Narayaniyam Ekanavatitamadasakam In English – Narayaneyam Dasakam 91

Narayaniyam Ekanavatitamadasakam in English:

॥ narayanīyaṁ ēkanavatitamadaśakam ॥

narayanīyaṁ ēkanavatitamadaśakam (91) – bhaktimahattvam ।

śrīkr̥sna tvatpadōpasanamabhayatamaṁ baddhamithyarthadr̥stē-
rmartyasyartasya manyē vyapasarati bhayaṁ yēna sarvatmanaiva ।
yattavattvatpranītaniha bhajanavidhīnasthitō mōhamargē
dhavannapyavr̥taksaḥ skhalati na kuhaciddēvadēvakhilatman ॥ 91-1 ॥

bhūman kayēna vaca muhurapi manasa tvadbalaprēritatma
yadyatkurvē samastaṁ tadiha paratarē tvayyasavarpayami ।
jatyapīha śvapakastvayi nihitamanaḥ karmavagindriyartha-
pranō viśvaṁ punītē na tu vimukhamanastvatpadadvipravaryaḥ ॥ 91-2 ॥

bhītirnama dvitīyadbhavati nanu manaḥkalpitaṁ ca dvitīyaṁ
tēnaikyabhyasaśīlō hr̥dayamiha yathaśakti buddhya nirundhyam ।
mayaviddhē tu tasminpunarapi na tatha bhati mayadhinathaṁ
taṁ tvaṁ bhaktya mahatya satatamanubhajannīśa bhītiṁ vijahyam ॥ 91-3 ॥

bhaktērutpattivr̥ddhī tava caranajusaṁ saṅgamēnaiva puṁsa-
masadyē punyabhajaṁ śriya iva jagati śrīmataṁ saṅgamēna ।
tatsaṅgō dēva bhūyanmama khalu satataṁ tanmukhadunmisadbhi-
stvanmahatmyaprakarairbhavati ca sudr̥dha bhaktiruddhūtapapa ॥ 91-4 ॥

śrēyōmargēsu bhaktavadhikabahumatirjanmakarmani bhūyō
gayanksēmani namanyapi tadubhayataḥ pradrutaṁ pradrutatma ।
udyaddhasaḥ kadacitkuhacidapi rudankvapi garjanpragaya-
nnunmadīva pranr̥tyannayi kuru karunaṁ lōkabahyaścarēyam ॥ 91-5 ॥

bhūtanyētani bhūtatmakamapi sakalaṁ paksimatsyanmr̥gadīn
martyanmitrani śatrūnapi yamitamatistvanmayanyanamani ।
tvatsēvayaṁ hi siddhyēnmama tava kr̥paya bhaktidardhyaṁ viraga-
stvattattvasyavabōdhō:’pi ca bhuvanapatē yatnabhēdaṁ vinaiva ॥ 91-6 ॥

nō muhyanksuttr̥dadyairbhavasaranibhavaistvannilīnaśayatva-
ccintasatatyaśalī nimisalavamapi tvatpadadaprakampaḥ ।
istanistēsu tustivyasanavirahitō mayikatvavabōdha-
jjyōtsnabhistvannakhēndōradhikaśiśiritēnatmana sañcarēyam ॥ 91-7 ॥

bhūtēsvēsu tvadaikyasmr̥tisamadhigatau nadhikarō:’dhuna cē-
ttvatprēma tvatkamaitrī jadamatisu kr̥pa dvitsu bhūyadupēksa ।
arcayaṁ va samarcakutukamurutaraśraddhaya vardhataṁ mē
tvatsaṁsēvī tathapi drutamupalabhatē bhaktalōkōttamatvam ॥ 91-8 ॥

avr̥tya tvatsvarūpaṁ ksitijalamarudadyatmana viksipantī
jīvanbhūyisthakarmavalivivaśagatīn duḥkhajalē ksipantī ।
tvanmaya mabhibhūnmamayi bhuvanapatē kalpatē tatpraśantyai
tvatpadē bhaktirēvētyavadadayi vibhō siddhayōgī prabuddhaḥ ॥ 91-9 ॥

duḥkhanyalōkya jantusvalamuditavivēkō:’hamacaryavarya-
llabdhva tvadrūpatattvaṁ gunacaritakathadyudbhavadbhaktibhūma ।
mayamēnaṁ taritva paramasukhamayē tvatpadē mōditahē
tasyayaṁ pūrvaraṅgaḥ pavanapurapatē naśayaśēsarōgan ॥ 91-10 ॥

iti ēkanavatitamadaśakaṁ samaptam ।

Narayaniyam Ekanavatitamadasakam Meaning:

Oh Lord Krishna, who is within all beings and the God who blesses even Devas,
I think the best remedy for removing the fear of the dying man who becomes sad imagining That things which are not there exist, is the extolling of the virtues of your feet,
For only by such devotion all sort of fears one is subjected to can be removed,
And that is the reason why the devotee who practices the method of worships,
As taught by you does not dash on anything, even if he runs due to illusion,
With closed eyes in a strange path that he is not accustomed to. ॥ 91.1 ॥

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Oh divine God, due to the directions are given by your power which is inside me,
All the acts that I do again and again either by my body or by my mind or by my words,
Are offered by me now to you and even though your devotee belongs to a lowly caste,
When he surrenders his mind, acts, words, sense organs, sensations due to them,
And his soul to you, he makes this world great and very much blessed,
But a Brahmin who is indifferent to your feet does not become blessed. ॥ 91.2 ॥

Fear is caused by a second something which is different from us and.
Is the result of the imagination of the mind and so think,
Continuously that all things are only one and,
Control as much as possible the activity of the brain and if,
In spite of it, the illusion affects the mind, control of the illusion,
Can only be done by praying to you who is immensely strong,
And oh God, I would get rid of all my fears like this. ॥ 91.3 ॥

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Similar to the company of wealthy may lead one to be wealthy,
The birth and growth of devotion can only be attained,
By the company of blessed people worshipping your feet,
And so God, please provide me the company of such devotees without break,
And hearing your greatness which emerges from their mouth,
Would remove all my sins and I would develop strong devotion towards you. ॥ 91.4 ॥

For reaching the greatest goal of salvation, among the various methods,
Is the one through devotion and in this I will hear the stories of your incarnations,
Sing your name again and again clapping my hands
Which will melt my mind quickly and some times laugh loudly,
Sometimes cry and some times shout your names wildly,
And some other times sing and sometimes jump like a mad man,
And travel away from the routine of the very ordinary people,
Oh God, shower mercy on me to help me do that. ॥ 91.5 ॥

I salute the five elements like earth, which are you yourself,
The birds, fishes, animals and others, men, relations,
Enemies and the entire universe made of these five elements,
And Oh Lord of the universe, by serving you I would get,
Firm devotion, detachment and understanding that,
The knowledge that everything that we see is yourself,
Without any effort due to your great mercy. ॥ 91.6 ॥

Due to my mind-melting and merging with you, not getting tired,
By the life on earth involving feelings like hunger and thirst,
Always meditating on you and not leaving your feet even for a second,
And understanding that likes and dislikes are created illusions,
I would travel with a pleasant mind without any sorrow or joy,
Due to the moonlight showered on me by the crescent moons of your toenails. ॥ 91.7 ॥

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Suppose I have not attained suitability to understand the fact,
That all living things in this world are nothing but you, let me have,
Devotion to you, be friendly with your devotees,
Have mercy on the dim-witted, and no enmity towards enemies,
Or at least let my enthusiasm to do worship on the idol of God,
With commitment and great attention, increase for a devotee,
Like that, I would soon get the superior position of your devotee. ॥ 91.8 ॥

Let me not be troubled by the illusion which hides your real form,
By the mirages like earth, water and air appear before me,
Which pushes beings to sorrow depending on their Karmic load,
Oh God of the universe, Sage Prabudha has told that the only way,
To conquer this illusion is the real and firm devotion to your feet. ॥ 91.9 ॥

By getting sufficient wisdom, by seeing the sufferings of living beings,
And understanding from a Guru the secret of your great form,
And by increasing devotion by hearing, telling and remembering your stories
And winning over illusion, I would enjoy the happiness of your divine feet,
As this is my first step and Oh Lord of Guruvayur, please cure my diseases. ॥ 91.10 ॥

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