Narayaniyam Saptamadasakam In English – Narayaneeyam Dasakam 7

Narayaniyam Saptamadasakam in English:

॥ narayanīyaṁ saptamadaśakam ॥

narayanīyaṁ saptamadaśakam (7) – brahmanaḥ janma, tapaḥ tatha vaikunthadarśanam

ēvaṁ dēva caturdaśatmakajagadrūpēna jataḥ puna-
stasyōrdhvaṁ khalu satyalōkanilayē jatō:’si dhata svayam ।
yaṁ śaṁsanti hiranyagarbhamakhilatrailōkyajīvatmakaṁ
yō:’bhūt sphītarajōvikaravikasannanasisr̥ksarasaḥ ॥ 7-1 ॥

sō:’yaṁ viśvavisargadattahr̥dayaḥ sampaśyamanaḥ svayaṁ
bōdhaṁ khalvanavapya viśvavisayaṁ cintakulastasthivan ।
tavattvaṁ jagatampatē tapa tapētyēvaṁ hi vaihayasīṁ
vanīmēnamaśiśravaḥ śrutisukhaṁ kurvaṁstapaḥprēranam ॥ 7-2 ॥

kō:’sau mamavadatpumaniti jalapūrnē jaganmandalē
diksūdvīksya kimapyanīksitavata vakyarthamutpaśyata ।
divyaṁ varsasahasramattatapasa tēna tvamaradhita-
stasmai darśitavanasi svanilayaṁ vaikunthamēkadbhutam ॥ 7-3 ॥

maya yatra kadapi nō vikurutē bhatē jagadbhyō bahi-
śśōkakrōdhavimōhasadhvasamukha bhavastu dūraṁ gataḥ ।
sandranandajharī ca yatra paramajyōtiḥprakaśatmakē
tattē dhama vibhavitaṁ vijayatē vaikuntharūpaṁ vibhō ॥ 7-4 ॥

yasminnama caturbhuja harimaniśyamavadatatvisō
nanabhūsanaratnadīpitadiśō rajadvimanalayaḥ ।
bhaktipraptatathavidhōnnatapada dīvyanti divya jana-
stattē dhama nirastasarvaśamalaṁ vaikuntharūpaṁ jayēt ॥ 7-5 ॥

nanadivyavadhūjanairabhivr̥ta vidyullatatulyaya
viśvōnmadanahr̥dyagatralataya vidyōtitaśantara ।
tvatpadaṁbujasaurabhaikakutukallaksmīḥ svayaṁ laksyatē
yasmin vismayanīyadivyavibhavaṁ tattē padaṁ dēhi mē ॥ 7-6 ॥

tatraivaṁ pratidarśitē nijapadē ratnasanadhyasitaṁ
bhasvatkōtilasatkirītakatakadyakalpadīprakr̥ti ।
śrīvatsaṅkitamattakaustubhamanicchayarunaṁ karanaṁ
viśvēsaṁ tava rūpamaiksata vidhistattē vibhō bhatu mē ॥ 7-7 ॥

kalaṁbhōdakalayakōmalarucīcakrēna cakraṁ diśa-
mavr̥nvanamudaramandahasitasyandaprasannananam ।
srastustustikaraṁ vapustava vibhō madrōgamudvasayēt ॥ 7-8 ॥

dr̥stva saṁbhr̥tasaṁbhramaḥ kamalabhūstvatpadapathōruhē
harsavēśavaśaṁvadō nipatitaḥ prītya kr̥tarthībhavan ।
janasyēva manīsitaṁ mama vibhō jñanaṁ tadapadaya
dvaitadvaitabhavatsvarūpaparamityacasta taṁ tvaṁ bhajē ॥ 7-9 ॥

atamrē caranē vinamramatha taṁ hastēna hastē spr̥śan
bōdhastē bhavita na sargavidhibirbandhō:’pi sañjayatē ।
ityabhasya giraṁ pratōsya nitaraṁ taccittagūdhaḥ svayaṁ
sr̥stau taṁ samudairayaḥ sa bhagavannullasayōllaghatam ॥ 7-10 ॥

See Also  Jwara Hara Stotram In English

iti saptamadaśakaṁ samaptam ।

Narayaniyam Saptamadasakam Meaning:

Oh God, you who exhibited yourself in the form of fourteen worlds,
Later on your own accord, you presented yourself in the top of it, in the Sathya Loka,
As Lord Brahma, the creator and you were called the Hiranya Garbha,
Who is the soul of Virat Purusha formed by merging of the three worlds,
And that Hiranya Garbha, due to an increase of Rajo guna wanted to start the creation. ॥ 7.1 ॥

That Brahma made attempts for creation, but since he did not know,
Anything about the universe became very pensive and very sad.
Oh Lord of the universe, then you egged him to do penance,
And whispered to him “Do Thapas, do Thapas” as the voice of the sky. ॥ 7.2 ॥

He in turned searched all over the world which was completely filled with water,
Asking “Who told me thus?”, and when he could not find anyone,
Thought about the meaning of the words that he was told,
And when he did penance and served you for one thousand divine years*,
You showed Brahma the very wonderful world of Vaikunta where you live. ॥ 7.3 ॥
*360 human years is one divine year.

Oh Lord, in that world, which is on the outside of this world,
The feeling of high and low never arises, and that great world,
Is devoid of emotions like sorrow, anger, fear and timidity,
And in the greatly shining world, there is a constant flow of divine joy,
And may that Vaikunta which is your residence outshine everything else. ॥ 7.4 ॥

See Also  Sri Siva Sahasranama Stotram – Poorva Peetika In English

In that land of Vaikunta divine souls with four arms,
With the divine glow of blue sapphire,
Adorned with various types of ornaments,
Live and play in greatly shining aerial planes,
Where they have reached as a result of their very great devotion
And let that immaculate abode of yours be victorious. ॥ 7.5 ॥

Served and surrounded by various celestial maidens, Goddess Lakshmi,
Who is like the streak of lightning tempting every one and who is very pretty,
Is seen making all directions shine and enamored with the pleasant scent,
Of your lotus like feet and let me be given chance to live in that wonderful world. ॥ 7.6 ॥

In that land shown by you, Lord Brahma saw you sitting on a gem-studded throne,
Along with the crown and ornaments shining like the solar system,
And along with the Sri Vathsa symbol on your chest and Kousthubha gem on your neck,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, let me able to clearly see that form of yours. ॥ 7.7 ॥

See Also  Sri Radha Varashtakam In English

Oh Lord, let that form of yours which gave joy and happiness to Brahma,
Which shines like the dark blue cloud as well as the blue lotus flower,
And covers all directions, which has a pretty ever-smiling face,
And which has four hands holding conch, mace, wheel and lotus flower,
Shine in my mind and completely cure me of all diseases. ॥ 7.8 ॥

Seeing your great presence, nervously Lord Brahma,
Became extremely happy and saluted at your lotus like feet,
And then with great happiness and thankfulness, he asked,
“I worship you, Oh Lord and you well know my desire and so please bless me,
With complete knowledge of this universe as well as your divine form.”. ॥ 7.9 ॥

And then he fell at your reddish feet in salutation, and you lifted him up,
And told “I would give you that knowledge and I assure you that,
There would not be any more problems in the job of creation.”
And then you hid in the mind of Brahma,
And encouraged him to start the job of creation,
And Oh God bless me with good health. ॥ 7.10 ॥

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