Narayaniyam Ekatrimsadasakam In English – Narayaneyam Dasakam 31

Narayaniyam Ekatrimsadasakam in English:

॥ narayanīyaṁ ēkatriṁśadaśakam ॥

narayanīyaṁ ēkatriṁśadaśakam (31) – balidarpaharanam

prītya daityastava tanumahaḥprēksanatsarvatha:’pi
tvamaradhyannajita racayannañjaliṁ sañjagada ।
mattaḥ kiṁ tē samabhilasitaṁ viprasūnō vada tvaṁ
vittaṁ bhaktaṁ bhavanamavanīṁ vapi sarvaṁ pradasyē ॥ 31-1 ॥
[** pathabhēdaḥ – vyaktaṁ bhaktaṁ bhuvanamavanīṁ **]

tamaksīnaṁ baligiramupakarnya karunyapūrnō:’-
pyasyōtsēkaṁ śamayitumana daityavaṁśaṁ praśaṁsan ।
bhūmiṁ padatrayaparimitaṁ prarthayamasitha tvaṁ
sarvaṁ dēhīti tu nigaditē kasya hasyaṁ na va syat ॥ 31-2 ॥

viśvēśaṁ maṁ tripadamiha kiṁ yacasē baliśastvaṁ
sarvaṁ bhūmiṁ vr̥nu kimamunētyalapattvaṁ sa dr̥pyan ।
yasmaddarpattripadaparipūrtyaksamaḥ ksēpavadan
bandhaṁ casavagamadatadarhō:’pi gadhōpaśantyai ॥ 31-3 ॥

padatrayya yadi na muditō vistapairnapi tusyē-
dityuktē:’sminvarada bhavatē datukamē:’tha tōyam ।
daityacaryastava khalu parīksarthinaḥ prēranattaṁ
ma ma dēyaṁ harirayamiti vyaktamēvababhasē ॥ 31-4 ॥

yacatyēvaṁ yadi sa bhagavanpūrnakamō:’smi sō:’haṁ
dasyamyēva sthiramiti vadan kavyaśaptō:’pi daityaḥ ।
vindhyavalya nijadayitaya dattapadyaya tubhyaṁ
citraṁ citraṁ sakalamapi sa prarpayattōyapūrvam ॥ 31-5 ॥

nissandēhaṁ ditikulapatau tvayyaśēsarpanaṁ tad-
vyatanvanē mumucurr̥sayaḥ samaraḥ puspavarsam ।
divyaṁ rūpaṁ tava ca tadidaṁ paśyataṁ viśvabhaja-
muccairuccairavr̥dhadavadhīkr̥tya viśvandabhandam ॥ 31-6 ॥

tvatpadagraṁ nijapadagataṁ pundarīkōdbhavō:’sau
kundītōyairasicadapunadyajjalaṁ viśvalōkan ।
harsōtkarsatsubahu nanr̥tē khēcarairutsavē:’smin
bhērīṁ nighnan bhuvanamacarajjaṁbavan bhaktiśalī ॥ 31-7 ॥

tavaddaityastvanumatimr̥tē bharturarabdhayuddha
dēvōpētairbhavadanucaraissaṅgata bhaṅgamapan ।
kalatmayaṁ vasati puratō yadvaśatpragjitaḥ smaḥ
kiṁ vō yuddhairiti baligira tē:’tha patalamapuḥ ॥ 31-8 ॥

paśairbaddhaṁ patagapatina daityamuccairavadī-
startīyīkaṁ diśa mama padaṁ kiṁ na viśvēśvarō:’si ।
padaṁ mūrdhni pranaya bhagavannityakampaṁ vadantaṁ
prahladastaṁ svayamupagatō manayannastavīttvam ॥ 31-9 ॥

darpōcchittyai vihitamakhilaṁ daitya siddhō:’si punyai-
rlōkastē:’stu tridivavijayī vasavatvaṁ ca paścat ।
matsayujyaṁ bhaja ca punarityanvagr̥hna baliṁ taṁ
vipraissantanitamakhavaraḥ pahi vatalayēśa ॥ 31-10 ॥

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iti ēkatriṁśadaśakaṁ samaptam ॥

Narayaniyam Ekatrimsadasakam Meaning:

Oh Lord who cannot be defeated by anyone,
Seeing the splendorous light of your body,
That asura became happy and with an idea,
Of satisfying you and making you happy,
With folded arms told you,
“What do you desire from me?, Oh son of a Brahmin,
If you ask me for money or food or house or land,
I can assure you that I will satisfy your request.” ॥ 31.1 ॥

When you heard the words of Maha Bali,
Indicating his great power and riches,
Though you were full of mercy,
With an aim to destroy his pride,
You first praised the asura clan,
And requested for three feet of land,
For if you ask for all the land,
Would you not become a laughing stock? ॥ 31.2 ॥

Mahabali swollen with great pride asked you,
“Why are you asking for only three feet of land,
From me who the lord of the entire universe?
You are childish because you can demand the entire world,
What is the use of this small land that you are asking”
It was this pride which later made Maha Bali,
Not even able to give the three feet that was asked for,
And for getting rid of his pride, Maha Bali,
Had to suffer chastising words as well as imprisonment,
Even though he did not really merit them? ॥ 31.3 ॥

When you told him that a person who will not be satisfied,
By three feet of land, will not be satisfied even if he gets the entire universe,
Mahabali got ready to give you the three feet and took water in his hands,
And then Oh Lord who blesses, with an intention of testing him,
You induced sage Shukra to openly say “Do not give, Do not give,
For this is Lord Hari, who takes away everything.” ॥ 31.4 ॥

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Then the emperor of Asuras strongly told,
“If it is indeed Lord Vishnu himself who is begging me,
I have reached complete fulfillment of all my desires,
And I would definitely give it to him, with happiness.”,
And then though sage Shukra cursed him,
With the water given by his wife Vindhyavali,
He gave everything to you along with water, What a great surprise. ॥ 31.5 ॥

When The King of asuras without any apprehension,
Gave all that he owns to you, devas and sages caused a flower rain,
And in the sight of everybody, your divine form,
Went on growing up to the cosmos and grew beyond. ॥ 31.6 ॥

That Brahma washed the top of your feet that reached his world,
With the water kept in his sacred bowl, and that water,
Was the one that purified all the world* and due to their joy,
Devas and Gandharvas danced and the drum was played,
By your great devotee Jambhavan, who went around the world. ॥ 31.7 ॥
*Became river Ganges

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Oh God, then the asuras started a war without the consent of Bali,
And they were defeated easily by your attendants who came there suddenly,
And then you told the asuras that you are the embodiment of time,
And yy whose blessing only they had earlier won in wars,
And also told them that their war was absolutely useless,
And obeying you they all left for Patala. ॥ 31.8 ॥

Facing Maha Bali who was tied by the ropes of Varuna,
Brought there by the lord of all birds, you told,
“Since you are the Lord of the world give me the third step,”
And when without hesitation or fear Maha Bali told you,
“Oh God, keep your holy feet on my head,”
Lord Prahlada himself came himself and prayed to you. ॥ 31.9 ॥

You blessed Maha Bali, by saying “All that I have done was aimed,
At destroying your pride Oh Lord of Asuras,
And due to your good deeds, you have achieved everything,
And let you get a world which is much greater than heaven,
And later let you come and merge with me,”
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, you who got completed,
The Yaga done by Maha Bali through Shukra and others protects me. ॥ 31.10 ॥

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