Nirvana Shatakam Stotra In Sanskrit

Adi Shankaracharya has composed Nirvana Shatakam Stotram. Shatakam is a Sanskrit word that means Six and the Nirvana Shatkam Sloka comprises of Six Stanzas. Nirvanasatakam Stotram repeats the word “Shivoham” which means “I am Shiva”. Nirvaana Shatkam / Nirvana Shatkam was written by Annamacharya Adi Shankaracharya.

॥ Nirvana Shatakam Stotra Sanskrit Lyrics ॥

॥ निर्वाण षटकम्॥
मनो बुद्ध्यहंकारचित्तानि नाहम् न च श्रोत्र जिह्वे न च घ्राण नेत्रे
न च व्योम भूमिर् न तेजॊ न वायु: चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवॊऽहम् ॥

न च प्राण संज्ञो न वै पञ्चवायु: न वा सप्तधातुर् न वा पञ्चकोश:
न वाक्पाणिपादौ न चोपस्थपायू चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवॊऽहम् ॥

न मे द्वेष रागौ न मे लोभ मोहौ मदो नैव मे नैव मात्सर्य भाव:
न धर्मो न चार्थो न कामो ना मोक्ष: चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवॊऽहम् ॥

न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दु:खम् न मन्त्रो न तीर्थं न वेदा: न यज्ञा:
अहं भोजनं नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवॊऽहम् ॥

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न मृत्युर् न शंका न मे जातिभेद: पिता नैव मे नैव माता न जन्म
न बन्धुर् न मित्रं गुरुर्नैव शिष्य: चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवॊऽहम् ॥

अहं निर्विकल्पॊ निराकार रूपॊ विभुत्वाच्च सर्वत्र सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम्
न चासंगतं नैव मुक्तिर् न मेय: चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवॊऽहम् ॥

॥ Nirvana Shatakam Stotra Meaning ॥

I do not mind, nor intellect, nor ego, nor the reflections of inner self. I am not the five senses. I am beyond that. I am not the ether, nor the earth, nor the fire, nor the wind (i.e. the five elements). I am true, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness.

Neither can I be termed as energy (Praana), nor five types of breath (Vaayu), nor the seven material essences (dhaatu), nor the five coverings (panca-kosha). Neither am I the five instruments of elimination, procreation, motion, grasping, or speaking. I am true, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness.

I have no hatred or dislike, nor affiliation or liking, nor greed, nor delusion, nor pride or haughtiness, nor feelings of envy or jealousy. I have no duty (dharma), nor any money, nor any desire (refer: kama), nor even liberation (refer: moksha). I am true, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness.

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I have neither virtue (punya), nor vice (paapa). I do not commit sins or good deeds, nor have happiness or sorrow, pain or pleasure. I do not need mantras, holy places, scriptures, rituals or sacrifices (yajna). I am none of the triad of the observer or one who experiences the process of observing or experiencing, or any object being observed or experienced. I am true, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness.

I do not have fear of death, as I do not have death. I have no separation from my true self, no doubt about my existence, nor have I discriminated on the basis of birth. I have no father or mother, nor did I have a birth. I am not the relative, nor the friend, nor the guru, nor the disciple. I am true, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness.

I am all-pervasive. I am without any attributes and without any form. I have neither attachment to the world, nor to liberation. I have no wishes for anything because I am everything, everywhere, every time, always in equilibrium. I am true, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness.

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– Chant Stotra in Other Languages –

Nirvana Shatakam in Sanskrit – EnglishBengaliGujaratiMarathiKannadaMalayalamTeluguTamil