta). He is the ancient Supreme Personality of Godhead (puräna-purusha), the wisest (kavi). He is the deliverer of the people (närada). He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead (devala). He is ferocious (bhima). He is a child (bäla). His face is a newly blossoming lotus flower (bäla-mukhämbuja).

Text 43:
ambujo brahma säkshi cha
yogi datta-varo munih
rishabhah parvato grämo

He is graceful like a lotus flower (ambuja). He is the greatest (brahma), the witness (säkshi), the greatest yogi (yogi), the giver of boons (datta-vara), the greatest sage (muni), the best (rishabha), a mountain (parvata), a village (gräma), and dear to the purifier of the rivers (nadi-pavana-vallabha).

Text 44:
padma-näbhah sura-jyeshtho
brahmä rudro ‘hi-bhushitah
ganänäm-träna-kartä cha
ganesho grahilo grahih

His navel is a lotus flower (padma-näbha). He is the leader of the demigods (sura-jyeshtha). He is Brahmä (brahmä). He is Shiva (rudra). He is decorated with snakes (ahi-bhushita). He is the protector of the living entities (ganänäm-träna-kartä), and the master of the living entities (ganesha). He takes everything away (grahila and grahi).

Text 45:
ganäshrayo ganädhyakshah
kridi krita-jagat-trayah
yädavendro dvärakendro
mathurä-vallabho dhuri

He is the shelter of the living entities (ganäshrayoa), the ruler of the living entities (ganädhyaksha), playful (kridi), the creator of the three worlds (krita-jagat-traya), the king of the Yädavas (yädavendra), the king of Dvärakä (dvärakendra), the beloved of the people of Mathurä (mathurä-vallabha), and the maintainer of all (dhuri).

Text 46:
bhramarah kuntali kunti-
suta-rakshi mahä-makhi
yamunä-vara-dätä cha

He is a rake (bhramara). His hair is graceful (kuntali). He is the protector of Kunti’s sons (kunti-suta-rakshi). He is worshiped in all yajïas (mahä-makhi). He gave a boon to the Yamunä (yamunä-vara-dätä). He gave a boon to Kashyapa Muni (kashyapasya-vara-prada).

Text 47:
päncajanya-karo rämi
tri-rämi vanajo jayah

He killed Shaìkhachuda (shaìkhachuda-vadhoddäma). He devotedly protected the gopis (gopi-rakshana-tat-para). He blew the Pänchajanya conchshell (pänchajanya-kara). He is the supreme enjoyer (rämi). He is the enjoyer of the three worlds (tri-rämi). He was born in a forest (vanaja). He is victory (jaya).

Text 48:
phälgunah phälguna-sakho
rukmini-präna-näthash cha

He is the friend of Arjuna (phälguna and phälguna-sakha), the killer of Virädha (virädha-vadha-käraka), the life-Lord of Rukmini (rukmini-präna-nätha), and the beloved of Satyabhämä (satyabhämä-priyaìkara).

Text 49:
kalpa-vriksho mahä-vriksho
däna-vriksho mahä-phalah
aìkusho bhusuro bhämo
bhämako bhrämako harih

He is a kalpa-vriksha tree (kalpa-vriksha, mahä-vriksha, and däna-vriksha), the greatest result (mahä-phala), an elephant goad (aìkusha), the master of the earth (bhusura), splendid (bhäma and bhämaka), the greatest cheater (bhrämaka), and the Lord who takes away everything (hari).

Text 50:
saralaù shäshvato viro
yadu-vamsi shivätmakah
pradyumno bala-kartä cha
prahartä daitya-hä prabhuh

He is honest and straightforward (sarala), eternal (shäshvata), heroic (vira), a descendent of King Yadu (yadu-vamsi), an auspicious son (shivätmaka), Pradyumna (pradyumna), the most powerful (bala-kartä), the Lord who takes away everything (prahartä), the killer of the demons (daitya-hä), and the all-powerful Supreme Personality of Godhead (prabhu).

Text 51:
mahä-dhano mahä-viro

He is the most wealthy (mahä-dhana), the most heroic (mahä-vira), decorated with a forest garland (vana-mälä-vibhushana), splendid with a Tulasi garland (tulasi-däma-shobhädhya), and the killer of Jälandhara (jälandhara-vinäshana).

Text 52:
shurah süryo mrikandash cha
bhäskaro vishva-pujitah
ravis tamo-hä vahnish cha
vädavo vadavänalah

He is the most powerful warrior (shüra), splendid like the sun (sürya, mrikanda, bhäskara, and ravi), worshiped by all the world (vishva-pujita), and the destroyer of darkness (tamo-hä). He is like fire (vahni). He is like a volcano (vädava and vadavänala).

Text 53:
daitya-darpa-vinäshi cha
garudo garudägrajah
gopi-nätho mahi-nätho
vrindä-nätho ‘varodhakah

He destroys the demons’ pride (daitya-darpa-vinäshi). He is Garuda (garuda). He is Garuda’s elder brother (garudägraja). He is the master of the gopis (gopi-nätha), the master of the earth (mahi-nätha), and the master of Vrindä-devi (vrindä-nätha). He is the great impediment (avarodhaka).

Text 54:
prapanci panca-rüpash cha
latä-gulmash cha go-patih
godä-vetravati tathä

He is the creator of the material world (prapanchi), the Lord who assumes five forms (panca-rüpa), the father of the bushes and vines (latä-gulma), the master of the cows (go-pati), the personified Gangä and Yamunä (gangä-cha-yamunä-rüpa), the Godävari river (godä), and the Vetravati river (vetravati).

Text 55:
kaveri narmadä täpi
gandaki sarayüs tathä
räjasas tämasah sattvi
sarvängi sarva-locanah

He is the Kaveri river (kaveri), the Narmadä river (narmadä), the Täpi river (täpi), the Gandaki river (gandaki), and the Sarayu river (sarayu). He is the mode of passion (räjasa), the mode of ignorance (tämasa), and the mode of goodness (sattvi). Everything has come from His limbs (sarvängi). His eyes see everywhere (sarva-locana).

Text 56:
sudhämayo ‘mritamayo
yogini-vallabhah shivah
buddho buddhimatäm-shreshöho
vishnur jishnuh shaci-patih

He is sweet like nectar (sudhämaya and amritamaya). He is dear to the queen of yoga (yogini-vallabha). He is auspicious (shiva), intelligent (buddha), the best of the intelligent (buddhimatäm-shreshtha), the all powerful Supreme Personality of Godhead (vishnu and jishnu), and the master of Shachi (shaci-pati).

Text 57:
vamshi vamsha-dharo loko
viloko moha-näshanah
ravarävi ravo rävo
bälo bäla-balähakah

He plays a flute (vamshi and vamsha-dhara). He is the master of the world (loka), beyond the world (viloka), the destroyer of illusion (moha-näshana), the preacher of the Vedas (ravarävi), the Vedas personified (rava and räva), a child (bäla), and dark like a new cloud (bäla-balähaka).

Text 58:
shivo rudro nalo nilo
languli langaläshrayah
päradah pävano hamso
hamsärudho jagat-patih

He is auspicious (shiva), and ferocious (rudra). He was Nala (nala), Nila (nila), a monkey (languli and langaläshraya), the Lord who made it possible to cross to the farther shore (pärada), the supreme purifier (pävana), a swan (hamsa), riding on a swan (hamsärudha), and the master of the universe (jagat-pati).

Text 59:
mohini-mohano mäyi
mahä-mäyo mahä-makhi
vrisho vrishäkapih kälah
käli damana-kärakah

He is the enchanter of Mohini (mohini-mohana), the master of the illusory potency (mäyi and mahä-mäya), the object of worship in all yajnas (mahä-makhi), a bull (vrisha), the Supreme Personality of Godhead (vrishäkapi), time (käla), the master of time (käli), and the conqueror (damana-käraka).

Text 60:
kubjä-bhägya-prado viro
komalo väruno räjä
jalajo jaladhärakah

He is the giver of auspiciousness to Kubjä (kubjä-bhägya-prada), a hero (vira), the killer of a washerman (rajaka-kshaya-käraka), soft and gentle (komala), the master of Varuna (väruna), a king (räjä), graceful like a lotus flower (jalaja), and dark like a monsoon cloud (jaladhäraka).

Text 61:
härakah sarva-päpa-ghnah
parameshthi pitämahäh
khadga-dhäri kripä-käri

He takes away everything (häraka), and destroys all sins (sarva-päpa-ghna). He is the supreme master (parameshthi), and the grandfather of all (pitämahä). He holds a sword (khadga-dhäri). He is merciful (kripä-käri). He is Rädhä’s handsome lover (rädhä-ramana-sundara).

Text 62:
kämah shyämah sukhah shridah
shripatih shrinidhih kritih

He enjoys pastimes in twelve forests (dvädashäranya-sambhogi), and reclines on the hoods of the serpent Shesha (shesha-näga-phanälaya). He is handsome like Kämadeva (käma), dark (shyäma), blissful (sukha), the giver of opulence (shrida), the master of the goddess of fortune (shripati), a treasury of transcendental opulences (shrinidhi), and the creator of the world (kriti).

Text 63:
harir haro naro näro
narottama ishu-priyah
gopäli-chitta-hartä cha
kartä samsära-tärakah

He takes away everything (hari and hara). His form resembles that of a human being (nara). He is the father of all (nära). He is the best of men (narottama), the best of archers (ishu-priya), the lover who steals the gopis’ hearts (gopäli-chitta-hartä), the creator (kartä), and the deliverer from the world of repeated birth and death (samsära-täraka).

Text 64:
ädi-devo mahä-devo
gauri-gurur anäshrayah
sädhur madhur vidhur dhätä
He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead (ädi-deva and mahä-deva), the master of fair Rädhä (gauri-guru), the Lord who needs no shelter (anäshraya), saintly (sädhu), sweet (madhu), all-powerful (vidhu), generous (dhätä), kind like a brother (bhrätä), and devoted to Akrura (akrura-paräyana).

Text 65:
rolambi cha hayagrivo
vänarärir vanäshrayah
vanam vani vanädhyaksho
mahä-vandyo mahä-munih

He is like a bee (rolambi). He is Hayagriva (hayagriva), the enemy of a gorilla (vänaräri), the Lord who stays in a forest (vanäshraya), the Lord who is the forest of Vrindävana (vanam), the Lord who stays in the forest (vani), the ruler of the forest (vanädhyaksha), the supreme object of worship (mahä-vandya), the most wise (mahä-muni).

Text 66:
vijno vighna-vighätakah
govardhano vardhaniyo
vardhäni vardhana-priyah

He is the Lord who knows the powers of the Syamantaka Jewel (syamantaka-mani-präjna), all-knowing (vijna), the destroyer of obstacles (vighna-vighätaka), Govardhana Hill (govardhana), the greatest (vardhaniya, vardhäni, and vardhana-priya).

Text 67:
vardhanyo vardhano vardhi
värdhinyah sumukha-priyah
vardhito vriddhako vriddho

He is the greatest (vardhanya, vardhana, vardhi, värdhinya, vardhita, vriddhaka, and vriddha), and He loves His devotees (sumukha-priya and vrindäraka-jana-priya)

Text 68:
rukmini-haranah prema
premi candrävali-patih

He is the husband of the beautiful gopis (gopäla-ramani-bhartä), the killer of Sämbakushtha (sämba-kushtha-vinäshana), the kidnapper of Rukmini (rukmini-harana), love personified (prema), affectionate (premi), and the master of Chandrävali (chandrävali-pati).

Text 69:
sri-kartä vishva-bhartä cha
naro näräyano bali
gano gana-patish chaiva
dattätreyo mahä-munih

He is the creator of wealth (sri-kartä), the maintainer of the world (vishva-bhartä), like a human being (nara), the resting place of all living entities (näräyana), powerful (bali), manifest in a great multitude of incarnations (gana), the master of all living entities (gana-pati), Dattätreya (dattätreya), and the greatest sage (mahä-muni).

Text 70:
vyäso näräyano divyo
bhavyo bhävuka-dhärakah
shvah sreyäsam shivam bhadram
bhävukam bhävikam shubham

He is Vyäsa (vyäsa), Näräyana (näräyana), splendid (divya), blissful and auspicious (bhavya), the maintainer of the saintly devotees (bhävuka-dhäraka), the spiritual world (shvah), the best (sreyäsa), and auspiciousness (shiva, bhadra, bhävuka, bhävika, and shubha).

Text 71:
shubhätmakah shubhah shastä
prashastä megha-näda-hä
brahmanya-devo dinänäm-

He is auspicious (shubhätmaka and shubha), and the supreme ruler and chastiser (shastä and prashastä). His voice defeats thunder (megha-näda-hä). He is the Deity worshiped by the brähmanas (brahmanya-deva), and He is the deliverer of the fallen (dinänäm-uddhära-karana-kshama).

Text 72:
krishnah kamala-paträkshah
krishnah kamala-lochanah
krishnah kämi sadä krishnah

He is all-attractive (krishna). His eyes are lotus petals (kamala-paträksha). He is dark (krishna), His eyes are lotus flowers (kamala-lochana), He is the source of all transcendental bliss (krishna). He is the fulfiller of all desires (kämi). He is Lord Krishna eternally (sadä-krishna). He pleases everyone (samasta-priya-käraka).

Text 73:
nando nandi mahänandi
mädi mädanakah kili
mili hili gili goli
golo golälayo guli

He is full of transcendental bliss (nanda, nandi, mahänandi, mädi, and mädanaka). He enjoys pastimes (kili), meets His devotees (mili), dances (hili), eats (gili), protects the cows (goli and gola), resides in Goloka (golälaya), and protects His devotees (guli).

Text 74:
gugguli märako shäkhi
vatah pippalakah kriti
mleccha-hä käla-hartä cha
yashodä-yasha eva cha

He is worshiped with offerings of guggula incense (gugguli). He is splendid like Kämadeva (märaka). He is the master of all the branches of the Vedas (shäkhi). He is the banyan tree (vata) and the pippala tree (pippalaka). He is the creator (kriti), the killer of the uncivilized atheists (mleccha-hä), the Lord who puts and end to time (käla-hartä), and the fame of Yashodä (yashodä-yasha).

Text 75:
acyutah keshavo vishnur
harih satyo janärdanah
hamso näräyano lilo
nilo bhakti-paräyanah

He is infallible (acyuta), the master of Brahmä and Shiva (keshava), all-pervading (vishnu), the Lord who takes away everything (hari), the Supreme Truth (satya), the Lord who removes the sufferings of His devotees (janärdana), a swan (hamsa), the resting place of all living entities (näräyana), playful (lila), dark (nila), and pleased by devotional service (bhakti-paräyana).

Text 76:
jänaki-vallabho rämo
virämo vighna-näshanah
sahasrämshur mahä-bhänur
vira-bähur mahodadhih

He is dear to Sitä (jänaki-vallabha). He is Lord Rämacandra (räma). He is the end of obstacles (viräma), the destroyer of obstacles (vighna-näshana), splendid like the sun with a thousand rays of light (sahasrämshu), splendid like the sun (mahä-bhänu), with the arms of a hero (vira-bähu), and fathomless like the ocean (mahodadhi).

Text 77:
samudro ‘bdhir akupärah
päräväraha sarit-patih
gokulänanda-käri cha

He is fathomless like the ocean (samudra and abdhi), Lord Kurma (akupära), the universal form (pärävära), the master of the rivers (sarit-pati), the delight of Gokula (gokulänanda-käri), and the Lord who keeps His promise (pratijnä-paripälaka).

Text 78:
sadä-rämah kripä-rämo
mahä-rämo dhanur-dharah
parvatah parvatäkäro
gayo geyo dvija-priyah

He is always blissful (sadä-räma), always merciful (kripä-räma), filled with bliss (mahä-räma), the greatest archer (dhanur-dhara), Govardhana Hill (parvata and parvatäkära), the master of transcendental opulence (gaya), the Lord glorified by the devotees’ songs (geya), and the Lord dear to the brähmanas (dvija-priya).

Text 79:
kambaläshvataro rämo
dyaur divo divaso divyo
bhavyo bhävi-bhayäpahah

He is glorious (kambaläshvatara), Lord Rämacandra (räma), the origin of the Rämäyana (rämäyana-pravärtaka), and the spiritual world (dyau, diva, divasa, and divya). He is auspiciousness (bhavya). He removes the fears of they who live in the world of repeated birth and death (bhävi-bhayäpaha).

See Also  1000 Names Of Sri Varaha – Sahasranamavali Stotram In Sanskrit

Text 80:
bhrätä lakshmi-viläsavän
viläsi sähasi sarvi
garvi garvita-lochanah

He is the good fortune of Pärvati (pärvati-bhägya-sahita). He is like a brother (bhrätä). He enjoys pastimes with the goddess of fortune (lakshmi-viläsavän). He is playful (viläsi) and tolerant (sähasi). He is the Lord of all (sarvi). He is confident (garvi). His eyes shine with confidence (garvita-lochana).

Text 81:
murärir loka-dharma-jno
jivano jivanäntakah
yamo yamädir yamano
yämi yäma-vidhäyakah

He is the enemy of Mura (muräri), the knower of the path of religion in this world (loka-dharma-jna), the life of all that lives (jivana), the goal of life (jivanäntaka), and the chastiser of the wicked (yama, yamädi, yamana, yämi, and yäma-vidhäyaka).

Text 82:
vamshuli pamsuli pamsuh
pändur arjuna-vallabhah
mäli mälämbujäshrayah

He plays a flute (vamshuli). He is the master of the gopis (pamsuli and pamsu), splendid (pändu), the dear friend of Arjuna (arjuna-vallabha), decorated with Lalitä-Chandrikä garlands (lalitä-chandrikä-mäli), decorated with a graland (mäli), and decorated with a garland of lotus flowers (mälämbujäshraya).

Text 83:
ambujäksho mahä-yaksho
dakshamsh chintämanih prabhuh
manir dina-manish chaiva
kedäro badari-shrayah

His eyes are lotus flowers (ambujäksha). He is the supreme object of worship (mahä-yaksha). He is expert (daksha). He is a chintämani jewel (chintämani), the supreme master (prabhu), a jewel (mani), the sun (dina-mani), and Mount Kedära (kedära). He resides in Badarikäshrama (badari-shraya).

Text 84:
vyäsah satyavati-sutah
amaräri-nihantä cha
sudhä-sindhur vidhudayah

He is happy to stay in Badari forest (badari-vana-samprita), Vyäsa (vyäsa), the son of Satyavati (satyavati-suta), the killer of the demigods’ enemies (amaräri-nihantä), an ocean of nectar (sudhä-sindhu), and glorious like the rising of the moon (vidhüdaya).

Text 85:
chandro ravih shivah shuli
chakri chaiva gadädharah
sri-kartä shripatih shridah
shridevo devaki-sutah

He is the moon (chandra), the sun (ravi), Lord Shiva (shiva), the holder of the trident (shuli), the holder of the chakra (chakri), the holder of the club (gadädhara), the giver of wealth (sri-kartä and shridah), the master of the goddess of fortune (shripatih and shrideva), and the son of Devaki (devaki-suta).

Text 86:
shripatih pundarikäkshah
padma-näbho jagat-patih
väsudevo ‘prameyätmä
keshavo garuda-dhvajah

He is the master of the goddess of fortune (shripati), lotus-eyed (pundarikäksha), with a lotus navel (padma-näbha), the master of the universes (jagat-pati), all-pervading (väsudeva), limitless (aprameyätmä), the master of Brahmä and Shiva (keshava), and the Lord whose flag is marked with the sign of Garuda (garuda-dhvaja).

Text 87:
näräyanah param-dhäma
deva-devo maheshvarah
chakra-pänih kalä-purio
veda-vedyo dayä-nidhih

He is the resting place of all living entities (näräyana), the supreme abode (param-dhäma), the master of the demigods (deva-deva), the supreme master (maheshvara), the Lord who holds the chakra in His hand (chakra-päni), perfect and complete (kalä-purna), to be known by studying the Vedas (veda-vedya), and an ocean of mercy (dayä-nidhi).

Text 88:
bhagavän sarva-bhutesho
gopälah sarva-pälakah
ananto nirguno ‘nanto
nirvikalpo niranjanah

He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead (bhagavän), the master of all living entities (sarva-bhutesha), the protector of the cows (gopäla), the protector of all (sarva-pälaka), limitless (ananta), untouched by the modes of material nature (nirguna), infallible (nirvikalpa), and untouched by matter (niranjana).

Text 89:
nirädhäro nirakäro
niräbhäso niräshrayah
purushah pranavätito
mukundah parameshvarah

He is independent (nirädhära), without a material form (nirakära), infallible (niräbhäsa), independent (niräshraya), the supreme person (purusha), the sacred syllable Om (pranavätita), the giver of liberation (mukunda), and the supreme controller (parameshvara).

Text 90:
kshanävanih särvabhaumo
vaikuntho bhakta-vatsalah
vishnur dämodarah krishno
mädhavo mathurä-patiù

He is a festival of happiness for the earth (kshanävani), the master of the earth (särvabhauma), the master of the spiritual world (vaikuntha), affectionate to His devotees (bhakta-vatsala), all-pervading (vishnu), the Lord whose waist was tied with a rope (dämodara), all-attractive (krishna), the husband of the goddess of fortune (mädhava), and the king of Mathurä (mathurä-pati).

Text 91:
yashodä-vatsalo harih
shivah saìkarshanah shambhur
bhuta-nätho divaspatih

He was born from Devaki’s womb (devaki-garbha-sambhuta). He dearly loves Mother Yashodä (yashodä-vatsala). He removes all obstacles (hari and sankarshana), is auspicious (shiva and shambhu), is the master of all living entities (bhuta-nätha), and is the master of the spiritual world (divaspati).

Text 92:
avyayah sarva-dharma-jno
nirmalo nirupadravah
nirväna-näyako nityo

He is imperishable (avyaya), the knower of all religious principles (sarva-dharma-jna), and supremely pure (nirmala). He is the savior from all calamities (nirupadrava), and the giver of liberation (nirväna-näyaka). He is eternal (nitya). He is splendid like a monsoon cloud (nila-jimuta-sannibha).

Text 93:
kaläkshayash cha sarva-jnah
hrishikeshah pita-väsä

He resides in the spiritual world (kaläkshaya). He knows everything (sarva-jna). He is enchanted by the goddess of fortune’s beauty (kamalä-rupa-tat-para). He is the master of the senses (hrishikesha), dressed in yellow garments (pita-väsä), and the dear son of King Vasudeva (vasudeva-priyätmaja).

Text 94:
navanitäshanah prabhuh
puräna-purushah shreshthah
shaìkha-pänih su-vikramah

He is the worthy son of the gopa Nanda (nanda-gopa-kumärärya). He enjoys pastimes of eating fresh butter (navanitäshana). He is the supreme master (prabhu), the ancient supreme person (puräna-purusha), the best (shreshtha), the Lord who holds a conchshell in His hand (shaìkha-päni), and supremely powerful (su-vikrama).

Text 95:
aniruddhash chakra-rathah
shärnga-pänish chatur-bhujah
gadädharah surärti-ghno
govindo nandakäyudhah

He is invincible (aniruddha). He is the warrior whose weapon is the Sudarshana-chakra (chakra-ratha). He holds the Sharnga bow in His hand (shärnga-päni). He has four arms (chatur-bhuja), holds the club (gadädhara), kills the demigods’ enemies (surärti-ghna), and is the pleasure of the cows, land, and senses (govinda). His weapon is the Nandaka sword (nandakäyudha).

Text 96:
vrindävana-charah shaurir
triiävartäntako bhimah
sähaso bähu-vikramah

He walks in Vrindävana forest (vrindävana-chara). He is the descendent of King Shurasena (shauri). He expertly plays the flute (venu-vädya-vishärada). He ended Trinävarta’s life (trinävartäntaka). He is ferocious (bhima and sähasa), and very powerful (bähu-vikrama).

Text 97:
putanärir nrikesiri

He killed Shakatäsura (shakatäsura-samhäri), killed Bakäsura (bakäsura-vinäshana), and killed Dhenukäsura (dhenukäsura-saìghäta). He is the enemy of Putanä (putanäri). He is Lord Nrisimha (nrikesiri).

Text 98:
pitämaho guruh säkshi
pratyag-ätma sadä-shivah
aprameyah prabhuh präjno
‘pratarkyah svapna-vardhanah

He is the grandfather (pitämaha), the spiritual master (guru), the witness (säkshi), the all-pervading Supersoul (pratyag-ätmä), always auspicious (sadä-shiva), limitless (aprameya), the supreme master (prabhu), all-knowing (präjna), inconceivable (apratarkya), and the creator of the dream that is the world of birth and death (svapna-vardhana).

Text 99:
dhanyo manyo bhavo bhävo
dhirah shänto jagad-guruh
antar-yämishvaro divyo
daivajno devatä-guruh

He is glorious (dhanya), the supreme object of worship (manya), the supreme reality (bhava and bhäva), the wisest (dhira), peaceful (shänta), the master of the universes (jagad-guru), the Supersoul present in everyone’s heart (antar-yämi), the supreme controller (ishvara), glorious (divya), all-knowing (daivajna), and the master of the demigods (devatä-guru).

Text 100:
kshiräbdhi-shayano dhätä
lakshmiväl lakshmanägrajah
dhätri-patir ameyätmä

He is Lord Vishnu who resides in the milk-ocean (kshiräbdhi-shayana). He is the creator (dhätä), opulent (lakshmivän), the elder brother of Lakshmana (lakshmanägraja), the master of the earth (dhätri-pati), limitless (ameyätmä), and worshiped by Lord Shiva (chandrashekhara-püjita).

Text 101:
loka-säkshi jagac-chakshuh

He is the witness of all living entities (loka-säkshi), the eye of the universes (jagac-chakshu), the Lord whose transcendental pastimes are glorified by the saintly devotees (punya-charitra-kirtana), more handsome than ten million Kämadevas (koti-manmatha-saundarya), and the Lord whose transcendental form enchants all the worlds (jagan-mohana-vigraha).

Text 102:
manda-smita-tamo gopo

He has the most graceful gentle smile (manda-smita-tama). He is the protector of the cows (gopa). He is surrounded by the gopis (gopikä-pariveshtita). His eyes are like blossoming lotus flowers (phulläravinda-nayana). He killed the demon Chänura (chänurändhra-nishudana).

Text 103:

He is dark like a blue-lotus petal (indivara-dala-shyäma). He wears a peacock-feather crown (barhi-barhävatamsaka). He enjoys playing the flute (murali-ninadähläda). He wears a splendid garland (divya-mälyämbaräshraya).

Text 104:
su-kapola-yugah su-bhru-
yugalah su-lalätakah
kambu-grivo vishäläksho
lakshmivän shubha-darshanah

His cheeks are graceful (su-kapola-yuga). His eyebrows are graceful (su-bhru-yugala). His forehead is graceful (su-lalätaka). His neck is graceful like a conchshell (kambu-griva). His eyes are large (vishäläksha). He is glorious and opulent (lakshmivän). He is handsome and pleasing to the eyes (shubha-darshana).

Text 105:
pina-vakshäsh chatur-bähush
chatur-mürtis tri-vikramah
kalaìka-rahitah shuddho

His chest is broad (pina-vakshä). He has four arms (chatur-bähu). He appears in four forms (chatur-murti). He stepped over the three worlds (tri-vikrama). He is pure (kalaìka-rahita and shuddha). He kills the demons (dushta-shatru-nivarhana).

Text 106:

He wears earrings and a crown (kirita-kundala-dhara). He is decorated with bracelets and armlets (katakängada-mandita). He wears rings on His fingers (mudrikä-bharanopeta). He wears a splendid belt (kati-sutra-viräjita).

Text 107:

He wears tinkling anklets (manjira-ranjita-pada). He is decorated with all ornaments (sarväbharana-bhushita). He placed His lotus feet on the ground (vinyasta-päda-yugala). His form is splendid and auspicious (divya-mangala-vigraha).

Text 108:
sundaro loka-nandanah

He is the bliss of the gopis’ eyes (gopikä-nayanänanda). His face is splendid like a full moon (purna-chandra-nibhänana). He is the bliss of all the worlds (samasta-jagad-änanda and loka-nandana). He is handsome (sundara).

Text 109:
gopa-näri-priyo dänto

He walks on the Yamunä’s shore (yamunä-tira-sanchäré). He is the Kämadeva that attracts Rädhä (rädhä-manmatha-vaibhava). He loves the gopis (gopa-näri-priya). He is saintly and self-controlled (dänta). He stole the gopis’ garments (gopi-vasträpahärak).

Text 110:
shringära-murtih shridhämä
tärako mula-käranam

He is conjugal love personified (shringära-mhrti). He is splendid and glorious (shridhämä. He is the deliverer (täraka). He is the root of all existence (mula-käranam). He is the protector of the worlds (srishti-samrakshanopäya). He cuts apart the cruel demons (kruräsura-vibhanjana).

Text 111:
murärir vaira-mardanah
äditeya-priyo daitya-
bhi-karash chendu-shekharah

He killed Narakäsura (narakäsura-samhäri). He is the enemy of Mura (muräri). He crushes His enemies (vaira-mardana). He is loved by the demigods (äditeya-priya). He fills the demons with fear (daitya-bhi-kara). The moon is His crown (indu-shekhara).

Text 112:
kamsärätih su-vikramah
punya-slokah kirtaniyo
yädavendro jagan-nutah

He destroyed Jaräsandha’s dynasty (jaräsandha-kula-dhvamsi). He was the enemy of Kamsa (kamsäräti). He is supremely powerful (su-vikrama), praised in graceful verses (punya-sloka), the greatest object of prayers of praise (kirtaniya), the king of the Yädavas (yädavendra), and praised by all the world (jagan-nuta).

Text 113:
rukmini-ramanah satya-

He is the lover of Rukmini (rukmini-ramana), dear to Satyabhämä and Jämbavati (satyabhämä-jämbavati-priya), and worshiped by Mitravindä, Nägnajiti, and Lakshmanä (mitravindä-nägnajiti-lakshmanä-samupäsita).

Text 114:

He was born in the dynasty of the moon-god (sudhäkära-kule-jäta). His power is limitless (ananta-prabala-vikrama). He is all glorious and fortunate (sarva-saubhägya-sampanna), and He resides in Dvärakä (dvärakäyäm-upasthita).

Text 115:

He is the master of Rädhä (bhadräsurya-sutä-nätha). He enjoys pastimes as a human being (lilä-mänusha-vigraha). He has 16,108 wives (sahasra-shodasha-strisha). He gives both material enjoyment and liberation (bhoga-mokshaika-däyaka).

Text 116:
vedänta-vedyah samvedyo
vedyo brahmända-näyakah
govardhana-dharo näthah

He is known by study of Vedänta (vedänta-vedya). He is the highest object of knowledge (samvedya and vedya). He is the ruler of the universes (brahmända-näyaka). He lifted Govardhana Hill (govardhana-dhara). He is the supreme master (nätha). He is merciful to all living entities (sarva-jiva-dayä-para).

Text 117:
murtimän sarva-bhutätmä
sarva-jnah sarva-sulabhah

His form is transcendental (murtimän). He is the Supersoul present in everyone’s heart (sarva-bhutätmä). He is the protector from suffering (ärta-träna-paräyana), all-knowing (sarva-jna), easily attainable by all (sarva-sulabha), and learned in all the scriptures (sarva-shästra-vishärada).

Text 118:
purna-kämo dhuran-dharah
mahänubhävah kaivalya-
däyako loka-näyakah

He is the master of six opulences (shad-gunaishvarya-sampanna), and His desires are all fulfilled (purna-käma). He is filled with all virtues and glories (dhuran-dhara and mahänubhäva). He is the giver of liberation (kaivalya-däyaka) and the master of the worlds (loka-näyaka).

Text 119:
asamänah samastätmä

He has neither beginning, middle, nor end (ädi-madhyänta-rahita). His form is situated in pure goodness (shuddha-sattvika-vigraha). He has no equal (asamäna). He is the all-pervading Supersoul (samastätmä). He is affectionate to the surrendered souls (sharanägata-vatsala).

Text 120:
käranam sarva-käranam
gambhirah sarva-bhäva-jnah

He is the cause of creation, maintenance, and destruction (utpatti-sthiti-samhära-käranam). He is the cause of all (sarva-käranam). He is profound (gambhira). He knows everything (sarva-bhäva-jna). His form is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss (sac-chid-änanda-vigraha).

Text 121:
vishvaksenah satya-sandhah
satyavän satya-vikramah
satya-vratah satya-samjnah

His armies are everywhere (vishvaksena). He is the supreme reality (satya-sandha and satyavän). He is supremely powerful (satya-vikrama), faithful (satya-vrata), wise (satya-samjna), and pious (sarva-dharma-paräyana).

Text 122:
kandarpa-janakah präjno

He removes all sufferings (apannärti-prasamana). He protected Draupadi’s honor (draupadi-mäna-rakshaka). He is the father of Kämadeva (kandarpa-janaka). He is the most wise (präjna). In His pastimes He becomes a dancer in this world (jagan-nätaka-vaibhava).

Text 123:
bhakti-vashyo gunätitah

He is conquered by devotion (bhakti-vashya). He is beyond the touch of the modes of material nature (gunätita). He is the giver of all powers and opulences (sarvaishvarya-pradäyaka). He is the enemy of Damaghosha’s son (damaghosha-suta-dveshi). He cut Bänäsura’s arms (bäna-bähu-vikhandana).

Text 124:
bhishma-bhakti-prado divyah
kaunteya-priya-bandhush cha

He gave devotional service to Bhishma (bhishma-bhakti-prada). He is glorious (divya). He destroyed the Kaurava dynasty (kauravänvaya-näshana). He is the dear friend of Kunti’s sons (kaunteya-priya-bandhu). He drove Arjuna’s chariot (pärtha-syandana-särathi).

Text 125:
närasimho mahä-virah
stambha-jäto mahä-balah
prahläda-varadah satyo
deva-pujyo ‘bhayaìkarah

He is Lord Nrisimha (närasimha), a great hero (mahä-vira), born from a pillar (stambha-jäta), very powerful (mahä-bala), the giver of benedictions to Prahläda (prahläda-varada), the supreme reality (satya), worshiped by the demigods (deva-pujya), and the giver of fearlessness (abhayaìkara).

Text 126:
upendra indrävara-jo
vämano bali-bandhanah
gajendra-varadah svämi

He is the younger brother of Indra (upendra and indrävara-ja), Vämana (vämana). He bound King Bali (bali-bandhana). He gave a benediction to Gajendra (gajendra-varada). He is the supreme master (svämi). All the demigods bow down before Him (sarva-deva-namaskritah.

Text 127:
vainateya-ratho jayi
sampannah purna-mänasah

He reclines on the couch of Shesha (shesha-paryaìka-shayana). He flies on Garuda (vainateya-ratha). He is victorious (jayi). His power and opulence are limitless and eternal (avyähata-balaishvarya-sampanna). The desires in His heart are always fulfilled (purna-mänasa).

Text 128:
yogeshvareshvarah säkshi
kshetra-jno jnana-däyakah

He is the master of the kings of yoga (yogeshvareshvara). He is the witness (säkshi and kshetra-jna). He is the giver of transcendental knowledge (jnana-däyaka). He resides in the lotus of the yogis’ hearts (yogi-hrit-pankajäväsa). He is the master of Yogamäyä (yogamäyä-samanvita).

Text 129:

He is the näda-bindu letter (näda-bindu-kalätita). He gives the results of the four vargas (chatur-varga-phala-prada). He travels on the Sushumnä path (sushumnä-märga-sancäri). He is the Supersoul in the body of every conditioned soul (dehasyäntara-samsthita).

Text 130:
säkshi chetah-pradäyakah
sukshmah sarva-gato dehi

He is the witness of the body, senses, mind, and life (dehendriya-manah-präna-säkshi). He gives consciousness (cetah-pradäyaka). He is the most subtle (sukshma). He is all-pervading (sarva-gata). His form is transcendental (dehi). He is seen in the mirror of transcendental knowledge (jnäna-darpana-gochara).

Text 131:
tattva-trayätmako ‘vyakta-
brahmanyah sarva-dharma-jnah
shänto dänto gata-klamah

He is the master of the three tattvas (tattva-trayätmaka). He is unmanifested (avyakta). Goddess Käli takes shelter of Him (kundali-samupäshrita). He is worshiped by the brähmanas (brahmanya). He knows all the truths of religion (sarva-dharma-jna). He is peaceful (shänta), self-controlled (dänta), and tireless (gata-klama).

Text 132:
shriniväsah sadänando
vishvamurtir mahä-prabhuh
sahasra-shirshäh purushah
sahasräkshah sahasra-pät

He is the home of the goddess of fortune (shriniväsa). His bliss is eternal (sadänanda). He is the universal form (vishvamurti). He is the Supreme Lord (mahä-prabhu). He has a thousand heads (sahasra-shirshä). He is the supreme person (purusha). He has a thousand eyes (sahasräksha). He has a thousand feet (sahasra-pät).

Text 133:

He is the resting place of all the worlds (samasta-bhuvanädhära). He is the protector of all life (samasta-präna-rakshaka). He knows everything (samasta-sarva-bhäva-jna). To the gopis He is more dear than life (gopikä-präna-vallabha).

Text 134:
nityotsavo nitya-saukhyo
nitya-shrir nitya-mangalah
vyuhärchito jagan-näthah

He is an eternal festival of transcendental bliss (nityotsava and nitya-saukhya). His glory and handsomeness is eternal (nitya-shri). His auspiciousness is eternal (nitya-mangala). He is worshiped by a great host of devotees (vyuhärchita). He is the master of the universes (jagan-nätha). He is the king of the spiritual world (sri-vaikuntha-purädhipa).

Text 135:
gopa-vesha-dharo harih
komalah shänta-vigrahah

He is filled with perfect transcendental bliss (purnananda-ghani-bhuta). He is dressed like a cowherd boy (gopa-vesha-dhara). He takes away what is inauspicious (hari). He is dark like an atasi flower (kaläpa-kusuma-shyäma). He is soft and delicate (komala). He is peaceful (shänta-vigraha).

Text 136:
gopäìganävrito ‘nanto
venu-väda-ratah shreshtho

He is surrounded by a host of gopis (gopäìganävrita). He is limitless (ananta). He stays in Vrindävana (vrindävana-samäshraya). He is fond of playing the flute (venu-väda-rata). He is the best (shreshtha). He brings auspiciousness to the demigods (devänäm-hita-käraka).

Text 137:

He enjoys childhood pastimes (bäla-kridä-samäsakta). He steals butter (navanitasya-taskara). He is the paramour of the passionate gopis (gopäla-kämini-jära). He is the crest jewel of thieves (chaura-jära-shikhä-mani).

Text 138:
param-jyotih paräkäshah
paräväsah parisphutah
vyäpako loka-pävanah

He is splendid (param-jyoti). He is the great sky (paräkäsha). He is the supreme abode (paräväsa). He appears before His devotees (parisphuta). He is present in the eighteen-syllable mantra (ashtädasäksharo-mantra). He is all-pervading (vyäpaka). He is the purifier of the worlds (loka-pävana).

Text 139:
shekharo deva-shekharah
vijnänam jnäna-sandhänas
tejo-räshir jagat-patih

He is the crown of seventy million great mantras (sapta-koti-mahä-mantra-shekhara). He is the crown of the demigods (deva-shekhara). He is transcendental knowledge (vijnänam and jnäna-sandhäna). He is effulgent (tejo-räshi). He is the master of the worlds (jagat-pati).

Text 140:

In His heart He is pleased with His devotees (bhakta-loka-prasannätmä). To His devotees He is like a mandära tree (bhakta-mandära-vigraha). He removes His devotees’ poverty (bhakta-däridrya-damana). He delights His devotees (bhaktänäm-priti-däyaka).

See Also  Sri Ranganatha Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram In Malayalam

Text 141:
bhaktädhina-manäh pujyo
bhaktäbhishta-pradah sarva-

In His heart He is conquered by His devotees (bhaktädhina-manä). He is the supreme object of worship (pujya). He gives auspiciousness to His devotees (bhakta-loka-shivaìkara). He fulfills His devotees’ desires (bhaktäbhishta-prada). He destroys the great flood of all His devotees’ sins (sarva-bhaktäghaugha-nikrintana).

Text 142:
bhagavän bhakta-tat-parah

He is a shoreless ocean of mercy (apära-karunä-sindhu). He is the opulent Supreme Personality of Godhead (bhagavän). He loves His devotees (bhakta-tat-para).

॥ The Glories of the Holy Names ॥

Text 1;
atha mähätmyam
iti sri-rädhikä-nätha-
smaranät päpa-räshinäm
khandanam mrityu-näshanam

Thus I have spoken the thousand names of Rädhä’s master. By remembering these names one breaks into pieces many multitudes of sins. In this way one kills death.

Texts 2-4;
vaishnavänäm priya-karam
para-stri-gamanam tathä
mänasam vächikam käyam
yat-päpam päpa-sambhavam
sarvam nashyati tat-kshanät
mahä-däridrya-yukto yo
vaishnavo vishnu-bhaktimän

These names delight the Vaishnavas and cure the greatest diseases. When one chants these thousand names his sins of killing brähmanas, drinking wine, adultery, theft, hating others, and all other sins performed with the body, mind, and words, are at once destroyed. By chanting these names one becomes free of great poverty. One becomes a Vaishnava, devoted to Lord Vishnu.

Texts 5 and 6;
kärttikyäm sampathed rätrau
shatam ashtottaram kramät
pitämbara-dharo dhimän
pustakam pujayitvä tu
naivedyädibhir eva cha
rädhä-dhyänänkito dhiro

During an evening in the month of Kärttika a wise devotee of Lord Krishna should chant these names 108 times. With fragrant flowers, sandal paste, foods, and other offerings he should worship the book of these names. He should meditate on Rädhä-Krishna. He should meditate on the Lord decorated with a garland of forest flowers.

Text 7;
shatam ashtottaram devi
pathen näma-sahasrakam
chaitra-shukle cha krishne cha

On the Kuhü-sankränti day of the bright and dark fortnights of the month of Chaitra (March-April) one should chant these thousand names 108 times.

Text 8;
pathitavyam prayatnena
trailokyam mohayet kshanät
tulasi-mälayä yukto
vaishnavo bhakti-tat-parah

With great devotion one should offer Lord Vishnu a tulasi garland and should carefully chant these thousand names. In this way one brings the three worlds under his control.

Texts 9-12;
ravi-väre cha shukle cha
dvädashyäm shräddha-väsare
brähmanam pujayitvä cha
bhojayitvä vidhänatah
pathen näma-sahasram cha
tatah siddhih prajäyate
mahä-nishäyäm satatam
vaishnavo yah pathet sadä
deshäntara-gatä lakshmih
samäyäti na samshayah
trailokye cha mahä-devi
sundaryah käma-mohitäh
mugdhäh svayam samäyänti
vaishnavam cha bhajanti tah
rogi rogät pramuchyeta
baddho muchyeta bandhanät

On a Sunday, a bright fortnight, dvädashi, and the shräddha-väsara day one should worship the brähmanas, offer them a feast, and then one should chant these thousand names. In that way one attains perfection. A Vaishnava who regularly chants these names late at night finds that the goddess of fortune comes to his home from far away. Of this there is no doubt. O great goddess, Bewildered with desire, the most beautiful girls in the three worlds voluntarily come and worship him. If he is diseased he becomes free of his disease. If he is imprisoned, he becomes free from prison.

Text 13;
gurvini janayet putram
kanyä vindati sat-patim
räjäno vashyatäm yänti
kim punah kshudra-mänaväh

His saintly wife will bear him a son. His daughter will find a good husband. Great kings will become his submissive servants. How much more so will ordinary people serve him?

Text 14;
pathanät pujanät priye
dhäranät sarvam äpnoti
vaishnavo nätra samshayah

O beloved, by hearing, chanting, worshiping, and remembering these thousand holy names a Vaishnava attains everything. Of this there is no doubt.

Texts 15 and 16;
vamshivate cänya-vate
tathä pippalake ‘thavä
yah pathed vaishnavo nityam
sa yäti hari-mandiram
krishnenoktam rädhikäyai
mayi proktam purä shive

A Vaishnava who regularly chants these holy names at Vamshivata, under another vata tree, under a pippala tree, under a kadamba tree, or in the presence of the Deity of Lord Gopäla, goes to the transcendental world of Lord Hari. O auspicious one, Lord Krishna spoke these thousand names to Rädhä, and they were also spoken to me.

Text 17;
näradäya mayä proktam
näradena prakäshitam
mayä tvayi varärohe
proktam etat su-durlabham

I spoke them to Närada Muni, and then Närada Muni spoke them to others. O girl with the beautiful thighs, now I have spoken these very rare holy names to you.

Text 18;
gopaniyam prayatnena
na prakäshyam kathanchana
shathäya päpine chaiva
lampatäya visheshatah

Please carefully keep them secret. Never reveal them to a dishonest person, a sinner, or a rake.

Text 19;
na dätavyam na dätavyam
na dätavyam kadächana
deyam shishyäya shäntäya
vishnu-bhakti-ratäya cha

They should never be given to such persons. Never be given. Never be given. They should be given to a sincere disciple, a peaceful saint, or a devotee of Lord Vishnu.

Text 20;
väjapeya-shatasya cha
phalam päthe bhaved dhruvam

A person who chants these holy names attains the result of giving cows in charity, offering a brahma-yajna, a hundred väjapeya-yajnas, or a thousand ashvamedha-yajnas.

Text 21;
mohanam stambhanam chaiva
yad yad vänchati chittena
tat tat präpnoti vaishnavah

A Vaishnava who chants these holy names attains the wishes of his heart. If he wishes to bewilder, stun, destroy, ruin, or in another way harm his enemy, he will attain his desire.

Texts 22 and 23;
ekädashyäm narah snätvä
ähäram brähmane dattvä
dakshinäm svarna-bhushanam
tata ärambha-kartäsya
sarvam präpnoti mänavah
shatävrittam sahasram cha
yah pathed vaishnavo janah

A Vaishnava who on ekädashi bathes with fragrant oil, offers a brähmana food and dakshinä of golden ornaments, and then chants these thousand holy names one hundred times attains all his desires.

Text 24;
prasädät sarvam äpnuyät
yad-grihe pustakam devi
pujitam chaiva tishthati

O goddess, a person who in his home worships the book of these thousand holy names attains everything by the mercy of Lord Vrindävanachandra.

Text 25;
na märi na cha durbhiksham
nopasarga-bhayam kvachit
nashyanti nätra samshayah

He does not die. He is not afflicted with poverty. He need not be afraid. Snakes, ghosts, yakshas and others that may try to attack him will perish. Of this there is no doubt.

Text 26;
sri-gopälo mahä-devi
vaset tasya grihe sadä
grihe yasya sahasram cha
nämnäm tishthati pujitam

O goddess, Lord Gopäla stays in the home of one who worships these thousand holy names.


Abdhi, Text 77 * Abhayankara, Text 125 * Acala-dharaka, Text 29 * Acyuta, 75 * Adi-deva, 64 * Adi-karta, 3, 8 * Adi-madhyanta-rahita, 119 * Aditeya-priya, 111 * Aghasura-vinasi, 30 * Ahi-bhusita, 44 * Akupara, 77 * Amala, 22 * Amara, 37 * Amarari-nihanta, 84 * Ambuja, 43 * Ambujaksa, 83 * Ameyatma, 100 * Amrtamaya, 56 * Ananta, 88, 136 * Ananta-prabala-vikrama, 114 * Anasraya, 64 * Aniruddha, 95 * Ankusa, 49 * Antar-yami, 99 * Apannarti-prasamana, 122 * Apara-karuna-sindhu, 142 * Aprameya-prabhu, 98 * Aprameyatma, 86 * Apratarkya, 98 * Aradhi, 15 * Arjuna-vallabha, 82 * Arta-trana-parayana, 117 * Asamana, 119 * Astadasaksaro-mantra, 138 * Asvamedha, 31 * Atmarama, 19 * Avarodhaka, 53 * Avyahata-balaisvarya-sampanna, 127 * Avyakta-kundali-samupasrita, 131 * Avyaya, 92 * * Badari-sraya, 83 * Badari-vana-samprita, 84 * Bahu-vikrama, 96 * Bakasura-vinasana, 97 * Bala, 42, 57 * Bala-balahaka, 57 * Bala-karta, 50 * Bala-krida-samasakta, 137 * Bala-mukhambuja, 42 * Balarati-prapujaka, 11 * Bali, 22, 69 * Bali-bandhana, 126 * Bana-bahu-vikhandana, 123 * Barhi-barhavatamsaka, 103 * Bhadram, 70 * Bhadrasurya-suta-natha, 115 * Bhagavan, 29, 30, 88, 142 * Bhakta-daridrya-damana, 140 * Bhakta-loka-prasannatma, 140 * Bhakta-loka-sivankara, 141 * Bhakta-mandara-vigraha, 140 * Bhakta-tat-para, 142 * Bhakta-vatsala, 90 * Bhaktabhista-prada, 141 * Bhaktadhina-mana, 141 * Bhaktanam-priti-dayaka, 140 * Bhaktanukari, 29 * Bhakti-parayana, 75 * Bhakti-vasya, 123 * Bhama, 49 * Bhamaka, 49 * Bhandiravana-sankha-ha, 39 * Bhaskara, 21, 52 * Bhauma, 6 * Bhava, 20, 99 * Bhavi, 20 * Bhavi-bhayapaha, 79 * Bhavikam, 70 * Bhavuka-dharaka, 70 * Bhavukam, 70 * Bhavya, 70, 79 * Bhetta, 11 * Bhima, 4, 42 * Bhima-sahasa, 96 * Bhisma-bhakti-prada, 124 * Bhoga-moksaika-dayaka, 115 * Bhramaka, 49 * Bhramara, 46 * Bhrata, 80 * Bhratakrura-parayana, 64 * Bhrgu-vamsa-samudbhava, 19 * Bhu-pati, 2 * Bhusura, 49 * Bhuta, 27, 135 * Bhuta-natha, 91 * Bimba-sattama, 9 * Bimbasya, 9 * Brahma, 32, 43, 44 * Brahma-sanatana, 13 * Brahmanda-karta, 32 * Brahmanya, 131 * Brahmanya-deva, 71 * Buddha, 56 * Buddhimatam-srestha, 56 * * Cakra-pani, 87 * Cakra-ratha, 95 * Cakri, 85 * Cancala, 14 * Canda-kodanda-bhanjana, 18 * Candra, 9, 85 * Candra-koti-su-sitala, 31 * Candra-pati, 18 * Candrapati, 18 * Candrasekhara-pujita, 100 * Candravali-pati, 37, 68 * Canurandhra-nisudana, 102 * Caru-locana, 14 * Catur-bahu, 105 * Catur-bhuja, 95 * Catur-murti, 105 * Catur-varga-phala-prada, 129 * Caura-jara-sikha-mani, 137 * Cendu-sekhara, 111 * Ceta-pradayaka, 130 * Cintamani, 83 * * Daitya-bhi-kara, 111 * Daitya-darpa-vinasi, 53 * Daitya-ha, 50 * Daivajna, 99 * Daksam, 83 * Damaghosa-suta-dvesi, 123 * Damaghosopadesta, 24 * Damana-karaka, 59 * Damodara, 90 * Dana-vrksa, 49 * Danta, 35, 109, 131 * Daridrya-bhanjana, 7 * Dasarathi, 19 * Data, 7 * Datta-vara, 43 * Dattatreya, 69 * Daya-nidhi, 87 * Dehasyantara-samsthita, 129 * Dehendriya-mana-prana-saksi, 130 * Dehi, 130 * Deva, 10 * Deva-deva, 87 * Deva-pujya, 125 * Deva-sekhara, 139 * Devaki-garbha-sambhuta, 91 * Devaki-suta, 85 * Devala, 42 * Devanam-hita-karaka, 136 * Devata-guru, 99 * Dhami, 13 * Dhanur-dhara, 78 * Dhanvi, 26 * Dhanya, 2, 99 * Dharani-palaka, 2 * Dharatmaja, 38 * Dhata, 64, 100 * Dhatri-pati, 100 * Dhenukari, 38 * Dhenukasura-sanghata, 97 * Dhira, 12, 99 * Dhuran-dhara, 118 * Dhuri, 45 * Dina-mani, 83 * Dinanam, 71 * Diva, 79 * Divasa, 79 * Divaspati, 91 * Divya, 70, 79, 99, 124 * Divya-malyambarasraya, 103 * Divya-mangala-vigraha, 107 * Draupadi-mana-raksaka, 122 * Durdama-mardana, 10 * Durvasa, 6 * Dusta-satru-nivarhana, 105 * Dvadasaranya-sambhogi, 62 * Dvarakayam-upasthita, 114 * Dvarakendra, 45 * Dvarika-vasa-tattva-jna, 25 * Dvija-priya, 78 * Dyau, 79 * * Gadadhara, 85, 95 * Gaja-sami, 9 * Gajendra-varada, 126 * Gajoddhari, 9 * Gambhira, 120 * Gana, 69 * Gana-nayaka, 26 * Gana-pati, 69 * Ganadhyaksa, 45 * Gananam-trana-karta, 44 * Ganasraya, 45 * Gandaki, 55 * Ganesa, 26, 44 * Ganga-ca-yamuna-rupa, 54 * Garuda, 53 * Garuda-dhvaja, 4, 86 * Garudagraja, 53 * Garvi, 80 * Garvita-locana, 80 * Gata-klama, 131 * Gauri-guru, 64 * Gaya, 78 * Geya, 78 * Gili, 73 * Go-patha, 23 * Go-pati, 2, 54 * Goda-vetravati, 54 * Gokulananda-kari, 77 * Gokulendra, 5, 7 * Gola, 73 * Golalaya, 73 * Goli, 73 * Gomedha, 31 * Gopa, 102 * Gopa-nari-priya, 109 * Gopa-svami, 7 * Gopa-vesa-dhara, 135 * Gopala, 88 * Gopala-kamini-jara, 137 * Gopala-ramani-bharta, 68 * Gopali-citta-harta, 63 * Gopanganavrta, 136 * Gopati, 6 * Gopi-natha, 53 * Gopi-raksana-tat-para, 47 * Gopi-ranjana-daiva-jna, 40 * Gopi-vastrapaharaka, 109 * Gopika-nayanananda, 108 * Gopika-parivestita, 102 * Gopika-prana-vallabha, 133 * Gopika-priti-ranjana, 41 * Gotra, 6 * Govardhana, 66 * Govardhana-dhara, 116 * Govardhana-vanasraya, 38 * Govardhana-vara-prada, 7 * Govinda, 4, 6, 95 * Grahi, 44 * Grahila, 44 * Grama, 43 * Gugguli, 74 * Guli, 73 * Gunatita, 123 * Guru, 98 * * Haladhara-priya, 20 * Hali, 10, 20 * Hamsa, 58, 75 * Hamsarudha, 58 * Hara, 63 * Haraka, 61 * Hari, 49, 63, 75, 91, 135 * Harta, 4 * Hayagriva, 65 * Heli, 20 * Hili, 73 * Hrsikesa, 4, 93 * Hutasana-vara-prada, 25 * * Indivara-dala-syama, 103 * Indravara-ja, 126 * Isu-priya, 63 * Isvara, 99 * * Jagac-caksu, 101 * Jagad-bharta, 3 * Jagad-dhata, 3 * Jagad-guru, 99 * Jagad-vasu, 3 * Jagaj-jiva, 3 * Jagan-mohana-vigraha, 101 * Jagan-nataka-vaibhava, 122 * Jagan-natha, 134 * Jagan-nuta, 112 * Jagat-pati, 58, 86, 139 * Jaladharaka, 60 * Jalaja, 60 * Jalandhara-vinasana, 51 * Janaki-vallabha, 76 * Janardana, 75 * Jara-vyadhi-vighataka, 25 * Jarasandha-kula-dhvamsi, 112 * Jarasandha-vadha, 22 * Jaya, 47 * Jayi, 127 * Jisnu, 56 * Jita-krodha-moha, 19 * Jivana, 81 * Jivanantaka, 81 * Jnana-darpana-gocara, 130 * Jnana-dayaka, 128 * Jnana-sandhana, 139 * * Kaivalya-dayaka, 118 * Kala, 59 * Kala-harta, 74 * Kala-purna, 87 * Kalaksaya, 93 * Kalanka-rahita, 105 * Kalankara-hita, 9 * Kalapa-kusuma-syama, 135 * Kali, 59 * Kalindi-prema-puraka, 6 * Kalpa-vrksa, 49 * Kama, 42, 62 * Kama-kala-nidhi, 9 * Kamala-locana, 72 * Kamala-mukha-lolaksa, 5 * Kamala-mukha-lolupa, 33 * Kamala-patraksa, 72 * Kamala-rupa-tat-para, 93 * Kamala-vanchita-prada, 32 * Kamala-vrata-dhari, 33 * Kamalabha, 33 * Kamalaksa, 33 * Kamali, 33 * Kamari-bhakta, 42 * Kambalasvatara, 79 * Kambu-griva, 104 * Kami, 9, 72 * Kamsa-mrtyu, 30 * Kamsarati, 112 * Kandarpa-janaka, 122 * Kandarpa-koti-lavanya, 31 * Kapila, 6 * Karta, 28, 63 * Karuna-nidhi, 20 * Kasyapasya-vara-prada, 46 * Kasyapi, 20 * Katakangada-mandita, 106 * Kati-sutra-virajita, 106 * Kaunteya-priya-bandhu, 124 * Kauravanvaya-nasana, 124 * Kaveri, 55 * Kavi, 42 * Kedara, 83 * Kesava, 29, 75, 86 * Kesi-ha, 29 * Kesi-kamsa-vadha, 37 * Khadga-dhari, 61 * Khara-dusana-samhari, 36 * Kili, 73 * Kirita-kundala-dhara, 106 * Kirtaniya, 112 * Koka-soka-vinasaka, 18 * Kokila-svara-bhusana, 10 * Kolahala, 20 * Komala, 60, 135 * Kosa-nidhi, 18 * Koti-manmatha-saundarya, 101 * Krida-kamala-sandoha, 41 * Kridi, 45 * Krpa-kara, 10 * Krpa-kari, 61 * Krpa-rama, 78 * Krsna, 72, 90 * Krta-jagat-traya, 45 * Krti, 62, 74 * Krurasura-vibhanjana, 110 * Ksanavani, 90 * Ksetra-jna, 128 * Ksirabdhi-sayana, 100 * Kubja-bhagya-prada, 60 * Kubja-vinodi, 30 * Kuhu-bharta, 4 * Kula, 37 * Kula-grami, 13 * Kumari, 12 * Kuntali, 46 * Kunti-suta-raksi, 46 * * Laksana, 27 * Laksmana, 27 * Laksmanagraja, 100 * Laksmi-vilasavan, 80 * Laksmivan, 100, 104 * Laksya, 27 * Lalita-candrika-mali, 82 * Langalasraya, 58 * Languli, 58 * Lankadhipa-kula-dhvamsi, 35 * Lata-gulma, 54 * Lila, 75 * Lila-kamala-pujita, 40 * Lila-manusa-vigraha, 115 * Loka, 57 * Loka-dharma-jna, 81 * Loka-nandana, 108 * Loka-nayaka, 118 * Loka-pavana, 138 * Loka-saksi, 101 * * Madanaka, 73 * Madhava, 37, 90 * Madhavi, 37 * Madhu, 64 * Madhu-ha, 29, 37 * Madhvi, 37 * Madhvika, 37 * Madi, 73 * Maha-bala, 125 * Maha-bhanu, 76 * Maha-candra, 5 * Maha-deva, 64 * Maha-dhana, 51 * Maha-kala, 3 * Maha-karta, 3 * Maha-makhi, 30, 46, 59 * Maha-mani, 28 * Maha-marici-nasana, 11 * Maha-maya, 59 * Maha-mayi, 34 * Maha-muni, 65, 69 * Maha-phala, 49 * Maha-prabhu, 132 * Maha-rama, 78 * Maha-vandya, 65 * Maha-vira, 51, 125 * Maha-vrksa, 49 * Maha-yaksa, 83 * Mahanandi, 73 * Mahanubhava, 118 * Mahesvara, 87 * Mahi-bharta, 8 * Mahi-natha, 53 * Mahi-pala, 1 * Mahodadhi, 76 * Mahotkata, 34 * Mala-kara, 10 * Malambujasraya, 82 * Mali, 82 * Manda-smita-tama, 102 * Mani, 83 * Manjira-ranjita-pada, 107 * Manya, 99 * Mapati, 13 * Maraka, 74 * Marica-ksobha-karaka, 34 * Mathura-pati, 90 * Mathura-vallabha, 45 * Matsya, 4 * Mayi, 59 * Megha-nada-ha, 71 * Mili, 73 * Mina-ketana, 12 * Mitravinda-nagnajiti-laksmana-samupasita, 113 * Mleccha-ha, 74 * Moha-nasana, 57 * Mohandha-bhanjana, 19 * Mohi, 29 * Mohini-mohana, 59 * Mrkanda, 52 * Mudrika-bharanopeta, 106 * Mukunda, 89 * Mula-karanam, 110 * Muncatavi-gahamana, 38 * Muni, 43 * Murali-ninadahlada, 103 * Murari, 81, 111 * Murtiman, 117 * * Nada-bindu-kalatita, 129 * Nadi, 43 * Naga, 23 * Nala, 58 * Nanda, 73 * Nanda-gopa-kumararya, 94 * Nandadi-gokula-trata, 7 * Nandakayudha, 95 * Nandi, 73 * Nara, 12, 63, 69 * Narada, 42 * Narakasura-samhari, 111 * Naramedhavan, 31 * Narasimha, 125 * Narayana, 4, 12, 69, 70, 75, 87 * Narmada, 55 * Narottama, 63 * Natha, 116 * Navambha, 23 * Navanitasana, 94 * Navanitasya-taskara, 137 * Nila, 58, 75 * Nila-jimuta-sannibha, 92 * Nilambara, 10, 22 * Nilambara-dhara, 26 * Nirabhasa, 89 * Niradhara, 89 * Nirakara, 89 * Niranjana, 88 * Nirasraya, 89 * Nirguna, 88 * Nirmala, 92 * Nirupadrava, 92 * Nirvana-nayaka, 92 * Nirvikalpa, 88 * Nitya, 92 * Nitya-mangala, 134 * Nitya-saukhya, 134 * Nitya-sri, 134 * Nityotsava, 134 * Nrkesiri, 97 * * Padma-nabha, 44, 86 * Pamsu, 82 * Pamsuli, 82 * Panca-rupa, 54 * Pancajanya-kara, 47 * Pandu, 82 * Parada, 58 * Parakasa, 138 * Param-dhama, 87 * Param-jyoti, 138 * Paramesthi, 61 * Paramesvara, 89 * Parasurama-vaco-grahi, 24 * Paravara, 77 * Paravasa, 138 * Parisphuta, 138 * Partha-syandana-sarathi, 124 * Parvata, 43, 78 * Parvatakara, 78 * Parvati-bhagya-sahita, 80 * Pavana, 58 * Pavana-vallabha, 43 * Phalguna, 48 * Phalguna-sakha, 48 * Phullaravinda-nayana, 102 * Pina-vaksa, 105 * Pippalaka, 74 * Pita-vasa, 93 * Pitamaha, 61, 98 * Prabhu, 26, 50, 83, 94 * Pradyumna, 50 * Praharta, 2, 50 * Prahlada-varada, 125 * Prajna, 98, 122 * Pranavatita, 89 * Prapanci, 54 * Prasasta, 71 * Pratapavan, 3 * Pratijna-paripalaka, 77 * Pratirajaha, 13 * Pratyag-atma, 98 * Prema, 68 * Premi, 68 * Priya-karaka, 5 * Pujya, 141 * Pundarika, 2 * Pundarika-subhavaha, 5 * Pundarikaksa, 86 * Punya-caritra-kirtana, 101 * Punya-sloka, 112 * Purana-purusa, 42, 94 * Purandara, 33 * Purna-candra-nibhanana, 108 * Purna-kama, 118 * Purna-manasa, 127 * Purnananda-ghani, 135 * Purusa, 89, 132 * Putana-moksa-dayaka, 30 * Putanari, 97 * * Radha-citta-pramodaka, 15 * Radha-hrdayambhoja-satpada, 16 * Radha-kama-phala-prada, 17 * Radha-manmatha-vaibhava, 109 * Radha-mohana-tat-para, 16 * Radha-mukhabja-martanda, 21 * Radha-nartana-kautuka, 17 * Radha-pati, 12 * Radha-prana-sama, 40 * Radha-ramana-sundara, 61 * Radha-rati-sukhopeta, 16 * Radha-sanjata-sampriti, 17 * Radha-vadanabja-madhuvrata, 40 * Radha-vasi-kara, 16 * Radhalingana-sammoha, 17 * Radharadhayita, 15 * Raja, 60 * Rajaka-ksaya-karaka, 60 * Rajasa, 55 * Rajiva-locana, 35 * Rakso-vamsa-vinasana, 27 * Rama, 10, 14, 19, 35, 36, 76, 79 * Rama-baddhahvayi, 28 * Ramana, 14 * Ramayana-pravartaka, 79 * Ramayana-sarira, 14 * Rami, 14, 47 * Ranga, 41 * Ranga-mahiruha, 41 * Rangi, 41 * Ranjaka, 41 * Ranjana, 41 * Ratha-grahi, 24 * Rauhineya, 22 * Rava, 57 * Ravaravi, 57 * Ravi, 52, 85 * Ravi-koti-pratikasa, 32 * Ravija, 21 * Revati, 14 * Rohini-hrdayanandi, 22 * Rolambi, 65 * Rsabha, 43 * Rudra, 44, 58 * Rukmini-harana, 68 * Rukmini-prana-natha, 48 * Rukmini-ramana, 113 * * Sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, 120 * Saci-pati, 56 * Sad-gunaisvarya-sampanna, 118 * Sada, 72 * Sada-rama, 78 * Sada-siva, 98 * Sadananda, 132 * Sadhu, 64 * Sahasi, 80 * Sahasra-pat, 132 * Sahasra-sirsa, 132 * Sahasra-sodasa-strisa, 115 * Sahasraksa, 132 * Sahasraksa-puri-bhetta, 11 * Sahasramsu, 76 * Sakatasura-samhari, 97 * Saketa-pura-vasana, 36 * Sakhi, 74 * Saksi, 43, 98, 128 * Samasta-bhuvanadhara, 133 * Samasta-jagad-ananda, 108 * Samasta-prana-raksaka, 133 * Samasta-priya-karaka, 72 * Samasta-sarva-bhava-jna, 133 * Samastatma, 119 * Samba-kustha-vinasana, 68 * Sambhu, 91 * Sami, 28 * Samsara-taraka, 63 * Samudra, 77 * Samvedya, 116 * Sanatana, 2, 23 * Sankarsana, 91 * Sankha-pani, 94 * Sankhacuda-vadhoddama, 47 * Santa, 99, 131 * Santa-vigraha, 135 * Sapta-koti-maha-mantra-sekhara, 139 * Sarala, 50 * Saranagata-vatsala, 119 * Sarasana, 26 * Sarayu, 55 * Sarit-pati, 77 * Sarnga-pani, 95 * Sarva, 15 * Sarva-bhaktaghaugha-nikrntana, 141 * Sarva-bhava-jna, 120 * Sarva-bhutatma, 117 * Sarva-bhutesa, 88 * Sarva-deva-namaskrta, 126 * Sarva-dharma-jna, 92, 131 * Sarva-dharma-parayana, 121 * Sarva-gata, 130 * Sarva-jiva-daya-para, 116 * Sarva-jna, 93, 117 * Sarva-kama-pradayaka, 8 * Sarva-karanam, 120 * Sarva-locana, 55 * Sarva-mangala-data, 8 * Sarva-palaka, 88 * Sarva-papa-ghna, 61 * Sarva-sagara-sindhu-ja, 8 * Sarva-sastra-visarada, 117 * Sarva-saubhagya-sampanna, 114 * Sarva-sulabha, 117 * Sarva-vedanta-paraga, 1 * Sarvabharana-bhusita, 107 * Sarvabhauma, 90 * Sarvaisvarya-pradayaka, 123 * Sarvangi, 55 * Sarvara, 15 * Sarvari, 5, 15 * Sarvatra-subha-dayaka, 15 * Sarvi, 80 * Sasta, 2, 71 * Sasvata, 50 * Sattvi, 55 * Satya, 75, 125 * Satya-bhama-jambavati-priya, 113 * Satya-samjna, 121 * Satya-sandha, 121 * Satya-vikrama, 121 * Satya-vrata, 121 * Satyabhama-priyankara, 48 * Satyavan, 121 * Satyavati-suta, 84 * Saubhagyadhika-citta, 34 * Sauri, 96 * Sesa-naga-phanalaya, 62 * Sesa-paryanka-sayana, 127 * Sindhu-sagara-sangama, 6 * Sipivista, 23 * Sitananda-kara, 36 * Siva, 11, 56, 58, 85, 91 * Sivam, 70 * Sivatama, 11 * Sivatmaka, 50 * Srestha, 94, 136 * Sreyasam, 70 * Srgala-ha, 24 * Sri-gopala, 1 * Sri-karta, 69, 85 * Sri-vaikuntha-puradhipa, 134 * Srida, 62, 85 * Srideva, 85 * Sridhama, 110 * Sriman, 13 * Srinidhi, 13, 62 * Srinivasa, 132 * Sripati, 13, 62, 85, 86 * Sriyahpati, 14 * Srngara-murti, 110 * Srsti-samraksanopaya, 110 * Stambha-jata, 125 * Su-bhru-yugala, 104 * Su-kapola-yuga, 104 * Su-lalataka, 104 * Su-vikrama, 94, 112 * Subha, 71 * Subha-darsana, 104 * Subham, 70 * Subhatmaka, 71 * Sudarsana, 24 * Suddha, 105 * Suddha-sattvika-vigraha, 119 * Sudha-sindhu, 84 * Sudhakara-kule-jata, 114 * Sudhamaya, 56 * Sukha, 62 * Suksma, 130 * Suli, 85 * Sumukha-priya, 67 * Sundara, 108 * Sura, 52 * Sura-jyestha, 44 * Sura-trata, 34 * Surarti-ghna, 95 * Surya, 52 * Susumna-marga-sancari, 129 * Sva, 70 * Svami, 126 * Svapna-vardhana, 98 * Syama, 62 * Syamantaka-mani-prajna, 66 * * Talavanoddesi, 39 * Tamasa, 55 * Tamo-ha, 52 * Tapi, 55 * Taraka, 110 * Tarakari, 34 * Tatha, 39, 54, 55 * Tattva-trayatmaka, 131 * Tejo-rasi, 139 * Tri-rami, 47 * Tri-vikrama, 105 * Trnavarta-katha-kari, 39 * Trnavartantaka, 96 * Tulasi-dama-sobhadhya, 51 * * Udara-dhi, 12 * Uddhara-karana-ksama, 71 * Ulukhali, 28 * Upendra, 126 * Utpatti-sthiti-samhara-karanam, 120 * * Vadava, 52 * Vadavanala, 52 * Vahni, 52 * Vaikuntha, 90 * Vainateya-ratha, 127 * Vaira-mardana, 111 * Vajapeya, 31 * Vali, 23 * Vamana, 27, 126 * Vamanaruha, 27 * Vamani, 27 * Vamsa-dhara, 57 * Vamsi, 57 * Vamsivata-vihari, 38 * Vamsuli, 82 * Vana-mala-vibhusana, 51 * Vanadhyaksa, 65 * Vanaja, 47 * Vanam, 65 * Vanarari, 65 * Vanasraya, 65 * Vani, 65 * Vara-dayi, 12 * Vara-grahi, 24 * Varada, 23 * Varaha-murtiman, 4 * Vardhana, 67 * Vardhana-priya, 66 * Vardhani, 66 * Vardhaniya, 66 * Vardhanya, 67 * Vardhi, 67 * Vardhinya, 67 * Vardhita, 67 * Varenya, 12 * Varidhi-bandhana, 36 * Varuna, 21, 60 * Varuni-priya, 21 * Vasudeva, 86 * Vasudeva-priyatmaja, 93 * Vasudevatmaja, 22 * Vata, 74 * Vayu-koti-maha-bala, 32 * Veda-vedya, 87 * Vedanta-vedya, 116 * Vedya-brahmanda-nayaka, 116 * Venu-vada-rata, 136 * Venu-vadya-visarada, 96 * Vibhisana-vara-prada, 35 * Vibhu, 26, 37 * Vidhata, 21 * Vidhi, 21 * Vidhu, 21, 64 * Vidhudaya, 84 * Vidvan, 23 * Vighna-nasana, 76 * Vighna-vighataka, 66 * Vijayi, 23 * Vijna, 66 * Vijnanam, 139 * Vilasi, 80 * Viloka, 57 * Vinyasta-pada-yugala, 107 * Vira, 36, 50, 60 * Vira-bahu, 76 * Vira-patni, 25 * Viradha-vadha-karaka, 48 * Viraha, 23 * Virama, 76 * Viruda, 23 * Visalaksa, 104 * Visnu, 56, 75, 90 * Visva-bharta, 69 * Visva-pujita, 52 * Visvaksena, 121 * Visvamitra-priya, 35 * Visvamurti, 132 * Visvato-mukha, 2 * Vrddha, 67 * Vrddhaka, 67 * Vrnda-natha, 53 * Vrnda-pati, 18 * Vrndapati, 13 * Vrndaraka-jana-priya, 67 * Vrndavana-cara, 96 * Vrndavana-samasraya, 136 * Vrsa, 59 * Vrsabhanu, 20 * Vrsabhanusuta-pati, 39 * Vrsakapi, 59 * Vrsasura-vighataka, 29 * Vyapaka, 138 * Vyasa, 70, 84 * Vyuharcita, 134 * * Yadavendra, 45, 112 * Yadu-vamsi, 50 * Yama, 81 * Yama-vidhayaka, 81 * Yamadi, 81 * Yamalarjuna-mukti-da, 28 * Yamana, 81 * Yami, 81 * Yamuna-tira-sancari, 109 * Yamuna-vara-data, 46 * Yamuna-vega-samhari, 26 * Yasas-trata, 25 * Yasoda-nandana, 28 * Yasoda-vatsala, 91 * Yasoda-yasa, 74 * Yogamaya-samanvita, 128 * Yogesvaresvara, 128 * Yogi, 43 * Yogi-hrt-pankajavasa, 128 * Yogini-vallabha, 56 *