Sri Prathyangira Devi Laghu Homa In Sanskrit And English

Sri Prathyangira Devi Laghu Homa Paddhati / श्री प्रत्यङ्गिरा लघु होम पद्धति:

This is a short procedure for those who are interested in performing Śrī Pratyaṅgira devi homam, but are also heavily constrained by time factors. Those facing very serious issues, should consider performing the longer version to the best of their abilities.

The below procedure is to be followed –

1. Pray to Lord Ganeśa, to grant us success in undertaking the homam. Any prayer can be recited or even worshipped mentally.

om̐ gam̐ ganapataye namaḥ ।

ॐ गँ गणपतये नमः ।

2. Take a water vessel, place the uddharani spoon inside it. Stir it with a leaf and pray to the trinity lords Brahma, Visnu, Śiva, all the oceans, holy rivers such as Gaṅga, Yamuna, Godavari, Krsna, Kaveri etc. offering mental worship and request their blessings in performing the homam and also to transform the contents of the vessel as holy water. Decorate the Kalaśa water vessel with sandal paste and kuṅkum / red powder. This vessel should now be assigned exclusively for performing tarpana and cannot be used for other purposes.

Close the vessel at its mouth by placing the right palm and recite the following mantra.

आवहयामि त्वां देवि तर्पणायेह सुन्दरि।
एहि गङ्गे नमस्तुभ्यं सर्वतीर्थसमन्विते॥

avahayami tvaṁ devi tarpanayeha sundari ।
ehi gaṅge namastubhyaṁ sarvatīrthasamanvite ॥

Now using aṅkuśa mudra / folding all other fingers except the index finger of the right palm and by touching the water in the kalaśa recite the following bījaksara-s:

ह्वां ह्वीं ह्वूं ह्वैं ह्वौं ह्वः hvaṁ hvīṁ hvūṁ hvaiṁ hvauṁ hvaḥ

/These bījaksara-s lead to the expansion and kindling of amrta bīja, which is recited next

After reciting the above bījaksara-s, recite वं vaṁ / amrta bīja seven times. After this, remove the index finger.

At this stage, the water in the kalaśa becomes Gaṅga water and fully endowed with Divine Nectar. This is a simplified version of consecrating viśesa arghya during navavarana pūja.

3. Now recite the Gayatri mantra as below –

om̐ mahaḥ om̐ janaḥ om̐ tapaḥ om̐ satyam
om̐ tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yonaḥ pracodayat
om̐ apo jyotī rasomrtam
brahma bhūrbhuvassuvarom ।

ॐ महः ॐ जनः ॐ तपः ॐ सत्यम्
ॐ तत् सवितुर् वरेण्यम् भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि
धियो योनः प्रचोदयात्
ॐ अपो ज्योती रसोमृतम्
ब्रह्म भूर्भुवस्सुवरोम् ।

4.Dhyanam / ध्यानम्:

a. Pray to one’s guru –

om̐ gurubhyo nahaḥ ।

ॐ गुरुभ्यो नमः ।

b. Pray to the Divine Mother Śrī Pratyaṅgira devi and ask Her permission to perform the homam and to bless us with the fulfillment of all our wishes. Now recite the mūla mantra.

om̐ hrīm̐ ksam̐ bhaksa jvala jihve karaladamstre pratyaṅgire ksam̐ hrīm̐ hum̐ phat ।

ॐ ह्रीँ क्षँ भक्ष ज्वाला जिह्वे करालदंष्त्रे प्रत्यङ्गिरे क्षँ ह्रीँ हुं फट् ।

5. Take some water from the Kalaśa water vessel invoking the vam̐/वँ bīja and sprinkle some water into the Homa Kunda / Fire vessel.

6. Place aksata-s, kuṅkum, flowers, sandalwood powder and other fragrances into the Homa Kunda and recite the below mantra –

śrī pratyaṅgira devata homa kundaya namaḥ ।

श्री प्रत्यङ्गिरा देवता होम कुण्डाय नमः ।

7. Now invoke the following mantras and place aksata-s on the external edges of all the 8 corners of the Homa Kunda vessel.
[su_table responsive=”yes” alternate=”yes” fixed=”yes” class=””] IAST Devanagari Procedure
1 agnaye namaḥ आग्नये नमः Place aksata-s on East.
2 hutavahaya namaḥ हुतवहाय नमः Place aksata-s on South-East.
3 hutaśine namaḥ हुताशिने नमः Place aksata-s on South.
4 krsnavartmane namaḥ कृष्णवर्त्मने नमः Place aksata-s on South-West.
5 devamukhaya namaḥ देवमुखाय नमः Place aksata-s on West.
6 saptajihvaya namaḥ सप्तजिह्वाय नमः Place aksata-s on North-West.
7 vaiśvanaraya namaḥ वैश्वनराय नमः Place aksata-s on North.
8 jatavedase namaḥ जातवेदसे नमः Place aksata-s on North-East.

8. Invoke the following mantras and place aksata-s on the internal edges of all the 10 corners of the Homa Kunda vessel. Two corners are designated for Top and Bottom. This completes the Agni pītha pūja / pedestal worship of Lord Agni, the fire god.

Agni pītha pūja / अग्नि पीठ पूज:

[su_table responsive=”yes” alternate=”yes” fixed=”yes” class=””] IAST Devanagari Procedure
1 om̐ pītayai namaḥ ॐ पीतायै नमः Place aksata-s on East.
2 om̐ śvetayai namaḥ ॐ श्वेतायै नमः Place aksata-s on South-East.
3 om̐ arunayai namaḥ ॐ अरुणायै नमः Place aksata-s on South.
4 om̐ krsnayai namaḥ ॐ कृष्णायै नमः Place aksata-s on South-West.
5 om̐ dhūmrayai namaḥ ॐ धूम्रायै नमः Place aksata-s on West.
6 om̐ tīvrayai namaḥ ॐ तीव्रायै नमः Place aksata-s on North-West.
7 om̐ visphuliṅginyai namaḥ ॐ विस्फुलिङ्गिन्यै नमः Place aksata-s on North.
8 om̐ rucirayai namaḥ ॐ रुचिरायै नमः Place aksata-s on North-East.
9 om̐ jvalinyai namaḥ ॐ ज्वालिन्यै नमः Place aksata-s on the place between East and North-East.
10 om̐ ram̐ sarvaśakti kamalasanaya namaḥ ॐ रँ सर्वशक्ति कमलासनाय नमः Place aksata-s on the place between West and South-West.

9. Worship the asana / seat of Lord Agni by invoking the following mantra to complete the asana pūja / आसन पूज. We are praying to Lord Agni to take a seat in the homa kunda and remain there until the completion of the homa. –

ram̐ vahnyasanaya namaḥ ।

रँ वह्न्यासनाय नमः ।

10. We now begin the process of lighting the fire, which is called Agni jvalanam / अग्नि ज्वलनम्:

a. Take a few wood chips, some kuśa grass, cow dung cakes / if available and place them in the homa kunda vessel.
b. Invoke the “om̐” / ॐ mantra 8 times, followed by the “vam̐” / वँ bīja 3 times. Next recite the “ram̐” / रँ bīja 7 times and invoke the following Agni mantra and meditate upon Lord Agni to descend into the fire that has been invoked.
c. Place camphor on top of the homa dravya / materials placed in the fire pit and light the fire.

See Also  Chandra Mantras In English

ram̐ vahnimūrtaye namaḥ ।

रँ वह्निमूर्तये नमः ।

d. With the right hand sprinkle water all around the homa kunda with the mantra “hum̐ phat” / हुँ फट् and assume in the mind that an armor / kavacam has been created around the fire vessel.
e. Pick up one of the burning sticks from the fire vessel and place it on the South-West / agneya side and offer the same to the celestial raksasa-s, with the following mantra –

hum̐ phat kravyadebhyaḥ svaha ।

हुँ फट् क्रव्यादेभ्यः स्वाहा ।
f. For Lord Agni to full envelop in the fire and provide His blessings, We need to invoke Him with the following mantras –
[su_table responsive=”yes” alternate=”yes” fixed=”yes” class=””] IAST Devanagari
1 bhūrbhuvassuvarom । भूर्भुवस्सुवरोम् ।
2 hum̐ vahnicaitanyaya namaḥ । हुँ वह्निचैतन्याय नमः ।
3 citpiṅgaḻa hanahana dahadaha pacapaca sarvajña ajñapaya svaha । चित्पिङ्गळ हनहन दहदह पचपच सर्वज्ञ आज्ञापय स्वाहा ।
4 hrīm̐ hrīm̐ jvala jvala prajvala prajvala hum̐ phat svaha । ह्रीँ ह्रीँ ज्वल ज्वल प्रज्वल प्रज्वल हुँ फट् स्वाहा ।
5 om̐ vaiśanara jataveda ihavaha lohitaksa sarva karmani sadhaya svaha । ॐ वैशानर जातवेद इहावह लोहिताक्ष सर्व कर्माणि साधय स्वाहा ।
6 agnim prajvalitam vande jatavedam hutaśanam suvarna varnamamalam samiddham viśvatomukham । अग्निम् प्रज्वलितम् वन्दे जातवेदम् हुताशनम् सुवर्ण वर्णममलम् समिद्धम् विश्वतोमुखम् ।


11. pañca pūja / पञ्च पूज:

The five-fold worship / pañca pūja mantras are to be offered in the following manner
[su_table responsive=”yes” alternate=”yes” fixed=”yes” class=””] IAST Devanagari Procedure
1 om̐ agnaye namaḥ padyam samarpayami ।
arghyam samarpayami ।
acamanam samarpayami ।
ॐ आग्नये नमः पाद्यं समर्पयामि ।
अर्घ्यं समर्पयामि ।
आचमनं समर्पयामि ।
Sprinkle three spoonfuls of water from the Kalaśa vessel using the uddharani spoon, inside the homa kunda vessel.
2 lam̐ prthvī tattvatmikayai namaḥ gandham dharayami । लँ पृथ्वी तत्त्वात्मिकायै नमः गन्धं धारयामि । Sprinkle some wet sandalwood powder/paste into the homa kunda vessel.
3 ham̐ akaśa tattvatmikayai namaḥ puspaiḥ pūjayami । हँ आकाश तत्त्वात्मिकायै नमः पुष्पैः पूजयामि । Place some flowers in the homa kunda vessel.
4 yam̐ vayu tattvatmikayai namaḥ dhūpamaghrapayami । यँ वायु तत्त्वात्मिकायै नमः धूपमाघ्रापयामि । Light up incense sticks and show to the homa kunda vessel.
5 ram̐ tejasa tattvatmikayai namaḥ dīpam darśayami । रँ तेजस तत्त्वात्मिकायै नमः दीपम् दर्शयामि । Light a lamp and display to the homa kunda vessel.
Now recite the following mantra and put a few drops of water into the homa kunda vessel.
dhūpa dīpanantaram acamanīyam samarpayami ।
धूप दीपानन्तरम् आचमनीयं समर्पयामि ।
6 vam̐ amrta tattvatmikayai namaḥ naivedyam samarpayami । वँ अमृत तत्त्वात्मिकायै नमः नैवेद्यम् समर्पयामि । Place some naivedya / food offerings such as fruits, sweets, meat, wine, fish etc into the homa kunda vessel, reciting the Śrī Pratyaṅgira devi mūla mantra.
om̐ hrīm̐ ksam̐ bhaksa jvala jihve karaladamstre pratyaṅgire ksam̐ hrīm̐ hum̐ phat
ॐ ह्रीँ क्षँ भक्ष ज्वाला जिह्वे करालदंष्त्रे प्रत्यङ्गिरे क्षँ ह्रीँ हुं फट् ।.

12. Take a darbha / long grass stalk and dip it in the fire blowing within the homa kunda and place it inside the ghee / clarified butter container. This constitutes the sanctification of the ghee vessel.

13. Using the smaller sruva ladle, pick up a spoonful of ghee from the right side of the ghee vessel and pour into the homa kunda with the following mantra –

om̐ agnaye svaha ।

ॐ आग्नये स्वाहा ।

14. Reciting the “namaḥ” / नमः mantra and using the same sruva ladle, pick up a spoonful of ghee from the left side of the ghee vessel and pour into the homa kunda with the following mantra –

om̐ somaya svaha ।

ॐ सोमाय स्वाहा ।

15. Now pick up with the same sruva ladle, a spoonful of ghee from the center of the ghee vessel and pour into the homa kunda with the following mantra –

om̐ agni somayabhyam svaha ।

ॐ अग्नि सोमाभ्यां स्वाहा ।

16. Reciting the “namaḥ” / नमः mantra and using the same sruva ladle, pick up a spoonful of ghee, once again from the right side of the ghee vessel and pour into the homa kunda with the following mantra –

om̐ agnaye svista krte svaha ।

ॐ अग्नये स्विष्ट कृते स्वाहा ।

17. Now pick up with the same sruva ladle, pick a spoonful of ghee from the center of the ghee vessel and pour into the homa kunda for each of the following mantras –

om̐ bhūḥ svaha ।

ॐ भूः स्वाहा ।

om̐ bhuvaḥ svaha ।

ॐ भुवः स्वाहा ।

om̐ suvaḥ svaha ।

ॐ सुवः स्वाहा ।

om̐ bhūrbhuvassuvaḥ svaha ।

ॐ भूर्भुवस्सुवः स्वाहा ।

18. Then once again offer three more ahuti-s / offerings of ghee using the same ladle with the following mantra –

om̐ vaiśvanara jataveda iha vaha lohitaksa sarva karmani sadhaya svaha ।

ॐ वैश्वानर जातवेद इहा वह लोहिताक्ष सर्व कर्माणि साधय स्वाहा ।

19. Now, for each of the below mantras, offer a spoonful of ghee using the same ladle with the following mantras –
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See Also  Agni Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram In English IAST Devanagari
1 om̐ agnijihvabhyaḥ svaha ॐ अग्निजिह्वाभ्यः स्वाहा
2 om̐ jihvadhi devatabhyaḥ svaha ॐ जिह्वाधि देवताभ्यः स्वाहा
3 om̐ sadaṅga devatabhyaḥ svaha ॐ षडङ्ग देवताभ्यः स्वाहा
4 om̐ astamartibhyaḥ svaha ॐ अष्टमार्तिभ्यः स्वाहा
5 om̐ astamartrkabhyaḥ svaha ॐ अष्टमार्तृकाभ्यः स्वाहा
6 om̐ astabhairavebhyaḥ svaha ॐ अष्टभैरवेभ्यः स्वाहा
7 om̐ astadikpalakebhyaḥ svaha ॐ अष्टदिक्पालकेभ्यः स्वाहा

20. Now we consecrate the longer Sruk ladle, by taking 4 spoonsful of ghee from the smaller Sruva ladle and pouring the same on the bigger Sruk ladle. Turn the Sruva upside down and place upon the Sruk ladle, with the mouths of the ladles placed upon each other. Then recite the following mantra and make an offering in the homa kunda –

om̐ vaiśvanara jataveda iha vaha lohitaksa sarva karmani sadhaya vausat ।

ॐ वैश्वानर जातवेद इहा वह लोहिताक्ष सर्व कर्माणि साधय वौषट् ।

21. Make another offering in the homa kunda with the following Lord Ganapati mantra –

om̐ śrīm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ glaum̐ gam̐ ganapataye varavarada sarvajanam me vaśamanaya svaha svaha ।

ॐ श्रीँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ग्लौँ गँ गणपतये वरवरद सर्वजनं मे वशमानय स्वाहा स्वाहा ।

22. Make an offering to the guru in the homa kunda with the following mantra –

om̐ gurubhyo namaḥ svaha ।

ॐ गुरुभ्यो नमः स्वाहा ।

23. Make another 11 offerings to all the Siddha gurus / self-realized and liberated gurus with the following mantra –

om̐ hrīm̐ siddha guro prasīda hrīm̐ om̐ svaha ।

ॐ ह्रीँ सिद्ध गुरो प्रसीद ह्रीँ ॐ स्वाहा ।

24. Another offering is made to the Divine Mother Śrī Pratyaṅgira to take a seat in the fire and bless us. The following mantra is invoked during the oblation –

om̐ śrī pratyaṅgira devata yoga pīthaya namaḥ svaha ।

ॐ श्री प्रत्यङ्गिरा देवता योग पीठाय नमः स्वाहा ।

25. Those who have completed puraścarana of the Śrī Pratyaṅgira devi mūla mantra, can make 10 offerings of ghee with the following mantra –

om̐ hrīm̐ ksam̐ bhaksa jvala jihve karaladamstre pratyaṅgire ksam̐ hrīm̐ hum̐ phat svaha ।

ॐ ह्रीँ क्षँ भक्ष ज्वाला जिह्वे करालदंष्त्रे प्रत्यङ्गिरे क्षँ ह्रीँ हुं फट् स्वाहा ।

26. To unite the mouths and harmonize the presence of both Lord Agni and the Divine Mother Śrī Pratyaṅgira devi, invoked in the homa kunda, We need to recite the Śrī Pratyaṅgira devi mūla mantra 25 times and make offerings of ghee with the Sruva ladle. These are called ajva ahuti-s, meaning selfless offerings, made to the deity.

om̐ hrīm̐ ksam̐ bhaksa jvala jihve karaladamstre pratyaṅgire ksam̐ hrīm̐ hum̐ phat svaha ।

ॐ ह्रीँ क्षँ भक्ष ज्वाला जिह्वे करालदंष्त्रे प्रत्यङ्गिरे क्षँ ह्रीँ हुं फट् स्वाहा ।

27. To unite the spiritual channels called nadi-s of both the deities, recite the Śrī Pratyaṅgira devi mūla mantra 11 times and make offerings of ghee with the Sruva ladle. These are also ajva ahuti-s, meaning selfless offerings made to the deity.

28. Now considering that the Divine Mother Śrī Pratyaṅgira devi is now fully invoked in the fire, We need to offer the ritualistic upacara-s such as padyam, arghyam, acamanam, puspam, gandham, dhūpam, dīpam naivedyam, etc by invoking the below mantras and offering ghee in the homa.

śrī pratyaṅgirayai namaḥ padyam svaha ।

श्री प्रत्यङ्गिरायै नमः पाद्यम् स्वाहा ।

śrī pratyaṅgirayai namaḥ arghyam svaha ।

श्री प्रत्यङ्गिरायै नमः अर्घ्यम् स्वाहा ।

śrī pratyaṅgirayai namaḥ acamanīyam svaha ।

श्री प्रत्यङ्गिरायै नमः आचमनीयम् स्वाहा ।

śrī pratyaṅgirayai namaḥ puspam svaha ।

श्री प्रत्यङ्गिरायै नमः पुष्पम् स्वाहा ।

śrī pratyaṅgirayai namaḥ gandham svaha ।

श्री प्रत्यङ्गिरायै नमः गन्धम् स्वाहा ।

śrī pratyaṅgirayai namaḥ dhūpam svaha ।

श्री प्रत्यङ्गिरायै नमः धूपम् स्वाहा ।

śrī pratyaṅgirayai namaḥ dīpam svaha ।

श्री प्रत्यङ्गिरायै नमः दीपम् स्वाहा ।

śrī pratyaṅgirayai namaḥ naivedyam svaha ।

श्री प्रत्यङ्गिरायै नमः नैवेद्यम् स्वाहा ।

A part of the naivedya must be offered in the fire.

29. Another 10 offerings of the Śrī Pratyaṅgira devi mūla mantra must be offered to the deity.

om̐ hrīm̐ ksam̐ bhaksa jvala jihve karaladamstre pratyaṅgire ksam̐ hrīm̐ hum̐ phat svaha ।

ॐ ह्रीँ क्षँ भक्ष ज्वाला जिह्वे करालदंष्त्रे प्रत्यङ्गिरे क्षँ ह्रीँ हुं फट् स्वाहा ।


30. Devata homam / देवता होमम्:

Now mix all other Homam related ingredients, especially red chilies with ghee in a separate vessel and prepare to offer the same as part of the main Śrī Pratyaṅgira devi mūla mantra homam. At least 108 and preferably 1008 offerings must be made. There is no limit, but based on time, one can offer as much as desired.

om̐ hrīm̐ ksam̐ bhaksa jvala jihve karaladamstre pratyaṅgire ksam̐ hrīm̐ hum̐ phat svaha ।

ॐ ह्रीँ क्षँ भक्ष ज्वाला जिह्वे करालदंष्त्रे प्रत्यङ्गिरे क्षँ ह्रीँ हुं फट् स्वाहा ।

31. mahavyahrti homam / महाव्याहृति होमम्:

The mahavyahrti-s must be worshipped after the homa and offerings in the fire must also be made for them, with the following mantras
[su_table responsive=”yes” alternate=”yes” fixed=”yes” class=””] IAST Devanagari
1 om̐ bhūḥ agnaye ca prthivyai ca mahate ca svaha । ॐ भूः आग्नये च पृथिव्यै च महते च स्वाहा ।
2 om̐ bhuvaḥ vayave ca antariksaya ca mahate ca svaha । ॐ भुवः वायवे च अन्तरिक्षाय च महते च स्वाहा ।
3 om̐ suvaḥ adityaya ca deve ca mahate ca svaha । ॐ सुवः आदित्याय च देवे च महते च स्वाहा ।
4 om̐ bhūrbhuvassuvaḥ candramase ca naksatrabhyaśca digbhyaśca mahate ca svaha । ॐ भूर्भुवस्सुवः चन्द्रमसे च नक्षत्रभ्यश्च दिग्भ्यश्च महते च स्वाहा ।
See Also  Sri Sharadesha Trishati Stotram In English


32. Brahmarpana mantra homam / ब्रह्मार्पण मन्त्र होमम्:

Next, we make offerings to Lord Brahma, the Creator with the following mantra –

om̐ tat sat itaḥ pūrvam prana buddhi deha dharmadhikara jagrat svapna susuptyavasthasu manasa vaca karmanayat smrtam yaduktam yaccakrtam tat sarvam brahmarpanam bhavet bhūḥ svaha ।

ॐ तत् सत् इतः पूर्वम् प्राण बुद्धि देहा धर्माधिकार जाग्रत् स्वप्न सुषुप्त्यवस्थासु मनसा वाचा कर्मणायत् स्मृतम् यदुक्तम् यच्चकृतम् तत् सर्वम् ब्रह्मार्पणम् भवेत् भूः स्वाहा ।

33. Devata bali / देवता बलि:

A pumpkin or a dry coconut, consecrated with kuṅkum, sandalwood paste, can be offered as a bali / sacrifice into the homa kunda. This will help in removing any obstacles towards achieving the desired results, as a result of the homa. The following mantra is recited and the pumpkin/coconut is dropped into the homa kunda.

śrī pratyaṅgira devatayai balim samarpayami ।

श्री प्रत्यङ्गिरा देवतायै बलिम् समर्पयामि ।

34. Pūrnahuti / पूर्णाहुति:

A dry coconut, various other materials related to homam and any other pūrnahuti related materials are wrapped in a cloth and dropped in the fire. We need to add 12 offerings of the homa dravya / ghee mixed with chillis etc using the smaller sruva ladle unto the larger sruk ladle, place it downward upon the sruk ladle, getting up from the seat, we make the offering and recite the Śrī Pratyaṅgira devi mūla mantra with svaha appended and drop the wrapped cloth in the fire.

om̐ hrīm̐ ksam̐ bhaksa jvala jihve karaladamstre pratyaṅgire ksam̐ hrīm̐ hum̐ phat svaha ।

ॐ ह्रीँ क्षँ भक्ष ज्वाला जिह्वे करालदंष्त्रे प्रत्यङ्गिरे क्षँ ह्रीँ हुं फट् स्वाहा ।

35. dikpalaka bali / दिक्पालक बलि:

Offerings must also be made to the 10 cardinal directional lords to obtain their blessings. Outside the homa kunda, we have to place 10 betel leaves and betel nuts upon them at each of the 10 directional locations. The 9th and 10th locations are between North-East and East and South-West and West.

The following mantras are recited and offerings are made at each of the designated locations.
[su_table responsive=”yes” alternate=”yes” fixed=”yes” class=””] IAST Devanagari Procedure
1 lam̐ indraya namaḥ लँ इन्द्राय नमः Place a betel leaf and nut upon it on East.
2 ram̐ agnaye namaḥ रँ आग्नये नमः Place betel leaf and nut upon it on South-East.
3 ham̐ yamaya namaḥ हँ यमाय नमः Place betel leaf and nut upon it on South.
4 sam̐ nirrtaye namaḥ षँ निरृतये नमः Place betel leaf and nut upon it on South-West.
5 vam̐ varunaya namaḥ वँ वरुणाय नमः Place betel leaf and nut upon it on West.
6 yam̐ vayave namaḥ यँ वायवे नमः Place betel leaf and nut upon it on North-West.
7 sam̐ somaya namaḥ सँ सोमाय नमः Place betel leaf and nut upon it on North.
8 śam̐ īśanaya namaḥ शँ ईशानाय नमः Place betel leaf and nut upon it on North-East.
9 am̐ brahmane namaḥ आँ ब्रह्मणे नमः Place betel leaf and nut upon it on the place between East and North-East.
10 hrīm̐ anantaya namaḥ ह्रीँ अनन्ताय नमः Place betel leaf and nut upon it on the place between West and South-West.


36. Bhūta bali / भूत बलि:

We now make offerings to the five elements and otherworldly beings, by placing a betel leaf with cooked red rice upon it. Alternately, a coconut piece with kuṅkum smeared upon can also be offered.

namaḥ sarva vighna knadbhyaḥ sarvabhūtebhyo hum̐ phat svaha ।

नमः सर्व विघ्न क्नद्भ्यः सर्वभूतेभ्यो हुँ फट् स्वाहा ।

We need to go around the homa kunda thrice in a clockwise direction, pick up some ash at the periphery of the homa kunda, mix with ghee and apply to the forehead.

37. Udvasana / उद्वासन:

Farewell must be said to the Divine Mother Śrī Pratyaṅgira Devi and Lord Agni. We must bid farewell and request them to please visit us whenever called upon and shower their grace upon us. Doing so, we offer water from the right hand unto the fire in the homa kunda. This must be done twice, once for each deity.

Thus ends the homa procedure for Śrī Pratyaṅgira Devi.

– Chant Stotra in Other Languages –

  1. 108 Names of Pratyangira – Ashtottara Shatanamavali in SanskritEnglishBengaliGujaratiKannadaMalayalamOdiaTeluguTamil
  2. 1000 Names of Sri Pratyangira Devi – Sahasranama Stotram in SanskritEnglishBengaliGujaratiKannadaMalayalamOdiaTeluguTamil
  3. Pratyangira Yantra Avarana Puja and Homa (Detailed Version)
  4. Sri Prathyangira Devi Avarana Puja – Laghu (Short Version)
  5. Sri Maha Prathyangira Khadgamala Stotram
  6. Sri Prathyangira Devi Sarvartha Kavacham
  7. Sri Baglamukhi Pratyangira Kavacham
  8. Sri Tara Pratyangira Kavach
  9. Pratyangira Devi Homam
  10. Atmaraksana Sri Pratyangira Mantra Japa
  11. Pratyangira Moola Mantra
  12. Pratyangira Gayatri Mantra
  13. Sri Atharvana Bhadrakali Pratyangira Mahamantra
  14. Sri Atharvana Bhadrakali Prathyangira Mahamantra Variation – 2
  15. Sri Atharvana Bhadrakali Pratyangira Mahamantra -Variation 3
  16. Sri Siddhi/Siddha Lakshmi Mantra
  17. Sri Kiratarupa Prathyangira Devi Mantra
  18. Sri Aghora Prathyangira Devi Mantra
  19. Sri Vanadurga Prathyangira Mantra
  20. Sri Sarabha Pratyangira Mantra
  21. Sri Rudra Pratyangira Mantra
  22. Sri Lakshmi Prathyangira Devi Mahamantra