Narayaniyam Satcatvarimsadasakam In English – Narayaneyam Dasakam 46

Narayaniyam Satcatvarimsadasakam in English:

॥ narayanīyaṁ satcatvariṁśadaśakam ॥

narayanīyaṁ satcatvariṁśadaśakam (46) – viśvarūpadarśanam

ayi dēva pura kila tvayi svayamuttanaśayē stanandhayē ।
parijr̥ṁbhanatō vyapavr̥tē vadanē viśvamacasta vallavī ॥ 46-1 ॥

punarapyatha balakaiḥ samaṁ tvayi līlaniratē jagatpatē ।
phalasañcayavañcanakr̥dha tava mr̥dbhōjanamūcurarbhakaḥ ॥ 46-2 ॥

ayi tē pralayavadhau vibhō ksititōyadisamastabhaksinaḥ ।
mr̥dupaśanatō ruja bhavēditi bhīta jananī cukōpa sa ॥ 46-3 ॥

ayi durvinayatmaka tvaya kimu mr̥tsa bata vatsa bhaksita ।
iti matr̥giraṁ ciraṁ vibhō vitathaṁ tvaṁ pratijajñisē hasan ॥ 46-4 ॥

ayi tē sakalairviniścitē vimatiścēdvadanaṁ vidaryatam ।
iti matr̥vibhartsitō mukhaṁ vikasatpadmanibhaṁ vyadarayaḥ ॥ 46-5 ॥

api mr̥llavadarśanōtsukaṁ jananīṁ taṁ bahu tarpayanniva ।
pr̥thivīṁ nikhilaṁ na kēvalaṁ bhuvananyapyakhilanyadīdr̥śaḥ ॥ 46-6 ॥

kuhacidvanamaṁbudhiḥ kvacit kvacidabhraṁ kuhacidrasatalam ।
manuja danujaḥ kvacitsura dadr̥śē kiṁ na tada tvadananē ॥ 46-7 ॥

kalaśaṁbudhiśayinaṁ punaḥ paravaikunthapadadhivasinam ।
svapuraśca nijarbhakatmakaṁ katidha tvaṁ na dadarśa sa mukhē ॥ 46-8 ॥

vikasadbhuvanē mukhōdarē nanu bhūyō:’pi tathavidhananaḥ ।
anaya sphutamīksitō bhavananavasthaṁ jagataṁ batatanōt ॥ 46-9 ॥

dhr̥tatattvadhiyaṁ tada ksanaṁ jananīṁ taṁ pranayēna mōhayan ।
stanamaṁba diśētyupasajan bhagavannadbhutabala pahi mam ॥ 46-10 ॥

See Also  Chidambareswara Stotram In English

iti satcatvariṁśadaśakaṁ samaptam ।

Narayaniyam Satcatvarimsadasakam Meaning:

Oh God once, when you were sucking and drinking milk,
From your mother, lying flatly on her open lap,
You broke into a yawn and the Gopi who was your mother,
Happened to see the entire universe inside your mouth. ॥ 46.1 ॥

Oh Lord of the universe, at another time,
When you were playing with your friends,
You deceived them while gathering fruits,
And they went and complained to your mother that you ate mud. ॥ 46.2 ॥

Oh God, felling that you who have made all the earth and water,
Inside you at the time of the great deluge,
Would become sick by eating little mud,
Your mother became very angry with you. ॥ 46.3 ॥

When your mother asked you with concern,
“Hey kid who puts on an act of obedience,
So you have eaten mud, in spite of my telling you,”,
Oh God, you smilingly kept silent,
Making her feel that her anger is without any effect. ॥ 46.4 ॥

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Then when your mother being upset chided you,
“Little one, if you do not agree with,
What all these children are telling with certainty,
Please open your mouth, let us see.”
And without any hesitation, you opened,
Your mouth which was like, a just opening lotus flower. ॥ 46.5 ॥

Possibly with an idea of satisfying the curiosity of your mother,
Who was minutely examining your mouth for traces of mud,
You not only showed her this entire earth,
But also the universe consisting of all worlds. ॥ 46.6 ॥

She saw in your open mouth, in one place forests,
In another place sea, yet another place the sky,
In yet another place nether world, men asuras and devas,
And there was nothing that she was not able to see in your mouth,
For all the fourteen worlds and their things were there. ॥ 46.7 ॥

In your mouth again she saw you as the one,
Who sleeps in the ocean of milk,
As the divine one who lived in Vaikunta,
And also you as a baby just standing in front of her.
And was there any form of yours that she did not see there? ॥ 46.8 ॥

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Seeing in your mouth the entire unfolding universe,
She also saw you clearly standing with an open mouth in front of her,
And this clearly explained to her that,
All this world is limitless and temporary. ॥ 46.9 ॥

Then, when for a second she returned to the world of realty,
You charmed her with the very affectionate illusion,
And asked from her more milk and lay on her lap,
And Oh wonderful child, please take care of me. ॥ 46.10 ॥

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