Narayaniyam Pancapancasattamadasakam In English – Narayaneyam Dasakam 55

Narayaniyam Pancapancasattamadasakam in English:

॥ narayanīyaṁ pañcapañcaśattamadaśakam ॥

narayanīyaṁ pañcapañcaśattamadaśakam (55) – kaliyanartanam

atha varini ghōrataraṁ phaninaṁ
prativarayituṁ kr̥tadhīrbhagavan ।
drutamaritha tīraganīpataruṁ
visamarutaśōsitaparnacayam ॥ 55-1 ॥

adhiruhya padaṁburuhēna ca taṁ
navapallavatulyamanōjñaruca ।
hradavarini dūrataraṁ nyapataḥ
parighūrnitaghōrataraṅgaganē ॥ 55-2 ॥

bhuvanatrayabharabhr̥tō bhavatō
gurubharavikampivijr̥ṁbhijala ।
parimajjayati sma dhanuḥśatakaṁ
tatinī jhatiti sphutaghōsavatī ॥ 55-3 ॥

atha diksu vidiksu pariksubhita-
bhramitōdaravarininadabharaiḥ ।
stvadupantamaśantarusandhamanaḥ ॥ 55-4 ॥

jvaladagnikanōgravisaṁbudharam ।
purataḥ phaninaṁ samalōkayatha
bahuśr̥ṅginamañjanaśailamiva ॥ 55-5 ॥

śvasanōsmabharaḥ sa mahabhujagaḥ ।
paridaśya bhavantamanantabalaṁ
samavēstayadasphutacēstamahō ॥ 55-6 ॥ [** parivēstaya **]

avilōkya bhavantamathakulitē
tatagamini balakadhēnuganē ।
samudīksya gata yamunaṁ paśupaḥ ॥ 55-7 ॥

akhilēsu vibhō bhavadīya daśa-
mavalōkya jihasusu jīvabharam ।
phanibandhanamaśu vimucya java-
dudagamyata hasajusa bhavata ॥ 55-8 ॥

adhiruhya tataḥ phanirajaphanan
nanr̥tē bhavata mr̥dupadaruca ।
tkarakaṅkanasaṅkulasaṅkvanitam ॥ 55-9 ॥

jahr̥suḥ paśupastutusurmunayō
vavr̥suḥ kusumani surēndraganaḥ ।
tvayi nr̥tyati marutagēhapatē
paripahi sa maṁ tvamadantagadat ॥ 55-10 ॥

iti pañcapañcattamadaśakaṁ samaptam ।

Narayaniyam Pancapancasattamadasakam Meaning:

Oh Lord, Then you have decided to send away Kaliya,
From the waters of Kalindhi you speedily went near the Kadamba tree,
Which was situated near the banks of the river Kalindhi,
Whose leaves had all got dried up due to the poisonous fumes. ॥ 55.1 ॥

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You then climbed the tree using feet which are soft like tender leaves,
And jumped into the river which was tumultuous with its waves,
And went very deep into those dreadful waters. ॥ 55.2 ॥

Due to the weight of your body which carries all the three worlds,
The water in the river went into deep turbulence,
And rose up making horrendous sound,
And drowned one hundred bow distance of the shore. ॥ 55.3 ॥

Afterward hearing the great sound made by the water,
Which swirled and agitated causing turbulence,
Kaliya who lost his wisdom due to uncontrollable anger,
Rose up from the river water and approached you. ॥ 55.4 ॥

You saw in front of you that Kaliya, who was spitting,
The poisonous liquid which looked like the raging fire,
From his thousand hoods, and he appeared like
the Anjana mountain with very many peaks. ॥ 55.5 ॥

That Kaliya who was spitting the horrible poisonous fire,
Along with eyes burning out of anger bit you in several places,
You, who is extraordinarily powerful, and finding you not bothered,
Alas wrapped himself around you so that you cannot move. ॥ 55.6 ॥

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After this, when being not able to see you,
The Gopa boys and cows who were on the shore,
Stood sorrowing for you and due to bad omens,
In their homes, Nanda Gopal and others reached the bank of Kalindhi. ॥ 55.7 ॥

Oh Lord, all of them seeing your very pitiable state,
Decided to give up their lives and seeing which,
You freed yourself from the clutches of the snake,
And rose up from the water adorned with a smile. ॥ 55.8 ॥

Then you climbed on the hood of the king of serpents,
With your feet which showered pretty light all around,
And started dancing there to the accompaniment,
Of the sound of the tinkling bells in your anklets,
And keeping beats with the bangles of your hand. ॥ 55.9 ॥

Oh Lord of Guruvayur, the Gopas became happy,
When you started dancing on the hoods,
And the sages also became happy,
The Devas showered flowers from the sky,
And Oh God who is like that please cure me of the disease. ॥ 55.10 ॥

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