Sri Adi Shankaracharya 108 Names In English

॥ Sri Adi Shankaracharya 108 Names English Lyrics & Meaning॥

॥ srisankaracaryastottarasatanamastotram ॥
srisankaracaryavaryo brahmanandapradayakah ।
ajnanatimiradityassujnanambudhicandramah ॥ 1 ॥
Sri Sankaracharya, the bestower of Brahmic bliss, shines like the moon rising over the sea, dispelling ignorance.

varnasramapratisthata srimanmuktipradayakah ।
sisyopadesanirato bhaktabhistapradayakah ॥ 2 ॥
He has firmly established the institution of Varanasrama. Ever engaged in instructing his disciples, he fulfills the desires of his devotees and confers liberation.

suksmatattvarahasyajnah karyakaryaprabodhakah ।
jnanamudrancitakaras-sisyahrttapaharakah ॥ 3 ॥
A knower of profundities of wisdom, he holds chin mudra, the symbol of wisdom in his hand, and instructs the devotees about the ordained and prohibited acts.

parivrajasramoddharta sarvatantrasvatantradhih ।
advaitasthapanacaryassaksacchankararupabhrt ॥ 4 ॥
An uplifter of the order of Sannyasis, he has unfettered sway over Tantric lore. An incarnation of Siva, he has established the tenets of Advaita.

sanmatasthapanacaryastrayimarga prakasakah ।
vedavedantatattvajno durvadimatakhandanah ॥ 5 ॥
Having initiated six modes of worship, he has shed light on the vedic path. A knower of subtleties of Vedas and Vedanta, he has refuted the doctrines of false religions.

vairagyaniratassantassamsararnavatarakah ।
prasannavadanambhojah paramarthaprakasakah ॥ 6 ॥
Dispassionate, peaceful, serene, a navigator for the struggling souls in the samsaric sea, he illuminates the ultimate truth.

puranasmrtisarajno nityatrpto mahanchucih ।
nityanando niratanko nissango nirmalatmakah ॥ 7 ॥
The unattached blemishless master, ever content, of absolute purity, having known the essence of Puranas and Smritis, is ever in untrammelled bliss.

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nirmamo nirahankaro visvavandyapadambujah ।
sattvapradhanassadbhavassankhyatitagunojjvalah ॥ 8 ॥
He is devoid of “I”ness and “mine”ness. His lotus feet are worshipped by all. He is full of sattva. He shines with myriad qualities of head and heart.

anaghassarahrdayassudhisarasvatapradah ।
satyatma punyasilasca sankhyayogavilaksanah ॥ 9 ॥
He is sinless, wise and high souled. He is the bestower of eloquence. He is truthful, meritorious, and a knower of yoga and sankhya.

taporasir mahatejo gunatrayavibhagavit ।
kalighnah kalakarmajnastamogunanivarakah ॥ 10 ॥
A store house of tapas; effulgent; the discriminator of sattva, rajas, and tamas; timeless, knower of timely actions, and dispeller of tamas which deludes all.

bhagavanbharatijeta saradahvanapanditah ।
dharmadharmavibhavajno laksyabhedapradarsakah ॥ 11 ॥
He is the Bhagavan who has won over Bharati, wife of Mandana Misra. He invited Sarada to stay in Sringeri. He knows the demarcations between dharma / adharma. He shows the way to realisation.

nadabindukalabhijno yogihrtpadmabhaskarah ।
atindriyajnananidhirnityanityavivekavan ॥ 12 ॥
He is the knower of nada, bindu and kala. He shines as the sun, in the lotus hearts of the yogins. He is a strore house of supersensory knowledge. He is a discriminator of the eternal and ephemeral.

cidanandascinmayatma parkayapravesakrt ।
amanusacaritradhyah ksemadayi ksamakarah ॥ 13 ॥
A reveller in pure conciousness, he knows the art of entering other’s bodies. Cast in superhuman in mould, he is a bestower of felicity. He is forgiving.

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bhavyo bhadraprado bhuri mahima visvaranjakah ।
svaprakasassadadharo visvabandhussubhodayah ॥ 14 ॥
He confers auspiciousness. The excellent one of expansive glory, he gives joy to all. He is self luminous. He is a support to the holy. He is a universal friend and harbinger of felicity.

visalakirtirvagisassarvalokahitotsukah ।
kailasayatrasampraptacandramauliprapujakah ॥ 15 ॥
Of great fame, eloquent and a well-wisher of all, he brought Chandra-moulisvara from Kailas for worship.

kancyam sricakrarajakhyayantrasthapanadiksitah ।
sricakratmaka tatanka tositamba manorathah ॥ 16 ॥
He has installed a Sri Chakra in Kanchi and pleased with the Divine Mother by giving her earrings in the form of Sri Chakra.

brahmasutropanisadbhasyadigranthakalpakah ।
caturdikcaturamnayapratisthata mahamatih ॥ 17 ॥
He has authored the commentary on Vyasa’s Brahma Sutras. In four directions, he has established four great seats of learning.

dvisaptati matocchetta sarvadigvijayaprabhuh ।
kasayavasanopeto bhasmoddhuḷitavigrahah ॥ 18 ॥
Having uprooted false religions, he has achieved victory in all directions. Clad in ochre robe, he is smeared with ashes.

jnanatmakaikadandadhyah kamandalulasatkarah ।
gurubhumandalacaryo bhagavatpadasamjnakah ॥ 19 ॥
He has a staff of wisdom in one hand and a water pot on the other. He is a teacher of teachers, known as Bhagavatpada.

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vyasasandarsanapritah rsyasrngapuresvarah ।
saundaryalaharimukhyabahustotravidhayakah ॥ 20 ॥
He rejoiced when he saw sage Vyasa. He is the ruler of Sringeri and has composed several hymns such as Soundaryalahari.

catussastikalabhijno brahmaraksasaposakah ।
srimanmandanamisrakhyasvambhujayasannutah ॥ 21 ॥
He is an adept in the 64 arts. He gave liberation to a brahma rakshasa. He has been extolled as the victor over Mandana Misra alias Svayambhu.

totakacaryasampujya padmapadarcitanghrikah ।
hastamalayogindra brahmajnanapradayakah ॥ 22 ॥
He is worshipped by Totakacharya. Padmapada worshipped his feet. He bestowed Brahmajnana on the doyen yogin, Hastamalaka.

suresvarakhya sacchisya sanyasasrama dayakah ।
nrsimhabhaktassadratnagarbhaherambapujakah ॥ 23 ॥
He gave sannyasa diksha to his excellent disciple Suresvara. He is a devotee of Nrisimha. He worships Ratnagarbha Ganapati.

vyakhyasimhasanadhiso jagatpujyo jagadguruh ।
iti srimacchankaracaryasarvalokaguroh param ॥ 24 ॥
He is the world teacher, revered by all people. He has ascended the Vyakhyana Simhasana. He is Sankaracharya, the supreme teacher.

namnamastottarasatam bhuktimuktiphalapradam ।
trisandhyam yah pathedbhaktya sarvankamanavapnuyat ॥

iti srimacchankaracaryastottarasatanamastotram ॥

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