Narayaniyam Sodasadasakam In English – Narayaneeyam Dasakam 16

Narayaniyam Sodasadasakam in English:

॥ narayanīyaṁ sōdaśadaśakam ॥

narayanīyaṁ sōdaśadaśakam (16) – naranarayanavataraṁ tatha daksayagaḥ

daksō viriñcatanayō:’tha manōstanūjaṁ
labdhva prasūtimiha sōdaśa capa kanyaḥ ।
dharmē trayōdaśa dadau pitr̥su svadhaṁ ca
svahaṁ havirbhuji satīṁ giriśē tvadaṁśē ॥ 16-1 ॥

mūrtirhi dharmagr̥hinī susuvē bhavantaṁ
narayanaṁ narasakhaṁ mahitanubhavam ।
yajjanmani pramuditaḥ kr̥tatūryaghōsaḥ
puspōtkaranpravavr̥surnunuvuḥ suraughaḥ ॥ 16-2 ॥

daityaṁ sahasrakavacaṁ kavacaiḥ parītaṁ
sahasravatsaratapassamarabhilavyaiḥ ।
paryayanirmitatapassamarau bhavantau
śistaikakaṅkatamamuṁ nyahataṁ salīlam ॥ 16-3 ॥

anvacarannupadiśannapi mōksadharmaṁ
tvaṁ bhratr̥man badarikaśramamadhyavatsīḥ ।
śakrō:’tha tē śamatapōbalanissahatma
divyaṅganaparivr̥taṁ prajighaya maram ॥ 16-4 ॥

kamō vasantamalayanilabandhuśalī
kantakataksaviśikhairvikasadvilasaiḥ ।
vidhyanmuhurmuhurakampamudīksya ca tvaṁ
bhītastvayatha jagadē mr̥duhasabhaja ॥ 16-5 ॥

bhītyalamaṅgaja vasanta suraṅgana vō
manmanasantviha jusudhvamiti bruvanaḥ ।
tvaṁ vismayēna paritaḥ stuvatamathaisaṁ
pradarśayaḥ svaparicarakakataraksīḥ ॥ 16-6 ॥

sammōhanaya milita madanadayastē
tvaddasikaparimalaiḥ kila mōhamapuḥ ।
dattaṁ tvaya ca jagr̥hustrapayaiva sarva-
svarvasigarvaśamanīṁ punarurvaśīṁ tam ॥ 16-7 ॥

dr̥stvōrvaśīṁ tava kathaṁ ca niśamya śakraḥ
paryakulō:’jani bhavanmahimavamarśat ।
ēvaṁ praśantaramanīyataravatara-
ttvattō:’dhikō varada kr̥snatanustvamēva ॥ 16-8 ॥

daksastu dhaturatilalanaya rajō:’ndhō
natyadr̥tastvayi ca kastamaśantirasīt ।
yēna vyarundha sa bhavattanumēva śarvaṁ
yajñē ca vairapiśunē svasutaṁ vyamanīt ॥ 16-9 ॥

kruddhē śamarditamakhaḥ sa tu kr̥ttaśīrsō
dēvaprasaditaharadatha labdhajīvaḥ ।
tvatpūritakratuvaraḥ punarapa śantiṁ
sa tvaṁ praśantikara pahi marutpurēśa ॥ 16-10 ॥

See Also  Sri Dattatreya Karunatripadi In English

iti sōdaśadaśakaṁ samaptam ॥

Narayaniyam Sodasadasakam Meaning:

Daksha Prajapathi, the son of Brahma married Prasoothi,
Who was the daughter of Swayambhuva Manu and begot,
Sixteen daughters and out of them he gave thirteen of them,
In marriage to Dharma deva, daughter Swadha to the manes,
Daughter Swaha to fire God and daughter Sathi to Lord Shiva. ॥ 16.1 ॥

From Moorthi, the wife of Dharma deva, you were born,
As Nara and Narayana with great splendour,
And fit to be worshipped by the entire world,
And becoming happy by this, all the devas, sang your praises
Played musical instruments and rained flowers. ॥ 16.2 ॥

Nara and Narayana who were you yourself,
Took turns and destroyed the asura called Sahasra Kavacha,
Who wore one thousand armours,
As for cutting each of which one has,
To do thousand years penance and thousand years war,
By cutting one by one all his armours,
And killing him when only one armour was left. ॥ 16.3 ॥

After the killing of Sahasra Kavacha, you along with Nara,
Lived in Badrika hermitage practicing and teaching the path of salvation.
Then Indra getting jealous of your innate peace and great strength,
Send the God of love with several celestial maidens to disturb you. ॥ 16.4 ॥

See Also  Sri Bala Ashtottara Satanama Stotram In English

The God love along with his friends spring season and southerly wind,
Beat you with the arrow-like erotic glances and movements of the maidens,
And saw that you were unmoved and unperturbed and became afraid,
And to him, you told with a pleasing smile thus. ॥ 16.5 ॥

Then you told, “Hey God of love, Hey spring, Hey celestial maidens,
Do not be afraid and receive a present from me here”
And then you showed them your lady servants, standing all around,
Who was praising you, to the god of love and others. ॥ 16.6 ॥

The God of love and his companions, who had come there to allure you,
Were themselves captivated by the sweet smell being spread by your servants,
And then you presented them a lady, who could subdue the pride of all celestial ladies,
And who was named as Urvasi and they accepted her with deep shame. ॥ 16.7 ॥

Indra after seeing Urvasi and also after hearing about you,
And realizing your greatness became very much worried,
And oh Grantor of boons, this incarnation which is peaceful and pretty,
Can only be surpassed by another of your incarnations, that of Krishna. ॥ 16.8 ॥

See Also  Janaki Panchakam In English

Daksha who was greatly indulged by Brahma,
Became blinded by arrogance due to,
The predominance of Rajasic qualities,
Alas did not have respect even for you.
Due to this he started hating Shiva,
Who is only another form of yours,
And in the fire sacrifice belittling you,
Insulted his own daughter Sathi. ॥ 16.9 ॥

That Daksha’s sacrifice was destroyed by Lord Shiva,
And his head was also cut off, and later due to prayer,
Of devas, Lord Shiva gave back Daksha his life,
And was able to complete the sacrifice he has started,
And he also got back his peace of mind,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, who gives peace to all,
Please be kind enough to protect me. ॥ 16.10 ॥

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